Prime Minister Mia Mottley shows off a Kensington Oval ready for T20 World Cup

deep_found.jpgBU readers are reminded that 3S Barbados SRL, in association with the Government of Barbados, will be holding two town-hall meetings today, October 5, 2007, and Saturday, October 6, 2007. Click here to read the details. The town-hall meetings are a requirement by the Town Planning Department as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment, which was conducted in 2006. Barbados Underground urge Barbadians who can make it to the Samuel Jackman Polytechnic on October 5, 2007 – 6PM, and The Manor Lodge Complex on October 6, 2007 – 4.30PM to do so for two reasons: 1.) We consider it our civic duty and 2.) Attendance will help us to have intelligent discussions on the subject of the Operation Free Flow.

Our anonymous friend to BU and BFP posted the following quote to assist people who will be attending the town-hall meetings. We suspect that the scope of the meetings will fail to address cost issues because it is being promoted as a discussion about environmental impact assessment issues. However, if it is possible to find-out about the 3S Barbados SRL, April 2006 drawings of the Operation Free Flow Project, we should try to do so. Our sources indicate this is a vital piece of the puzzle, which we must expose at all cost.

This week there will be 2 town-hall meetings on the overpasses. Questions that need to be asked include (1) Has the final cost of the flyovers been decided and what is the cost. (2) Has a comprehensive feasibility study been carried out to determine the need for these flyovers. (3) Is the flyover solution the best solution (economically and technically) for the traffic congestion problems on the ABC highway. (4) does this solution solve the problem of traffic build-up on Waterford Road, Green Hill, Highway 2A, Collymore rock, Rendezvous road and other roads off the highway or is it just a solution for the highway leaving the real problem of traffic into Bridgetown untouched. (5) Would a solution that involves a non-traffic approach be a more long term solution. (6) If the flyovers are not constructed immediately will the unpaved areas under the flyovers (Warrens and Gary Sobers) be left unpaved. Does this mean that this approach was deliberately taken to ensure immediate construction of the flyovers whatever the cost.

Source: BU Anonymous Commenter

In one of our previous articles, we highlighted the point that was placed in the public domain by the Barbados Association of Engineers (BAPE). That association supports the view that a project the magnitude of Operations Free Flow should have had a consultant overseeing the project. Instead, we have 3S Barbados SRL where the same company is wearing two hats, that of contractor while at the same time doing the quality assurance work. Maybe, you are aware of some problems that Pakistan has had with flyovers collapsing in recent times. In response to the situation, the government has decided that consultants will have the responsibility for managing all significant projects, and will be held fully accountable for any faults in projects – read the full article.

Again, go out in your large numbers to the town-hall meetings, and hear what is being said about the two-year old 3S Barbados SRL, flyovers project. By the way, we received a note alleging that Robert Le Hunte’s nephew is working with 3S Barbados SRL. In case you have forgotten, BNB is financing the BOLT arrangement for the Operation Free Flow Project.

See links to previous stories:

Barbadians Demand to See The April, 2006 Drawings Detailing The Operations Free Flow Project NOW The FlyoversMedia House Takes Another Feeble Left Jab At The 3S Affair~Come On Vivian-Anne, There Is The Right HAND!!!

Clyde Mascoll Needs Only Three Minutes To Do Damage Control On 3S Barbados SRL

Nation Newspaper Finally Awakes From A Deep Slumber By Publishing The 3S Barbados SRL, Jonathan Danos Story ~ Can They Stay Awake?

The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth About The Operations Free Flow Project In Barbados. Will It Ever Be Told?

Operations Free Flow Should Be Stopped NOW Pending A Further Geo-technical Study Media Houses In Barbados In Collusion With Government To Suppress News, Press Freedom Under Threat ~ The Voices Of The People Must Be Heard

Gline Clarke And Rihanna Tell Their Supporters To “Shut Up And Drive”

OPERATION Free Flow, Barbados Road Network Infrastructure Improvement Project (Flyover Project) To Triple In Cost From USD60 Million To USD180 Million~Gline Clarke And The Government Of Barbados Owe Barbadians A Big Explanation

ABC Highway Cost Triples Or More


157 responses to “3S Barbados SRL To Meet With The PEOPLE Of Barbados To Discuss 'The Construction Of Flyovers On The ABC Highway' ~ We Hope Barbadians Attend In Large Numbers”

  1. Now ABC you are starting to understand the concerns of some of us. This is a governance issue of mega proportions.

  2. Yuh all forget this whole thing started as a dream by Bizzy. “I had a dream one night, carried it to the Ministry of Public Works and that is how the flyovers were born”.

    Ask David Ellis for the tape. Maybe Bizzy should tell us more. How did 3S get involved?

  3. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    David/ABC .. Thank you.

    The only reference on Stantec’s website I can find regarding Barbados is the WEST Coast Sewage project.

    I want to pose a scenario.

    God forbid, a hirecar aquaplanes on the highway causing multiple injuries and even death.
    The overseas relative(s) of the car driver sues the GOB after their lawyer researches the ABC project and finds that the country’s main Engineering Association had strongly recommended against the 3S plans.

    Remember the recent incident at Sandy Lane where the guest slipped and the case was transferred to US jurisdiction.

  4. The design was done by STANTEC in NEW YORK

  5. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    Adrian did you receive that email that I sent to you.

  6. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    Yes! Thank You Wishing in Vain…

    Have started the process, lets see if we can flush them out!

  7. want to pose a scenario.

    ‘God forbid, a hirecar aquaplanes on the highway causing multiple injuries and even death.
    The overseas relative(s) of the car driver sues the GOB after their lawyer researches the ABC project and finds that the country’s main Engineering Association had strongly recommended against the 3S plans.’

    So what do they do at the present time when the countrys main engineers think that cars are wafted off the road by wind shear?

  8. ‘BAPE recommends that some provision be made to allow for access across these
    barriers in the event of emergencies, and recommends that 3S be asked to
    address this concern. ‘

    Why would you need emergency access when you are not far from the nearest roundabout ?

  9. ‘Another safety concern is the location of the concrete islands at the Belle intersection.
    The islands are built along the continuation of the highway curb line, which on a highway
    such as this, means that they could present a collision danger to road users. It would be
    advisable that these be set back a minimum of 2 feet. ‘

    Only if you are completely blind and inattentive.

  10. ‘Understandably, significant effort is being made by the contractors to allow continued
    use of the highway while construction is in progress. We are however concerned about
    the lack of safety night lighting and markings, primarily at the round-a-bouts and major
    junctions. ‘

    But not so concerned at all the rest of the unlit potholed roads in the country.
    Since the construction beagn there have been practicaly accidents at all.

    They are not picking – a sure sign of desperation.

  11. Mr Al

    Have you considered that 3S may also be responsible for global warming and the demise of the polar bear?

  12. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    Adrian Loveridge,

    I want to pose a scenario.

    If a fire breaks out tonight at Peach and Quiet (or on any night AFTER October 22 when you start hunting for guests again) and there are injuries or even deaths and the overseas relatives find that you were negligently posting comments on BU and BFP instead of minding your own business….

  13. Correction

    ‘But not so concerned at all about the rest of the unlit unmarked potholed roads in the country.
    Since the construction began there have been practicaly no accidents at all.

  14. sorry the above post is mine

  15. Mosquito, I agree with you on the roundabouts providing access to cross over for emergencies. I think the safety of the barriers trumps BAPEs concerns and this type of thing is seen in most urban highway corridors.

    I also agree on the island in question which I think is the one at the Belle. It will become more obvious how it is not a hazzard when the road is marked with lines. One other benefit to the structure is that these line markings should be maintained in a proper state – ABC Project Corp is mandated to do so.

    Howevr we disagree on the lighting – if BAPE is correct on that then we shoud be concerned AND they are completely correct on the interim provisions for lighting. The Sobers roundabout is currently very dangerous at night.

  16. I agree that lighting and road marking are important but why is the BAPE choosing to highlight the highway ( which has as yet practically no accidents )when there are accidents aplenty to choose Take the accident at Boarded Hall last week an unmarked ( or least very faintly marked )quite busy crossroads.

  17. ‘It is important to bear in mind that the foregoing is based on concerns expressed by some of our
    members who pass the site from time to time, and does not constitute a full engineering review.’

    Does this mean they rubber neck as they pass by get annoyed because their own company is not doing it and full of sour grapes ‘express their concerns’.
    Hardly sounds very professional.

  18. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    Maybe they are only now bringing some sense and balance into how this whole matter has been dealt with.

  19. It is a known fact that Government has entered a BOLT (Build, operate, lease and transfer) through a Memorandum of Understanding with the contractor responsible for the Highway. It is a fact that this will be a 25-year transaction. We know as a simple man on the street that any lease arrangement between two entities must be cemented with some sort of signing. We know that you will not sign on a blank paper and give the landlord authority to fill in the dollars after you have signed.
    Now let us get down to reality. We hear of triple cost totaling $360 million, we hear of the Minister’s statement of around $240 million. We have not heard of the yearly repayment to the operator or if the yearly payment will not surpass the maximum figure of $360 million. Remember, if this Memorandum of Understanding do not stipulate that the cost will not increase, then the operator has all right to increase repayment down the road. Now, if the Memorandum of Understanding stated that the operator will be the OWNER of the highway until it is transfer to the other party, which is the Government of Barbados. Based on these facts we are now sure that all repairs or litigations will be the sole responsibility of the Operator for the next 25 years.

  20. Or maybe they are getting really upset because the work done is of such visible high quality.

  21. If an Impact Study and Assessment was in the public domain prior to the commencement of the highway, we would have incorporated the following; locations of under and overpasses, the levels of roads, compulsory acquisitions of land, location of underground utilities, inconveniences to pedestrians. But again, what do you expect, we only have a trainee contractor.

  22. […] 3S Barbados SRL To Meet With The PEOPLE Of Barbados To Discuss …BU readers are reminded that 3S Barbados SRL, in association with the Government of Barbados, will be holding two town-hall meetings today, October 5, 2007, and Saturday, October 6, 2007. Click here to read the details. … […]

  23. frankology

    A bolt agreement is a common way of raising money for projects.Have you never heard of one before? Are you just a trainee economist?

  24. BOLT is common yes but the government has to ultimately guarantee this financial arrangement. The point of contributors we think suggest that they are concerned about the management of how the contract was conceived and subsequently managed. It has financial implication for the PEOPLE of Barbados as taxpayers. Mosquito you seem to know a lot about the physical project but what you are missing suggest to us you are not connecting all the dots which recognizes the concerns of Barbadians about this project.

  25. Barbadians may have concerns which have a right to be addressed but demonising the contractors and personal attacks just to make a political statement is not the way to go about it.

  26. mosquito~why are you conveniently directing comments to people who are engaging in personal attacks? Why not concentrate on some of us who are focused on the integrity issues about the project.

  27. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    Nothing less than what the slime ball Owing would resort to if the shoe were on the other foot.
    I am surprised he has not yet called anyone in the middle of the night to curse them blindly.

  28. Mr. Mosquito
    Why is it that every time that someone place pertinent facts regarding the highway, your behaviour of getting personal and trying to criticise this writer will get you no way. I am not an economist, not an engineer or not a politician; as a matter of fact, I am a Mr. Nobody that has the same brains like you and all the apologist who are trying to defend the erections of these ill-conceived flyovers.

  29. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    David and Adrian,
    It is my understanding that they have traced the idenity of the abusive IP address at Cable and Wireless and it was traced to a location in St.Michael.
    I would suggest an email or call to Elon Richards at C & W at 2926130 as he has the information at his disposal.

  30. Frankology

    I don’t get personal but hey if name calling does it for you be my guest.
    I doubt the veracity of your ‘pertinent facts ‘based on the other information you profess to know as a ‘simple man’ which is plainly bias.

  31. David when people make personal attacks it is usually because they have a weak arguement.

    I have been blocked from BFP and told my IP is one which is suspect which leads me to supose that your sister blog doesnt like what I say. In short a personal attack .People of integrity dont behave in this manner.

  32. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    A mosquito is commonly known to be a nuisance and should be sprayed or struck down.
    No wonder you have been banned at BFP, you propagate such useless trash that it offers little or nothing of substance to these blogs anyway, purely a mouth piece of Owing, is it he?
    Or does he pay you to come on here to write your nonsense case in point below-:
    Have you considered that 3S may also be responsible for global warming and the demise of the polar bear?
    Or maybe they are getting really upset because the work done is of such visible high quality.
    Save your utterances for the daily Nation they print that sort of baseless nonsense.

  33. The following is an exerpt from Stantec’s website.

    We understand the potential social, economic, and environmental impacts of roadways.

    Roadway design has evolved from being primarily a technical issue to requiring a full understanding of potential social, environmental, and economic impacts, and the success of a project is often judged on how well it meets public desires rather than on technical design.

    We identify our clients’ objectives, develop and evaluate alternatives, and consult with stakeholders to design and administer the construction of new roadways and rehabilitation of existing facilities.

  34. Mosquito

    One thing I like ’bout you…, your pen name is excellently suited to your contributions.
    I wonder why you’re bashing BAPE – is it that they analysis don’t suit your purpose, or that you just hate anyone who question the flyovers? May be you think that they are being unpatriotic? or do you think they are dumb?
    I can assure you that those engineers in BAPE are cream of the crop…
    ..and by the way, BAPE is not a consulting business- they are only interested in maintaining the INTEGRITY of the profession and in public safety.

    As your BLOG grows in statute the PR firms will recognize the need to use your forum to do their brainwashing. I would be surprised if this has not already started. If we put our heads together we could probably find a way to make them pay for the ads ?!?(ha ha)

    I would not be surprised if mosquito’s full name was “Mosquito Al hart”

    At least the approach is a bit more mature that BFPE’s….

  35. Corruption at its finest Avatar
    Corruption at its finest

    As was posted on the BLP blog -:

    Folks it is time to fast forward to Barbados the year is 2007 and we have the blp in power and in rampant control of our purse strings.
    Now how does something that happened in the 60’s and 70’s have any bearing on life in Barbados in 2007 ?
    Nevertheless these things appear meaningless when we start to look at what we have taking place in Barbados in 2007, when each and every project undertaken by this admistration has failed to come in on budget and on time, when we have the PRISON the 3S , DANOS the road works project being overbudget by three times the orginal budget and with much talk making the rounds that there is corruption involved in all these projects, then we have the fiasco that is Hardwood Holdings sending so many mixed signals and having so many questions being asked of them, that it leaves you wanting to know what really is going on in Barbados in 2007.
    This is made even more painful by the fact that not a single minister of gov’t has been prepared to sit down in front of the press and fully explain this perceived corruption in all these wayward projects, it maybe a very worthwhile exercise to be HONEST with the taxpayers every so often.
    May I suggest to you that Mr Mascoll does not represent himself well in front of the press on these matters and he should not be the one used as bullet fodder, this will do more harm than good to the honesty of your party.
    It is high time that we the citizens are brought up to speed on these issues that we are paying for, we want to know if the cost overun was a cost overrun of rather just part of a ploy as DANOS did in Jamaica with his bridge changing price as it developed and his JAMAICA KICKBACK AGREEMENT?
    The Prison why was contract awarded to VECO when local contractors who played a vital role in getting these prisoners relocated to their various locations, in your time of need these local companies stepped up to the plate and served you well and worked 24/7 to provide you and your gov’t with secure facilities for these inmates but when the time right for the awarding of the said prison contract VECO was given it on a platter, where were they when the emergency arose to rehouse the inmates ?
    There is also a lot of rumour making the rounds something about the locals apparently being told that unless a certain party was paid a commission they would not get the work.
    They are many that can confirm the truth of this story about a commission being demanded no lesser a mortal than Sir Charles Williams can attest to this but then again he choose to side with those that were willing to pay Nicholls, Bannister and Owing this commision.
    Can you please also address this cloudy area of concern.

  36. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    I support the blogs 100 % on this DANOS 3S nonsense, the sole purpose of the creation of 3S was to carry out their mission of rape on these third world countries with the help of people that are just as dishonest as themselves in the form of Owing, Nicholls, Bannister and Steven Hobson who is a know scam artist, ask the question who brought Danos to Barbados to meet Bizzy and Owing the same Hobson crook these people have conspired to rob and rape the taxpayers of this island by millions of dollars and no side stepping the issue will get it to go away.
    They have been dishonest in their dealings on this matter and their dealings with Hardwood Holdings and until they wakeup and face the firing squad they are going no where fast.

  37. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    I want to start a quiz and the first question to the nearest million can you guess how much Owing has stolen from us the taxpayers of this island, and a bonus question will be how much he , Bannister and Nicholls have combined to steal from us?
    The truth will be given right after they call the elections and the new Prime Minister Mr David Thompson sets about tracing his Owing’s corruption paper trail, the Cayman bank accounts will be eventually revealed in the fullnest of time.
    I do not fear the destruction of his paper trail because in his arrogance he will not clean out his office as this will conceding defeat to early, but Mr Thompson be at GOV’T HEADQUARTERS AT MIDNIGHT ONCE THE ELECTION RESULT BECOMES CLEAR then he may try to start the process of destroying his paper file, put a full lock down on computers everything that he has for commnication, halt the crime right away.

  38. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    mosquito // Oct 8th 2007 at 4:36 pm

    The three questions that Adrian Loveridge asks have absoultely no bearing on the building of the flyovers. His continual hounding of Mr Danos a man he does not know and has done him no wrong does him no credit at all.
    Simply because he is charged and is guilty as charged for fraud with taxpayers monies yet this dishonest bastard is in bed with COW, BIZZY, OWING,BANNISTER, NICHOLLS AND HOBSON these people have closed ranks to create a most dishonest grouping of people, when this lot are finished with us the treasury will be broke and we will be the ones asked to prop it up and at what expense?
    This is not like stealing a thousand or two this is stealing in multi millions there in lies the real difference.

  39. […] 3S Barbados SRL To Meet With The PEOPLE Of Barbados To Discuss ‘The Construction Of Flyovers O… […]

  40. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    October 10th, 2007
    The questions that David Thompson has asked about the Hardwood Housing Factory Inc. need answers from Owen Arthur without delay. Information on this company should be at the finger-tips of all members of the Cabinet since it is a new company which, we are now told, is government-owned. The look of bewilderment which comes over members of the Barbados Labour Party whenever the word “Hardwood” is mentioned suggests that there are even questions at the highest levels of government about the operations of this new supposedly governmental entity.

    It is known, for certain, that two members of this government know the full details – and many more than were raised by the Opposition Leader – in relation to Hardwood. And they must be made accountable. For example, since when was it the policy of Enterprise Growth Fund Limited to invest over 90% of the equity in a company? Are there any other companies given such a facility? Also, if the company was always to be government-owned why go through the Enterprise Growth Fund Limited? Why not establish it the same way in which Barbados Tourism Investment Inc., Barbados Agricultural Management Company, Hotels & Resorts Limited and so on were established?

    The last week has been spent exposing the cracks, fissures and weaknesses of the government’s attempts to belatedly establish and maintain integrity in public life. It can’t be good enough for the government – even if it is on its last legs – to come to the public at the eleventh hour and under pressure to put into the public domain things that could have been said long ago unless they have something to hide.

    But there is more: Owen Arthur sought to give the public the impression that the Public Accounts Committee was doing no work. Just two months ago, that Committee, which includes senior Ministers of government including Reggie Farley, Lynette Eastmond, Erskine Griffith, Trevor Prescod and Kerrie Symmonds, laid a Report in parliament which had to be written for the sorry period when Clyde Mascoll was Leader of the Opposition. So the idea that the Committee has not reported is simply not true.

    We wonder what those senior Ministers were saying and feeling on Sunday in Christ Church as Owen Arthur was berating the Committee in public? We wonder whether they did not want to stand up and be counted and let the Prime Minister know that Hardwood has laid no financial reports which can be examined!

    The information on Hardwood is clear. Owen Arthur must answer some questions about the four pavilions, the land at Four Hill, St. Peter, the lease-back of equipment, the treatment of workers, the employment of illegal workers and the breaches of the Factories Act. These questions become even more relevant now that it has been publicly stated that Hardwood is a government-owned company. Does the Prime Minister condone these practices? We hope not. And that is why an investigation is appropriate.

    There is now a long list of issues which the public has to judge this government on. Only this week the Barbados Association of Professional Engineers raised their concerns about the flyover project. Will the government heed their concerns or will it rush ahead with this already over-priced project?

    David Thompson has already said that the next election will be the flyover election in which there will be much “election fat” from the project. But added to this is the Veco/Prison scandal, the Greenland expenditure, the NHC building scandal, the scandal over the Gems Hotels, the Urban Development Commission scandals, the golden showers at Silver Sands and so many, many others.

    All of the money wasted in these projects could have gone to improving health and the QEH, paying civil servants on time, improving education and rural roads, poverty alleviation and the like. Instead of this, there is a small clique of beneficiaries who have continued – without being elected – to make decisions.

    We thank those members of the Barbados Labour Party – who care more about Barbados than any party – and who are saying enough is enough and who have been willing to assist us in this cause.

    On Sunday night at Deacons Corner, you will hear more!

  41. I am sure that you were delighted to read the announcement by vice President of Hillis Carnes David Buddemeyer yesterday.


    Additionally he complimented 3S barbados for having the geo – technical research done as a precautionary measure.

    In fact many other companies are now flowing the lead of 3S and are employing geo technical research prior to building projects.

    One wonders why BAPE in its collective wisdom hasnt made this recomendation to all its members?

  42. Sorry frank posted this in the wrong place

  43. ‘May be you think that they are being unpatriotic? or do you think they are dumb?
    I can assure you that those engineers in BAPE are cream of the crop…’

    I am sure they are MR ANON.
    I have a nice crop of cabbages growing in my back yard too.

  44. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    Tell me why is it that purely by accident that the gov’t of this island just manages to select two compaines to do work for them and one company is before the courts for fraud and corruption and the other is before the courts for bribery and corruption?
    This is a very poor refelction of the ones we have elected to do the job for us, it would suggest to me that our gov’t is dishonest and doing fraudulent and dishonest things as well, there is little to say otherwise.

  45. WIV

    No it would suggest that they have picked the company that have the best solution to the problem and can get the job done.

  46. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    Thats exactly what I would expect to hear from a loyal member of the party, meanwhile the rest of us sensible folks will see it for what it is a marriage that worked for both parties a corrupt order giver and corrupt order receiver.
    Nothing less nothing more, funny how they manage to find their same type so easily, both corrupt both dishonest both willing to defraud the taxpayers.
    How much is your share in this scam?

  47. We hope the Ministry of Public Transportation and Works is monitoring the Operation Free Flow project with the same diligence which is being done in the Philipines.

  48. Do you actually remember or does it really matter to you and your self serving bunch that nowadays we have access to the WWW and information is quick and easily distributed and news such as both of these companies that Mottley, Owing and Nicholls et al have linked with are are fraudulent operators and we are doing business with these frauds what are we to belief what are we to say?
    Good boys you keep pocketing our hard earned funds?

  49. “No it would suggest that they have picked the company that have the best solution to the problem and can get the job done”.

    Mosquito, please tell the public based on facts why this contract placed in the laps of a trainee company with no experience of patching a pothole, building roads or flyovers before giving it to an experienced company like C O Williams Construction with an impeccable record of accomplishment.

  50. What company was working on a project near the Brittains Hill disaster. What company took all their plant off the site a few hours before the ground caved in? Does this company know something that the rest of Barbados does not know about this disaster?

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