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1,805 responses to “Diaspora Corner”

  1. UK’s highest court rules against British Gov’t plan to deport refugee claimants to Rwanda, ever notice that some of the most ardent anti immigration politicians are people whose parents were immigrants? Prime examples are the recently fired Minister Braverman and in the US Senator Ted Cruz and the wet behind the ears Ramaswamy who is one of the Republicans trying to take on Trump.

    One wonders why a country (Rwanda) with its share of ethnic problems would agree to take in refugees deported from Britain to add to the toxic situation there.

    One wonders at the plaudits showered on the leader of Rwanda by the Barbados Gov’t considering the agreement that Britain negotiated with that country.

    But as they say politics and diplomacy makes strange bedfellows

  2. These dogs are going to have owners scooping up their excrement.

  3. just chillin.

  4. Oh what a day.

  5. oh Canada

  6. simply beautiful.

  7. classic.

  8. Distracted again.

  9. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  10. Christmas entertainment.

  11. smooth EWF cover

  12. sweetness and masterful wukkin up.

  13. correction

  14. case open.

  15. From Nigeria.

  16. nice.

  17. still the one in my dreams

  18. Putin gets rid of opponents one way or another from plane crash to imprisonment, the latest is Alexi Navaly who died in prison

  19. What are you talking about Sargeant, he collapsed while taking a walk.

    Russian opposition leader Navalny has died, prison service says

  20. Bajans should take note.

    ‘Royal Bank of Canada reported a first-quarter profit of $3.58 billion”

  21. In Canada.

    ” The Bank of Nova Scotia reported first-quarter net income of $2.20 billion, up from $1.76 billion a year earlier”

  22. soulful gospel.

  23. The best band in Barbados.

  24. white paint.

  25. Original.

  26. Navigating to the last comment was difficult.
    Suggesting, that the last 100 comments be rolled into a new Diaspora2 Corner.

    Diaspora corner could be given as a link at the top of Diaspora 2. This way Hant woul not lose his Glynnis Grace posts (hope I got name right) in Diaspora Corner

  27. @ The OG2,

    I will desist from posting music videos in the Diaspora Corner.

    you can search You Tube for ” Glennis Grace ” or google “Glenda Hulita Elisabeth Batta”

    David could do as you suggest and create a ” new ” Diaspora Corner.

  28. Navigating the Diaspora
    of Barbados Underground Sound
    for Dummies

    scroll to the bottom of the page
    and the following links are displayed

    Older Comments
    1 … 31 32 33 34 35 36
    Newer Comments

    the largest number will take you to the last page

  29. Hants, keep the music going Avatar
    Hants, keep the music going

    Let me make it clear… My comment was not a complaint or criticism. In fact, I enjoy your post and sometimes I learn of an artist that was never on my radar.

    My comment was merely ‘it takes some effort to get to the final post. I am making this comment without reaching or reading your last comment in full.

    Keep the music going.

  30. 000.01
    Thanks. That worked.
    I have increased your measure of usefulness.
    Thanks, buddy.

  31. One of my favourite female bass players. The OG should appreciate.

  32. In all my born days I neva see one a dem.

  33. a little jazz.

  34. news about consulate in Toronto ?

  35. Awesome bass runs.

  36. Wunna ready ?

  37. Sheila E xceptional.

  38. cricket expands in USA.

  39. 80 years old. wow

  40. Amazing musical talents

  41. sweet reggae

  42. Nattali Rize is an Australian-born, Jamaican-based musician.

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