The following is a Press Release received from Global Network for Cultural DevelopmentBarbados Underground

On 1st May, 2022 representatives from the Global Network for Cultural Development, Praise Academy for Dance, Orgasmik Intelligence, Politically In-correct, Operation Safe Space, Spiritually Aware Group, We the Forgotten Women, Barbados Youth Action Programme, Full Moon Goddess Circle, Sulam Construction & Property Management Services, Omololu The Children’s Foundation and women from all cross sections of the society and the Barbadian diaspora met to discuss strategies on how to assist in eliminating the systemic abuse of youth in the Barbadian society.

This group of organizations and passionate individuals will continue to network and collaborate on several initiatives that support the safety and holistic wellbeing of the wards of the State who are housed at the Government Industrial School (GIS).   Preliminary    initiatives are scheduled to occur in this month of May (designated as Child’s Month) and various short to long term strategies will be implemented until the current structures that enable the aforementioned abuse are dismantled.

The problem of systemic abuse in Barbados started during slavery and still exists today in the form of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, that impact generations of families. On one side of the coin, abuse occurs in the home that is often perpetrated by a relative on women, young girls, and young boys.  On the other side of the coin, abuse is inflicted on minors, who are wards of the State in government run institutions.  The situation at GIS and Dodds has sparked outrage from as far back as forty-two years and because no fundamental changes have been made to this penal system for juveniles, the outrage continues today, in 2022.

We have compiled a short-term plan and we are launching our events with a Silent Prayer Walk on Mother’s Day, Sunday 8th May. We have already requested the necessary permit to do so and are awaiting word from the authorities. The Prayer Walk starts at 6 am on Black Rock Main Road near its junction with Dodson Land and Griffith Lane and is to continue along Black Rock Main Road to its junction with Wavell Avenue and return. Our medium-term effort will target the structural changes through legislation and institutional practices as well as pushing for accountability in crimes against minors.

Our long-term plan is to, through advocacy and strategic action, usher in a juvenile correctional system that is humane and underpinned by the principles of child justice. Our network of organizations in the Third Sector have and will continue to build their capacity to create programmes and deliver training to staff and care-givers of all government-run juvenile penal institutions and any other facility in need of it. We are adamant that any work with the nation’s children aimed at correcting behavior must honour their sense of dignity and self-worth. Mindful of the honourable intentions of this government we anticipate that they will be willing to engage us and make use of the wealth of knowledge and experience that we are gathering in this umbrella body of network of organizations.

Our initiatives and advocacy also need the women of Barbados who have been the backbone of this society since the 17th Century to stand up for this transformation. We also need to have the support of the good men and the youth to let it be known that we expect better of our government for all our people.

Our success depends on the public of Barbados to prevent a situation that is still unfolding from ever occurring again where minors without a voice have nowhere to run, no one to talk to and feel that the only way out of an abusive situation is suicide. Though we cannot put ourselves in their shoes we can become their voice across this nation and beyond.

To the girls of GIS, we want you to know that we have not forgotten you. Our Prayer is that you are the last group of girls on this island that experience these atrocities at the hands of the State.

Women in Action

#Saveourgirls. Connect with us on Facebook

163 responses to “Walk to #Saveourgirls”

  1. Cuhdear Bajan,

    Don’t bother with GP!

    The march is only to keep the matter in the spotlight.

    The people have many things planned. They aren’t only marching.

  2. GP, one time BU "resident doctor" Avatar
    GP, one time BU “resident doctor”

    RE Cuhdear Bajan,
    Don’t bother with GP! The march is only to keep the matter in the spotlight.

    The people have many things planned. They aren’t only marching.who cares?

    the folk in THE USA THAT PRAY FOR TRUMP ETC ARE THEY NOT ALSO SEEKING to keep the matter OF A STOLEN ELECTION in the spotlight ALSO?.


  3. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar
    Cuhdear Bajan

    @William Skinner May 8, 2022 12:36 PM “…They countered serious concerns with recipes…”

    I hope that William does not mean me. I don’t recall posting any recipes, although I don’t deny that I may have done so. I talk about growing food, and I do grow food. Thousands of pounds every year. Calorie for calorie I produce far more that I consume every year, and I have done so for many, many years starting when I was about 4 years old. Growing food is as serious an activity as talking politics or influencing policy, I think. Although it is possible that I may be wrong, wrong, wrong. I’ll mention again, that I donate blood. I’ve donated about 63 units so far. And worked diligently to maintain good health to ensure that I have been able to do so for many decades. Donating blood may not be as serious an activity as talking politics and talking policy, but to the recipients it is a life and death matter. I think that life and death matters are important, but again I may be completely, completely, completely, wrong. During the pandemic I found a young person in need and for 12 months I donated 5.8% on my NIS every month. And “NO” I did not sexually or emotionally abuse the youngster. I did not ask for nor expect. nor do I want anything in return. This may not be as important as talking politics or making policy, but I did not just talk, nor walk I did. Still I understand that this may not be as important as talking politics or making policy.

    But in truth unlike many, perhaps most on BU I have never had any interest in party politics. Should I? Maybe so? But I can’t pretend that party ABCD…XYZ excites me. Alas, NONE excite me.

    And yes I am an unrepentant breadfruit cou-cou lover. I had some today, from the same tree that has nurtured me since I was a toddler.

    Now I will leave so that the BIG SERIOUS MEN can talk.

  4. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    And has anybody on this blog besides me spent years being a foster parent? Or am I the only one, who has talked, walked and done?

  5. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    And Donna I don’t t’ek on GP. When I first came on this blog it was to defend childhood vaccinations against another blogger [now deceased] who was suggesting that Barbados run a research program by denying vaccines to a control group of children to see what would happen. I thought that this was a dangerous suggestion and I said so. Dr. GP supported me. I still remember GP fondly for that, so I ca forgive him almost anything, almost even forgive him for being a trumper.


  6. “GIS Ward on Suicide Watch Escapes from Psychiatric Hospital”
    Behavioural Hospital Units can be shit holes for crazies.
    You cannot blame someone for doing a runner.

  7. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    Barbados needs a few therapuetic foster homes, where experienced, committed parents can commit to raising 2 or perhaps 3 children in need of highly specialized emotional care. The children would have access to at least weekly psychiatric/psychological appointments for a year or two or ten or as long as necessary. The foster parents would be paid well for the highly specialized jobs they would be doing. “NO” I am not advocating for money for myself as I am too old now to take on such a heavy responsibility, because “yes” raising a severely traumatized child to adulthood is a heavy, heavy responsibility.

    Barbados’ children also need fathers who will commit to raising their children to adulthood. Father’s who will be there, in the house, with their children from infancy to adulthood.

    Politicians can’t do it, because in truth some of them do not even care enough to raise their own flesh and blood, and if they do not like their own children, why would we expect them to like ours?

    Barbados needs a court system that will make it a priority to quickly prosecute those who abandon, neglect or abuse children. This business of waiting 10 years to prosecute is shameful. But is it that we are afraid to prosecute powerful men? To tell the truth if my stepfather, or my father, uncle, brother, grandfather was fooping me I too would run away from home. And how do wunna think that the children feel when they are locked up for years at a time, even while the bad men walk ’bout free as the wind? The children quite rightly rebel. The children are rebels in the mold of Bussa, Sarah Ann Gill and Clement Payne. They are rebelling against their oppression.

    When grown men stop oppressing l’il children we will have a much better, more peaceful society.

  8. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    I think you should be complimented for all you do.
    I only talk policy and politics. I have never been involved in any good deeds. All I do is talk,talk talk. I have never been victimised or neither have I ever given a minute of my time in the service of my country man. I just talk politics. Thats my contribution.

    RE And Donna I don’t t’ek on GP. When I first came on this blog it was to defend childhood vaccinations against another blogger [now deceased] who was suggesting that Barbados run a research program by denying vaccines to a control group of children to see what would happen. I thought that this was a dangerous suggestion and I said so.



    I still remember GP fondly for that, so I ca forgive him almost anything, THAT IS SO NICE OF YOU SIMPLE

    almost even forgive him for being a trumper. BUT I AM NOT REALLY A TRUMPER AS YOU THINK

  10. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “When I first came on this blog it was to defend childhood vaccinations against another blogger [now deceased] who was suggesting that Barbados run a research program by denying vaccines to a control group of children to see what would happen. ”

    …..the blog is still filled with such dangerous people even after that evil minded suggestion…

  11. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    ““GIS Ward on Suicide Watch Escapes from Psychiatric Hospital””

    all of this is aimed at distracting people, those children should not be housed in government facilities…

    .problem for the culprits is…it’s not enough of a distraction to distract people from WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON…from which there is NO ESCAPE form those trying to grasp at any available straw to cover their tracks……give it up, IT’S DONE…

  12. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar
    Cuhdear Bajan


    I would bet anything that the love of your youth, the good lady who raised your boys to adulthood is also a hero. Just because you and she don’t ‘gree anymore that doesn’t mean that you can’t give her props for being an excellent mother. And how do I know that she is an excellent mother? You’ve told us multiple time that your sons have turned out well. The good men she has raised is all the evidence we need.

  13. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar
    Cuhdear Bajan

    @William Skinner May 8, 2022 10:32 PM “… have never been victimised…”

    I have never been victimised either, and that is mainly because I have never expected anything from the political class of which you have been a prominent member. Man even when the MP’s pass and see me getting my hands dirty in the ground, they don’t even speak. I guess that they thing that my dirtiness will rub off on them.

    My old people taught “get up and get fah yaself. Don’t depend on anybody. Don’t expect anything from anybody.”

    Blessed are those who expect nothing from anybody, for they will never be disappointed.

  14. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar
    Cuhdear Bajan

    My mother taught too don’t depend on wunna men. She always said “I don’t want to raise daughters who always putting out their hands to men and saying “gimmee, gimmee” because when you are a “gimmee, gimmee” woman men feel that they can disrespect you.

    So we are not “gimmee, gimmee” women.

  15. A beautiful and wonderful day to all of Barbados.

    Good lessons, cuhdear. Indeed, every parent should urge their sons and daughters to strive for independence. Not only disrespect, abuse can also become a part of the mix if you rely on others.

    A happy day to the sensible and practical cuhdear.

  16. Cuhdear Bajan,

    One of the topics discussed in the salon on Saturday in the presence of the young people was the “gimme girls”.

    My mother raised me to be independent. There is no man on this earth who can say what he has given to me.

    And I was unofficially a foster parent for several months. Unfortunately, I am a person who is accustomed to enjoying my space. The young man was too invasive and did not appreciate that he needed to stick to my rules. I told him before he moved in how things would have to go but he thought I was kidding.

    I wasn’t. I cannot stand males who do not take my words seriously.

    So he, just like all males other than my son, had to go.

    But he’s doing quite well still. He is basically a good person whose father was useless and mother frustrated.

  17. So Cuhdear, seems like you and I have tried much more than walking and talking.

    But walking and talking is also a good thing, I find.

    I wish Marsha Hinds well. She works for immediate change while others work to sustain it.

    “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.”

    If she manages to force the necessary changes in the system, they can only be maintained if there is a corresponding change in mindset.

    That can only be accomplished by meaningful conversations.


  18. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Cuhdearbajan
    I was being tongue in cheek. I have suffered severe professional victimization. It was actually under the Democratic Labour Party. Yet some remarkable jokers come here accusing me of being a supporter of the DLP.
    The Duopoly isn’t easy when it’s ready to deal with you. I know where several bodies are buried.
    They even eat each other when they are ready.
    Anyway, I was taught that whatever good I do is between those I have assisted and myself only. Dozens of people have helped me along the way. I thank them every day.
    I was told that if you give a man a glass of water with a bad mind , it would not quench his thirst.
    Continue to do what you do; we are all on the same journey just different paths
    in getting there.

  19. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WURA
    Escaped Saturday; we are told on Monday. Those children suffered some great distress that would probably shake the foundations of our country. It’s going to be an elaborate cover up in the end. Just wait………..
    Remember how they were brutalizing young adults at the Fun Ranch. Well that went away and the owner ended up in parliament.
    Who do they think they are fooling
    They ain’t fooling me

  20. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    William….check out the Strange Bedfellows thread…i don’t know why I AM THE ONE who have to tell politicians/lawyers/crooks and all the inbetweens who claim to be more intelligent than everyone else WHEN THEY HAVE REACHED THE END OF THE ROAD….

    yall are DONE…ya have to know when ya reached the end of the line without being told…

  21. This situation has created a life of it’s own that must be extremely embarrassing for the Minister. Pray for the girl who ran again that she would find a safe haven. She is a survivor and a freedom fighter. What she has done speaks volumes about the institutionalization in Barbados.

  22. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    They are going to pay a VERY HEAVY PRICE for what they do to these children…..

    William…there is no escape this time…no slithering out using fancy legalese which they ain’t too good at anyway, except for covering up previous corruption and evil deeds, but now that will no longer work or hold water just like the diplomatic immunity rug that got PULLED FROM UNDER THEM…

  23. The P M seems focused on creating a ” LEGACY “.

    This is a glorious opportunity for her change the way young girls are treated at GIS in Barbados.

  24. Conspiracy Theory alert..
    Do you think someone under suicide watch should be able to escape? We throw around terms but they mean absolutely nothing.

    The next part of this story will be that the girls were taken off of suicide watch.

    Do you know that Jeffrey Epstein was taken off of suicide watch and then killed himself. By escaping, this young girl probably delayed ‘being suicided’.

  25. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Black people, men women and children are always seen as expendable by those with shite titles when they want to cover up their own horrible crimes…

  26. Indeed, these girls en mekking nuh sport! “A change gonna come” I think.

  27. A Long Time Coming

  28. Brandy- singing in my bathroom AGAIN!!! ‘A change is gonna come’

  29. @Marsha Hinds has already caused constructive disruption. It needs to be sustained.

  30. Listening to Brasstack…
    One part of the solution that I have not heard…. Hammer the adults who are seducing the young women/men. Looking only at the youngster is like putting single patch on a tyre with two holes.

    If the adults are made afraid of the law, they will not encourage wandering.

  31. @ TheOGazerts,

    glad you listening to Brasstacks. Igrunt wrasse whole idiots talking shiite.

    There are a few intelligent contributers.

  32. contributors

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  34. @ Hants, the PM is missing an opportunity. She has not u picked her teeth to the public about this saga. It is about to get worse.
    I salute this girl. She has alot of courage.
    How can one be injected with a drug at the Psychiatric Hospital when you do not have a mental illness? Was this to make her mad? What is the mental state of the other 4 girls now? Have they too been injected with an unknown drug?

  35. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “How can one be injected with a drug at the Psychiatric Hospital when you do not have a mental illness? Was this to make her mad? What is the mental state of the other 4 girls now? Have they too been injected with an unknown drug?”

    Heather…from what can by relayed that’s decades old, they have been admitting children to that psychiatric hospital even if they are not incarcerated at the GIS, them and their half assed psychologists love to play god with children’s lives…and injecting them with drugs…this is nothing new, these negros want locking up…they violate Black rights at every turn, that’s all they are any good for…

  36. @Heather

    What is the drug? Was it a sedative?

  37. Anyhow when the PM un picked teeth it would be a little too late since the social and political damage has already been done
    Putting square pegs in round holes never work or as Dr. Ronnie Yearwood stated recently govt Ministers are now in training as being exemplified by the twist and turns at GIS and now at the physchiatric hospitals
    Less than a week after the girls return another one escapes painting a picture of inmates running both institutions ( those being the staff ) and the children running for their lives

  38. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    the first case i knew of in the 70s was the 15-year-old daughter of a popular businesswoman…..another wandering case, and they took that child to the psychiatric hospital and drugged her, these been doing that crap for donkey years..they tried it on others who put up a fight but not everyone is that fortunate, and made worse when the children are in their custody……it’s second nature to them…everything negative targeting vulnerable people is…

  39. 555dubstreet Avatar

    Watch how you evil doers are spreading your rumours everyday
    Q. Will DLP capture a seat to have an Opposition again?

    Freedom Must Be Taken

    Burn Down Town

  40. @cuhdear
    “And has anybody on this blog besides me spent years being a foster parent? Or am I the only one, who has talked, walked and done?”

    Ditto here.

    Your mother was just like my grandfather: don’t take money from men; don’t take jewelry from men: don’t take clothes from men. Save your money and buy what you want. That way, no man can embarrass you in public by ripping the earrings out of your ears, the chain from your neck or the dress off of your back. I had an old boss who told me, to take only what I can carry in my stomach. He was a Danish closet nazi. hahaha. I had to put him in his place with a good telling off. Then he respected me.

  41. Another thing that old Danish nazi told me was never to confide in friends that they always turn out to be your worst enemies.

  42. GP, one time BU "resident doctor" Avatar
    GP, one time BU “resident doctor”



  43. Today questions and no answers here gives more reasons as to why this ongoing investigation should be televised
    The staff as well as the board members needs to be held accountable in full view of the public
    After all this issue runs on a track of Humanitarian abuse and those knowing or having answers are paid by the taxpayers of Barbados
    How many investigations are the taxpayers Barbados be asked to carry the cost

  44. @ David, I do not know. Perhaps all the others are drugged.

  45. GP, one time BU “resident doctor” May 9, 2022 3:46 PM

    Dr. GP

    SPOT ON!!!!!!!

  46. “The idea that youth jails could be schools, places of hope, places of education and places of growth is supposed to be the silver lining behind the heartbreaking story behind every kid that’s behind bars,” Michael Bryant, the CCLA’s executive director, said

  47. Don’t know any thing about medicine drugs and matters pertaining to mental diagnoses but this I know that the PM needs to open her mouth and put some words that can input meaningful measure to this embarrassing situation being leveled at govt feet
    Two escapes judge saying her court carries no weight of responsibility on the matter and a Minister drifting out to sea with out having a life raft
    The embarrassing twist and turns of questions leaves one to ask how much worse can the situation get
    The PM needs to open mouth and answer questions

  48. The very thought that a year and counting this issue has worsened is mind boggling
    Hope it does not reach the level of the Alexander Saga and the Barack Saga all which started
    under the blp reign and took almost 14years to solve
    Human rights violations are serious indictments of govt and the PM should take control of the issue since the Minister seems to be clueless
    How many new boards
    How Many investigations
    Inquiring minds want to.know PM

  49. Looks like you found a live horse. Beginning to regain your poetry.
    I can feel it.

  50. Unfortunately you despite your effort twisting this into a political issue, majority of sensible Bajans are aware issues at penal/reform institutions in Barbados straddle both political parties.

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