It is during times we are currently the blogmaster misses the contributions of late Pat Hoyos from the media space. The lack of financial literacy by the local fourth estate- especially at a time the economy is experiencing unprecedented stress- should be a concern to Barbadians. For more than two decades using the popular metric debt-to-gdp, it has been trending in the wrong direction made worse by the global recession of 2006.

Successive governments have taken decisions that will impact households for generations. It seems a no-brainer a country vested in educating its people with annual budgets north of $500,000.00 should be experiencing a greater return evidence by our ability to engage in more insightful debate about the financial affairs of state.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Attributed to Albert Einstein

What will it take to explain to the average educated Barbadian the bad outcomes that will result if we remain locked to consumption behaviours which translates to spending more than we are earning? Listen any day of the week to the usual ‘educated’ talking heads regurgitating tired narratives which confirms zero return on ROE (Return on Education). 

It was refreshing to listen recently to local talk show host Dr. Kristina Hinds pushing back on the tired narratives by offering the correct view that the pandemic is a game changer. The controversial fiscal policies implemented by the Mottley administration- at continuing great sacrifice to Barbadians- to chart a new path for the economy has been eroded. We need a new plan. Even IF the developed world agrees to some debt forgiveness or moratorium on loans, if we do not change our consumption patterns, we will be at this point down the road – unless we create opportunities to earn our way in the world that are sustainable.

The global recession of 2006 is known to have destroyed individual wealth and levelled havoc on the social landscape of Barbados. The pandemic has added weight to our problems. Local talking heads tossing about sterile unemployment numbers, offering glib commentary about the need to grow the economy, although relevant falls short of projecting a holistic view to reset the misplaced priorities of citizens. These expectations must be disrupted and recalibrated to current align with current reality.

The local economy was in distress long before the pandemic. It seems the Mottley administration with an eye on 2023 maybe doing the country a disservice by delaying the implementation of necessary policy measures in order to shore up popularity. Unfortunately this is the dysfunction caused by our culture of adversarial politics. We are in a dark place when the paramountcy of political parties take priority above national concerns.

For leaders in the country to be pushing pre Covid 19 talking points given the current state of affairs exposes a level of ignorance, incompetence, ‘indolence’ and dishonesty. On the present trajectory there is an inevitability to the outcome.

The time has come for the good of country for our leadership to take the people onboard by dispassionately distilling the issues at hand to inform the path with the highest probability of survival in the near term. The blogmaster appreciates there is no play book to select a best practice given the unprecedented nature of where we find ourselves. If we are to find the right path out of this mess, we will have to do it together.

108 responses to “Sometimes the Right Path is Not the Easiest One”

  1. Money Worries

  2. The global economy recovered from the recession of 2007 by 2011, that is an accepted fact based on global performance and economic reality. Some politicians here were still blaming that recession in 2o16 and 2017 for our poor economic performance though. Never did they stop to admit it was their poor policies and economic management that had us in the economic toilet still at that stage some ten years later.

    Fast forward the same economy now to 2020 to 2021 under the covid crisis and here are the facts of where we are after 10 years of no real growth.

    We have revenue that has fallen by over 25 percent coupled to increased borrowing to keep a under performing economy from the last decade going. We are therfore spending way more than we are collecting in this exercise, at a time when we can least afford it. At the same time we are banking heavily on tourism as our economic savior. In the last 18 months in light of all this we have done little to restructure our economy away from tourism dependency.

    One can call it what you like but basically we have an economic storm brewing here which unless serious decisions are made soon, has the potential to devastate this islands future. If we don’t act now we will clock up a massive deficit by the end of this year. As for all the reserves we have that the politicians love to brag about, bear in mind 80% of that is made up of borrowed money that has to be repaid. Yes repaid and in hard currency from an economy whose tourism revenue has been cut in half at the very least!

    Wunna now understand after all the financial dancing and big words, like debt to gdp and all the tra la la, where we stand in simple terms? Basically if Bim was a person all them credit cards max out and the light bill due, while at the same time they salary get cut by 30% and they still got to eat and pay the house rent out of the little dem getting! This all coupled to the fact that their boss has told them he is not sure when they will be receiving a full salary again.

    That is the shop keeper economic statement in simple bajan words!

  3. The wrong path is..

    Babylon Road

  4. @John A

    Is it fair to suggest the 2006 global recession forced Barbados to add to its debt burden and because of our over-dependence on services (tourism) it became a nuanced situation for Barbados to manage.

  5. @David

    The figures show if you look at tourism revenue that between 2011 and 2019 we had decent tourism earnings pre covid. Remember all the talk about how good tourism was doing? Unfortunately we also had a poorly managed economy that ate up these earnings with little to show for it. Truth is neither party over the last 20 years has made any real attempt to restructure this economy. We have been able to muddle through this up to 2019, however Covid has now moved the goal post.

  6. In 2020 Barbados public debt was 6,606 million dollars, has increased 270 million since 2019.

    This amount means that the debt in 2020 reached 148.97% of Barbados GDP, a 22.19 percentage point rise from 2019, when it was 126.78% of GDP.

    If we check the tables we can see the evolution of Barbados debt. It has risen since 2010 in global debt terms, when it was 4,930 million dollars and also in terms of GDP percentage, when it amounted to 108.16%.

    According to the last data point published, Barbados per capita debt in 2020 was 23,016 dollars per inhabitant. In 2019 it was 22,078 dollars, afterwards rising by 938 dollars, and if we again check 2010 we can see that then the debt per person was 17,607 dollars .

    The position of Barbados, as compared with the rest of the world, has worsened in 2020 in terms of GDP percentage. Currently it is country number 183 in the list of debt to GDP and 162 in debt per capita, out of the 189

  7. @John A

    Point taken. We are here now. We have to find a way, our talking heads to change the narratives. See above as an example.

  8. @David.

    LOL I hear you.

    Truth is they are only 2 ways out. We can either try to increase revenue in real terms, in other words not taxation, or reduce spending to match our revenue base while allowing a small manageable deficit.

    The second option I doubt you will see so close to an election and in the current climate to increase revenue from say Tourism, will be difficult. I believe government will continue to run a sizeable deficit up to elections so as to try and avoid rocking the boat. At the same time they will keep a tight grip on our pockets so as to keep the IMF happy. Basically it will be business as usual between now and elections.

    In other words a similar plan to what Sinkyuh used in the run up to elections. That’s why I say ” 6 of one or half dozen of the other.” Problem is though the more you postpone seeing the doctor the more bitter the medicine will be!

  9. @ John A July 23, 2021 7:40 AM
    Wunna now understand after all the financial dancing and big words, like debt to gdp and all the tra la la, where we stand in simple terms? Basically if Bim was a person all them credit cards max out and the light bill due, while at the same time they salary get cut by 30% and they still got to eat and pay the house rent out of the little dem getting! This all coupled to the fact that their boss has told them he is not sure when they will be receiving a full salary again.

    That is the shop keeper economic statement in simple bajan words! (Unquote).

    Professor John A, you have outdone yourself on this occasion.

    Pure basic economic commonsense delivered in a non-partisan-non-bullshitting nutshell.

    How can Barbados expect to borrow other people’s foreign money to live ‘sweet’ off the imported high hog without earning its daily bread in return?

    How can Bajans expect to import tamarinds in boxes, stale water in plastic bottles, coconut water in tetra paks, fishcake batter in plastic bags and processed/synthetic fruit juices in boxes and tilapia fish from China when the country’s main forex earning engine has gone on the blink?

  10. @John A

    Running high deficits come with a high price tag.

  11. This kind of economic malaise deserves answers from govt
    Problem being no one dares asked govt the hard questions
    There is an economic virus that is covering the nation in need of eradicating

  12. A timely article from today’s Guardian newspaper. It more-or-less sums up the Caribbean.

  13. @TLSN

    You are good, very good at reminding the blog of our symptoms.

  14. Those of you who can walk, chew gum and use your computer at the same time could listen to Brasstacks on vob929

  15. TLSN…they are still to understand that ALL THE POVERTY and degradatION of the society and infrastructure is BY DESIGN, it was no accident….the corruption is deliberate, all one has to do is check out most areas on the island like Bush Hall etc and at least 9 out of the 11 parishes and see that THEY ARE ALL MOSTLY IN THE SAME DECREPIT STATE AS THEY HAVE BEEN SINCE THE 1960s under Barrow and every TRAITOR that has crawled and LIED THEIR WAY INTO THE PARLIAMENT…it was NEVER meant to be advance the progress of the African descended populations…they are AND will always be the THE SACRIFICE with black faces in charge of the destruction…

    so they are blindly beating their selves to death posting and regurgitating the same old and WASTING VALUABLE TIME FOR NOTHING…

    all am telling the TRAITORS of the Slave parliament is perish the thought that they are now powerful and DANGEROUS enuff to weasle their stinking apartheid trained selves unto OUR CONTINENT to SACRIFICE AFRICANS….it will be the last thing they do…..OUR ANCESTORS ARE WAITING..

  16. THe parliament frauds don’t believe people know what’s REALLY GOING DOWN….and that will be their permanent DOWNFALL…you have to have lived across a few Caribbean countries to fully appreciate and understand the PURE EVIL BEING UPHELD BY WICKED BLACK POLITICIANS AND GOVERNMENTS..

    but the SAVAGES will pay for their crimes..

    ” My parents emigrated to the US from Jamaica and Montserrat, and I’ve travelled to the Caribbean throughout most of my life. The cultures across the islands of the Caribbean are distinct, but I’ve noticed too the different expressions of neocolonialism over time.

    Haiti has been a site of conflict for centuries. Colonised first by Spain and later France, which was responsible for instating a three-tiered caste system: les grands blancs (white elites), les affranchis (freed Blacks), and les bossales (the captive African population). The Haitian population defeated Napoleon’s army in 1804, and with this achievement Haiti became singular in the world – a free Black state. Despite the successful Haitian revolution, orchestrated by the African population, most struggled to advance economically.

    Le Code Noirs, as it was known, remained after its white creators fled. John D Garrigus wrote that the caste systems caused “tension” that “was more a matter of social and political conflict than racial prejudice”

    unlike small-time shitehounds in Barbados who were TRAINED in racism and apartheid to keep those twin curses alive in Black lives….AND NOW THE WHOLE WORLD….especially Africa knows.

  17. I guess the shopkeeper was speaking to the few who didonot know because I think most people know very well how to add and subtract.

  18. @Miller

    Thank you sir I got to put it in simple language cause when the biscuit truck and the drinks truck pass I got to got dem money!

    Seriously I have been listening to some of the big ups talking on the economy and I got to tell you I have never heard so many talking AROUND the issue, as opposed to talking ABOUT the issue! They can dress it up all they want but it will not change the situation nor the eventual solution.

  19. We all know that what Miller calls our “Mickey Mouse” money cannot buy imports.

    No foreign currency, no purchasing power overseas.

    But the conundrum is that if we don’t import for resale, those employed in certain retail sectors will lose their jobs.

    This calls for a massive change in mindset, a shift in the minds of entrepreneurs in what type of business they pursue and the public, in what they purchase.

    I prefer mauby to champagne anyhow.

  20. @John A

    The call is to search out other avenues to expand GDP. It should have been done a long time ago but we are here now. Our leaders – pressured by citizens – have to agree to short medium and long term strategies. This is where our leaders must step up to chart a path and by their leadership inspire John and Jane public to buyin, including key stakeholders in civil society.

  21. “This is where our leaders must step up to chart a path and by their leadership inspire John and Jane public to buyin, including key stakeholders in civil society.”

    Solution to Barbados’ problem is not about spending but about investing
    which is called public spending and social services
    which is not a Business solution it is a Government solution

    New World Illuminati Pyramid Model of Trickle Down Capitalism works for those at the top like a Ponzi scheme,
    but the Money tree has to be built from the roots up and work in reverse
    A Black / African / Slave Class are meant to suffer in the current system
    Investment must spend at the bottom level of the foundation on people

  22. A Musical Shark Attack

    Swish, swish
    A shark will die if it stops swimming. You have to be a shark. Keep moving forward.
    Swish swish is the shark’s tail

  23. In keeping with the thrust of this blog the Delta variant is infecting populations in key source markets as they attempt to reopen come what may to fuel economic activity. It is the same reason Barbados is struggling to implement policies to manage the risk of coexisting with the virus. We are in a dark place.

  24. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ all
    Say what we will, we cannot produce a 2021 model car on a 1921 production line.
    Similarly, we cannot restructure an economy without reforming the educational system.
    This is more than about earning foreign exchange; this is more than the fickleness of consumers. This is as @ Donna says, a needs change in attitudes and mind set, as to how we want to exist.
    In other words , an economy geared for 2021 and beyond cannot be developed on a 1921 model.
    Ironically, almost all the solutions rendered here and elsewhere are the same that were rendered and pursued in the last sixty years.
    We are stuck in a Eurocentric colonialist mentality. We should now talk about saving forex and not earning it. This is what will drive agro industries and re-educate consumer habits.
    We need to carry out very intensive research regarding the new enterprises that are springing up. We must then move swiftly to get them up to date on all areas of marketing, packaging and developing business models for both local and export markets.
    Note how quickly @PLT’s tourism project has taken off!
    This is more a mind and cultural problem than an economic problem. We need bold political and corporate leadership at all levels otherwise we’ll be just wasting our time on doing the same thing and expecting different results.

  25. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “We are stuck in a Eurocentric colonialist mentality.”

    while the colonialists themselves have decades ago moved onward and UPWARD…and will never be caught dead stuck in a 17 or 18th century time warp of the mind.

    the clowns are proud of being backward and aspire to keep everyone else right there with them….and have been very successful….while they all regress spectacularly…and consider themselves “the best slaves”

    William…it seems like we have been saying for decades and STILL….

  26. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    it seems like we have been saying THIS for decades and STILL….

    that’s why the likes of slave master spawn Farmer could do what she did and no one would have known, am sure she has done it for decades…and Drax could decide he’s returning and the ones domiciled on the island never stopped keeping up the momentum generationally for half century…. your ignorant leaders are useless and always will be…DO SOMETHING..

    get rid of the con artist families who believe they own the island and entiled to sacrifice black lives because YOU elect them to the parlianment…

  27. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    How many times do we have to tell the 265,000 BLack majority to TAKE CONTROL OF THE ISLAND….and fcuk the dirty sellout politicians…ministers, liars, lawyers SCUM OF THE EARTH…,..get rid of them, stop electing that variety of TRASH…

  28. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WURA
    “the clowns are proud of being backward and aspire to keep everyone else right there with them….and have been very successful….while they all regress spectacularly…and consider themselves “the best slaves”
    Exactly ! How long are we going to continuously depend on a system
    that has enslave us : mentally, physically , culturally and economically?
    Constantly trying to keep alive a basically dead and irrelevant economic system that keeps the majority in persistent poverty..
    How long ?

  29. Can somebody send this to Mia her big belly cabinet and mibaton of consultants gran Murray

    The position of Barbados, as compared with the rest of the world, has worsened in 2020 in terms of GDP percentage. Currently it is country number 183 in the list of debt to GDP and 162 in debt per capita, out of the 189 countries

    Just maybe this is the wake up call necessary

  30. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Constantly trying to keep alive a basically dead and irrelevant economic system that keeps the majority in persistent poverty..
    How long ?

    for as long as the PEOPLE who elect TRAITORS and allow them to LIE, DECEIVE and STEAL their money, land, resources and the future of each generation…..sacrificing them and their children and that minority criminals can reap the benefits…….ALLOW IT…

  31. Lock downs galore curfew gran mur still. numbers rising

  32. @ David

    Here is our major source market the United Kingdom.

    New cases May 19th 2135
    New cases July 7th 53969

    Wunna work out the percentage increase in just 6 weeks.

  33. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    William…have you noticed they refuse to stop ALWAYS NEEDING some white face slavemaster type to lead Black people in everything, no matter HOW BASIC, it’s ugly, but it’s just a matter of time before you hear they refuse to pay NIS benefits and salaries..and guess whose side the parliament traitors will take in any dispute, like clockwork.

  34. This government lacks confidence in its own people and appears to have no interaction with them.

    It was Mia who stated that the black lives matter campaign was merely a trend! This rhetoric has been reflected in her decision making which appears to favour and prioritise other groups.

    She knows that her policies are doing irretrievable damage to Barbados majority population. Does she care? I believe not.

    Her leadership is designed to maintain the social order of yesteryear. These are just my views and may not reflect those who reside in Barbados.

  35. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    it may not be their views but they are the ones feeling the negative impact of the backward gazing policies that retards advancement for the majority population…there is always an excuse to deflect from reality…and the pretense that there is no problem as long as the slaves are quiet and don’t “make the country look bad” by complaining about their captivity steeped in generational bondage….and the wholesale THEFTS of their money land and opportunities…

  36. Boss eats big chicken we want some too
    Got to fight against injustice
    Got to fight against low ration
    Got to build a better nation
    under this time from creation

    Now the the Little Island of Little England is departing from Babylon Queendom with it’s due departure date in November it would be good timing to develop a social model for the levelling up of the poor African in the Western Hemisphere

    As per the Cuban musings the Americanophiles can go live there if they love it so much

    Union Call / Strike Strike Strike

  37. New directives for private business employees
    Get vaccinated or pay for a PCR test every two weeks
    More madness more confusion but the virus going no where when the borders are opened

  38. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
    Attributed to Albert Einstein

    Another school of thought states that this was misattributed to Albert Einstein
    As it turns out, insanity might be crediting that quote to Einstein over and over again. He never said it.

    However I think he might have said if he was not a hard man fi dead as there is a thin line between genius and madness like there is another thin line between love and hate

    Insanity is saying the same thing over and over on the Barbados Underground and expecting different results. Time to knock it on the head. Ding!.

  39. AC,
    I see it. I might not be able to do it justice.

    It soon will be propose by officers of the state
    That being vaccinated become a national mandate
    And for those who comply it will be done free
    Those who refuse will pay a PCR fee

    Sheer madness and confusion
    In trying to keep our borders open
    Virus remaining in circulation
    Or brought in by tourists like Lawson

    -still in bed–

  40. Republic Blues
    They say they going Republic
    But some still asking what is it
    No election or referendum
    Just someone saying the old times are done

    But it ain’t making no sense
    Cause I don’t see the difference
    Any fool can say ‘God damn the queen’
    Is that all being a Republic mean

    Politicians still lying
    Con men still trying
    Lawyers still stealing
    The poor man still squealing
    We moving in the same old wagon
    Different status but same old nation
    It is just one of the tricksters game
    Old product with a different name
    They say they going Republic
    But some still asking what is it

  41. In my mind the Carribbean of nations miss a great opportunity to unify when big countries closed their doors in the early months of COVID
    What I have observed that big countries are stilling giving employees an option to work at home if employees choose not to have the vaccine
    Also standard protocols remain in place

  42. Can frontline workers work from home?

    Can Barbados afford to keep borders closed? How will it pay for food petrol, medical supplies etc.

  43. Afro futurism movement
    Place Called Earth Vs Planet Mars Dub

    Thinking ’bout the Sci-Fi movie Hidden Figures which was not real but was based on a premise that black woman were human computers it occurred to me Barbados could link up with Nasa to set up a Launch Pad in Africa to send people black people to space to the moon and Planet Mars and back to Mother of Mankind Alkebulan where it all began in garden of Eden to Shake What Your Momma Gave You

  44. Invitation 2 Dance
    Helps Your Two Hips To Move
    Barbados could enter the Soundsystem Business
    as the only good system is a Soundsystem

    @ David da Underground King

    FYI I am receiving a blockage in the messaging system and the technical diagnostic term to log for the BU Help Desk / Hinder Department is the message has disappeared up the bum due to shrinkage in the linkage or a fire down the wire and needs some massaging on it’s thread along the vein where there is a life pulse and flow of energy in the blood


    Calling all Beige Ones in Ichirouganaim in Caribbean from the Shaolin Temple Europe
    The Correct Path to follow for abundance in this life and reincarnations is called the Dao
    (in Chinese philosophy) the absolute principle underlying the universe, combining within itself the principles of yin and yang and signifying the way, or code of behaviour, that is in harmony with the natural order. The interpretation of Tao in the Tao-te-Ching developed into the philosophical religion of Taoism.

    Performing daily exercise practise of breath work mediation qigong tai chi yoga walking singing and dancing to de-stress and get the energies and bodily fluids flowing is a must to become conscious as if and when you are not conscious you must be anxious

    Shaolin WuDe 武德 – The Shaolin Virtues

    Sat Nam
    Truth is my ID identity

    Sayounara means “if you say so” “if you leave now” “if that is the way it is” …

    See you I wouldn’t want to be you

  45. Catch you next time..

    #ShaolinTempleEurope #ShiHengYi #LiveSession
    🙆🏻‍♂️ New Year Wake Up 🙆🏻‍♀️ 1. Live Session with Shi Heng Yi Online❓Q&A❗️

  46. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Can Barbados afford to keep borders closed? How will it pay for food petrol, medical supplies etc.”

    there is always Monsieur Macron….the ladies think he’s easy on the eyes..

  47. DavidJuly 24, 2021 6:41 AM

    Can frontline workers work from home?

    Can Barbados afford to keep borders closed? How will it pay for food petrol, medical supplies etc.

    Of all the occupations u chose to focus on front line workers many of whom are govt employees and govt has said that no one would be forced to take a vaccine
    Then u speak of borders opening for economic sufficiency
    Have u not noticed that throughout all of the economic problems attached to COVID along with borders open
    Govt has been accessing millions of dollars from loan agencies to help fight COVID along with free vaccine and other medical supplies

    Also my mention of closed borders were solely meant if the Cartibbean basin had implemented policies by which all could agree to work together

  48. Give Way
    No Gabbon
    No Entry

    London Soundsystem Roll Call Part 1
    Jah Jah Dub, Jah Jah Way

    mmm mmm hey

    everyone’s got a different way
    everyone’s got a different say
    which way must I go
    which way must I go

    with a natty dread
    upon I head
    must I go my own way
    no no no

    when you come in I heart
    I vision rasta unity
    rasta total livity
    did you
    do you

    do you believe rasta can do no wrong
    I do

    when I knot up I head
    I vision rasta unity
    rasta total livity
    do you
    did you

    let’s get together
    know each other
    live and learn

  49. You should remain calm when you are in the middle of the eye of the storm

    London Soundsystem Roll Call Part 2
    Jah Shaka Zulu Warrior Vs Entebbe Rasta Chanters

    Everyday same way
    and I say time
    even try to get away

    but you just can’t hide
    long time that we should get it together
    getting together and loving each other
    long time unification of the nation
    so come together each and everyone
    so keep on telling me run but they just can’t hide
    Run but they just can’t hide

    We are the mothering slaves but we are strong and know our duration

    we are living in a slavery

    we are know what we are about
    and we are strong
    and we know where are heading to
    why won’t you help out the slaves

    my father been torturing
    my mother been raising
    but I will remember everything that you do
    I’ll forget that I’m a slave

    Jah Rastafari
    a one blessed love
    it’s all about the spirit
    praise H.I.M.

    Give thanks to the bredrin
    and come in with a truth and rights selection
    InI versity from the most high scientifically

    said the woman ride right on the seven gate dragon
    the seven gate dragon the red red dragon
    put fire from the seven eight dragon
    total control upon this land
    total control on this area
    total control on chronix area
    chronic herb chronix
    chronic hydropronics
    here come the woman and the dragon them magic
    tronics dem chronix
    water them pronics
    mother nature woman dem mash it
    mash it pon the path of the seven eight dragon
    mash it pon the path of the red red dragon
    seven eight seven on this land
    red red dragon is the year of the dragon
    mash mother nature nature plan
    mash it on the sand trying to make destruction
    here we have to do it in the construction
    they can’t beat mother nature man
    can’t beat mother nature fight and fight until the end of days sir
    but mother nature will conquer

    Cos positive conquers negative
    said they give you bad wine
    said it mad your mind
    jah jah give the good good wine
    jah jah give you blood of the son sir
    only begotten of the most high sir
    only begotten in his own image jah

    Holy old moly
    Holy of Holies
    said the inner man reach the higher man
    the only begotten in this land now
    man and woman

    Holy old moly
    Holy of Holies
    sanctum sanctorum
    Holy old moly
    sanctum sanctorum
    journey to the centre of the earth
    journey to the centre of your mind
    journey to the centre of your body
    journey to the centre of your earth
    journey to the centre
    said the holy holy centre
    said the light it burns in the centre

    said the truth and right it burns in the centre
    light a little brighter
    shine a little brighter
    said we have to be with nature
    said we have to burn the lighter
    we have to shine our lighter
    jah jah light goes on
    and the darkness stop in the day and night
    we have to shine the light in the day and night
    said we shine a little light
    day and night we shine a little light
    shine it better jah in the power of the darkness
    shine it in the power of the darkness
    we have to hail to the power of the most highness
    we have to respect H.i.M. and tell it to them
    everything intelligent
    we have to set them free
    free for liberty
    equal rights
    equal rights and justice stand for all
    burn the heathen to their centre
    we are coming for Far I
    jah jah a the conquerer
    we will scream it out at night
    truth and rights is the name bout ya
    justice is our second nature
    justice is the one most sir
    said it’s related to mother nature
    to mother nature I said the wise wise woman
    wise woman is upon this land
    reaching everything upon this land

    truth and justice
    said we must really have this
    said equal rights for each and everyone

  50. Always remain calm when you are in the middle of the eye of the storm

    London Soundsystem Roll Call Part 2
    Jah Shaka Zulu Warrior Vs Entebbe Rasta Chanters

    Everyday same way
    and I say time
    even try to get away

    but you just can’t hide
    long time that we should get it together
    getting together and loving each other
    long time unification of the nation
    so come together each and everyone
    so keep on telling me run but they just can’t hide
    Run but they just can’t hide

    We are the mothering slaves but we are strong and know our duration

    we are living in a slavery

    we are know what we are about
    and we are strong
    and we know where are heading to
    why won’t you help out the slaves

    my father been torturing
    my mother been raising
    but I will remember everything that you do
    I’ll forget that I’m a slave

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