Barbados is currently being affected by significant ash fall from the La Soufriere volcano in St. Vincent. Dust in the air, dust everywhere. There is the consolation view Barbadians should be thankful because we do not have it as bad as Vincentians on the ground- many who have seen priceless possessions destroyed or damaged. Thousands have had to be evacuated to shelters in the South or neighbouring islands to stay with relatives and friends.

We have had reports of damage to properties in Barbados- water damage from blocked drainpipes, guttering ripped from houses due to the weight of the ash, clogged guttering but nothing to compare with the depressing pictures coming out of St. Vincent. There is the saying he who feels it knows it.

It still has been a lousy last 15 years for Barbadians. Some hate the term the lost decade but we have to admit the island has been in a spiral since the global recession of 2007. The Thompson/Stuart period of government tried to right the economy and failed spectacularly. The electorate voted for a change in government in 2018 and created history by returning the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) to office with a 30-0 victory. Some will argue we are not falling as fast but …

Immediately on taking the reins of government a premeditated decision was taken by the Mottley led government with her battery of financial advisors to aggressively restructure domestic and foreign debt. The result is that a generation of middleclass Barbadians having prepared well for retirement have suffered a significant dent in financial fortune. The social and economic effect is still to be measured because of the decision. Some will argue it had to be done to slow the descent into the economic pit we find ourselves, others will ask- who brought us here, why are we here after the experiences of the 70s and early 90s. What cannot be refuted is that for the first time since 1966 Barbadians have been suffering from economic fatigue of the unprecedented kind. Not to forget the pandemic Covid 19. Not to forget the 2021 hurricane season is rapidly approaching.

What is the point of cobbling these thoughts?

If Barbados were a human being urgent counselling and phycological care would be urgently recommended.

Unlike some here the blogmaster does not have the answers to our problems nicely gift wrapped. Solutions no doubt are to be found in adopting the best leadership approaches that will influence all facets how we prefer to live our life. As a people we tend to look to politicians to provide answers to our problems often times forgetting they are mere mortals who sat next to us in school and come from among us. This type of laissez-faire thinking must be ignored and significantly more Barbadians must become more strident advocates to support the cause for advancement of the country. The whole of Barbados is the sum of all of us. Thought leadership must come to the fore before it is too late.

Truth be told we will continue to box these issues into the political and therefore have to live with the results. Should the blogmaster go with the flow and ask with 2023 approaching what are the options? Is the DLP ready? Unfortunately we see no other options available for the electorate. We will always get the government we deserve.

171 responses to “Barbados in a Wobble”

  1. Mari

    BS. For some the hardship will force them to depend on theirselves / one another and not sit and wait on government

    Some will start their own businesses etc
    Some that can may seek better overseas
    Some will seek advancement through furthering education

    If you sit and wait for crumbs and handout then don’t be surprised if that what you get

    That is sea water that’s surrounding Barbados not oil

    My family was poor, quiet, timid and never muddled the waters

    They worked there asses off and help each other – that’s resilience

    I understand that all will not be fortunate
    But if u settle from crumbs then don’t complain if crumbs is what u get

    In every society they are rich and poor and it will always be this way
    There will always be natural and economic challenges

    You can sit and keep waiting for the dust to settle!
    The resilient ones should come out stronger not waiting on crumbs

  2. John2 i guess u are amongst the lucky few whose bread is buttered on both sides
    Spare a thought for the unlucky many whose life each and everyday trying to be resilient against hardships that come there way

  3. Having your bread buttered in both side is a waste of butter. It also dirties your hands.
    Not lucky, wasteful and unhygienic.

  4. I don’t want to get old again.
    What can go wrong starts to go wrong.
    Medication to lower things, medication to raise things, forgetting.. I forgot the rest of this note…

  5. John 2 i guess u are amongst the lucky few whose bread is buttered on both sides
    Spare a thought for the unlucky many who has to fight life each and everyday trying to be resilient against hardships that comes there way

  6. Yesterday two very sweet boys worked for 4 hrs. They swept, shoveled and wheeled the dust round to the back to dump. Everywhere is still covered with a light dusting of ash which gets tracked into the house and blows up whenever the wind blows. When you sweep, the wind takes some and blows it back. The only way to clear it completely is with water. It’s OK for most people, but if you are allergic and suffer with serious sinusitis, sinus headaches, migraines (which can be set of by allergic reactions) and fibro-myalgia (which can also have allergic roots and causes all over pain) you must remove ALL the dust or you will not be able to go to work, shop, go to the ATM, or do any of the things you need to live. Yes sweep and shovel the majority, but the reality is only water will get rid of all of it. If you leave dust on the yard you will have to wash the dog every, yes every, time he goes outside as the ash will remain on his coat, he will lick it and it can go in his lungs and kill him. Yes we have a water shortage problem – because for over 30 yrs, successive Gov’ts have preferred to spend money on more interesting, fancy projects which benefit their donors and supporters’ bottom line instead of doing what the country needs. We need to put real pressure on this Gov’t to get the problem fixed and stop the nonsense of “blue economy” whatever that shit is and similar imaginative nonsense of cute sound bites and get this country working for working people. I need to have the dust all washed away and I will NOT apologise for this. It is making me very ill and I have to get out to work to earn my living and pay my rent. Try living with the flu for life. Allergies are NOT a little sniffle that you get. They can cause dizziness, low energy as your body is fighting a foreign invasion all the time, pain and tiredness constantly. I cannot be washing the dog twice a day. Stop blaming each other and blame those whose responsibility this is. We have been complaining about water supply for 30 yrs and the Governments have spent money on office buildings, roads, roundabouts, foreign owned project and NOT put the investment into the water system. Are Electric buses more important than water? We need to look honestly at the nonsense and big salaries they pay themselves and DEMAND our Taxes (and the non-existent Taxes they do not collect from Businesses and high earning professionals and executives which they gave away) be spent where ordinary working people need and not on more foreign run hotels. The JOB of Government is to make Government WORK for the country, not for their friends, contacts and Consultants and the RED shirts. Once this is over let’s get a protest organized with a group every day outside the fancy “Worthing Corporate Centre” where Parliament sits. We can rotate the participants so a small group is lined up six feet apart, with masks EVERY day until we hear concrete plans for improving the water supply, paid for by Government and not another BOLT project to put profits out of our hard work taxes in the hands of the usual suspects. I am usually very careful with water. Right now I NEED WATER to save my HEALTH, stop the PAIN and SUFFERING from the ash, which is basically cement – my worst allergy having been born just feet from Rogers Quarry in Grazettes with the dust blowing in my lungs as a child. Gov’t needs to WORK for ALL of us not just for the big shots and BHTA!!!! This emergency has shown us the delinquency of Gov’t when we let them get away with it. Once every 5 yrs is not enough, we need to be in their tails every day about the problems. Every picture of businesses and Gov’t offices being cleaned in the paper featured Pressure washing. Do what I say not what I do is their motto. This MUST stop. They work for us. Tell them what you expect for your money the same way you tell your gardener, or maid, or they get fired. Stop blaming others about the water shortage and DO something about it. #This post was copied and posted.. I take no credit for the truth and credibility it certainly contains @Ann Walcott

  7. Hi Angela
    How are you today?
    Was it a good day?
    Did you get your message out?
    Do you stand behind your message (100%). That’s what matters, a firm belief in what you are doing.
    You may be wrong or you may be right but you should believe what you write.

  8. Mari

    I came up eating bakes and saltdish, drinking coolaid and lemonade, going to sleep hungry or with some tea and a few biscuits

    What i have now wasnt gained form siting and waiting for no crumbs. My parents brought me from Barbados to USA. i never heard them saying or dealing with any welfare. I alway known them for working their assess off to try to make better for me and my siblings – to have a better life than what their had.

    When it come to the poor (especially those in Barbados) i do spare more than a thought. Up to today I helped out my neighbor from the tourist industry again. The ones that have a mortgage and a car note to pay and who wen back to work for a few week in December and was back home in Janurary. the ones who would like the tourist to be coming but you wanted the island to shut down indefinately. The ones who would prefer to be paying their way instead of having to ask for help. So dont come at me with you BS

    I am not rich or poor but i alway remember where i came from and how hard things was back then. My first commitment is to to leave my kids in a better position then i had (like my parent did for me) then I help some that i can. i will never encourage my people to sit and wait on crumbs

  9. lucky ?

    IF you call working hard for what I have as being lucky then yes i am one of the lucky ones.

  10. John 2 i guess u are amongst the lucky few whose bread is buttered on both sides
    Spare a thought for the unlucky many who has to fight life each and everyday trying to be resilient against hardships that comes there way

    Resilient got a bad meaning when VC use it but it mean something good when mary use it?

    Your head crossed up!

  11. The resilience factor is a term coined and well used to keep the poor quiet timid and afraid to muddy the waters

  12. @ The OGazertsApril 15, 2021 6:38 PM
    “I don’t want to get old again.
    What can go wrong starts to go wrong.
    Medication to lower things, medication to raise things, forgetting.. I forgot the rest of this note…


    They say that old age is Karma’s ‘eternal’ curse for living too long.

    Maybe, according to the ‘immortal’ ‘Motley’ words of Humphrey Bogart, we should just have a life of living fast, dying young and having a beautiful corpse to weep over, grudgingly, by those who want to get old.

    BTW, what medication is that you are so ‘hard’ on to help raise that thing which controls man’s time from a vertical 6.30 to a horizontal 3.00?

    Is there any medication you can recommend to raise the dead whose ‘one-foot’ is already in the grave?

  13. John2
    But what about those who did not have the same luck as u to escape the poverty in Barbados and head for greener pastures
    Would u like to swap places with those at home presently
    You tell a story which many poor living in Barbados would like to have
    But do not have the means or giving the opportunity to do so
    Lucky u got an opportunity and made great strides in doing so
    Count your lucky stars that your greener pastures were sufficient to maintain a future which poor people only dreamed of
    Btw getting a job is a start ask any barbadian whose unemployed
    Once again I ask would u like to swap your present situation with a barbadian struggling to make ends meet

  14. John 2,

    Of course we know the angle from which Angela Cox is coming. That is a given. However, she is not wrong in her opinion. Take her complaints back thirty years and acknowledge the failures of both parties rather than one, if you must but do not dismiss the difficulties that many people suffer in this country.

    Resilience is a wonderful trait for Barbadians to display. And most of us display it. But as I implied on another blog, it must not be a word pulled out of a politician’s pocket to muzzle protest against their failures. We must demand that our politicians serve us as promised.

    Play the ball and not the bowler! Do not run down the pitch in anticipation of one type of delivery! Play the ball out of the hand!

  15. Also, we must bear in mind that some poor people work very hard and must not be blamed for their poverty. Not all poor people wait for crumbs or depend solely on government.

  16. Mariaposa
    I assume you are suffering from migraines and headaches from your post. There are many resources available on youtube about preventing migraines which you should research and also understand the different causes that can trigger it, like sunshine, stress, dehydration, blood circulation, bad eyesight, working with computers, diet considerations, etc. You can do things like drink water, wash your face, put your feet under cold running water. You should also recognise when your field of vision goes blurry like seeing ripples in water that is called the aura and is a sign that a migraine attack is on the way. There is medication like migralieve that can stop the headache setting in but you still need to relax and lay down and draw the curtains when you have one. It is also good to exercise with qigong yoga meditation and practise mindfulness where you concentrate on breathing and exercise and stop your mind thinking on other things. Wear sunglasses and avoid bright lights. There are also daily exercises you can do to prevent headaches and migraines but you cannot do them when your are suffering from one. There are also resources about improving breathing and increasing your lung capacity, strengthening your lungs and cleaning out your lungs as a regular practise with deeper slower breathing, and breathing techniques the effects and improvements take time but slowly set in over a couple of months and go from good to better to best.

    here is a couple of videos from anne novack there is also a part 3
    but scan for migraines + yoga, mediation, qigong for more info on youtube
    there are loads of resources for better breathing to build up immunity against corono virus

  17. The O

    there are exercises you can do to build up circulation in your jade stalk

  18. On further reflection
    The B-Line of AC’s comment suggests she was cutting and pasting someone else’s issues

    “#This post was copied and posted.. I take no credit for the truth and credibility it certainly contains @Ann Walcott”

  19. The politics of Barbados now lends itself to what is prioritized and what is not
    The water system was definitely not a priority
    After govt spend on the buses and further spend on the buses is a tell that govt did not rather put those millions into the water system
    Hence today during a pandemic and a devastating raining of volcanic ash the taps are dry
    Which now beg the question”what if ” and where do our priorities lie
    BTW not one word has been said about the Southwest sewer system given the devastating ash rainfall of the past days
    But then again politics has been the lynch pin wagging this govt tailbone rather than priorities

  20. angela coxApril 16, 2021 5:32 AM

    Quite right, the BLP is responsible for everything from the extinction of the dinosaurs to the fall of the Roman Empire etc ad nauseum.

    DonnaApril 16, 2021 3:38 AM John 2,Of course we know the angle from which Angela Cox is coming. ..However, she is not wrong in her opinion… do not dismiss the difficulties that many people suffer in this country…Play the ball and not the bowler!

    Donna, please. No one is dismissing the difficulties that may face. But when the bowler is spraying beamers and no balls, what do you expect? Everything is attack with no commendation for what the Mottley administration has achieved in a few short years.

    If Mottley were able to correct the ills of of the past in three short years, she would make Joan of Arc pale in comparison. No lie.


  21. DonnaApril 16, 2021 3:41 AM Also, we must bear in mind that some poor people work very hard and must not be blamed for their poverty. Not all poor people wait for crumbs or depend solely on government.

    Agree wholeheartedly. That is why we are on the cusp of a reformation. One that a few conservative billionaires foresaw and tried to stonewall it by placing Trump in a position to do so. However, plans of mice and men…., that plan was stopped.

    God is great.

    The world is coming to a social change where people accept that not everything can be about money and the stock market. Capitalism is not going away, but it will be channeled to accommodate all.

    Did you see the changes with Amazon staff and unions? That is what needs to happen and is happening.

    Peaceful social change is the aim.

  22. William Shakepeare Skinner

    Comprehension was never a prerequisite for cooperation.

  23. Donna

    No one is dismissing the plight of the poor

    When VC referred to us as surviving and resilient people I didn’t think he was talking about the William/ Goddard/ malones

    You don’t play the ball from the hand. You read the ball from the hand then it easier to play it

  24. Mari

    Do you need to give up ur big pension and spending ur days on the computer to under the plight of the poor?

    I repeat . Poor people will always be with us

    Barbados is going through a bad patch but is it / people in as bad a position as St Vincent?

    The same opportunity that was available to me may not be there for some but there are other Avenue their can travel

    Luck – I when u win the lottery
    The hard and sacrifices my parents put in to make Step up for me wasn’t luck mam

    It like saying one who use the opportunity of cutting canes (hard work ) to build a nice comfortable home and reside a family was lucky to have the opportunity to cut canes
    While other did not or could not

  25. John2
    Luck or opportunities gave you an Avenue from which your were able to derived great benefits
    Most bajans living at home many who have been harding working after many years are struggling to make ends
    Truths which cannot be dismissed
    U got an opportunity in an international country whose wealth and productivity surpasses Barbados
    That fact should explain how and why u were able to achieve
    However understanding your thought process sends a message of seeing the poor here as shiftless or lazy when facts along with various political interference keep most at them at the bottom end of the poverty pole

  26. All wealth is relative, there is always someone much richer than you, and you can always want more. In poor countries people think those living abroad who have a car and house are rich, when they just have bigger debts and more to lose. Foreigners abroad are not at the top of the pile of shit they are at they bottom and are discriminated against the most by indigenous. When you work for others you are just a tool and live from pay cheque to pay cheque. If you set up a business it is a big risk and personal sacrifice and is a 24/7/365 concern, but if it works out over time through hard work and luck then you are independent and your own boss and can pass it on to your family so they can have a successful future. Bajans do not have generations of wealth built up over time like other families in other countries have. Money means choices and means to set up more business. Poor people may have good ideas and business plans that would succeed but cannot implement them due to lack of funding, but they can learn to make money from anything with gumption.

  27. Mari

    Because I emphasized hard work u twisting my mind set is that poor bajan are lazy ?

    Because some work hard and are still poor has nothing to do with government/s . It is their situation.

    Example two families may start out about the same step. And making the same money. But one family may have many more mouths to feed and clothes that the other. The smaller family may take the next step up long before the bigger family

    The bigger family is not held back ( poor ) because of laziness but because of circumstances

    Your really revealed ur own mindset and don’t know one rabbit about mine

  28. Mari

    Are you aware that I had my struggles with life in the USA and started out in fast foods?

    Are u aware the I moved my family back to Barbados and went through the same struggles like most bajans?

    Are u aware that I built my house on family land and it was built but by bit?

    Don’t fool yourself that I don’t know the struggles of the average/poor bajans

    Do you recall once telling me the even thought I live in the USA u would bet me that you make more money than me???

    I rosponded to u that that might have been true a few years ago

    So don’t come to me now with your fake ass pretence of caring for the poor
    And I am so fortunate this and lucky that

    Take some of that money that you made more that me and go help at least one of the poor families.

    Stop encouraging people to wait on government or crumbs

    Stop crying. DO!

  29. John2
    Relax bro sorry I mash uh corns

  30. Donna alway say Barbados is not perfect. can it do better? yes! it it the worst?

    how would you like to be part of haiti the first western independent country?

    Bim is a paradise!

  31. Those whose lives are comfortable always find excuses by which to compare Barbados to other countries that are having similar problems
    I most likely would want to believe that criticisms should be sufficient and enough to help steer Barbados into a path for betterment
    Shouting down opposing views does nothing for the betterment of the country except to provide a stupid political support base for those in charge of managing the country

  32. mari

    Haiti problems are far from similar to Barbados. Barbados may not be advancing at a pace some of us would like but it is advancing faster than some of / our peer of our peers in the caribbean .

    Some of us like to look at the “international” countries to judge ” where their think we should be”
    Too bad if you don’t like when i highlight where we could have been but are not.

    Remember u is one of those that is living comfortable- i still wotk everyday to maintain my comfort level and help some others.

    Shouting opposing view,,,,,,,,,,, etc

    You did not have that opinion when the last government was in power.

    Criticism is ok if it is fair. yours is hypocritical and politically motivated was a shamelessly false pretense that you doing it for the betterment of the poor when infact you only trying to score political point.

  33. Oh dear! Some of you continue to misunderstand my post. I give up!

  34. Many of us are rabidly political about every issue. Those who pretend to be non political try to distill every issue in a narrow agenda. The result is diminishing credibility.

  35. DavidApril 16, 2021 4:48 PM

    Many of us are rabidly political about every issue. Those who pretend to be non political try to distill every issue in a narrow agenda. The result is diminishing credibility
    The credibility scale also applies to u
    Just a short reminder of your treatment against those who speak opposing views of govt
    Look in the mirror get a close look and see who is looking back
    Those who opposes govt u are quick to use your political hammer to close their mouths
    For as long a time I have frequent BU I can hardly name one blp yardfowl in the past ten years that u have moderated

  36. Many of us are rabidly political about every issue. Those who pretend to be non political try to distill every issue in a narrow agenda. The result is diminishing credibility.



  37. Govt today made a decision to open the airport in light of the fact that the volcano is still erupting and spewing ash in the air across the carribbean chain
    Crazy fools or mad experts willing to jeopardize the lives of the flying passengers and lose the countries credibility of safety
    For one international aviation companies would not be so foolish or dare to follow the rush plan or even fall in step with govt plan to open the airport while the volcanic ash is still lingering in the air
    A rush decision that warrants two thumbs down

  38. 16, 2021 4:58 PM

    Many of us are rabidly political about every issue. Those who pretend to be non political try to distill every issue in a narrow agenda. The result is diminishing credibility.




  39. For idiots only

    Encounters between aircraft and clouds of volcanic ash are a serious concern. Jet engines and other aircraft components are vulnerable to damage by fine, abrasive volcanic ash, which can drift in dangerous concentrations hundreds of miles downwind from an erupting volcano.

  40. This govt is a WOBBLE

  41. The blogmaster rest.

  42. DavidApril 16, 2021 5:46 PM

    The blogmaster rest

    Not yet David uh need to get a bush bathe

    Any takers to Barbados skies the airport is officially open
    Thanks to the nincompoops who manage the affairs and the safety of the flying public

  43. @ David,

    The Government of Barbados with the PM leading from the front is doing a very good job dealing with Covid and volcanic ash simultaneously.

    Any reasonable person would see this.

  44. Ain’t nobody going to take off unless conditions are suitable. The Govt is only making the airport ready. Mia cannot order pilots to take off. The ash usually takes an hour and a half to arrive. In other words we get enough of a warning to cancel flights when necessary.

    Utter nonsense! This has to be some sort of sickness! So happy I never caught it!

  45. Mari

    U is the wobble. the airport is cleaned up, ready and opened. It is not the Barbados government that will decide when air traffic resume. Do you think that international airlines will risk the lives of their crew members and passengers along with getting sue?
    Airlines will not travel to Barbados unless they are certain the “coast is clear”.

  46. The day after the first ash fall (the worse that mostly effected the north) flight departed Barbados.

  47. Govt officials said that the airport had to be opened for needed supplies to enter Barbados
    What does that mean?
    Nothing was said when the planes would be allowed to land
    Govt message was sound declaring that the airport opens at 6pm for business
    No and or buts were added
    Maybe confusion doah

  48. john2April 16, 2021 6:32 PM


    U is the wobble. the airport is cleaned up, ready and opened. It is not the Barbados government that will decide when air traffic resume. Do you think that international airlines will risk the lives of their crew members and passengers along with getting sue?
    Airlines will not travel to Barbados unless they are certain the “coast is clear”.


    So what is the govt statement if all other international airlines are not on board
    If that is not the case that will be another glaring example of stupidity

  49. mari

    When the international flight are ready and able to resume flying into Barbados – the airport is opened and ready to accept them what is so hard about that to understand?

    Must we keep the airport closed until one of the airlines say ok we are ready to go into Barbados?

    Also there are private airplanes that fly into and out of Barbados.

    If airplanes can make it safely into and out of Barbados they will, if they cant the will not. The volcanic dust will not sit over barbados 24/7. There will be clear times and planes can navigate around and avoid the dust clouds

    Airport opened and ready when they are.

  50. The glaring stupidity is coming from you. you dont seem to be able to think properly because you are blinded by politics

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