Submitted by Hollis ‘’Chalkdust’’ Liverpool

Tuesday after the election, my good friend, David Boothman, sent me an interesting video-clip about how ‘’True-Democrats’’ in a democracy should behave after an election. The clip testified that in ‘’Greece the founder of democracy,’’ people were expected to behave in a manner that showed respect for their elected representatives. The clip from Boothman was very apt, given the fact that many persons in Trinidad and Tobago seemed, by their many letters to the Press, to be angry with our leaders’ behavioural actions and sayings, reactions that demonstrated their loss or their winning of the national elections on August 10th. The clip, however, made me think anew about Greece and its democratic postulations.

Democracy is generally associated with the Greeks and Romans in earlier times and with Europeans in the Medieval Period. Truly, Greeks in the Golden Age (500-300 BCE) had many city-states: some aristocratic, some ruled by monarchs, and others by tyrants. Despite their differences, Athenians in Greece were able to fashion out of the different, interrelated entities a democratic order, whereby the authoritative power of the state was vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly, through a system of representation that involved elections periodically. History shows that under Cleisthenes in Athens around 508 BCE, the government was reformed and placed on a democratic footing with a Council and a Jury and these institutions were further fortified by the works of Pericles (461-429 BCE), Socrates (469-399) and his pupil Plato, as well as the outstanding philosopher of the era, Aristotle (384-322 BCE).

What all students and academics should know, however, is that Greece developed its institutions long after the civilisations of Africa, in particular, Ethiopia and Egypt, and the Near East, including the Sumerians in Mesopotamia between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. Moreover, India with its early republics such as the Sanghas of Buddha and the Ganas (attendants of Shiva) practised democracy as early as the 6th century BCE. Some historians even consider the Buddhist Sangha as the world’s oldest democracy. In fact, Diodorus, the Greek historian, two hundred years after Alexander the so-called Great invaded India, wrote that India possessed systems of democracy in like manner to Greece, then. Accordingly, when I heard Boothman’s video clip, I told myself that Africans and Indians in Trinidad and Tobago should indeed be politically proud of their management process of holding elections here, since their forefathers were practitioners of democracy long before Europeans wrote history.

History shows that the Greeks in Athens, based on the philosophy and legal codes of the Egyptians, developed a ‘’three-way Athenian Democratic Code’’ by which they were able to assess and describe the behaviour of all eligible electors within the state of Athens and even within the city-state of Sparta in Greece.

In terms of the ‘’three-way’’ grouping, first, there were those persons who, like many in Trinidad and Tobago, refused to vote for representatives to the Council in Athens (The National Assembly); Greek society called them ‘’Idiots.’’ An idiot was thus a private person who kept to himself/herself and refused to be part of the Government. As time progressed, based on the Latin word ‘’Idiota,’’ Europeans placed a derogatory twist to the word and caused it to mean an ‘’uneducated or ignorant’’ person.

The second group of persons in the Athenian Code consisted of those who, like many in Trinidad and Tobago, selected their representatives narrowly, on the basis of their tribe. Such persons in Athens cared not for what was being discussed in the Council nor the thought-provoking musings in the marketplace and were thus termed ‘’Tribesmen.’’ Athens was filled with them at the time. One could easily espy, then, Spartans, Persians, Corinthians, Macedonians, Helots, Minoans, and Phoenicians not only by their dress but by their colour of face. For elections to the Council, tribesmen voted for their own.

The third group in the Code was referred to as ‘’Citizens.’’ Citizens were educated persons who debated issues; who voted for representatives based on their knowledge of philosophy; who studied and practised agriculture; who respected God and family life; and who, in the long run, put Athens first in everything that they did. Of course, citizens were considered by the Council to be the most principled and highest echelons of the state, and all persons in the society, with encouragement from the state, aimed to join that educated group.

But Athens also had a secret fourth group in its Code. These were persons who the government felt were worse than the idiots, in that they undermined the society by trying to destroy its institutions. The leaders of Athens therefore ‘’ostracized’’ them. To be ‘’ostracized,’’ according to the Greeks, was to be banned from society. Indeed, Themistocles, who, it was said, tried to disrupt the smooth flow of the Council in Athens was ‘’ostracized;’’ he was imprisoned for a period of five to ten years. What was his crime? He was found guilty of giving money to people in Athens for reasons not approved by the Council.

Thus, in Athens, there were three groups of persons and a secret one that few historians speak about: the ostracized. On the contrary, how well do I remember my friends in Barbados, historian Trevor Marshall and public servant Vincent ‘’Buff’’ Burnett, telling me that Barbados has a name for the ostracized persons. ‘’In Barbados,’’ according to Trevor and Buff, ‘’we name and ostracize them openly for their ignorance, lack of education, racism, fraud, greed, their undercover moves to undermine the society, and their idolising of money. In Barbados, we call them Half o’ Idiots.’’ Indeed, ‘’go long you half o’ idiot’’ is a favourite, demeaning curseword of Barbadians.

Trinidadians and Tobagonians, therefore, have a splendid, historical template whereby we the people can study the pitfalls and challenges of a society that aims to bring into focus the democracy of our ancestors. When, then, Henry Ford said: ‘’History is more or less bunk,’’ indeed, he can certainly be classified as a ‘’Half o’ idiot.’’

100 responses to “The After-Election Crowd: Citizens, Tribesmen and Idiots”

  1. David,
    why did you block my other posts?

  2. Racism at Torrib Trace Presbyterian School

  3. Being African in India: ‘We are seen as demons’ | Racism | Al Jazeera

    African victims of racism in India share their stories | India | Al Jazeera

  4. @Vincent

    Did we have a democracy in 1937?

    The point about a voter being influenced by a racial outlook is that we have so-called intelligent people who will vote based on an illogical position with race being one consideration.

  5. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu at 2:30 PM

    I will answer your first question and reserve my response to the second statement.
    In 1937 we had a form of Democracy with limited franchise. The Demos was proscribed/ defined other than adult suffrage and that was quite legal and acceptable then.

  6. @Vincent Codrington
    Can you explain what your definition of democracy is? Was there democracy in Barbados during slavery?

  7. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Tee White

    I will treat your question as rhetorical. You aiready know and are trying to be vexatious. I am not going down any rabbit holes today.

  8. @VC 🙂
    A good evening to all.

  9. Which barbados are the people living in
    The one presented on BU or the one presented on social media platforms
    Day after day BU pages are filled with topics that are dedicated to mundane topics absent of what are happening in the lives of many barbadians whose households are to an economic breaking point heading closer and closer to poverty
    A walk across other social media platforms gives a realistic view of how barbadian households are struggling to make ends meet
    David dont forget that at the end of the day the bajan household is deserving to be well presented in all issues that affect their well being
    Carry on smartly one day you might awake to a rude awakening that BLM no matter who is in power
    Oh btw is is friday puddin and souse day in barbados
    How is that for good news

  10. @ Mariposa

    I remember there was a time when 90% of contributions to BU were authored by DLP supporters or sympathizers and although David BU presented articles on diverse topics for ‘discussion,’ BLP supporters accused him of being a DEM.

    GP has his ‘Sweet Sunday Sermon,’ while Adrian Loveridge’s Monday posts focus more on tourism related issues. Then there are the occasional contributors such as Heather Cole who discusses a wide range of topics; Kammie Holder’s interests is environmental issues; while ‘ironside’ and ‘cherfleur’ post articles dealing with politics and civil law suits respectively.

    And, I’m sure that during your “walks across other social media platforms,” you’ve probably realized people post articles to give people an opportunity to comment on them.

    Why wait on David BU, when you could compile your thoughts into a weekly column and SUBMIT it to BU for all and sundry to post their comments?

  11. Both governments were involved in this low intellect stupidity…

    .today’s newspaper said government spends 150 million dollars of TAXPAYERS MONEY ANNUALLY to police marijuana, money that can go to youth programs to generate opportunities and get them off the blocks, even worse it stated, that amount of money is 15 TIMES MORE than what they accumulate in fines for trafficking etc….so how does that make sense other than the governments have always been taking tax dollars and criminalizing African descended people for the plant maliciously….as we thought all along and then brought this shite bill with more oppressive laws to lock up people for marijuana…definitely gotta get kicked out in 2023.

  12. How much proof do Black Bajans need that all both DBLP low intellect governments have ever done is WASTE ALL THEIR MONEY for the last 50 plus years, none of them are any good for their own people, all they do is point out the total destruction to the lives of the majority population that they have done and continue to do, both are the culprits on why the island has been reduced to its current economic and social condition, their corruption has always been more important to them than the people…

    we knew they LIED about planning to remove the racist nelson statute, watch out for their slavery schemes and scams next….to further trap the people into bondage to promote their shite racist dependency tourism that will drive more poverty and servitude…..

    The Rock Hall Freedom Village project involved the refurbishing of the 20-foot bronze monument; the upgrading of a number of chattel-type shops built by a previous Barbados Labour Party Government, but which were never opened; the creation of a park, which formed part of the original plan, but which was never executed; and the building of an outdoor amphitheatre to facilitate the performing arts. Work on this amphitheatre is still under way.freedom-monument-041617

    King pointed out that while Government had announced in late July its intention to remove the statue of Lord Nelson from its current location in Bridgetown on Sunday morning and officially open Rock Hall Freedom Village at 4 in the afternoon, the diversion of resources as a result of unplanned circumstances, led to the decision to concentrate on the St Thomas project for this coming weekend.”

  13. It seems the word of this government means nothing.

  14. It doesn’t Donna, never did, neither did the DLP and their useless lying words to their people and all the corruption, there is a very valid reason why i call them low intellect…this government cannot be allowed to stay past 2023, they have spent the last 2 plus years proving beyond a doubt that the best interests of the Black population is not their priority, once elected, never was and never will be…and now most of the people know it too, they cannot trust this government with their lives and futures.

    when ya see the fowl slaves all disappeared from the blog, you know they cannot even bring themselves to pretend anymore, so their yardfowls are now totally useless to them, on their way to extinction… ..

  15. These types of photos out of Africa tend to highlight how generations of Black creatives on the island have been stagnated and repressed, reduced to being boys and girls on the block to become prison fodder for a corrupt injustice system, your leaders are useless, merely trained colonial monkeys in suits, good for nothing, no good for their own people, trained to socially destroy black lives..

  16. Artax
    My objective is not to rehash what was done or written in previous years on BU politically or otherwise
    However i do have an observation which is based on what i have seen taking place on the pages of BU post which are absent of the needs and concerns of barbadians whose lives have been transformed into living hell and for that matter issues of such nature should be sufficient and enough to be giving a post amongst BU pages
    No i am not a writer however i am free to bring my concerns in manner that can shine a spotlight on the realities of what is occuring and effecting the barbadian household
    Leave it to u to attack the messenger instead of the message
    Btw i have noticed on more than one occasion that when issues turns attention to barbados economy BU pages would quickly usher in another post to divert and distract from the troublesome economic performance of the economy .
    The truth being that BU seems to have an agenda with full fledge devotion to keep the regular eyes off the pain and suffering of barbadians and govt inept performance of finding solutions

  17. @ Mariposa

    Normally, an unemployment rat e of ten per cent is considered a crisis. In Barbados we have an unemployment rate of 40 per cent and there is silence. Plse explain why the Mottley government has gone silent on this human crisis?

  18. For those interested in what is happening in the Barbados economy can catch a read in Barbados Today with statements and concerns from the PdP also giving some forms of solution
    Many are beginning to awaken to the fact that too many bajan households are being pushed to poverty and govt has said or done nothing to revived the local economy
    So sad that BU which once presented its pages for a Beacon of light and hope for the most vulnerable has adopted a posture to be a silent voice in airing the concerns that mostly affect the voiceless
    I shudder to think that after May 2018 BU close its eyes and ears to the economic pillars that are weighing down barbadian households
    What was once a voice for the downtrodden has retreated and activated a tone deaf posture for all to see
    Shame on BU Shame shame shame
    Btw word on the street says those buses gonna cost taxpayers a arm and a leg to get moving on the streets
    Word also states the Windows cannot be opened
    If what said is true in this Covid environment a health concern would be part of the buses dilemma or a govt having to spend more on buses that is of little value to the people
    But who is watching which begs the question does anyone cares

  19. From my perspective this govt cannot get past providing breathing room for the tourism industry
    This govt never had any alternatives plans or policies for barbados while in 10 years in the wilderness
    Now that COVID continues to reap havoc this govt is caught like deers staring in the headlights
    Mottley plan spells like this ” Catch wuh yuh can and hold on to wuh yuh got”
    Hence the local economy will fail unemployment would rise and the fast and growing tide of economic doomsday would cover the landscape
    This endeavour of giving foreigners a vacation working holiday cannot stimulate local economy and is in no way helpful in putting money in the bajan pocket
    The amount it generates which would be a drop in the bucket goes to govt revenue and some which might be generated in the tourism industry
    However the local economy needs a full burst of financial injection to keep it from dying a slow and painful death
    The course which govt must take is one which can throw BERT out the window but it is a course which govt refuses to embarked upon out of fear thatGovt defaulted on Barbados debt in May and tampering with Bert would be a course less desirable

  20. @ Mariposa

    My friend, ‘don’t they teach comprehension in our schools?’ I’m definitely convinced your narrow mindedness creates a problem for you being unable to reasonably understand and interpret what you read.

    RE: “The truth being that BU seems to have an agenda with full fledge devotion to keep the regular eyes off the pain and suffering of barbadians and govt inept performance of finding solutions.”

    You’ve EMPHASIZED my point!!! A few years ago, BLP supporters were ‘singing a tune’ similar to your above comments. And THAT’S a FACT. But you chose to describe my observation as “rehashing what was done or written in previous years on BU politically or otherwise.”

    RE: “No i am not a writer however i am free to bring my concerns in manner that can shine a spotlight on the realities of what is occuring and effecting the barbadian household.”

    Your stupidity isn’t surprising. You claim not to be a writer, yet you’re on BU and “other social media platforms” on a daily basis, sharing your thoughts on issues ‘in your own particular, unique way.’

    So….. could you please EXPLAIN to me how is ‘ENCOURAGING’ you to compile your “observations” and “concerns” into an essay, similarly to how you compile them into your contributions, and posting them to BU for all and sundry to read and comment accordingly………. is “ATTACKING the messenger instead of the message?”

    RE: “Btw i have noticed on more than one occasion that when issues turns attention to barbados economy BU pages would quickly usher in another post to divert and distract from the troublesome economic performance of the economy.”

    What “I’ve (also) noticed on more than one occasion” is, after ‘robust discussion’ in 20 or 30 contributions, the focus of blogs is “diverted and distracted” from the substantive topic to one about Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh, Quakers, US Democrats that owned slaves, personal civil lawsuits involving land in Christ Church or who made Japanese coffee.

    However, yours is a POOR EXCUSE. If you’re TRULY CONCERNED and PASSIONATE about “the needs and concerns of barbadians whose lives have been transformed into living hell,”………..

    ……….. then surely you won’t let ANYTHING PREVENT, DISCOURAGE or INTIMIDATE you from REMAINING FOCUSED and ‘KEEPING the SPECIFIC topic alive.’

    Unless, you believe BU’s sole purpose is to fulfill YOUR political agenda and not create an opportunity for contributors to submit their concerns for discussion, similarly to Heather, Kammie and Adrian Loveridge.

  21. Artax your understanding or definition of comprehension may be drawn upon your bombastic urgency to attack me
    As i have frequently stated my education is limited to stan pipe and within that frame work i am not as astute as u are in comprehending
    Therefore my limited education has given me the ability to observe
    In meanwhile i will speak my mind on issues that are affecting the barbados household negatively as well as when purpose sees fit condemn BU for closing eyes and using rabbit holes as diversions to distract from the realities
    Any how here is another day for u to enjoy yuh puddin and souse and cou cou
    I am off and running with observations in mind

  22. Could you PLEASE EXPLAIN how encouraging you to compile your “observations” and submit them to BU for all and sundry to comment on them, is “drawing upon (my) bombastic urgency to attack (you)?

    Is that the reason why you always “draw upon your bombastic urgency to” interpret every comment as an attack on you and respond likewise?

  23. @Artax

    Let it go, some on the blog operate in the Facebook bubble. They do not walk the streets of Barbados, visit rumshops, drive about the island or do many other on the ground activities to ensure a rounded perspective of things local. Their sole purpose in their twilight years is to highlight the negative greatly influenced by a political or personal agenda.

  24. So David are u saying that Barbados Underground and other local and international media are part of the FB bubble or are there exemptions
    I find your response to be asinine and rooted in political hogwash as an attempt to refocus people attention on the mundane
    For what it is worth not expecting better of you since you now hold a badge of honour celebrating govt ineffective policies
    To u i say Happy Puddin and Souse day

  25. Artax
    I have nothing to explain
    However can u explain your torrid need to attack the messenger and never focus on a message that chips away at govt ineptness with a lackadaisical style of blowing smoke in the people face
    Or are you sorely insensitive to what the realities of COVID has done to many households across barbados
    Waiting for a throne speech might be too little to late

  26. Which Mariposa is this? I like um.
    Big words, correct English. Hal is rubbing off on you.

  27. Have a great day! My silly period is coming on..
    Give em hell, Wura.
    Keep up the good fight, Donna..
    Cuhdear, I don’t know what you are doing, but keep on doing it. Luv yah 🙂
    I gotta go

  28. @ Donna

    You got that right. But the worst part is the ridiculous excuse which tells you 100% that they see Bajans as fools that they can tell any old rubbish and get away with it. But don’t worry, day duz run till night ketch it

  29. You are free to to continue on your way. Keep paraphrasing from Michael Howard’s Facebook page.

  30. TheoGazzerts
    mr. Simpleton is that all u have to offer

  31. (1). ONCE AGAIN……. could you please EXPLAIN how ENCOURAGING you to post a compilation of your “thoughts and observations’ to BU can be interpreted as a “torrid need to attack the messenger and never focus on a message?”

    Also, please explain your use of the word ‘torrid.’

    (2). Could you also EXPLAIN how ENCOURAGING you to post a compilation of your “thoughts and observations’ to BU……….

    ………….. means I’m “sorely insensitive to what the realities of COVID has done to many households across Barbados?”

    (3). I’m confused. You’re always ‘saying’ it’s the “tax cuts, tax waivers and government policies” that have affected “many households across Barbados,”……. NOW it’s COVID-19. Which is it?

  32. DavidAugust 22, 2020 10:17 AM

    You are free to to continue on your way. Keep paraphrasing from Michael Howard’s Facebook page.

    David if the above comment is directed towards me
    You are Wrong
    I have no interest in Michael Howard pages
    Havent seen or read anything he wrote in months
    As i said i draw my conclusions on observations seen and heard
    I am not blind or tone deaf to the realities

  33. Artax stay confused i am not about to bring u out of a malaise of malicious undertakings
    Have fun and dont forget to drink uh rum and coke

  34. @ Mariposa

    There is nothing wrong with learning from others. It is called education. Once you are not plagiarising others, you are on safe ground. By the way, your grammar is perfectly acceptable better than many with GCSEs, CXCs and O levels – and observation is a legitimate sociological tool.

  35. It is a pity when David Simpson indicated that printing money will draw down on foreign reserves you did not feel emboldened to enter with your usual nonsensical argument.

  36. There is some confusion here, did Beckles who is leading the reparations charge and Mia bulshitting around and pretending while trying to re-configure slavery for Black Bajans tell yall anything about this…..i bet not, cause she knows it is very likely that most people will not read the entire article if at all and it may not even resonate …won’t it be a thing that reparations is finally given then their asses get locked up for modern day slavery of their own people….shit like that tends to happen to hypocrites…

    “Caribbean countries have been hampered by the ICJ’s jurisdiction, which only goes as far as the UN members allow. The UK does not recognize ICJ jurisdiction in disputes prior to 1974, while The Netherlands does not recognize ICJ judgments on disputes prior to 1921. . France does not recognize the ICJ rulings as compulsory at all.

    Although the United Nations has an International Convention on the Elimination on All Forms of Racial Discrimination, this does not mention colonization. In addition, the ICJ is only allowed to bring forth cases for crimes that are committed when a law exists that punishes the crime. Slavery and colonization predated the UN, so there were no international policies treating either as crimes.

    Caricom was successful in achieving an economic response the UK after they pressed for slavery reparations in 2013. Caricom is continuing to push for these reparations today because the UK is the only European government that has responded. Caricom will most likely continue to keep pushing for the reparations to be met on the terms that the Caribbean countries initially set.”

  37. Their best bet would be to make the UK pay reparations for that 1948 scam of forcing the descendants of slaves 3 generations worth to pay slave masters for enslaving their own ancestors, while knowing that the UNs 30 Articles on human rights that am sure they helped draft too, went into effect in Dec 1948 and their slick trick Windrush sailed in June 1948…..wicked and wild…

    …from 1948-2015, 72 whole years

    then there was the mistreatment, discrimination and racism etc…all covered under the 30 Articles of human rights that these people were subjected to for decades….

    then both DBLP need to pay the majority Black population for all the corruption and racism, apartheid , thefts of estates and money from the treasury and pension fund, 6 years of oppression and exploitation that they condoned and enabled on the island….they need to pay reparations too or do some hard time.

  38. What is nonsensical is a govt taking money out of people’s pocket without having a policy of replenishing
    So far Govt took the pensioners to the cleaners as if that is not enough used a trap called Boss to once again dip into govt workers pocket
    As if that was not enough gave away plenty revenue to foreign entities under the banner of Humanatarian
    Now the masses are free falling into poverty
    Govt stands idly and does nothing

  39. 60 years of oppression and exploitation that they condoned and enabled on the island….they need to pay reparations too or do some hard time.


    from 1948-2015…67 whole years

    1948-2020…72 years of Windrush scam

  41. It’s the same people will have to do something about the lying, insulting, disrespectful Mia government…the vote beggars must return to the same people to beg votes, can’t be reelected without it…the one thing they cannot is hide their disrespect and disdain for their own people.

    “What has happened to the people of Barbados is that the Government had promised them after the major marches that they will remove Lord Nelson and then when the people were looking for it to be removed the same government came and said no they are not moving at this time. So I think the people are hurting inside and the people are losing confidence in the political systems and structures in Barbados because they see how the politicians operate. Politicians operate without any real respect for the people,” Denny said”.

  42. Tee White,

    You got THAT right! Nonsensical excuse. White puppet masters pulling strings is the likely reason. They are probably trying show that it will happen only when they say so. Symbolic delay, no doubt. I will never forget being berated by one Hoad girl and other Bajan whites for showing disrespect to the queen by turning my back on her as she passed. Never seen her so livid before that day and never since.

    These people were all in on their version of history and the black Bajan’s place in today’s Barbados.

    Have they changed their position?

  43. “will never forget being berated by one Hoad girl and other Bajan whites for showing disrespect to the queen by turning my back on her as she passed”

    I want them to come telling me any shite about calling her cousin Elizabeth or Elizabeth, let me tell them about their trailer park trash…rejected from UK selves…it’s the shite leaders making these nobodies feel they are something on the island……the shite leaders have to go…and any new parliament rats have to be monitored consistently.

  44. Yo Donna…movement

  45. For those who don’t know that African descended people are also indigenous to the Americas, including Barbados, where many were born pre euro invasions..

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