Submitted by Ironside

The PdP should not let the recent rumblings of the honourable PM of Barbados at her party’s recent conference get under its skin. Anytime a third party in Barbados makes any ground, no matter how little, you can expect retaliation from the old guard as sure as night follows day.

I recall Donville Inniss belittling the new parties that emerged for the 2018 election, specifically Solutions Barbados, early on in the campaign. His arrogance has been duly rewarded. I absolutely love Madame Karma!

The first thing that any new party that hopes to make a significant impact in the next election must do is to recognize that there is mental space, however small, for a third party in the minds of the electorate. For some, it is a default position resulting from the systematic abuse and betrayal of the two entrenched parties, viz. the BLP and DLP, the Bonnie and Clyde of Barbadian politics. But that space is there, nonetheless.

This is the right time to advance the agenda of a serious “third” party. Now is the time to exploit the growing disaffection with the incumbent BLP and the betrayal of the wasted DLP. Divide and rule, we call it.

Expect retaliation from Bonnie and Clyde because, make no mistake about it, when the chips are down, like any good husband and wife team, Bonnie and Clyde will close ranks to keep out the upstarts!

The second thing that a successful new party must do is define itself in that available mental space. That means it must study carefully the contours of that space and be very strategic about how it intends to capture it. In Marketing we call that positioning.

However, the third party must take careful note that many of the masses are unable to think outside the B&D box. They are suffering from what I have called elsewhere on this blog “mental rigor mortis” (“MRM” as dubbed by one blogger). It is the case, that despite the evidence of their eyes, these sufferers just can’t see anything else but a two party state. We boast of being so highly educated but it seems that that has NOT produced any open-mindedness! Looks like a case of “clouds without water” to me!

Moreover, the third party must grasp the fact that, in a perverse way, many Barbadians are also suffering from political “trauma bonding”. Trauma bonding is that difficult-to-understand behaviour of victims who return to their abusers in the face of [pun intended] sometimes brutal physical abuse. It is something that MAM should understand very well!

I do not wish to get side-tracked here so I suggest you read the following articles on this topic for a start:

I am yet to see a third party with a discernible, coherent and viable strategic positioning plan. The strategy itself is not something you shout out in so many words but one which you “drip irrigate” onto the public. Over time, your positioning becomes evident to those who are studying your [party’s] communications and behaviour.

It follows logically from the above analysis, that the third thing the successful party must do is devise a deliberate, ongoing, consistent, focused communications campaign to support its positioning in the electorate’s mind. It must start this long before any formal campaigning for the 2023 begins! Coincidentally, that campaign must also build trust. Trust is hard to build, but so easy to destroy, as many a one-night-stander can testify!

Now, to extent that Solutions Barbados followed the approach I am suggesting, in the last election period, is the extent to which they were able capture 14% of the vote. However, a lot of their under-performance was due, in no measure, to the naivety and egotism of the party leader Grenville Phillips. As you can see from the posts below, Mr. Phillips still neither understands nor accepts this criticism.

Perhaps Mr. Phillips should stick to his Tuesday Sermon. Perhaps, he may find more support there. May I suggest that his next sermon be on the message to the Church in Laodicea? [Rev. 3: 14 -16]

I am firmly committed to seeing the acceptance and success of a third party in Barbados. However, that does NOT include the absence of other parties; by no means. We need a rich and strong democracy here! So expect me to push the third party concept with all the warp power that Mr. LaForge can call up from the engine room!

175 responses to “The Phartford Files: Agenda for a Third Party Part I”

  1. @John A

    The other parties struggle to field a full slate of candidates including Solutions Barbados.

  2. @David

    Exactly you have hit the nail on the head. That is why a coalition among all of them is the only way to really make a stand.

    I am not against the BLP being in power don’t get me wrong, all i am saying is that the absence of a true and active opposition is not a good thing for any country. Look back in history and see what sometimes followed in countries where that scenario presented itself for a prolonged period.

    For me honestly i don’t care who makes up the opposition, once they are active and independent of the tenticles of the ruling party. Remember too going forward we may well be asked to bear more burdens. Should this occur a seasoned opposition becomes even more critical for informed debate. In other words do we need more taxation or less expenses for example?

    It is this level of debate and the dissection of statements and policy, that is sadly lacking now and I believe we as a people will pay for it down the road.

  3. David & John:

    At the last general election, we had 28 candidates. We aim to have a similar number. Where we do not have a candidate, we may endorse a candidate from one of the other parties.

    Whether we, or any third-party candidate wins is not the issue. We live in a democracy where the people decide what kind of Government they want.

    If they want public services managed to an international standard, and the elimination of corruption, then they will vote for Solutions Barbados candidates.

    If they want the mismanagement and reported corruption that we have had for the past 50 years, then they will vote for either the BLP or the DLP.

    If they want mismanagement, corruption and tyranny, then based on their unrestrained haters here on BU and social media, they can vote for Atherley’s group.

  4. is asking reasonable questions really unrestrained hating, Sir?

  5. @ Northern Observer,

    The easiest way of getting a majority is first past the post. There are different kinds of PR and in theory under the PR system a party can get a majority; the reality is that it is very unlikely. Look at any country with PR and you will see coalition governments.
    The rise of nationalism or localism is a different beast, it is a reaction to globalisation.

  6. @Grenville

    If as you say you find yourself short of candidates you will ” endorse” a candidate from another party, then why don’t you and others consider a coalition party from day 1 to contest the next elections?

    Surely that way you all will come up with a better slate of candidates.

  7. At the last general election, we had 28 candidates. We aim to have a similar number. Where we do not have a candidate, we may endorse a candidate from one of the other parties.



    All you need is for some of them to win a seat … individually!!

    Suspect when next time comes, if it does, people will have had their fill of parties!!

  8. First past the post may have its faults, but it leads to stable government. I remember saying all this to the Forde Commission on republicanism when it visited London.


    The only problem you all big maguffies on the Forde Commission omitted to consider was what to do in a first past the post situation if one party wins all the seats and there is only one group in the HoA with no means of forming an opposition.

    I know, I know, that was considered by you all big maguffies as a statistical impossibility which would only arise in the case of a rigged election.

  9. @Grenville

    There will always be those who disagree so what do you do? You commit to your goals, tweak as required and move on. You should not allow it to consume positions.

    Also not that a democracy as we are discussing is not a perfect system, it has its warts.

  10. Walter Blackman Avatar

    John A
    November 6, 2019 11:14 AM
    “@ Walter.
    You still got the old tractor and 5 acres ready? Lol”

    John A,
    Yes, my friend.

    I will be marketing under two brands:
    Bajan Gold
    Coral Joy

    I have already secured the trademarks.

  11. “Your suggestion that Marijuana has been researched to death and the information is on the internet reminds me of Marie Antoinette’s response when told the masses are hungry ,they have no bread. Her response was, “Then they should eat cake”. As you know some weeks later she lost her head.”

    lol…i also said that those who did the most damage re brainwashing the people, criminalizing the plant and those who use it…LYING to the people for decades about the plant…the same culprits in parliament who have known all along about the legal regime…should UNDO all the damage they did to the minds of the people by advertising rigorously the benefits of the plant as medicine….on CBC TV, radio, social media etc….ah bet ya did not see that though..

    ..and i said that because that little game they played in the video parliament, oh, we did not know all these good things about marijuana, oh UK, US and this one and that one told us to criminalize marijuana it and now they are saying how many trillions of dollars can be made from the same plant they lock up black people for STILL..

    i have no time for those useless asses Vincent….what good are they to anyone.

  12. Walter Blackman Avatar

    Hal Austin
    November 6, 2019 11:51 AM

    “Both PR and an elected Senate have deceptive appeals. We have already talked about PR, just look at the mess Israel I(s) in, not being able to form a government; and as to an elected Senate, let us suppose that we elected a BLP House of Assembly and a DLP Senate, just imagine the chaos that would cause in getting legislation passed. Both groups will claim they have the will of the people. Add to that an elected President, and chaos rules.
    First past the post may have its faults, but it leads to stable government.”

    Hal Austin,
    Your argument has not convinced me.

    When I was an undergraduate student at UWI (Cave Hill) in the 1970’s, I had to study ideas and theories promulgated by foreign thinkers and then apply them to the Caribbean.

    Doesn’t the system of proportional representation (PR) in Israel produce elected parties?

    Doesn’t the system of proportional representation in Guyana produce elected members?

    If so, why are you bringing Israel to me, a West Indian, as a model of PR?
    Has the PR system in Guyana resulted in unstable governments?

    With respect to an elected senate, should a government come with a bill that is self serving , or is intended to serve the interests of a privileged few, what is wrong with having a majority of opposition senators to defeat such a bill?

    On the other hand, should a ruling government come with a bill that is intended to benefit the majority of citizens and an opposition senator votes against that bill, what is wrong with the electorate voting that senator out of office when elections are next held?

  13. walter Blackman Avatar

    Vincent Codrington
    November 6, 2019 1:07 PM

    “Your suggestion …. reminds me of Marie Antoinette’s response when told the masses are hungry ,they have no bread. Her response was, “Then they should eat cake”. As you know some weeks later she lost her head.”

    Vincent Codrington,
    As a scholar and a gentleman, you do know that there is no historical record to support the claim that Marie Antoinette ever uttered these words. Right?

  14. Coalition or not, they can’t continue to talk piss. MAM and her troop will roll over all comers next election. All yuh ain’t see nothing yet, this is only month 18. Watch muh!!🤫

  15. @David

    In case you missed it the Prime Minister has publicly committed to let the people decide in a referendum the decriminalization of the use of marijuana
    If this referendum is in the same vein as the one to remove Nelson or the ones to establish a Republic (both Arthur and Stuart) then the Bajan public can sleep easy as it is all a song and a dance, nothing more nothing less but empty words.

    BTW 30 -0 and you still need a referendum?

  16. @Sargeant

    As she explained it the issue at hand is contentious and one deserving of a separate mandate from the people, how noble.

  17. David
    The 30-0 came after the Manifesto, which made clear that there would be a referendum on the decriminalisation/legalisation of marijuana and other contentious issues. One can therefore argue that the 30-0ers are well aware.🤣

  18. BTW 30 -0 and you still need a referendum?


    Invalid Parliament will make invalid laws!!!

    Need referendum to seal it!!

    Why not just call an election to regularize Parliament instead of a referendum on marijuana?

  19. John:

    An election is not necessary if Atherley can get one MP to join him. If he cannot, then our Parliament is a farce.

  20. @ Walter

    You are a great actuary.

  21. David:

    The AG is planning to present a separate bill to allow the Rasta community to legally use it for religious purposes. This is to be separate from a bill for recreational use, which is the subject of the referendum.

    The problem is that religious legalisation is de facto recreational legalisation, making the referendum unnecessary.

  22. Britain walked in to a mess over Brexit because of David Cameron’s gross incompetence, with the Fixed Term Act and the EU referendum; now Barbados is going to do the same over dope.
    What happens if dope is legalised for religious or recreational use in Barbados, shops start selling rum and dope (a winner for young tourists, the Amsterdam of the Caribbean), sellers open bank accounts with a bank that has a corresponding bank relationship with US banks, are they going to put at risk their relationship with the US over a careless piece of legislation?
    Governments only introduce referenda under our system if they are too cowardly to introduce legislation they will like and which may be unpopular.
    Where is the church? Where are the police? Why are courts still jailing young men for possession when the powers that be are considering legalising the use of the substance, where are the opposition parties? Where are the parent-teachers’ associations?
    Are there any members of the 29/1 ruling party who oppose this reckless proposal? If so, why don’t they speak out?

  23. @David

    If the “No” side carries the day in a referendum what will the Gov’t do when it has all but promised Adonijah et al that they can use marijuana as a “sacrament”. Will the Gov’t then introduce a “notwithstanding” clause to the law that members of ICAR are exempt from any law where the use of marijuana still carries a criminal penalty?

  24. @Sargeant

    This blogmaster will deflect the question to others of a bigger mind.

  25. @ Sargeant,

    Barbados could temporarily legalise marijuana during the months ” We Gatherin “.

    That could increase the number of Canadian visitors.

  26. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    The issue re decriminalization of Marijuana/cannabis is complex and really should not be reduced to an absurdity. Like Hal, I do not think that a referendum is the proper tool to solve this problem. It calls for expert inputs from various disciplines. The decision should be based on the greatest benefits to the society as a whole. Let us not rush this one.
    By the way, I am informed that CBD was included in an off the shelf patent medicine within living memory.

  27. @Vincent

    The scope of research is constrained by the time period to analyze. Colorado is cited as the benchmark but it is relatively early days yet.

  28. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU’

    A large enough body of research has been done at UWI on the psychotic and neurological effects of Marijuana on the human body. These experts should help inform the decisions. The Psychiatrists , social workers ,legal profession etc are available. This is less than 6 months work.

    We need to take a methodical approach to this decision even if history proves us wrong.

  29. @David

    It wasn’t a question where I expected you to have the answer, it was for the “Enuffs” of the world to report back to Gov’t (when it frames the referendum question) “Houston we may have a problem”.

  30. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    You and I know that the voters turnout at General Elections in this country is very low,even when there are bread and butter issues ,simply because electors believe they are not informed enough to cast their votes. Do you think that a referendum on this issue would motivate a turn out of 30% of listed voters?

  31. The effects in that regard are known. Like most hallucinogenic drugs individuals will be affected differently. The decision to be made by Barbados is about the type of society we want to manage.

  32. @Vincent

    The decision to hold a referendum is political.

  33. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU at 8 :26 PM

    In that case discussion closed. We do not want a zombie society. Or do we?

  34. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    David BU at 8 :26 PM

    It is political and that is precisely why we are discussing it.

  35. Did you know that there is actually a law against third parties and it has a name?

    It is called Duverger’s law!!

  36. @Grenville

    I know you can’t see it yet, but if you read the comments here carefully, most of the bloggers are holding out hope for you and offering you and SB some “redemption”. Things are beginning to change; the waters have been troubled. Don’t let foolish pride let you miss your dip in the pool of Siloam!

    I don’t contend with people I don’t care about…energy wasted!

    You are practising reductionism (a.k.a simple-mindedness) when you go for this hate thing. You can do better than that!

    I sense that you feel some jealousy towards JA and the PdP! That is really natural because both you and JA are both professing Christians so in a strange sort of way, you feel that you & SB should be where JA is given all that you have said and done. Believe you me I get, it although I am simplifying a bit here.

    Grenville, your contribution has been to make people go past wondering about a “third” party. Nobody can take that away from you!

    But as other bloggers are suggesting, there I scope and hope for both a pre- and post election coalition. There is also some interest in PR, a methodology we need to adopt. If we keep this up, this country will change…it takes time.

    Keep the faith and let the criticism help to refine you…make this difficult choice that I am learning to make every day:

  37. Ironside:

    There is no jealousy towards Atherley or the pdp.

    Perhaps if you asked more questions, rather than consistently make false assertions, you could provide better advice. But your advice is mostly irrelevant because is is based on entirely false assertions and accusations.

    I supported Atherley’s move to form an opposition. I agreed with his choice of Caswell and pledged my full support to him. All of this is easily verifiable. So your jealousy accusation is pure rubbish – so why would you make it?

    Why not start a conversation in the adult manner – by asking questions rather than making baseless and false accusations? Why is that so difficult?

    On hate, why not read your colleague Piece’s writings. That is hate personified. It seems that the pdp is a fountain of hate because no other political party is behaving like that?

    As leader of Solutions Barbados, I communicate with most of the other 11 political parties, and pdp is the only one – I repeat for emphasis, the ONLY one that is behaving in such a despicable hateful manner. Perhaps you can answer this one question – Do you know why the pdp are behaving so badly on social media (including here on BU)? Do you know why their fruit are consistently only bad?

  38. The PDP is a farce.

    It just shows the lengths the powers that be will go to legitimize themselves.

    In so doing they have managed to delegitimize the very people they seduced to legitimize themselves.

    Not very considerate of the potential young political careers but still it was a favor because it exposed their flaws.

    It is not possible to get an opposition out of the single group that ended up in the HoA after the election in 2018.

    One group is one group.

    This is too simple a concept to require explanation or debate.

    Only in Barbados!!

  39. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ John

    Of late, one notes that you, while you can have your Quaker moments when you promote Slavery and Slavers as the salvation of the black man, when you converse on other topics, you can be very reasonable.

    My point in making this opening statement is to say this.

    Let us just for a moment accept that Joseph Atherley IS A PLANT.

    Are Senator Caswell Franklyn and Senator Crystal Drakes plants too?

    Are the team of people who have assembled with this new party not turning out to be men and women of worth?

    Why are we therefore putting so much emphasis on Joe?

    Does he have such metallurgical power that, IF HE US A MIA MOTTLEY PLANT, that he can change all of these men and women what are coming to the PDP?

    Are you feeling me yet John (the sometimes Quaker?)

    Look at Bedroom Policeman aka Grenville Phillips and observe him well


    Something does not appear wrong with his modus operandi John?

    Suddenly this so called christian has manufactured a list so long of egregious acts against the PDP that is agreeing with a huge set of DRACONIAN BLP LAWS.

    Yet more and more people are starting to see Grenville Phillips as a small minded vicious man who personifies the very HATRED HE TRIES TO TRANSFER to anyone who he feels has crossed him.

    But John, what you and others here have started to comprehend is that THIS THIRD PARTY MOVEMENT has expanded beyond the purported Manchurian Candidate Joseph Atherley

    And even if he were a plant, now he has no choice BUT TO GO THROUGH WITH THIS CAMPAIGN because if he did otherwise IT WOULD DESTROY THE CREDIBILITY OF MIA MOTTLEY and show how devious she is to so conspire with him to maintain her power.

    Do you understand me now?

  40. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here for John thank you

  41. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Ironside


    Our “secret” is out!

    As two of the “PdP candidates” in Reverend Atherley’s new party, our candidature is known AND WE COULD AS WELL FESS UP.

    Bedroom Policeman, who Mugabe declared that she does not know which seat he ran for in the last general elections, has just revealed dat de ole man running in St Michael North East

    Heheheheh which is Mia’s constituency heheheheh

    John A and the other fellow going have a field day with that bit of news?

    Bedroom Policeman Grenville whike attacking you here earlier said, and I quote

    “…Why not start a conversation in the adult manner – by asking questions rather than making baseless and false accusations?

    Why is that so difficult?…”

    Why you dont stop making “baseless accusations” Ironside?

    Heheheheh you got to stop showing up Grenville Phillips as an incompetent ONE MAN PARTY!

    Then Bedroom Policeman continues

    “On hate, why not read your colleague Piece’s writings.

    That is hate personified…”

    Your sin, like that of my fellow myope and apostate Dr. GP, is that you have called out his campaign’s paucity for what it is, AND EVEN THOUGH YOU SOUGHT TO COMMEND HIS EFFORTS, that original sin CANNOT BE FORGIVEN Ironside.

    As long as you say anything that I, Piece the Legend says, you are Enemy of the State & a Forever Enemy of Grenville Phillips.

    But this public display of the character of the Bedroom Policeman Phillips IS GOOD!

    My objective is achieved WHEN THESE POSTURERS LIKE GRENVILLE PHILLIPS expose themselves to the Bajan Populace.

    He shows his true colours Ironside

    Then he caps off his hatred for me AND NOW YOU WITH THE REAL POINT OF HIS HATRED, THE PDP!

    He says and I quote

    “It seems that the pdp is a fountain of hate because no other political party is behaving like that?…”

    Observe his disjunction in reasoning!

    Behaving like that what?

    What is he ascribing to the PdP?

    What is the connection with the PdP here?

    Ohhhhhh, sorry de ole man now get it!

    I, by my writings show that he is a dip shit, hate him!

    You by your gentler writings about his ammmmm style of managing the No Solutions Barbados hate him.

    You and I are PdP candidates

    Therefore the PdP is a party of haters



    Please Bajans, pleaseeeee de ole man begging wunna, dont let this RH mental out patient Ever Get in the HoA!!!


  42. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    A second item here for Ironside

    Interesting enough my Adrian Loveridge post went through without moderation.

    Oh, sorry, that is not Third Party Movement related so no moderation applies

  43. @Grenville

    Thanks for the clarification.

    There is direct questioning and there is indirect questioning and a range of other Socratic questioning techniques. I guess you are too rigid to understand that.

    How about your accusations of hatred? and being a member of the PdP? What are they based on? If I were a member of the PdP I would not be ashamed to admit it because I would have made that choice.

    Some people cannot “think” without unnecessary labels. I call it the “larder mentality”.

    For the record I voted for the SB candidate in my area in the last election. Very little to do with you or whether SB would win. Pure principle.

    Your over-sized ego and thin skin cause you to bite EVERY hand that reaches out to you. You can’t seem to discriminate.

    I have washed MY hands of you, Sir.

  44. @Piece the Legend November 7, 2019 5:09 AM

    Can’t win them all.


  45. Let us just for a moment accept that Joseph Atherley IS A PLANT.
    Are Senator Caswell Franklyn and Senator Crystal Drakes plants too?


    Straw men was the term I used!!

    Nest of Vipers if you like!!

    Doesn’t matter if Reverend Joe is a plant or not.

    The simple fact is there is no way that a single group in Parliament (30-0) can beget an opposition!!

    It may be the people who have coalesced have been deceived, or not.

    Perhaps they have been persuaded that they need to do this for the good of Barbados.

    But they have a brain and can do the simple math, one I believe was a Barbados Scholar!!

    But they are in with the nest!!!!

    There is no way anything good is coming from these Dudleys!!

  46. “If the “No” side carries the day in a referendum what will the Gov’t do when it has all but promised Adonijah et al that they can use marijuana as a “sacrament”.”

    Once one is able to differentiate between recreational and sacramental use, one would understand that the outcome of a referendum to decriminalise/legalise recreational use is irrelevant to legislating the lawful use of mj for sacramental religious use. Unless I am missing something. As I have said before, I am anxious to see how it’s policed i.e. sacramental use; but support full legalisation. Aren’t we proud of being the home of rumbullion?🤣

  47. How come three MPs (sorry, MHoA’s) didn’t do the Reverend Joe (RJ) stunt?

    How come even two didn’t do it?

    How come even more don’t do it?

    Because there can’t be another or other MP’s (sorry, MHoA’s) as idiotic as Reverend Joe.

    Maybe if Reverend Joe is able to pull off the deception of begetting an opposition out of nothing another idiot will join him.

    But for the moment, one year and counting, 29 MP’s (sorry, MHoA’s) know it would be as good as committing political suicide to be associated with Reverend Joe.

    Reverend Joe has his pension and like George Payne he has up decades of non achievement, a real Dudley.

    George Payne however and others, have legal training and cunning!!

    They would never be caught dead in RJ’s predicament.

    RJ probably views himself as the sacrificial lamb to the slaughter … it is all for the good of Barbados he will tell himself and us.

    How many lawyers in the HOA letting this crap proceed?


    Because it will perpetuate the system of Dudley following Dudley into the HoA and won’t rock the boat.

    How many lawyers in the PDP?

    Who wrote its constitution?

    Does it have one?

    Is it just a name?

    Bajans are fed up with parties and it is likely that next time around, if there is one, the DLP will take 30 seats ….. or maybe Solutions will … well if they run only 28 and they may be the only alternative if we want to end up with a constitutional Parliament … assuming they lose one election!!

    People will vote against the incumbent Party as they did in 2018 but with a vengeance.

  48. Ironside:

    You did not answer the question. Out of all of the now 12 political parties in Barbados, why is the pdp the only one displaying this sort of hatred?

  49. PIECE


    The faithful man has perished from the earth,
    And there is no one upright among men.
    They all lie in wait for blood;
    Every man hunts his brother with a net.
    That they may successfully do evil with both hands–
    The prince asks for gifts,
    The judge seeks a bribe,
    And the great man utters his evil desire;
    So they scheme together.
    The best of them is like a brier;
    The most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge;



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