Prime Minister Mia Mottley shows off a Kensington Oval ready for T20 World Cup
Submitted by Wayne Cadogan, Retired Garment Manufacturer, Trainer, Consultant

It is very difficult for me and many others to grapple every day with the fact the DLP is referred to as the opposition party when nine others parties contested the elections and not one of them won a single seat with the BLP winning with a clean sweep of the thirty seats contested. 

Why is it that former members of the DLP are speaking out on issues as the opposition when there are eight other parties that are in the same boat as the DLP without a single representative in the house that can consider themselves as opposition members too? 

The  most pressing issue that is currently hurting the country severely is the spate of murders and which has become a very troublesome issue for the government, people and international reputation.

The former Attorney General Mr Adriel Brathwaithe has some nerve to tell the present Attorney General to resign over the current gun violence that is currently bringing this country to one of fear and despair when all of this started under his watch during his spineless reign as Attorney General.

It is about time that the politicians in this country get serious about what is really happening to this country before it gets to a point that it cannot be reverse. This tit for tat tactics that both parties use against each other is not politics but a bunch of immature politicians whose behaviour is similar to that of kids growing up. 


This country is facing serious problems and sailing in dangerous waters that it has never traversed and we all need to put our heads together to turn this ugly situation around before it completely destroys our fragile tourist industry we have to depend on for the only source of foreign exchange.

The politicians in this country need to act more mature and businesslike and realize that running a country is not child’s play, it is serious business to run a country and it needs competent people.  


It would be in the best interest if the members of the DLP if the party is to rise from the grave as a political party in this country again, to stop being so negative and criticizing everything that the government does, praise them occasionally for some of its efforts in trying to get the country back on track that they helped to destroy. 

162 responses to “STOP Playing Tit for Tat Politics”

  1. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    AND…DBLPs SINS…..keeps following them everywhere.

  2. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    “This is grabbing at straws looking for something to post.”

    i so hate to spell things out to those who love to boast WITHOUT ANY PROOF that they are so goddamn educated…but will make an exception today…

    oh really…ya are supposed to be intelligent…an agency gets A PHONE CALL…telling them that one of their CUSTOMERS remarried…so without doing any investigation, any proof except for THEY SAID….a malicious phone call…

    …cause if they had investigated , they would know that ST. VINCENT DID NOT MOVE TO MARS…they cut the customer’s benefit and now giving her a wishy washy bullshit story…

    i won’t bother going into how the REAL WORLD handles such protocols regarding benefits…ya may get even more confused.

    this is the same NIS that Dr. Ph.d Persuad, Mia’s Professor… wrote a lying letter to FT of London of all places telling them that the NIS PENSIONS WERE RAISED…when everyone KNOWS…they were MALICIOUSLY and significantly REDUCED BY NIS BOARD… until a lone female with a placard had to EXPOSE THEM…

    ya ain’t tired showing the world how many billions were wasted by taxpayers educating JACKASSES….i would be ashamed to come out..

  3. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Piece
    I am just trying to tell Grenville that he should break out and go in the villages agricultural bases and hone his message. I remain fully committed to the NDP platform , I ran on in 1991 but I know the mistakes we made very well.
    We were getting plenty media but at the basic constituency level we fell down badly. People say that we were the most successful third party in recent history but believe me if we had spent more time on basic political grass root politics we would have been much more successful.
    It’s hard to separate politics from culture. The BLPDLP have foot soldiers in all the constituencies, when they ready they can run over you very easily if you’re not organized.
    Grenville thinks he has a base and at this time he is being politically delusional.
    He just witnessed the DLP get massacre in almost every box never mind every constituency. If you can’t win boxes you can’t win constituencies. It’s as simple as that.
    That’s why the DLP rebuilding cannot be completed until each and every constituency is fully reorganized. They have been shattered. Note that with all the press it’s getting , the rebuilding process is quite lethargic. This means the grassroots connections have not been fully restored.
    Grenville reminds of a boy who was asked if he can play cricket. He said yes because I can play baseball.
    He needs to have at least ten well functioning constituency branches by year end; twenty by the end of 2020and all thirty by the middle of 2021. Same goes for UPP and PdP.

  4. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    Wunna see what de ole man saying bout Grenville?

    You see dat whenever anybody tell he sumting HOW DE ASSHOLE DOES GET ON???

    “…nextparty246 June 20, 2019 10:33 PM


    Clearly you have not been following us….”

    He is arrogant and autocratic and this is why de ole MSN says Solutions Barbados IS NOT READY AT LEAST NOT WITH GRENVILLE PHILLIPS AS THEIR LEADER

  5. Barbados 2019 Avatar

    @ William Skinner

    Very well OUTLINED STRATEGIES to Grenville Philips of Solutions Barbados based on your past experiences as a FORMER Political candidate.

    He has to stop being a “ONE MAN BAND” and allow others to come out the shadows as in this Political war they are many battlefronts.

    If all the other Solutions candidates fear being victimised if they are PUBLICALLY exposed then this Party will continue in obscurity to the general masses and will NEVER be elected.

    Time for all Solutions Barbados candidates to put up or shut up, Grenville Philips cannot do it alone as has been the case doesn’t matter if he writes and publishes 1 million articles annually.

  6. I so hate to spell things out to those who love to boast WITHOUT ANY PROOF that they are so goddamn educated…but will make an exception today…(Quote)

    Unlike you, I never boasted that I’m educated. I admit I’m not as smart as you are. In fact, you’re the smartest person to ever post to BU.

    Anyhow, for a person more educated than all of us here, I am surprised that your vocabulary is limited……. limited to everything you read on Naked Departure or Facebook or listening to Jacky Stewart.

    Even if the topic of a post is about gardening, you being such a brilliant person, always posts the same irrelevant nonsense about “tiefing lawyers and politicians stealing from the treasury and pension fund,” “criminal minorities,” “set ups, “scams,” COW, Bizzy and Maloney.

    Not your thoughts, but thoughts from Jacky Stewart’s scrap book.


    I’m happy that billions were not wasted educating people like you.

    You did not explain the nonsense you posted, the silly empty person you are, you tried to defend it.

    How do you know the NIS did NOT investigate, do you have any proof except for what the woman said? In your rush to expose something that is not entirely there, you are condemning the NIS without proof.

    I realize that the other contributors do not respond to your ranting. I should have done the same.

    You definitely water down this blog.

  7. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Too bad for you…am successful..

    check it out..

    Apes Hill = SHUT DOWN….wait until the whole of that nasty scene comes out…

    MINORITY CRIMINALS like the DYING COW, lowlife bottom feeding racists including Bizzy, Bjerkham, Maloney, Tempro et al = EXPOSED..




    soooooooo….what have YOU ACHIEVED…wuhloss


  8. “To get the full benefit of our common space in the movement of people, cargo and vehicles, renewed and focussed leadership is also called for to translate the much-studied inter-island ferry service from concept to reality. To move beyond talk and to actively encourage investment by our private sector to unlock new categories of travellers

  9. It is easy for anyone using a pseudonym to come to BU and dishonestly take credit for exposing something they know they did not expose.

    Or is this just like how you EXPOSED Rolerick Jones was the elected representative of St. Thomas?

    You are known and have been PROVEN to be a LIAR.

    I don’t BELIEVE you and I’m sure you can’t name ONE other blogger that believes you as well.

  10. Ah did not take credit for a thing, ah said i am a success…big difference……unlike some who love to keep info to themselves because they want to be seen as one man show…

    we…on the other hand…. work as a collective…something that is alien to those who are still BLIND.

    the one person who CANNOT TAKE CREDIT FOR ANYTHING…or even SAY they are a success….except for being a BU parasite….appears to be YOU…lol

  11. “Too bad for you…am successful..”

    Then you go on to list….

    ……Apes Hill = SHUT DOWN….

    Then you asked “soooooooo….what have YOU ACHIEVED…”

    By saying that you were SUCCESSFUL in ACHIEVING EXPOSING the Bar Association, the black traitors in parliament, the cartel crime syndicate and shutting down Apes Hill, means you are taking credit for doing those things listed.

    As for the Bar Association, credit must be given to David BU and his column “Lawyers in the News” to which you have not made no significant contributions, only repeating what you read on Naked Departure or heard from Stewart.

    Credit for exposing the traitors in parliament must be given to bloggers such as William Skinner, PUDRYR, SSS, John A and Simple Simon. Again you regurgitate what others post.

    A parasite is an organism that lives on another species and derive nutrients at the other’s expense.

    This is what you do best, regurgitate and take credit for the work of others as if it was yours. You don’t bring anything original.

    You are definitely the BU parasite.

  12. charles Skeete Avatar

    Because the DLP did not win a seat in parliament as a result of the system of governance under which we operate should not deny their officers the right to speak out on matters which they perceive right or wrong affecting the country. After all, a significant number of the population did vote for them.

  13. See…the blog parasite is still looking for credit…of course the Blogmaster has to get supreme CREDIT FOR THE USE OF HIS PLATFORM…

    OF COURSE….others on BU…with the exception of YOU…who contributed significantly …and for YEARS…..DESERVES CREDIT..theyjknow who they are….

    I have said AD NAUSEAM…i do not seek credit…ONLY SUCCESS…


    sooooo…what have YOU ACHIEVED…ya still CAN’T ANSWER…

  14. Ya jumping to assign credit TOO SOON…





    just because YOU DON’T KNOW…does not mean we are done.

    and I STILL SEEK NO ya just wasted ya time, find something useful to do, you CANNOT undo any of the work i have done and is still doing..

  15. And since that NIS SCAM is still in full swing and you are crying because it is now exposed….WE KNOW WE ARE RIGHT…

  16. Hi William:

    I always appreciate sound advice. Yours was sound, and we will implement it.

    Best regards,

  17. Owen Seymour Arthur,one of our greatest and most knowledgeable Prime Ministers along with David Simmons,Minister of Home Affairs both ensured our garbage collection was like clock work.Every Tuesday and Friday as God send,our collection was made.
    Fast forward to 2019.Our dear leader and PM Mia Amor on the world stage,addressing Oxford Students Union,standing up and defending Women’s Rights on the International stage,now in Casablanca with some Private Sector folk drumming up business for them.With a cabinet of 26 it is now 11 days gone and no garbage collection while I pay through my nose for it.This foolishness got to stop.Get these basics right woman!Or!

  18. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Grenville
    Just my thoughts. Thanks

    Here is a little reflection
    Sometime in 1975 or before the elections in 1976 a die hard BLP friend of mine, took me to a constituency meeting at Parkinson School. Tom Adams addressed about fifty or so people. I sat there and listened to Tom and it was then I understood his brilliant communication skills.
    Tom made his case , in language that could be understood by everybody in that hall. My friend had always told me that if I really ever sat and listened to Tom, I would understand how great a communicator he was.
    My friend was more than correct. Tom was about winning votes and he knew in those gatherings if he convinced one , it could easily multiply by 50.
    Less than a year later he was prime minister.

  19. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Mia should have kept her backside in Barbados and fixed the problems she GOT ..instead of LISTENING TO PEOPLE’S CONVERSATIONS WHILE THEY WERE IN A RESTAURANT….in Barbados ….and then hightailing it …TO MOROCCO…

    certain restaurants are WIRED FOR SOUND…

    let we see what comes outta that…all the business team of demons and crook…let we see .

  20. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @ Winston, your comments are well defined but do you really believe that Grenville does not understand the retail level politics you explained!

    Surely he is as familiar with the refrain that all politics is local…. He is comfortable operating at the level he does with his wholesale selling of political wares.

    If Phillips embraces the granular level of political preaching you set out then he absoutely would need to ALSO provide granularity to his Solutions and economic plan.

    When Phillips gets off his high horse and starts being localized in all aspects then and only then will he start to move the needle…

    And note that in this modern era that Parkinson school meeting can now be conducted via social media video web interface just as effectively or more….

    I am NOT suggesting that there is any substitute even now for that personal touch and speak by a politician …simply noting that social media is a very powerful medium if used well…A man like Tom with his photogenic appeal and awesome verbal skills would have taped that Parkinson school appeal and won over 50 times 10 and more from his party’s website … Modern tools can trump or grandly enhance lots of tools of your era.

  21. @ Gabriel June 21, 2019 3:46 PM

    You live on the wrong side of the island. I know several places on the island where the garbage is collected twice a week.

    Honour to whom honour is due.

  22. heard Jepter Ince exposing the blp dirty laundry sheet which contained lies and BACK DOOR TACTICS a way of taking away benefit from retirees which were all signed away under an IMF agreement
    So for these people who had they benefits cut they might have to suffer a lot longer since IMF has been given written guarantee by govt for such to occur

  23. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ de pedantic dribbler
    Your point is well taken. That’s why it’s important to blend strategies carefully.
    Your response as to how Tom would have been able to capitalize on modern media was very well put.
    Excellent submission.

  24. Jepter who?

  25. @Gabriel

    Mia Mottley is the minister with responsibility for INVESTMENTS.

    She has 20 odd ministers in Rh Cabinet.

    She is travelling with a public and private sectors people hunting investments.

    Let us not be critical because of it.

  26. David go listen to how Jepter expose the blp dirty laundry sheet which includes lies deceit to the people
    How despicable

  27. White Hoax the new scam thrust upon barbadians by this govt

  28. @ David June 21, 2019 7:18 PM
    “She is travelling with a public and private sectors people hunting investments.
    Let us not be critical because of it.”

    Hunting investments? Shouldn’t she and her ‘special advisor’ Avinash be flogging off the Four Seasons dump to foreign interests and offering super incentives to foreign financiers to get the Hyatt off the ground?

    Can you name one sector in Barbados which seems likely to attract foreign investors other than its water distribution facility?

    Clearly not the ‘medical’ marijuana production business since that bus has been left parked like those in the Transport Board depot!

  29. Former Prime Minister, Owen Arthur, will represent the Barbados Government at the state funeral for former Jamaica Prime Minister Edward Seaga, on Sunday, June 23.

    The invitation was extended by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley and it was accepted.

  30. Jester Ince???????


    The only place in Barbados Ince will get an audience is at DLP sponsored events.

  31. Donks Gripe and Josh Avatar
    Donks Gripe and Josh

    The blog requires an unbiased blogger to fact check benefits derived from the frequent flyer trips by PM, trusted mate Jerome and entourage .

    Extensive foreign travel has taken place since last year, business opportunities coming out of overseas trips have been few. Medical marijuana is most notable but already seems to be a non starter.

    Apart from air miles racked up by the touring band additions to the economic landscape are Ross, Bert and White Oak.

    Projects of value are overlaps from prior government e.g. road improvements, bountiful onion crop, Hyatt, LED replacement street lights etc.

    Local and foreign investment contrary to what we were led to believe has not been forthcoming.

    The present government earns credit for removal of sewage water off the streets little else of worth has been added to the socio economic story .

    A worrying downside is the mayhem of gun violence which is scary with no signs of abating

  32. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    You are a real joker. Ince toss up a few speculatons concerning what he believes to be the various shades of gray concerning White Oaks and you lap it up like a dog in heat. Most on here are suspicious of the White Oaks deal and the manner that Rogue Works went about it. All on here, with the exception of the paling cocks, are not going to be foolishly blinded by the deliverables of the BLP after they too prove themselves to be not as credible in the last 15 years when they ran the country and lost favour with the people because of unacceptable behaviours. However, Rogue Works is fully aware that she made some miscalculations when she sought to orchestrate a few free willies that benefited her father and others. Unless she is morodic and totally self absorbed with BLP arrogance, she would be a fool to further anything else that would cause her to lose favour more with the people then what she has arrogantly already done. She must come good; she must seek to appear to be operating on the behalf of the people; she knows that if White Oaks do not deliver that she will be linked to possible corruption in the form of drawbacks pertaining to White Oaks high paying agreement. It will be an anvil around her neck that will take she and her administration to the cleaners. We know how the BLP operates, however you need to understand how the DLP operated and why they ass got get skatspraddled. Jepter Ince is the last person anyone would want to hear. In fact, any of those representing the old line up of the DLP should remain silent until the rapture. The DLP has tarnish what little respect and repute they had. The issue of credibility, morality, and good goverance will never be linked to the DLP ever again. Time for you to grow to shite up and deal generally with the issue of good governance instead of being praise-worthy-specific with the governance of one. Either you wise up or remain stupidly-onesided-blind and dumb.

  33. @ Donks Gripe and Josh June 22, 2019 1:36 AM

    “Local and foreign investment contrary to what we were led to believe has not been forthcoming.”

    A correct thesis. The tax burden in Barbados is much too high despite the low corporate tax.

    We must abolish many social benefits, dismiss many civil servants, deregulate the labour market (including weakening workers’ rights), abolish many state prohibition norms and lower the top rates for property tax and income tax.

    Barbados has no revenue problem, but a huge expenditure problem because the island is totally overpopulated and cannot feed so many idlers.

    We must therefore encourage our honourable Prime Minister to distance herself even more from the socialist agenda of her predecessors since Barrow and to free the Barbadians from their socialist bondage.

    A welfare state means decline and poverty.
    A lean state means growth and wealth.

  34. Barbados has no revenue problem, but a huge expenditure problem because the island is totally overpopulated and cannot feed so many idlers(Quote)

    But President Mottley says our population is not big enough. Which is it?

  35. Hal,

    We should stick to the facts. Barbados is ready for a great wave of emigration, preferably in five to ten years to Guyana.

    latter is an announcement to foreigners. Even more inhabitants means even more welfare recipients and even more civil servants. As you know, most residents cannot think for themselves and are dependent on employment. Where do you think all the debt came from from 2008 to 2018? Right, the DLP has tried to feed as many civil servants as possible.

    In Barbados there are only private jobs left in the tourism industry. All other jobs are either state subsidized or civil servant posts.

  36. @ Donks Gripe and Josh June 22, 2019 1:36 AM
    “Apart from air miles racked up by the touring band additions to the economic landscape are Ross, Bert and White Oak.
    Projects of value are overlaps from prior government e.g. road improvements, bountiful onion crop, Hyatt, LED replacement street lights etc.
    Local and foreign investment contrary to what we were led to believe has not been forthcoming.
    The present government earns credit for removal of sewage water off the streets little else of worth has been added to the socio economic story .”

    But wait, dear “Waiting, what about deferring the devaluation of the Bajan Mickey mouse dollar?

    Had the DLP been returned to office the Bajan dollar would be worth today less than a kilo of the same sewage that was floating 2 years ago in front of Massy and KFC.

    “Waiting”, do you think that removing the shit from the south coast was the No.1 job for any government?

    The Health and Safety of the people (both visitors and locals) is the top priority and the sine qua non for the success of the country’s only remaining reliable forex earner.

    Do you really think investors (including Ross and the Hyatt ghost) would put money in a literal “shithole” country?

    But the removal of the sewage from off the streets and putting it in the sea must not be nothing more than a ‘very’ short-term measure.

    If the current BLP administration does not find a helpful source of funding for vital infrastructural projects in order to build a proper system the sewage pumped offshore will soon find itself on the beaches and literally kill off the tourism industry.

    BTW, who were these foreign-money-bearing investors behind your Hyatt?

    Instead of letting that jackass called Physical Deficit the Jester Ince spew the same kind of sewage from his mouth, why don’t you get your sniffer dogs to piss on the White Oak situation? Then you could be barking up the ‘right’ tree.

  37. First item on VOB 5.30 pm news yesterday was the JA Jester Ence…jesus,it was like a nightmare all over again hearing these fools from the recent past.Cant VOB do any better than give these proven clowns and barefoot hoes a media outlet to remind people of the past 10 years of stupidity and ignorance? Was VOB not satisfied that they gave the DLP a bully pulpit prior to 2008 and which helped destroy Barbados?Enough is enough.Barbados had enough of the Democratic Labour Party.Never again!Never Never again!All o wunna should burn in hell for putting us through all this hernia we are now going through to get Barbados back on a sound footing.

  38. It is easy for some to say that Barbados is a ‘failed state’, but every now and then we see a story that says ‘hiccups and kinks in the system does not define us”

    “I am so impressed that someone came on my behalf to help, because right now I’m really suffering. My water bill is $4000. I had to pay $400 so that they wouldn’t cut off my light and sometimes I can’t even put rice on my table. I am down here selling homemade seasonings, cigarettes, ‘fanta’ and wrappers,” she cried.

    It is people like the founder of blessed Widows Ministries (BWM) who act like beacons of light in this moment of darkness.
    If you are a praying man, say a word of prayer for Sharmane Roland-Bowen. i can only wish her well.

    Someone need to help her develop a website for her group and encourage the group to have a FB presence.
    Some of us are willing to make small donations if they are going to a worthwhile cause. How do we help?

    Added to the list of heroes – Sharmane Roland-Bowen


    I am unable to follow the logic behind this story. The lady begins by stating her support for the nurses and then ask them to nail themselves to the cross for the good of others. They should overlook being overworked, underpaid and the poor facilities and security. She stresses being patriots. I like the argument below

    “If we all waited for best case medical facilities, the QEH would be closed and we would airlift Barbadians for medical treatment. With our financial situation being what it is, this reality is not going anywhere anytime soon. Thus, it will require ingenuity and a willingness to serve from our nurses. That is the bottom line – it is the price of post-colonial small island openness – but, at least it comes with beaches and good rum!”

    But madam “I don’t drink. Is there anything else for me?”

  40. If you can read this story and tell me the name of the Bajan from St Peter, I will give you $20.00.
    Is he a minor?
    Does he have connections?
    Is it Charles …….? 🙂

  41. My 10:00 and 10:03 a,m, post will illustrate the story of the tortoise and hare..

    Watch how quickly the wheel of justice will grind those two Vincentiians into dust (Hare).
    The fate of the third Bajans will probably be determined based on his connections (Tortoise or Hare)

    Meanwhile, the wheels of justice seem unable to turn in the case of Arthur Charles Herbert (dead Tortoise)

    Is would advise that in the futures, files should be walked to the DPP’s office by a postman who is accompanied by armed police. It is obvious that all other methods of transmitting files are not working.

  42. Gabriel get used to hearing ftom Jepter as he chisel away at the decpetive tatcics of the lying blp party
    Btw you and all operatives might have long nights

  43. Holy cow the blp govt literally and factually signed away retirees benefit
    Then sends one Colin Jordon on Vob to tell a falsehood stating that the benefits would be restored with immediacy
    All that Jepter said was documented in Parliament
    Unlike Jordon who could not resist the temptation of telling a bold faced lie on vob to cover govt
    Now go deal with the facts and stop behaving like a RH koolaid drinker

  44. Some are determined to maintain the duopoly at all cost. They would divide the political class into government and opposition.

    And so we have Mariposa acting as an agent of the opposition. I doubt if casting by Hollywood would have chosen a more superb actor for this part. She rants and raves as if on cue. Actions that she embraced, she now opposes. What an actor…

    And what about the government supporters.
    Fifty years of rehearsals has given us actors who know their roles by heart.
    They rush out to defend the indefensible,
    They wrapped themselves in the flag and look across the divide at others and invoke the words “treason” and “patriotism”. Their definition of patriotism has nothing to do with the love of the country; their definition would not be found in any good dictionary, for all they mean “You is not one of we”.

    Tit-for-tat and tat-for-tit. It is the national game….

  45. If Jepter is the best the DLP can do after being whipped 30 love by almost 100% of the electorate good luck to them.

  46. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ my Dearest SSS

    There is no either option for her

    She will have to remain stupidly-onesided blind and dumb

    In Barbados that is called loyalty and allegiance AT ANY PRICE, what others of us call yard fowlizm at the expense of “Growth of a Nation”.

    Much like the effect of “Birth of a Nation” but for Politics

  47. David the yardfowl
    It is all about lies and deceit by this govt
    If it takes one voice to exposed the lies and deceit so be it
    Trying to sling mudd at Jepter not going to change the facts which were documented in the house

  48. PDYR
    What have u put forward that is better
    Await your response
    Right now we have a govt having people bricks
    Whereis the party that for more than 10 years u were to deliver to the people

  49. You calling anybody a yardfowl must be embraced as a compliment.

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