On 4 October 2018, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published their report on the Government’s austerity program.  Despite the current administration’s claims of being more transparent that the previous one, reading these IMF reports suggests that they are similarly non-transparent.  Speaking more often does not equate to transparency.

The IMF report provides significantly more detail than what is reported locally.  The report confirms that that the severe austerity was designed by the current administration, and that the Government is accountable to the IMF for implementing the measures.  An analysis of the report follows.

To reduce Government spending, the Government must: provide less money to Government services managed by boards and Chief Executive Officers, increase taxes on the tourism sector, increase personal income tax rates, and increase corporate income tax rates.

If less money is going to Government services like water, public transportation, garbage collection, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the Airport, etc, then normally we would expect one of two outcomes.  We would either expect worse service because of the reduced resources provided, or we would expect to be forced to over-pay for the services that we have already paid for with our taxes, by paying user-fees.  Unfortunately, we in Barbados can expect both outcomes.

The IMF report notes that the Government’s plan includes a reduction in the wage bill and an increase in user fees for these Government services.  We have already been charged additional amounts for water, garbage collection, health, and airline travel.  Additional user fees, and the laying off of staff providing these services, can be expected.

Laid-off workers would feel justifiably angry with the continued mismanagement of Government services and the under-representation by their ‘all-aboard’ union representatives.  To demand that the public ‘double-pay’ for government services, and then still send home workers, appears to signal that the real problems of substandard management, wastage, and gross corruption will continue to be ignored.

Both administrations have rejected the proven international management standard, ISO 9001, in favour of their failed public sector reform efforts.  We can expect the usual partisan yardfowls to continue to ridicule this international standard that has greatly benefited the public services of other nations.

The IMF notes that divestment is also part of the plan.  Other than gross incompetence, selling public services cheaply to politically-favoured entities is the only logical explanation for rejecting an international quality management standard.  Poorly managed public services are worth significantly less than well-managed services.  Politically partisan media persons who continue to ridicule the ISO 9001 standard are doing Barbados a grave disservice.

Increased personal income tax rates normally result in families having less money to spend after paying their monthly expenses.  However, in Barbados, where the increased income tax is coupled with us significantly over-paying for public services, there will be no disposal income left.  We can expect most persons’ personal savings to be exhausted.

Increased corporate tax rates may result in some increases in products if businesses want to maintain their profits, or no increases if businesses are willing to accept reduced profits in this challenging economic environment.  Given that the private sector representatives were irresponsibly promoting an austerity-only solution, we can expect an increase in the cost of products, since those who promote austerity normally do so for others, not themselves.

The IMF report also noted that the plan included measures to address the slow processes for obtaining town planning approval.  That this was included in the severe austerity plan demonstrates the inordinate influence of developers who appear to have been misled by their agents.  So, we must all suffer while the Government tries to correct the wrong problem.

Many development applications are simply substandard, requiring multiple resubmissions to the Town Planning department.  Agents normally deflect blame from their substandard work by unfairly blaming the Town Planning department for the delays.  Weakening an already ineffective building standard regulatory environment, to get applications approved faster, is dangerously irresponsible.

The IMF ‘s report appears to give only one warning: “It is important to continue good faith negotiations with domestic and external creditors.”  When countries are challenged to honour debt contracts backed by the Government, there are normally two options.  The first is to negotiate repayment terms with creditors, which is the way of democracies.  The other is to pass laws to make not paying legal, which is the way of dictators.  The Government needs to reconsider the Debt Holder Bill and heed the IMF’s warning.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and the founder of Solutions Barbados.  He can be reached at NextParty246@gmail.com

72 responses to “The Grenville Phillips Column – Heed the IMF’s Warning”

  1. Dishonest Bajans Avatar
    Dishonest Bajans

    Well said.

  2. I am liking the GP I am seeing. There is fight and fire within him. He has loosened the gloves and is throwing punches.

    Still a bit too polished for me and he needs not to over produce or to be too succinct.

    Over production – two or more posts in 1 week
    Succinct – this morning post

    Concentrate your fire. Blast Atherley, he want to be in church and chapel too. That is a good one. Don’t talk about haircut, it’s defrauding the elderly…

    Lose some of the polish. Body blows and go for a knockout …. Mia has a lot of deadweight … Payne and Marshall … tie her to them…. Don’t get your butt sued

  3. Also, quit the solo act.
    You cannot wait until 2022 and then introduce 29 new people. You need about 10 good people helping to share licks.

    Create a ‘dummy’ cabinet that can respond to pronouncements from Mia’s team.
    Right now she’s doing a solo act, but others will find their voice. You cannot fight 30 Ministers and x consultants by yourself.

  4. If you had left out that ISO 9001 crap this would have been an second improved article.

    You are a stubborn clown and you listen to no one.

    When I sell you a BMW it does not serve me any use to tell you what the materials that make the BMW decals are made of.

    That is waht ISO 9001 is Grenville it is a useless decal which while you will include it in my car WILL NOT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE IN WHETHER I BUY THE CAR OR OTHERWISE.

    You are fixated on this lil detail because you somehow think that bajans give a flying badword that this will make the country successful.

    It will not cause up to now all you selling in facades of unsubstantiated vapourware WITHOUT A SINGLE COMPONENT OF WORKING PARTS.

    People have asked you to outline just one single part of your BMW and all you talking bout is (a) what the rest of the people doing wrong and (b) how your !SO9001 BMW is what will replace their crap.

    Peter Lawrence Thompson got he hands full with managing you, but de ole man will again warn you that your empty ideas will never see the HoA

    NOT IN THIS PRESENT PACKAGING – at least come here and give a feller one idea to show that you capable of serious thought

  5. @ The Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please

    @ Theophillus, You know better than this.

    Look at his pattern “Grenville says what de BLP is doing that is bad BUT HE HAS YET TO GIVE ONE PART OF AN IDEA THAT IS GOOD.

    This is a better article because it is being written by PLT but Grenville is still governing down the engine and saying diddly squat

  6. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    “This is a better article because it is being written by PLT …”
    WHATTTT? Surely you jest! I have not written this or anything else for Grenville. Indeed he is quite allergic to anything that I have to say.

  7. So if I don’t think iso can be successfully be implemented at this time I am a yard fowl ?

    And you looking for support and votes ?

  8. Hi TheO:

    We have 17 committed to run, and most are active in their constituencies each week. However, the persecution of those not politically connected is real, including:

    a) being given a choice between Solutions or employment (and being fired);

    b) persons threatening outlets that had our publications;

    c) persons contacting clients and trying to get our contracts terminated;

    d) being threatened with harm, even with witnesses present.

    It is not easy when you are not under the protected B/DLP umbrella. Therefore, I try to draw their fire away from our candidates.

  9. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Grenville Phillips

    You are not God so this thing about drawing fire away from people is pure balderdash.

    You used that around your campaign AND YOU SEE HOW THAT WORKED FOR YOU.

    I do not believe you with this train of thought because you provide no proof in a day when people 17 PEOPLE WHO YOU SAY ARE STILL WITH YOU, have smartphones that can record conversations.

    People are not stupid and if it is that Mia Mao Mugabe is threatening 17 bajan citizens while promoting THE COVEN SORRY THE GATHERING, de ole man and me grandson would tek your soundcloud audio and add it to a stoopid cartoon and launch it to the internet telling alllllll Bajans not to come back cause Mugabe Mottley is selectively excluding Bajans in her Cabal Coven.

    It sounds like a science fiction movie gone bad The Gathering 2020

    Where de France dese people does hatch up these names?

    “…The Gathering See full cast » Edit Storyline. While going to the town of Ashby Wake, the drifter Cassie is hit by a car driven by Marion Kirkman and loses her memory. Marion invites Cassie to stay in her huge old house with her family, while recovering from the trauma…”

    You mean Mugabe Tourism experts could be so stoopid?

    Your organization needs martyrs Mr. Phillips

    People have to see that supposedly patriotic bajans who are anti Mugabe Mottley ARE BEING FIRED!!!

    And now that you mention it, if you cant sustain 17 fired bajans with your so called panacea and solution for Barbados WHY DE BADWORD DO YOU THINK PEOPLE WOULD BE SO STUPID TO PUT THE LIVES OF 250,000 in your hands?

    You and Mia and Fumbles feel people stoopid and wunna like to bring puerile reasons to us Sheeple thinking that we like voters in Errol Barrow day…

  10. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item for Grenville Phillips thank you

  11. “Hi TheO:

    We have 17 committed to run”

    Just dont try to violate the constitution and turn these potential candidates into your prisoners with ya wannabe dictator crap…no one trusts you because you think you can bully people, give you a title and they will have to have you dragged off Barbados in handcuffs…with your mentality.

    Ya have been warned…more than once.

  12. “Ya have been warned…more than once”

    What foolishness, you sit behind a screen, cast aspersions on someone you have never met personally or professionally and then have the unmitigated gall to warn him.

    Disagree with him fine, but what you are doing has no place in meaningful discussion

  13. Redguard…shut up…Grenville was warned repeatedly on here about his attitude by many people over time, some who actually were hoping he would be successful in the polls..he did not even try to change it, he got worse and had to be EXPOSED by his own candidates in the last election, in the newspapers AND online…fir his dictatorial stance

    So if ya plan is to suck up…get ya facts straight first.

    And how do you know who I know anyway…sitting behind ya computer screen and telling me who I know. .


    “Instead Of Honoring A European Thief #CristopherColumbus The World Should Dedicate This Day To Pedro Alonso Nino The Blackman Who Navigated Columbus Ships To The Americas
    It’s Forever Fu*k #ColumbusDay”

    So when are the schools in Barbados going to teach these truths.to generations of children who have a right to KNOW..which leader will have the balls and intelligence.

  14. @piece
    I seem to remember that one of the main parties presented a manifesto just before the election.
    The party in power seem to have already run out of ideas and the few that they presented have people catching their tail. It would be great if the current administration which is in a position to implement it ideas had some good ideas.

    If we held the BDLP to the same standard as we are holding Solutions B, then we would not be facing these problems. We gave the BDLP a pass because they had nice sounding phrases and look at where we are.

    The last election is over and we are heading for 2023 (if we survive until then). At some stage Solutions will have to bring more to the folks of Barbados, but to want part of a 2023 manifesto in 2018 is asking too much. Let the man focus on what is going on in society at the current time.

    2018 election done. New mantra.

    🙂 My Lawson imitation is below. Hope you smile 🙂

    To steal and corrupt a phrase from the blogmaster :-)” Tin foil wrapped too tight” 🙂 It is amazing that we have some intelligent folks posting, but it is the silly phrases that stick in my mind.

    The best was when Enuff stated he was sitting on the fence and WARU told him 🙂 “that was what yardfowls do” 🙂
    Well I don’t have Sol or Cahill to sell so I have to leave now… “Interested in buying a bridge in Brooklyn?”

  15. @Grenville

    I agree with you on the value of ISO 9001, I however disagree with your proposed implementation method. Barbadians are stubborn and unjustifiably proud, change needs to be carefully managed.

    I think with the new taxes on tourists, there is now merit in implementing ISO 9001 at GAIA.
    We need to show we are world class and worthy of the extra costs we are asking them to pay; the airport being the first point of interaction with tourists needs to reflect this.

    I suggest you compare and contrast GAIA with an international airport accredited to ISO 9001.

  16. Even Cannabis standards are going ISO 17025 for Accreditation and quality control..

  17. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Grenville Phillips

    I had posted this here this morning early but it was not able to find it to your blog so i am posting it again with the hope it does.


    1.You GRENVILLE, are not God so this thing about “drawing fire away from your people who are hardback men and women, is pure balderdash.

    You used that reasoning during your campaign earlier this year, AND YOU SEE HOW THAT WORKED FOR YOU.

    I do not believe you with this train of thought because you provide no proof Grenville.

    Especially, in a day when people, 17 PEOPLE WHO YOU SAY ARE STILL WITH YOU, have smartphones that can record conversations, you have brought nothing to substantiate your claims.

    People are not stupid Grenville and, if it is that Mia Mao Mugabe is threatening 17 bajan citizens, while she is promoting THE COVEN, SORRY THE GATHERING, de ole man and me grandson would tek your candidates’ soundcloud audio and add it to a stoopid cartoon and launch it to the internet.

    It would have one simple message Grenville, telling alllllll Bajans not to come back, cause Mugabe Mottley is selectively excluding Bajans from participating in Barbados’ regrowth, notwithstanding her Cabal Coven Invitation.

    That Gathering 2020 sounds like a science fiction movie gone bad let me say it again – The Gathering 2020

    Where de France dese people does hatch up these names?

    “…The Gathering See full cast » Edit Storyline. While going to the town of Ashby Wake, the drifter Cassie is hit by a car driven by Marion Kirkman and loses her memory. Marion invites Cassie to stay in her huge old house with her family, while recovering from the trauma…”

    You mean Mugabe Tourism experts could be so stoopid?

    Your organization needs martyrs Mr. Phillips

    People have to see that supposedly patriotic bajans who are anti Mugabe Mottley, ARE BEING FIRED!!!

    And now that you mention it, if you CAN’T sustain 17 fired bajans with your so called panacea and solution for Barbados, WHY DE BADWORD DO YOU THINK BAJANS SHOULD BE SO STUPID TO PUT THE LIVES OF 250,000 in your hands?


    You, and Mia, and Fumbles feel people stoopid and wunna like to bring puerile reasons to us Sheeple thinking that we like voters in Errol Barrow day…

    Wheel and come again with serious stuff.

  18. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    I posted a second item to Grenville Phillips about 2 minute ago.

    It expanded on the post I made this morning at around 5.50 am

    Grateful if you retrieve the second one please

  19. Barbadians are stubborn and unjustifiably proud, change needs to be carefully managed.

    You describing GP to a T.

  20. GP
    You want to implement ISO you have to win the government first.
    You WILL NOT win the government by pushing ISO.

    Win the government first. Stop pushing ISO completely. When in power then you can try to implement it.

    STOP PUSHING ISO it was rejected and will be rejected again

  21. @Redguard

    We need to give Grenville all the support. He is doing something for love of country. His bio is filled with activities that fulfill public service duties. If we had more like him the dissenting voice would have greater muster.

  22. Thought Grenville was smart enough to see the one repeated constant that he can use as a battle cry….Where are the charges Grenville? Grenville… Where is the justice Grenville? Why is it taking so long Grenville? Your problem Sir is that you are just as selfish as the current set of politicians…You only care about furthering yourself …you do not genuinely care about the plight of the ordinary man… In trying to convince a few that you are different, everybody sees that you are the same..

  23. Here is a cause for Grenvillle to pick up…these students from India basic human rights are being violated …and they know it..

    if Comissiong was around he would have already mobilized…this is one of his upsides, with him gone, everyone is just sitting around waiting and watching..and Mia is promising and Cynthia is talking and not shit is getting done…….like real, real dummies instead of contacting India through diplomatic channels and getting tickets fo the children who want to leave..


  24. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Grenville
    You have five years maybe ten to get the electorate to recognize Solutions Barbados. This is very hard work. Sophisticated marketing via social media and columns on BU and Barbados Today, are helpful but will not cut it.
    Unless you have foot soldiers from Bascobell to Brighton; Lammings to Ligtfoot Lane; East Coast to Enterprise and every other nook and cranny of the country , you will not win a single seat.
    The simple truth is that whether they have thirty seats or no seats, the BLPDLP have the country fully covered and they have powerful political operatives on the ground.
    That is where the battle will be won. Solutions and UPP have a great chance now that the Dems are temporarily immobilized. However don’t fool yourself -this immobility, will be short lived.
    Without the hard work , covering every box , every constituency along with the financial resources required , your journey to The House of Assemly and possibly Illaro Court will be exceedingly difficult if not impossible. Do not concentrate on winning intellectual battles focus on winning a political war.

  25. And if Grenville picks up this cause, he should call for the arrest of Ronald Jones as well.

  26. @ John 2

    My man you have said in 2 sentences whu de ole man does tek nuff paragraphs to say.

    You said and I quote “…GP. You want to implement ISO you have to win the government first.
    You WILL NOT win the government by pushing ISO…”

    I wish when I get older dat de ole man can et like people like you and Mr. Vincent Codrington and Theophillus Gazerts.

    Short statements that are focused and without fanfare BUT WHICH DELIVER THE KILLING BLOW.

    But you can be guaranteed that, BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING ADDITIONAL IN GRENVILLE’S MESSAGE that the next post that he is going to relieve himself with here is going to be more the same ISO Foolishness

    And not one fellow seems to be able to shift him from that faeces.

    He always posts using the same pattern, says what the other people are doing wrong, and says why it is so bad and NEVER GIVES A SOLUTION but hints that he has the solution

    As @ Looking On has pointed out GRENVILLE IS JUST A SELFISH MAN who seems to beleive that a campaign is about pointing out peoples faults.

    De ole man and me grandson does do style of psychological advertising, BECAUSE IT HAS A SPECIFIC PURPOSE – it is calculated to (a) bring focus to a subject IN 5 SECONDS (b) make people WHO ARE GENERALLY SLOW AT THINKING, euphemism for sheeple, think (ALBEIT FOR 5 seconds) and (c) emote a specific response.

    Dat be de ole man’s objectives – as a psychographic warrior (dat be Redguard’s terminology)

    But as a serious aspiring political party THAT IS NOT A STRATEGY FOR GRENVILLE TO BE PURSUING because, for a people battered by two political parties and the BDLP duopoly WE TIRED OF THE BADWORD and we want it to stop

  27. @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Your assistance please with another item here for John 2 and Looking on thank you.

    We both know which of the 3 of you are on duty at this time heheheheheheh

  28. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Piece UDRYR

    Tell me which one so I can cherry pick nuh.

  29. @Grenville,

    It is clear your have ZERO chance of winning at any polls. You have not yet demonstrated any ability to be a master craftsman at retail corn beef politics and this ISO 9001 foolishness you continue to spout is beyond annoying. I challenge you to name any G20 country that uses ISO 9001 as a major tool in its governance.

    Let’s hear it Grenville. Put up or shut up with the ISO 9001 foolishness. We have real issues to solve


  30. Hants

    Please stop. Please do not encourage GP with that fodder.

    Those Canadian references you mention reflect a fraction of a percentage of the federal budget. Test cases can always be found which is why my question clearly said a MAJOR tool.

    Let’s keep it real

  31. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    the real issue here is that we may need persons like GP in HOA. But we bajan are to stuff in the usual retail politics that we may not be able to see the shitty end of a stick from the shitter end of the stick.

    We bajan take this pride and some times industry a bit to far in the wrong directions. But that appears to be what and who we are in this moment of time.

    GP do your thing at least you will be able to look back and say “I did it my way”

  32. The original David is on moderating this blog.

  33. The FACTS are ….that quality standards (such as ISO9001) are so common place in ALL serious international organisations that NORMAL PEOPLE take them for granted …..and don’t even bother to discuss the issue….
    just like they don’t bother to discuss other OBVIOUS issues – such as food security…
    Just like no SERIOUS, developed people actually discuss the value of culture and Arts…. they just DO IT….

    Brass bowls, on the other hand….
    – think that excellence can result from any brass bowl shiite-hound that we elect… based on shiite promises.
    – expect Lawyers (who can’t even get THEIR house in order) to succeed in NATIONAL BB leadership…
    – keep on talking shiite about petty issues – when their collective asses are inches away from the plimplers….

    It is well past time to look for the lifeboats…

  34. @ sirfuzzy

    In that case he can hang it up now and stop wasting time. he can still say “I did it my way” but use his time and energy on something else.

  35. This is really good news for Afra Raymond…this is what a real avocat does, goes after the truth until he or she finds it..no matter how many doors have to be knocked down…you will never find this news in the 2 or 3 shit media news Barbados got..


    “TRINIDAD NEWSDAY) – CHARTERED surveyor Afra Raymond has won the right to have certain documents, which so far have been kept secret, involving government’s deal with the Sandals resort to construct a 500-750-room hotel in Tobago.

    Justice Frank Seepersad this morning ruled in favour of Raymond in the San Fernando High Court, and also granted him leave to seek judicial review of government’s decision to withold details about the Sandals deal. Finance Minister Colm Imbert reiterated in the 2018-19 budget the construction of the hotel for Sandals’ Golden Grove, Tobago project.”

  36. @ WARU

    I again wish to state categorically that if Grenville has or had any real plan for barbados, WHILE THE ISSUE OF VICTIMIZATION OF HIS 17 remaining candidates is of a concern to any bajan, HE WOULD BE ABLE TO MAINTAIN ANY, AND ALL 17 IF THEY WERE FIRED, because he has such a plan in place for all bajans.

    The Afro Raymond success is indicative of a man with balls, which Grenville does not have!!

    You have to stand up to these vagabonds and put your money where your mouth is, that is what Afro Raymond has done.

    AND IF GRENVILLE WANTS TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY, he has to do the same thing or get out the kitchen.

  37. That is why I highlighted a. just cause for Grenville to pursue …the indian students having their basic human rights violated on the island, show us what he can do to make appropriate changes to their current predicament caused by a careless former government who allowed frauds and corrupt individuals, even convicted criminals from Canada to invade and abuse the island….

    .We want him to show the people on the island he has some kind of humanity in him, outside of all the other rubbish he spews…after all, he wants them to elect him as Prime Minister, so it is time for him to show the people, why they should.


    This one is for John and MoneyB…who have been wildly misled and drank so many lies on this issue that the reality once seen by them will. be profound..I kept telling them this was the truth, this was the case, but their own narrow ignorant beliefs led them to also demonize Black Americans unnecessarily…..and unfairly.


  38. And here is footage that was once lost that should be shown in every school in Barbados and the Caribbean..


  39. @WARU,
    I think you make some good contributions, but on this post you are swiping and missing the ball.

    “I again wish to state categorically that if Grenville has or had any real plan for barbados, WHILE THE ISSUE OF VICTIMIZATION OF HIS 17 remaining candidates is of a concern to any bajan, HE WOULD BE ABLE TO MAINTAIN ANY, AND ALL 17 IF THEY WERE FIRED, because he has such a plan in place for all bajans”

    I do not follow your logic. To expose these candidates to the whims of the BLP may mean supporting these families for an extended period of time. I have no idea of the wealth of the man, but supporting several families would drain his resources. Secondly, a plan for 17 families does not automatically become a plan for a nation.

    “the indian students having their basic human rights violated on the island, show us what he can do to make appropriate changes to their current predicament caused by a careless former government ”

    The best person to remedy this is the current PM. She has the law behind her and can go after the ‘careless former government’ ministers. In addition to the 17 families must he now support the over 200 medical students.

    It is SB and not SC (Santa Claus).

  40. Theo…Mia was supposed to go after the former ministers for theft of the TAXPAYERS WHO PAY HER AND HER MINISTERS SALARIES….STOLEN MONEY AND FOR CORRUPTION.and she is finding all kind of excuses and sidestepping all kinds of questions…why she should not…do you really see her going after them for these indian students, really, she would prefer take taxpayers money and support these students first, to protect her scum friends in DLP at taxpayers expense…dont get tied up.

    Grenville needs a cause, he has nothing to show the people why they should make him PM…nothing and he has shown deceit in the past…not exactly instilling any confidence in those whose votes he needs, and with Comissiong removed and effectively muzzled…except for his nauseating Venezuela spiel…there are no advocates on the island to pick up any causes ….so the usual demons are free to continue violating anyone’s basic human rights..who is going to stop them, no one in government for sure.

    ….an advocate does not support anyone financially…they highlight human rights abuses…and violations…avocat is the french for english advocate.

    “Definition of advocate in English by Oxford …
    Definition of advocate – a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy, a person who puts a case on someone else’s behalf.”

    Trying to become a PM is applying to the people for a job…the first thing any sensible employer/taxpayer/voter should want to know is:

    …Why should I hire you?…what is your track record on human rights…..the rights of your own people and others?…and given Grenville’s projecting himself as a dictator wannabe…ya definitely want to know where he stands on the rights of other people, particularly the ordinary man in the streets who will think about electing him..and putting him in the parliament with a title and access to making and changing laws.

    Maybe going forward that is how bajans should select their candidates for parliament…..on their human rights track records…cause as things stand…neither DLP or BLP ministers and politicians respect their own people’s basic human rights…never have …they all believe it is a free for all to abuse people once they are elected..because they think the westminster system ALLOWS them to abuse the people.without consequences…and ya definitely dont want candidates from new political parties believing;

    ……wuh DBLP abuse wunna for 52 years and wunna could not do anything about it…so we could do it too..is we turn now.

    ,…that is the standard mentality….ya cant even tell me not.

  41. I don’t want to make light of it but I just remembered Donville used those same words in parliament when they were being given advice on the economy by the then Opposition,…it went like this from Donville::

    “we don’t want to hear nutting from wunna, wunna had wunna chance, is we turn now”….

    We all saw how well that turned out, but the narrow, useless tunnel vision mentality still remains in this present government and in the new political parties, it is the typical bajan mentality.

    Lol, lol,, hahaha…

  42. And we can make it even easier for Grenville to start his human rights campaign…he is the one claiming that his 17 candidates’ human rights are being violated….under the constitution ..these candidates have FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION..

    ……neither the Mia government nor any private employers have any right denying any potential candidate a job because they dont want to be yardfowls for BLP or any other government…..

    ,.. neither these potential candidates nor their families should feel threatened or be threatened because of their association with a new political party…..as they are allowed freedom of association under the constitution to protect them and their basic rights..as Grenville has paid with his reputation to learn.

    Either Grenville is serious or he is not…if the government or anyone else is pushing to deny his 17 candidates their constitutional rights…Grenville has all the tools he needs under the constitution…to push back…no one will elect him for being a victim who CANNOT stand up for his and his own candidates’ human rights,

    I cannot make it any easier for him, if he cannot protect the rights of his own candidates, or even the rights of indian students trapped on the island because of a former corrupt government and a current government that refuses to pursue the former corrupt ministers…how will he protect the rights of 275K people….particularly his own vulnerable people.

  43. “Cheap thing no good.
    Good thing no cheap.”

    There are few things more valuable than true democracy and a stable society.
    These do NOT come cheaply.
    It take sacrifices, hard work, intelligence, creativity and GUTS to achieve ….and to maintain such.

    This is just the way that LIFE is designed…..because…
    The TRUE challenge is not to have achieved some utopia-like state … but to overcome the challenges faced in the pursuit of that objective.

    Grenville’s idea of ‘protecting’ his team from the NATURAL stresses of leadership are misguided.
    Let us say that SB achieves its objective …. what experience will his team then have in dealing with the albino-centric shadows that will descend upon them with bribes, threats, intimidation, insults and false promises?
    Will Grenville then continue to ‘protect’ them – perhaps by becoming a benevolent dictator?

    The time to expose your team to the stresses of leadership is NOW….
    Then we can arrange to make those of them who were successful in SMALL things, ….rulers over NATIONAL things…
    Those that multiplied their small talents ….given many more talents.

    Do not bury their ‘talents’ under your skirt…. or jacket…. awaiting the judgement of election.
    These things are not complicated….

  44. “Grenville’s idea of ‘protecting’ his team from the NATURAL stresses of leadership are misguided.
    Let us say that SB achieves its objective …. what experience will his team then have in dealing with the albino-centric shadows that will descend upon them with bribes, threats, intimidation, insults and false promises?”

    Exactly…….how will Grenville protect the people he wants to ELECT him as Prime Minister no less..if he cannot protect himself and his own candidates from government intimidation, from the criminals, thieves and beasts in the minority community who believe they have a given right to rob the black population, disenfranchise them and steal everything on the island, steal everything owned by taxpayers to benefit themselves only..

    …he was there and saw that the people tried to protect themselves from the last government by voting them OUT..ALL OF THEM…he saw that Mia was elected based on all her FALSE PROMISES,

    …he SEES that the people still have to fight to get her to keep her promise of pursuing corruption and the corrupt in her government, in the former government and in the business community..and RECOVERING THEIR STOLEN MONEY…he sees the plight of the indian students and how they got to that point…he speaks Of the plight of his OWN candidates..

    So what is there to NOT UNDERSTAND about what he has to do to convince the population to elect him…show them where he stands on human rights and fight the Mia government BECAUSE of their known potential to abuse the human rights of their own people and their REFUSAL to fight corruption..

    ..he wants to impress the electorate…well start there.

    Piece…a stoopid cartoon please…on which new political party will fight to be elected, fight the human rights abuses on the island and show the population …that they have a track record for fighting for the basic human rights…of their own people and others who become victims of government corruption..

  45. At the end of the day those of us who know better will know that the above reality is a bridge too far for all the new political parties, because at the end of the day they all have the same goals.

    …become elected to parliament based on lies and false promises made during the election;

    ….get up close and personal to the treasury and pension fund;

    ….use the same titles given to them BY THE PEOPLE to torment, bully, and terrorize their OWN people who elected them;

    ……foist all their friends and family on a trusting electorate;

    ……raise yardfowls;

    ……get as close as possible to the corrupt thieving minorities in the business community to show their fellow Blacks that they are somebody too, which will result as usual in the majority population being robbed billions of dollars because ministers have their greedy, crooked hands outstretched for bribes, as usual…and the corrupt minorities have their hands outstretched for taxpayer funded contracts and robbing the NIS Pension Fund…and they all run scams back and forth enriching themselve throughout the terms….while the majority population pay and pay and suffer and suffer…

    UNLESS…. any and all of these new parties take up the human rights baton and prove us wrong….not holding my breath.

    BTW……Grenville is well aware of the crooked Weatherheads, they are in his circle of friends…he can”t pretend he did not know…and despite knowing he STILL tried to FOIST Scott on the people to wreak havoc in the parliament and in the majority population..despite being told repeatedly on BU that it was a very bad idea,..so that tells us all we need to know about Grenville’s intent and how much he cares NOT about what the electorate thinks.

  46. I am going to try to follow you along this meandering path.
    Perhaps, I should ask for a more detailed explanation of the sentences “Here is a cause for Grenvillle to pick up…these students from India basic human rights are being violated …and they know it.”
    Who is violating their human rights?
    How is their human rights violated?
    What can Grenvilled do?

    There is no doubt that these students were defrauded, but that makes it a police matter and the police are ‘controlled by Mia. These students should return home or seek to continue their education elsewhere, I cannot make the “Grenville to the rescue leap?

    “I again wish to state categorically that if Grenville has or had any real plan for barbados, WHILE THE ISSUE OF VICTIMIZATION OF HIS 17 remaining candidates is of a concern to any bajan, HE WOULD BE ABLE TO MAINTAIN ANY, AND ALL 17 IF THEY WERE FIRED, because he has such a plan in place for all bajans.”
    What do you mean by sustain?
    How do you know he is not actively sustaining the 17?
    Given the pride of Bajans, would the want him calling their names for indebtedness?
    Can a plan for 17 people be automatically transferred to 250K?

    But this is the Barbados we know and love;’ we give some a free pass and we asked other top roll the same rock up the same hill every day. What’s next… the labor’s of Hercules?

    “Grenville is well aware of the crooked Weatherheads, they are in his circle of friends”
    I hate to use this argument, but it will expose the wicked double standard that is being used against this man.
    Let’s assume that your statement is true
    How many crooks did the DLP ran?
    How many crooks did the BLP ran?

    Crooks were represented in every party, but perhaps had less representation in SB. You all need to stop making up hurdles for the man to jump over. If the same stringent rules were applied to the DBLP, the county will be better off.

  47. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Brother in Arms Bush Tea and
    @ WARU


    You and I are advocates !!!

    Grenville is an aspirant for the House of Assembly and consequently his modus is held to a higher standard than us keyboard warriors!

    When Moses told Pharaoh “let my people go” IT BECAME INCUMBENT ON HIM TO FIND FOOD TO FEED THOSE WHOM HE FREED!

    This is why you constantly see that The Christ, in addition to all the spiritual food He provided for us a Saved People, performed so many miracles of feeding us His “Sheep”

    The point I am making here regarding the Pretender to the throne is simple.

    Grenville claims that his unknown followers are being persecuted

    Grenville is asking others, IN ADDITION TO THOSE UNKNOWN CANDIDATES, to support and follow the Untested Solutions Barbados

    Remember that word untested? That came straight from the IMF loan document which you have to buy for US$15.

    All this ole man is saying is that IF HE GRENVILLE CANNOT SUPPORT 17 PEOPLE USING HIS MONKEY RECOVERY PLAN, why should we ingrunt sheeple, follow this monkey economic economic recovery plan?

    If he cant support 17 in adverse conditions and political persecution how de badword will he be able 270K in super adverse conditions?

    This is not rocket science…

  48. the want=they want
    top roll = to roll
    Al other typos and grammatical ‘errs” are intentional.

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