In A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens wrote “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope and it was the winter of despair we had everything before us, we had nothing before us we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way.”

All these things seem to encapsulate Barbados now.  Having a change of government does not mean that the problems facing the island will instantaneously disappear.  The era of Fruendel Stuart did indeed shock us who were adults prior to 2009 and what occurred was not the Barbados that we had grown to know.  Our winter of despair is upon us as the IMF has not only knocked at our door, but it has entered where we dwell setting conditions under which we must live.   It is still a season of darkness as stifling taxation is still upon us.  It is the age of foolishness as our wanton youth have lost the discipline associated with growing up under strict parentage in Barbados.  For most, it was the worst of times as all they could see was that we were going the other way, backwards.

Yet now, we are in another season, a season of light in which we will aspire to create the best of times.  For having learned the hard way, this season is our age of wisdom in which we will make decisions, even complex decisions to correct the past.  This season is now our spring of hope to go forward and lay a new foundation for Barbados that entails all that we dreamed of and more.  We must build a new foundation for Barbados not only for economic prosperity but to redefine ourselves as a people.

What Dickens did not say is that in the worst of times, the vision for the best of times is formed.  We now have a golden opportunity to build a new Barbados.  It cannot always remain a dream to have one Barbados and not two; where governance is steady and pragmatic not chaotic; where laws are not discriminatory; where the place of our birth or where we live determine our place in society and where there is generational wealth for all not only the rich. We can dismantle the stranglehold of the old colonial vanguard with its discriminatory laws, its limitations for wealth creation for the poor and its stagnant education system.

After finding ourselves at the crossroads, twice in 88 years, it makes one wonder if we have not learned that economic success is the key to our well-being.  However, it was the politics of the post-independence era that failed us this time.  Does this mean that we can only adequately plan for 30 year spans or that each generation will have a fundamental crisis at hand?  One thing that we must realize is that even in our darkest hour, there is an opportunity, but we must have the capabilities to discern it.

On the 4 corners of our foundation must underlie values that our success depends upon, namely Integrity, Accountability, Leadership, Equality and Justice.  Political service must be viewed as a sacred trust that the people have in those who govern them, never expecting betrayal.  However, on the other side of that trust must be the highest levels discipline in our workforce both public and private and; now more so than ever to execute the rebuilding of Barbados.

We need a new model to create and redistribute wealth.  The present model with a few minority business men owning all the wealth is to the detriment of Barbados.  With their billions of dollars earned off the backs of the tax payers, none of them have offered to rescue the economy and prevent the country from undergoing the harsh conditionalities that will be brought by the IMF.  A national bank is required, so too the further growth or expansion of the credit unions, building of cooperatives in every industry and other means.  The working class must transform their vision from owning a piece of the rock to owning a business on the rock.  Government also has a role to play in the creation of an enabling environment that all may prosper.

There must be a business plan for Barbados which not only includes financial targets to manage our debt but targets for investment, investing in our workforce, fixing our crumbling infrastructure, transforming our public transportation system, creating a sustainable environment, transforming our educational system, renovating and expanding our healthcare system, transforming the delivery of social services, revolutionizing all aspects of housing, removing poverty from the landscape, ultimately the creation of a new constitution, empowerment of the people, the power of recall for politicians, a well-regulated court system, access to and affordability of technology and transforming our communities to redefine the people.  Finally, we must not forget to build the bridge that has been missing for over 300 years, the bridge to Africa to reconnect to our distant past.

We must all arise and build not only economically or politically but socially as well.  Society and the family structure is in turmoil.  We have persons who came to age in the last decade that know more about feting and with more time on their hands than is rational.  Some of them do not know the last time they saw the inside of a church, read a bible or even had guidance from a family member.  We have a big problem if these are to be the elders of the next generation.  We have seriously missed the opportunity to shape their minds and someone else has shaped it in lawlessness. One thing that I have learned from Hitler is that the youth must be a focal part of any political agenda.   I lament that in the country’s darkest hour that there are people feting away.  Is the revenue to be earned form Corp Over and its activities more meaningful than preventing societal decay?  Where is the church?

We must put a political, social and economic system in place that not only survives turmoil in the next 30 years but the next 100 years and beyond.  To achieve revolutionary changes in Barbados, the task for the present government is not to reshape the country in its present mold but to rebuild Barbados on a new foundation.  To achieve this, we need the best in every field metaphorically, the best surveyors, architects, builders and building materials.  We also need visionaries, leaders and legal minds to achieve this massive feat which is to produce not another gem but a metropolis in the Caribbean.

186 responses to “A Heather Cole Column – Forward Ever, Backward Never!”

  1. An excellent article.

  2. Heather,

    You are the first person in the public conversation in Barbados to talk about wealth redistribution to my knowledge. Bravo. We also want to talk about equality (real equality), a real meritocracy and a tax on inherited wealth.

  3. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    The bottom line….two black governments failed the people, they did not sell you for glass and beads this time as they did hundred of years ago, they sold you for false status and useless fake slave leader titles..from UK.

    Bottom line, your black governments cannot be trusted at anytime, no government caring for their people while still keeping slave laws in their constitution and on their statute books, despite the presence of these laws violating international laws…. laws that directly targets and discriminates against their own black people over one hundred years later….while they all, the black ministers in the last 60 years both dead and alive still act as though there is nothing wrong with their own people still being immersed in a slave society, discriminated against, disenfranchised and robbed using those same laws….cares about you or even likes you.

    No caring government would keep a school system stagnant with backwardness generation after generation devoid of real African history and replete with miseducation and lies to continue to destroy and warp their young minds…..with some of the same older schools left over from the slave era still named after dead repulsive hateful slave masters and seen as status a mentally weak society….hundreds of years later.

    Your black governments cannot be trusted.

    No new awakening, stronger structures or a mentally stronger generation of black people can arise and emerge unless those old slave laws on the statute book, old institutions and structures of discrimination and racism thst have remained locked into the parliament, the society and in the minds of the people are dismantled and destroyed permanently. …only then will there be a new beginning….

    It was instructive watching the Town Planning public forum yesterday and the contrast and difference between the way the british dude addressed the forum and local leaders in it and the way the others addressed them with this silly reverence to shit titles….false titles, fraud titles.

    ….maybe the population need to finally open their eyes to the fact that being respectful to stupid titles is what have them still tied to, shackled to and revering a slave past meant to keep them trapped….maybe it’s time to respect those in leadership roles who earn it and not respect the fake titles bestowed on them to keep your mind mentally entrapped and enslaved.

  4. All the s.hit wunna writing would not equate to a hill of beans
    The password now is DEBT restructing
    All the peoples Wants would have to sit on the back burner until the debt is substantially reduce to the wants and needs of barbados new economic managers the IMF
    In the final analysis Mia would be reduce to a figure head having to keep up pace with the IMF in a timely fashion and occasionally speaking to barbadians as what to expect going forward in phase 2, 3, 4 and onward
    The smoke and mirror policy of this govt would become null and void replaced by a heavy injection of truthfulness transparency and accountability when barbados new managers get their way
    One should take note of the many times in the past month that this govt has been caught in lies as it tries to renege on promises made
    example tution fees
    Which makes me question the viability and sustainability and at what cost for the taxpayers in the long run

  5. Now I will address an issue discussed in the Town Planning forum yesterday that I am sure many are pretending never happened, but before I do I want to make it clear that Justice Cornelius is one of the few Judges on the bench that I tend to like, I have seen her in action trying to be fair in personal injury cases and do not know of her other decisions in other civil or criminal matters…but….have heard a few rumblings over the years.

    Her judgement was discussed and questioned in a very public forum yesterday and it was described as having nothing to do with interpreting the law….

    ….now we have discussed on here ad nauseam about the incestuous lawyer, judge relationships, the QC, lawyer, judge relationships, the political party, political appointment to the Bench lawyer, judge, politician, ministers of governments relationships…the corrupt, lawyer, judge, former Chief Justice, insurance companies relationships…all of which are destructive and circumvents the proper functioning of the court system…that is the reason ya are where ya begging for help to make changes because the court system no longer functions, too much corruption, too much nepotism and incestuous practices in the fraternal pit of vipers from the bar association…..for the last 60 years, 6 decades, rendering the whole judiciary useless..

    It’s AG Marshalls’ job to flip that script, change AND SHORTEN significantly the process used by judges to make decisions , it’s the Chief Justice’s job to change that narrative by monitoring the judges and how they arrive at decisions, monitor their case loads when they are lingering too long to make decisions and close cases…put pressure on them to speed up the process to get cases out of the system….but to be fair, first ya gotta speed up the process so that the judges can expedite these matters…by penalizing the lawyers who maliciously stall the process of closing cases…I have seen them do it myself, it is repulsive to watch and should be made a criminal act…

    Pretending that it was not embarrassing to hear Justice Cornelius’ motives questioned publicly and seen worldwide will not change the fact that it happened or that more exposures of judges and the way they operate are not forthcoming shortly….cause the lawyers keep dragging the cases without consequences, instead of ending them and the judges will also be dragged into being exposed…because they do nothing to prevent it.

    Again…judges should be elected and not be appointed to the bench using the yardfowl brigade process…….. the constitution did not mention or provide for such a process….once elected by the people, they can be removed by the people under an election process….if so required..and deserving..

    if this judiciary continues to stubbornly operate using dark ages methods, processes, rules and procedures they will constantly be exposed to the light.

  6. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie


    AH LIE?

  7. Yes..ya lie….jesus and lord freakiness has nothing to do with this, this is a manmade and created system, destroyed by man and has to be repaired and fixed by man….for maximum results.

  8. Scratch that re Justice Cornelius..

    I have seen her in action trying to be fair in personal injury cases and do not know of her other decisions in other civil or criminal matters…EXCEPT for when she highjacked Michael Carrington, former speaker but still Thiefer of the House when he stole a wheelchair bound man’s property and money, his client and friend…for which the judge will always be remembered..for making him pay it back…upholding the San Jose Charter on the rights of the elderly against criminal abuse by lawyers like Thiefer Carrington..

  9. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar


    Girl de ole man was hoping dat with time your contributions would have taken a new direction

    One birthed on originality and nog blowing air up our pooches

    Tell me why you said with dis here submission?

    You mashup one of de ole man’s favourite A Tale of Two Cities and den you employed “echolalia” of its content ad infinitum TO THE DETRIMENT OF THE OPENING PASSAGE.

    I don’t even feel like reading that book again.

    Just to show the paucity of your article and revisionist history which you sought to laugh to Dickens’ text AND FAILED.

    “…Our winter of despair is upon us as the IMF has not only knocked at our door, but it has entered where we dwell setting conditions under which we must live…”

    The IMF did not “knock on our door” Heather IT HAS BEEN INVITED IN.

    ADDITIONALLY, AS AT TODAY, THE IMF “has not set any conditions” under which we must live cause UNLESS YOU PERSONALLY KNOW LAGARDE, nothing has been confirmed or undertaken.


    I GOING back heah and see if I can mix it up with Dr. GP according to the monthly schedule dat a fellow set for the two of us SINCE THAT BLOGGER SAID I WAS BROWN NOSING. AT LEAST THST WOULD GIVE A FELLER SOME INTELLECTUAL STIMULATION.

    Oh by the way. Mia give you and George Brafwit a Pick yet?

    I ent forget that2 years or so ago you tell de Luminary that he was to rewrite the Cunstitution and when he didn’t you said you was going do it in two weeks.

    Steupseee I promise I ent going trouble you again Ms. Cole.

    You can publish here to your hearts content I GOING lef you alone, you Nubian princess you..

  10. Freedom Crier Avatar

    Heather Cole a lot of what you have written is Good you have a wonderful working Compass but somehow somebody has put a Magnet next to your Compass. And now your Compass is resolutely pointing in the Wrong Direction. The Compass is in perfect working order it is a beautiful looking instrument but somehow this external magnet has influenced the Compass. And you who started out following the Compass met somebody who had a Magnet and not a Compass and in their conversations you did not realise that he had a Magnet on him. And so you who was following your Compass now ended up going in the WRONG DIRECTION that was not the direction that you were originally going in.

    You having the Compass is a good thing, allowing your Compass to behave under the influence of this other magnet is a Bad thing. Remove this External Influence and let your Compass Point True.

    You say “We need a new model to create and redistribute wealth.” You cannot create wealth by dividing wealth. That is where the Magnet led you in the Wrong Direction. Retribution of Wealth is Theft even if it is the Government that does it for you by unstrained Taxation. That is the Cause of the predicament that we are in now. You Cannot Tax yourself out of Poverty, by that way you only Create more Poverty. That system Divides wealth it does not multiply wealth.

    In one Breath you are speaking about Redistribution and in another breath you are talking about making a Bridge to Africa…What would you say if white people advocated building a Bridge to Europe?
    You say “The working class must transform their vision from owning a piece of the rock to owning a business on the rock. Government also has a role to play in the creation of an enabling environment that all may prosper.” That is perfect, that is Entrepreneurship but what you are advocating is that after they have been successful it then becomes a right to takeaway what they have earned. And if you say that you are not advocating that, why are you advocating that we all be equal? You cannot whistle and suck at the same time, you either whistle or you suck.

    All your proposed Social Construct leads to Bigger Government and Higher Taxation and with Higher Taxation there are Less Incentive to work. The Less incentive to work means they are more hands out for the Government to fill. If everyone lived at the expense of the State how can the State Live? This Philosophy leads to Anarchy and Destitution to all.

    “The Government is not the Solution the Government is the Problem”…

    It was the Government in the First place that Borrowed the money that caused the Debt payment to be so high that is Presently Causing the Crisis in Barbados that we are in.

    You said “One thing that I have learned from Hitler is that the youth must be a focal part of any political agenda.” Is not that the youth is not important but what you are advocating is the Manipulation of the youth. You further spoke “transforming our communities to redefine the people.” That implies the Re-Education Camps like Mao in Communist China.

    You also stated “Some of them do not know the last time they saw the inside of a church, read a bible or even had guidance from a family member. We have a big problem if these are to be the elders of the next generation.” The Gospel is not about Force it is about Free Agency to Choose for oneself to do Good. That is why the Key word in the Scriptures is to Repent.
    Some of your assertions are about Forcing people to do certain things. Who determines what you should do? Is it our betters or the more educated? If they Rule by making the Rules how can you empower the people when they are already Ruling… Would they voluntary give up power, who do you know that ever did that? To do so is double Speak worthy of any Marxist. Please remove the Magnet from near your Compass.

  11. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item for Ms. Cole

  12. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    re Yes..ya lie….jesus and lord freakiness has nothing to do with this, this is a manmade and created system, destroyed by man and has to be repaired and fixed by man….for maximum results.




  13. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    I was going post and led dis article but de iPad refreshed rapidly and I say this misguided comment about “Create and redistribute wealth” by freedom Crier

    THE Redistribution of which Heather speaks is not to come to your assets as they are in a Syrian, or Indian or white community and give them to we niggers.


    You are fixated on you capitalism/communism construct and spiel to the extent that the verb “redistribute” cannot mean either “… to alter the distribution of anything as in reallocate nor 2 : to spread to other areas…”

    Wow that is really sad.

    But de ole man dun wid dis one Freedom Crier…

  14. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    Any country embarking on instructions form Washington and the IMF, cannot be serious about building a new society. Period. Once we retain a backward education system and immerse ourselves in newspeak and fancy titles we are going no where. We have been in pie in the sky mode for the last thirty years and it has resulted in three trips to the IMF.
    As for the private sector, they are given a free pass on very occasion and they are allowed to live in the style to which they have become accustomed and we collectively defend them.
    It is time we stop quoting Dickens and begin to quote Michael Manley and Lloyd Best. We need thinkers in the Caribbean not the tinkers throwing up fancy words. We are going to now pay the price of 52 years of backward planning by the BLPDLP. That is why we still begging for wealth distribution and whatever they have collectively failed to create in the last 52 years not 10 years- 52………

  15. Mr.Peace you may pretend not to have seen this but here is a Repeat just in case you did…

    pieceuhderockyeahright July 14, 2018 11:30 PM
    @ Freedom Crier “What Ideas have you got to Bolster Barbados and make it Great, including David BU, Hal, Piece?

    You have been absent where it Counts… “The Building of our Nation”…I do not ever hear you commenting on information system architecture, my point being that you stick to the subject matter that you a comfortable with and comfortable in.”

    Have you even Read the Article Mr. Peace? From your comments it seems that you have not but has placed your Prejudice before doing so. Our Nation can be Better before becoming Great don’t you think?

    Shouldn’t we all speak on things we know about Mr. Peace?…I for one am not All knowing like some pretend to be and off times are enlightened by those like yourself. I for one do not suffer verbal diarrhea spending my time in the obstructionist WWC latrine.
    As for the Information System Architecture, that you accused me of not commenting on in the Article had you read it stated as follows…

    “Because of investment in Bitt, Bitt’s technology has the Potential of very soon reaching the financial sector regionally & globally. Barbados has a lot of Information Technology Talent, these people just need funding, reach and guidance which is what these high worth individuals can Contribute.”

    You accuse me of staying in my comfort zone while I recognise your weakness is not understanding the ramifications of Socialism which is a topic you avoid like the plague and as for Free Market Capitalism if you do not grasp the understanding of Socialism that is counter to Freedom and only glimpse Cronyism where Governments are in Bed with Big Businesses and Call that Capitalism that is really what makes everybody poor Except the Elitist.

    You say Mr. Peace “The things that I know WILL BUILD BARBADOS BELONG for the most part TO THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY
    Many of my proposals don’t even exists or if they do exist, don’t fall into the domain of accustomed knowledge pools and usually meets with downright idiocy, palpable incredulity but mostly FEAR.

    MINE is the belief that the mono economy that you are promoting is based on consumerism

    What you are constantly advocating produces nothing yet consumes 80% of the little resources our country generates every year.
    You and others with the capitalist chant, support a system that is inherently self destructive”

    The Mono economy that you accuse me of supporting is like supporting a one Plank of Economy like Tourism…I have never stated thus. I have spoken about Entrepreneurship and it is very unlikely that all the Entrepreneurs would come up with the same Ideas. In the Article it promotes Knowledge based economies by promoting information Technology.

    If this is what you mean by Consumerism every Society in the world would want to make life easier and more productive for its people by allowing its people the “Consumerism Luxuries” like washing machines, running water in their home, indoor plumbing, and clothes to wear other than the Mau Tunic etc.

    How could an idea related to making money that could Repay the foreign Debt of Barbados be “self-destructive” and “make Barbados Poor Again” according to you Mr. Peace?

    Really Sir I expect much more of you but I can clearly see you are way out of your Comfort Zone.
    Never too old to learn except when you think you know everything…

    The Creative Impulse

    “Ideas won’t keep. Something must be done about them.” – Alfred North Whitehead

  16. Yeah GP………they are just like you, the system they should have destroyed 60 years ago, they are keeping it alive and well to aid in their own destruction…same thing you do on the regular no matter how stupid it makes you look.

    The system they should upgrade and care for to bring justice to and for their their people…they destroyed.

    There is a message in there somewhere.

  17. @FreedonCrier

    “The Government is not the Solution the Government is the Problem”…

    Your absolutely correct, the question is how does the Barbados populace deal with “problem governments”. Dictatorship, Civil War, Insurrection are a few drastic terms that come to mind, not sure if they would be any better or worse, however they would be a distraction.

  18. Georgie Porgie Avatar


  19. “As for the private sector, they are given a free pass on very occasion and they are allowed to live in the style to which they have become accustomed and we collectively defend them.”

    You not only defend them but your tax money and pension money has been funding them since the late 60s…a caring government would cut those parasites off immediately and permanently and redistribute those funds to whom it really belongs, the majority population..

  20. Government is supposed to represent and protect the people not Leech off them! They are supposed to be the People’s Representatives however they have made themselves the people’s Masters and thus the people have become Serfs! We Exist to Feed their Edicts!!

    How do you think that Socialist Governments can get money to be Socialist, they First must Take from those that Work and Produce by their Ingenuity and promise it to those who Do Not Work hard and who Do Not Employ their Ingenuity.

    Socialism Promises Everything, Free Healthcare, Free Housing, Free Food, Security, nowadays there is talk of Guaranteed Income…going along, Free Primary Education, Free Secondary Education, Free University Education and Jobs. What no one ever tell you is that the Working Man has to Pay for ALL of it, the Government does not Earn any Income, they take it from others, Support themselves and then they give back very little of what was yours in the first place.
    Can you Refuse to pay National Insurance, or Duties, or Vat or the National Social Responsibility Tax (NRS Levy) or the Taxes on Gasoline, or the Taxes on Electricity and All the other Endless Taxes including your House and Land Tax with NO End in Sight?
    Government does Not Work for you…you Exist to work for them!!

    Interesting Meme below what people think Socialism is Fair compared to Evil Capitalism…

    The Reality?

  21. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ Nubian Princess

    Beautiful flowing prose. Thanks for re-presenting the Agenda just in case, during the Euphoria, we had forgotten the issues we have to deal with.

    As Mia Amor emphasized ,we have to do it for ourselves. Any austerity we suffer will be self- imposed.

  22. You always find a way to frame ALL of your responses in a leftist versus rightist ideology.

    Is there a justification for example for China with large swathes of land populated by millions of illiterate people to be governed by a system of governance that requires the same as another place with a highly literate population?

    Just a for instance.

  23. William,

    Brilliant observation. The moment has come to get real.

  24. HAL wrote,
    You are the first person in the public conversation in Barbados to talk about wealth redistribution to my knowledge. Bravo. We also want to talk about equality (real equality), a real meritocracy and a tax on inherited wealth.

    Any idiot can talk about wealth redistribution but please provide examples of where this has actually worked? In 1979 my wife received a bonus of BDS$3,000 and Tom’s IR Dept took 70% or $2100 we migrated the very next year. The solution is to focus on relevant Education and Training, attracting the best and cleverest to stay in Bim or want to live there, build businesses and JOBS in relevant careers for the future. Who is so stupid to want to give half their income or more to the Govt to waste and teeeef it??????????????

    The mantra should be–To raise up everyone but NOT to pull down the successful. It seems like trying to live in a home by removing the roof. This failed strategy was tried in the UK, Guyana, Jamaica et al and has never succeeded because the basis of human progress involves Incentive and disincentive ie carrot and stick. The richest and cleverest left all of these countries in droves and Guyana and Jamaica are still far behind where they would and should have been today. The clever business people sold their businesses in Guyana/ Jam et al and sent their $$$$$$ where they would be treated better. Clever business people are by definition hard to corner they will find solutions and those that dont will suffer.

  25. Hal Austin July 17, 2018 6:13 AM


    You are the first person in the public conversation in Barbados to talk about wealth redistribution to my knowledge. Bravo. We also want to talk about equality (real equality), a real meritocracy and a tax on inherited wealth.”

    The man “The moment has come to get real.”


  26. “Clever business people are by definition hard to corner they will find solutions and those that dont will suffer.”

    There is a big difference between clever business people and thieves…in Barbados you have minority thieves who have been leeching off a vulnerable population because of a weak system and even weaker governments for 52 years…that is a real big difference…and Mia knows it and her government has no choice but to take a hard look at it and right those wrongs that disenfranchised the majority for 5 decades…

    None of the actions of those parasites represents cleverness, it represents exploitation though for which many of them should be in prison…and laws should be legislated to that effect to prevent their children and grandchildren from doing the same, until the structures and institutions that enables these thefts can be dismantled.

    Too early to pull one on the old girl MoneyB.

  27. However when we speak of wealth distribution one should take into consideration that the black race collectively are the biggest contributors to the ec making the wealthy very wealthy
    Blacks have an insatiable appetite for consuming any and everything the weath produce.
    How if blacks use all that money which it contributes to white wealth to build a market for black owned business with a concept in mind to. move the wealth amongst its own

  28. Correction. “economy”

  29. Blacks Following the business model of the wealthy would go a long way in revitalizing the black communities most of which are drowning in poverty while waiting for an invisible and impossible dream of wealth distribution to happen
    The way that a man thinketh so is he /she

  30. WW, I already pulled more than one on you and mutlitudes more. Sure agree that all of those that acted with elected politicians to rip off the nation should have to pay. However, this should be conducted professionally and without prejudice. My comments are what will work for Bim, whereas what was being proposed has always failed and bound to fail in the future. Either way I will not suffer, Bajans trapped there will suffer and indeed have been suffering from gross corruption and negligent excuse for “leadership”. Dem bessy had pray that Mia delivers. Just remember the philosophy of Marcus Garvey.

  31. Ah know I let you get away with a few, but this theft of funds because of a weak system and even weaker governments have to stop here, minority parasites are not entitled to the people’s tax dollars, contracts and pension funds as they have been led to believe by corrupt government ministers AND lawyers over the last 52 years…and have to be stopped……or the island will never recover.

    It should be conducted with extreme prejudice just as the thefts by minorities are conducted using their prejudice hatred and racism against the people, what nonsense you talking, we know who the thieves are and how they got access to public funds, they and their co-conspirators in the government..the full weight of the law should be brought to bear on all of them…since when do we give thieves free passes..

    Mia is trying to deliver..but she will have to be ruthless not to get sabotaged…by those who ache to sellout.

    Many of us who have an out, dual citizenships, or 3 passports will not suffer, but the government was elected to fight for and protect those who will suffer and that is what the Mia government should do….much of that suffering is a direct result of theft of public funds and other corrupt practices including government incompetence, bad decision making etc…all of them over several decades.

  32. WW how did that back to africa liberia thing work out see any good ideas coming out of there to help the island.Look instead of connecting with your past connect with the future. Ya got to many people and not enough jobs ship some people out and wait for those barrels to roll in. Remember idle hands the devils work.

  33. WW, your reading comprehension is deteriorating rapidly. I agreed to act against those that transgressed.

  34. You need to connect with the future of giving the Natives back their land Lawson…just as the Australians are giving back Aborigines their land..

    The future consists of eliminating centuries old thieves and thefts from the landscape. If ya don’t get rid of the thieves, because thievery is part of their genetic know that only too well….ya cannot move forward, trust you to get it backwards…

    And don’t think about slithering back into Africa , yall are not wanted there either, we can tell by the videos going around.

    I have no clue where you plan to ship people to, yes, we will ship them to Canada, there is more than enough space and Justin is accommodating..but everywhere else right now is in turmoil, the easiest and most prudent thing to do is get rid of the thieves on the island off the backs of the population….

    The Liberia thing worked out well for those who moved there, there was no need for them to return to a slave island or contribute to keeping a slave society intact, that is why people leave to begin with, those who have no intentions of keeping the slavery going……

    The island is really only now suited for retirees, not for young progressive people, unless the appropriate changes are made and hopefully those changes will be successfully made during the next 5 years..

  35. Freedom Crier,

    You are keen to label me, aren’t you? Let me help you: I am a Christian.

  36. “I agreed to act against those that transgressed.”

    I understand what you meant well enough…

    “However, this should be conducted professionally and without prejudice.”

    A thief is a thief, don’t you think thieves on the island who steal a pack of biscuits or pick up bottles get treated fairly and without prejudice, that is how the system is set up and that is how thieves who steal billions in taxpayers and pensioners money should also be treated…what makes you think they should be treated differently…

  37. One dude who stole one million dollars I believe from the Psychiatrc Hospital, just got 10 years in prison, don’t you think that is fair… and without prejudice..I think it is, those who steal millions and billions and bribe government ministers to get their thieving hands in the treasury and pension fund etc should also get their fair share of prison time to match the amount they steal from the people.

  38. Hal Austin July 17, 2018 12:16 PM

    “Freedom Crier,

    You are keen to label me, aren’t you? Let me help you: I am a Christian.”

    Sorry Hal you Labeled yourself…Christ was not a Socialist!

  39. Just saw this on ND..would love to hear it myself..

    “POLITICS: Mia Mottley is talking (now in Parliament) about CORRUPT, BAJAN DLP POLITICIANS, ETC., coming forward and saying sorry and admitting wrong…, YOU KNOW, like growing a conscience!”

    MoneyB…..this is a start to bringing those who steal from the people to justice, whether they are in the parliament, in the government departments, in the judiciary or in the minority community, they must pay for their criminal acts against the people, they ALL deserve prison sentences…. one way or the other.

  40. I never did understand why all of a sudden. the then dlp government made a decision to move the PM’s office from its historical location to Sherbourne……….now we know why…….there was a lot of steel to be it it.

    Does anyone know if any of the actual work was completed?

    Did Freundel Stuart ever moved into the renovated offices up there? if the work was started and not completed…….how comes the money was paid?

    Who was the contractors?

    Was the work even tendered?

    What was the ultimate reason to vacate Bay Street? What was the future for Bay Street?

    We need answers!

  41. Freedom Crier Avatar

    These people do not want Justice they are out for blood, you are talking about bringing bad Parliamentarians to justice, you are only talking so they do not rise to power again. Nobody will be brought to justice.

    There has been so much money stolen that if you are seriously talking about bringing people to justice, (commission of Inquiry) why would those who are accused of such remain in the island? Just as it is rumored that the past Minister of Fine-Ants now resides in Dubai!!

    The Corrupt Politicians of the last Administration are Friends and Colleagues of this present one. What makes you think anybody is going to Jail? You called many groups that are guilty from Politicians to Minorities. Aren’t some of the majority of the population guilty of some nefarious deeds?

    You pretend to believe in Justice and the Law yet you believe in Theft by Redistributing the wealth of others to those who do not care to produce. That is Hypocrisy to the Maximum Degree.


    I was a frequent traveler though the Eastern Caribbean when Maurice Bishop took over Grenada. That slogan that you have at the head of your piece Ms. A. Heather Cole: Is a COMMUNIST slogan. I used to see posters ALL over Grenada at that time with those words.

    You wrap your communist theology up in a “Social Gospel” that the Lord Jesus Christ never taught and that when He comes again He will say to people who practice “Another Gospel” as the Apostle Paul writes in the Book of Galatians:

    Get thou behind me, I never knew you. The current head of the RCC is a socialist and has spread the same “social gospel” which has NOTHING to do with the Good News. BTW socialism is only a politically correct word for communism and it does not work. HALF THE PEOPLE IN VENEZUELA HAVE FLED THEIR COUNTRY under Socialism. I heard a Pastor explain that the money as devalued over 1500% since this “SOCIALIST” government has taken over. I don’t hear a word about that and we are about an hour’s flying time away from there. It’s time that people in Barbados WOKE UP and realized the devious, wickedness that is encompassing us which has NOTHING to do with light and hope.

    Perhaps you are part of the generation that has not had the opportunity to study the Word of God and rightly divide the Word. Most of what you have said is communist propaganda and yes, if you get any children young enough you can brainwash them into any thing you like. You don’t need the church. They are currently being prepared for “LAWLESSNESS” and whoever is doing it is doing a GREAT job. Not to speak of GROSS IMMORALITY as will be exposed in two weeks time.

    The only thing that I would agree with you on is that the “Church” has not stepped up to its responsibility.

    Since you are a student of “Hitler” you would see the identical thing happened in the Third Reich. To the extent that SIX MILLION people went to their extermination, my grandmother on my father’s side included and NOBODY except for one Pastor who was also incarcerated and gassed in the SAME concentration camps stood up. Pastor Niemoller wrote the famous quote below. Twelve years ago I quoted this verse on this SAME BU Blog because of Gross injustice I was suffering at the hands of the current administration. No-one wanted to listen and they still don’t but It’s fruits will manifest themselves sooner than most of you realize.

    Related Articles
    How to cite this article
    Quotation from Martin Niemöller on display in the Permanent Exhibition of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Niemöller was a Lutheran minister and early Nazi supporter who was later imprisoned for opposing Hitler’s regime.

    Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camp where he died at their hands.

    Niemöller is perhaps best remembered for the quotation:

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

  43. Those who took bribes and those WHO PAID BRIBES should be prosecuted and punished equally.

    Not a single caucasian millionaire in Barbados will be prosecuted for bribing politicians.

  44. Did not even know they had moved the government offices fromBay Street….which thief did the work…and how much did they steal from the people’s treasury, even they did no work..

  45. Hants…they are likely to go to prison as co-conspirator’s for stealing the people’s money though…ah hope ya don’t cry,.

    The people want those involved to pay for stealing from them, they had no right, there is no reason for whites or anyone else to believe they have some given right to steal from a black population in this day and age, just because they could or just because black slave negroes in the parliament and elsewhere aids them.

  46. GP….ah know this one is going to kill you so please enjoy it, my gift to you…lol

  47. Freedom Crier Avatar

    Mr. Tony Webster @ Heather Cole

    “And your deeply considered plan for implementing this opinion is … er … what, exactly?
    And your basic first-step measures for this are … er … what?”

    Socialist/Communist are not about “Real Solutions” and the “Real Strategies” proposed to get us there, are all blatant lies, for they are never the end-goals. Again, “Real Solutions” actually act to impede their work and design. Only the governed chaos of dissension and ‘un-solutions’ propel them forward.

    Those like-minded in the Ideology as Commie Sing Song, true intervening objectives are always to sow continuous discord, foment confusion, erupt dissatisfaction, and encourage grievances between the citizenry. This is how they scheme to move their ball forward.

    Government cannot make man richer, but it can make him poorer. Communist/Socialist like to DIVIDE the WEALTH they do not know how to MULTIPLY the WEALTH.

    The ENTREPRENEUR is a Boon to Society while Communist like Commie Sing Song and REGRETTABLY Heather Cole with her eloquently flowery dissertation have nothing to offer in Practicality they are Anti-Free Marker Capitalist …There method is CONTROL, CONTRO AND MORE CONTROL!!!×2160/3354993-Wilbur-Smith-Quote-They-do-say-that-socialism-is-the-ideal.jpg

  48. Freedom Crier Avatar

    SOME PEOPLE WILL DO AND SAY ANYTHING TO BE OBSTRUCTIVE & NOTICED …THIS PATTERN IS ALL TOO OBVIOUS!!×900/43018-Winston-Churchill-Quote-The-positive-thinker-sees-the-invisible.jpg

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