The three-ring circus currently playing in Washington to nominate an individual to replace the retiring Justice Kennedy appears to be less about the jurisprudential acuity or judicial temperament pf the candidate and to be more about their politic and degree of opposition to liberal values such as those expressed in the Roe v Wade decision. This confirmed the female’s autonomy over her body by finding a right to individual privacy in the Constitution. It is tantamount to what the conservative jurist Robert Bork once termed the “political seduction of the law” at a time when the boot of Congressional power was firmly placed on the other foot.

The decisions of the US Supreme Court (hereafter the SCOTUS) are not merely exercises in legal reasoning, Essentially, they are, rather, expressions of political philosophy, wrapped in the legalese of constitutional interpretation. In such a context, a President in office seeks to nominate for approval candidates who are partial to his politics and thus likely to concretize his governance agenda for the foreseeable future. Thus a court is not assessed so much for its forensic skills but as to whether it is majority conservative or liberal. It is an issue that is fought over with as dogged a determination as the political elections themselves. Recall the legally baseless, though politically successful, insistence of the Republicans that the outgoing President Obama should not be permitted to nominate a justice to the SCOTUS.

History records though that sometimes the expectations of the nominator are dashed when the nominee turns out to be other than the conservative or liberal he or she was assumed to be. Justice David Souter disappointed the conservatives as did Justice Byron White the liberals, appointed by President Kennedy and yet a dissentient in Roe v Wade. It appears that one tends naturally to assert his independence when granted a guarantee of lifetime tenure.

This rather lengthy prologue might well serve to explain the recent decision of the SCOTUS, in which by a 5-4 majority, it upheld until full argument from both sides in October the legitimacy of what has come to be known as the Trump travel ban. While I do not claim any special expertise in US Constitutional law and I accept that there might have been a partisan political element to the decision, I am still able to assess the decision for the cogency of its legal reasoning and the respective allures of the competing arguments.

The travel ban involved a proclamation by the President of a restriction on the entry of foreigners from the predominantly Muslim states of Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.

The arguments of the claimants/respondents in this matter, the state of Hawaii, three individuals and the Muslim Association of Hawaii, challenged the legality of the Proclamation, principally on the ground that it violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, because it was motivated not by concerns pertaining to national security but by animus toward the Islam religion.

In response, the Government argued that the matter was not justiciable or subject to judicial review because aliens have no “claim of right” to enter the United States, and, because exclusion of aliens is “a fundamental act of sovereignty” by the political branches, review of an exclusion decision “is not within the province of any court, unless expressly authorized by law.”

Chief Justice Roberts in his written majority judgment was prepared to assume without deciding that the ban was reviewable, notwithstanding consular non-reviewability or any other statutory non-reviewability issue and proceeded on that basis.

As to the substantive arguments that the Proclamation was not a valid exercise of the President’s power since the relevant provision of the law conferred only a residual power to temporarily halt the entry of a discrete group of aliens engaged in harmful conduct and that it was in further violation because it discriminated on the basis of nationality in the issuance of immigrant visas, he was of the opinion that the President possessed the power to restrict the entry of foreigners to the United States based on national security concerns. The Chief Justice held that the text of the relevant provision granted the President a broad discretion to suspend the entry of aliens into the United States and found that The President had lawfully exercised that discretion based on his findings—following a worldwide, multi-agency review—that entry of the covered aliens would be detrimental to the national interest.

He quoted the relevant provision-

“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

And he reasoned as follows, “By its terms, it exudes deference to the President in every clause. It entrusts to the President the decisions whether and when to suspend entry (“[w]henever [he] finds that the entry” of aliens “would be detrimental” to the national interest); whose entry to suspend (“all aliens or any class of aliens”); for how long (“for such period as he shall deem necessary”); and on what conditions (“any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate”). It is therefore unsurprising that we have previously observed that [it] vests the President with “ample power” to impose entry restrictions in addition to those elsewhere enumerated.”

This reasoning comes pretty close to arguing that the discretion of the President in this regard is absolute,  although it seems that he may not discriminate on grounds of religion. Indeed, this limitation was the basis of Justice Sotomayor’s dissent. She referred to the President’s anti-Muslim sentiments as expressed in various communications and dismissed the majority’s opinion that the ban was a matter of national security. According to her judgment,

“The United States of America is a Nation built upon the promise of religious liberty. Our Founders honored that core promise by embedding the principle of religious neutrality in the First Amendment. The Court’s decision today fails to safeguard that fundamental principle. It leaves undisturbed a policy first advertised openly and unequivocally as a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” because the policy now masquerades behind a façade of national-security con cerns. But this repackaging does little to cleanse Presidential Proclamation No. 9645 of the appearance of dis crimination that the President’s words have created. Based on the evidence in the record, a reasonable observer would conclude that the Proclamation was motivated by anti-Muslim animus.

Cataloguing a number of circumstances where the President’s communications had exhibited animus towards Muslims, she concluded-

“…the issue before us is not whether to denounce” these offensive statements. Ante, at 29. Rather, the dispositive and narrow question here is whether a reasonable observer, presented with all “openly available data,” the text and “historical context” of the Proclamation, and the “specific sequence of events” leading to it, would conclude that the primary purpose of the Proclamation is to disfavor Islam and its adherents by excluding them from the country… The answer is unquestionably yes…”

Ironically, in the same judgment the majority overruled its earlier  decision in which it had upheld the forcible relocation of US citizens to concentration camps, based solely and explicitly on race. However, CJ Roberts considered it “wholly inapt to liken that morally repugnant order to a facially neutral (sic) policy denying certain foreign nationals the privilege of admission…”

There exists in law the concept of indirect discrimination. According to the Australian Human rights Commission,indirect discrimination occurs when there is an unreasonable rule or policy that is the same for everyone but has an unfair effect on people who share a particular attribute,…for example: It could be indirect disability discrimination if the only way to enter a public building is by a set of stairs because people with disabilities who use wheelchairs would be unable to enter the building.

Indirect discrimination is unlawful if the discrimination is based on certain attributes protected by law, such as a person’s race, sex, pregnancy, marital or relationship status, breastfeeding, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status. Some limited exceptions and exemptions apply.

To my mind, while the proclamation did not fit neatly into this category, as it was not the same for everyone, it nevertheless constituted a kind of reverse indirect discrimination, if you will,  whereby on the ostensible basis of national security, an exclusion had an unfair effect on people who shared a particular attribute-the Islamic faith.

407 responses to “The Jeff Cumberbatch – A Hostile Environment”

  1. Dentistry Whisperer (M. Pharm. D) LinkedIN Avatar
    Dentistry Whisperer (M. Pharm. D) LinkedIN

    Why bother about Washington, when you have monkeys eating all produce and wild tamarinds with roots 7 ft. in land where sugar cane used to bring in hard currency (200,000 tonnes per year). DC is hough and visitors spend per day,  more than what tourists spend in Barbados in one year. Set your priorities like Bermuda does. Haynes Darlington (M. Pharm. D)

  2. “The United States of America is a Nation built upon the promise of religious liberty.”

    The trouble is that the barbaric cult of Islam is a danger to ALL countries unwise enough to admit its proponents, and is NOT simply a religion, but an all-destroying cult. How much evidence do you need Mr Cumberbatch? “Islamophobia”, the favourite cry of these stone-age advocates and their useful idiots is an oxymoron. There is NOTHING irrational about the rational fear of Islam. I challenge you to give instances where their admittance has been of benefit to any naive host nation, or anyone other than their barbarous, parasitic selves.

    European nations are waking up to the impending islamic catastrophe overwhelming them, despite the media silence. Watch this…the hard-left feminazi from the hard left Channel 4 in the UK being told what is what by a Polish MP.

    We need more like him, and fewer religious and cultural traitors.

  3. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ The Luminary Jeff Cumberbatch

    I am wondering the same thing as Dentistry Whisperer

    Forgive me if I ask what prompted this prolix discourse into the affairs of Washington?

    Was there no tooucak matter of the calibre to attract your accustomed intellectual ruminations?

  4. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Local* matter forgive this device s penchant to write what it wants

  5. Do not understand this obsession with Washington and Trump . Barbados have their own set of problems
    As for Washington far and wide they can handle they problems all by themselves
    Try putting heads together in resolving barbados problems rather than juking noses in americas
    All that wasted energy is for naught furthermore america does not care what small island nation thinks
    If in doubt just take a look at the many international heads of state meetings that small island govts attend and measure the influence of what they have said during those meetings
    I dare to say none.

  6. The man is a legal scholar, he should exist in a fish bowl and navel gaze? He has a responsibility to express himself as a scholar and person to complete a process of actualization. It is the same reason the blogmaster will post on geopolitical matters from time to time. The criticism is unwarranted, myopic and simplistic.

  7. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    But then I woke up fully and saw its tangential? reference to the recent unilateral action of our new Prime Minister

    And de ole man said

    “Was the Luminary Jeff Cumberbatch speaking about the United States OR IS HE VISITING THE ACTION OF MAN “INDIRECTLY”? to use his word?

    Maybe I should do what Enuff of Lorenzo duo said and take my meds

  8. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Unlike you and your unwavering allegiance to the MAM brigade I too have and opinion and will speak it IRRESPECTIVE OF WHOM IT MAY NOT PLEDGE MY ALLEGIANCE TO.

    The Luminary Jeff Cumberbatch himself said that he is not an expert in things American and therefore opened himself to a barrage of comments as to His competency to speak on American topics did he not?

    But you may have the last word on this cause AS I HAVE BEEN SAYING RECENTLY it is your thing.

  9. Those thugs in the US interfering with and destroying lives for centuries will be the same ones sitting on benches setting policies to bully small island states and their people, they are self-serving bullies who have no right interfering with women’s uteruses (that one is especially for GP) and as far as I am concerned wrongfully deciding who should or should not be migrating through the Americas, including the US…when they are all the products of illegal immigration..all of them from the 1600s.

    Just ask the NATIVES of the US, the real Americans.

    In case some don’t know, from the tip of Florida to the top of Chile is the Americas.

  10. Some of you are of the view the blogmaster should not have an opinion. BU’s body of work is there to be scrutinized.


  11. Because Jeff is a legal Scholar does not mean all his novel writings would accommodate the taste of every reader and therefore he should not be told ..furthermore there is nothing wrong with telling Jeff i think Jeff has large enough shoulders to “laff”off opossing comments .
    Having said all of the above america makes policies to accommodate itself and to frustrate those from the outside looking in a way those policies serves the purpose of keeping America relevancy high and above all other countries and it would take a very long stick to knock America off its lofty perch
    A sizeable measuring stick which barbados can not afford.
    Btw which country would even want to entertain barbados thought process or any kind of input when like beggars we on their door steps seeking their help
    Think on those things

  12. Theophilius Gazerts 767 (last member of the Gazerts who can type #768 is on the way) Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 767 (last member of the Gazerts who can type #768 is on the way)

    A hearty good morning to all the good folks of BU.

    Before I get serious I must ask the following:
    Is the blogmaster “a legal scholar” who “has a responsibility to express himself as a scholar and person to complete a process of actualization”. 🙂

    ——-Serious mode—–
    On this article, I support those who think the focus was “too US” and those who believe that Jeff should not “exist in a fish bowl and navel gaze?”.

    Speaking for myself, sometimes I may forget that a person has his/her own likes/dislikes and are free to do/write what the hell they feel like doing/writing. Once I realized that they owe me exactly what i I owe to them – absolutely nothing,, i suspend all judgement and I move on.

    Barbados has more than 200,000 people, we cannot expect just two men to shoulder all the fighting in the Battle of Thermopylae.

    A hearty good morning to all the good folks of BU. and a equally hearty good morning to those who are not that good..

  13. Barbados 101. Tourist from developed countries visit The Caribbean for “hush” (British word for quiet), sun an a beach (free of sargassum weed) where they can swim (not to have a bath) – period. They do not visit to top up on the equation of Relativity, Quantum mechanics or economics . Bring on the Bashment, sweet soca and a rum toddy. Don’t bore us with E=mc2. We will tip you and raise your GDP. Try to “keep it simple” (KISS).

  14. Theophilius Gazerts 767 (last member of the Gazerts who can type #768 is on the way) Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 767 (last member of the Gazerts who can type #768 is on the way)

    I ascribe no motives, but sometimes the blogmaster runs to the crease a bit too eagerly.

    You are quite free to make any intervention/interjection, but some matters can be best left to other inhabitant of the barnyard.

    Your quest for fair play does seem to lead to an imbalance.

  15. Barbados Underground allows any and everyone to write whatever they choose.

    We are FREE to write and READ wha we like.

    If you don’t like the topic DON’T read it.

  16. Jeff’s value to the blog is the scholarly input he choses to share on any topic he damn well pleases.

    The blogmaster’s interventions again are done based on any blog he damn well pleases.


  17. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    One should treat these submissions as exercises in logic and the diversity of addressing problems and arriving at decisions from different perspectives. In other words treat them as an education opportunity. One never knows when one may have to draw on these experiences and knowledge.

    Thank you Jeff.

  18. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @pieces re your posts above, it seems you are becoming unnaturally Bajancentric. You certainly either need to take your meds – to quote your words- or most definitely “[wake] up fully”.

    Beyond the clarity noted by the Blogmaster of the Dean’s legal scholarship it is exceedingly difficult for to me to comprehend how a gent of your broad experience, past legal fights (again as noted by you in these pages) can so glibly look past the many, many tangents to Bajan legal practices from his well authored piece.

    And incidentally, your grandson in an expert in his field of tech and ‘stoopid cartoon’ creation are you suggesting that I should assail your well presented remarks (with his invaluable input) on things american in those areas… should we dismiss a US themed ‘stoopid cartoon’ because you guys have not studied and written extensively on american life as experts there!

    Come on @pieces don’t be absurd so early on a Sunday. An expert knows his field WELL, surely he or you can apply that expertise with a well trained eye and opine on how actors in other jurisdictions perform in that field …do you also need to change your monocle eye glass also 🤣🤣!

  19. There is an excellent argument to be made that Radical Muslims and those that want to have Sharia Law in the USA / West are indeed not practicing a religion but a Totalitarian System. Which other “religion” (really subsets ie Wahabists, some Sunnis and few Shias) is so eager to inflict hurt and death on humans, especially of their own fellow adherents? Could it be that these people during the first hundred years from approx AD 650 to 750 fought wars all over the place until they had conquered a vast area which encouraged them to believe that Allah was on their side. Could it be that having made little progress in the last 700years they are now certain of Allah’s blessing in conquering the West once more but with an initially more subtle strategy of immigration. I know of various Muslim groups that are very gentle an example is the Aga Khan’s Ismailis. They are a subset of the Iranian Shia who are also more liberal besides the Theocrats in control of Iran itself.

    The SC is not likely to revisit R vs W and there is currently probably only 1 vote to repeal, Clarence Thomas. Now it is possible that if Barret receives the nomination that being a Roman Catholic she could be a 2nd vote but she has promised in her last Congressional testimony to keep her personal beliefs contained and to only apply the Constitutional Laws and her interpretation of same. The Dems really don’t want the Constitution applied, they want the SCOTUS to legislate which is really the Congresses role.

  20. “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the “unalienable rights” which the Declaration says have been given to all human beings by their Creator, and which governments are created to protect.



    Seems this is more important than Liberty or the pursuit of Happiness given the order in which they occur!!

    .. but that is common sense!!

    We will see tomorrow who gets Trump’s nod of approval.

    I figure Raymond Kethledge will get it.

  21. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Bernard, may I use your comment above to screed further! You said “[o]ne should treat these submissions as exercises in logic […] In other words treat them as an education opportunity. One never knows when one may have to draw on these experiences and knowledge.”

    Clearly, you use the good sense bestowed on all of us, much better than many here 🤣.

    We have an all powerful PM currently ruling…she and her team are now embroiled in some basic appointments of govt positions but will surely have some more substantative appointments to be made …not dissimilar to the SCOTUS style politically themed appointments of which the Dean spoke.

    We just ended a period where the other leader made appointments many deemed unethical and purely politically expedient …again not dissimilar to the unethical and purely political action the Dean cited of Sen McConnell….

    … So to your point: “One never knows when one may have to draw on these experiences and knowledge”.

    Those here who perceive the Dean should ‘only write directly on Bajan matters’ are either happy-go-lucky or just having a lark…

    The Dean’s BU article is a recap of his many years production of a Sunday column in the regular press so until he asks BU denizens to be the final arbiters of his column inches i suspect we should surely “treat them as an education opportunity.”

  22. Theophilius Gazerts 767 (last member of the Gazerts who can type #768 is on the way) Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 767 (last member of the Gazerts who can type #768 is on the way)

    I have already made my contribution or (lack of contribution) on this topic.
    The surfacing of MoneyBrain tells me a long dialogue on US ‘this and that’ is about to begin
    Freedom Crier is on his/her way.
    I now exit this post and leave the discussion to “men of words”

  23. Theo, thanks for your good tidings and to you too. I am sure you were planning other activities anyway.

  24. Something new for the stagnant 11 plus mentalities in Barbados and the Caribbean to learn in order to stop destroying truly genius children using their narrow, programmed and totally wrong perspectives and deliberately hostile, destructive environments.

  25. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “on the ostensible basis of national security”….this is the operational term of this administration. The 2018 version of terrorist threat. Even the current trade battles with the USA and its trading partners were labelled in some instances ‘national security’ concerns. Whenever a rational explanation is elusive, insert ‘national security’. It has permeated when judges of SCOTUS begin using it.

  26. The US is becoming irrelevant and too predictable with the stupid excuses, the danger to the survival of the country is homegrown and white…but they never noticed that over the years, too busy terrorizing Black and Brown people, now no one really sees them as relevant anymore, still a great country but reduced to the level of existing to be racist, thanks to the orange maggot in the WH..

    The destruction to the facade that was created centuries ago became fast paced in the Clinton era…and never recovered…orange maggot is now really accelerating the permanent demise of the facade.

  27. WW, excellent vid thanks for posting.

  28. Freedom Crier Avatar

    @ Dean Jeff Cumberbatch…“While I do not claim any special expertise in US Constitutional law….

    “This confirmed the female’s autonomy over her body by finding a right to individual privacy in the Constitution.”…

    Nowhere in the Constitution is there a Right to Commit Murder!!!


    It is Important that we know what is going on in America as the last Free Frontier on the Earth. The Aim of the Globalist like the Radical Islamist is to Decree by ‘Elitism’ where the Few Rule and the Rest to do what they say. The Globalist will use the Islamist by way of Pursuing the Open Boarders to Conquer Nations. They share the same Ideology ‘to take away the Free Agency of man’. That is their Ideology of Communism/Marxism/Socialism and Radical Islamism. The First Rule of the Left and Radical Islam is that of Submission to bring about their Elitist Purposes…A sure process of Deceit and Decay bringing all that would listen and obey into Slavery and Bondage.

    The Names that Pres. Trump were to Choose from for the Replacement Judge of the SC were Published when he was a Candidate and he has kept to that list with the addition of Five more people and we do not know if the any of those Five made the Final Pick. That is True Transparency as Opposed to All Previous Presidents and it was the Democrats who insisted that you could not nominate a SC Judge during an American Presidential Election year.

    At no time has the President said he wants a Conservative Judge, he has always maintained he wants to appoint Judges that would Uphold the Constitution as was originally instated. You could say he wants to appoint Originalist and that is what should be done and not as you rightly pointed out pushing the Party Dogma of the Day.

    The Left Constantly tries to Politicalise Everything as to Push their Agenda and you can see that by the reasoning’s of more Left Leaning of the SCOTUS.

    Law as you Rightly pointed out is not made in the Supreme Court it is made in Congress and the SC is to Uphold the Law or Strike Down the law if it is Unconstitutional. Just as it is in Barbados that we do NOT want Judges making Law, that is left to Parliament.

    As for the Presidents Travel Ban any Sovereign (Leader) has that Right and his Ban does not Tread on the Constitution as Regards to Freedom of Religion.

    You have Quoted Australian Law that has No Application to the US, nor is that Judge’s Reasoning Absolute just as the Hawaiian Reasoning was found to be False, The Australian Law may have Application to Barbados being part of the Commonwealth but it has no part absolutely in any American Law. I am sure you are aware of the Leftist Ploy of Trying to Use other people’s laws to Hobble America. Those Countries that are on the Ban List are either in a State of War or Great Turmoil with a Large amount of Insurgents. There is no Ban on Muslims from Malaysia (being one of the Largest Muslim Population of the world).

    So the Insistence on Calling it a Muslim BAN is FALSE. History is being Rewritten not only in the US but here in Barbados. Freedoms that we have taken for granted are being turned against us. From Tom Adams days the Burden of Proof was taken away to one of Accusation. Someone could complain of sexual harassment and the person they accuse can be arrested with no proof…the accused have to prove their innocence. And again under the Vat Law, the person is guilty by the Accusation until such time as they prove that their innocence. Remember the Controversial “The Police Act” and Now the Questionable “Integrity in Public Life Bill 2018”…

    Barbados is on the Road of turning upside-down from Innocent until proven guilty to guilty until Proven Innocent. Who is writing these laws are they coming from Cave Hill? Are the People that are writing these laws are they writing them in Secret and in the Darkness of the Caves to Turn Barbados into a Tyrannical State?

    It seems that the Ferocity of the pace of Trying to Change, Innocent until proven guilty to guilty until Proven Innocent is Accelerating.

    The Reason we should Continue to observe the American Scene is that everything is laid bare, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly that because of their Transparency and our Observances we can learn to Choose Wisely here in Barbados where we do not have that Level of Transparency. We Learn Principles from the American Transparency and can Transfer those Principles that we have learnt to our Situations here in Barbados.

    In Barbados we are a Hospitable people and you are welcome to come and Visit us. WE DO NOT WANT OPEN BORDERS that All CARICOM including Cubans, Venezuelans and Haitians to STORM our Country and Fulfill Commie Sing Songs Dream of a RED INVASION. We Want Legal Immigration by Merit… How is the Free movement of People in Europe working out for them and they sure have more resources than us! They have already Lost their Money, they have Lost their Borders, they have Lost their Identity, they have Lost their Culture and they have Lost their Belief Systems and they are Ruled by Non-Elected Bureaucrats, is that where we want to go in Barbados? Trinidad has more ISIS Fighters Proportionate to their Population than any Country in the World. Would PM MAM Still Encourage the Free Movement of CARICOM People Knowing this?

  29. Welcome MoneyB…if they are going to upgrade the education system in Barbados and the Caribbean, they now know they have to do it the right way so that all the young geniuses who were never properly assessed using the useless 11 plus system through the decades and caused the island to regress so badly because they lost their best minds to that system of destroying their best and brightest minds and 2 generations of people who had to leave the country to realize their goals and dreams elsewhere …does not happen again.

    The destruction of the Parliament, Supreme Court, economy, the very fabric of the society, etc were all caused by the 11 plus mentalities..and not by those who are deemed paper (certificates) illiterate… ironic.

  30. A good conversation until the mad racist beech Well Well turned up with her pathetic victimhood bile.

  31. It is widely known that the short list of candidates Trump is referring was prepared by a Conservative group,

  32. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    • Permit me here to comment on the comments on the commentary, rather than on the commentary per se.

    • The Pharmacologist, who is a scholar in his own right asked, and reasonably so “Why bother about Washington, when you have monkeys eating all produce and wild tamarinds with roots 7 ft. in land where sugar cane used to bring in hard currency (200,000 tonnes per year).

    • 45 govt opined “The United States of America is a Nation built upon the promise of religious liberty.” The trouble is that the barbaric cult of Islam is a danger to ALL countries unwise enough to admit its proponents, and is NOT simply a religion, but an all-destroying cult. How much evidence do you need Mr Cumberbatch? “Islamophobia”, the favourite cry of these stone-age advocates and their useful idiots is an oxymoron. There is NOTHING irrational about the rational fear of Islam. I challenge you to give instances where their admittance has been of benefit to any naive host nation, or anyone other than their barbarous, parasitic selves.
    • This is sound doctrine which can not be refuted!

    • America is a nation of rebels. The first set were rebelling for the liberty given to them in Christ, as is clearly taught in Galatians. They have continued to rebel since then, so that today they are rebelling against a duly elected government, and a leader whom they hate. They love a woman known to have clearly broken several laws, and give her a free pass therefore. In contrast, they hate and rebel against a man, who is trying his best to abide by the laws and constitution of the USA

    I tend to agree with AC/Mariposa who posited”
    Do not understand this obsession with Washington and Trump . Barbados have their own set of problems. As for Washington far and wide they can handle they problems all by themselves
    Try putting heads together in resolving barbados problems rather than juking noses in americas
    All that wasted energy is for naught furthermore america does not care what small island nation thinks

    Then we heard from the blogmaster, who wants all to grasp that “The man is a legal scholar, who…………. has a responsibility to express himself as a scholar and person to complete a process of actualization” Consequently “the …………….. criticism ( of this legal scholar) is unwarranted, myopic and simplistic.”

    Myopia is of course a virtue. A very experienced ophthalmologist once told me that myopic folk are very bright. I then looked around, and have done so continuously for 40 years, and have and have observed that he was 100% correct! All the real bright folk I know are myopes!

    PUDRYR the said “The Luminary Jeff Cumberbatch himself said that he is not an expert in things American and therefore opened himself to a barrage of comments as to His competency to speak on American topics did he not? But you may have the last word on this cause AS I HAVE BEEN SAYING RECENTLY it is your thing.

    PUDRYR is most likely one of those myopes of whom the experienced and real expert in myopia spoke. And since it is, as he says, the blogmaster’s “thing”, the blogmaster is at liberty to insult myopic and simplistic folk at will……..though this not a wise ploy, in my myopic view……….speaking as a scholarly myope according to the observations of the very experienced eye specialist.

    But I agree with PUDRYR— if ya not an expert in things American, perhaps one should shut up. That’s what I do, and as I said before, I am both myopic and a scholar in at least two disciplines.

    Even though both myopic and a scholar, I am at a lost to understand how the voluminous verbiage in the daily drivel delivered on BU is a “ body of work (that ) is there to be scrutinized.

    This is called delusions of grandeur!

    Cricket beckons, but I will be back with my scholarly myopic opinion.

  33. 45lowIQ….I was not schooled in the Caribbean so thankfully was able escape your level of idiocy, you got a real good dose though, no doubt about it, I have met those who took 11 plus and are no way nearly as damaged..

  34. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Firstly de ole man addressed the Luminary Jeff Cumberbatch yet up to now he whom I have great respect for has not picked he test at de ole man but a mobaton of wannabe proxies jump out the wood work at de ole man in unison

    And, even pun a Sunday, dem all attack de ole man and tell de ole man that my opinion which is contrary to the Luminary ‘s is akin to blasphemous

    I GOING GET de grandson compose a Stoopid Cartoon depicting The Luminary with a halo over his head cause de last time a feller had a halo over his head was 2018 years ago AND I MISSED THAT ONE.

    All scholarship CAN BE CHALLENGED.

    Unless there is some new rule possibly in BU’s GDPR then please let de ole man know.

    But like Theophilus Gazerts I GOING absent meself on this one causing it too deep for me to be speculation bout POTUS and SCOTUS matters

  35. Trump is an idiot

    as are his support

    US christians are demons

  36. 45govt,

    It is unfair to constantly tease the insane. S/he needs treatment.

  37. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    re It is widely known that the short list of candidates Trump is referring was prepared by a Conservative group,



    As a myopic scholar, I think we should commend Trump for having the basic common sense to do this.

    As a myopic scholar, I find it difficult to understand, how and why he should do otherwise.

    Maybe Fumble should have employed a similar process before he appointed Marson ah lie?

  38. Ha, Ha…not nearly as much treatment as you need now that Dacre is done with you after years of making you wipe his tail, you should be ashamed, but even that is beyond you.

    ….I will let Miller explain..

  39. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    some one above boasts about not being schooled in the Carribean

    I must confess that I have met some very brilliant boys and girls both at Cave Hill, and UWI med school who wen to school in the Carribbean ,

    but I have never met the level of dummy as I have met teaching “COLLEGE COURSES” ONLINE.


    Laboratory exercise
    As you know the coconut is the largest known seed. It is known to contain carbohydrates, proteins, lipids. If you were given a half liter of coconut water, explain in detail how you would prove that the coconut water contains carbohydrates, proteins, lipids.

    *****Coconut water is known to contain these several nutrients like; carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Just by looking at a coconut water container nutrient information we can see and prove that it does contain the nutrients that were being talked about. Coconut is known to have sugar and sugar is a type of carbohydrate. When coconut water is being consumed there is some type of sweeten flavor to it and that is cause by the sugar that was produced by the coconut. Also, coconut does lipids because that is what gives energy. Proteins are present in coconut water because of all the types of amino acids in small amounts that are found in coconut water. Proteins like leucine, glycine, serine, lysine and many more.

  40. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie


  41. GP……bright people, geniuses and scholars can be found in every corner of the earth, billions of people fall into that is not an anomaly, nor is it unique or centred in one area or one country, it is all around us…always have been for centuries…

    how it is assessed and brought out to the surface for the common good, is a whole nother animal…if those calling them selves leaders in the governments and in the education system, do not have the skills or are not allowed to do so..stagnating those geniuses and therefore robbing the islands and those with the potential for a chance at progress and the islands a chance to generate great wealth….which has been happening for decades…it will never happen….things will remain stagnant, hence the current pit of crying everyone now finds themselves wallowing in…after the destruction of the island by the 11 plus mentalities.

    I bet the island can now do well with the geniuses and scholars they chased away for the last 30, 40, 50 60- 70 years, including those who were deemed dunces and failures after 11 plus, but are geniuses in the countries where they now have fantastic careers, are domiciled and pay taxes, generating great wealth for those countries…

  42. Too much arrogance in the US creates dunces, most of whom can barely read and write…the idiot in the WH comes to mind and is the best example so far.

  43. Freedom Crier Avatar

    @ David…If the Dems had a Problem with the List that was around since Pres Trump was a Candidate they should have said so Before…


  44. It seems you feel you have license to be critical of anyone under the sun in this BU forum but when same is directed at you have a problem? You have never shared a view to a comment not directed at you? Well understand this Mr. Rock, the blogmaster will stare down anyone on the blog. If you do not like it go and search for that famous phrase by Sir Lloyd using

  45. They have and you can add two Republican Senators to the listLisa Murkowski and Susan Collins.

  46. The only option left to save the Caribbean at this time, is to open the borders between Caribbean islands including Haiti, as I believe Mia has also realized, change the current assessment of 10-12 year olds to include all geniuses and scholars…devoid of the 11 plus crap…for those who are not so inclined..start the process of allowing the millions of children who have the potential to realize those potentials and create cohesiveness among Caribbean people..

    The poison and cancer spread by UK throughout the islands, for centuries, particularly in the last 6 decades have run their course and should not be forced to continue.

    …..let unity among Caribbean people reign..finally…who don’t like it..go to hell back to europe or from whichever hole their criminal ancestors originated.

  47. Freedom Crier Avatar

    July 8, 2018 3:06 PM

    “They have and you can add two Republican Senators to the listLisa Murkowski and Susan Collins.”

    Liberal Democrats mount campaign against Trump’s Supreme Court nominee by targeting two Republican senators
    Liberal political strategists hope to block President Trump’s next Supreme Court nominee by replaying a strategy they used to help defeat the Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act last year.

    The multimillion-dollar plan of advertising and grass-roots activism WILL FOCUS HEAVILY ON CONVINCING TWO REPUBLICAN defenders of the ACA, Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Susan Collins (Maine), to buck the president again by denying his first choice to replace retiring Justice Anthony M. Kennedy.

    Trump plans to reveal his selection Monday.

  48. GP, when I did A levels my sister sent me some College texts from the US and the contents were equal to or inferior to the subject matter in our Cambridge syllabus. Good pictures though.

  49. They dont have to target Collins and Murkowski because these two Senators are on public record to say they will vet the judges to feel comfortable that they will not rail again established law read Roe vs Wade for example.

  50. WW are you insane, are you not watching what is going on in haiti since they raised the price of gas and even after they recinded it. God with the new taxes that have been imposed by the blp the haitians will be fricasseeing you soft meek bajan sheep.on sight.

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