Submitted by David Comissiong, President, Clement Payne Movement
“Commissioner of Police Tyrone Griffith and the senior officers of the Royal Barbados Police Force should be putting together a number of motorized flying squads”

The exchange of hundred dollar bills for votes has now become a standard practice in Barbadian general elections, and if this corrupt practice is not brought to an end it will eventually totally destroy the public or civic life of our nation!

Over the past two General Elections (2008 and 2013) a distinct practice has emerged in which politicians and their henchmen descend upon working-class communities and seek to bribe electors – particularly young men and women – with hundred dollar bills.

This corrupt practice has resulted in thousands of young Barbadians forming the impression that many, if not most, politicians – including some men and women who get elected to Parliament and some of those who go on to hold ministerial office – are no more than tawdry hustlers and con-men!

In other words, the people of our country are rapidly losing respect for the men and women who are supposed to be their national leaders. And when a critical mass of a population lose respect for the men , women and institutions that are supposed to provide national leadership, the nation is lost!

Furthermore, the vile practice of vote buying is gradually and sedulously stripping many of our youth of their idealism and moral values, and is also threatening to subvert the integrity of our electoral system , and by extension, our entire system of governance.

And so, the prevention of vote buying must now be viewed as a national priority!

Barbados does have an Election Offences And Controversies Act (Chapter 3 of the Laws of Barbados), which proscribes vote buying and deems it to be a “corrupt practice”. Indeed, Section 6 of the Election Offences and Controversies Act provides as follows : –

    1) A person is guilty of a corrupt practice who is guilty of bribery.

(2) A person is guilty of bribery who, directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf

(a) gives any money….. to any elector or to…any other person on behalf of any elector…in order to induce any elector to vote or refrain from voting ;

(5) Any elector is guilty of bribery who, before or during an election, directly or indirectly by himself or by any       other person on his behalf, receives, agrees to receive, or contracts for any money, gift, loan, or valuable consideration…for voting or agreeing to vote or for refraining or agreeing to refrain from voting

So, according to the Election Offences and Controversies Act both the buyer of the vote and the seller of the vote are guilty of having committed a “corrupt practice”.

Section 27 (1) of the Election Offences and Controversies Act then goes on to provide that ” a person guilty of a corrupt practice, other than personation, is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for six months or to a fine of five hundred dollars or both”.

Commission of the corrupt practice of “bribery” also has consequences for the election candidate who instigated and profited from it. The Act stipulates that such a candidate may have votes taken away from his tally, and – in certain circumstances – may  be deprived of a seat that he “won”.

Commissioner of Police Tyrone Griffith and the senior officers of the Royal Barbados Police Force should be putting together a number of motorized “flying squads” in marked and unmarked Police vehicles to carry out rapid anti-vote buying surveillance missions in all relevant communities during the last week of campaigning and on Polling Day in particular.

It is time that we lock up a few of these vote buyers !

124 responses to “TIME TO LOCK UP VOTE BUYERS”

  1. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David Comissiong January 21, 2018 at 9:16 AM

    Come on David C., no one is taking the matter flippantly or engaging in “personal putdowns” where this extremely serious matter of vote buying is concerned.

    As a matter of fact we on Bu have the greatest respect for you and admire your intestinal fortitude in pursuit of justice in regard to other matters through the legal route of which your expertise to pursue such lofty nationalistic objectives was garnered by the sweat your own intellectual brow and taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars.

    But aren’t you being a tad unfair in expecting too much of the ordinary citizens where this growing vote-buying cancer is concerned and seen as a major threat to the political enfranchisement of the masses for which much cost was incurred to secure in 1951?

    If those who are Constitutionally charged for upholding the laws of the Land have reneged on their legal responsibilities despite their publicly expressed commitment in the light of having prosecutable evidence (eye witnessing) why are you expecting Joe Bloggs to put his life on the limb of garrison-type politics to be that sacrificial lamb for a cause we all agree is the apex of national altruism?

    We believe it is rather fitting on this very date to repeat that well known admonition to ordinary Bajans from no other than EWB the celebrated father of Independence if not Adult Suffrage.

    ‘If you want Justice, then stay away from Coleridge Street (the Local Law Courts)’.

  2. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service

    John Liesalot…ya should really be telling ya ilk Bizzy, Cow, Bjerkham and their agents Maloney et al to stop bribing politicians and government ministers, especially around election to get access to thefing money from the people, it has destroyed the social fabric of the island, they should all receive public floggings and imprisonment for their bribery crimes against Bajans..

    where is has fictitious, false god been for the 40 years they have been committing these bribery crimes against the people and country.

    Bizzy is now so out of his element, he is on facebook offering some scam for Barrows Day…to fool the public.

    these crimes of minority business people bribing politicians of both political parties with thousands of dollars, who in turn bribe voters with hundred dollar bills to vote for a particular party, must be kept in the public domain, its evil and destructive…and all involved must be continually exposed, until they leave the earth.

  3. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service

    ya know a like to correct me errors…

    John Liesalot….where has YOUR fictitious, false god been for the last 40 years that minority business people have been committing these bribery crimes against the people and country.

  4. @David C

    We are all fighting in the same war though different battles. This is an important cry this is why BU has taken to Instagram where the young ones hangout. Currently test8ng this link and will tweak as necessary. We have to fight this cancer which has reached stage 3 condition.

  5. John Liesalot….where has YOUR fictitious, false god been for the last 40 years that minority business people have been committing these bribery crimes against the people and country.


    Same place He has been from the beginning!!

    … but I agree, the minority political class has created a mess in Barbados.

  6. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service

    now thats a start, with acknowledgement comes better understanding.

    the trick now is getting the politicians and ministers from both political parties to acknowledge the damage and mess that they too have and still are creating on the island, including irreversible destruction of the society with their bribery/extortion/pay to play and vote buying rackets…and the urgent reasons why they should all immediately cease and desist with the corruption practices.

  7. Artax January 21, 2018 at 9:43 AM #


    Your earlier post above @ 9:43 AM truly reveals that you wish to DILUTE the facts associated with the case against Gregory Nicholls !

    I repeat ……Gregory Nicholls ( a BLPite ) is the only candidate brought before the law courts of Barbados 🇧🇧 for ATTEMPTED vote buying.

    Read the story below and focus on the key points :

    • Gregory Nicholls borrowed $ 15,000. from the plaintive on February 21st 2013 ( General Elections Day ) !

    • Gregory Nicholls agreed to repay the money 💰 borrowed in two weeks time !

    • Gregory Nicholls borrowed the money 💰 on Deacons Main Road – which is the St. Michael North West constituency) where Nicholls was the BLP candidate !

    So Artax , when you reflect on the 3 points above – you are of the view that Gregory Nicholls wanted that money so badly – on that day & location ) to pay :

    •. Light or water bill ?

    • Renew his Drivers License ?

    • Or to BRIBE voters to vote for his DISHONEST BLP Arse ????

    If you or any person have evidence akin to the Gregory Nicholls —- voter buying story — carry it to the DPP and be prepared to be cross – examined.

    Or go back to your ……..DREAM LAND !!!

    Jokers ..,,.

  8. Fractured

    “Gregory Nicholls was tried in the High Court for trying to buy votes on the said General Election Day under referenced.”

    That news article says nothing about being tried for vote buying. Desperation.

  9. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John January 21, 2018 at 11:17 AM #
    “Same place He has been from the beginning!!”

    You mean in the Heavens and hiding somewhere in a galaxy puny humans like to call the Milky Way or Mary’s Womb?

    BTW, what makes you feel god is a male (He)?
    You never know, it could be either a ‘dog’ (your god spelt backwards) or a Bitch like Mary who is impregnated every solar year by the Dog star 4 days after the vernal equinox to produce your sweet baby jesus 9 months later.

    What a copied tall tale of pagan fertility!

  10. I am more for trying to do something to save my country.

    If people cannot function as communities and stop the rot there is no point because there is nothing to save.

    All the laws in the world won’t work.

    People need to have commonly held beliefs that inform their actions.

    The rule of law and order is one such belief!!

    I have named a couple already that were purposely dismantled.

    How is it that in a country so full of lawyers that the belief in law and order is not cherished.

    There was a time when everyone wanted their child to be a lawyer!!!!!!

    What happened!!

  11. Enuff

    Your problem I cannot help you with !

    Gregory Nicholls remains the only candidate in Barbados 🇧🇧 who requested money on General Elections Day and received the money 💰 on the main road of the said constituency he was contesting !

    You are RIGHT….. such action is the correct definition of DESPERATION !!


    Enuff of you ……..get LOST !!!

  12. David Commisiong supports corrupt dictators and now he talks about fighting corruption in barbados. Give me a break

  13. Your PR stunt is over!

  14. I am more for trying to do something to save my country.

    What is it we came along and found that is worth saving?

  15. David Comissiong Avatar
    David Comissiong

    Folks, we have to try. Up to now the Police have made no effort whatsoever to deal with this issue of Electoral Bribery, even though it happened quite openly last Election Day. We have to do what we can to insist that our Police Force take this issue more seriously this time around.

    I – for one – have not given up on our current Commissioner of Police. I have noted that he has taken measures to prosecute fellow Police officers who ran afoul of the law– even a very senior officer. That gives me some hope. I am also aware that he comes from a family with a proven commitment to Barbados. Maybe he can be encouraged and cajoled into taking measures that are designed to prevent the reoccurrence of this corrupt and illegal behavior. this time around.

    I am convinced that we can save our country. We have to try. We have to make the effort.

  16. The PR stunt lies in a ferocious abilty by those who are able use the laws of barbados to position their self interest while closing their eyes to the corruption and corrupt engineers and designers of govts they openly support.

  17. Are James Comey and Robert Mueller men of greater professional integrity than criminal justice officials in Barbados, or does personal and party loyalty and friendship outweigh everything else in Barbados?

  18. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    In all fairness, I have heard through close relations that the Commissoner’s family have always been known to put the island first, but that should also include rooting out corrupt politicians, even if they are ministers and white color criminals, even and particularly those in the minority population, who have done immense damage to the island over the decades….and so should the new DPP, because the deceased DPP was too corrupt.

    regardless of his political stripes, the Commissioner’s salary is being paid by the citizens of the country and not by either government….and so is the new DPPs

    All the lawyers are now seen as thieves, incompetent and not interested in doing their jobs as long as the case does not involve minority people or those with status in the society…….

    …..vulnerable Black people, if they are not aggressive, stand the chance of being ripped off by lawyers, it is not a profession seen as worthy anymore…too much dishonesty and thievery.

  19. When this government decided to restore the 10% salary cut it revealed the mentality of the people who are our frontbench, Cabinet and political leaders. Further, when Stephen Lashley’s nomination for a national award was accepted because he presided over a lackluster Carifesta it axed it for those with any doubt we are dealing with officials who do not know what it is ‘to serve’.

  20. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “When this government decided to restore the 10% salary cut it revealed the mentality of the people who are our frontbench”

    Very true. And an ODD mistake from governing politicians. They had a number of other ways to ensure they got that 10%. And that pensions would not be altered. It was a symbolic gesture, both to implement the cut, and then restore it.

    So, to whom was the restoration message being sent?

  21. David

    We find it difficult to understand what Comissiong is talking ’bout at 1:24 and before

    That he is persuaded that another law or bringing election law breaking to the COP’s attention could make Barbados a better place is not so skillfully an avoidance of his usual common sense.

    And Comissiong is someone for whom we have more than a modicum of respect. We agree on almost everything.

    But at a time where people in his own profession. People who, no pun intended, work with the police every day and have been known to themselves break law as if a cottage industry in itself. Has that been ever noticed by the COP.

    Where the Speaker of the House has been adjudged to have broken law and nothing happened to him.

    To think that any COP in Barbados, or any change in law, will ever interfere with a well entrenched political culture of official vote buying can only be a deliberate denial of reality or an attempt to favour the party likely to have less of the ‘mother’s milk’ of politics.

  22. Pacha by his comments he conveyed that we must remain optimistic of the COP and seek to remind him of this matter- vote buying- because by his willingness to sanction senior officers it fuels hope.

  23. NorthernObserver Avatar

    The Bradshaw photo is by now well known. We have heard a weak apology by Ms Bradshaw (she has difficulty with both her eyesight and ability to read), and another from the BLP General Secretary denying any association with the T-shirt.

    Yet where is MAM? We criticize the PM, because he is frequently “MIA” (missing in action), and yet is MAM any different? She has a Twitter account. Her silence is deafening.

  24. @NO

    It is the start of the silly season, why would she weaken her hand as it pertains to this matter? Bradshaw made a big error in judgement but her behaviour has to be decided in context. Let the GS statement stand to support Bradshaw’s apology and MAM can adlib a response when she is sure to be asked.

  25. NorthernObserver Avatar

    one word – LEADERSHIP

  26. NorthernObserver January 21, 2018 at 2:46 PM #

    From what I see from afar, Santia Bradshaw is one of the most dignified members of parliament we have. I see her as a future prime minister. Silly T-shirts do not diminish this; especially in a political culture in which people routinely talk about yardfowls, jack asses, and other expletives which should be repeated on a Sunday.
    What I find sad is that a generation that is formally better educated than its parents’ and grand parents’ generations, the foul language of politics is still the same. Let us clean up our acts and respect each other.

  27. NorthernObserver Avatar

    my concern was not about Ms Bradshaw or the language.
    It is about Leadership.

  28. Where has your concern been for 10 long years?

  29. Hal Austin January 21, 2018 at 1:34 PM #

    Are James Comey and Robert Mueller men of greater professional integrity than criminal justice officials in Barbados, or does personal and party loyalty and friendship outweigh everything else in Barbados?

    Corruption can thrive in any society regardless of its progress.

    It is the rank and file people who decide if it is tolerable or if it needs to be rooted out.

    They decide if the country is worth saving or not.

    The best that can be done by individuals with a keen understanding of what goes on is to highlight it and never cease highlighting it.

    In a way that is what Trump did … harp on election fraud and call on the electorate to be vigilant.

    Let nature take its course.

    God puts who He wants to be rulers as GP reminds us again and again.

    So, yes, our country can be saved!!

    … and Comey and Mueller over in the US … they too shall pass!!

  30. I have to apologise to DC for likening him to Trump but whatever it was he did ,,, worked in the US!!

    If it works, use it!!

  31. Barbados Underworld Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underworld Whistleblower

    @ Commisong

    You are wasting your time even though I support you 100%.

    It is a KNOWN fact more than 50% of Barbados Police including Senior management/Detectives are engaged in some criminal activity:

    Drug dealing including shielding the Drug Lords who are all well know on the small island operate openly with impunity

    Human Trafficking of Regional Prostitutes including aiding and abetting ALL Strip Clubs current owners

    Rape including Statutory

    Fraud including writing bad checks this include Gold teeth Pastor Mark White Head of Fraud Squad


    Planting of Evidence

    Falsifying Court Disclosure Documents

    Deliberate misplacement of Court files

    Accepting of Bribes


    I could continue however it gives a true picture of why the Police has turned a blind eye aided by many Politician Lawyers who are criminals themselves.

    Barbados the small island criminal capital of the world from top to bottom.

  32. NorthernObserver January 21, 2018 at 3:06 PM #

    my concern was not about Ms Bradshaw or the language.(Quote)

    The problem is not even the two silly boys trying to promote their vulgar T-shirts. The fundamental problem is our political culture. We must change and learn to respect each other. With a coming general election it is going to get worse before it gets better.
    By the way, just look at the vulgarity, obscenity, threats of violence, aggression, outright lies, smears, and worse of regular contributors to BU, which goes without any comment.
    I am not a prude, I grew up in rum shops, but the world has changed – apparently with the exception of Barbados.

  33. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    What percentage of voters actually receive bribes? Are they significant enough to change the outcomes of elections in Barbados?
    If they are significant, what does it say about our political and socialization processes?
    Are we addressing the real and important issues?
    I find that we,as a people, tend to address issues of little significance as they relate to stated objectives.
    Human beings will be irrational and driven by emotions. We tend to believe that they are always rational.
    Perhaps those offering themselves for public office should be screened for their integrity by the Party Executives. Just another Utopian idea.!!!!

  34. Northern

    Leadership? Everyday it becomes obvious that for some reason Mia is held to a higher standard? Do you believe that portraying the Opposition Leader as practising law fraudulently is moral? What about all the other nastiness about the woman?

  35. i have no diffculty with the message and calls for corrective action however i do have a problem with the one delivering the message who from all points and concern never blinks any eye farther less call for any form of corrective measures by way of reform when the dictatorship of govts he supports denies their people a moral right and obligation to a free elections ,
    Yet Comissiongs relishes the ideologies of democratic laws to which he can avail self at free will to whip up frenzy among his supports for actions in a democracy he decries
    Where is Commisiong voice to be heard or articles to be seen among the Venezuelan people who dare to speak freely against bribers and corruption in venezuela

  36. Santia Bradshaw was caught with her hand in the cookie jar holding the evidence now she wants all and sundry to believe she does not know what a cookie looks like . LOL

  37. For those who might be at lost (BLP yard fowls ) specifically in reference to Santia Bradshaw check Barbados today where all the action highlight her hignorance with the caption title “THE BLP CIRCUS HAS COME TO TOWN”
    BTW that photo would make a greatttttt political poster PDYR where are you? time to dust off that canvas board

  38. I was watching a documentary which showed a petrie dish full bacteria and when one drop of crocodile blood was dropped in the dish the bacteria moved away or died . this I believe is what allowed the politicians to swim in the shit at worthing an come out unscathed ergo eel blood and crocodile blood are the same

  39. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    John Liesalot…dont start.

    Ha, Ha, fraud Austin….have your former employers contacted you yet about the fraud you tried on me, they do have your emails and mine, as well as ya letter to Lloyds and their reply you posted to BU.

    I did make a complaint about you misleading me, by misusing their computers, or trying to trick me anyway, which failed anyway, they got the proof…so dont you start either.

  40. Well well what?

  41. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Enuff….popular opinion is if the ministers, opposition, white collar criminals were not all so entangled with this Williams dude to take down the blogs…they would not now be so embarassed by the same Williams dude……with his liars, thieves, whores tee shirts.


    Wuh ya tink?

  42. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ Hal Austin January 20, 2018 at 5:37 PM,

    I prefer to take a more pragmatic stance with regard to this issue. Yes, we have statutes and laws, however they are merely words printed on paper: to be followed or ignored. Well, that’s how our government views the laws of our country. The Hyatt hotel case springs to mind.

    When a so-called “democratic” political system utterly fails her citizens – as is the case in Barbados – should not the army intervene and restore order to a corrupt political landscape.

    Hal, i argue from the basis that i have no desire to see my fellow Bajans becoming tomorrows refugees. What is the saying “a stitch in time saves….”

  43. David

    OK. If there is even a ray of hope we would be on board. But history tells us not to be too hopeful. Hope for the best but expect the worst.

  44. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Fractured and ac yardfowls…no one has told me yet who the whores are, can yall tell me?

  45. @Enuff
    Everyday it becomes obvious that for some reason Mia is held to a higher standard?
    Isn’t what this is all about? If the politicians hoping to replace the Gov’t are not being held to higher standards then everyone should just stay home and close their shutters. “Northern” has been relentless in his criticism of the PM and the Gov’t Ministers especially their handling of fiscal matters. He utters a minor criticism about Mia and the knives come out.

    Welcome to the new boss, same as the old boss.

  46. Barbados Underworld Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underworld Whistleblower

    The below was taken from Facebook a few minutes ago

    Patrick King
    4 hrs ·

    I have 20 sworn affidavits on six government ministers in Barbados, i intend to expose these government ministers when ever the elections are called. These minister are involved in stealing taxpayers money.

  47. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    Only six?

  48. With the coming of the Silly Season you will be witnessing both B and D propaganda to see who will be able to fool the voting public. The issue of the manholes emitting sewage in the street and a few days of non-activity gave comfort, but alas, tonight I pass the area and the manhole spewing sewage in the road in front of the Worthing Gas Station, the Bank and Massy. I am saying it without prejudice that a sewage system built with “x” capacity will eventually become problematic. Have you sit back and ask yourself how a massive hotel complex can be constructed with endless toilets, endless baths, endless sinks, endless washing machines, endless outside pipes, thousand of square feet of roofing with gutters leading to somewhere…. I presume all roads lead to the sewage system. Too much water for an under capacity system. We need to get this sewage off the roads and stop the wedge that piercing our tourism industry. Two five storied buildings for the BWA and Sanitation Services. Those two building could have housed numerous ministries and reduce the high rents being paid out monthly. T-shirts is just a distraction.

  49. Today is a start David Comissiong, your clarion call to discus the issue of vote buying reached the callin program today. It must be sustained.

  50. David Comissiong Avatar
    David Comissiong

    I fully intend to pursue it David, including with the Commissioner of Police.

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