Jeff Cumberbatch – Columnist, Deputy Dean of UWI, Law Faculty, Chairman of the FC

I had no intention of returning this soon to a discussion of the law relating to freedom of expression, even if indirectly as I propose to do today, after last week’s excursus on that topic and its contemporary broadening. However, some items in another section of the print media during the past week might conceivably have led to a woefully confused public on a topic that is of clear public interest import currently.

In my perceived role as a public scholar of law, I therefore thought it important for me to clarify the matter in the best way I could and to thereby provide some general learning on the matter.

On Tuesday, October 31, under the headline, “Money for Mia after lawsuit”, a section of the press other than the Barbados Advocate reported on page 5 of its edition the outcome of a defamation action filed by the Honourable Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, Ms Mia Mottley against the publishers of the online newspaper Barbados Today and its editor, Ms Kaymar Jordan, in respect of two articles published in the newspaper whose imputations are by now doubtless in the public domain and not of current relevance to this essay.

The report in the newspaper suggested that there was a hearing before a named High Court judge and that Ms Mottley’s eminent counsel, who were also identified by name, had “successfully argued that Ms Mottley was qualified to practice law in Barbados since December 1987”, the date of her admission to the local Bar.

Doubts as to the authenticity of this report began to surface almost immediately on a Whatsapp thread to which I subscribe, although owing to the sensitive political nature of the matter and the possible implications of one being mulct in damages through defamation by repetition, no details were given.

Nevertheless, on Friday last, in a letter to the Editor of the same newspaper, Mr C. Anthony Audain, attorney-at -law and one of those reported as appearing on behalf of the defendants in the matter, averred that in fact “there were no arguments before the court…” and that “a consent order was agreed between the parties and the actions were withdrawn”.

This would understandably have left readers and the general public nonplussed as to how a matter as serious as this could have been reported in such a horribly incorrect manner to the extent of inventing a court hearing with arguments advanced and all. However, that is a matter for the organ to address and no concern of mine, either immediate or at all. My present remit extends solely to helping the public to understand how it may be possible under Barbados law amicably to resolve a defamation action without a court trial and what might have happened in the instant case.

Barbados, in its Defamation Act 1996, does not expressly include it as one of the desiderata of the statute as does Jamaica, for instance, but both pieces of legislation include provision for the offer of amends that is intended, as the Jamaica Defamation Act 2013 states as one of the principal objects of its Act “to promote speedy and non-litigious methods of resolving disputes concerning the publication of defamatory matter…” Indeed, Part III of that statute is captioned “Resolution of Defamation Without Court Proceedings” and includes, in addition to the offer of amends (called there an offer to make amends), the apology in mitigation of damages.

The corresponding Barbados statute, the Defamation Act, Cap 199, also makes provision at sections 16 to 18 for the offer of amends. According to section 16 (1) –

A person who has published a statement alleged to be defamatory of another may, if he claims that he did not do so intentionally, make an offer of amends under this section.

The subsection further establishes a presumption of unintentional publication, while section 16 (2) provides for the circumstances in which a defamatory publication will be deemed to have been intentional.

In Barbados, as in Jamaica, the offer of amends contemplates three elements. First, an offer by the defendant “to publish or join in the publication of a suitable correction of the statement complained of and a sufficient apology to the party aggrieved; second, where copies of the statement have been distributed by or with the knowledge of the person making the offer, to take such steps as are reasonably practicable on his part for notifying persons to whom copies have been so distributed that the statement is alleged to be defamatory of the party aggrieved; and third, and perhaps most crucial, to pay compensation to the party aggrieved.

The procedural details for making the offer are set out in section 16 (4) –(7), but it is further stipulated in section 17 that on acceptance of the offer by the aggrieved party “no proceedings for defamation in respect of the publication concerned may be brought or continued by him against the person making the offer, but he is entitled to enforce the offer of amends…”

If there is any dispute as to the adequacy of the compensation to be paid, then the matter is referred to a judge for determination. If however, the offer is not duly accepted, then section 18 provides that the defendant may rely, if it so chooses, on the offer of amends by way of defence and, in any case, in mitigation of the damages that may be payable in respect of the defamation.

“A defendant in proceedings for defamation may rely in mitigation of damages on an offer of amends not relied on, or not successfully relied on as a defence.”

Of course, not having been privy to these confidential proceedings or, as it is more crudely put, not having a dog in that fight, I cannot assure the reading public that the above is precisely what occurred in this case, but I trust that it may now be appreciated that not every case of defamation needs be resolved by court action and that the local law makes adequate provision for amicable resolution through an offer of amends that is accepted by the putative claimant.

And Mr Audain’s letter would certainly comport with such a procedure, especially when he affirms, …[t] here could therefore have been no “winning” of any lawsuit as suggested in your article. There was no determination and/or adjudication upon any of the issues before the law court on that day or at all. There was no determination of any matter whether procedural or substantive. The parties themselves agreed on the manner of disposing of the court actions…” [Emphasis added]

216 responses to “The Jeff Cumberbatch Column–Non – litigious Resolution of Defamation Lawsuits”

  1. The view of Jeff’s fellow columnist Guy Mayers. A bit of an effort to wade through the definition of what are the four estates of the realms but…



    Sun, 11/05/2017 – 12:00am Barbados

    Estates of the realm and journalistic integrity

    History teaches us about the division of the French society into the three estates of the realm. More recent realities have suggested modifications in this trinity and even extensions to it.

    Up until the French Revolution, that society was divided into three estates. The first estate was made up of the clergy. Of course, even within that group, there was the higher and lower clergy. One’s family tree determined where one could reach, with the higher echelons remaining available only to those who sprang from the second estate.

    The second estate was the nobility. There were a few strata of nobility, but those who attained this status through military service were among the oldest and most secure among this class.

    In addition to the nobles of the sword, there were those who held high civic office. In the days of kings, these often owed their status to the good graces of the monarch. Among these were the nobility by letters, that is, those on whom the king bestowed nobility by letters patent. All this took was a letter from the king to make one a noble. Local “kings” are still bestowing nobility by letters, it seems.

    Everyone else fell into the third estate. Whether you were a wage earner or a rural peasant with your own land, you formed part of the third estate with little hope of rising above that status. The French Revolution was intended to strike down this system, but alas, notwithstanding the appearance of something different, the class divide continues.

    Our colonial heritage is English, hence, other than those who studied history at a higher level or educated themselves about this western-world phenomenon, the French social structure would mean little or nothing to us. It was a deliberate policy to “educate” us only in what was necessary to promote the interest of our colonial power.

    The English class system was not as concretely cast as the French, so it was easier to transcend classes. However, a look at the English parliamentary system reflects the classic estate system. Like in France, the monarchy sat above the estates or class divisions. Below the royalty, the parliament was composed of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons.

    As recently as 1999, Britain passed the House of Lords Act. Yet, the British Parliament still recognises the existence of the three estates: the Commons in the House of Commons, the nobility in the House of Lords, and the clergy in the form of the Church of England bishops also entitled to sit in the upper House as the Lords Spiritual.

    It is not difficult to see this reflected in our own parliamentary structure, even after fifty years of independence. Maybe, we do not think that this can be improved upon.

    In modern times, the media, principally the press, has emerged as the fourth estate. This is not a formally recognised or established state organ or structure, but it has earned its place by its important role in communicating across all classes.

    The media communicates more than information. Probably, more important than anything else, the communication of societal values makes the media indispensable to the kind of society we have at any particular time. It becomes exceedingly dangerous, therefore, when the media goes beyond communicating genuine information, which we label as news, and start to make the news.

    The responsibility not to manufacture news extends to verifying the information passed to the media for communication, especially when the source of such information may likely have a particular bias. The publisher cannot deny responsibility for what is published, regardless of whom they are operating in aid of.

    The defamation laws have been developed to protect the reputation of persons in the society. These are more often than not invoked against media houses because information spread by the media can do more damage than traditional rumour mongering. One of the most unfortunate developments in recent times is the willingness of too many people to believe something because it appeared in print.

    However, there must always be balance. A person with no reputation does not have a reputation to protect. Consequently, if what is produced as news is unflattering, but true, no action can be successfully brought against the publisher of such information, malice aside.

    There has been a raging debate over whether or not the Leader of the Opposition is properly qualified to practice law in Barbados. A section of the press produced a story which addressed this debate. The Opposition Leader reportedly took issue with the story and filed a law suit alleging defamation. For the purposes of this discussion, the merits of that action is immaterial.

    One press house which is thought to be closely associated with the Opposition party, published a report stating that the Opposition Leader had won her case and damages had been agreed. Legal luminaries were surprised by this development because it did not seem to be consistent with the general understanding of what is provided for in our Defamation Act or the surrounding body of learning associated with this area of the law. One wondered whether there was some feature of her claim that was not known to the public that would eventually be disclosed, as it was thought that there was no basis on which a defamation claim could be established on the known facts.

    And then it was further reported that an attorney claiming to be associated with the action declared that the Opposition Leader withdrew her case and it never engaged the attorneys in argument. Put differently, the case was never decided by the court.

    The troubling question is, if the latter information is correct, what could motivate a publishing house to produce a story that bore no resemblance to the truth? It is the right of any person, whether literal or corporate, to support the political party of their choice, but this does not interfere with a media house’s responsibility to be truthful.

    It may be that the author of the misleading story was not deliberately lying, but the obligation to investigate information before publication is not only sensible, but necessary. Clearly, the journalist was not in the court at the time that the matter came on for hearing. It can only be assumed, therefore, that someone who was, or who the author chose to believe, gave the author the misleading information that ended up in the public domain.

    We now know that the misrepresentative information did not come from the legal counsel for the Respondent, Barbados Today. But in our world where some people glory in being unscrupulous and dishonest, is it reasonable for a journalist or media house to publish information from a source with a bias in a matter?

    In 2017 when the fourth estate has superseded the other three in importance, journalistic integrity is an absolute necessity. Where this is lacking, the society which suffers at their hands is doomed.

  2. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Well we clearly heard as yet, no retraction, cirrection, apology from Kaymar or barbadostoday and await whether the promise to pay was a crock and has to then go before a judge…as the “aggrieved” party is entitled.

    What a life.

    “no proceedings for defamation in respect of the publication concerned may be brought or continued by him against the person making the offer, but he is entitled to enforce the offer of amends…”

  3. Bah Humbug!!!
    Tired with this shiite …which Bushie and Jeff clarified long ago.

    Issue #1:
    The DLP has made a mess of every shiite that they have touched….
    With elections looming, they have to say SOMETHING – and have not the brains to think of anything positive.
    So they came up with Mia’s LOL (Lack of LEC)

    Issue #2:
    The BLP are the same identical pack of brass bowls – except that THEY last fcuked up Barbados over ten years ago…..and brass bowls have short memories.
    Imagine that the BLP have come back with the same identical BB candidates who screwed us ten years ago – to challenge the satanic pack of jackasses who are currently ‘doing’ us with lies and taxes.

    The choice for BB Barbados – the Devil and the deep blue sea.

    To respond to the idiotic DLP charges of LOL, Mia comes up with a typically UNDERHANDED scam – where one of her friends ‘libels’ her – and then settles WITH undisclosed damages – with the clear intent that the hoards of bewitched BBs would take that as a binding answer to the whole matter…

    Issue #3:
    What Mia forgot is that our courts, judiciary and lawyers are so inept, lazy and pissy, that even THAT little scam could not pass muster….. at least not with stinking Bushie….

  4. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Lol….ya can’t make any of this up, a hope William sees why the CIA/FBI have to monitor the Caribbean, the entertainment value is pricelless….hahaha.

  5. The recent rains didn’t generate as much muddy water as the Nation, will it issue a clarification?

  6. @Sargeant

    Do not forget Voice of Barbados. Have a listen to the recording posted on another blog.

  7. William Skinner Avatar

    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. November 5, 2017 at 7:41 AM #
    Lol….ya can’t make any of this up, a hope William sees why the CIA/FBI have to monitor the Caribbean, the entertainment value is pricelless….hahaha.

    Ah must confess dat u an’ me pun the same page on dis one. lmao.

  8. However and in whatever manner the issue was disposed of by the parties involved. It is obvious that there was no call by the claimant for a retraction made on part of Barbados today in regards to the article upon which the lawsuit was initiated giving further speculation as to whether the lawsuit was frivolous and filed to protect Mia from any further damage to her character in reference to the LEC issue

  9. “The facts are that Miss Mottley was admitted at the age of 21 years old to the Utter Bar of

    England and Wales on the 23rd July, 1987 and to the Utter Bar of Barbados in December 1987

    and, thereafter, at the age of 36, to the Inner Bar of Barbados in February 2002,”

    ” “Schedule 2 to the Legal Profession Act applies to her and permitted her to practice in

    Barbados without having to do any prescribed course of study at a law school in the region.”

    As the late great John of the Kolij canteen would have said……NEXT !!!!!!!!!!

  10. @Hants

    What is so idiotic about this matter and the jackasses bringing it is that the very government they represent is responsible for oversight of the matter. We continue to be the laughing stock in the region.If Mottley is contravening some law/rule here is what to do Attorney General Bratwaite, pull her license. Yes, the very license your government has been issuing every year since you took office.

  11. @ David

    I never though of that……….. and you’re “absolutely correct,” if Mottley is contravening the law, the AG should clarify the issue and revoke her license.

    And what about a statement from the Barbados Bar Association on the matter? Surely an official from that organization should have addressed the issue by this time.

  12. @Artax

    What he (AG Brathwaite) should do is to deliver on his promise made on the floor of parliament. A place often described by the ‘honourable men’ therein as the highest court’ in the land.

  13. Freundel Stuart is PM of Barbados. He should demand that AG Brathwaite verifies that

    Mia Amor Mottley QC is legally qualified to practise law in Barbados.

  14. The Fact that there was no retraction coming from Barbados Today gives enough clues as to the outcome of the lawsuit
    If the lawyers for Mottley gave way forward to squashing or avoidance of a court trial it can be assumed that the article in Barbados Today held sufficient weight in so much which could have exposed the truth of Mottley not having an LEC.

  15. @ Jeff Cumberbatch,

    Does Schedule 2 to the Legal Profession Act permit appropriately trained persons to practice

    law in Barbados without having to do any prescribed course of study at a law school in the

    region ( prior to 1987 ) ?”

  16. The DLP should move on from this non-issue. Leave it to rumble between Mia Mottley and Dennis Lowe. In the last budget debate she question Lowe’s qualifications, and now she wants to play victim.

  17. “………… can be assumed that the article in Barbados Today held sufficient weight in so much which could have exposed the truth of Mottley not having an LEC.”

    You are such a yard-fowl jackass trying to play politics with an issue you clearly do not understand or you are purposely writing rhetorical political shiite.

    What truth could Barbados Today expose when all and sundry know Mottley does not have a LEC?

    The question is if, in the absence of a LEC, a law or special arrangement was afforded to Mottley enabling her to practice law in Barbados.

    @ Kevin

    How is Mottley “playing victim,” when to date she has NOT complained or responded to accusations of her practicing law illegally, by the DLP and its operatives, including Hal Gollop, Guyson Mayers, and especially in this forum from “Fcuktrured BLP and the silly Angela Skeete?

  18. @ Artax, by reading what her counsel said in the lawsuit, that sounds like playing victim.

  19. @Kevin

    What did her counsel say? Remind us please!

  20. Go and look it up, you the quasi-journalist, it was in the Nation article.

  21. David

    We Dems follow the time hounoured tradition of ……,PATIENCE !!’

    The learned Attorney General has been given until November 15, 2017 to clear the air on this mstter !!

    But why should it wait on the AG ??

    MAM was the student in all of this !’!!’

    MAM can clear the air immediately on this story ……,if she has SCRUPLES !!!!

    For starters follow the FACTS :

    • MAM ought to have known or had known that her case was not argued in Court on October 30, 2017 !!

    • MAM ought to have known or had known that the Nation newspaper article of October 31, 2017 about the case was grossly inaccurate !!

    • It took Mr. C. Anthony Audain ( an unrepentant BLPite) to set the record straight…,,and to chide the Nation for the said article..,.,,MAM kept QUIET about the article !!!

    • MAM must recall October 2010 when her BLP Parliamentary colleagues OUSTED her from the leadership of the party due to her CHICANERY character …,..,7 years later she has gotten……WORSE !!!!

    All of the above shows that MAM has no INTEGRITY!!!

    Barbados 🇧🇧 deserves better

    Dems now ……Dems. AGAIN

  22. @Kevin

    No surprise your response, it is always the same when challenged. The point is you can point to nowhere Mia responded publicly to support your claim.

  23. Could care less.

  24. The one and only voice necessary to put the LEC issue to an end is Mia. So far she had hid behind lawsuits and yardfowls to defend.
    The lawsuit all but shows her defiance and lack of integrity on her part from a want to be right


    Mia was hurt, distressed and embarrassed……. Sounds like playing victim to me.

  26. David

    You are cornered on this one !

    Your race horse 🐴 (MAM) in this race is limping slowly to DEFEAT !!

    The jockey – C. Anthony Audain – has called the race 🏁!

    While you remain in the grandstand – hoping for a miracle !’

    With you TRUSTED steward 👨🏻‍✈️ HANTS by your !!!

    By the way – all along HANTS said MAM was eminently qualified ???? Why he want Jeff to answer his last question , above ???

    He should ask MAM…. not Jeff !!!!

    What a tangle web they weave…….when at first try to DECEIVE!!!

  27. What did her counsel say to support your statement that Mottley played victim?

    Money for Mia after lawsuit


    Added 31 October 2017



    Opposition leader Mia Mottley (FILE)

    Opposition Leader Mia Mottley will receive an undisclosed sum of money after winning a lawsuit against the online newspaper yesterday. The two parties agreed that the terms of compensation would remain confidential.

    Mottley had sued the company and its Editor-in-Chief Kaymar Jordan following two published articles which questioned Mottley’s credibility and eligibility to practise law in Barbados.

    Barbados Today also agreed to withdraw the allegations and imputations which were said to have caused Mottley “hurt, distress and embarrassment”.

    The first article, carrying the headline Question Mark Remains Over Mottley’s Legal Certification, was published on June 9, 2017, while an editorial entitled Of Chance, Gossip, A Big Lie And Leadership was published on September 20.

    That editorial was said to have called into question Mottley’s integrity, credibility and leadership attributes. It also suggested that she had been practising law illegally in Barbados.

    The online paper also allowed statements from members of the public to be published on its Facebook page and website between June 9 and 17 which were defamatory.

    Mottley’s lawyers, Queen’s Counsel Elliott Mottley and Leslie Haynes, along with Stewart Mottley, successfully argued before Justice Sonia Richards in the High Court that she was qualified to practise law in Barbados since December 18, 1987, the date of her admission by then Chief Justice Sir Denys Williams.

    Attorneys Anthony Audain and Brian Barrow appeared on behalf of the defendants. (RB)

  28. *** With your TRUSTED steward 👨🏻‍✈️ HANTS by your SIDE !!!

  29. All a you are a pack a jackasses. Whether B or D are in office, guess what, Barbados is two from the bottom of the S&P credit rating scale. The courts are backlogged with cases, foreign reserves in singe digits, an economy that s limping along on one leg, tourism which is leaking forex etc etc etc.

  30. David

    Interesting discussion on brasstacks with past presidents of both Ds&Bs youth arms…….a lot of consensus on issues facing Bim…..and not a mention of the foolishness of the LEC topic……hope exists for our country with these young people.

  31. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    I await Nov 15 with bated breath, one of my grandson’s birthday so am likely to forget.

    Same old tired arguments , this should never been used as a political football backing and forthing between Mia and the government for over 2 years…that is the lowest form of politics…allowed to be played out by both sides….with their dumb yardfowls stuck in the middle.

    It was a wicked act and malicious to misuse the supreme court to escalate the LEC nonsense even further.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    I await Nov 15 with bated breath, one of my grandson’s birthday so am unlikely to forget.

    Let’s see just how far all of these fools are willing to take this uneducated argument.

  33. And David

    You are promoting a CROOK in MAM to fix what you lamented above !

    For 26 yrs in political life what has MAM impressed you with ???

    Oops 🙊..,.my error !!!!’

    • Edu – Theft !!

    • Dodds $ 700 million scam !

    • Impressive legal qualifications – that are still knocking on the Courts doors 🚪 30 years later !!

    • Disappearance of thousands of $$$$$ from her own political party.. bank account !!!!

    • Her ‘ charitable ‘ endorsement from her former boss OSA that she is unfit to be PM of Barbados 🇧🇧 !!!

    • A further ‘ endorsement ‘ from OSA that the BLP under MAM leadership ” has lost its SOUL !!

    And the impressive resume of MAM continues…

    So because you are the blog owner….. we who follow you here….. march in unison in ” support ” of this impeccable..,, Barbadian…,,,,,” WO (MAN) ……!!!!

    Wha more yuh want from we … King 👑 David ????!

  34. Well well

    Wicked act by whom to use the Supreme Court on this matter ??

  35. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Fractured…..I still dont see any retraction…I see defiance..I will keep you to that Nov 15 date, when Adriel the AG you claimed will do his job.

    “A free press is the unsleeping guardian of every other right that free men prize’
    Added by Barbados Today on November 3, 2017.
    Saved under Editorial
    With the campaign for the next general election wholly and truly under way, the role of journalists and the media in the coverage of the battle to govern will be under more scrutiny than ever before.

    The people who offer to represent the interests of Barbadians will have sleepless nights, worried that the prize of power could so easily slip from their grasp and the last thing they want is a media that analyses and dissects their every pledge and utterance, their conflicting statements and the promises not kept.

    They will invoke again and again the Collins dictionary’s word of the year for 2017, ‘Fake News’, to try to delegitimize what we do. Their supporters, faithfully wedded to one party of the other, will lose every sense of reason, increasing their garrulous baying by several decibels whenever another attack is launched against one of their disliked journalists.

    Revanchism will be the order of the day for peccadilloes imagined or real, even though the ‘enemy’ they see in the media is created by none other than the politicians themselves and their supporters, mostly as a distraction from their self-created conundrum.

    Therefore, when a candidate espouses a position on free education, for example, that appears to contradict that of the party; or when a minister does not keep his promise to re-fleet the Sanitation Service Authority, for example, it is the journalist who reports it who is the villain.

    When leaders from the various political parties collude in the fiction that they are all one big happy family; or as has been the case on countless occasions, when they loosen the bonds of collective responsibility and become open about airing their dirty linen in public, it is the media that are demonized for pointing out the blindingly obvious.

    We are aware that, like many of us, politicians have overinflated egos. And nowhere is this more evident than on the platform before hundreds of adoring supporters. They want to be loved, worshipped and revered, so they put on a spectacle, making promises they can never keep, and sometimes, statements they will later regret.

    But, when the media point these things out, they return to the old playbook of vituperative attacks and threats of litigation, rallying their backers with allegations that one journalist or the other, one newspaper of the other, one radio station or the other, is hostile to them and their supporters and is engaging in a politically motivated ruse.

    Their intention is to silence the press through the backdoor, and by extension, keep the independent, thinking voter in the dark, therefore, imperiling the very democracy they proclaim to defend. Barbadians must not allow them to get away with it.”

  36. The global legend Bob Marley penned the following in a hit song of his ;

    ” Whosoever diggeth a pit shall fall in it , will bury in it ”

    Quite prophetic and revealing those words when follow this MAM qualification saga !

    Here we go :

    In 2015 on Parliament floor ;

    MAM attacked Denis Lowe;

    MAM said to Lowe , you see ;

    You Lowe ain’t got no Phd ?

    Lowe replied, me ??! I got my Phd !!;

    It is you MAM who got no LEC !! ;

    Lowe and behold , Lowe produced he Phd ;

    And to date Bajans ain’t know if MAM got she LEC !!

    Who in the eyes 👀 of the public – on this story – showed…..,INTEGRITY !!!’

    Whosoever DIGGETH a pit shall fall in it…..shall bury in it !!!

    Wunnah calling fuh Elections …, wunnah couldn’t wait in 2013 …..neither !!!!!!’

  37. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    @ Jeff Cumberbatch,

    *Does Schedule 2 to the Legal Profession Act permit appropriately trained persons to practice

    law in Barbados without having to do any prescribed course of study at a law school in the

    region ( prior to 1987 ) ?”*

    @ Hants, I have reproduced the text of the [provision below. What is your view?

    The Qualification Granted by the Council of Legal Education
    Established by the Caribbean Legal Education Agreement

    A person is qualified for admission to practise law who has pursued the
    course of study and professional training in law provided by the Council of
    Legal Education established by the Caribbean Legal Education Agreement
    and has obtained the certificate, diploma, licence, or other status or form of
    recognition awarded by the Council of Legal Education.

    The Qualification of Barrister-at-Law

    Subject to paragraph 2, a person is qualified for admission to practise
    law who is, in accordance with section 2 of the Barristers Act,’ qualified to
    plead and practise the law as a Barrister in Barbados by virtue of his having
    been called to the Bar in England and for the purpose of giving effect to this
    paragraph, notwithstanding the repeal of that Act, section 2 of that Act,
    with such modifications, adaptations and qualifications as may be necessary
    to bring it into conformity with this Act and these Rules, is deemed to be
    in force as a part of this paragraph.
    Notwithstanding paragraph 1, no person who has joined any of the
    Inns of Court of the United Kingdom after the 31st December, 1984, shall ’
    be deemed to be qualified, by virtue of his having been called to the Bar of
    England, to practise law.

  38. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Lol….I tell ya…

  39. Cool Well well on the November 15, 2017 deadline date for the AG to report.

    You may recall that is the deadline that George Pligtim – by letter – said the DLP party gave the AG to clear the air on the MAM legal qualifications matter.

    Though I believe , before that date – MAM will throw in the towel .

    Based on what Sandra Husbands and George Payne – indicated this morning.

    By George , Bajans MAY just end up with PM Payne with Sandra Husbands as his Deputy !!!

    May sound odd …….but remember George HATES MAM ….., and MAM vehemently opposed Sandra for St. James South – in favor of Dr. Ronnie Yearwood .

    An act that Sanda to this day has never ….,forgave MAM for !!!

    So instead of the Barbados Labour Party … we will soon see emerged the Barbados Disjointed Party….. with Artax & Mlller as earmarked Ambassadors to Helsinki & Damascus , respectively !!’

    The Bushman get left out …. with his Brass Bowls technology !!

    What a poor Motley Crew

  40. Jeff

    Can you tell us what other provisos are in existence for someone called in 1987 to be admitted?

  41. Well well

    You naughty one ☝️ ……I tell ya …..wha ????

  42. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch


    Can you tell us what other provisos are in existence for someone called in 1987 to be admitted?

    @ Vincent, I am not aware of any others,,,What I have quoted above is Statutory Instrument No. 24 of 1985 [S.I. 1985/24]

  43. Jeff


  44. @Jeff

    In your opinion who or which government agency should be responsible for ruling on the matter if a lawyer has the standing to practice in our courts?

  45. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Vincent Haynes November 5, 2017 at 1:35 PM

    A most pertinent question to Teacher Jeff.

    It would be most enlightening at more than one level to find out if a Bajan-born black barrister who ‘migrated’ to the UK to study to become fully qualified to practise law in the UK but was called to the bar in 1990 with 27 years of legal experience under her UK-made belt but now has plans of returning to the land of her birth to practice her properly-acquired craft would have to possess an LEC before she can join a local firm of attorneys-at-law to be called to the local bar and invested with the entitlement to practi(c)e law in Bim.

  46. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    In your opinion who or which government agency should be responsible for ruling on the matter if a lawyer has the standing to practice in our courts?

    That would be the court itself, David. it has jurisdiction to determine who it will hear and in what capacity, whether as claimant, defendant, intervenor or counsel!

  47. You wake up now David !

    Though you should been up and asking this question since 2015 – when refused to produced her LEC after Lowe called on her to do so ??

    But never late than …….never Buddy !!

    I will send a present 🎁 by Santa for you !

    MAM will be sending hers from Dodds …..for you !!!

  48. @Jeff

    Until the Court disallows Mia from practicing in the local courts- as it did to Vernon Smith QC- all that surrounds the LEC issue is bluster?

  49. You JA, all agree that Mia does not have a LEC.

  50. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    Until the Court disallows Mia from practicing in the local courts- as it did to Vernon Smith QC- all that surrounds the LEC issue is bluster?

    @ David, Indeed, or as some might say, codswallop!

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