Donville Inniss, Minister of Commerce
The fiscal order was made by Minister Donville Inniss on June 6, 2017


131 responses to “Donville Inniss Pilots Fiscal Order to Give Tax Incentives to Del Mastro, convicted of election fraud in Canada”

  1. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    now that people more visible in the society, Alicia Archer, Adrian Greene, Heather Cole etc, have taken over the roles of watchdogs and pressure groups…making sure all politicians, ministers and leaders of the society are kept in continuous check….

    … long as these younger people sustain those roles and never become what they are fighting…..that means, they get it…

    …..that is a direct spinoff from BU…who fought for 10 years…and other recent blogs who continue to expose the filth that those in charge have turned the island into for financial gain..

    which will take immense pressure off the blogs and genuine posters who fight corruption.


  2. Seeing this comment “hijacked thread”.
    Trying to figure out what the hell it means
    a) Some people should not comment
    b) Some people are talking about what they like and not what you like
    c) The conversation is not following a linear trajectory

    Looks like I have to support Ha and get rid of anonymice. Once we have their identity we could pressure them to stay on topic. We might even silence them.

    I may be a little of topic

    Wuhloss! Mi belly!

  3. Ahh, Mr Lawson seriously funny for a change at 7:30 AM rather than just funny!

    Tie your remarks to those by @Prodigal at 10:48 PM when he said “It is so sad when one goes to a cocktail reception and hear foreign businessmen talking about how easy it is to bribe local people.”

    Did he say that US businessmen are contravening their Foreign Corrupt Practices Act with Impunity and the Canadians, Brits, Jamaicans, Euros et al that same to their nations’ anti bribe legislation….

    Just as you are stating the obvious that many folks go along to get along when it comes to sexual harassment.

    Unfortunately for every female or male who has the fortitude to come forward after they are brazenly defiled by unwanted attention in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the Church, the offices of the Fourth Estate or wherever men roam powerful and wanton, there are several who acquiesce quietly because they have little choice.

    Of course like those bribers on the cocktail circuit there are also those who seek aggressively to play that game and get the spoils of stardom, career advancement and big contracts.

    Maybe we are doomed, but it seems many of us learn fast how to handle a Black and Decker rotary device to screw and de-screw life!

    We surely elect politicians all the time who use multiple drill bits and we accept the screwing every time!

  4. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Lol…..if the blog were to require IDs tomorrow most commenters would run, especially the ones who like to complain ad nauseum, particularly when they are forced to live on the same island with those who they been yammering on about….lol

    I could care less, am flexible, can live in more than 2 countries, ya will have to follow me….hahaha.

    BU has done half it’s job, it has produced active pressure groups and watchdogs…intelligent younger people who knows what time it is.

    “Online petition launched against Govt
    Added by Ryan Gilkes on October 27, 2017.
    Saved under Local News
    An online petition has been launched in a bid to get Attorney General and Minister of Home Affairs Adriel Brathwaite to take action on a number of pressing issues.

    It is being led by United States based Barbadian investment banker Heather Cole, who is also the woman behind for the Barbados Lobby’s Facebook page which emerged at the height of the Cahill Plasma Gasification Plant controversy over two years ago.”

  5. NorthernObserver Avatar

    TheGazer October 28, 2017 at 9:39 AM #
    Seeing this comment “hijacked thread”.
    Trying to figure out what the hell it means

    It refers to the rum shop nature of BU. Bloggers talk about whatever we desire, whenever we desire, and wherever we desire. And it can change on a whim. A beautiful thing. You can find any topic on any page. Hijack, in one of its meanings, is to alter destination. But when there is no known destination, how can it be altered? As such, every thread is hijacked. Hence my tongue in cheek comments which followed.

  6. I gotta bone to pick wid David

    How cum there is only a “like” button after each submission? Why not a “dislike”, or “hate” or even “love” so much wud you marry me after each post?

    Fuhget dat last one ah don’t want to start a luvfest fuh Bushie.

  7. Funny Sarge !!!

  8. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    Missed you for a while, gout acting up again?

    Sent from my iPad

  9. MAM “made clear that once elected, her government has no intention of selling the Transport Board”. So the BLP will follow the socialist path of the DLP with the many ministers, judges, bureaucrats and other civil ants working from 9 AM to 3 PM at the taxpayer´s expense.

    Some African countries already overtook Barbados. More will follow.

    There is no hope for Barbados.

  10. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Tron October 29, 2017 at 5:00 PM

    Look on the bright side of reality. What you are hearing is just electioneering posturing just like the DLP anti-privatization mantra in the last general elections.
    Just another case of being once bitten and twice shy.

    That decision on the future of the Transport Board (TB) rests with the lender of last resort; and we know who that is sitting behind the doctor’s desk in the IMF office.

    The fate of the T B and the other statutory corporations like the CBC has already been taken out of the hands of the local apparatchik which have deliberately ‘cannibalized’ the Bajan Transport Board for private and political gain and turned the entire public transportation system (the sine qua non for a modern functioning economy) into a free-for-all fiasco of pure indiscipline and chaos.

  11. What a pack of JAs

    Wht a pack of JAs

    Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling

  12. Interesting position the BLP forced to take since Straughn shared his position. Clearly a very uncomfortable position for the BLP if a key advisor’s position is not aligning with the party position? A case of political expediency trumping post election position.

  13. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Still trying to figure out what an LEC gotta do with bad governance from DLP….for 10 years.

  14. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David October 29, 2017 at 6:02 PM

    It would be most disappointing if MAM’s so-called ‘covenant-of-hope’ administration on assuming office conveniently forgets to conduct a searching tax audit into the financial affairs of the politically abused Hal the galloping god-horse and his deep-pockets financial alms giver Greenverbs Parris.

    The principals involved in both of these ‘flagged’ tax cases have ‘manufactured’ invoices to justify receipts of large sums of income that ought to attract the attention of the BRA to see if both the VAT and income/corporation tax requirements have been duly met.

    Then we will all see who is really fit to be called a “QC” or a ‘qualified crook’; LEC or no licence to engage in con-artistry to make the same Law look like a jackass in a police uniform and banging a gavel against the jail gates.

  15. @ David,

    The poster above is politically titillating but the people of Barbados need to know.

    Is Mia Mottley qualified to practice as a Lawyer in Barbados ?

    Just in case the rest of you don’t know I can say with absolute certainty that she is qualified.

  16. Miller

    Your MAM in BIG………TROUBLE !!!!

    She must produce the following :

    • Her LEC certification from a Law School in the region !

    • Her evidence of certification to practice Law in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 !!!!

    • Her evidence of having INTEGRITY……in this and other matters !!!!

    Failing which

    The penalty is $ 5,000.00

    One (1) in prison

    Or BOTH

    The ball is in MAM court from now …..till she produces the above evidence.

  17. Well well

    Given your last posting on this thread

    You & MAM gine have a rock road ahead .

    I got the files pun MAM

    It is going to be a slow political death 💀!!!

    And Owen ain’t hit the platform yet …..!!

    Dems NOW……..Dems AGAIN……!!!


    Well well

    Read the above case going on in Australia 🇦🇺 in 2017

    And understand why you are not properly certified to be in the House of Parliament -,that is what happens.

    By the way. – since you believe MAM does not need a LEC…..,.then you go to the Court Tomorrow and ” defend your client ” without your LEC too !!

  19. @David

    And this is where civil society groups rather than 3rd, 4th, 5th and virtual political parties come into shaping decisions in Barbados. But everyone is about power and or vengeance, when a better informed electorate is the answer. Imagine if a professional organisation did a series of public meetings picking apart the pros and cons of a privatised transport system to better inform the population? The selling of a privatised TB may not be such a hard one and political hara kari. All now the two newspapers should be doing some research on the topic instead of simply reporting what was and was not said.

  20. Steupsss @ enuff
    Imagine if a professional organisation did a series of public meetings picking apart the pros and cons of a privatised transport system to better inform the population?
    That is about as useful as an investigation into whether or not water is wet.

    The ONLY issue with the transport system is whether or not it is professionally structured and managed.
    There is no good reason why the TB could not be professionally structured and managed as a public sector entity….. unless you are saying (like Bushie) that Bajans are all a bunch of BBSHs …who must get foreigners to wipe their donkeys in order to get a proper clean…

    …in which case it needs to be a FOREIGN private sector company. Anyhow…. we are french connected (UK) ….ed.

  21. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Fractured…ya still flagellating

    The Joyce case is clear cut, h was not aware that as his father was from NZ, he was automatically, without having to apply for it, NZ citizen by descent, he already renounced the citizenship…2 completely different cases.

    So tell me…how many cases are going on in the Supreme Court with yall …. Mia and her LEC or lack of …pet peeve….

    ….I personally saw only one “case”…..already in trial, took a mere month to get there re barbadostoday, Mia’s friend’s newspaper hinted in certain language about her qualifications and she “sued”……

    ..,..dont you think she would have to provide ample proof to the judge to keep that “case” going….or file an application to the court stating WHY she does not have her qualifications in her possession as PROOF….that barbadostoday is defaming/slandering her….

    …..unless she is professionally suicdal.

    The judge is not a stupid woman, as a lawyer she will know what a genuine law degree looks like and can always check UK temple records or london school of economic records herself….via a request..

    You and/or Angela Yardfowl can go pimping around the supreme courts in the next few weeks for a verdict and post the results to BU….. if Mia loses the “case”….ya got ya proof….and we get to laugh.

    If not yall will look real foolish and be laughingstocks on BU for months to come…lol

    …..or a real journalist can do their jobs and publish the outcome of the “lawsuit”….for the whole country to laugh one way or the other…..anywhich way…. we get to laugh….a win win..

    So why flagellate yall self like this…lol

  22. Kevin Rudd: “The West, by and large, has no idea what awaits it as China continues its rise. The United States, under President Donald Trump, has become a global laughingstock in less than a year. Europe, with the notable exception of French President Emmanuel Macron, remains a rolling seminar on itself, oblivious to its declining relevance to the rest of the world. And the less said about Britain’s collective act of national political and economic suicide in last year’s Brexit referendum, the better.
    In short, the West has turned decisively inward, while China, breaking with its 3,000 years of dynastic history, has turned decisively outward, so that today few corners of the world are untouched by its influence. Deng Xiaoping’s maxim, “hide your strength, bide your time, and never take a lead” has already been dead for some years. The just-completed 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was its state funeral. Xi is now proclaiming explicitly to his own people and the world that it is time for China to take center stage within the global order, and to create a new type of international relations……….
    When China does become the world’s largest economy over the next decade, the global system will be led by a non-English-speaking, non-Western, non-democratic state for the first time since George I ruled Great Britain and Ireland. The current rule-based international order will not remain immune from this fundamental geo-economic and geopolitical change. Nor will the conceptual foundations of the West – Judeo-Christian values and the Enlightenment principles of science, liberty, and universal human rights – be immune from challenge. To believe otherwise is willfully to ignore the deep changes that are now afoot.”

    This is a first rate assessment by the former Australian prime minister, a fluent Mandarin speaker.
    Are we going to debate these issues in Barbados, or continue to borrow Chinese cheap money?

  23. The difference between a US and Chinese hegemonist is what again?

  24. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Or even an Australian hegemonist wannabe.

  25. Well well

    The facts of this case Law case with MAM is beyond your level of comprehension.

    And I don’t necessarily BLAME you and others who have doubts about this matter.

    But here is what you all have to prove :

    • Evidence of her certification to practice law in the UK 🇬🇧

    • Evidence of her LEC from a Law School in the Caribbean to practice law in the Caribbean

    • Is her degree a pure Law Degree or a Degree with another subject and Law ?

    If you and others CANNOT satisfactorily address the 3 points above……then the penalty for IMPERSONATING an Attorney at Law

    Is a fine of $ 5,000.00

    A year in prison or BOTH

    So the ball is in you & MAM court .

  26. With all the hype Fcuktured BLP was giving, I thought this morning the electronic & print media would be filled with “breaking news” relative to the DLP meeting at Deighton Griffith school.

    This inept DLP administration cannot defend its 9 year/8 month tenure in office.

    But for reasons of political expediency and to distract our focus from the real issues affecting Barbadians, these idiots are on about a LEC, which everyone knows that Mottley does not have.

    If they had a neutral lawyer, the discussion of the issue would have some credibility. However, bringing Stuart’s legal (and otherwise???) partner, the dishonest Hal Gollop, (who received$ 1.5M in legal fees for services rendered in connection with the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) new headquarters in the Pine under mysterious circumstances), to speak on the matter, is “playing politics” to appease gullible yard-fowls.


    Well well

    Here is where your problem lies

    Liz says she was admitted to the Bar in 1984 !!!!

    How old was MAM then ????

    Did she complete 3 years of study for her LLB by then ???


    Well well

    Your cesspool HOLE gets ……..DEEPER !!!!!

    Then Sir Henry says MAM was admitted to the Bar in 1987 .

    But since 1985 the Law in Barbados required every person to have an LEC to practice Law.

    Who help MAM commit this EGREGIOUS act ???

    Since it is proven she does not have an LEC !!!!!

    Jokers …..!!!!!

  29. So who is to blame/ Who issues the license to practice law in Barbados?


  30. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Fractured…….I already addressed the date discrepancies 2 years ago on BU …go take a look back at my posts.

    Yall are the ones up in arms about LEC, go break out the handcuffs and put them on Ma if yall got a case.

    Today is Meuller Monday in US where people are being indicted with the potential to go to prison for decades…..for real…

    So excuse me if am

  31. Fractured BLP October 30, 2017 at 7:16 AM #

    “Who help MAM commit this EGREGIOUS act ???”


    Clearly for reasons of political expediency, Fcuktured BLP is purposely and conveniently ignoring an important point.

    Mottley did not wake up one morning and admitted herself to the Utter Bar of Barbados.

    Her admission to the Utter Bar was FACILITATED in 1987 by a DLP administration and DLP Attorney General, Maurice King.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Dont mind…Fractured….while they are playing political sissy election games with Mia and an LEC…, in the real world indictments are coming out this morning, the first one who has been asked to surrender to FBI…a trump stooge, is tied to money laundering in St Vincent….also…

    So let them play election games until some handcuffs start manifesting in Bim….for the criminals of parliament and their dumb yardfowls….

    “NewsWorldAmericasUS politics
    Trump-Russia investigation: Paul Manafort ‘ordered to surrender to authorities’ in first charges of Mueller probe.”

  33. Fractured BLP October 30, 2017 at 7:16 AM #

    “Who help MAM commit this EGREGIOUS act ???”


    Fcuktured BLP, don’t post a précis, of the news article.

    She and her DLP yard-fowl friends are essentially IMPLYING that the people who were involved in process of ensuring Mottley possessed the requisite qualifications to be admitted to the Utter Bar either FAILED in their duty or MISLED the Bar.

    Marie MacCormack, who was the Registrar of the Supreme Court at that time, would have been “responsible for preparing the file and noting any irregularities for then Chief Justice Sir Denys Williams.”

    According to Sir Henry: “It was the duty of the Chief Justice to ensure that the applicant meets the legal requirements for admission to the Bar,”……… “if there was any doubt he would have referred the matter to then Attorney General and Leader of the Bar, Sir Maurice King, QC.”

    “It is therefore in the public interest that the outcome of this investigation is publicly revealed so that any slur cast against the late Chief Justice Sir Denys Williams, the former Attorney General Sir Maurice King, and the former Registrar, Madame Marie MacCormack, and of course Miss Mottley and myself, may be removed,” added Sir Henry.

    And look who the DEMS brought to speak on the issue…….. the dishonest Hal Gollop who received $1.5M in legal fees (under mysterious circumstances) from the BWA and who sold out the former NCC employees, preventing them from being paid their total amount of severance payments.

  34. @Fractured BLP October 30, 2017 at 7:09 AM “Liz says she was admitted to the Bar in 1984.” How old was MAM then.”

    According to Wikipedia Mia Amor Mottley was born on October 1, 1965

    So in 1984, she was 19.

  35. My Little Jonnie earned a bachelor’s degree by age 20, with high honours too.

    A nephew earned a bachelor’s and a master’s by age 22.

    Some people are not laggards.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Allyuh wont stop helping white local and fpreign criminals commit crimes in Barbados and the Caribbean….

    ……allyuh wont stop tiefing from yall own black people and giving to whites and minorities…..the same poor black people who paid for allyuh “free” education so allyuh can boast about being the “best” educated the the Caribbean…and be ungrateful and tief from them.

    ….allyuh are treasonous…

    Mueller’s Monday = 5 counts of TREASON…among money laundering and other crimes….

    allyuh going down too…lol..just time.

    High crimes and Felonies…lol

  37. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Allyuh wont stop helping white local and FOREIGN criminals commit crimes in Barbados and the Caribbean….

    And they still got Asot Michael in UK.

  38. David of BU

    Well well of cesspool

    Artax or Arthole

    Wunnah could stop there and FRET !!!

    Keep calm ……I’m a LAWYER

    Wunnah would see soon ENUFF……..that MAM is an IMPOSTER

    The build up to the next general election will be a………..Long Exceptionally Cold (LEC)……..winter !!!!!

  39. Chuckle……if MAM has a case to answer over any infractions of the laws of Bim……Why has the AG not instrumented charges being brought againsts her and let the Courts decide.

    In the absence of that,one can only assume this is a load of political,play,play foolishness.

  40. Again I can say with absolute certainty that MIA is qualified to practice law in Barbados.

    The DLP demand for her to produce a LEC is just politically motivated bull spit.

    Expect more bull spit as soon as the political brass meetings start.

  41. Vincent Haynes October 30, 2017 at 10:53 AM #

    “In the absence of that, one can only assume this is a load of political, play, play foolishness.”

    @ Vincent

    That is exactly what it is.

    Rather than waiting every Sunday to combine two constituency branch meeting to give people the impression a crowd is following DEM and then wasting the evening talking about a LEC, the DLP should me confident enough to defend their 9 year/8 month tenure.

    But speaking of a LEC…… check out how these DLP associated LEC lawyers managed to dupe the tax payers of Barbados:

    Hal Gollop LEC………. if the BWA bought the land at Lot E, in the Pine under the NHC Act, why did he include in his 1.5M invoice to the BWA, fees for regularizing the title to the land?

    Richard Byer LEC……charged Caves of Barbados a fee of $766,855.24 to PROVIDE a LEGAL OPINION on a $25.7 million loan………… a service that was similarly provided by another lawyer for $19,550 associated with a loan agreement of $33.7 million.

    Michael Carrington LEC……charged BIDC $1M for services rendered in connection with the sale of a building at Newton Roundabout, in Christ Church.

    Michael Yearwood LEC……. charged the SSA $1.5M for the CAHILL project.

    Guyson Mayers LEC…… the DLP Cabinet agreed to hire him for 15 months and pay him $300,000 to oversee the National Risk Assessment and Mutual Evaluation Exercise of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism Regime of Barbados, when the Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit should be the person for that job.

  42. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    LEC crooks…lol

  43. Artax
    Isn’t membership, and therefore a payment, of the Bar Association compulsory under the Legal Profession Act?

  44. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    There have been lawyers practicing law for over 40 years on the island and not paying bar fees or members.

    Don’t ask me why..

    Washington is hot today and facebook is hotter.

  45. @ Enuff

    You are correct!!!

    We all know that the DEMS are engaging in acts of “political distractions,” “political grandstanding” and “political expediency” as it relates to this LEC issue.

    It’s only the blind DLP loyalists and yard-fowls that are buying into this shiite.

    My argument is……… similarly to how Stuart, for purposes of political expediency, used the note from Arthur, in which reference was made to Mottley…….. if the DEMS had information about her lack of the requisite qualifications, they would not hesitate to bring it to the public’s attention.

    Given all its hype, I thought yesterday’s meeting would have revealed information relative to Mottley practicing law illegally in Barbados.

    Instead, the DEMS used a silly strategy that LEC shiite would be more convincing if the rhetoric was endorsed and repeated by a lawyer.

  46. Artax

    If the DEMs were so sure and wanted to make case with some credibility,why did they not bring in Sir Maurice King to claim that a mistake was made when he accepted her,for that meeting.

    This was started in a court of law 30 years ago,so go back to court if an error was made and prove it………simple.

    It is a silly strategy being put forward by from all accounts a desperate floundering govt.

  47. You can join the Temples in England from your 2nd year as a law student.

  48. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Enuff October 30, 2017 at 12:29 PM #
    “Isn’t membership, and therefore a payment, of the Bar Association compulsory under the Legal Profession Act?”

    You have hit the LEC nail right on its legal head!

    If Ms MAM is practising law ‘illegally’ in Bim why not automatically revoke her licence which has to be renewed each year or so?

    Will she be given a renewal next year or would the AG advise the relevant authorities to follow the law as required under the Legal Profession Act?

    Why is the Bar Association allowing such ‘utter’ nonsense to pass as ‘informed public debate’?

    Doesn’t such an important professional body have a role in informing the public about the validity of such outlandish claims against the professional standing and personal integrity of one of its longstanding members who served in one of the highest legal public positions as enshrined in the country’s Constitution?

  49. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    they keep going around and around with this, thinking they fooling some.

  50. MIA is qualified to practice law in Barbados.

    If I telling lies sue me.

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