Is it time to legalize marijuana in Barbados?

High levels of unemployment have always been prevalent in Barbados. The high unemployment rates in the 1930’s and the early 1970’s impacted the economy. The unemployment rate of the 1930’s was significantly reduced when thousands left the island to help rebuild England after the 2nd World War. In the early 1970’s when there was a movement away from plantation labour, again caused high unemployment this was reduced by the islands limited attempt at industrialization as well as the farm labour and domestic worker programs that had opened up in the US. To date migration is the most significant factor that has impacted unemployment in Barbados.

With the island’s economy in recession, there are high levels of unemployment. The high unemployment problem is not new but it is compounded by a new phenomenon; that is the presence of illegal drugs and guns.

For some the trade in marijuana has become their employment. There is a labour force similar in structure to any corporate entity but those actions are all underground and do not impact taxation, national income or gross domestic product of the island.

Like any corporate entity, there is competition among the various suppliers on the market but there are no marketing campaigns, no sales, no exclusive offers, no buy one and get one free, no regulatory standards or licenses. There is no payment of VAT or the NSRL with regards to the importation, production, distribution or sales of marijuana. The trade is controlled by drug lords and drug dealers.

To date, the primary act of the police force and by extension the government has to been prevent the “goods” from making it to market. The drug squad seize home grown marijuana as well as illegal importations of the drug.

The secondary act of police and again by extension the government has been to charge the black lower class, mostly males and a small number of white tourist for the possession of marijuana that is for personal use. It is a rarity for a trafficker or a drug lord to be brought before the court.

The primary act of Government should have been to recover moneys owed to the system. Had this been the premise of Government, the following actions would have occurred:

1. Confiscated marijuana, worth millions of dollars would not go up in smoke.

2. By now government would have legalized marijuana for medical, personal and industrial use.

3. Government would have created the environment for the creation of an industrial base that utilizes marijuana.

Herein lies the dilemma of Barbados, there is a high level of unemployment without an outlet. Anti-immigrant policies in the US and the UK are at an all-time high. It is therefore not easy to immigrate. We have a highly marketable but illegal crop that as a cash crop retails dried at $3,000.00 per lb. There has never been a concrete reason as to why the plant is illegal. Added to this we have a police force that has been employed to confiscate a diminishing number of marijuana plants. See below:

Confiscation of Home Grown Plants

2015 – 56,416

2016 – 27,602

2017 ( Jan to Sep) – 7,601

Source: Sunday Sun September 10, 2017.

There was no data on confiscation through imports by sea and air.

Based on the data, it appears that the police are not even reaching the break-even point; which is the point at which confiscation matches the cost of their efforts to confiscate the plant or a charge with intent to supply or trafficking. There are no economic gains to offset the cost of the plant reaching the market if it is burnt by law enforcement. In addition, charges for possession of the dried plant varies. There is no precedent set for the imposition of a possession charge. Most of those charged have in their possession less than an ounce of the substance. That being the case, at present a recovery tax at the court cannot be compared to revenue earned by taxation if marijuana was a legal crop. To date, I am not aware of anyone who has been fined millions of dollars for importing large quantities of the substance.

In making an economic case for marijuana, several aspects should be taken into consideration:

1. There is already an abundant supply in agricultural land that can readily be planted with the crop.

2. High unemployment levels create a pool of existing labour.

3. They are already skilled growers on the island.

4. They are a wide variety of by-products to be produced from the plant.

5. Medicinal products can be manufactured, creating a niche market for Barbados.

6. Sellers of the good for smoking can be licensed.

7. The legal good can now be taxed by government both imported and domestically grown.

8. Legalization will prevent the present importers from gaining super profits and becoming rich at the expense of the poor and the state.

9. With an abundant supply of the plant on the free market there will be no drug wars, no need to maintain territory, no trafficking and no need for the illegal importation of firearms.

10. Taxes from this area and be used to assist law enforcement to more effectively counteract real drugs such as cocaine and illegal fire arms and create prevention programs aimed at the young who may become targets of drug traffickers for cocaine.

In essence, the country is losing out any economic benefits that can be derived from marijuana. The freeing up of this market will provide economic benefits through taxation, reduce unemployment, reduce gang violence and cause the island to become better prepared for drug lords who will change their product offering.

132 responses to “A Heather Cole Column – An Economic Case for Legalizing Marijuana”

  1. A good argument to kick start the discussion Heather from the economic angle. The only gap is to detail how legalizing the drug actually improves the quality of life.

  2. Great i know..good job

  3. Dentistry Whisperer (M. Pharm. D) LinkedIN Avatar
    Dentistry Whisperer (M. Pharm. D) LinkedIN

    Every one is on to Marijuana, yet Trinidad and Tobago is doing a silent and very profitable low operation from Cocaine taken from the Cocoa leaf and pods. They call it Coco Tea. In spite of trouble times The Mighty Sparrow was always happy. Wondered why? Haynes Darlington (M. Pharm. D) – Canada.

  4. David, Jamaica has done it. We can learn and improve upon what they have done. I will write a follow-up as you suggested.

  5. The name Jamaica conjures up in mind a place of lost and hopelessness not economic power at an level .
    What is there to learn from a country that is buried in crime and criminal activity that stems from drugs which has lead to social destruction

  6. Heather

    Netherlands, Country Drug Report 2017 |

  7. It would be interesting to find out how many prisoners we have for crimes linked to Marijuana in Dodds.

  8. Vincent, thanks. I will read later.

    Angela, there are teaching and learning moments from every situation.

  9. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Great article Heather.., education is key to understanding how the plant can work to bring an intelligent government and the majority population out of the stagnant economic hole in which the present government has dropped them……

    I am not endorsing Mia, but I understand she plans to work with the plant…

    …….the present government wasted nearly a decade in their house negro roles instead of thinking independently and proactively to utilize the plant for various productive reasons, now it’s too late….for them.

    Angela Yardfowl…shut up, ya plagarized a few words from someone in the last few weeks and still returned with the same lowe level nonsense.,…

    …..over the last couple years Jamaica has generated BILLIONS of dollars with their now LEGAL marijuana trade…imagine what will happen in the coming decades for their marijuana trade and byproducts production…and they have the acres.

    What has DLP done besides….21 downgrades.

  10. Legalising weed in Barbados will be appreciated by Canadian tourists.

    Ottawa ‘anxious’ to meet 2018 deadline for marijuana legalization: Goodale

  11. Heather i am all for learning but when i see that negative outweigh the positives then there is not much which can be learned as in the case if Jamaica when there social enviroment has eroded because of a culture of drugs

  12. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Only the idiots in parliament will be left 20 or 30 years behind, get rid of the idiots in parliament…

    …what have they accomplished in early 10 years og mismanagement besides 21 downgrades. they will remain useless…

    …they have nothing to offer the people except.more downgrades.

    Parliament gives nod to amendment to legislation regarding marijuana use
    Added 22 October 2017

    BELMOPAN, BELIZE – The Belize Parliament has given the green light to the amendment of the
    Jamaica pressing ahead with ganja…
    TONI THORNE: Free up de weed?

    Belize introduces legislation to…

    The Dean Barrow government had in August piloted the amendment to the legislation that also provides for monetary and non-recordable penalties for possession on school premises and in specified circumstances make smoking on private premises no longer an offence.
    The Bill had been referred to the Health and Human Development Committee of the House and Prime Minister Barrow said then it was just the beginning.

    “I am excited; clearly it is only a first step and a small step, and I know there will be the naysayers; I suspect we are going to hear from the churches. But I feel as both a matter of conviction that it is something good to do, but also that the society as a whole will support it,” he said.
    When the matter came up for debate on Friday, Opposition Leader John Briceño said his difficulty with the current legislation is that it stops at decriminalisation.

    “I feel it would have been better if we had done all the studies and made the preparations to go even further, and move toward the legalisation of marijuana. While I respect the opinion of those who are against this, I believe that there are numerous benefits to legalising the use of marijuana in small quantities.”

  13. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Of course the useless fools on the island would wont to fight it because the majority population will no longer be criminalized once legislation is in place to decriminalize the plant…

    Could you believe in this day and age there are so many backward, ignirant people alive. …steupps.

    “Its main effect really is to induce a false and unrealistic sense of contentment in other words people who smoke it seem to feel contented and people who are contented don’t normally give trouble,” he said, adding “ this has been a piece of legislation that has been really oppressive really to the poor”.
    Erlington said that poor people used to be hiding these little bit of marijuana in the clothes of their children.

    “The record seem to suggest that the consumption of marijuana and the addiction to it really is a medical problem and in this day and age we know that many of these people have these allergies and you don’t punish them more, you try to furnish the with provision for overcoming it,” he added.
    Minister of State, Elodio Aragon Junior, said amendment will be significant for the hemp industry as this Misuse of Drugs Act bill will exclude industrial hemp from the definition of cannabis in the misuse of drugs act.

    “So that the provisions that apply to marijuana will no longer apply to industrial hemp. Industrial hemp will be defined as any part of the plant of the genius cannabis sativa with a THC concentration of such amount as may be prescribes and as we all know the hemp industry is a vibrant industry that has great potential for Belize.

    “I will also like madam speaker to highlight and state what this amendment will assist to do for Belize. One it will reduce the criminalisation of our young people especially the youths who smoke marijuana. It will also assist in the reduction of persons at our prisons ad it will also assist the entire criminal justice system ranging from the police to prisons.

    “And it would in effect create a cost saving in regards to arresting, sentencing and imprisonment which we all know comes with our budgetary resources that have to be allocated to ensure that these things are carried out,” he added.”

  14. Barbados Marijuana sweet bread…. Should taste good an mek yuh feel sweet fuh real.

    There is an entrepreneurial opportunity. lol

  15. So am I to take it that the legalisation of marijuana will rescue, not only our economy, but our society? What is the future for those of us who have never used illegal drugs, nor have any intention of so doing?

  16. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    That is the most asinine statement….since the end of prohibition and the legalization of alcohol…how many people have been FORCED to drink alcohol.

  17. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hal Austin October 22, 2017 at 12:13 PM

    What is the future for those who have never used alcohol or tobacco and have no intention of doing so despite these products are freely available for purchase by adults?

    Would the cessation of consumption of these legal products cause the economy to collapse?
    More than likely.

    Unless the government finds alternative consumption habits to heavily tax in order to close the massive tax revenue gap such a event would create.

  18. @Heather

    To evaluate impact of legalization you would have to have a look at Denver in the USA as one example that has moved to seeing it for medicinal properties. Jamaica has just taken the first step to free up the collie. Then there are places like the UK and other places where it is a misdemeanor class B felony.

  19. Hal

    Govt needs money……..taxes&fx.

    Hemp and its by products will not only supply taxes like alcohol but also more importantly fx like our rum does.

    Then legalising prostitution would be the next move.

  20. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Heather October 22, 2017 at 10:03 AM

    Heather C., you should also consider taking a ‘business’ trip to Amsterdam to see firsthand how things can be done in the open (not creating an underground economy with its attendant social ills) but can still be effectively regulated.

    But I am assuming you have not yet taken such a trip instead of relying on hearsay. LOL!!

    I am prepared to be your tour guide. I know the place like the palm of my hand just like Vincent knows the ‘overgrown-with-‘weed’ cane fields in St. John.

  21. Vincent,
    I still have not seen a convincing economic case for the legalisation of marijuana. The use of the plant for medicinal research is a totally different matter. I can see a powerful social, political and moral argument not to legalise it. Just go to Amsterdam for evidence. There is a case, however, for decriminalisation.
    More important, marijuana is a pathway drug; just come to South London and visit the Maudsley Hospital. What about opiates, many of which at e prescription drugs? The comparison with alcohol or tobacco is silly and not worthy of further comment. So is t hat with legalised prostitution. To treat such issues as answers to our economic problems is to dredge the cesspit.

  22. I find myself lining up with Hal Austin.
    I do not think legalizing marijuana will solve our economic problems.
    I remember reading that the US was now exporting better stuff than what was coming in……
    We need real solutions, not quick fixes and temporary solutions.

  23. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hal Austin October 22, 2017 at 1:51 PM

    Similar arguments were ‘prosecuted’ when the proposal to lift the prohibition on alcohol was put to the American Congress.

    Now you are all for keeping alcohol ‘legal’ just because of it’s a massive tax revenue generator employing hundreds of thousands.

    What would Barbados be economically without rum today?
    Isn’t rum one of its leading ‘visible’ exports?

  24. Now you are all for keeping alcohol ‘legal’ just because of it’s a massive tax revenue generator employing hundreds of thousands.

    @Jethro Miller PGCE(FE)
    You are irritatingly, appallingly stupid. You are such a buffoon that you think making up straw men to knock down is creative thinking.

    You are like a bad itch – a semi-literate, loud mouth. Where have I said that alcohol should remain ‘legal’ because of the massive tax revenue it generates and because of the hundred of thousands of job it supports?
    Why don’t you s top picking fights and educate your self?

    This is what I said:
    The comparison with alcohol or tobacco is silly and not worthy of further comment. So is that with legalised prostitution. To treat such issues as answers to our economic problems is to dredge the cesspit.

  25. Hal

    No system is perfect but certain things cannot be denied such as the benefits of legalising the production of Hemp,control of its usage via cafes and home,marketing of its medicinal value overseas will lead to revenue earning and fewer prisoners.

    I am very familiar with the Nerdelanden and moreso Curacao, country of my birth,where prostitution is legal and comes under the watchfull eye of the medical board and is protected by law enforcement agencies. Marijuana though not legal in Curacao is smoked openly without the island becoming a haven for hard drug zombies.

    Prior to WW1 all drugs were legal as a reader of Conan Doyle you are aware that his most famous character was an opium addict and Sigmund Freud was a cocaine addict for sinuses.

    Legalise and educate should be the mantra…….you are aware of the harmfull effects of alcohol which is legal.

  26. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    The comparision to alcohol and tobacco is not silly since separately and together the contribute to more deaths, destruction of family life and destroyed health than marijuana could ever do…educate thine ignorant, backward self,

    “How Many People Have Died From Weed?
    The likelihood of dying from marijuana alone is extremely remote, although marijuana use can lead to death because of the activities people engage in when high. Proponents of recreational marijuana legalization point to its relative safety and the fact medical marijuana has proven therapeutic benefits.”

    “How big is the problem? In 2015, 10,265 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (29%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. Of the 1, 1,132 traffic deaths among children ages 0 to 14 years in 2015, 209 (16%) involved an alcohol-impaired driver.”

    “Fact Sheets – Alcohol Use and Your Health. Drinking too much can harm your health. Excessive alcohol use led to approximately 88,000 deaths and 2.5 million years of potential life lost (YPLL) each year in the United States from 2006 – 2010, shortening the lives of those who died by an average of 30 years.”

    “Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day. On average, smokers die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers.”

  27. Vincent,
    Let us ignore the legalisation of marijuana argument. Let us concentrate on prostitution. That you should support this, at a time when Weinstein is focusing global attention on the abuse of women. Who benefits from legalised prostitution?
    Don’t you think better education and job opportunities are the real answers to legalised prostitution – male or female? Have you ever lived in an area where prostitutes operate – legal or not? Ask women who live in those areas how much they are harassed.

  28. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Marijuana does not kill.

    If you smoke marijuana and engage in dangerous activities ya will die. ..

    If you dont smoke marijuana and engage in dangerous activities, ya will die.

    Just recently on the island I knew this dude loved the alcohol, fell down, hit his head and died couple days later.

    Educate thyself oh foolish one.

  29. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Heather…if it’s the same 4 companies mentioned in the Canadian parliament, one wonders how they got into Barbados because that investigation, although there have been convictions…is still very much ongoing in Europe.

  30. Heather October 22, 2017 at 3:20 PM #
    I need your support. Please sign and share !!

    This petition is silly and nonsensical. There is a pending democratic general election and voters should put their faith in that.
    We cannot replace our democracy with referenda and petitions. What is badly needed is open debate and parties must be put their policies out there for an informed public to decide. The attorney general is out of his depth, but blaming him for a flawed political culture is not fair.
    That is our form of democracy, not crass petitions.

  31. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    What an idiot..

  32. Hal

    I was born and bred in a country where it is legal and the wish of every 13 year old to be carried to the Campo for his initiation into manhood.

    The ladies earned a good living,were registered,paid taxes and had no fears of abuse thanks to the protection of the state.

    Abuse occurs with everything and the illegals will always suffer more……equating prostitution with job abuse is an apples and oranges argument for obvious reasons.

  33. Vincent,
    You have not answered the substantive question. Who benefits from legalised prostitution? We have a similar thing in the UK with so-called traditional Chinese medical centres. Most are fronts for prostitution and the police and social services know this. But as long as they are off the streets – and are not black people – they turn a blind eye.
    @ Vincent, I have spent times in Brussels and Antwerp and found the cities, especially Antwerp, vile.

  34. Hal

    Campo….is business it pays taxes,it employs people who pay taxes,like any business it makes and looses money,its books are audited,shareholders change from time to time.

    You err when you continiously try to compare business with shady illegal operators.

  35. Vincent,
    Apart from the money sex workers get, who benefits most from legalised prostitution? Government, the clients, who? Are they better alternatives for the working people – men and women? And is making money the kind of public morality we should encourage in our society? Should careers advisers at our leading schools and university list prostitution as a career on completing education? Should Cave Hill offer a diploma in the theory and practice of being a sex worker? Should they take exams?

  36. @ Hal, how can that petition be considered silly. I presume that you do not know of the fact stated in the newspaper a few days ago that George Pilgrim has or is sending a letter to the Attorney General to initiate a probe into the qualifications of the Leader of the Opposition. That in my opinion is frivolous and a distraction from the problems that the country is experiencing. On the other hand this petition is about serious issues that are not or have not been addressed by the government.

  37. Heather,
    You are right regarding Mia Motley. The argument over her LEC – much of it conducted on BU – is frivolous, juvenile and petty, but it is at its heart a very Barbadian thing. I know of a very senior Barbadian lawyer, who claims to have been qualified in the UK, which the Law Society told me he did not. He passed the first part of the solicitors’ exams and did not take part two.
    But malice is part of our culture, as much as cou cou. One of the best things to happen for a long time was Mia’s decision to sue one publication. I hope she follows through and go after all those on social media who are defaming her. She must make someone pay.
    But to answer your substantive question, two wrongs do not make a right.

  38. @Heather

    In the opinion of the BU household you are on the right track. Citizen advocacy in Barbados is at nascent stage. The Barbadian definition of participating in the democracy is voting every 5 years or in a by-election. The idea of galvanizing support behind a cause political or social in nature is important to signal to the establishment where the true power resides.

  39. @Vincent

    Observe the brothels up close on visits to St. Maarten. Agree that it is a well regulated over there. It removes the oldest profession from the back streets, it reduces the risk of contracting disease etc. The business of prostitution will goon regulated or not. The pragmatic approach is to regulate it for all the stakeholders to benefit.

  40. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    petitions are a way of life in europe, how else would governments be kept in check..

  41. David

    Correct very similar to Curacao all under the Dutch system.
    A very pragmatic system,catering to the oldest profession in the world.


    It cannot be eradicated and the individual will choose without pressure……training provided by the establishment……read Xaviera Hollands book.
    Growing up foolish under the union jack comes to mind when we espouse certain beliefs.

  42. Let me add.
    I agreed with Hal on just one item….

    I need to be convinced that we will get forex for medical marijuana. Who will we sell it to?

  43. Marijuana, prostitution …. neither uplifts the country!!

    Besides, from what you read in the papers the prostitutes have to be imported sometimes even from Russia,

    …………. no jobs for the Bajan pros,

    … gentlemen prefer blondes as the title of the old 1953 film goes!!!!!!

    But, treat each square inch of the country as a World Heritage Site where the people who God inspired to end slavery did His will …..

    … and teach our children the wonderful works He wrought and their wonderful heritage.

    Exalt His name.

    There is no country in the world that has such a record so indelibly etched on its lands, not one!!

    Large scale sugar production becomes economic as one by one the fields with 300 plus years of investment are reclaimed ….

    … and it becomes economic because it uplifts Barbados and provides an attraction for people all over the world to come and see what God wrought right here in this 2X4 island.

    It put’s Bajans back to work in what is probably the most honourable profession of all, agriculture.

    Barbados is unique, …. don’t mind the crap our historians write!!

  44. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    “I need to be convinced that we will get forex for medical marijuana. Who will we sell it to?”

    Gazer…ya joking right.

    Larger island’s Jamaica, Belize etc who have land mass to grow their product by the ton and are already known for top grade priducts have and will have international markets…..

    ….smaller islands like Barbados can sell their byproducts within the region, because there are even smaller islands with even less acreage available to produce and supply the millions and millions of people in the Caribbean who have medical issues that require marijuana treatment.

    Hal never uses his brain and takes growing up, dumb, stupid and backward under the union jack to a whole new level. …if the island had to depend on him to progress….they never willl..

    Dont be like Hal.

  45. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    And John is another Class A idiot….never listen to John’s lies and fraudulent bad intentions for the Black population on the island.

    He is right about the minority twistorians, including himself…they tell lies about the Black population’s history…all the time..

  46. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Besides…..John and his ilk are only now coming to the realization that on the decriminalizing of the plant…they will not be able to steal the business, as they are accustomed doing to other businesses, from the population without a nasty fight, 7,500 minorities cannot win any fight with over 260,000 Black people….so he quickly switched his tactics from a few days ago when he saw Cow and Bizzy controlling marijuana growing and higging everything….the thief.

    The minorities been importing white european whores for decades, stop lying John….what business have they taken from Black women, when minority men go black, they never go back.

  47. Vincent,
    Plse ignore the resident mental cases. If we were to legalise prostitution, then it would be a recognised profession (the oldest in the world, as you say). Therefore, it would be acceptable for careers advisors at secondary schools to advise young boys and girls that prostitution would be a good career option. Do you agree?
    Equally, it would be the same for the UWI to advise graduates to think about prostitution as a career path. along with law, medicine, and blogging on BU, right?
    Further, do you not see the moral hazard of young boys and girls not paying attention in class because their minds were set on being professional prostitutes. How then do we train young people to be prostitutes? Speaking a foreign language, so they make communicate with tourists in their own languages? Teach them maths so they could calculate their tax obligations?
    @Vincent, drop the liberal nonsense and think seriously of the social and moral implications of a small island people adopting the festering social policies that have driven Western Europe to the brink of collapse.
    I have a copy of Xaviera Hollander’s book; I also have a copy of Jungle West Eleven, a book that is kept under lock and key in the British Library and which is about Caribbean people in 1960s Ladbroke Grove.

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