DAVID COMISSIONG, Chairman, Caribbean Pan-African Network (CPAN)

The campaign to secure “Reparations” for the multiplicity of genocides and crimes that have been committed against the sons and daughters of Africa during the centuries of Slavery and Colonization consists of  an “outwardly directed” process in which we level demands at the liable European and North American Governments and institutions for a comprehensive package of compensatory money payments, developmental programmes, transfers of resources, and national and international institutional reforms , as well as of an “inwardly directed” process that we African or African-descended people must engage in ourselves to repair those aspects of the damage that pertain most directly to our minds and psyches.

And deeply embedded in the concept of and campaign for Reparations are the following twelve fundamental principles :-


The campaign for Reparations sends a message to all and sundry that there will be no impunity for those who commit “crimes against humanity”. Who so ever  commits a “crime against humanity” must know and expect that justice will be demanded of them– even if it takes two hundred years, and even if it is their successors and beneficiaries who are ultimately required to make recompense !


If we Africans or African-descendants fail to demand that the present-day representatives and beneficiaries of those  institutions and nations that committed the most horrible crimes imaginable against our ancestors be held accountable and made to pay restitution, we would be implicitly sending a message to ourselves and to the world at large that we do not consider our ancestors (or ourselves) to be sacred beings invested with inalienable rights and deserving of respect and justice! And so, the very act of demanding Reparations constitutes a validation by us of our own precious humanity, and is a critical component of the process that we must engage in as individuals and as a collective of repairing ourselves!


The Reparations Campaign must be built upon a foundation of knowledge about who we African or African-descended people were before the criminal European impositions of slavery and colonialism — knowledge of the achievements and glories of our pre-slavery, pre-colonial African civilization; knowledge of the history of European orchestrated enslavement and its destructive effects on the civilization of Africa; and knowledge of the extent to which the present-day materially imposing Western industrial societies constitute agglomerations of wealth stolen from the sons and daughters of Africa over the centuries.


Of course, the point must also be made that the racist oppression of black or African people did not end with the formal abolition of slavery! Indeed, after the abolition of slavery in the 19th century our historical oppressors deliberately entrapped our ancestors in economic, political and social arrangements that were designed to handicap them and to serve the interests of the former enslavers– arrangements that have persisted (in modified form) down to the present day. The struggle for Reparations must therefore be– among other things– a struggle to expose and put an end to such arrangements and to complete the Emancipation process!


The demand for compensation from the present-day representatives of those who inflicted horrendous crimes on our ancestors and who damaged and disabled succeeding generations must consist of a demand for the transfer of material resources in an amount proportionate to the enormity of the crimes and their deleterious effects—resources to enable present-day African and African-descendant populations to counter the economic and social imbalances derived from those centuries of criminality.


The campaign for Reparations or for Reparative Justice must be designed to produce the “just society”, in that the demand for Reparations must be formulated as a demand for a fundamental transformation of the currently existing inequitable and exploitative economic and power relations that exist in the international arena and in many of our domestic societies. This principle has implications not only for the restructuring of such international entities and phenomena as the United Nations Security Council, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the terms of international trade and finance, but also for the manner in which our domestic African and Caribbean societies and Governments function. Implicit in the demand of our Caribbean and African Governments for Reparations must be a commitment to themselves deliver justice to their own people! And this is a commitment that the masses of African and Caribbean people must be prepared – through dynamic activism and advocacy– to hold our Governments to!


An integral strategy of the contemporary Reparations Movement is to present the demand for the payment of compensation (in financial and material resources as well as in developmental programmes) to the present-day representatives and beneficiaries of the evil system of slave trade and slavery and to invite their collaboration in addressing the tragic effects of this monumental historical crime. But even while adopting this approach, we Africans and African-descendants make it absolutely clear to all and sundry that even though we value the concept of collaboration, that the strategies and tasks to be implemented for our psychological repair and for our economic and social empowerment are our own responsibility and will be conceptualized, directed and controlled by us!


A critical component of the campaign for Reparations is the African’s and African-descendant’s own inwardly directed struggle for psychological, cultural and spiritual self-repair. Thus, African or Afro-descendant members of the Reparations Movement and their governments must be committed – as individuals and as collectives – to seek to identify all of the ways in which we have been and continue to be negatively affected by false notions of white supremacy and black inferiority, and to rigorously attack them and eradicate the negative effects that impact on our individual and collective psyches!


The effort to “prosecute” and hold accountable the present-day representatives and beneficiaries of the historical oppressors of the African and African-descendant people will require the widespread participation of Africans and African-descendants: and the attainment of such widespread popular participation will, in turn, be dependent on the inwardly directed struggle for self-repair and its capacity to persuade a critical mass of the African population to re-evaluate themselves and their history; to perceive the gravity of the injustice; to feel the tragic historical loss they have suffered; and to be sufficiently motivated to get involved or otherwise support the campaign for Reparations. The Reparations Movement and the African and Caribbean governments that lead it must therefore engage in a comprehensive mass education outreach programme to the community that is designed not only to educate about the relevant history, but to also help as many of our people as possible to emotionally connect with that history and the tragic loss and injustice suffered.


The campaign for Reparations must be designed, on the one hand, to bring on board with us all of our natural allies in Africa and the Diaspora, Latin America and Asia and to enlist the tremendous weight of world opinion on our side, and, on the other hand, to isolate and publicly hold up to international embarrassment and critique all those entities that perversely and unreasonably seek to deny and resist the manifest justice and righteousness of our claim to Reparations. This will call for a concerted effort in the field of international diplomacy by the Ambassadors, Embassies and foreign Missions of the nations of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the African Union (AU). It will also require consistent effort at the General Assembly of the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the Commonwealth and in other relevant international organizations.


The masses of our African and African-descendant populations must be intimately involved in the campaign for Reparations: they must be permitted enough time and opportunity to thoroughly discuss and understand the issue; their right to have the final and decisive say on the concrete details of the Reparations claim must be respected; and they must have a say – through representatives specifically selected by them – as to how the compensatory resources are utilized. Furthermore, at a national level– within our many nation states–the Reparations Movement should systematically appeal to and challenge all of the relevant local and national organizations to put support for Reparations on their agenda and to include it in their programmes and Manifestos – political parties, trade unions, youth organizations, churches, women’s organizations, educational institutions, local government administrations, and the list goes on.


The successful pursuit of Reparations will require the establishment of a world-wide network of community, regional, national and international organizations. Indeed, at the grassroots level, the community based Reparations organization must be linked into a national network, while at the level of our African and Caribbean governments we should establish a trans-Atlantic international network that is preparing and engaging in legal, diplomatic and political strategies at the international level to achieve Reparations. The African and African-descendants Reparations Claim (s) will either be consensually negotiated between mutually respectful State parties gathered around an international negotiating table, or it will have to be litigated in a series of international law cases brought against the Governments of the liable nations.


The time has come for the African and African descendant people of the world and their Governments to finally present their Reparations Bill to the current day successor Governments of those national Governments of Europe and North America that organized, facilitated, legitimized, financed, and benefited from the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the associated system of racialized Chattel Slavery — the governments of Britain, Spain, France, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway, and the United States of America (a former colony that perpetuated the enslavement of African people for nearly one hundred years after attaining its independence).

Onwards to the achievement of Reparations in this United Nations International Decade For People of African Descent!

287 responses to “REPARATIONS MADE SIMPLE or almost everybody’s guide to reparations”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Lol….goes to show John never knows what the hell he is talking about.

    Northern….exactly, opinions for or against reparations have no bearing on the case, it will be the facts as they are presented which will really matter…and generate a decision.

  2. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ October 21, 2017 at 5:15 PM
    “The Bible was translated from Latin first to German by Martin Luther and then to English and other languages.
    It became widely available for anyone to read.
    The abolition of slavery is a direct result of the access to God’s Word by many.
    The Quakers, like many other dissenters and non conformists were all a product of the Reformation.
    If you need evidence of the effect of God’s Word on mankind, look no further than the abolition of slavery!!”

    It’s truly paradoxically confusing how a person of your outstanding academic stature could find yourself so handicapped by your intellectual myopia which only allows you to see the world through such an opaque and narrow lens. Which “God’s Word on mankind” are you referring to?

    Why are you allowing your singular focus on that Judeo-Christian compilation of plagiarized myths and legends to stunt your epistemological development?

    Are you including in your ‘narrow’ definition of “mankind” the billions of members of the species called homo sapiens who have walked (and still walk) this planet and don’t know of or give two hoots about the same Judeo-Christian writings because of the own religious dogma whether printed or passed down from generation?

    Why are you leaving out the billions from the Indian sub-continent and of the Orientals from Central and Eastern Asia and the migrants to Oceania?

    Why are you omitting from your ethnically and culturally confining analysis that globally massive swath of humanity that have been practising their own brand of religions for thousands of years in coming to their understanding of their gods other by way of the Judeo-Christian influence worshipping a sun god rising from the Levant?

    What about the many religions which existed prior to the influence of the Abrahamic cult (itself an offshoot of the ancient order of Melchizedek and, indeed much later, those like the Bahá’í?

  3. Why are you allowing your singular focus on that Judeo-Christian compilation of plagiarized myths and legends to stunt your epistemological development?

    If I were lost and searching for a way I might look at other religions, but the fact is, I am not!!

    So the answer to your question is simplicity itself.

    I found what I needed to find and am quite content, … but thanks for your concern!!

  4. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Miller….because that is what frauds do, why do you think I never read anything John posts that contains more than ten lines, unless it is not one of his fraudulent rants…

    The only Black people who will fall for that modern day but ancient bible fraud….are the dumbest of the lot who are hopelessly mentally destroyed….like John,

  5. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John October 22, 2017 at 10:12 AM

    Then you are in NO position to speak on behalf of any member of “Mankind” other than your living soul; Quaker or no Quaker, Reformer or No reformer, Roman Pagan or worshipper of Sol Invictus.

    What you should be concerning yourself about is the mushrooming of that old curse of the white race called racism. Just look at so-called United States of America today and see the spectre of white supremacy raising its fascist head again with the poor blacks the most psychologically vulnerable of the human species again being their main target of hate and violence.

    It’s time you put on your Quaker shoes and let your Society of friends know it’s time to start marching to show how much you love your God of love even if not to the drum beat of John Brown.

    John, why not make your American dream come true by first dropping your support for and admiration of Trump, the modern-day embodiment of the ‘black’ anti-Christ?

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..”

  6. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    MoneyB and the trumptards….LOOK..lol

    ADMIN OCTOBER 20, 2017700 VIEWS
    When popular vote loser Donald Trump has a very bad day, it’s probably good news for the American people. So, we may have had a pretty good day yesterday, when things got progressively worse for Trump as the day unfolded.

    Trump began his day tweeting out an old favorite lie of his; that former FBI Director James Comey helped Hillary Clinton in the election (didn’t do much good, did it?).

    Things got worse as Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which was live streamed for all of America to see.

    It didn’t take long for Sessions to become flustered when he was asked about his role in the Trump-Russia scandal. To no surprised, Jeff Sessions perjured himself, yet again, when he was caught changing his story about why he repeatedly met with the Russians during the campaign.

    Of course, the Republican-led Senate won’t do anything about Sessions’ serial perjury, but that certainly won’t stop Special Counsel Robert Mueller from carving up Sessions when the time is right.

    However, that was just the beginning of the bad news for Trump.

    Trump’s day got worse when his former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski testified before Congress yesterday about his own role in the Russia scandal.

    Then word surfaced that Michael Flynn’s son is about to be subpoenaed, which naturally increases the likelihood of Flynn flipping on Trump and/or everyone involved to protect his son.

    Then, of course, the group of lawyers who are currently suing Donald Trump over his Emoluments Clause violations stood before a judge yesterday, which didn’t end well for Trump. The judge agreed that Donald Trump does in fact appear to be in violation of the Emoluments Clause and the lawsuit will move forward.

    Every day that goes like this for Donald Trump is a day that might just push him over the edge to resigning the presidency. Perhaps his pride will keep him in office until he is forcefully removed, but seeing him finally overwhelmed to the point of resignation would also be OK with me. Whatever gets him out of office.”

  7. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Miller….John can’t see the writing on the wall, still living in darkness, nor can he hear the fat lady finished sing….deaf.

    Americans are running over to Canada and getting asylum…the only issue I have with Trudeau is he needs to grow a huge set of balls and let asylum seelers know that Canada has the massive land space for them in wide open, undeveloped areas and that if they want asylum they have to develop those areas as opposed to living in already overcrowded cities and putting a strain on the already strained economy.

    Asians go into undeveloped spaces in Canada and build business and communities…if Asians can do it, so can Americans.

  8. You asked me a question I gave you an answer!!

  9. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “Americans are running over to Canada and getting asylum”….from my information this is wrong.
    There are many persons, seeking asylum. And while several are coming from the USA, very few, if any, are American citizens. At the last official count it was less than 2%.
    In fact, it is an open joke, because while any person who is “legally in the US” can present themselves, all those who are not legal can be arrested by the numerous US Border guards who patrol the affected areas, prior to crossing. And those US guards are NOT arresting anybody!!! They are not even checking….the message?….”go to Canada”.

  10. NorthernObserver Avatar

    You may also note…..Trudeau is the leader of the Liberals, like their equivalents in the USA, the Democrats, they DO NOT WIN much politically beyond Urbania. Why would he desire to provide voters for his opposition?

  11. Hard Times
    Lighter Shade Of Black


  12. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Nirthern…actually, after I posted it I realized it should have read, refugees coming from the US pirder, they do have born Americans crossing over, sick and tired of the trump shiy, but many are Africans, Haitians etc…with children born in US..I did not worry about being corrected, I know someone would…

    ….I thought it would have been MoneyB or Lawson jumping on Justin…lol

    US border patrol should not stop them, then they will have to detain, transport and process them, harder to do along the border. …

    …but Justin should let them stand on their own two feet real early….Canada has more space then US, let them utilize that space instead of crowding into already overpopulated cities….I think they will appreciate him even more if he points that out.

    I like how the Asians build their own communities, businesses etc in no time….in available spaces, not all crowd the cities.

  13. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Northern…actually, after I posted it I realized it should have read, refugees coming from the US border, they do have born Americans crossing over, sick and tired of the trump shit, but many are Africans, Haitians etc…with children born in US..I did not worry about being corrected, I know someone would…

  14. WW quit making things up, not one of those preaching hollywoodites has left the country or given up there citizenship and if someone has they will be the first to yell I am an american if things go south in their new home and want to be rescued. Most of the refugees that have come to canada will be rejected because you know how the refugee law works.
    WW as I said before your boyfriend is the second trudeau pussy seen on the streets of new york. I cant wait to see him and his idiot cohort in toronto voted out.

  15. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    not true Lawson…69 percent of those refugees crossing the border are being accepted in quebec, who his being forced to take them…check it out yaself…

    …the french cusswords must be real colorful in quebec these days…lol

    …it will work much better for Justin if he allowed refugees to build their own communities away from overcrowded cities…

    who said anything about any hollyweird types, although i did hear a couple of them left, but i dont know to where.

    either way, trump will soon be gone anyway, 12 months tops.

  16. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I would beware of your boy. After the photo sensation wore off, and a few harsh stings, he is getting more Harperesque in the need for control. I am told there is now more than one department, whose communications need to be vetted, including social media posts. Recent personnel financial issues, have the pungent smell of Duffy. You know about DBLP, can ConLib be far away?

  17. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “to build their own communities away from overcrowded cities”…..you don’t get it. They WANT to be in the cities, that is where they find support, and communities from their homeland. Not in Nowheresville. Life there is tough.
    To besides, under the current immigration program (PQ excluded as they have their own), people rarely get “placed” in large cities, but quickly find their way there. Once accepted, there is no policing of where they live.

  18. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    I know they want to be in the big cities, but they can build their own cities, with help from their already close knit communities living in the big cities…it’s just laziness on their part and not seeing the bigger picture.

    It was bound to come apart at the seams, his popularity is taking a major hit, gotta streamline things to survive,

  19. NO you are right , doesnt that sound a lot like davis inlet trying to settle people in communities instead of where they want to be and have to integrate , It can be like clermont with minaretes sharia law
    WW I think your numbers are wrong as the bulk havent been through the system yet. But my understanding of the asylum policy is they are migrants they have refugee status in the states

  20. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Lawson…naturally, they have to be processed on a case by case basis…not all will make it, what do you care…yall are immigrants too…lol

    “The RCMP intercepted close to 3,000 people jumping the Canada-U.S. border into Quebec in July – a 284 per cent increase compared to one month earlier, and a more than 1,000 per cent increase than in January, according to Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

    The influx of asylum seekers – which on some days sees hundreds crossing over – led the federal government recently to set up a border camp near the New York State border.

    Manitoba also saw an increase month-over-month, with 88 interceptions at the border in July compared with 63 in June. But the numbers in that province are down from a peak of 170 interceptions in March.

    British Columbia was the only other province where the RCMP stopped would-be refugees hopping the border in July. The 51 asylum seekers caught there last month is up from 39 in June, but down from a high of 84 in February, according to the federal government’s numbers.

    Overall across the country, the RCMP intercepted 3,135 people “irregularly” crossing the border – that is, crossing where there is no official border station. That’s up from 884 in June.

    By and large, however, Quebec is seeing the highest number of people irregularity — or illegally — crossing the border, leading to RCMP interceptions.

    Earlier this week, Quebec’s immigration department said 6,580 people entered the country via Quebec and made claims there in the first six months of the year. In all of 2016, the province saw 5,505 similar cases, officials said.”

  21. Vinni,
    Come on now old chap there is nothing wrong when Africans RULE any other group, including their own people! It is quite fun when Boko Haram abducts, rapes, kills teenage girls they have an eternal exemption as does Zuma, Mugabe or any other!

    The snow jobs work pun many! Dr Goebbels lives!

  22. Evil Humans live amongst us in every form of Race, Shade, Religion, size, gender—any category extant.

  23. MB

    I have always said…..mans inhumanity to his fellow man knows no boundaries,neither colour,class,religion,creed,size or gender.

    Their is only one race the human race out of which many tribes with the same basic genetic construct.

    The foolishness starts by trying to differentiate people according to colour as opposed to tribes……made even worse by simplistically believing that one colour is better than another…..this is held by many on both sides of this power play mainly between Northern European tribes and West African tribes.

    As a Pelau,I am interested in developing this part of the world and against the odds making it the best ever……let those who wish to join Dom Quixote feel free to enjoy their windmills……I will not be joining them.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Yall are such frauds, neither UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand nor all the countries that practice wholesale racism can be found in Western Europe or West Africa…..

    Western Europe has always been racist.

    Ya think ya fooling somebody, everyone is now on the look out for white thieves and the house negros who enable and help them.

  25. Chuckle…..I know I should ignore those who lack comprehension skills and that I should really feel sorry for their natural ignorance and not laugh at their inability/disability…….but ah cant help but laugh at their puerile bovine excrement placed on offer here……as GP is want to describe it…..LOLOLOL

  26. WW pardon the pun but your people would still be living in the dark ages if it wasnst for white people dragging you along. Being the inventors of the four sided wheel is not enough in this day and age nobody is going to hand you something for free. So get that bony ass out there push your kids to succeed on their own and quit telling them if they fail its okay its the white mans fault.

  27. Vincent is an Ass Ho
    In days of segregation and apartheid
    European Only and Non-European Only Signs
    would stick his light black ass in same group as black

  28. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Lawson…my kids are nearly as old as me….20 plus year gaps and 30 plus year gaps, they got children of their own., successful businesses and careers, ..i dont need to push anyone anywhere.

    it s killing yall ya feel so helpless…look at yall detractors, ya should be ashamed to have to invent lies…that will change nothing…it is what it is, accept and move on….after all the time ya spent on here wishing and wanting and hoping, all for nothing, it must be painful.

    good…hope it hurts real bad and for decades to come…lol

  29. WW,
    I have clearly stated that I would welcome a new Hospital in Bim. But you still cant comprehend that all Europeans are not the same, nor all Whites–so makes no sense to catagorise as such.

  30. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    MoneyB…you cant welcome anything in Bim, ya dont live there and its not your decision to make….and you cannot make decisions for a world court either…you still dont get that is an established system is the defendant…just let it play out..

    who cares about who is good or pretending to be or bad, its the facts that matter.

  31. All Europeans are the same!

    Them a Vampire

    A them a Bloodsucker

    A them a massacre


    Go wey Vampire

    Go wey Bloodsucker

    Stop your massacre


  32. Hmmmm……an interesting perspective…..

    December 22, 2015 by MansTruth
    Mr. Chang Addresses the concerns of Black people

    A leader of one of Asia’s leading peoples in an interview addresses the current condition of black people, and why “blacks” are in their current position, and continue to hold the status they’ve held onto for years.

    Asian Interviewer: “Can you address their concerns Mr.Chang?”

    MR. CHANG: “The concerns of Black people? Yes I can. The fact is, that we all live under a system of White Supremacy. We Asian people look back at our long history of conflict with the European. We observe their strategies and develop our own, in response and in kind. There is no need for loud mass movements on our part, because we intend to overtake them in time, through action and personal sacrifice”.

    Asian INTERVIEWER: “And the Black man?”

    MR. CHANG: “He does not count into our situation. He is simply here. We do not hate the Black man. We just love the Asian man most. Real love–not cliche. We want to see Asian man happy, so we employ him. We eat together. We spend time with each other. We want his kids to be educated, so we invest in our own schools that offer our children the technical abilities to change the world’s power structure in our favor. We want to see the Asian man safe, so we purchase and organize our own communities. We want him to remain Asian, so we reduce the outside influence of others ideologies and cultures. While he fought to sniff behind the White man, the Black man has had the opportunity and every right in the world to do the same, but he chooses to indict people like me for not hiring him over my own brothers. For me to do this would be foolish and that would not be Asian love. In contrast, the Black man will fight for the right to be up under everyone else other than other Black people who he should feel the most love for. If our indifference to their situation make us racist, then what would you call the Black man’s indifference to his own situation?”



  33. Learn

    History is not no mystery

    Look how the heathen thief we

    History is not a mystery

    Look what the heathen teach we

    Them teach we ’bout Christopher Columbus

    and Sir Francis Drake

    them teach us ’bout John Hawkins

    but them make a mistake

    for them people were pirates

    great robbers of gold

    them people were pirates

    they stole our silver and gold

  34. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    “We want him to remain Asian, so we reduce the outside influence of others ideologies and cultures.”.

    And that is what escapes the Black man each and everytime, stick with your own culture, your African culture, stop sniffing behind the european bullshit, it’s destructive to Black people…look after your own Black child, bBack woman and Black man, build your own Black communities…in your country….

    ..keep white people and they fcked up white culture out of black lives and black business….stop allowing them to steal from you and your people

    If the Asians can do it, so could Blacks, what the hell is so hard about that, I understand the Asians and their heritage that they should be themselves.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    And that is what escapes the Black man each and everytime, stick with your own culture, your African culture, stop sniffing behind the european bullshit, it’s destructive to Black people…look after your own Black child, BLACK woman and Black man, build your own Black communities…in your country….

  36. WW are you agreeing with the klan, that sounds like what they have been advocating since the democrats started it
    I can understand your logic if you had your first child at 20 when they are 10 you are 30 and 2/3 older when they are 20 you are 40 and 1/2 older when they are 40 you are 60 and only 1/3 older having watched your posts for a while now and the forethought behind them I can see why you are saying they are almost as old as you but trust this old white man they will never catch up.

  37. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Lol…..seems like they are trying hard to catch up and the grands are trying even harder to catch up to them…lol

  38. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Dont mix things up Lawson….keeping ones culture does not mean you are segregating or separating from other groups of people…only white people do that..

    …..you are keeping your culture intact for your future generations and not adopting some crazy destructive culture from a bunch of savages. ….read what Vincent posted.

    …..there is nothing wrong with keeping your culture, it s not being racist or segregationist and you are not forcing your culture on any other groups of people….like whites love forcing their stupidity on Blacks and native indians.

  39. When you look at Earnest Cole’s photography of Apartheid South Africa and Jim Crow USA, or Gordon Parks and others works in Civil Rights fights, you don’t see inferior black people, you see oppressed poor people in our lifetime. Concessions for equal rights and justice are never given, they are fought for, tooth and nail.


    When you listen to Money and Vincent yakking you think what a pair of cunts

  40. 555,
    A cunt is a very sweeet ting.

    555 you dont deserve any $$$$$$$$ in your pocket or anywhere else due to slavery as you were never a slave and have had plenty of opportunity. Your ancestors do deserve much BUT they are very unlikely to appear for collection or enjoyment of.

    I feel very comfortable just treating you as an equal, nothing more nothing less. Just note you will not be enjoying this cunt!

  41. Reparations is to end the legacy of white supremacy racism and inequality which you are a beneficiary of.

    White race have to admit they were evil and were never superior.

    Mindset of not wanting to pay reparations is the same mindset as condoning slavery, apartheid, segregation, racism, inequality.

  42. MB

    …..as you were never a slave……

    Thats the most annoying part for me of these reparationists….a bunch of sweetskin buckies,like vultures picking the bones of the blood,sweat and tears of their ancestors.

  43. Evil Humans live amongst us in every form of Race, Shade, Religion, size, gender—any category extant.

    White race does not have to admit anything as ALL whites did not get to vote on whether to have slavery or not and besides they are all dead.

    I have clearly stated that I would welcome a new Hospital in Bim. But you still cant comprehend that all Europeans are not the same, nor all Whites–so makes no sense to catagorise as such.

    Mindset—I have clearly stated to pay directly to the slaves when THEY come to collect.

    555, Reparations is to end the legacy of white supremacy racism and inequality which you are a beneficiary of.—so U feel unequal????????????? Gents who went to school with me in Bdos had every opportunity to succeed and my father was paying in the top 2% of Income Tax payers that helped educate all of us equally. No teacher nor Cambridge Uni Exams ever gave me a higher grade because my father was in the top Tax bracket. My classmate whose father sold oranges in the Bus stand and paid NO Taxes became a highly qualified scholar and Lawyer. He owns 9 houses now should he give me one because my Dad’s Tax payments provided for his education?

  44. “a bunch of sweetskin buckies,like vultures picking the bones of the blood,sweat and tears of their ancestors.”

    People calling for reparatory justice should not be attacked by racist whites or sellout blacks like you. Crimes of Slavery Racism Segregation Apartheid were biggest crimes to mankind.

    As racist whites comitted their crimes out of greed for money and building up assets stealing resources and people then there is a direct link to monetary compensation.

    Reparations is same as holding mass rapists to account.

  45. Slavery, Global White Supremacy and Institutional Racism were practised at National levels by Royalty and Heads of State.

    Colonialism and Slavery paid for British Empire and its Commonwealth and Americas vast wealth.

    Whites like Money are happy to be treated better than Blacks because of his European Blood and Pasty Face.

  46. 555,
    Whites like MB demand to be treated fairly and therefore not to be charged or judged for crimes they did NOT commit.

    When I receive payments for my ancestors being ill treated by the Royal Whites I will gladly endorse said monies to you.

  47. You seem to think you are being charged

    If you were a fair minded white and not a paranoid white you would be standing up for reparatory justice for blacks who are victims of slavery living on a slave island like Barbados or slave colonies of USA

    Only reason blacks are in Barbados was to produce sugar, as property of whites their purpose in life was to serve whites

  48. 555,
    Your understanding of history is very limited.
    Do you appreciate that Irish and Scottish people were sent to Bdos as POWs, prisoners of war. Others were sentenced for insurrection against brutal oppression as some of my ancestors in the Monmouth Rebellion.None of these types owned anybody. The slave owners were less than 10% of the population therefore why should I pay for their sins? African leaders who SOLD black people are far more liable than I ever could be! Beside I have never ill treated the poorest black person, who conducted the most menial jobs and I believe in fairness and equality for all.

  49. You are a waste of time to talk to. Who cares what you think or say.
    You are with the reparations cause or you are a nobody
    a busy fool who boasts about his wealth
    and don’t know self praise is no recommendation

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