Submitted by Heather Cole

We are all familiar with the story of Pandora’s Box from Greek Mythology. Out of curiosity, Pandora opened a box that was given to her. Death and all the other evil deeds flew out and as she struggled to close the box only hope was left because it was at the bottom of the box.

For some strange reason known only to my brain the context of the scenario regarding Pandora’s Box, the death of the Englishman and all that it entailed brought to mind the Chase Vault in Christ Church Graveyard. Perhaps each time the Vault was opened, death and evil were exposed until there came a time when something had to give. That “hope” was the ultimate decision that burials of the lead coffins must take place leaving the Vault unoccupied.

Someone stated on the Barbados Underground blog that death and politics are nothing new in Barbados. They provided several instances throughout the years when this phenomenon had occurred, mentioning name like Pele, Sydney Burnett Alleyne and the like. Therefore, one knows that the island is well aware of the ramifications synonymous with Pandora’s Box but each time not only were death and evil were exposed and flew away, so too did “hope.” So too did the hope for a resolution to crime, against corruption and hope for political change on the island.

As I wrote before, the present situation is different because of its international element. Unless one is actively associated with the investigation, the evil contents of Pandora’s Box remains unknown. At present, what we can do is to try to connect the dots to that box.

The dots have led to activities at the Bridgetown Port. The Blogmaster of the Barbados Underground wrote something which set me thinking. It was the contents of the 2009 Auditor General’s Report which mentioned that cars were removed from the port without the proper entry papers. That in itself is confirmation that this is not just a mere allegation. One or two instances of this occurring would not merit its inclusion in a national report. It may very well serve to assist in confirming if there is a racket going on at the Bridgetown Port with regards to the entry of stolen vehicles.

Audit review of a sample of vehicle imports revealed that forty-one (41) vehicles exited the Port without the payment of the relevant duties. This represents a major breach of the Department’s policies and resulted in considerable loss of revenues to the Government. It is recommended this matter be further investigated by the Department, and appropriate action taken against anyone found to be responsible. In addition, the Department needs to put measures in place to avoid a recurrence of such actions. (Auditor General Report 2009 – p.54)

With regards to the matter at hand, the allegation that these vehicles were stolen in the UK really creates an anomaly in the system. Is there not a registry to check VIN numbers of vehicles to verify that they have not been stolen? If it is, that there is such a registry in use at the Bridgetown port was this action not deliberate and wilful?

The National Union of Public Workers wants to have a protocol in place for the use of cameras in the Port claiming that Customs Officers may be easily targeted. Perhaps they think the idea of using cameras is insidious. I beg to differ as I believe it can be a deterrent to the crime of bribery.

Perhaps it has escaped me but as far as I know the Englishman did not own a business in Barbados so how could he have been an importer of cars? His status on the island of Barbados is not clear either. Perhaps the Immigration Department needs to clarify the status that he held because it is questionable how a visitor can import any kind of vehicles to the island. The BBC referred to the Englishman as a UK national with a home address in England.

Is there paperwork regarding the importation of any vehicles by the Englishman at the Bridgetown Port? Just think of it without the paperwork all that is known is that the cars arrived on the island. There is therefore no evidence of a bill of sale, or title for these vehicles. So, the origin cannot be established neither can the buyer or the previous owners. Yet they would have been allowed on to the island.

The dots have led to financial institutions and here is where it gets sticky. How were these vehicles paid for? Was it in cash or through one of the local banks or Financial institutions? If a loan was taken out, do these institutions have paperwork as to the previous owners of the vehicles, title transfers from the Department of Motor Vehicles, foreign insurance forms or the Port entry documents? If they were bought with cash where would the average person find over $100,000.00 in cash to make a purchase of one of those luxury vehicles? On what basis were the insurance companies able to provide insurance for these vehicles without the proper documentation? There may very well be some sleepless persons who work in financial institutions now. If in breech of some English banking regulations by involvement in this case, can local banks be fined when this investigation reaches a conclusion?

The dots have led to the Licensing Department. How was the licensing Department able to provide registration to such vehicles? Do they have in their possession all of the required documentation including the Port documents? The Licensing Authority must have a list of those luxury cars. Everyone who owns them should be able to show proof of their origin, and be in possession of the transfer of title documents. It will be easy for the police to trace those cars.

There is a chain of complicity. If the companies mentioned above accepted improper paperwork or proceeded without paper some of the managers are now sweating. So too are the persons who bought these vehicles.

The dots have led the the confirmation that there are leakages in the system where money is concerned. One can even state with some degree of confidence that they are money mules in operation in Barbados. There was a story that was covered in both Barbados Today and the Nation in February of this year of the employee from the Barbados Revenue Authority that was caught at the airport on her way out of the country with thousands of dollars in foreign currency. The last that was heard of this case was that the person was on bail. The public was therefore left to wonder if she was acting alone or on the instruction of another party.

The evidence of illegal firearms and drugs in Society are ever present with us. The commissioner said recently that is the gang members who are killing each other. Was the Englishman part of a gang? Perhaps it is much more than that. Ultimately it seems like the key person involved in all of these rackets is dead; unable to pay for his goods with a check, and with his killers are in jail, who benefits? Who was Sunil Broomes’ boss?

Finally, I am not always in support of the actions of the police. However, every law abiding citizen who honours and upholds the laws of Barbados should support the Commissioner of Police by sharing this article. We need the answers that he can provide. We need closure, We need corruption to end and good governance to commence that spills over into every sector in Barbados; both public and private as well as the lives of it citizens and residents. We must become a nation in which all are subject to the law. No one must be above the law. Like wise the laws of Barbados and law enforcement must treat all of its citizens the same. The same treatment that is meted out to the poor black young men from depressed areas must be meted out to persons who drive around in luxury vehicles. Or, the same treatment that is meted out to persons who drive luxury vehicles must be meted out to poor black young men who live in depressed area. We must all recognize that we must start somewhere. Resolving the matter at hand is not as easy as burying leaden coffins.

For a start we the people of Barbados need to be informed of the outcome of your investigations Commissioner.

59 responses to “Another Heather Cole Column – Connecting the Dots to Pandora’s Box”

  1. Ms. Cole:
    We all live in ‘HOPE’, for whatever that means. It will never happen in Barbados. The horse has already bolted.Corruption is part of the DNA. Tell us how its structure can be changed.

  2. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    “The Licensing Authority must have a list of those luxury cars. Everyone who owns them should be able to show proof of their origin, and be in possession of the transfer of title documents. It will be easy for the police to trace those cars.”

    It’s appearing that these vehicles are not traceable, because there are no records that they entered the island, according to a source who knows of an accident involving one of those vehicles recently.

    There are many moving parts to this network of crimes against the people of Barbados, it is a criminal organization(s) with many members, the island now has a reputation as ports of guns and drugs, even the alledged importation of cows with drugs in their stomachs, the ports have become dens of criminality and corruption, .all the players are very much alive despite Weare being gone, but it is appearing that the Commissioner needs time to get at each one, it is still unraveling.

    In the meantime, I am glad you ask that this article be shared, it’s very important the majority Black population be aware that under international laws, everyone of them has basic human rights that everyone must start demanding that those rights be recognized and respected by those on the island, particularly the Black governments and minority population….who seek to maliciously and deliberately violate those human rights.


    I have come to learn that Black Bajans are not aware that they have universal human rights that are inalienable and irreversible, maybe it’s time for the Black majority population in Barbados to research those rights under universal and international laws and if they realize their rights have been and still are being violated by the two uncaring black governments, when they allowed a minority population of people to violate the majority’s rights for the last 50 years for financial gain.

    The people should know they also have a right do something about it, to expose any past and current violations of their international human rights and seek redress from those who were aware these rights existed, but enabled and condoned human rights violations against the Black population anyway..and also seek redress from the minority population who were allowed by both governments to violate those rights.

    Appendix 5:
    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (abbreviated)

    Article 1 Right to Equality
    Article 2 Freedom from Discrimination
    Article 3 Right to Life, Liberty, Personal Security
    Article 4 Freedom from Slavery
    Article 5 Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment
    Article 6 Right to Recognition as a Person before the Law
    Article 7 Right to Equality before the Law
    Article 8 Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal
    Article 9 Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and Exile
    Article 10 Right to Fair Public Hearing
    Article 11 Right to be Considered Innocent until Proven Guilty
    Article 12 Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence
    Article 13 Right to Free Movement in and out of the Country
    Article 14 Right to Asylum in other Countries from Persecution
    Article 15 Right to a Nationality and the Freedom to Change It
    Article 16 Right to Marriage and Family
    Article 17 Right to Own Property
    Article 18 Freedom of Belief and Religion
    Article 19 Freedom of Opinion and Information
    Article 20 Right of Peaceful Assembly and Association
    Article 21 Right to Participate in Government and in Free Elections
    Article 22 Right to Social Security
    Article 23 Right to Desirable Work and to Join Trade Unions
    Article 24 Right to Rest and Leisure
    Article 25 Right to Adequate Living Standard
    Article 26 Right to Education
    Article 27 Right to Participate in the Cultural Life of Community
    Article 28 Right to a Social Order that Articulates this Document
    Article 29 Community Duties Essential to Free and Full Development
    Article 30 Freedom from State or Personal Interference in the above Rights

  3. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Paradox….even I know it’s happening as you say never.

    There are more powerful forces at play here.

  4. There is the saying:

    !A man convinced against his will
    Is of the same opinion still…
    Dale Carnegie

    We have a cadre of leaders these days who refuse to collaborate, always divisive, unable to take risk, not creative, most important -unable to inspire and the list is long.

    Again the big picture is leadership, lack of.

  5. Staff shortage at Customs department. How has this situation been allowed to happen with borders always being tested by the criminals?

  6. Could intentionally under-staffing customs be one of the key elements in ensuring inadequate monitoring of imports?

  7. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    It’s mindboggling as it unfolds…

    …Crusoe, regional and international crimes can attract international arrests.

    If the politicians and ministers were not so corrupt and have been for decades, it could not reach this stage…

    …..they refuse to do their jobs…

    …..they refuse to protect the majority Black population…

    ,…. they only protect the criminals in the minority population, the business criminals who are their friends and partners for personal and financial again, bribery etc….

    Both governments led by bribery and corruption and every government department followed..

    so here they are.

    ” there are many more dirty cops tied up with this duo committing crimes daily, which include: drug trafficking marijuana/cocaine, guns racket, pimping, Barbados and US counterfeit $$$, human trafficking from Jamaica, Guyana, Trinidad, etc., for the strip clubs (including a Peter Harris connection) in Barbados, fraud and blackmail.

    the FBI is currently in Barbados working on the human trafficking leg of things. (John Mark Annel pictured below.)

    The Barbados Police Force is corrupt bad, bad, bad with 90% on the take from seniors to juniors! That is how they roll locally. The real, real criminals in Barbados, along with many politicians and lawyers, are the criminal gangs in the Barbados police force which is at an epidemic level.”

  8. Chris Sinckler,

    It does not matter of the allegations are true or not.

    It is a fact that one cannot afford a new MB GL, X5, Q7 or Landy with a ministerial salary. Or take Inniss and his private MB E class.

    Please explain where all the money is coming from. This is no allegiation. This is a question.

  9. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    He also got a yacht, I understand docking alone is twice the cost of the yacht, gotta ask if
    Inniss got one too, ah know Harris got one, everyone else is broke including the country…but all of these got money to burn.

  10. WWC,

    I have no hope that there will be some investigation after next election. Birds of a feather flock together. The new plantation class will stick together at the detriment of the masses.

    There is no way out.

  11. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Have faith Tron.

  12. Look at the clueless faces on Barbados Today: 2017/09/24/: blp-smearing-me-and-lashley-sinckler. Look at the guy in the yellow shirt. Is he Sinckler´s brother?

    What is most disturbing: not Sinckler himself, but the raging masses whoreshipping his outlandish speeches. Clearly, something went wrong with education in Bim during the last 20 years. I assume, these worshippers would even put a chain around their necks and waive personal freedom, if their prophet Sinckler told so to do.

  13. Heard a radio report this morning with the minister saying that these ‘accusations” are all made up by Barbados Labour Party operatives and some of it comes from overseas. I believe that if a category 5 hurricane hit the island tomorrow he would accuse the BLP of causing it too. Mr minister, even though you and your cohorts have tried to make university education an impossibility for Barbadians, please be reminded that commonsense if FREE and you can’t take that away from us. ‘US’ of course does not include the sheep who attend your Sunday brainwashing events and drink your and the DLP Kool Aid. These are the same sheep that believed you when you told the nation on the floor of the House that your life had been threatened. What ever came of that Kool Aid hallucination? And to think that you lied to the House. Blasted liar.

  14. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ HC:
    “The dots have led to the Licensing Department. How was the licensing Department able to provide registration to such vehicles? Do they have in their possession all of the required documentation including the Port documents? The Licensing Authority must have a list of those luxury cars. Everyone who owns them should be able to show proof of their origin, and be in possession of the transfer of title documents. It will be easy for the police to trace those cars.”

    IF (emphasis on the conditional conjunction “if”) those ‘conspicuously’ outstanding luxury vehicles have indeed been ‘illegally’ registered because of their illicit overseas origin then this matter is a matter for Interpol.

    We shall see if this ‘alleged’ illegal trade in stolen vehicles is treated as mere speculative gossip among the local chatterati and swept under the law enforcement carpet proving once again there are indeed ‘Two Barbadoses” as Adonijah so ‘cryptically’ exposed in his biting calypso.

    Should those vehicles be technically proven to be stolen and shipped to Barbados but no local charges are laid against the local perpetrators, then international arrest warrants ought to be issued in respect of the local agents and final buyers who not only facilitated the illegal trade but also wittingly or unwittingly engaged in the major crime of vehicle theft (grand theft auto) and its associated crime of receiving and handling stolen goods.

    Should there be any politically-inspired attempt to cover up any perceived wrongdoings we should expect with little delay another grand march for morality and proper conduct in public office.

    Now which is more dangerous to democracy and the undermining of good governance where the rule of law is paramount? Practising law for 30 years under false pretenses (without an LEC) or aiding and abetting in the illegal trade of stolen vehicles not manufactured in Barbados?

    Let that last genie contained in the Covenant of Hope jump out from the red box stored on Roebuck Street and be the Bajan Cassandra in the vanguard of justice to save the former good name of Barbados on the verge of turning into a rotten banana republic.
    But this time there will be no need to ‘Wear(e)’ white or red but to be in black, sackcloth and ashes to mourn the death of Truth and the Rise of Deceit, Lies & Propaganda and clearly manifested in the biggest scam ever pulled on naïve people:

    “Why Good governance? Good Governance is characterized by the principles of participation, consensus, accountability, transparency, responsiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, equity and inclusion, and the rule of law. It assures that corruption is minimized, the views of minorities are taken into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making and the allocation of resources.”

  15. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    “IF (emphasis on the conditional conjunction “if”) those ‘conspicuously’ outstanding luxury vehicles have indeed been ‘illegally’ registered because of their illicit overseas origin then this matter is a matter for Interpol.”

    They can sweep what they want locally, which is not working out too well right now anyway, but anything to do with laundering money, counterfeit US, cross border human trafficking etc….they can’t cover up, hide or wish away….that is not how things work.

  16. Does anybody know the vehicle identification numbers (VIN) to verify claims?

  17. “In a previous response the Department indicated it had recovered four (4)
    of the vehicles and the investigation of matters relating to the others had
    been referred to the Police in October 2010.”

    This from the 2016 Auditor General’s report.

    It question’s your conclusion, “…….should support the Commissioner of Police by sharing this article. We need the answers that he can provide.” They (the Police) have had this info for years and done nothing. The apple is rotten to the core.

    How difficult do you think it would be to find 41 vehicles, where you know the year, make and model, even if they were subsequently painted and the VIN scrubbed? Imagine if you offered $1000 reward for information leading to a conviction?

    And note this goes back to 2007-09, this includes BOTH political parties forming the GoB.

    And I will bet you this goes back way further. 07-09 just happened to be when the AudGen “took a sample”. Imagine if they did “a thorough audit”??

  18. Northern,

    Just for the record. The expats and diplomats in Bim drive their SUVs with 300+ HP legally. This is a specific problem of the local elite.

    No wonder that there is a repair shop in Bim servicing these SUVs BESIDE the official dealers. Simpson and McEnearney would easily identify stolen cars, since these cars have not the right history in the databases of the manufacturers. Said databases contain ALL information including engine monitoring, complete service history, guarantee cases, complaints at central service center etc pp. Land Rover, Lexus, Audi, BMW and Mercedes know everything about their cars on the track. You might erase the VIN in the engine compartment, but all the original codes are still in the car computers. And there are many computers in one premium car.

  19. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ NorthernObserver September 25, 2017 at 11:24 AM

    Now you see why Weare’s death- albeit most unfortunate and grievously shocking to his family- could be that silver lining behind that dark cloud of corruption and purposeful incompetence pervading the halls and cellars of the Barbados public sector.
    It took the cruel murder of an Englishman with Scotland Yard in hot pursuit to initiate the cleaning of the Augean stables of corruption and bribery (kickbacks) practised by both political parties and their cowardly hand-to-mouth civil servants.

    What has taken place is just a scam organized by both private individuals and public sector officials to deprive the Treasury in millions of tax revenues.

    No wonder some hardworking taxpayers are unable to get their refunds; some as far back as 2013.

  20. Everything comes to light in the end.

  21. @Heather Cole “If they were bought with cash where would the average person find over $100,000.00 in cash to make a purchase of one of those luxury vehicles?”

    Average people do not buy vehicles of ANY kind. We ordinary people take the ZR vans. And we ordinary people certainly CANNOT buy $100,000 vehicles. So please do not get us ordinary ZR users mixed up in this nastiness of money and drugs and politics and death and foreigners. It has NOTHING to do with us.

    Many people, including some of those of you who drive $100,000 vehicles and who may well be mixed up with this nastiness of money and drugs and politics and death and foreigners; some of you make very, very nasty remarks about the ZR culture and about those of us who take public transportation.

    Maybe the time has come to investigate the “I too love a $100,000 big ride culture.”

    Big ride culture.

    Investigate that.

  22. But it is always so much easier to call poor people nasty names.

  23. @Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. September 25, 2017 at 9:39 AM He also got a yacht,…if Inniss got one too, ah know Harris got one

    I know a lot of Bajans can’t swim.

    Can these people swim?

    Can their wives swim? (probably not)

    Can their children swim? (likely not)

    If I was them and I couldn’t swim I would not buy a yacht.


    It is like buying lobster, because you perceive it as posh even though you have a severe shell fish allergy. Better to eat a can of poor people food, sardines, or mackerel.

    But my old lady used to say “when a monkey got money he does buy nuts”

  24. “with Scotland Yard in hot pursuit”….the men charged with Weare’s murder were Sunil Decourcey Brome, 35; Keino Nakito Griffith, 30; Christopher Darnley Michael Clarke, 26; Torio Akiro Watson, 26, and Basil Alphonso Branch, 27.

    All the Yard wants is someone to be convicted of the murder of a UK national, their job is done. They have no interest in wading into deeper waters. A conviction will attest to the “fabulous working relationship between Scotland Yard and the RBPF”. End of story.

  25. @Simple Simon

    Are you are able to make contact with the issue posted?

  26. @Tron September 25, 2017 at 10:29 AM “the raging masses whoreshipping”

    If I was a politician I would not feel too secure when I am hero worshipped.

    Remember Palm Sunday (palm fronds on the ground, welcome to the eternal city)

    Remember Good Friday (crucify him)

    That is how we human beings are.

  27. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Simple….that is exactly what is being investigated now…the mercedes and landy mentalities. .

    …the scum of the earth who misuse and abuse the ports to import stolen vehicles, guns and drugs while walking around the island with their chests pushed up in the air with uppity arrogance pretending to be self righteous christian business people, cops, politicians, ministers, insurance executives, wannabe slave masters and they are all nothing but the lowest form of life that every crawled on the earth, mere bottom feeders, parasites and termites.

  28. @FearPlay September 25, 2017 at 10:31 AM “These are the same sheep that believed you when you told the nation on the floor of the House that your life had been threatened.”

    The same sheep who listened when David Thompson said re CLICO, “don’t panic”

    Teach your children that when a politician says don’t panic, that they must run, fast…because surely a tsunami is coming.

    I didn’t lose any money in CLICO.

    I didn’t trust David nor Leroy nor Duprey. I don’t trust Leroy’s friend Fruendel Stuart either.

  29. @NorthernObserver September 25, 2017 at 11:24 AM “In a previous response the Department indicated it had recovered four (4) of the vehicles and the investigation of matters relating to the others had been referred to the Police in October 2010.”

    And note this goes back to 2007-09, this includes BOTH political parties forming the GoB.
    And I will bet you this goes back way further. 07-09 just happened to be when the AudGen “took a sample”. Imagine if they did “a thorough audit”??

    This 07-09 thing was the Rodney Wilkinson thingy? another prime Ministerial friend?

  30. RE shell fish

  31. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Northern. you expect the Yard to walk out of the island and leave that big able stolen car vacuum from UK to Barbados that was created after Weare was murdered, for another white brit to fill….

    …more cars stolen across europe and shipped to criminals in Barbados….and no telling this time what else they will smuggle in those car parts.

    Tell me you are not law enforcement so I dont have to worry about my safety in Canada.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    “Shellfish is a culinary and fisheries term for exoskeleton-bearing aquatic invertebrates used as food, including various species of molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms.”

    Just so GP dont go eating the wrong thing…lol

    Simple….I am all for people on the island who can afford to…and can swim, to have yachts, but one has to wonder about those who are suddenly rich, while the island is broke….

    …….and they would indeed be stupid enough to have yachts and cant swim.

    Ah bet if that dude was not killed and caused everything to split open, one or two of them would have bought planes and are not even pilots, rendering the people on the island even poorer, cause none of them can account for their sudden extreme wealth.

    The banks may soon be freezing accounts or asking many of them to remove their millions, derisking issues…now that would be a thing.

  33. @David September 25, 2017 at 1:20 PM Simple Simon Are you are able to make contact with the issue posted?”

    Dear David: Methinks that you are expecting too much from a simpleton.

    What this simpleton knows is that some of us have become poor great poppets…who think that it is too stressful to walk from the bottom of Broad Street to the top.

    Some of us as chad5555 reminded me last week cannot take public transportation because people sweat.

    All humans sweat. Donald Trump sweats. The Queen of England sweats. Freundel sweats. Mia sweats.

    And the same people who are afraid that a short walk will make them sweat, or that riding on the bus will expose them to sweaty people have no problems in taking AA, BA, Virgin, LAT etc. All public transportation.

    Our major failure over the last 50 years is that we have permitted our public transportation to fail. When I lived in another place I used to see the Attorney General l taking public transportation to work every day, and that was even in the summer, and back in the day the subway cars were NOT air conditioned. And yes David, he sweated along with the rest of us plebs.

    You see this fear of sweat. It is causing us to sell our souls to the devil.

    And some of the devils are white devils.

  34. @Georgie Porgie September 25, 2017 at 1:33 PM RE “shell fish I HATE TO HEAR THIS SHIT TERM”

    I know, I know Georgie. I was just using a term that is is common use.

    I actually managed to pass my Biology GCE.

    Believe it or not.


  35. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ NorthernObserver September 25, 2017 at 1:17 PM

    “NO”, you do have a diplomatically valid point!

    But the stolen car racket should not be swept under the carpet. And will not be as long as the British tabloids (especially the Daily Mail) keep it as a ‘cover-up story’ worthy to paint the paradise called Barbados in a most ‘blackened’ light to show how ex-colonial third world corrupt black politicians have turned it into a rotten banana republic of a once favourite child not yet weaned and still in need of learning the art of good governance from the sore nipples of the Mother country called Westminster residing at Whitehall.

  36. Devid I will leave this thread now to the bright fellas and gals.

  37. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Heather, girl, you hit the nail on the head with this one. The Atorney General, who believed that anticorruptions laws, were not a necessity because there are was no corruption per se, in Barbados, must be finally realising how much of a kubba he is fuh real.

  38. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Lol….made himself look real incompetent with that lying statement, as we all know he is…

    ..but Karma dont play those games….she is always rough and ready.

    Senior superintendent remanded on ammunition charges

    The race is on to get bail for a senior superintendent who moments ago was remanded to prison on ammunition charges. Officer John Mark Annel, a veteran in the Royal Barbados Police Force, is facing six charges in connection with 650 bullets between August 3 and September 20. When he appeared before Magistrate Graveney Bannister in the Bridgetown Traffic Court, Annel was not required to plead and was automatically remanded until October 23 since magistrates do not have the power to grant bail on ammunition charges.
    The 56-year-old resident of Kenrick Hutson Drive, Lucas Street, St Philip was represented by attorney Sir Richard Cheltenham and Shelly Seecharan who immediately filed an urgent bail application before the High Court. That bail hearing is expected to take place this evening by the assigned duty judge. Assistant Superintendent Trevor Blackman appeared for the prosecution which is alleging that Annel engaged in willful misconduct when as an officer in the force he joined the Barbados Rifle and Pistol Association and on August 31 bought 100 bullets to be expended on that date but removed the ammunition from the Waterford range without expending it. He is also accused of doing a similar thing on September 3, 9, and 20 in relation to 100 bullets each time and again on August 3 in relation to 150 bullets. Annel is also charged with unlawfully having 100 bullets on September 20.

  40. Simple Simon September 25, 2017 at 1:59 PM #
    @Georgie Porgie September 25, 2017 at 1:33 PM RE “shell fish I HATE TO HEAR THIS SHIT TERM”

    I know, I know Georgie. I was just using a term that is is common use.




  41. This article is so well written that even the commissioner must work on it and bring closure and imprisonment and let the remaining dots be the end of this saga.

    The back page of the September 24, 2017 Sunday Sun is worth picking apart to determine who is clearing the path for a free ticket out of jail.

    Seems as though Ms. Cole is doing all the detective work for the police here and the Yard. Let’s just hope they are paying attention to those “dots”.

    Bet Ms Cole can’t do just as good a write up on the other crooked businesses and the bent owners and see some other dots coming together.

  42. Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim.

    Sunshine Sunny Shine September 25, 2017 at 2:10 PM #
    Heather, girl, you hit the nail on the head with this one. The Atorney General, who believed that anticorruptions laws, were not a necessity because there are was no corruption per se, in Barbados, must be finally realising how much of a kubba he is fuh real.

    New corruption laws, new firearms laws, new transparency laws, new integrity laws are useless without ethical application.

    Barbados has book cases full of laws that are not being investigated and prosecuted; the last thing we need is more laws.

    Even if the COP does his job (by means other than the tip-offs that have kept this island reasonably lawful for 375 years like real investigation), how can this island enforce laws with a court system that is a joke?

    This entire gov’t and civil service needs a purge.

  43. Yup. She is a regular commenter on BU. A BLP supporter too. I think she sometimes writes a weekly column on Barbados Today as well.

    Sent from my iPad Pro


  44. @ Anita Alleyne. Why are you so concern who is Heather. Probably she have uncovered information that usually get sweep under the carpet. I bet you and a selected others will jump to the conclusion that this is an opposition thing. This is nonsense that have been going on for years where bare foot people all of a sudden buying yachts, Mercedes, BMWs and Land Rovers. Come on my friend, things will eventually come to light.

  45. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    that must be lowlife Angela Yardfowl.

  46. Barbados Justice……for tourists.

    “She pleaded guilty to all of the charges and was fined $15 000 forthwith, for possession of cannabis;

    $10 000 forthwith for importation of cannabis, and reprimanded and discharged for trafficking of cannabis, and possession of cannabis with intent to supply.”

    “The fines were paid, and she was handed over to immigration for deportation.”

    Senior police officer remanded to Dodds prison
    Superintendent of police John Mark Annel has been remanded to prison until October 23.

    Annel, 56, of Kenrick Hutson Drive, Lucas Street, St Philip appeared before Magistrate Graveney Bannister in the Traffic Court today charged with six indictable offences.

    The Royal Barbados Police Force’s ballistics and firearms expert was not required to plead to the offence that he had 100 rounds of ammunition in his possession on September 20 without a valid licence.

    It is also alleged that on August 31, September 3, September 20 and September 9, being a member of the Force, Annel did engage in willful misconduct which amounted to a breach of public trust in that he joined the Barbados Rifle and Pistol Federation Inc under the status of a police officer, purchased 100 rounds of ammunition to be expended on that day at the Federation at Waterford Range, and removed the ammunition from the range without expending it.

    He is also accused of committing the same offence on August 3 — this time with 150 rounds of ammunition.

    Annel was represented by attorneys Sir Richard Cheltenham and Shellyann Seecharan.

    Barbados Today understands that his lawyers will make an application for bail in the High Court later today.

    Acting Assistant Superintendent Trevor Blackman was the prosecutor.

  48. Anita,

    Are you a member of the local elite? Your iphone indicated this, since iphones, yachts, USD on foreign offshore accounts, big mansions and BMW X5 are clear signs for the new plantation class. Did you also profit from the current injustice? From the economic suppression of the masses? From the perverted tax increases? From Crop Over massacre? From the evil and wicked things going on in Black Rock swamp? Did you also sell Barbados to Credit Suisse?

    Everybody knows in Bim that you can only get a posting in the public service from S3 onwards and at Supreme Court if you are a member of the ruling party. That is a fact.

    So declare you affiliation. For or against Barbados.

  49. @Hants September 25, 2017 at 5:42 PM Barbados Justice……for tourists. “She pleaded guilty to all of the charges and was fined $15 000 forthwith, for possession of cannabis”
    We don’t want to feed clothe shelter and provide medical care to her. She was fined a total of $25,000 and put out of Barbados, and if she has any sense she won’t come back. And unless i am mistaken she is a daycare worker in Canada, so will never be able to get a vulnerable sector clearance in Canada again, so there goes her career.

  50. Anthony Scarmucchi.. Avatar
    Anthony Scarmucchi..

    Hope wunnah notice that he and MOF got the same address. This is one of the police officers who Darwin Dottin refused to recommend for promotion because he knew of the involvement and like the deceased police officer Bowen he was monitoring them. Adriel Brathwaite knew of the investigations and made it a senseless political issue about wire tapping and removed Antonio Forte from the list to be promoted to the rank of Superintendent and promoted this guy who is Chris’ neighbor. The highly respected,committed and intelligent Antonio Forte was therefore left out of the promotions and subsequently took legal action against the COP and the idiot AG. Then Chris will come with nonsense about BLP smear campaign on he and Lashley. Everyone have been seeing Lashley driving around in his big black Range Rover which is now traced back to Ware so what smear they did in themselves. All the corruption in a corner with Chris, AG,PM Denis and Denis and John and Estwick and Jones and Donville.

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