Received from a sender calling themselves Friends of Commonwealth
Baroness Scotland

We write following your coverage about the Commonwealth and its Secretary-General, Baroness Patricia Scotland.

The focus of this communication is to bring to your attention the serious set of rulings published earlier last week by the Independent Press Standards Organisation, the independent regulator for the newspaper and magazine industry in the UK, based on the complaints made Baroness Scotland in December 2016, against publications run by Associated Newspapers Limited. These are accessible via:

This is a case that is of significant public interest across the Commonwealth, particularly the Caribbean region, since it deals with issues concerning probity in public office. For over seven months the complaint to IPSO was used by Baroness Scotland as a shield to safeguard her from providing responses to matters of public interest including the expenditure of public funds. This included her unwillingness to answer questions at last December’s Transparency International UK Annual Anti-Corruption Lecture in London at which Baroness Scotland delivered the keynote address (

After an exhaustive investigation by IPSO, the rulings were made, where 13 of the 14 stories that Baroness Scotland had complained about were not found to have breached the accuracy code; and only 1 of the 14 stories was found to have breached the accuracy code and that too on a statistical error. This means that allegations of corruption, cronyism and misuse of public resources by Baroness Scotland of the Commonwealth have been upheld.

We are becoming alarmed that attempts are being made by Baroness Scotland to trivialise these serious rulings and justify her actions through a press statement issued by the Commonwealth Secretariat:, that is aimed at stymieing the integrity and transparency associated with such an adjudication process.

The violability of the Commonwealth Summit that is scheduled to be held in 9 months time in London is of genuine concern and fear to most of us. In this regard, we draw your attention to an editorial done by Caribbean News Now:

It will be appreciated if this scandal is brought to the attention of the Government of Barbados and citizens of Barbados via your online portal

152 responses to “Baroness Patricia Scotland | Scandal Brewing at the Commonwealth”

  1. @Hal

    This is not the first time you have told me to chill, whatever that means. Your silliness seems to overcome you sometimes. Why do you think I need to chill. Why do you think I see red when Chad appears in the forum?

    Let us see if we can borrow words from a lexicon you are more familiar.

    You need to be dispassionate in your exchanges with commenters especially if the substance of what is posited is legible and can be easily understood by those with average intellience. Whether it is written by someone with a handle or not is irrelevant. What would make it relevant is IF the BBC, Telegraph, Financial Times, Nation and others were to block non de plumes IF that were even possible.

  2. Hal

    is unable to respond substantively to any of the accusations made against Patricia Scotland, so he simply claims the Mail and the Telegraph are not to be believed.

    Everyone should note the following:

    During her campaign for the top job at the Comminwealth Secretariat, Patricia made many trips to the Caribbean, accompanied by Anthony Bailey, who is married to one of her cousins.

    Bailey announced donations of over a million dollars to charitable projects in Antigua and awarded unofficial knighthoods in the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George to the governors general of Antigua and Grenada.

    The GG of Antigua was given a free trip to Rome and entertained in London by Mr. Bailey.

    These are unrefuted facts in the public record.

    Deal with it, Hal.

  3. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    It’s hard to understand why a journalist cannot understand that non de plumes have been used at NYTimes, NYdaily News, NY Wall Street Journal and every major news source for commenters in the last 20 years, I rarely use my real name for any of these forums, only a few times when I choose too.

    BBC online, Independent online and everyone allows it’s use…., billions of people use non de plumes……

    …..why dies Hal believe BU should not allow it’s commenters the same privilege…Carl Moore I can understand, not only is he backward and was never exposed to the world of freedom where you do not retaliate or seek revenge against someone for their opinion, nor do you act like a slave to politicians, ministers and minorities….

    ……but Hal living in UK for decades, still dont see himself and blacks who speak freely as being truly free…… an anigma wrapped up in stupidity, he learned nothing from being treated as a second class citizen in a country his foreparents built.

  4. David,
    You just do not understand. May be it is a brain thing. The masks people used are not the important issue, but what they use these nom de plumes for – to slander, for all kinds of reasons, decent people; some of the bogus commenters may be Baroness Scotland’s rivals and their supporters for the Secretary General’s position.
    That is what a good editor should prevent, allowing people to use your website for negative reasons. A nom de plume for a whistleblower is one thing, but to smear decent people is something else. Only cowardly editors, who themselves could not differentiate the moral and ethical difference, would try to justify such uses of masks. @David, you set the standards which others follow. I am not surprised that people like @Chad and @45Govt find this a popular forum, especially if you want to create a bogus identity.
    If I were Baroness Scotland’s legal adviser, and I am not and do not even know her, I would be sending letters off to WordPress and, failing that, taking action in the London courts. There are consequences for irresponsible behaviour.

  5. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Chadster…who cares, trump is a thief, he is going down for being a traitor, he has been laundering money for the russians through trump towers for years, his latest thievery is ripping off the secret service…

    And you support him..

    He will be in opison withing 2 years….. deal with that.

    Caribbean people could care less about what Scotland did….you and 45fraud need to crawl back in ya holes.

    Scotland should now tell her Caribbean people what to expect from the blighted curse that is the UK and given a medal when she does.

  6. @Dear Hal

    We know you are located in England. Why don’t you write to the Daily Mail, Telegraph and other UK publications this submission references? Have you read the comments on some of those publications? If you fine BU so offensive to your definition of what should be allowed under freedom of expression why don’t you get the hell out of dodge? Here is a suggestion, why not submit a rubric under which BU commenters should use social media? Bear in mind why we have seen the rise of citizen journalism, a tide you and your ilk cannot stem.

  7. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    He will be in PRISON within 2 years….. deal with that.

    Chadster and 45fraud are the 2 nastiest haters of black people I have come across in years…

    At least John, MoneyB and Vincent only talk rubbish because they could, but these 2 beasts plan to do something and reverse the ongoing process that will dismantle the evil practiced by the white institution of racism, greed and thievery.

  8. David,
    You miss the point again, this time deliberately I believe. I am talking of people using nom de plumes to smear rivals and otherwise decent people, which by definition you seem to be colluding with.
    Thanks for your advice as to who to write to, but I am my own man. Whoever I write to will still leave the serious flaw in your system, unless you correct it. I have never said BU was offensive; I have said some commenters are using nom de plumes to be foul-mouthed and slanderous, and you, by implication, seem to interpret this as the price of freedom of speech. It is not. That is why we have libel laws. Pseudonyms are not a way round the libel laws.
    As editor, I would have thought you would want a blog that makes a serious contribution to our public policy, not just to call people you disagree with ‘yardfowls’ and other abusive names, then explaining it away by claiming that is how we do things. It I not..
    You set the standards, not the commenters, they follow your lead. I can give a list of names of decent people who have put their professional futures and reputations on the line to put forward views only to be attacked by the ageing, spiteful, life-long failures who stalk this pages looking for victims of their venom. Is this what you call debating, Bajan style?
    You are the leader, David. Set out a code for contributors, or be the leader of the gang of verbal thugs.

  9. Pieces kudos to you… I believe it was you above who deftly linked chad9xs5 to govt45..clearly something about fives n nines he adores. Good get, that.

    This debate about nom-de plumes is so yesterday news…

    Hal people and sites handle this matter differently, so get a grip with the harsh crtiques….some major news sites have stopped comments because of the type of vitriol so associated, some moderate and edit accordingly and others allow a free flow and let the public self edit…

    What’s wrong with that! Choose your site of choice man-up and let’s move on.

    You know full well that public figures have always had a tough time with nasty, unfounded news…they do have the legal options you noted. But why step in dog poop when you can simply avoid it….yes it smells and some will get fascinated that it’s there….many others will simply dismiss and walk far away.

  10. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Hal….Scotland tried that, even tried to get an injunction for cease and desist from the internet doing dixie with that old dead story….it did not work…it cannot work…..the court ignored her, told her suck it up.

    She is learning when you lay with wild beasts and savages, ya get fleas. …..

    Rockefeller dead and gone and he could not stop it….though he tried, with all his billions.

    trump the orange gorilla throws tantrums every day at the way he is ridiculed, insulted and defamed online…..and he cant stop it..

    Obama and his wife were terrorized for 8 straight years..

    Ya might as well give up….what court and WordPress what.

  11. Unlike the US, the UK has only fragile protections for press freedom.

    Ditto the Caribbean colonies.

    So characters like Hal can intimidate David and BU with threats of sanctions for allowing statements of the obvious.

    Hal is contemptible.

  12. Dribbler

    I have never made an unfounded charge on BU and I take lexception to your comments.

    I always win on the facts of a debate.

    Hal has no facts on his side. Only empty threats.

  13. Chad – well said. I am certain that Hal also denied that there was fraud involving Jack Warner of FIFA – couldn’t possibly be, as he is black like the Scotland crook. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
    Do you hear the wailing banshee of the Mad Dog Racist Well Well I’m A moron in the background?

  14. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    45fraud….since ya obviously just arrived on BU, you are unaware that the Jack Warner brouhaha has been already beaten to death as a topic…

    Ya will have to find more black thieves to name….whoever you call next…ya still late to the game.

    But I will bet my last franc that you are the biggest thief of them all…in either the black or white group ir among the thieves of government and tge Mangiste private sector….

    ……and since I have so successfully exposed you….ya are now harmless and mine to do with as I please.

    Chadster…called that for a very good reason…. is a garden variety and BU’s resident hypocrite.

  15. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Gotta make this clear so 45fraud understands his place perfectly.

    But I will bet my last franc that you are the biggest thief of them all…in either the black or white group or among the thieves of government and the Mangoste private sector….

  16. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hal Austin August 6, 2017 at 10:40 AM
    “That is what a good editor should prevent, allowing people to use your website for negative reasons. A nom de plume for a whistleblower is one thing, but to smear decent people is something else. Only cowardly editors, who themselves could not differentiate the moral and ethical difference, would try to justify such uses of masks. @David, you set the standards which others follow. I am not surprised that people like @Chad and @45Govt find this a popular forum, especially if you want to create a bogus identity.
    If I were Baroness Scotland’s legal adviser, and I am not and do not even know her, I would be sending letters off to WordPress and, failing that, taking action in the London courts…”

    If you find those libelously anonymous comments from the anonymice on Bu so offensive to your well-placed sense of journalistic and moral decency why don’t you just buzz off and contribute only those blogs that meet your own self-determined principles of ‘good and educative’ journalism?

    What Chad and 45Govt are positing is based on what they have read in those so-called sophisticated British tabloids, nothing heard first hand from the BU anonymice or garnered from the local yellowed media houses.

    If you were a real man of principles you would go after the Daily Mail while advising Baroness Scotland and instructing her legal team how to proceed in suing that media house by bringing a case of libel against it at the Old Bailey.

    So you see, it is not only the miller that finds you to be an irritatingly hideous jackass but also to be a down right bold-faced hypocrite.

    Why don’t you try to unmask those who, under the veil of Islamic fundamentalism and jihadi crusade, threaten to remove people like you who believe all Muslims especially those living in the UK and Barbados are vile and evil animals not fit to even live in the sewers of London or the environs of the Bridgetown Sewage plant?

    Let us all thank Hal Austin’s lucky stars that Guyana-born DPP is resting eternally immobile in his grave and not going after that UK resident know-it-all for everything wrong going on in Barbados from the innocence of Greenverbs Parris to that of the plots to overrun and control Barbados under an Islamic caliphate hatched in Kensington New Road.

  17. @ DPD
    Pieces kudos to you… I believe it was you above who deftly linked chad9xs5 to govt45..clearly something about fives n nines he adores. Good get, that.
    It is a subtle reference to the orange buffoon occupying the White House, number 45 in the list of US Presidents.

  18. I would like to post a comment using the moniker “Hal Austin”, but I suspect that despite what Hal said, David would remove/block the post.

    At least the other idiot has made no “Moore” posts about anonymice,

  19. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Lol…..dont know what is wrong with either of them, in this day and age they both believe they have the power to suppress freedom of expression. ……despite the courts saying to the contrary.

    It’s a new era, suppressing freedom of expression and opinions does not fit into this new age.

    Yall dinosaurs need to go back to the 18th century where ya belong.., see how much ya like it there, maybe that is where you feel most comfortable.

  20. Regarding Baroness Scotland

    The Mail, the Telegraph and the Mirror have carried critical stories.
    The Guardian has not defended her.

  21. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Chadster… reality, all those british tabloids are rags, regurgitating stale news no one, except those with nasty agendas, care anything about.

    If it was 45fraudster reviving a dead issue on BU, he failed miserably thinking he would find supporters to back his true intent…he only succeeded in exposing his lowlifeness…lol

    Neither of them can fit into Scotland’s shoes, even though they themselves are bigger thieves.

  22. Patricia Scotland? Big shoes?

    She is a self-promoting feminist with no real accomplishments except that, unlike Hillary Clinton, she was actually able to pass the exams required for a law licence.

    All the other jobs came from influence peddling and “retail politics”. She gets along well with white men and they have appointed her to important positions.

  23. This is nasty and vicious and comes from a demented mind. Chad cannot be a black Barbadian. Or is he? His mind is in the sewer. I am sure he does not know the woman, does not know of her and is very unlikely to ever meet her. But that is par for the course.

  24. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Chadster….ya jealousy of Scotland is showing.

    ya do realize that white men only use blacks for important positions in countries they control, who are intelligent and capable of doing what they themselves cant.

    that disqualifies you since ya relegated to yardfowling trump on the blogs.

    as Scotland has been appointed to many posts, one i could swear was attorney general….yeah…you and the other jealous rat 45fraud, definitely can never fill Scotland`s shoes.

  25. WWC

    Jealousy? People who spend all their lives grovelling before British elites in the hope of getting a title and an official residence are not my cup of tea.

    I have a British passport but would never even live in the UK. Too cramped and constricted. Not to mention expensive.You have to save your pennies just to get by.

    A reminder: The horrible Democrats in the US have presided for generations over the most brutal police forces in the Western world. I give my full-throated support to the Great Donald Trump for many reasons. He is not a deceitful political “professional”. And he is actually trying to reduce the insane rates of legal and illegal immigration to the United States.

    Having lived through a tidal wave of immigration, I can speak first hand of its ruinous effects on Black America.

  26. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    so why do you spend so much time licking the tail of the orange orangutan criminal that is trump…..Chadster.

    the orange orangutan`s mother Mary McCleod was an illegal immigrant from Scotland, a domestic servant, his grandfather was a draft dodging scallywag and illegal immigrant from germany…..j

    ….ust like them, trump is also illegal…who the hell gave europeans the right to make themselves legal on native american lands.

    that lie has returned to haunt in the most serious way.

  27. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    There are even copies of the ship’s manifest with her name circulating on facebook from the Ellis Island Archives…from 1930….anyone can go to Ellis Island and view those logs..

    “Donald Trump lied when he said that his mother came to the US on holiday.Immigration records show she was a low paid domestic.(A servant) with only $50 dollars in her pocket and would not have qualified under his new immigration rules.”

    You and 45fraud are FRAUDS…just like trump…ooo

  28. Chad – too many anal orifices on here – with huge chips on their shoulders!

  29. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    “The Secret Service has left the building — literally, because Trump Tower was trying to make money off of them.”

    When ya are a fraud…ya are a fraud, no other word can describe you.

    ….cud dear 45fraud is also a failure, the scam did not work…cud dear.

    Someone should have told ya that some of the hardest people to convince are those on BU…particularly when ya have nasty intentions..

    …..ya wasted all ya time for

  30. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    …..and what really got me cracking up, ya relying on Chadster to back ya up…

    ..Chadster of all people, who has already been proven to be a certifiable conman like his fellow conman and idol trump….

    Everyone sees through your act…

    So what now 45fraudster…

    Scotland is still very mucher bigger than you will ever be, what will you do now.

  31. @45govt August 4, 2017 at 10:08 AM “Go play with the other children under the tamarind tree…”

    Go play wit’ ya little willie do.

  32. @Simpleton Simon “But if white journalists target a black politician…”

    What white journalists are you talking about?

    Does the Mail have journalists?

    Or white journalists?

  33. @chad99999 August 6, 2017 at 2:32 AM “Wrong. Most children are fat, ugly, or dunce. Some are all three, unfortunately. It is the rare child whose good looks or significant accomplishments makes them worth the trouble they cause their parents. I try to avoid unnecessary burdens in life.”

    All right chad. If you can’t get an erection good enough for procreation why don’t you just say so? Why this bitterness that causes you to call other people’s children blood sucking, fat, ugly, duncy, and burdensome?

    Go take your ED medicine and come back here only once you have done something useful with your life.

  34. @45govt August 6, 2017 at 4:57 AM “population growth in Africa, IS a catastrophic problem, which is fuelled by misdirected Western aid most often pilfered by corrupt governments.”

    How ca population growth be fuelled by western aid, which by your own words the aid money is stolen by politicians?

    If the politicians have the money, how can the absent money fuel explosive population growth?

  35. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.


    45fraudster and Chadster are 2 abject failers in life, so they troll frauds and losers like themselves, read trump and any other demonic whites they can latch on to and ride piggyback……. demonize black people to make themselves feel better and try to project an image of self importance and obviously false knowledge.

    Both of them can crown themselves BUs laughing stocks for the weekend…….

    I really needed the entertainment. .

    … filled with hate, jealousy and destructive intent for Scotland were 45fraudster and Chadster………without just cause, they both self destructed on that high, leaving Scotland as an even bigger and more formidable force to be reckoned with…..

    So many white crooks, thieves, liars, frauds, drug users, pedophiles and outright demons populate from buckingham palace, to Downing St, to house of lords and everything else in between and the only successful person these two troglodytes can pick on is someone neither of them have enough intelligence to hold any discourse with……a black woman with power.

    ……, and they both got the nerve to come on BU…a Caribbean forum, looking for support from blacks to help them destroy Scotland.

    A lesson to black people…never aid racists in destroying your own black people…chase those demons away, destroy their power to divide and destroy you, they have to scatter when you take away their evil powers of destruction.

    Neutralize them.

    And if ya can, neuter them….as I have successfully deballed both 45fraudster and Chadster…lol

  36. I want to draw attention to some of the female lunatics in this forum. It’s time to behave yourselves.

    A few are always making dark references to castration of men they disagree with (WW&C), or accusing men who are total strangers of being impotent, having erectile dysfunction, etc (Simple).

    Of course, if the shoe were on the other foot, everyone would be shocked. Men who accuse women of frigidity or make jokes about mutilating their genitals are considered dangerous and beyond the pale.

    We must hold women to account. If they demand equal rights they should not escape equal responsibilities.

  37. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Chad of the Many Five, (Actually two more that the 3 5’s sigarettes or hemp that you sometimes seem to be smoking)

    Let us not be disingenuous here

    A comment was levelled at Simple Simon (and may have been extended to WW&C I am not sure) about being childless.

    It is a comment that many women will find tasteless and befitting of the retort per our erectile dysfunction challenges and small doggie statuses heheheheheheheh.

    No man even if he has the dome of Magic Johnson wants to be called “a bald headed effer” in company, or alone, it just is not accepted by we testosterone toting alpha dogs

    So after talking bout people barren I agree with Simple Simon’s primordial response which is to speak to the male actuality of nuff uh wunna heheheheheheh (note dat de ole man ent say we heheheheheh)

    We may expect the Barbados Underground Police of Hal Austin and Carl the Moore the fellow climb the more he shows his tail to admonish the Blogmaster about how de ladies dem is making comments bout we parts dem and dat dem must be banned but you have to be fair man…

  38. “It is not just the politically motivated who hold these beliefs. Judged on hard metrics, confidence in UK media has fallen noticeably in recent years. According to communications agency Edelman’s 2017 Trust Barometer survey of 1,500 Britons, the number of people who said they trusted British news outlets at all fell from an already low 36% in 2015 to a mere 24% by the beginning of 2017. The 2017 Digital News Report from the Reuters Institute, published in June, found that just 41% of British people agreed that the news media did a good job in helping them distinguish fact from fiction. The figure for social media was even lower: 18%.
    ““It’s a serious problem for the profession,” says Dr Rasmus Kleis Nielsen of the Reuters Institute. “The political legitimacy of institutions like the BBC and also the business models of newspapers depend on the idea that they offer something trustworthy. Healthy distrust can be a good thing but hardened cynicism is paralysing.”

    Even the Brits do not trust their media.

  39. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    45fraudster and Chadster were merely using those articles to find company and commenters on the blog to help them destroy Scotland and by extension, demonize black people while they at it….

    ….a twofer.which turned out to be a failure because they are both so mediocre.

    trump supporters lean toward being brain damaged, they can get nothing

  40. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    All of this is unfolding in real time, this is what is of very public interest, cause ya dont want the foolish follow pattern leaders in the Caribbean believing they can emulate trump the retard to make things even worse for people in the Caribbean.

    This is what the two trumptards are trying to dstract everyone from, using Scotland.

    Let us see if FBI confirms they have tapes of the orange gorilla. .lol

    There is a disclaimer at the bottom.

    “A Former British Politician Has Made Very Serious Allegations Against Donald Trump

    Louise Mensch, former Conservative Party MP

    Louise Mensch, a former British politician has gone on the record and publicly accused the President of the United States Donald Trump of engaging in sexual acts with victims of human trafficking.

    Louise Mensch, a former Conservative Party Member of Parliament for Corby, posted a string of allegations on Twitter in which she says she has knowledge of video tapes that show the President PERSONALLY committing “illegal” sexual acts with the victims.

    The former Conservative Politician also suggests that she has seen the contents of the said tapes first hand. She has also claimed that the FBI has also acquired the said tapes and has also, in the series of tweets tagged the @FBI Twitter handle. By doing so, she will be putting pressure on the FBI to confirm or deny whether they have these tapes or not.

    She wrote on Twitter that: There are tapes, video tapes, involving @realDonaldTrump personally committing illegal sexual acts with trafficked victims #PIMPOTUS

    When asked on twitter if the victims were adults or minors, she said “I’m not permitted to say.”

    She also wrote on Twitter that: I’m not yet allowed to report on the detail of what #PIMPOTUS does to his helpless victim on the tape. It is in possession of @FBI Mueller

    Louise Mensch also confirms that the main source of the story is a “go-between” who worked for organised crime syndicates in Russia supplying girls/women to a company known as “Trump Model Management.” Trump Model Management Company has not responded to the queries on Twitter and instead they have closed their Twitter account to the Public, putting it on Private. A model Management Company would normally have their account open fully to the public. The now closed off Twitter handle is @TrumpModels. It is not known if they will set the account to public again.

    As a well-educated Politician who served in the British Parliament, it is expected that Louise Mensch is well aware of the legal implications and backlash should these accusations be not valid. The fact that she is willing to put her reputation on the line is already convincing many that she has actually seen the tapes as pundits say no one would speculate on such a subject unless they have not only seen the tapes but replayed them and studied them over and over again.

    The hashtag #PIMPOTUS is trending on Twitter as a result of the claims and opinion is divided whether these claims are fact or conspiracy.

    Louise Mensch’s Twitter handle is: @LouiseMensch

    Donald Trump: @realDonaldTrump

    Trump Models Management Company: @TrumpModels

    FBI: @FBI

    Editor’s Note: We don’t know about the tapes if they exist or not. We haven’t seen the video tapes. And we don’t know if it’s true or not. We are only reporting the fact that a former British Member of parliament has brought it up. And we are reporting what the allegations from the MP are.

    The story was also reported by a British popular political site Evolve Politics”

  41. Louise Mensch, well educated? She is a novelist.

  42. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Let’s hope what she is saying is factual…there has been talk for nearly a year about tapes, the british spy Steele has dossiers, now with Meuller on all types of shenanigans. ..if FBI confirms later on, ya know the idiot is going down once and for all.

  43. @chad99999 August 6, 2017 at 2:32 AM “Wrong. Most children are fat, ugly, or dunce…”

    If your associates’ children are fat, ugly and duncy I’d suggest that you up de ting, and find associates who are themselves slim, beautiful and smart, and who have produced slim, beautiful and smart children.

  44. @Hal Austin August 7, 2017 at 1:21 PM “Louise Mensch, well educated? She is a novelist.”

    Louise Mensch is an Oxford educated novelist whose novels have sold more than million copies.In addition she is a former Conservative member of the British Parliament.

    She has therefore had a better education that Donald Trump, was elected to public office same as Donald Trump, sold more books that Donald Trump…

  45. @Chad99999 August 7, 2017 at 10:14 AM “I want to draw attention to some of the female lunatics in this forum. It’s time to behave yourselves.”

    Who said that I am female? Not I. And I am certainly not a lunatic. In addition I have no wish to behave, whatever you mean by “behave”

  46. The knowledge has been in the public domain since at least 2009 that “A UK Border Agency investigation found that Baroness Scotland did not “knowingly” employ an illegal worker and had attempted to check her documents.” In addition the then British Prime Minister Gordon Brown supported Baroness Scotland who at the time was Attorney General. Further still it was know that the Daily Mail paid the Tongan woman 95,000 pounds and yet 45govt who claims to be anti-corruption does not see this payment as a corrupting influence. 45govt came to this blog to denigrate Baroness Scotland, and attempting to trick others to join him in denigrating the good lady.

    He has failed.

    He can therefore run along now like the naughty little boy he is.

  47. @Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. August 6, 2017 at 5:00 PM “Donald Trump lied when he said that his mother came to the US on holiday.”

    Some of my relatives migrated through Ellis Island too in the 1920’s. They too came from small villages, and they sure as hell weren’t going to the United States for holidays. If Donald Tramp claims that his 18 year old mother left a small village in the Outer Hebrides at age 18 in 1930 to go to the U..S for a holiday only a complete ahistorical fool would believe that.

    My question to him would be what economic activity would she have been engaging in in her small village in the Outer Hebrides which would enabled her to earn enough money to make a return Trans Atlantic holiday trip.

  48. @chad99999 August 6, 2017 at 2:32 AM “Wrong. Most children are fat, ugly, or dunce. Some are all three, unfortunately. It is the rare child whose good looks or significant accomplishments makes them worth the trouble they cause their parents. I try to avoid unnecessary burdens in life.”

    chad99999 also referred to African children as blood sucking. A blood sucker is typically a dangerous parasite. So chad99999, like the schoolyard bully he is can call the children of Africa (of which I am one) dangerous parasites, and and when I respond noting his erectile dysfunction and small useless doggie he runs to the schoolmaster/blogmaster David demanding that David discipline me. I don’t need David to disipline me. I am self disciplined. But if chad99999 feels at liberty to fire nasty verbal shots I feel at liberty to respond in kind and will remind him again and again about his impotence and his small doggie. When chad99999 behaves I will behave, until then no amount of running to the headmaster and telling on me will deter me.

    Chad99999 August 7, 2017 at 10:14 AM “I want to draw attention to some of the female lunatics in this forum. It’s time to behave yourselves. A few are always making dark references to castration of men they disagree with (WW&C), or accusing men who are total strangers of being impotent, having erectile dysfunction, etc (Simple). Of course, if the shoe were on the other foot, everyone would be shocked. Men who accuse women of frigidity or make jokes about mutilating their genitals are considered dangerous and beyond the pale.
    We must hold women to account. If they demand equal rights they should not escape equal responsibilities.”

  49. In her role…..

    Commonwealth to broker talks between Zambia’s president and the main opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema
    Africa Live: Zambia rivals to talk
    O|By BBC News

  50. Reports in UK newspapers claim that the vice-chancellor of Oxford University spent £100000 on refurbishing her grace-and-favour home; and the multi-millionaire secretary of state for health spent £44000 on a new bath for his office so he could re-fresh after cycling to work.
    Waiting to see what the Mail on Sunday makes of these stories.

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