131 responses to “Senator Jepter “Physical” Ince Forced to Apologize to Private Sector”

  1. This letter was definitely not written by Kelly. LOL.

  2. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    What happened to, ” Tell them that I Jepter Ince say so.”

  3. A general election is on the horizon and there is a campaign to be financed.

  4. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Chuckle……Well said.

  5. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Mark Maloney is the DLP’s main campaign financier. The Jepter stated emphatically, that these where the words he use to use to describe the private sector, so we know that the shite written in the letter is not really reflecting the stance that the Jester took against the private sector (excluding Mark Maloney and those who feather DLP nests. As far as the Jester is concerned, the private sector are parasites and he wanted Barbados to know that.

  6. @SSS

    Mark Maloney is a front man.

    Now did the BT headline the article ‘They’re Parasites’?

  7. So sick of dem!

  8. He really is a Court jester! Where is the apology? I withdraw those remarks..not I am sorry or I deeply regret what I said? I would not accept it. Further he wanted his remarks recorded and printed in the media, well apologize in the media. What a simpleton!

  9. angela Skeete Avatar

    did not OSA said Ince was “tight” meaning drunk i used to hear the old folks say if you want to know the TRUTH ask a drunken man

  10. He was not tight. But he has been slapped about by Sinckler and Stuart.

  11. what a pussey

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son July 1, 2017 at 6:58 PM

    When a joker like the Jester Ince who does not know and cannot tell the difference between a ‘Fiscal’ and a “Physical” Deficit you can only come to the conclusion the fool is indeed totally and absolutely intellectually deficient, if not completely defective.

    And this is the same quack who claimed to have been a soaring high-flyer on Wall Street and the sharpest high finance t(f)ool ever hired by CLICO.

    Can you imagine this idiot being at the centre of the country’s financial policy and economic management framework? No wonder Barbados finds itself in such a dark place today.

    What a hard price to pay to suffer fools like the genuinely physical jackass gladly.

    No wonder he and Leroi Greenverbs are intimate buddies leaving a lot to be said about Jiggs the Fumbling king of magniloquence proclivity for bosom pals.

    There must be some common thread that binds ‘them’ three together which only the rear admiral and pretend kingmaker James Cameron T can confirm from his grave.

    But then again, we have dear living Reudon Ever-knowing to spill the beans in order for Dem to fall out of the closet.

  13. @ Lawson
    insightful comment.

  14. Wasn’t Jepter Chairman of the NIS for a short while? May God have mercy on this little country.

  15. I guess he was the one who advised Sinckler to raid the NIS…………

  16. Jester used to call Brasstacks and Tell it Like It Is………more so when the other jester who now wants to run hosted the program.

    Jester spouted all kinds of nonsense passed off as his version of economics that even David Thompson seem to have believed……..next thing the dems won and Jester ended up as a PS in the ministry of finance. As Miller said………..No wonder Barbados finds itself in such a dark place today.

    You cannot make this stuff up!

  17. Thompson removed him from Chairman of NIS and made a Senator at a pretense but the real reason was he trying act as an investment broker for NIS funds while being its Chairman.

  18. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    The article should have been headlined, “JEPTER APOLOGISED FOR TELLING THE TRUTH”.

    If any of you have ever listened to Jepter, you would know that they were not his words contained in that so called apology. My take on the matter is that he was forced to sign in order to keep his pick and to ensure that the illegal campaign contributions keep coming in.

  19. angela Skeete Avatar

    sometimes high wind knows where ole house live, this is the case of Ince who had the balls to tell it like it is. It is not unusual or happenstance that the truth really hurts especially to those on whose feet the shoe fits
    Maybe OSA did call this one right , to tell the truth

  20. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    What a wuss…damn coward, could not stand by his own words.

  21. Caswell
    When I saw the letter from his home address and written Senator Mr Jepter Ince,I said that is Jepter.Then I saw the letter addressed to the Barbados Private Sector Association for the attention of Mr Charles Herbert,yet headed Dear Sir,I said this is Jepter.Then there is the repeated wieldy reference to himself ,his party and his government.I said this is Jepter but with some guidance because words like incongruous and cognisant are not in his vocabulary and would be torturous from him to contemplate pronouncing let alone spelling correctly.I therefore conclude that the letter was written and he was told ‘sign dissay mehn’ in true philipian style.

  22. Jepter should have access to the Protocol Officer in government shouldn’t hr?

  23. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Front man, poser, the head white honcho affront, makes no difference to me. The private sector is allowed to be parasites and Mark Maloney is perfect example of that. It is the arrangement set in place by the political class and it is so under which ever party is in power. The jester got reel in because he really meant to say the private sector that supports the BLP are not pulling their weight because they are waiting to do so under a Mia Mottley government.

  24. He was tight then, which he did not spend ONE cent to become inebriated. The next day he realized he lost a fortune , having been mugged by the private sector and his own party.

  25. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    Regardless of what we think of Ince, the sad truth is that Cow Williams, Ralph Johnson(Harris Paints) Hoad (Lowland) can say anything about black people: they lazy, non-productive etc and no apology is expected. It is even sadder when grown Black men can rejoice at this nonsense. The last person that should ask anybody to apologise is COW Williams but I guess by now we have all forgotten the controversy that dominated BU in relation to the problem with his wife.
    Massa day alive and well in our country
    Let me record this here and now: I William Skinner is of the opinion that the traditional white corporate class was parasitic to the max.
    The current corporate class is not only parasitic but it represents the most visionless , non-creative, unpatriotic, group of marauders to be found anywhere in the Caribbean.
    They are corporate pirates of the highest order and are known to engage in acts of racism .

  26. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    To those of you had publicly expressed concerns about Jeff Cumberbatch’s integrity, I say, let the apologies flow and don’t be bashful.

    Sent from my iPad

  27. William,
    You mention COW Williams and his wife and those goons who allegedly dumped rubbish in that boutique. What has happened to the police investigation? What is the attorney general doing about it? What has the Guyana-born DPP doing about it? Has he received his police report yet?

  28. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    I don’t mean this as a criticism but you have been in England too long. You constantly expect things to be done correctly as if the offence had occurred in England. Barbados is not little England, it is more like little Sicily.

    Sent from my iPad

  29. Caswell,

    Thanks. It is true I have been in London (not England, London is different) too long, but I live in hope.

  30. Frustrated Businessman ready to shut down Barbados Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman ready to shut down Barbados

    That is not an apology. It is the rantings of a 12 year old trying to talk his way out of trouble.

    Ince is a thieving CLICO DLP lackie without a brain.

  31. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Why are you people so concern about the apology? Ain’t Jepter Ince part of the ignorance of the DLP that has Barbados in a tail spin? So what if he took a shot at the private sector. It is obvious that to paint the private sector with so big a parasite brush is to show clearly the arrangement that the private sector has with government operatives namely sitting ministers of political parties. Ince has proven again why the need for transparency is dire. He has pointed out that they are parasites of the government, and to be a parasite in this instance, the host must or will accept it to be so. We all know there is arrangement in place, maybe Ince is pissed for reasons that are not profitable to him.

  32. Why is the the Nation newspaper allowed to turn the SOL BNTCL FTC decline into news? Shouldn’t this be a simple public announcement posted to the FTC website?

  33. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Like if you do not know why.

  34. angela Skeete Avatar

    Only when a black person speaks Truth there is scorn and ridicule, Ince step on the corns and he was called to the carpet by the so many he spoke truth about a truth that is visible a truth that lies dormant in the heart of many people in Barbadian society
    These corporate elites remain the untouchables because of color , so untouchable that the Unions who parade themselves as gladiators for the working poor are lackluster in their style attitudes and movement to fight gallantly for the working poor who still work under slave like conditions in some of these business
    The Truth being that Ince did steps on many corns , Yes govt depends on the corporate elite for jobs but jobs alone does not develop a country and it takes more to be a partner than just empty promises and small deeds

  35. Ince didn’t have to apologize you know, he could have told the DLP leadership to shove it and resign on principle. Of course he would have had to enter the private sector to support his family. A 13K salary cannot be easily replaced by one so politically tainted.

  36. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    1st. July 2017

    That was yesterday.

    Except for heavy showers of blessings throughout the day, a pretty uneventful day. The sky didn’t fall and it wont going forward.

    The DOOM AND GLOOMERS of the Barbados Labour Party will have to look for something else to criticize, condemn and vilify.

  37. angela Skeete Avatar

    amm David the last time i looked across the global hemisphere on the world map , barbados was not the only country in the standing , A true patriot Ince some others might have send a message to take the job and shove it and take a look at the world map and see better and greener pastures to graze upon
    True patriots speak Truth does not run and hide takes the medicine when it dished out even when it comes with a price

  38. A bona fide yardfowl is forced to eat crow and carry on smartly. The gafe about mistaking physical for fiscal has guaranteed his career is firmly anchored in the fortune of a DLP ‘guvment’ even before this latest one. There is a price one pays t be a yardfowll, you have to depend on grain from your owner.

  39. Yuh Fool any one who can be described as a yardfowl is you and one who depends on yardfowl gibberish for a living.
    So negro check self first begore taking your ak47 to put bullet holes in any one character.
    Btw speaking of anchors lest u forget that the leader of the blp Mia Mottley profession as a lawyer came about and was officially by law a guarantee because of family ties to the political networkings of barbados elite
    A lifetime guarantee for which she did not have to prove herself worthy.

  40. @ David

    I have to agree with your comments.

    Yard-fowls are indeed a special breed…….. They trying to convince BU Ince is the victim and it was the private sector that forced him to apologize. Does this not mean the government HAD to BOW to the “whims and fancies” of the “corporate elites?”

    If “Jester” Ince was a man of principle and believed what he said was the truth, rather than being forced to issue an apology, he would have stood by comments and resigned from the DLP.

  41. A typical bombastic trumplike response on a Sunday Morning.

  42. Arthur calls for Jepter’s head over worthless comments
    Added by Kaymar Jordan on January 31, 2017.

    “I tremble for my country!”

    This was former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Owen Arthur’s response to a suggestion by one of Government’s lead economic spokesmen that the Barbados dollar has no real value to speak of.

    Addressing a political meeting of the ruling Democratic Labour Party last weekend, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs Senator Jepter Ince, while shrugging off recent talk of a monetary devaluation, argued that no value could be applied to the Barbados dollar since it was not recognized internationally.


  43. Here are comments DLP MP’s regarding Jeptor Ince and his mouthings

    Estwick: “If a man is a janitor on Wall Street he is not lying when he says he worked on Wall Street”

    Inniss: “Every political party has in and must make room for clowns”

    Sinckler: “Half the time he does not know what he is talking about and the other half of the time neither does his audience”

  44. Imagine a Senator being asked to be an acting Minister (substantive Minister away) and the very first thing the acting Minister could find to say to the PS and the Secretary is “Bring me the files with contracts about to be awarded”

  45. So Jepter Ince mash corns and he should resigned. Well how about Mia who got up in parliament and spoke untruths about Gallop not even an apology was asked of her or even a nodding of the head calling for her resignation.
    Mind you here is a person who uses special privileges once again to say and do whatever she dam pleases even if her words cut and divide a nation
    Her gross ineptness to degrade and malign individual characters would come back to bite her in the arss
    Jepter Ince apologise but not a word has come out of the mouth of Mia on the controversial issue regarding her LEC except to say she was given that right by a controversial law or how would she rectify or correct a blantant injustice given as a special privilege to her on behalf of the people if giving the opportunity to be PM.
    So the blp yardfowls including the master of cermonies David and leader of BU yardfowl brigade gets on the paling fence to cackle and flutter while in their midst lays a glass house whose Windows are broken and in dire need of repair and none dare ask to have it fix

  46. angela Skeete

    What untruths did MAM speak about Mr. Gollop?

  47. Let us agree that Mia should have a LEC to practice in the Courts of Barbados AND the Caribbean where she has been operating for 30 years -who does it reflect on more, Mia or those trusted to enforce the law i.e. the AG, Registrar of the Courts , Bar Association and others. Why you dont go and watch CNN and or loosen the weave. Even the dullards must have their say we suppose …lol.

  48. Is this the same Hal Gollop who rushed to pay his Bar fee when he was made QC? Is this the same Hal Gollop who chairs the ERT that has reportedly only processed 10 cases out of 300 pending? Is this the same Hal Gollop who charged 1.5 million to review a BWA document? And there is more…

    Go and relax yourself this bright morn do!

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