Jeff Cumberbatch - Columnist, Barbados Advocate
Jeff Cumberbatch – Columnist, Barbados Advocate

“A successful president need not have a degree in constitutional law. But he should understand the Constitution’s grant of executive power.” “He should share Hamilton’s vision of an energetic president leading the executive branch in a unified direction, rather than viewing the government as the enemy. He should realize that the Constitution channels the president toward protecting the nation from foreign threats, while cooperating with Congress on matters at home.” –James Yoo, University of California (Berkeley)

I feel almost a sense of compulsion to apologize to readers of the Barbados Advocate for returning for a second week to a commentary on the any matter associated with the ne’er-do-well Trump presidency in the US. This is even more keenly felt when locally there is much fodder for a columnist; last week’s launching of what claims hopefully to be a third political way; an unseemly public disagreement between Board and Governor at the Central Bank; and an overdue determination from the Prime Minister as to the viability of the controversial Bridgetown Hyatt project However, today’s effort is concerned only tangentially with what is swiftly morphing into a U S kakistocracy and pertains rather to the ongoing battle between the Trump administration and the courts for the constitutional governance of the republic.

A few columns back, I had tentatively advanced the thesis that President Trump, having been abandoned by some of the leading lights of the Republican party under whose banner he ostensibly campaigned, might have adopted an attitude of “I-can–and-will-do-it-myself” and thereby assume the role of a latter-day monarch. While I am not prepared to argue whether or not this has become an actuality, his attitude towards judicial rulings that have been adverse to him leads one to conclude that he is behaving less than merely a disgruntled litigant and more like one who regards the prudential application of the law as an officious gadfly to his overweening ambitions.

To bring the point closer home, if this were a game of cricket in the road and the bat and ball were his, he would have long ago taken both up and gone home in a huff after disagreeing vehemently with the umpire’s verdict that he was clearly out.

Readers will be reminded that both the “so-called judge”, as Robart J. was so irreverently termed, and the three judge federal appeals panel have rejected President Trump’s attempt to prohibit entry into the US of nationals from seven largely Muslim nations. These rulings have driven a ZR through a major plank of the president’s efforts to “make America great again”, the appeals court ruling stating that the Trump administration had shown no evidence that anyone from the embargoed nations had committed or were likely to commit terrorist acts in the US. Mr Trump’s bold openly voiced discriminatory threat to ban Muslims as a whole could scarcely have helped his cause since such a sentiment clearly betrays an intention to discriminate on grounds of religious affiliation, a patently unconstitutional act, and relegates to an afterthought the consideration of national security.

The matter now moves to the Supreme Court for consideration. However, an initial hurdle for the governing administration is whether the case will be taken at all by that body. In a brilliant and well researched article, Controlling Inherent Presidential Power: Providing a Framework for Judicial Review”, published in the Southern California Law Review, Professor Edward Chemerinsky of the De Paul University College of Law argues that “most suits to have a President’s act declared unconstitutional never reach the Supreme Court…” He references in support a number of instances among dozens where this has occurred, including disputes as to the authority of the President to impose wage price guidelines on government contractors and as to his authority to impose a 10% surcharge on most articles imported into the United States.

Even if the Supreme Court should decide to try the matter, however, the current jurisprudence is woefully unsettled. The author notes no fewer than four approaches to the question of whether the opening words of Article II of the Constitution to the effect that “the Executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America’ are to be construed as vesting the President with powers not enumerated in the Article.

There are those, doubtless including Mr Trump himself, who hold fast to the interpretation that the President’s powers are untrammelled and that he is permitted to exercise authority not specifically granted by the Constitution, while others are, contrastingly, of the considered opinion that such plenary authority would be inconsistent with a Constitutional ethos of a government with restricted authority.

According to Professor Chemerinsky’s analysis, the approaches used by the lower Courts range from a clear denial of any inherent judicial power at all and that he must act pursuant to constitutional or statutory authority only, to the existence of a broad and substantial inherent authority, especially, interestingly enough in the current context, in the field of foreign affairs.

In accordance with the first perception, there is no room in US governance for a “presidential prerogative” equivalent to the “royal prerogative” claimed by British monarchs of yore and still claimed by some to extend to the local Governor General, itself an office created by Constitutional provision and thus inherently of limited authority. On this approach, if there is no condign constitutional provision authorizing the president’s action, then it is unconstitutional.

As for the broad authority in international relations approach that the lawyers for the President will doubtless be hewing towards in their arguments, this limits the narrow approach to internal matters only. In one 1936 decision, the judge wrote:

“ The two classes of powers (domestic and foreign are different, both in respect of their origin and their nature. The broad statement that the federal government can exercise no powers except those specifically enumerated in the Constitution…is categorically true only in respect of our internal affairs…”

This approach reminds us “we are here dealing not with an authority vested in the President by an exertion of legislative power, but with such an authority plus the very delicate plenary and exclusive power of the President as the sole organ of the federal government in the field of international relations…”

Nonetheless, as if presaging the current dispute, after these dicta acknowledge that this power does not require as a basis for its exercise an act of Congress, it concludes ominously for the Trump administration:

“…but which, of course, like every other government power, must be exercised in subordination to the applicable provisions of the Constitution….”

The right to due process before any abrogation of an existing right is one such entrenched therein.

To be continued….

368 responses to “The Jeff Cumberbatch Column – The Rule of Law and Presidential Authority”

  1. Take it easy Lawson…
    We all know how wunna operate when the going gets rough…we had a few centuries of it…

    Lynch a few rebels…
    Beat some to within an inch of their life…
    Rape some…

    Sorry boss… but those days are gone.

  2. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lawson…the illiterate is the one more likely to be charged with treason, you ain’t moved over to the US yet.

    “Donald Trump’s team has been accused of possible “treason” as new allegations emerge of repeated contact with Russian intelligence officials during the US election campaign.

    The President’s representatives have repeatedly denied any untoward contact with the Kremlin but fresh claims have emerged in the wake of a separate scandal that sparked the national security adviser’s resignation.

    The New York Times reported that American law enforcement and intelligence agencies found “repeated contacts” between Mr Trump’s campaign staff and associates and senior Russian intelligence operatives in the year leading up to the election.

    We will work on him… lowlife as Nixon was, it was all internal, he as not treasonous.

    “Donald Trump’s dealings with Russia could be a bigger political scandal than Watergate, according to one of America’s most experienced political journalists.

    “Watergate is the biggest political scandal of my lifetime, until maybe now,” former CBS news anchor Dan Rather said, in a post on Facebook. “It was the closest we came to a debilitating Constitutional crisis, until maybe now.”

    His comments come after the White House admitted the President was told several weeks ago that National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had not told the truth about a telephone call with a Russian diplomat—and chose not to fire him immediately. The news has fuelled broader concerns about Mr Trump’s closeness to Vladimir Putin and the role Russia may have played in helping him get elected.”

    You go trump, cuss them out…dont stop…

    “Donald Trump has accused his own intelligence agencies of illegally feeding “conspiracy theories” to the media over his team’s alleged links with Russia.

    “The fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred. @MSNBC & @CNN are unwatchable. @foxandfriends is great!” the President wrote on Twitter.

    “This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton’s losing campaign [sic].

    Boris Johnson and Rex Tillerson to meet amid Russia furore
    Russia dismisses claims over contact with Trump team
    Trump team faces treason accusations over new Russian allegations
    “Information is being illegally given to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by the intelligence community (NSA and FBI?).Just like Russia.”

    He went on to claim: “The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by ‘intelligence’ like candy. Very un-American!”

    Mr Trump also singled out a comment piece published by Bloomberg for praise, personally thanking the author for exposing the “very serious situation for USA”.

    His remarks came as US news coverage was dominated by unconfirmed allegations members of Mr Trump’s campaign team were in contact with Russian intelligence officials before the election.

    The President appeared to be suggesting his own intelligence agencies were illegally feeding classified information to journalists, deepening a dispute that started with last year’s findings over Russian interference in the election.”

  3. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    We thought trump had fird Yates for not ordering justice department to defend his crazy order, but now it looks like this other reason, where she also told him about Flynn and he fired her… he will reap the whirlwind. …ha.

  4. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Absolutely…to the point and filled with predictions.

    Lawson….by pouting and whining, ya missing all the

    So it was jarring when at 11.05pm precisely my cellphone lit up to reveal that Michael Flynn had resigned as national security adviser. My ears were briefly deaf to the cacophony as I digested the alert. But if anyone else had become aware of the latest bombshell to rattle Washington, they were showing no signs of it. Boom, boom, boom. Preen, preen, preen.

    Flynn-gate unfurled so swiftly it never earned the suffix. It’s only been days since The Washington Post revealed that the barking General – you recall him leading “lock-her-up” chants at the Republican National Convention – had, in fact, broached the subject of US sanctions when he phoned the Russian ambassador to the US in December, in spite of his protestations to the contrary (protestations that Vice President Mike Pence was to publicly repeat).

    The country so far has mostly shrugged. Everyone has things more pressing than Trump’s HR problems. He was elected on promises to restrict immigration and create new jobs, not to be a perfect office manager. Indeed, chaos and nurturing inter-office rivalries were the modus operandi of his businesses and his campaign. Why would anyone expect anything different now? He will find a new, hopefully less unhinged, security adviser soon. With the Kremlin as his Valentine, Flynn will prosper once more advising governments and potentates.

    Michael Flynn arrives at the swearing-in ceremony for senior White House staff (Andrew Harrer/Getty)
    Yet, react we should. First, a little schadenfreude. If you were a supporter of Hillary Clinton, you might want to remind the victors of their fixation on her so-called email scandal. (“Lock her up.”) Part of the case was that any hacking into her accounts might have opened her to blackmail by the Russians – precisely what the Justice Department now says Gen Flynn was potentially facing having lied about the real content of his conversations with Russia’s ambassador.

    And of course there is something satisfying about this West Wing being laid bare as the circus it is, particularly given its arrogance on the airwaves. Such certainty, such disdain for those who dare question or criticise it. “We have a President who has done more in three weeks than most presidents have done in an entire administration,” Stephen Miller, senior policy adviser, insisted in a testy interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News.

    What? Yes, Trump signed all those executive orders and brandished them before the cameras like so many Rotary Club citations. But not as many as Barack Obama at this stage in his administration. (And the noxious travel ban is on the rocks.) How about some other numbers, like the scores of ambassadorships that have not been filled and the thousands of empty seats all across government at just below cabinet level still remaining? Mr Obama had by now sent a $700bn stimulus law to Congress, seen it approved by both chambers and signed it. How many pieces of draft legislation has Trump sent to Capitol Hill? You guessed it. Not a one.

    No-drama-Obama also ran a White House that was for the most part watertight. Castle Trump is leakier than a sodden nappy. Some of what we are hearing is trivial. West Wing staffers have allegedly held meetings in the dark because they can’t figure out how the lighting system works. Trump spends evenings pottering about alone and watching TV upstairs in a dressing gown. Others less so. It was a leak, of course, that led The Washington Post to its Flynn scoop.

    This exasperates the President. “The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N Korea etc?” he has pleaded on Twitter. Can he be surprised if some inside the Security Council are so demoralised – and afraid for their own jobs – that they feel the need to speak out? If you turn the White House into a battlefield, the wounded are not going to die silently. They are so fearful of being accused of leaking, meanwhile, they have, according to the Post, resorted to posting their complaints on a chat app called Confide that erases their words almost as soon as they are typed.

    How can they not be moved to squeal when they see their new leader conferring with top national security advisors, plus Shinzo Abe of a Japan, at a patio table at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida after learning of another North Korea missile test? Presidents when travelling are meant to confine themselves to sealed-off rooms, or tents, before engaging in sensitive foreign-affairs business. This happened in full view of other club guests, who began posting it on Facebook.

    We can giggle if we want to. It feels almost like a release of tension. Trump is being humiliated because he didn’t get it that running a superpower is not the same as running a reality television show. But on balance I’d say we should be paying attention – and freaking out.

    The United States is meant to be a rock in a dangerous, shifting world. Instead we have a country run by someone who, before his inauguration, took a phone call from the President of Taiwan, seemingly on a lark. (He has since been forced to reassure Beijing that the US still believes in the One China policy.); who hung up on the Australian Prime Minister because he didn’t like how the call was going; whose spokesman called the recent special forces disaster in Yemen that killed 30 innocent civilians and one US soldier a “success”; and whose first response to the latest North Korea provocation was to fiddle with napkins.

    It is reassuring that in Gotham we can still party like there is no Trump tomorrow. But we have four more years of Trump tomorrows (barring death or impeachment). And when the next foreign crisis arises, we will want something more than a national security circus.”

  5. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    This is what will make Americans hate the illiterate trump and his useless minions, when Obama was in the white house at 3 weeks, he had already signed a 700 billion dollar stimulus package to jump start the economy and had it approved in both chambers, all the illiterate has done is waged a loser war on immigrants and got himself exposed to potential treason charges….lol

    That lazy pig has not drafted not one piece of legislation, but how can he, he does not know any congressional or legislative laws, cant read, can barely write, so he would nit even know what to ask white house lawyers to draft for him…….both Obama and his wife are brilliant attorneys, we are now hearing from their Harvard professor that Michelle is even more legally brilliant than her husband, so drafting legislation into law was a cakewalk for Obama, he has a useful wife.

    The illiterate has done no work in the 3 weeks he has blighted the white house….take that crazy trump supporters.

    I love the no-drama-Obama handle though….lol

    “What? Yes, Trump signed all those executive orders and brandished them before the cameras like so many Rotary Club citations. But not as many as Barack Obama at this stage in his administration. (And the noxious travel ban is on the rocks.) How about some other numbers, like the scores of ambassadorships that have not been filled and the thousands of empty seats all across government at just below cabinet level still remaining? Mr Obama had by now sent a $700bn stimulus law to Congress, seen it approved by both chambers and signed it. How many pieces of draft legislation has Trump sent to Capitol Hill? You guessed it. Not a one.

    No-drama-Obama also ran a White House that was for the most part watertight. Castle Trump is leakier than a sodden nappy. Some of what we are hearing is trivial. West Wing staffers have allegedly held meetings in the dark because they can’t figure out how the lighting system works. Trump spends evenings pottering about alone and watching TV upstairs in a dressing gown. Others less so. It was a leak, of course, that led The Washington Post to its Flynn scoop.”

  6. Bushy if those days are gone why do you guys always complain like they are still going on, if you are mistaken or you hear some of the fellas wishing for the good old days please send them up here because my snowblower is running rough and we have had snow 12 of the last 15 days.
    WW your hero screwed up the middle east, increased dramatically the debt and moved a maid into the whitehouse posing as his mother-law. Trump hasnt even been there a month but the the dems know the writing is on the wall next year when he has complete control and doesnt even have to talk to them thank that retard harry reid

  7. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lawson….if you read middle eastern history….you would know that the middle east has been screwed up for thousands of years….

    …….even more so recently in the last 60 years that ISnotRAEL continue to squat on and steal palestinian lands….no one man can fix that and Obama never said he could……the vicious racist Netanyahu showed his true colors and Obama slapped him down and left them to it….I would too.

    Why dont you go try to see if ya can fix the middle east, since ya now an expert. .lol

    Moving his mother-in-law into the white house as extended family to help raise two beautiful, classly young ladies, while hisv brilliant, educated wife Michelle helped him run the government…is much more uplifting than moving a stripper into the white house who cant string a full sentence together…..the whitehouse now has its useless first stripper as first lady, when and if she moves in…let’s see if it happens before the intelligence agencies do their jobs…

    Lawson….looks like ya jealous that 50 years later and ya still can’t afford any maid…black, native or otherwise…lol.

  8. I have moved on we have Filipino cleaners now, less yappy but they are not great on snow shovelling.

  9. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Ya wish Lawson…ya cant even get ya mpther in law to clean house or shovel snow for you, ya cant pay the benefits…at least Obama’s mother in law had her own maids at the white house….white maids…lol

    Look Lawson…the ugly fake blonde git banned from a show….the illiterate taught her to tell too many lies……she justbtells too many lies and am sure the other networks will soon ban her for her chronic , lying.

    “They’ll just have to book alternative guests.

    Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway is no longer welcome on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski declared Wednesday — blasting the Trump aide as “not credible anymore.”

    “At times in recent days, Kellyanne Conway has struggled to be on the same page, to say the least, as the rest of the staff in the White House,” Brzezinski said, citing Conway’s contradictory TV interviews on short-lived national security adviser Michael Flynn’s exit.

    “We know for a fact that she tries to book herself on this show — I won’t do it. Because I don’t believe in fake news, or information that is not true … every time I’ve ever seen her on television, something’s askew, off or incorrect.”………..

  10. wait pelosi et all fall for flynn fake twitter and repeat it and call her not credible, msnbc is going to be cut out of the whitehouse this is them just trying to save face. They will have to get there news from fox then report it just like cnn is doing now that is why there is a delay on there reporting of wh events. One thing about white maids when you get home your wine cellar hasnt been emptied and noone asleep in your bed.

  11. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Yeah right, ah guessed ya missed the part where CNN can also do without Conway and her ugly lies, read it again, no one needs her or any of them in the white house, it makes for bigger, better, juicier more damaging stories, ah tell ya, ya dont know Americans…lol.

    “On Wednesday, former NSA intelligence analyst John Schindler provided some insight into the reaction of national security officials.

    “Now we go nuclear,” he wrote on Twitter. “[Intelligence community] war going to new levels. Just got an [email from] senior [intelligence community] friend, it began: ‘He will die in jail.’”

    “US intelligence is not the problem here,” Schindler added in another tweet. “The President’s collusion with Russian intelligence is. Many details, but the essence is simple.”

    This is what is making the rounds, can you say supernova, that is how the intelligence agencies will go on the illiterate.

  12. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Boohoo hoo and we dont care.

    New York Daily News

    Trump says Flynn was ‘treated unfairly,’ ducks Russia questions
    NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Updated: Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 2:03 PM

    Trump responds to a question during a joint news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House on Wednesday. (MICHAEL REYNOLDS/EPA)

    WASHINGTON — President Trump fiercely defended his former national security adviser on Wednesday, saying Michael Flynn is a “wonderful man” who has has “been treated very, very unfairly by the media” as he once again avoided taking questions from serious reporters about the mushrooming scandal surrounding his administration.

    Trump took aim at the leaks that exposed that Flynn had talked with Russia’s ambassador about sanctions before Trump was inaugurated, defending the man his team says he asked to resign. But he took no questions on reports that key members of his campaign had contacts with Russian intelligence agents during his campaign as he once again called only on friendly reporters.

    “It’s really a sad thing that he was treated so badly,” Trump said of Flynn, taking aim at the “fake media.””

  13. Chuckle…….Only one left as in Horatio at the bridge as Chad of whatever9 and John must have headed to washington as we no longer see their posts, to the aid of their supreme leader who seems about to implode.

  14. WW&C
    Pat Robertson,CEO of Regent University,former Baptist minister,racist,US Presidential wannabe:
    Commenting on Michelle Obama wearing armless dresses……”Mrs Obama doesn’t look nor act like a First Lady.I mean can you imagine Mrs Reagan or the Bushes being so disrespectful?Thats just not a First Lady”…….

    Commenting on Melania Trump’s Nude Photo shoot…..”Melania Trump’s nude pictures are pure art that shows the beauty of God’s work.”

  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lol..Gabriel…you know Pat Robertson is a crazy, racist redneck right….a real gargoyle.

    Ah think this one saw the writing on the wall for tump and jumped back.he aint plan to be no

    He is a real greedy wild animal too, just like the illiterate.

    “Donald Trump’s pick for Labour Secretary Andrew Puzder withdraws from nomination

    The controversial choice – who ran the Carl’s Jr fast food company – has stepped down

    Rachael Revesz, Feliks Garcia New York @RachaelRevesz 4 hours ago18 comments

    Mr Puzder was described as a foe of the minimum wage and paid leave AP
    Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of Labour, Andy Puzder, has withdrawn his nomination for consideration in the new Cabinet.

    The withdrawal signifies the first casualty of the Trump administration’s Cabinet picks, as the Senate was expected to confirm Mr Puzder later in the week.

    Still recovering from the abrupt resignation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, the White House is now tasked with replacing the controversial Labour Department candidate.

    Donald Trump picks minimum wage ‘sworn foe’ as labour secretary

    Mr Puzder, a fast food chain CEO, has faced allegations of domestic abuse and of mistreating his workers, several of whom testified against him last month before the Senate.

    “I am withdrawing my nomination for Secretary of Labour,” Mr Puzder announced via Twitter late Wednesday afternoon. “I’m honoured to have been considered and am grateful to all who have supported me.”

    A source close to the CKE Restaurants executive told CBS that Mr Puzder was “very tired” of the abuse he had received since his nomination late last year.

    His Senate hearing had been delayed five times as he failed to submit the appropriate ethics and financial paperwork.

    The man who reportedly earned around $17,000 per day was described as a “sworn foe” of the minimum wage, and who was also against paid sick leave or maternity leave.”

  16. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    For dpD’s reading list

    Just a few facts that have fallen in place as things get more interesting in Trump’s america.

  17. @Vincent Haynes February 15, 2017 at 4:48 PM “Only one left…at the bridge as Chad of whatever9 and John must have headed to washington as we no longer see their posts, to the aid of their supreme leader who seems about to implode.”

    Hee, hee, hee

  18. @lawson February 15, 2017 at 11:17 AM “my snowblower is running rough and we have had snow 12 of the last 15 days.”

    Oh please. Do your yard work yourself. The snow has been a mere sprinkling…not even the daycare centers have closed…if the toddlers can make it through the “monster” snow storms, so can you.

  19. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Simple….Lawson is a wuss a real I bet Justin is using his snowblower, Lawson is still stuck in 1950 shoveling snow and

    And the plot thickens and thickens and thickens…. and someone or 2 will go to

    Donald Trump and Michael Flynn could face legal action over Russia ties

    As more and more links between Trump’s team and Russia emerge, will any legal action be taken?

    Rachael Revesz New York @RachaelRevesz 5 mins ago16 comment

    Mr Trump said Mr Flynn was treated ‘very unfairly’ by the media – after he fired him AFP/Getty
    Donald Trump is facing more grounds for impeachment or legal action following revelations about his team’s ties to Russia during the election campaign, according to lawyers.

    Mr Trump reportedly knew for at least three weeks that Michael Flynn, his former national security adviser, called the Russian ambassador to the US last year to reassure them that sanctions would be overturned. He was forced to resign this week.

    Mr Flynn was interviewed by the FBI shortly after Mr Trump took office. The alleged misinformation he provided to intelligence agencies could be pursued in court, similar to the case of former General James Cartwright who made false statements to FBI agents about cyber attacks on Iran’s nuclear programme, and who was pardoned by former President Barack Obama.

    Bernie Sanders calls for investigation into Russian ties to Trump
    Norm Eisen, former ethics lawyer for Mr Obama, said that if Mr Flynn did lie to the FBI he wold be prosecuted.

    “We have seen this movie before: he will then roll over on Trump and others. It won’t be pretty,” he wrote on twitter.

    Mr Trump’s aides and associates allegedly had frequent and repeated communication with Russian members of government and intelligence in the run-up to the election, according to travel, bank and phone records obtained by US intelligence and law enforcement agencies.”

  20. @Well Well & Consequences February 12, 2017 at 8:03 PM “Ya remember Conrad Black is probably still begging back Canada for his born citizenship after he gave it up to get a UK pimp title…moved to the US…served time in prison for some crime,”

    Ah yes Conrad Black, why do you remind us?.

    From Wikipedia: “Black was first educated at Upper Canada College (UCC)…Six years later… he was expelled from UCC for selling stolen exam papers. He then attended Trinity College School where he lasted less than a year, being expelled for insubordinate behaviour. Black eventually graduated from a small, now defunct, private school in Toronto called Thornton Hall, continuing on to post-secondary education at Carleton University (History, 1965). He attended Toronto’s Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, but his studies ended after he failed his first year exams….he was fired by the board of Hollinger…In 2004, a shareholder-initiated prosecution of Black began in the United States. Over $80 million in assets were alleged to have been improperly taken and/or spent by Black. He was convicted of three counts of fraud and one count of obstruction of justice in a U.S. court in 2007 and sentenced to six and a half years’ imprisonment… In 1984, Black withdrew over $56 million from the Dominion workers’ pension plan surplus without consulting plan members. The firm said it considered the surplus the rightful property of the employer. The Dominion Union complained, a public outcry ensued, and the case went to court. The Supreme Court of Ontario ruled against the company, and ordered the company to return the money to the pension fund, claiming that though the most recent language in the plan suggested the employer had ownership of the surplus, the original intention was to keep the surplus in the plan to increase members’ benefits.Eventually, the pension dispute was settled in equal shares between the shareholders and the plan members.”

    Dominion was a Canadian supermarket and the $56 million pension surplus was in effect the deferred wages of cashiers, shelf packers, loading dock labourers etc. and yes Black felt comfortable taking $56 million from these people, and the workers’ union and the court had to intervene

    And in addition the British took back his title(he is no longer Lord Black of Crossharbour) just like that took back Allen Stanford’s.

    Not at all surprisingly In recent years, Black has written numerous newspaper columns in the National Post praising or supporting Donald Trump.

  21. Birds of feather…

  22. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Wow Are We There….it’s very clear these 3 or 4 trump minions are lying and covering up something worth billions of dollars and many years in prison…

    ……Page, Manafort, Millian and Flynnn, wow, as the world turns, this is huge, no wonder it’s been under wraps for nearly a year while investigations continue…they all have very good reasons to be scared shitless…lol…billions of them…lol

    “What happened
    The CIA established a US counterintelligence task force last spring to investigate whether the Trump campaign received funds from Russia. John Brennan, the former director of the CIA, also received a recording of a conversation last year from one of the Baltic states’ intelligence agencies suggesting that money from the Kremlin had gone to the Trump campaign, the BBC reported.

    “Source E,” according to recent reports by the Wall Street Journal and ABC, is Sergei Millian.

    Millian, who attended several black-tie events at Trump’s inauguration last month, denies this. Following the now-common Trump White House communications strategy, he told Business Insider that the author of the Wall Street Journal report “is the mastermind behind fake news.”

  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Simple….ah hope they all know how to fly….ya cant fly if ya wings clipped.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “From Wikipedia: “Black was first educated at Upper Canada College (UCC)…Six years later… he was expelled from UCC for selling stolen exam papers.”

    Trump bought his final tests at Wharton school, cause he never attended classes, Black stole his and sold it, what psychos, people actually look up to these lowlife scum and 62.9 million jackasses in the US, put an illiterate trump as president….we could not make any of this up, we even have 3 clowns on BU supporting the illiterate.

    if Black was not so busy begging back Canada for his born citizenship, ah bet he would be in the US with his name calling neck deep in this Russia, US billion dollar mess that has a real potential to end lives permanently. ….

  25. WW&C
    It gets worse.The billionaire Education Secretary Betty DeVos has said that Trump’s 40% approval rating means that more than half the country supports him.And we have been giving our homegrown dunce pressure for failing to understand the significance of a decimal point.DeVos is equally out to sea percentage-wise.

  26. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    But she now heads the education system in the US…it’s that retard Pence gave the swing vote that gpt her confirmed. ..

    …..this is bad, the good news, because trump keeps cussing the intelligence agencies, they will work harder and faster to expose this mess and bring in indictments, the players in this Russia US mess obviously never knew that they were being taped and watched in Russia since last Spring. …the evidence will bury them.

  27. @are-we at 6:03 PM ….. Good stuff. That article wonderfully consolidates the many details previously reported.

    I always gave credence to the Steele report simply because I saw no reason for the former MI6 agent to complete a total BS document. The problem of course is that some of the details in his report were dismissed as inaccurate and thus the accurate parts seemed to have been overlooked.

    As was noted here, during the campaign I was completely confounded by changes made at the convention to the Republican party platform statement which totally watered down the Ukraine remarks. That was a major sign of ‘collusion’.

    However, the entire US nation and Republicans in general did not see that act or Trump’s continuous support of Russia as a red flag.

    Bottom line is that the circumstantial evidence here of consorting with a known enemy would normally prevent anyone being elected but has not in this case.

    This is very strange and perplexing.

    Starting with a pull of that string of the convention changes this could definitely lead to a constitutional crisis and even impeachment. This is definitely explosive but we have a long way to go yet…

    And Trump will do everything possible to blame the media and create mayhem with his base before that happens, however. So the US needs to brace itself.

    And BTW, it’s also amazing how Obama’s and the Intel community’s hands were tied on receiving the details on contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Had any of this info been seriously released at the time then the WH would have been condemned as shaping the election. Damned if they did and surely damned that they didn’t.

  28. @ Dribbler
    it’s also amazing how Obama’s and the Intel community’s hands were tied on receiving the details on contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Had any of this info been seriously released at the time then the WH would have been condemned as shaping the election. Damned if they did and surely damned that they didn’t.
    Somewhat of a REALLY perfect storm would you not say…?
    …and you doubt the existence of a nefarious and dastardly architect behind all this confounding mess?
    He even has a monument built in his honour on the historic Garrison.

  29. dpD and Bushtea;

    There is a possibly, just as intruiging, mess that is bubbling just below the surface in Barbados. It is the CB matter that has the potential to lead to almost unimaginable horrors in Barbados. Next week is going to be key! The decision whether Worrell stays or goes is likely to spawn far reaching reactions that could take the lid off the hidden stats and the faux calm we are now experiencing.

    The ingredients are all there for chaos!

  30. My advice to Dr. Delisle Worrell is simply this – if you are at the airport and you see two Vietnamese girls coming in your direction, RUN!

    Sent from my iPad

  31. @Are-We, but on what basis would Dr. Worrell cause a conniption of “almost unimaginable horrors” when he is eventually forced out.

    I would completely agree that the ingredients are bubbling to chaos in Bim and up north too but in both cases the key players (Flynn as Worrell) have more to lose by being verbose with details than being silent.

    Worrell in particular is liable to be skinned-alive professionally and legally if he prattles.

    But, my reason for logging on was to accord you full marks (LOLL) for your recent vapourings re the denouement of the Trump administration. I read tonite that he is apparently planning to appoint one of his billionaire Wall St. cronies to complete an investigation of the Intel agencies.

    How can the President of the USA who has an ongoing ‘cloud’ over his head re this Russian affair even attempt to appoint a personal friend with no background or experience in the Intel field to perform a professional review of the intelligence services!

    If this comes to fruition then it is absolutely CRAZY. The man has lost all his marbles.

    This could only be seen as an attempt to curb and control the services.

    Any action to flesh out leaks is the purview of the FBI, Congress or an Inspector General. Not this.

    Obama battled leaks as well but never did anything so stupid…as I recall.

    If Congress ‘allows’ (strong persuasion against) then clearly de dog of common-sense dead ….and Intel folks will be tangled in more conniption than Worrell could ever be.

    The way this man is progressing, if he lasts a year as President I would now be very impressed.

    @Bushie, I am unable to properly wrap my head around the BBE’s supreme direction in these Trump matters or the Garrison monument so you must excuse my more simple concepts.

    @Caswell, you mean two Jamaicans or Guyanese surely. We got lovely lasses that can hurt a fellow just as sweet!

    But de doc safe Unlike Kim the deceased he has all the facts safeguarded to be released if he doesn’t complete his periodic time check.

    He is as rock solid and timed secure as Parris’ deposits at the Central Bank!

  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Talk about international intrigue.

    “Two women arrested in murder of Kim Jong Un’s half-brother
    NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Updated: Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 10:48 PM

    A second woman has been detained in connection with the murder of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s older half-brother, authorities said early Thursday.

    The suspect was cuffed around 2 a.m. local time after cops recognized her from surveillance footage at the Kuala Lumpur Airport, where Kim Jong Nam was reportedly slain with a poisoned pen on Monday.

    The 25-year-old woman carried an Indonesian passport in the name of Siti Aishah at the time of her arrest, according to a release from Royal Malaysia Police.

    On Wednesday morning, cops arrested another female suspect who toted Vietnamese travel documents in the name of Doan Thi Huong.”

  33. I am surprised she was not carrying a Kittian, or some other Caribbean passport.

  34. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Now the lazy repugnants want to pretend they want to probe how leaks got out now that they clearly see the years of embarrassment developing on the horizon, a probe that will be ignired because impeachment and treason charges are much more important at this stage of that game

    …they are only now trying to cover themselves when they knew intelligence had an investigation on trump…since last Spring…I wont be the least bit surprised if most of them were involved in helping trump sell the US to Russia, they should all be deported to Russia….they knew something was not right about his campaign and election. Now Putin git his intelligence war ship stalking off the coast of Connecticut, he will not take losing billions in bribe money lightly…ah hope their wills are preoared…lol

    Lol…..If Worrell has any decency, any self respect left, he would make travel arrangements for him Monica and family, get out of Barbados….and tell all internationally, particularly about that laundered money, disappeared money and what the hell Bjerkham is or was doing in the central bank, which slimy, corrupt minister put him there.

  35. @ Dribbler
    Bushie can understand how you are unable to follow the BBE plot…. but how do you not see AWTY’s conniption of “almost unimaginable horrors” when Worrell is eventually forced out?
    There is NO WAY that this can end well for Barbados.

    As Hal says, …it is the shit hitting the fan, and it will be MUCH worse than the stuff that flowed along Hastings two months ago.

    Look back again at Barbados since December last year and you will see a litany of woes in every possible area – from traffic accidents, to executions, to economic chaos, to shiite flowing in the streets…

    …when was the monument dedicated again….?

  36. Meanwhile, Bah Nancy has gone off to Guyana to waste time in the annual Caricom shiite-talk-tank….. or more likely to find an excuse to do his usual “nothing” about the various crises that would otherwise ‘break up his night rest’….

  37. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    From Fruendel and his Fiends buried that pitchfork, the buckingham palace curse manifested upon them all, there is justice on this earth.

  38. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Are We There…..trump is feebly trying to take down intelligence before they take him down, given the half hearted attempts by some repugnants, it is a very weak response. ….when they are through with him, the shock he will get will upstage and make Old Sparky seem like a battery charger.

    The illiterate will learn the harsh way that intelligence is not to be trifled with, after they have completed their sifting.

  39. Caswell,

    You say that in jest, but to lots of Chinese girls, sex is a means to an end. To Bajan men, sex is……everything.
    Those Chinese are going to take Barbados to the cleaners – spare ribs and all.

  40. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Ah guess Kim’s assassination is not going unpunished, 3 people have now arrested. This is why there should always be term limits in government, families should ever be allowed to run governments successively or form dictatorships…..

    “Three people arrested in murder of Kim Jong Un’s half-brother
    NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Updated: Thursday, February 16, 2017, 5:07 AM

    Two women and a man have been arrested in connection with the mysterious murder of Kim Jong Nam, the older half-brother to North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, authorities said.

    Cops arrested a female suspect who toted Vietnamese travel documents on Wednesday morning. A second woman carrying an Indonesian passport was cuffed roughly 24 hours later after cops recognized her from surveillance footage at the Kuala Lumpur Airport, where Kim was reportedly slain with a poisoned pen on Monday.

    South Korean and U.S. intelligence officials suspect the women’s documents could be forged, adding that North Korean assassins are believed responsible for Kim’s death.

    A Malaysian man believed to be the boyfriend of the suspect holding an Indonesian passport was arrested Thursday afternoon. Details surrounding the three arrests were not immediately available. “

  41. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    ……families should ever be allowed to run governments successively or form dictatorships…..

  42. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I am catchig hell from my keypad.

    ……families should NEVER be allowed to run governments successively or form dictatorships…..

  43. Amerika is in headless chicken mode

  44. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Thos is not going away and will get so much worse.

    From the Washingon Post

    By E.J. Dionne Jr. Opinion writer February 15 at 7:30 PM

    Let’s not mumble or whisper about the central issue facing our country: What is this democratic nation to do when the man serving as president of the United States plainly has no business being president of the United States?

    The Michael Flynn fiasco was the entirely predictable product of the indiscipline, deceit, incompetence and moral indifference that characterize Donald Trump’s approach to leadership.

    Even worse, Trump’s loyalties are now in doubt. Questions about his relationship with Vladimir Putin and Russia will not go away, even if congressional Republicans try to slow-walk a transparent investigation into what ties Trump has with Putin’s Russia — and who on his campaign did what, and when, with Russian intelligence officials and diplomats.

    Party leaders should listen to those Republicans who are already pondering how history will judge their actions in this wrenching moment. Senators such as John McCain and Lindsey Graham seem to know it is only a matter of time before the GOP will have to confront Trump’s unfitness. They also sense that Flynn’s resignation as national security adviser for lying about the nature of his contacts with Russia’s ambassador to the United States raises fundamental concerns about Trump himself.

    The immediate political controversy is over how Congress should investigate this. Republican leaders say attention from Congress’s intelligence committees is sufficient, and for now Democrats have agreed to this path. But many in their ranks, along with some Republicans, argue it would be better to form a bipartisan select committee that could cross jurisdictional lines and be far more open about its work.

    Senate Republicans: Intelligence Committee will investigate Flynn contact with Russia (The Washington Post)

    Those pushing for the select committee have reason to fear that keeping things under wraps in the intelligence panels could be a way to bury the story for a while and buy Trump time. Letting Americans in on what went on here, and quickly, is the only way to bolster trust in this administration, if that is even possible. And let’s face the reality here: It could also hasten the end of a presidency that could do immense damage to the United States.

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in the meantime, must immediately recuse himself from all decisions about all aspects of the Russia investigation by the FBI and the intelligence services. Sessions should step back not simply because he is an appointee of the president but, more importantly, because he was a central figure in the Trump campaign. He cannot possibly be a neutral arbiter, and his involvement would only heighten fears of a coverup.

    In this dark moment, we can celebrate the vitality of the institutions of a free society that are pushing back against a president offering the country a remarkable combination of authoritarian inclinations and ineptitude. The courts, civil servants, citizens — collectively and individually — and, yes, an unfettered media have all checked Trump and forced inconvenient facts into the sunlight.

    It is a sign of how beleaguered Trump is that his Twitter response on Wednesday morning was not to take responsibility but to assign blame. His villains are leakers and the press: “Information is being illegally given to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by the intelligence community (NSA and FBI?). Just like Russia.”

    It is notable that in acknowledging that the news reports are based on “information,” Trump effectively confirmed them. At the same time, he was characteristically wrong about Russia, whose government prevents transparency and punishes those who try to foster it. There’s also this: Kremlin agents stole information from a political party in a free country. That is very different from the actions of the media’s informants inside our government who are holding our own officials accountable for their false denials and fictitious claims.

    It will be said that Trump was elected and thus deserves some benefit of the doubt. Isn’t it rash to declare him unfit after so little time?

    The answer is no, because the Trump we are seeing now is fully consistent with the vindictive, self-involved and scattered man we saw during the 17 months of his campaign. In one of the primary debates, Jeb Bush said of Trump: “He’s a chaos candidate and he’d be a chaos president.” Rarely has a politician been so prophetic.

    And this is why nearly 11 million more Americans voted against Trump than for him. His obligation was to earn the trust of the 60 percent of Americans who told exit pollsters on Election Day that they viewed him unfavorably. Instead, he has ratified their fears, and then some.

    As a country, we now need to face the truth, however awkward and difficult it might be.

  45. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences


    “We are only one menstrual cycle into this presidency and there is blood in the water.”

    Steven Colbert Late Night Show.

  46. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Good luck with this, an illiterate going up against intelligence, the same agencies paid to keep the US safe.

  47. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    We say what we mean and we mean what we say, the illiterate gotta go.

    “pathological liar, a mean-spirited bully and dangerous to American values’ SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty

    Politicians are reviewing procedures which enable Congress to remove a president, amid growing concerns about Donald Trump’s presidency.

    A working group has been launched to review the 25th Amendment in the US Constitution- the clause which sets out how a president can be ousted from office. Democratic representative Earl Blumenauer, who represents Oregon, launched the group on Wednesday.

    Mr Blumenauer has cited concerns that President Trump has made claims which are demonstrably untrue such as exaggerating the turnout at his inauguration and repeating baseless claims about voter fraud.”

    That 31 billion dollars worth of business trump workers Manafort and Millian signed for was to ensure that the US was bought and paid for.

    “The US’ former ambassador to Russia has accused Donald Trump of emulating Vladimir Putin’s “autocratic” style in his opening weeks in office.

    Michael McFaul, who was Barack Obama’s envoy to Moscow between 2012 and 2014, said the President’s “warm statements” over his Russian counterpart were worrying.

    “I know what kind of a leader Putin is and he’s an autocratic ruler, so I don’t want to see that replicated here,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.”

  48. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    They are moving quickly to draft articles of impeachment… they should.

    “Former Republican judge calls for Donald Trump to be ‘impeached and removed with all haste’

    ‘Each new day is a new nightmare’

    Samuel Osborne @SamuelOsborne93 2 hours ago

    Mark P Painter, former Ohio Court of Appeals Judge says Donald Trump is ‘a grifter, a pathological liar, a mean-spirited bully and dangerous to American values’ SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
    Less than a month since Donald Trump took office, a former Republican judge is calling for the US president to be hastily impeached.

    Writing for, Mark P Painter, a former Ohio Court of Appeals Judge, has offered to help his congressman Representative Steve Chabot draft the articles for impeachment.

    “In any time except our post-factual era, no office holder, much less the president, could get away with any one of the dozens of dazzlingly illegal things Trump has already done. They would forfeit office immediately,” Mr Painter wrote.

    He added: “Who knows what happens next. Each new day is a new nightmare.

    “We are still trying to digest one breathtaking assault on America when another is signed, issued, or Tweeted. All this amid constant lies. Constant. Lies.”

    Even the immigrants are planning to punish trump, because “give me your huddled masses” as embedded in the constitution. …should never be taken for a joke or disrespected.

    Immigrants across US are going on strike to protest Donald Trump’s deportations

    ‘From doctors to dishwashers, immigrants are integral to daily life,’ says president of Latino advocacy group

    Harriet Agerholm @HarrietAgerholm an hour ago

    A series of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids throughout the New York City area have sent fears of deportations throughout New York’s heavily immigrant communities Getty
    Immigrants across the US are set to launch a mass boycott as part of a strike that promises to bring businesses in several cities across the country to a standstill.

    The strike, dubbed “A Day Without Immigrants”, is a reaction to the xenophobia encapsulated by President Donald Trump’s move to increase the deportation of immigrants living in the country illegally.

    Organisers expect thousands of people to participate or show solidarity with workers in cities including Philadelphia, Washington, Boston, Houston, Chicago and New York, by walking out of schools and offices..”

  49. are-we-there-yet Avatar


    Re. Barbados; Whatever the Court decides about the CB matter the cat is out de bag re. a reasonable interpretation of the current status of the Bajan economy. The GoCB lawyer has essentially indicated in public that the matter revolves around an order to print money and a refusal to print money. That is not a trivial matter as it would suggest that the economy is not nearing the rocks but is actually ON THE ROCKS right now.

    If the Judges decision on Friday will be that the GoCB stays it seems unlikely that, having taken the public stance that he has, that he will order the printing presses to restart their operations.

    But the short term needs of the economy, in the view of the MoF, would appear to be dependent on the printing presses running now. But if that happened it seems that he would be only buying a very short breathing space and that further and deeper IMF support will have to be enlisted while the screws are tightened on all locals here, particularly those dependent on a Government income.

    If the decision is that the GoCB goes home, the MoF will presumably have no resistance to restarting the printing press wheels. Will he do this in the face of the very public refusal of the now gone GoCB and the strong hints of the real state of the economy coming out of the dispute between him and the GoCB.

    What foolishness will Freundal himself do? Will he insist on the DLP serving out the full 11 or so months left in his term? Wunnah now understand fully why it was essential to the venal DLP parliamentarians that they must secure their 10% insurance now?

    A very interesting few weeks seems to be in the offing.

    Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear………..

  50. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And of course, not a day goes that the illiterate does not embarass the US by showing, well, what an illiterate he is lol….providing endless laughter internationally.

    “Donald Trump’s abandonment of the two-state solution descended into dark comedy very quickly

    Michael K. Williams interviews himself about whether he’s typecast

    Supreme Court president warns against judges being vetted by MPs
    It was almost as funny to listen to the “experts” on US channels trying to summarise Donald Trump’s ravings on the Middle East as it was to listen to his original gobbledegook at his press conference with Bibi Netanyahu.

    Unable to understand what the President’s inanities actually meant, the lads and lasses of the satellite channels were telling us that he was not as committed as his predecessor to the “two-state” solution but might favour a “one-state” solution – yet wasn’t ruling out a “two-state” solution. Oh yes, and he’d like Bibi to “hold back” on settlements. Most of the “experts” chose to leave out the pathetic Trump addendum – “for a little bit” – because they had no more idea than Trump what this actually meant.

    The most lamentable quotation looks even worse on paper than it did when first uttered opposite a clearly nonplussed Israeli Prime Minister: “So I’m looking at two states and one state. And I like the one that both parties like. I’m very happy with the one that both parties like. I can live with either one. I thought for a while that two states looked like it may be the easier of the two. To be honest, if Bibi and the Palestinians, if Israel and the Palestinians are happy – I’m happy with the one they like the best.”

    After the second sentence, most transcripts – and you could hear it clearly at the Washington press conference – inserted the word “LAUGHTER”.

    Indeed there was laughter. Not because this was an intended joke by Donald Trump, but because his words were so flippant, so careless, so ignorant, so utterly deplorable, that laughter was the only psychological human release available to sane men and women after such tragic frivolity.”

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