Submitted by the Secretariat of the PEOPLES  EMPOWERMENT  PARTY
David Comissiong
David Comissiong, President of the Peoples Empowerment Party

The issue of race is ever present in Barbados, and surely underlies the amazing  public furor that has arisen over the recent crowning of a white Miss Barbados beauty queen.

And so, we now take the opportunity to revisit the issue of racism in Barbados, and to share with the public a number of pertinent questions that Mr David Comissiong, President of the Peoples Empowerment Party, posed to the government appointed ‘Committee On National Reconciliation’ way back in the year 1999.

These questions – as relevant today as they were seventeen years ago – are as follows:-

  1. To what extent does the false notion of Black or African inferiority still infect Black, White,  and Asiatic Barbadians? If this is the case, how do we correct this state of affairs?
  2. Are there Churches, religious practices and theologies in Barbados which foster and / or perpetuate the false and discredited notions of Black inferiority, subordination and dependence on non-Blacks?
  3. To what extent is the distribution of land in Barbados racially skewed and inequitable? If this is so, are specific governmental corrective measures required? Is there a need for “Alien Landholdings legislation”?
  4. Is the education system doing an adequate job of imparting to our students information about the history and achievements of the various racial and ethnic groups which make up our population? Is the news media of Barbados doing an adequate job of providing the majority Black population with news and information about Africa and peoples of African descent?
  5. To what extent are there racially segregationist regulations and/or practices in place in the clubs, beaches, hotels and social institutions of Barbados? Are governmental corrective measures required?
  6. To what extent do businesses in Barbados indulge in racial discrimination in their employment and procurement policies and practices? To what extent is there evidence of race-based business monopolies and unfair race-based business practices designed to eliminate competition?
  7. What is the precise state of the distribution of wealth in Barbados across race and class lines? Is there a need for new re-distributive policies?
  8. To what extent is there evidence that the lending policies and practices of banks and other financial institutions are based on racial considerations? Is there a need for governmental intervention?
  9. To what extent do the major secular institutions of Barbados – the law courts, police force, office of the Governor General, etc – still retain elements of an institutional culture that is alienating to Black and/or working class Barbadians?
  10. To what extent are the foreign films, videos and music coming into Barbados propagating racially demeaning notions and sensibilities?
  11. To what extent is the racist historical tradition of the stigmatization and criminalization of the business activities of small black business-persons still in evidence?
  12. To what extent do we have a sense of consciousness of the great moral wrong of slavery, and of the inhuman cruelties and disabilities that were inflicted upon Black people? Are we prepared to support a campaign for Reparations?
  13. Is there the need for a conscious effort to rectify the imbalance deliberately built into our national culture by investigating, re-evaluating and re-appropriating aspects of African culture?

If the current storm-in-a-teacup motivates us to address our minds to these vexed yet very relevant questions, then something positive would have been achieved!

270 responses to “The Real Race Issues in Barbados”

  1. Neither Magna Carta nor the Treaty of Oistins considered the enslaved.Only the ignorant would suggest otherwise and it’s no wonder the Judiciary is in turmoil.There is nothing in either deliberation that even remotely gave a thought to blacks.Ignorance is a curse.If you don’t know who you are even when ‘educated’,how can there be confidence in your judgement.

  2. @ David,

    There is a programme on the BBC celebrating the opening of the recently opened African American museum.

    The documenatary a home for black America

    How a museum tells the story of the US via the lens of the African American experience

  3. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Gabriel…exactly…that is why I never even mentioned the Barbados constitution because it was never designed to make the lives of black people comfortable, it was never designed to acknowledge the rights of black people…

    ……..and since the majority blacks on the island were allowed to have black leaders 60 years ago and they came within spitting distance of the 350 year old parliament….those black leaders NEVER amended the constitution or upgraded the laws to introduce and uphold the rights of black people on the island…..or we would not be having these debates.

    The minorities would not be such thieves…they would be in prison.

    The only thing we would be blogging about is cooking and sports.

    I await the shithounds Alvin and Bookworm jumping out to tell me differently.

    Barbados and the Caribbean. ..need their own Magna Carta….their own Constitution, devoid of outside mentalities and motives…if they want to start their independence.

  4. @ David
    How could you allow ac to put up a pic of the bushman…..?
    …does that mean that Bushie can put up hers …with the weave and all…?

  5. @Bush Tea

    Not before breakfast if you don’t mind 🙂

  6. @ David
    OK Boss….
    …but wait ’til Halloween and yuh going see…!!!

  7. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Before I am accused frr the millionth time of being a racist, mind you neither side can settle on whether I am a racist for or against…but we will leave them to settle that…cause it’s their race issue not mine…’s a decades old joke.

    ….so, just let me say that I too am concerned about certain aspects of socialism regarding some aspects of.human rights……having said that…

    The only lawyer I see in Barbados, who can head up a team of equally intelligent lawyers to create a NEW constitution which would include detailed human rights and privileges for majority BLACK BAJANS which would then automatically entail that the minorties on the island would also enjoy those rights and privileges. …… David Commissiong.

    That is a hell of a lot more than majority blacks are getting now.

    …….but with a caveat that all the minority business people now raping the island and stealing from the PEOPLE…through bribery and corruption of the parliament and ministers, now a daily occurrence…be imprisoned.

    If the slaves in parliament had any intelligence at all, they would engage Commissiong and his team to start drafting.

    I fully expect the resident shithounds on the blog to jump on me, but ah waiting for all yuh……Trini

  8. I would like to remind that Hilary Beckles did excellent research on Barbadian history. Besides, there are at least 50 other books on Barbadian history from colonial, national, international, white and black authors. The lack of knowledge what is documented in many books is quite embarrassing. It seems to me that some foreign scholars know these books better than anybody participating in the 50th anniversary celebration. What a disgrace!

  9. hahahahahaha

    This has to be the brighter of the Legion.

    (I know that one cannot use the comparative when the subject is plural AND more than two BUT, WHEN THE PLURAL SUBJECT is singularly ingrunt i.e. 4 are doufuses and 1 has a modicum of sense, then you arrive at two ergo the use of the comparative heheheheheheh)

    This one actually did a google of bush tea and scrolled through until they found a man, a black man, with bush tea particularly “Cerasee tea is very bitter and is rich of antioxidants”

    That in and by itself is indicative of the effort that they are bringing to bear on Barbados Underground.

    Even though they would wish to under rate the efficacy of the Stoopid Cartoons campaign, they themselves, since they are now seeing the proliferation of the posters among their constituents, locally and internationally, have now started to follow the campaign and incorporate it in their strategy.

    but (forgive the non capitalization of the first letter of the sentence heheheheheh) their efforts are “too late”

    Later in the morning I will spend a few moments describing “dual purpose” Stoopid Cartoons and the derision that they induce heheheheheheheh but until then do enjoy the reinforcement of the message that speaks to the Chances that the Demonic Lying Party the DLP have of winning the next general election

  10. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Tron…the information on Black History, African History, the slave trade etc….needs to be taught from primary school……small children are geniuses at articulating information….they understand things perfectly, that’s why they are such proficient parrots….

    The information is of no use stuck in the heads of historians, professirs etc and goes with them when they die……put the information in the grade/primary schools….the secondary schools…college and universities. …ya well get well informed, well rounded, well balanced adults….when they have information from primsry schools…..about where they came from….they will then know who they are and where they are going…

    As opposed to what ya have now….total disaster.

    American/Canadian Europeans…teach their history to their own….from the womb to the tomb….even if they twist the truth to make themselves look like Saints….instead of the devils they are….the point is…their people are raised with something to work with…..thoughout their lives.

  11. @WWC

    No nation without historical revelation!

  12. @ Book worm but i can assure you that WW&C is one of Veronica stanch disciples carrying on the same allegations that are posted on ND her job is to bring viewers from other web sites to ND WW&C carries multiple monikers on BU some of which repeats the same allegations over and over again once in a while they might pop up to give WW&C support, WW&C is a bigger fraud than those she accuses

  13. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And may I hasten to add:

    American/Canadian Europeans…teach their history to their own….from the womb to the tomb….even if they twist the truth to make themselves look like Saints….instead of the devils they are….the point is…their people are raised with something to work with…..thoughout their lives…and for thousamds of years in the future.

    Tron…I am clueless to how they expect to survive for thousands of years if they do not have or understand their real history.

    ACs…….yall scum, if I catch you plagarizing any of this or any of the above from me….I will call you out for everyone to see….ya trying to round up support but ya aint got the intelligence.

    ACs…yall pimps wont stay off Naked Departure, one day ya will see something on there that may very well land all ya slave like asses in prison….I cant wait to see that day…lol

  14. I wonder if Alvin and Vincent have seen today’s editorial in The Observer

  15. exclaimer September 25, 2016 at 12:16 PM #

    I am at a loss as to understand your sentence,as I have known of the iniquities of slavery and the slave trade,which was started and perpetuated over centuries by the tribes of North Europe and West Africa from childhood.

    It would appear that you wish to spend your time pursuing apologies or monetary recompense,neither of which to my mind can address what happened to our ancestors because no one can place a worth on humanity.

    Rather than pursuing the past,time can better be spent pursuing the future in order to develop areas of expertise that the world requires in order to change it to suit our ideals.We must look for ways to bring the world to our doorstep on our terms.

  16. Repent
    Jah is coming round the mountain
    with retribution in his hand
    He is the only justice
    He is the only judge of man
    repent repent
    no more lamb to be slaughtered
    no more innocent blood to shed
    take heed you sons and daughters
    because the way ahead is dread
    Jah is alpha and omega (α & Ω)
    the beginning and the end
    he is the father of all mercies
    taught to really understand
    repent repent
    repent repent

  17. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Yeah Vincent…pursue the future without knowing or understanding the past….look how well that idiotic and backward thinking is working right now.

    It is not working….amd never will.

    …… they must understand history….even and particularly from as far back as the tribes from North Europe and West Africa, which they do not know and which is STILL happening in parts of Africa, the middle east and other countries today…..

    . …Arabs are still kidnapping and enslaving blacks, blacks are still selling blacks into slavery…..and this is something children in the schools…..from very young….need to know.

    That history has to be revealed, taught in the schools and understood.

    As things stand …..they are not inly learning by rote, useless education fir real life lessons. ..but also living by rote….one big failure. the world keeps evolving and changing, but black history remains the constant.

    I noticed the older generation….dont worry am not far off….have a problem with black history being revealed….that is the only way forward. …you have no future….without your past, ya may not like reading about it, hearing about it….but all that happened in Africa….before Europeans made their way there….must be revealed, before after and during…..

    …….slave trade to the Caribbean, UK and US, and all involved, must be revealed, before during and after….I for one know it cannot be stopped…I already saw many elderly gone to their graves hoping it’s never revealed….that blacks never find out….death is truly a blessing…lol

  18. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    I am sure while on his recent trip to the UK…Vincent was admiring all the buildings built by slaves the wealth of the former slave masters and their now wealthy descendants….WITHOUT giving a rats ass about the slaves/ancestors who died horrible deaths or received the most evil treatment….to enrich the UK..

    …….Vincent gives less than a rats ass about the repercussions felt by the descendents of those slaves today….particularly in the Caribbean.

    Ya remember Brexit happened while Vincent was in the UK and there was a blog about it…..Vincent allowed me to know….he wont discuss that with me….imagine that, when I had more information about Brexit than him…….the dude was at that time in the EMPIRE…..a real house nigga, with the mentality to match….lol

    “Not so in Britain. Our political leaders hardly make reference to the dominant role this country played in the global slave trade. British slave traders generated immense spoils by transporting 5.5 million African slaves to its Caribbean colonies, forcing them to work in terrible conditions on plantations in Jamaica, Barbados and beyond. A new database launched last week by academics at UCL, cataloguing the details of 20,000 British slave owners, illustrates the extent to which the historic wealth of the slave trade extends its reach into modern Britain: in the Georgian architecture of cities such as London, Liverpool and Bristol; in businesses such as Greene King and the Royal and Sun Alliance; in the several recent or serving MPs with slave owners in their family history.

    The extraction of this wealth came at terrible cost. Slaves were shackled and transported in appalling conditions aboard disease-ridden ships. Those who survived the journey were often treated with unspeakable physical and emotional cruelty. Countless lives were lost: by the time of abolition, the African slave population in the Caribbean stood at a small fraction of the total number of slaves who had arrived over the years.

    Britain is portrayed as a benevolent benefactor rather than a country with a burden of debt
    The scars are still visible across Britain’s former colonies. After abolition, former slaves were left in abject poverty, a legacy from which no country has recovered. In Jamaica, Britain’s largest slave colony, 80% of its population lacked functional literacy at the time it was granted independence in 1962. In Britain, the wealth extracted from African slaves has continued to contribute to our society flourishing long after slavery was abolished.

    The stories you need to read, in one handy email
    Read more

    But unlike in the United States, the horrors of British slavery unfolded on plantations on distant shores and its legacies affect populations Britain has long washed its hands of. So our role in this dark period has been all to easy to obscure. Tony Blair was the first British prime minister to address this grim period of Britain’s past, but only after decades of political leaders ignoring it altogether. When David Cameron visited Jamaica last year, he called for Jamaica to “move on” from its past and spoke positively of Britain’s role in abolition. He neither acknowledged Britain’s role as a perpetrator, nor the fact that even the act of abolition was itself a terrible injustice. While British slave owners were paid huge amounts of compensation by the government – between £16bn and £17bn in today’s prices; 40% of government expenditure in 1834 – their slaves were forced to work for a further four years without pay in order to further compensate their owners.

    Britain’s true role in the slave trade must feature more prominently in our collective history and our national consciousness: not so that our political leaders should constantly apologise for Britain’s past wrongs, or that contemporary descendants of slave traders should bear an ongoing burden of shame, but so that we view Britain’s role in the modern world in the context of our history.

    Our international responsibilities cannot be understood devoid of that context. They are derived not just from the deep injustice of the structural inequalities that divide global north from global south but from the fact that in the past Britain has helped create those very inequalities.

    Few would disagree with this principle in abstract. Yet it is rarely played out in concrete debates about international aid, migration and refugee policy. Too often, Britain is portrayed as a benevolent benefactor rather than a country with a burden of debt to some of the world’s poorest nations. We cannot understand our role in the world using only a sanitised version of our history.”

  19. @ Vincent Haynes,

    You are living in a parallel universe.

  20. @ Exclaimer
    Vincent is not living in any parallel universe….. his is a fool’s heaven.

    Vincent said for example (@ 12.48 PM)…
    Rather than pursuing the past,time can better be spent pursuing the future in order to develop areas of expertise that the world requires in order to change it to suit our ideals.We must look for ways to bring the world to our doorstep on our terms.
    Lotta shiite….
    Unless we ENSURE that we fully understand the shiite that happened in the past, we are more than likely to repeat the same damned jobby- again and again

    …and we need to answer – for ourselves, some basic questions related to PURPOSE, GOALS and MISSION ….before rushing off to compete to produce shiite that the albino-centric world has defined as important to them ….

    Vincent has been so indoctrinated in brass, that it pains him to face the hard truth of four hundred years of inhumane, systematic racism practiced against his ancestors…and where Barbados had the dubious distinction being the world leader in the dastardly art.

    Bushie agrees that ‘reparations’ are nothing but an insult to the sufferings endured by ten generations of our ancestors, but the VERY LAST thing we should do is ‘forget’ the past…

  21. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    It’s like a mental illness or brain disease with the Vincents, the Alvins, the ACs, Pdants etc…this could never be just brainwash and programming alone. runs way too deep and does not stop until they leave the earth.

    I have seen it before in elderly bajans…some lived in the UK for 40 years or more, but it is also prevalent on the island…it’s not natural, if I did not know better I would say that people are still being experimented on to keep their thought processes permanently misfiring.

    Or just maybe. ….

  22. millertheannunaki Avatar

    @ Well Well & Consequences September 25, 2016 at 1:20 PM
    “Not so in Britain. Our political leaders hardly make reference to the dominant role this country played in the global slave trade. British slave traders generated immense spoils by transporting 5.5 million African slaves to its Caribbean colonies, forcing them to work in terrible conditions on plantations in Jamaica, Barbados and beyond.”

    You forget to make mention of the millions of bodies that were thrown overboard as deadweight cargo for which claims were made against Lloyds of London. It was primarily the Atlantic slave trade that gave Lloyds its foothold in the insurance industry.


    There was a tale shared among old sailors of the Atlantic shipping routes which told of the sighting of the ghosts of West African slaves in the ocean and being chased by sharks in the same way killer whales play with the seals before eating them.

    Those blacks who survived the crossing had those memories hardwired into the mental DNA. Now you see why black people and the sea are not friends. LOL!!

  23. Sadly, Vincent is not an isolated case. He is the embodiment of how effective colonialism was in controlling the minds of the masses. We should not be critical of him; rather we should reflect on the ingenuity of our old masters and learn from them. Meanwhile, Vincent will continue to plod along and leave a terrible legacy to those who survive him.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Miller…I swear, something is frighteningly wrong when black people, bi-racial and multi-racial cannot identify with or believe they do not have any connection to these atrocities.

    Lloyds of London and many, many families, including Cameron’s, benefited financially from that evil, that’s why Cameron should have beem thrown out of Jamaica on his vicious ass….Barclays Bank was also a parasitic beneficiary….

    Sad….. But true Exclaimer. It may be put down to not wanting to know better.

  25. Bush Tea September 25, 2016 at 7:41 PM #

    Chuckle………comprehension bozie……..where have I ever stated anything about forgetting the past.

    We have a world to lead lets get on with it instead of counting bodies in the atlantic……we can never change the past and I have always said that one should learn from the past but not be fettered in it.

  26. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    How callous “counting bodies in the atlantic”

    Now everyone can see why I dont take prisoners.

  27. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Thing about Vincent is, he has not learned anything, the mind of the house nigga, (massas bastards allowed in the house and told that they “could pass for “white”) was just passed on from one generation to the other.

  28. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Vincent Haynes September 26, 2016 at 8:33 AM
    “Chuckle………comprehension bozie……..where have I ever stated anything about forgetting the past.
    We have a world to lead lets get on with it instead of counting bodies in the atlantic……we can never change the past and I have always said that one should learn from the past but not be fettered in it.”

    Come on, Vincent. You are not being fair to blacks when you appear to underestimate the psychological damage the Atlantic slave trade has inflicted on them.

    Isn’t that like telling Jews to forget the millions of bodies that (it is convincingly argued) passed through Hitler’s gas chambers?

    Weren’t the survivors of the holocaust adequately compensated for those atrocities and mass murder of their fellow men and women?

    What compensation has so far been given to the descendants of those survivors of the crossing and who witnessed real mass murder and shark gluttony other than a ‘whitened’ Jesus and a promise to live not in Jerusalem but in the sweet bye and bye to be hewers of ‘white’ wood and carriers of St. Joseph water?

    Blacks in the West do have a compelling case for compensation just as much as the slave owners were duly awarded.

    The question is in what forms should such compensation be calculated and awarded.

    After this liability has been established and appropriate apologies issued (just like the German people to the Jews) then blacks will have to row their own boat to their own economic and social shores.

  29. millertheanunnaki September 26, 2016 at 1:26 PM #

    We are a Caribbean people created out of iniquity and adversity,our European and African ancestors can be found in the atlantic these are the facts.

    The Jews have chosen to make noise about the holocaust and at the same time chosen to advance themselves in science and in the military.What have we done other than beg.

    We here refuse to realise that we are Pelaus and that we have only ourselves to depend on.

    When will we realise that the playing is not level for us and the only way for us to level it is to realise that the mendicant attitude of begging for reparations will only continue the un-level ground.We must take pride in our adversity and move forward to lead the world by using our brainboxes to develop something that the world needs.

  30. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    What people have not learned is that we are all cariactures of our ancestors. ..we are our ancestors, we would not be here without them….and we never under any circumstances disrespect them, their memories or the evil and hardship they experienced at the hands of the most evil people to walk the earth. ..each body thrown into the Atlantic alive was a human and meant something to another human.

    Vincent…ya pretending to be balanced but ya just achieving the opposite….ya will sing a different tune should some blacks grab ya family members and take them for a swim in the Atlantic…

    …….the good thing about hypocrisy…it cannot hide.

  31. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Vincent Haynes September 26, 2016 at 2:00 PM

    It’s fine to sound so apologetically magnanimous about the whole affair of the enslavement of blacks in the West which has lead to thick psychological ropes being placed around their business acumen necks and which still have them tethered to a pole of socio-economic dependency.

    The fact remains that one party to this one-sided master/slave relationship walked away with millions of pounds sterling in today’s money.

    What justification would you give for such a handsome payout? Insurance proceeds for lost of property? There is absolutely no moral justification for the compensation given to the slave owners. They were still in possession of their plantation lands.

    Here is a deal, Vincent, which you ought to find some sympathy with and hopefully proffer your support.

    As you know Barbados has always been conquered and settled by the Brits, the land has always been owned ultimately by the Crown and blacks (during the period of slavery) were property of the plantations and subsequently His or Her Majesty’s loyal subjects, from Queen Vic to Queen Liz.

    As an ‘Act’ of recognition of this long period of loyal dedication to the British Crown and Britain’s economic prosperity since 1652, shouldn’t Britain now, in return, show its gratitude and save Barbados from pending economic and social ruination?

    The clarion call by early telegraph of: “Go ahead Big England, Little England is behind you” should now be replaced with an e-mail from Her Majesty saying: ‘Don’t worry Little England, Poor Britain will stay the course with you. We will payoff your national debt to keep those American IMF fellas away’.

    This would not only be a fitting 50th birthday gift of cutting the colonial navel string (but) also ‘adequate’ hush money to the local reparations talk and give you a new lease of life to show the world you can really punch above and below your economic weight now that King Sugar is truly dead.

  32. millertheanunnaki September 26, 2016 at 2:58 PM #

    In a nutshell you want vengeance,leave out all the long talk.

    I posit that the only way you can get it is to follow my line of thinking.

  33. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Vincent…you really are a fraud….your line of thinking makes no sense and is useless. The jews were compensated, yet hunted down the animals who murdered their ancestors…they still do.

    I don’t see anyone calling for vengeance for the murders and brutality of their African ancestors…….sensible people would remember the condensed greed, the cold-blooded and brutal murders committed to enrich US snd UK…sensible people would want the names exposed of the families who still benefit from slavery 150 yesrs later….the descendants of criminals now pretending to be respectable.

    The same way if anyone dragged your family away from their homes and family, took them in a boat and dumped them live in the Atlantic..the first thing you would do is call the cops…because you would want justice……

    ….our African ancestors did not have that luxury…you would demand your families rights were violated violently and it’s wrong….our ancestors were not even thought of as human with rights or feelings….but we know how they were treated was beyond criminal and should never be forgotten or moved on from…

    ……so I urge you to pretend that your family members are animals with no rights and to move on instead, ifvthey are brutally murdered for profit.

    Vincent…people like you on still view the majority blacks on the island the same way today……but karma can be a viciously violent bitch.

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Vincent Haynes September 26, 2016 at 7:23 PM
    “In a nutshell you want vengeance,leave out all the long talk.
    I posit that the only way you can get it is to follow my line of thinking.”

    No Vincent. I am neither black nor white. I am in between like you.

    What I seek is not vengeance (I leave that up to the Christian god) but fairness of treatment for those simple naïve blacks who know no better. Why not see me as a modern-day Wilberforce or Clarkson; if not a John Brown.

    Why should blacks be treated any differently to the white slave owners or the survivors of the holocaust?

    Give their descendants their due and then let them fend for themselves.

    Don’t you think the Aboriginal people of Australia also deserve a fair break? That should hurt your intellectual backside a bit.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Vincent…people like you still view the majority blacks on the island the same way today, when ya not pretending that they are not the majority, they dont exist or they are invisible.……but karma can be a viciously violent bitch.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    He would probably want to pretend that the vicious and evil atrocities performed on the Aborigines of Australia by the rejects thrown out of the UK….was for the Aborigines own good….

    But…remember karma

    What the british rejects stole from the Aborigines in land, always have drought………the Aborigines are now within their rights to let them die of thirst, because that part of their couutry they were banished to…has all the water.

    Same thing happned with Mexico….the US side of Texas has drought constantly. ..stolen land, the Mexican side has all the water. ..the farmers cry constantly for drought on the Texas side…that is what happens to thieves…ya die of thirst.


  37. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    This is what eventually happens when you expect people to move on from violent brutality, these are the repercussions. ..even if it takes 150 years to bubble to the surfice.

    It’s called retribution, in the form of karma…remember her.

  38. millertheanunnaki September 26, 2016 at 9:47 PM #

    In order to solve the perceived ills of the world,I would suggest we start by putting our own house in order by creating the ability within us to be a world player and we do that by being creative as opposed to whining over past ills.

    The powers that be do not deal with moral suasion only with positions forced on them by the strength of their opponent.

  39. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    That is because the powers that be are WEAK….weakened forceablym then voluntarily by decades of abino-centric mindwash…they live in someone else’s fantasies and have for centuries…they do not know their own history and have never embraced their own past.

    The world players have not only embraced their repugnant past, but have come to terms with it within themselves and are much better equipped to move on to their next bullshit thievery or scam or murder for profit….

    …….Caribbean people, in particular. ..have not yet reached that threshold because they do know know their history, have not embraced their past of victimization and are unable to forge their own future because of it,…..the key lies in knowkedge of the past.

    It is by design that blacks in the Caribbean do not know their history…..the design of the same shithounds in UK……they know that knowledge is power….and did nit want that power to reach black hands.

    Stop blaming the victims Vincent…ya nuisance.

    Their blame lies in the fact that they refuse to stop living in the british fantasy…….and break the chains from their minds.


  40. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Vincent Haynes September 27, 2016 at 8:24 AM

    Vincent H, I must admit to a grudgingly secretly admiration of your outstanding skilled performance in intellectual gymnastics. You can call yourself with much pride the BU Houdini of intellectual escapology.

    Evil exists even in Heaven far less on this little orb of sin.
    As above, So below!
    Not even ‘Jesus’ XP, the highest priest in the Order of Melchizedek, has been able to solve the ills of the world.

    Again you have neatly sidestepped the fact that the slave owners were financially compensated for the so-called lost of their ‘human’ property. What has become of your moral sense of EQUITY?

    So what would you recommend as a course of action to ‘force the hands’ of those who benefited from this massive payout for the sins they committed against a simple oppressed people who see the same descendants of their former owners as gods and angels so much so they (the same stupid blacks) are most eager to join churches such as the Latter Day Saints?

    Would you recommend a black Simon Wiensenthal to go after the likes of Benedict Cumberbatch?

    I have already suggested a way to bring this whole scandalous tragedy of reparations to an end.
    Why not write off the national debt in an amount equivalent to that paid (in today’s money) to the slave owners? Then let the ‘niggers’ swim to the shores of relative independence of the Marcus Garvey model or remain in the woodpile of dependency of their own making.

  41. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ millertheanunnaki September 27, 2016 at 9:37 AM

    “Vincent H, I must admit to a grudgingly [secret] admiration of your outstanding skilled performance in intellectual gymnastics. “

  42. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Read the poisons and fantasies created by the shithounds in the UK and exported to other countries for implementation and practice….over 5 centuries.

    Well Well & Consequences September 27, 2016 at 9:42 AM #

    This strategy has worked for centuries…as we can see, it’s coming to an end.

    Blacks in Barbados adopted it and routinely use it on each other…copying from the little shithound minorities on the island who learned decades ago to use it as a tool and weapon againt the majority black population on the island…to get their own way, to steal land, to steal wealth, to bribe the slaves and pimps in parliament. They also pretend blacks on the island dont exist or are invisible.

    “I feel a kinship to Obama in this sense. The CEO of Trump’s campaign, Steve Bannon, is also the head of Breitbart News. For months on end, they dogged me and drummed lies saying that I am secretly a white man pretending to be black. Like Obama, I was eventually forced to address their ugliness and tell my family history before the world to dispel the ridiculous lie. It was so stupid that I thought it would eventually just go away, but it became the #1 trending topic in the world and was the headline in papers and on nightly news shows everywhere.

    A key strategy of bigots and white supremacists has always been to reduce people of color to being less than human, less than full citizens. If they can demean the very identity of people, and make it seem like they are worth a little rest than everyone else, it then justifies, in their mind, the derision they are sure to send their way.”

  43. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    So true…it needs a line all its own…

    “A key strategy of bigots and white supremacists has always been to reduce people of color to being less than human, less than full citizens. If they can demean the very identity of people, and make it seem like they are worth a little rest than everyone else, it then justifies, in their mind, the derision they are sure to send their way.”

  44. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The majority black nation….black people of Barbados has the responsibility. bring this mindnumbing victimization to an abrupt end.

  45. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The best and only reparations for Caribbean people owed by UK etc….give back all the stolen books and information on the history of the Africans and Africa…give it back to the descendants of Africans in the Caribbean and elsewhere….all that is hidden in buckingham palace and the vatican in Rome and other jurisdictions. ..they were stolen, give them back.

    The best and only reparations for Caribbean people…education……paid for by those who continue to steal their history, their names, their identities. …the knowledge of themselves that belongs to them only.

    Identity theft is now a crime.

    The best and only reparations for Caribbean people.., debt forgiveness.

    There is no statute of limitation on murder….there is a debt to be paid…

  46. @ Vincent
    Boss… you is Bushie boy, …but you are talking SO MUCH shiite that it really ain’t funny….

    You think that a people just wake up one morning and become ‘creative’?
    It MUST start with understanding themselves; what moulded their current reality; a clear vision of their TRUE destiny …and THEN some focussed, creative hard work towards this new destiny.
    There is NO WAY to ‘forget the past’ and just march on to ‘become a world player’…none.

    Obviously it pains you to face the reality of the truly WICKED nature of your heroes and role models, but unless you do so, you will be led to model your version of ‘success’ on their flawed and misguided philosophy of albino-centricity….to your own demise.

  47. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences…..hahaha

  48. millertheanunnaki September 27, 2016 at 9:37 AM #

    I reiterate that morality is a human construct like the concept of right and wrong,originally communities would decide on what would best suit their vision of existence in the world they would have known.

    This was then developed over time into religions and laws…..note I have simplified human history.

    Wrongs can never be righted……as I said if one wishes revenge one has to be in a position of power.

  49. Bush Tea September 27, 2016 at 12:15 PM #

    Bozie…..why yuh doan hush.

    You are basically saying what I have said long ago… must know your past in order to develop your future.

    How long do you want keep knowing your past?

    For some unknown reason we like to compare ourselves to others…..why?

    You have agreed with me ever since that reparations in any form is mendicancy.

    This is a logical progression exercise we doing here……next step……become creative…..develop needs for the world…….QED

  50. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The Bushman…Vincent dont think that Blacks have developed enough “NEEDS” for a lazy ass world that wanted slaves to enrich them, wipe their asses, sleep in their beds, wash their stinking clothes, clean their stinking houses, breastfeed, mother,, cook for, feed and raise their unmannerly little ungrateful children, who turned out to be racists….build their cities, enrich their countries, work in the fields so they coukd accumulate millions and billions……..Vincent wants more.

    What he should be saying is when blacks find themselves, understand their history and consciousness, ….they should be doing all of that for themselves.

    Jews do it for themselves.

    Whites do it fir themselves.

    Everyone does it for themselves….and keep it for themselves among themselves.

    Even if it’s earned through lies, thievery, murder etc…they keep it within their communities.

    The Bushman…yall gotta do something about those half assed minorities in Barbados…put them in their place…ya see the crap they got the ones who think they could “pass for white” talking…..

    …….reinforce that that the osland is majority black….stem the stream of bullshit now and not 5 years from now.

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