On June 16, 2013 BU highlighted a presentation by Minister David Estwick – Sugar Cane Production: A Race Against the Clock –  in which he laid out government’s strategic plan for restructuring the sugar cane industry. Part of the plan (at the time) was to diversify the sugar cane to generate power and reduce the fuel bill by 150 million dollars. Is is over three years since the proposed Cane Industry Restructuring Project (CIRP) was floated by Estwick.

BU is curious if the CHIRP project, designed to generate significant megawatts to feed the national grid, how does this comport with what is being proposed by the Cahill project. The Cahill waste to energy plant debate has sucked the attention from several other projects government has proposed.

Here is a snippet extracted from the ‘Review of Memorandum of Understanding with Inter Sugar Partnership Limited’ document.

Excerpt from 'Review of Memrandum of Understanding with Inter Sugar Partnership Limited' document by the Barbados Cane Industry Corporation
Excerpt from ‘Review of Memorandum of Understanding with Inter Sugar Partnership Limited’ document by the Barbados Cane Industry Corporation

9 responses to “David Estwick and CHIRP”

  1. It seems to all and sundry that in this government, it is each man for himself…………every minister does what he wants under the guise that the PM allows his ministers to do their job. In our eyes that means the PM has no control over his ministers.

    Does Barbados need all of this energy? Most Barbadians have been cutting back on their energy consumption as far as I am aware.

    Would BL&P be obligated to take all of these megawatts?

    Does it make sense to go ahead with this project bearing in mind the state of the sugar cane industry?

    To quote Bush Tea………….total brass bowls!

  2. The issue may not be whether BL&P takes the energy because they will at the right price. It is the lack of engagement of stakeholders and as important the volume of feedstock required by the CHIRP and Plasma plant. Yes the CHIRP must be feed river tamarind etc and the plasma elephant grass etc but whither the landscape of Barbados?

  3. @Prodigal son. That is exactly what happens. You have a number on Ministers who don’t even speak to the PM so he cannot make or even assist in ,asking any informed decisions on behalf of the people of Barbados. I heard even Min. Of Culture as recent as March in a private conversation call him a snobbish idiot.
    These guys are all making sure they earn as much commission from these expensive useless projects as they can along with their salaries after all in another 2 years they are done for life…..
    Why do u think the same Estwick offered that long term contract on the molasses tanks…

  4. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    Some must see the Massive Fraud before they agree. By then its to late for the people.
    If reported 3000 acres of land needed , Let see the Clear Title to the Land … none of them own land , Jail will be the next step after the new elections.

  5. Frustrated Businessman Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman

    Biomass like river tamarind and elephant grass is only viable if it is free like garbage. Everything in Bim costs more to produce than anywhere else. The entire methodology is flawed.

  6. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    And as the Nation Editorial of today asked, How come the same entity and gurus who are recommending a new all purpose multi million dollars sugar factory, were unable to reap some 25% of the canes produced for the 2015 sugar harvest, which has gone down as the lowest yield of sugar cane in the history of Barbados.
    If we are unable to harvest sugar canes,which we have the appropriate equipment to do so, how are we going to harvest the already sizeable River Tamarind?

  7. This River Tamarind Bio-mass nonsense alike Cahill are mere figments of the imaginations of Lowe and Estwick propagandaise to DISTRACT Bajans from current matters at hand. Dr Gobelles back in WWII used similar strategy. Hitler still lost the war….go figure

  8. […] BU family will recall we carried the following blog in July 2015 –David Estwick and CHIRP. Another case of smoke roomed deals by a less than transparent […]

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