John Boyce, Minister of Health
Hon.John Boyce, Minister of Health

The following was extracted from Charlene D Jordan’s Facebook page. A riveting account of an encounter by a Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic student at the Six Roads Polyclinic.

A pleasant Good Afternoon to one and all. I just thought i’d share this incident with my fb Family. So about 20 minutes ago, I went to Six Roads, St.Philip’s Clinic. My reason for going there was to get an immunization for my medical certificate for the school I attend- SJPP. When I arrived at the clinic I went straight to the immunization waiting area. I saw a sign on the door saying, “Please knock & Wait Patiently” , I did exactly what it said.

Suddenly I heard a reply from A Lady, she said “YESS’!! I Replied: Good Afternoon, She said: COME IN. I opened the door and calmly explained to her what I came for, which I said I need an immunization for the school I attend. NOTE: I was wearing my school uniform plus my School’s ID card. She said : “Wa school is dis now”? I said: SJPP. She said: “Wa dem want you get immunization for now”!!! I said: for my medical form.

She stupsed and said: We don’t go no immunization here for adults !!! In my mind I said WHAT!!?? Am I at a clinic.. Anyways. I say ok I received a vaccine already from my doctor so I need another one and my doctor assigned me here. She replied and said: Whos you doctor!!!?? why she send you hay??!! she couldn’t do it sheself?! I calmly said, well she sent me here because her charge for that particular vaccine was too high for me as a student and she doesn’t want to put that on me. This lady looked at me and rolled her eyes and say: Yuh think yuh gin get it here free??!! I was STUNNED,i said nothing. She said: We aint got none though, ga long down at Collins. I said pordon me? She said: Ga ta Collins Ltd. I said ok Thanks and walked along. I informed my Mother of what was going on and she made a call to my Doctor and my doctor said, she sent more than one person there for immunizations and they got through, she also told me to ask for a Nurse she wanted me to go to. As I walked back to the same lady, she was walking towards me. I said: Excuse me madam, is there a Nurse ____Here? She replied: Whos da now stupse!!,while walking away from me. I stood there in a faze and just starred. When she came back she said to me Nurse____ is no longer here. I said ok. My doctor had assign me to her and she said they were given out. Before i could finish my sentence, the lady looked at me dirty and walked away and said: ” Look I don’t know wa u talking bout I cant deal wid you” went back in the room and closed the door …This is when the heartless service I was receiving touched my tear glands. This LITERALLY made tears come from my eyes. I couldn’t not believe this is how I was being treated for no apparent reason.

It wasn’t a case where I was unmannerly, rude, disrespectful, nor was it my appearance, i was well dressed in my uniform and hair wasn’t flying like a madman,so it couldn’t have been a case where she was judging me. Was it the school I attended that made her treat me like this? Was it that i’m not under the age of 18? Was it that i’m a girl?? I am really concerned about what really made this lady treat me this way. Why are Barbadian citizens so cruel to their one another? Is this a main reason why Barbados is facing so many challenges? Firstly you cannot solve massive issues by having BAD communication skills and not giving a damn about how you make others feel. I really wonder if some of these bad attitudes run tourist and cause us not to get much foreign exchange. Imagine the treatment a non-citizen receives from Barbadian Government workers. I really need to write an article about this experience.

192 responses to “Encounter @ Six Roads Polyclinic”

  1. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    @the CUNT AC

    Oh by the way if you need to know, I am a die hard DLP supporter. But these CUNTS running the government are not DLP, They are bunch of escapees from a maximum security asylum. if I have to vote for the thieving BLP I will, just to get them out. The only way that the SSS vote for the DLP she loves again is if every single face of this DLP administration go to hell for a barbecue and new faces take up the mantle. I have no respect for these articulate liars and the lies presented by this DLP crew. They are the most pretensive, two face, lying, insulting, arrogant pricks I have ever come across.

  2. love it.David love it..u sound off about the “poor”management of the country by govt but where is your management in the control of your blog.Ha.Ha. see not good to point finger looka dat you have open the glood gates and a tsnuami of prvocativee expletives have rolled across the pages of BU. fuh real u need to be placed in a catergory befitting of a fool.

  3. Dear SSS

    Sometimes even though you are right you relinquish an issue because, even though you are absolutely correct with a matter, you have to let it go.

    You should have noticed that there are two of persons masquerading under that moniker, one has a modicum of sense while the other is well an avowed bad word and both are supporters of the single most incompetent political party this cvntry has ever seen

    I would ask you respectfully as one who is well reasoned and passionate about things of import to nation and humanity to let this one go, she is not worth the kilobytes

    She enjoys being the one whom BU ians just look at her submissions with incredulity and shake their head

    There is much to do and contribute to

  4. well at least some body has the commonsense to speak decency into that foul mouth dirt bag. SsS cause David seems to have given up and along the way lost his friggin soul.

  5. Dear miss jordan,

    I am sure that somewhere among the 150 something comments that one of us old fogeys has offered you an apology for what is our incompetence and laxity while at the wheel of this vehicle of our destiny

    We old fog ies have dropped the baton along the track called life and as you see played out in things political, ecclesiastical, community, courts, school, everywhere you look you see that incompetence mediocrity, gutter like behavior, bestial characteristics and idiocy are the order of the day

    Might the ole man suggest what, while a time consuming thing, works, sometimes for me, “call again”

    Sometimes when you call a company or visit a department your first encounter is with one of these Anglo Saxon bad words but I have found that if you pass back another day, which albeit is a seeming waste of time, you encounter someone kinder, more knowledgeable, more human who restores your waning confidence in these bvhkvnts that now abound across Bulbados in numbers that boggle the mind

    Again I apologize for having dropped the ball and falling asleep at the wheel of responsibility the results being what you and others are experiencing, poor service, inept representation and rampant belligerence

  6. @PODRYR

    Isn’t it a shame with public service employees being sent home left right and centre workers are not motivated to deliver good service? Even if workers have grievances health workers in particular should be professional, it is a profession like policing and fire tending that operates at its own level. The other issue you touched on is the confusion when ordinary Banana confront bad service there is a reluctance to complain to authority figures.

  7. @david[BU]

    You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear

    Houston we have a problem had been written across the Bulbados society wall for years insofar as belligerence and being unmannerly is now par for the course.

    Between “friends with benefits” a euphemism for the minister phvcking the incompetents and giving them a job for life, the public Service Commission appointing them to that position until death do us part I.e. Retirement we have a veritable army of occupation that has encamped around us aided by the Dennis Clarke s and Sir Leroy Trotman’s who, on the slightest issue will strike for these illiterate workers “rights”, mind you, given their illiteracy the deserve some good rights and lefts.

    This comes down to balls David, men and women with a love for country and devotion to nation that is not the sound bite of “I pledge allegiance to my cuntry Bulbados……”

    My soul wait thou upon my GOD for my expectation is in HIM resonates in my spirit because there is no hope in these little men and women

  8. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    My Dearest Piece

    Your plea for me to recant my onslaught on this nemesis; this piece of useless flesh; this wiggly ugly ass worm whose birth was laid by the blue bottle fly on a piece of maggot infested rotten corpse, will be given consideration. As you would have been aware, I desist commentary on anything to do with the CUNT known as AC for sometime until she alluded to a comment I made referencing the word bombastic. The CUNT, as she is more affectionately referred, was warned to desist and refrain. However through some new found ignorance; some misplaced confidence, the CUNT known as AC executed her attack. Being the bitch that i am and knowing that this useless political pimp has no choice but to defend the DLP she loves, being a recipient of course of the many rewards she has received, both in house and out-house, the SSS in her venom, her hatred of those who derived wealth inappropriately and by any means, attack the pimp unceremoniously and without equivocation. The SSS is known for her candour and laying it straight. The SSS bares no pretense, no deceit, nor any loyalty to anyone or anything nor will she sell her soul for 12 pieces of silver. The CUNT known as AC is a deceiver and a fraud.

    In light of the fact that your request is not for me to waste my time with this politically twisted PIMP, I will therefore desist for the time being and act in accordance with the good verbal behaviour relative this blog. You have my word ole PIECE that the SSS will seek to desist from the profane the loan exception being, that I can express my hatred for those of the so called political class and their recipients who prosper illegitimately and who pretend they do not. I therefore promise you that better behaviour will be had by the SSS

    Susanne SS

  9. David too little too late. the topsy topple ova and splill all ova the room.imagine from as far back as April u were being used by the Blp yarfowls along with the lowlife SSS to discredit ac. yeah boy was i watching as all the Blp yardfowls accompanied by u sat on the sidelines and cheer and see who is laughing now. fuh sure not u .hey bro u step in the danger zone where political pimps and yarffowls hang out..friggin nuts

  10. Thanks SSS, self regulating is what the BU household prefers.

  11. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    if all of our education has brought us to the point where we believe a single act of professionalism is not worth the effort because conditions does not merit it, then we are nothing short of educated fools. There is a point to reach call frustration that dictates that single efforts without the means to execute that one effort in a correct and appropriate manner will effect ones function and execution. The means to make the execution as smooth as possible having the right tools to do so makes the job easier and reduces the level of frustration.

    Nursing is a profession, which I believe in some countries carries an oath. Health care professionals are called out to be as exact and ethical in the practice of their medical culture regardless of the circumstances. A nurse, who can behave this way, at the request of a vaccine has breached, broken, mashup the code of conduct for persons in that profession. Such a nurse should be subjected to discipline action by a disciplinary board.

    Is there a board discipline for such behaviour in Barbados and if there is a board is it functioning?

  12. @ AC the one that reasons…

    There is a common thread that permeates the blogs of commentary here from avowed supporters of both the BLP and the DLP which, if you were to carefully analyze it, sine bias and political blinkers, would bring you to the one common denominator of each of them…the absolute helplessness of the people of Bulbados as such relates to the options that this (and previous governments) brought to the table of economic stability and growth

    I have like a stuck record repeated the lines of the charge of the light brigade “cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them…” Because it epitomizes where successive government have relentlessly brought us BUT and I capitalize that for emphasis, it is here that the DLP administration has stalled and cannot move out of these doldrums

    Yes I can agree with you that yard fowl ism abounds aplenty on either side of this chasm but it is not the sides of the chasm that should keep us spellbound like sheep, but the chasm itself

    Neither you nor I AC stand to benefit from the doldrums that embrace us, bullets don’t have names on them criminals don’t differentiate per their victims.

    I think the more reasoned side of you is able to sit back and see the inactive state that we are saddled with and, like most of the Bajans here, be we in Bulbados or amurica or Englant, stand up and say that we have had enough of this shit and doan want no more cause we cuntry is dying and the majority uh we isn’t got no place to run

  13. What is interesting is that there is a level of concern coming through from a cadre of independent commenters which is not aligned to mass sentiment. This is the problem for Barbados. Barbadians accept service level is poor but there is general acceptance. One notices it when you travel to other islands if we want to measure by standards close to home.

  14. seems like sumbody found some decency serum stuck on the bottom of the shoe .good

  15. @All

    BU has asked several times to ignore some commenters who want to make all exchanges about them with childish contributions to the blog. A read of ac’s Facebook page has given BU some insight into the brain of the person therefore is is easy to ignore her. If others see time as precious you should consider doing the same. Ac is cluel

  16. @All

    BU has asked several times to ignore some commenters who want to make all exchanges about them with childish contributions to the blog. A read of ac’s Facebook page has given BU some insight into the brain of the person therefore is is easy to ignore her. If others see time as precious you should consider doing the same. Ac is clueless.

  17. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    I promise I will not address the imbecile. She is dismissed…until further notice

  18. wuh David u busy enough looking on pages for ac. becareful u might be looking too hard and too long with no end in sight.
    be that as it may what transpired here gave ac access and confirmation that fairness and transparency is meted out in accordance with ones personnnal rules and regulations depending on which side the wind is blowing from. you David was the one to regulate and control but stood upfront ram rod eyes bulging out with a grin a mile long orchestrating every beat and chorus being thrown in ac face .hell No enough was enough not going to take no sh.t lying down neither about to rolll over and play dead .hope u get the message loud and clear from this unforgiving C..t. Peace bro no hard feelings…

    Hey pdyr going talk to the other ac and get some input concerning your comments..

  19. Look Guys please do not plaster all the health professionals with the same brush. I am very aware of extremely uncouth and uncaring brutes in the health service. Nevertheless, they are in the minute minority. I know nurses who should start work at 0700 but at their work station from 0430to treat some patients as soon as they begin to arrive because the days workload is so heavy. These angels request no extra pay. I also know nurses who visit patients at their homes for free to ensure all is going ok. I even know nurses who spend their own money to buy supplies so that they can care adequately for patients. Moreover I know nurses who transport patients from and to the clinics and hospitals. Treat that case as it is; one unmannerly health care worker. Nurses do care. I see them hurt when they have tried desperately to save lives to no avail. But know what the public must be careful because each person that wears scrubs may not be a true RN. Some are maids , nursing assistants, nurses aids, orderlies house keepers. The RN is the real intelligent article who has a different ethical and highly qualified status. I read that the doctor sent the student to a nurse. That is instructive. Many may think that I am a health care worker speaking like this , WRONG!! I am a patient who observes well. My heart goes out to true RNs. It is an unthankful job.

  20. @lighthouse

    Of course we have sistas in the service who do an excellent job.

  21. there are many positive stories about bajans which can be told, but for whatever reason the bajan mentality is stagnant and like crabs in the barell always seize the opportunity to tear each other down..SAD .

  22. This is my life

  23. Customer service at every level in Barbados is something that really needs great improvement. I had some of the worse at a supermarket there in 2007, I have returned on two occasions since and have not been in there. If only people would learn to treat others as they would like to be treated it will be a step in the right direction.

  24. Once I visited a Polyclinic,as part of an ongoing survey , and was asked questions relating to my family history. The nurse later informed that many of the people she asked such questions to in the course of her duties, answer with a torrent of abuse, not unlike what is meted out to some bank tellers, when they enquire from clients banking over a certain amount of money, how they come by it. Which is a requirement by law.

    As Al Wright said
    If only people would learn to treat others as they would like to be treated it will be a step in the right direction.

  25. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    There is always good and bad. But we must measure Barbados productivity levels in general and not base on a good few or a couple of bad apples. The overall consensus relative Barbados productivity levels and output of professionalism is that is more skewed towards low levels with numerous complaints about poor service, bad and hostile attitudes. That means therefore that what little good is exhibited is marred significantly by a higher output of ridiculous. It needs to be address with rules and regulations that are enforced with the implementation of better systems of accountability.

  26. Please leave the nurses alone. They try very hard under some extremely torrid conditions: Abuse from patients
    Abuse from patients’ relatives
    Low pay grade
    Poor working conditions
    Lack of equipment
    Being exposed to several types of diseases
    lack of proper security at work places
    Add the threat of ebola
    Trying to care for some of your relatives whom you have
    Assault from patients
    And they take all of this in stride. They are someone’s husband, wife, daughter , son, mother, dad etc. Give them the respect they are due. Many of you are ill equipped to do their job. They are heroes who confront all dangers to care and save your sick backside

  27. @lighthouse

    Are you suggesting if we accept all the above as true that it absolves nurses from exhibiting an average level of courtesy to other human beings?

  28. @lighthouse
    Please tell me you are NOT serious as it applies to this particular situation?

    NO ONE has a right to be a HOGG BLIND, PIG SOW from HOGG’S NORTH, especially to a very mannerly young victim.

    If there are major problems, then solve those problems by internal means or if required bring the situations to Public attention, so that political pressure can be applied.

  29. Not at all. I am only saying that sometimes the working environment can take a toll on any of us. Not one of us is perfect. CHRIST WAS THE ONLY PERFECT BEING TO WALK THIS EARTH. David I really bleed for nurses. Theirs is a rough lot.

  30. light house u are correct only people with tunnel vision would not see the light,, customer service is likened to a sanitation worker it is a dirty job but some body has to do it . the people which one has to encounters on a daily basis can rip one sensitives apart ,nine times out of ten most customers are courteous but the ones that are rude obnoxious and demanding in a split second can destroy what energy one have muster up to be polite and courteous, it is not a rewarding job, and demands a lot of patience and being able to keep mouth closed shut especially when working in the most dis -advantageous environment…..many who come here and criticize , if they had to do it would not last an hour,

  31. @We don’t go no immunization here for adults !!!,,,Yuh think yuh gin get it here free??!!”

    The lady was clear. That polycinic and maybe all polyclinics do not do “free” immunizations for adults.

    So run along now.

    If you want an immunization you will have to pay for it. Tax payer monies can stretch only so far and no further.

    No point cussing the nurse on your aFacebook page and on Barbados Underground.



  32. The rule says no “free” immunizations for adults…because the taxpayers cannot afford to immunize everybody…and have chosen to to provide “free” immunization only for children. The nurse was simply enforcing the rule. If the nurse had broken the rule and provided a “free” immunization to this SJPP adult student then we would have had no complaints from the SJPP student nor from none of wunna on this blog. The nurse is a good public servant…although perhaps a bit lacking in finesse.

    I rather suspect that the doctor was happy to take the student’s fee, but was hoping that her private patient would get a freebie offa the taxpayers.

    As soon as the student heard “no free immunizations for adults” she should have said “thank you ma’m and left the clinic.” The nerve of calling her mother, and the mother calling the doctor, and the doctor calling the polyclinic to trying to bully the polyclinic nurse into breaking the rules.

    We Bajans real, real wrongsided.

  33. @Hamilton Hill October 11, 2014 at 7:26 AM ” If I were the parent of that child I would have invested in a trip to that clinic , just for an explanation from that same human hog. If she wanted to yell then there would have been a yelling match.Block that office and there’s bound to be some response from someone above the pig.”

    !. The person who went for the immunization is NOT a child. The person is an ADULT.

    1. Since that person is NOT a child, the nurse is forbidden from discussing one adult’s business with another (even if that other is a parent)

    3.The nurse gave an explanation “No “free” immunizations for adults.
    What other explanation could the nurse have given if the parent of the adult student turned up at the polyclinic and carried on like bruggadown boar hog?

  34. @caribcanadian October 11, 2014 at 10:46 AM “As to the issue at hand with this young persons experience….Quite unbelievable actually. She should complain, in writing, to the several levels of people in charge and use the media to get it out there…The only way many things change is to get it out in the open.”

    The young woman, and her mother and her doctor can’t and won’t make a written signed complaint because they can’t because the 3 of them were trying to pull a fast one on the publicly funded health clinics where the rule is “NO FREE VACCINES FOR ADULTS” so they can’t and won’t complain, and certainly they won’t complain to the mass media because the 3 of them would be caught putting their hands into the tax funded cookie (or immunization( jar,

  35. @MoneyBrain October 11, 2014 at 10:51 AM ” Was told of senior well paid workers who come in at 11am and leave at 1.30pm”

    They are senior and well paid BECAUSE they are so smart and so efficient that they can do a whole day’s work in 2 1/2 hours. They are not laggards like the rest of us who need 8+ to do a day’s work.


  36. @Simpy
    Politically CONnected!

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