Barbados Minister of Finance Christopher Sinckler and Governor of the Central Bank DeLisle Worrell take an in-depth interview at the Global Borrowers and Investors Forum.
Barbados Minister of Finance Christopher Sinckler and Governor of the Central Bank DeLisle Worrell take an in-depth interview at the Global Borrowers and Investors Forum – Click on image (30 min)

55 responses to “Governor Delisle Worrell and Minister of Finance Sinckler Expound on the Barbados Economy in Europe”

  1. In the interview MoF Sinckler explained Barbados goes to the capital markets when it is absolutely necessary under the right pricing conditions etc. Can MoF explain the Credit Suisse loan?


    All the money the DBLP government need , Is in the onshore and offshore Bank accounts of the Ministers and the Senators, Maybe even a few Judges,

    The World better not lend these CROOKS , LIARS AND SCUMBAGS ONE RED CENT , OH we dont have Pennies nor CENTS any more.
    Maybe for laughs they maybe can give them a loan in SENSE ,
    The World Bank can even give them a Loan in the BARBADOES PENNY, AND replace the CENT with 300 million Dollars in PENNIES,.

  3. It makes absolutely no sense dealing with the fundamental problems of the political economy and service industry sectors of this country without, et al, coming up with a new effective truth based language of new common sensical scientific concepts terms assumptions – a new and progressive and people centered discipline for describing and explaining how the country can better organize, manage and further develop the industrial, production, commercial affairs of the people of this country.

    For, economics is a social academic discipline that is essentially false, unscientific, discredited and vile.

    Whilst, economics has been practiced by so many people in this country, it is patently clear that it has been seriously helping to bring this country to a point where on the current trajectory that it is on, it is set to become a virtually failed state.

    It has therefore massively failed to seriously help organize, manage and further develop this country significantly.


  4. Worrel and MoF latest DOG & PONY show. Suspect the result will be going HAT in HAND to IMF by August 2014, then telling Bajan’s that world not willing to lend to poor underprivileged BLACK nations. Any story that comes to mind to cover up the government’s incompetence.

    More taxpayers money down the drain, however Worrel and MoF have had a nice taxpayers all expense HOLIDAY.

  5. David,
    Is it true that our goodly priest has been appointed as High Commissioner to the UK?

  6. Prodigal Son | June 27, 2014 at 10:51 PM |

    “David, Is it true that our goodly priest has been appointed as High Commissioner to the UK?”

    Tell muh who um is Prodigal…….

  7. Yes Guy Hewitt.

  8. Guy Hewitt will do well on the diplomatic circuit in the UK. He likes to hob nob but will not do the heavy lifting. I well imagine his pompass self sitting in the back of BDS 1.

    Would it not have been better to appoint someone with a business background seeing that we need foreign investment here, especially since they are closing down the Invest Barbados office in London in a few days time?

    I understand that a woman is to be named deputy. I would hope it is not that brass loud mouth woman from the PIne.

  9. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Fatted calf – you don’t have to qualify or be able to do the job. All that is required is that you belong to the George Street Brigade.

  10. Prodigal Son | June 27, 2014 at 11:45 PM |

    “I understand that a woman is to be named deputy. I would hope it is not that brass loud mouth woman from the PIne.”

    Prodigal, you mean Maureen Holder????……… she is a real, real nuisance. Then again, the way she defends this administration during “Talk ya talk” on CBC……… I would not be surprised.

    Reminds me of AC, the way Holder behaves…….. Prodigal, you feel AC looking for a pick too or you feel she is being paid to write nuff shiite on BU? But wait, you know something, AC and Maureen may very well be the same person.

  11. David | June 27, 2014 at 10:58 PM |

    “Yes Guy Hewitt.”

    Ohhhhh, I now get it…… when in a previous post you said “It’s a Guy”…. hahahhaha.

  12. This is embarrassing and somewhat pitiful. Take a short look at our state of affairs and international monetary stance for just a minute if you dare.
    Company “X” is wooed to come here under the invitation being extended by these fine gentlemen on behalf of Barbados. They come here to find that in order to establish themselves, there is first he greedy lawyer to feed, then all the other carnivores foaming at the mouth appear for their share of the pie. This is before a cent is made by said company.
    By the time they commence operations, they’ve spent a significant chunk of their budget and can only recoup this by having high prices, lower quality products or any combination of the two. They will pay starvation wages as much as they can and expect the longest work hours. But their business has to be profitable else they’ll pull up stake, and move elsewhere.
    The disconnected and convoluted machinery needed to establish any business here should be fully disclosed and simplified where possible.
    As such CAIPO should be a fully online entity and the need for a lawyer or legal snake to perform some of the simplest tasks related to the establishment of a company should be eliminated forthwith!. Oh, but our find legislative body will never want to do that because their “Political Class” (to borrow a term I recently heard used by a senior political figure), will probably have to take a massive monetary hit. And in a heavily segmented, “classful” society such as this is, that money is spent before it is earned so any hit is un-acceptable.
    Barbados CANT borrow any money at preferential rates or even from loan sharks because their credit is shot. That happened because in short, they can’t see past their eyeballs and their corruption runs very deep. They have snubbed warnings and have thumbed their collective noses at the rest of the world, without having a damn thing to prop them up or earn them foreign exchange. They grow nothing here, import everything but some blasted common sense, manufacture nothing that anyone seems to want to buy, cant critically think or sell a free idea to beggar and cant seem to understand they “their” way is no longer acceptable. Oil deposits sitting off the coast of the island will probably be tapped into by the middle east learning how to drill a hole through the center of the earth and tap into the well while the “Political Class” in this country squabble and fight for the rights to steal the remaining wealth of the land. Recently, a group of American businesspeople lodged a complaint to the US Department of State about the rampant corruption endemic in Barbadian society elites with respect to establishing business operations here. The US Embassy in turn produced an article on this matter, an article that was never carried by the local press. Good job boys!
    Now when these two gentlemen represented in the captioned photo above travel on behalf of Barbados, I bet they go first class, stay at no less than a 5 star hotel, eat lavishly, get per-diem to the tune of $700 ~ $1000 US per day, and enjoy all of the creature comforts while away including taking spouses with them. I guess for their “entertainment” value.
    Question is, what did the “rest ” of us get from their trip?
    I bet lots of pretty ‘pup’ talk and fluff, but no value.
    Keep this shyt up guys. Day duz run till night catch it!
    The veil will be swiftly and suddenly removed revealing the rotting corpse beneath!

  13. @The Watcher

    What document the US Embassy produced? Is it a public document?

  14. Not enough experience to do the job. Now, there’s nothing wrong with any of those jobs, but it is deeply unhealthy for our political class to be drawn from narrowing social base and range of experience. Looking in the wrong place to get the Island back on its feet will not pay the bills nor will borrowing. Who has to pay the money back ???

  15. I find that hotels, especially Sandy Lane, are the main perpetrator of this “work permit scam”. A few years ago a relative who was employed there told me of an instance where a Puerto Rican was working as an engineer. The hotel subsequently advertised for an engineer and listed the ability to speak Spanish fluently was a requirement. After the application deadline, the usual work permit notice was seen in the papers. Most of the management positions at that hotel are held by non-nationals.
    Unfortunately, since Sandy Lane is a main part of our vital tourist industry and as such, when situations like this occur they seem to go “unnoticed” by the BTA, BHA, Barbados Workers Union, immigration and most importantly, the Minister of Tourism.

    We brag about our educational system……. having a hotel school attached to BCC with accreditation status, offering the Associate Degree in Applied arts – Hotel Catering and Institutional Operations.
    Many of these students go on to UWI to complete their BSc in Hotel Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management, International Tourism Management or the postgraduate diploma/MSc Tourism Development & Management. Then we have these hotels who are holding the country to ransom so they can deny Barbadians jobs for which they are qualified to do.

    It is also interesting to note, Bizzy Williams could openly state he is bringing in an Englishman to manage his company, which clearly indicates the work permit issues had to be resolved before hand.

    These are issues the unions should be dealing with.

  16. Mr Watson Parkinson Avatar
    Mr Watson Parkinson

    SIN-ckler knows exactly where the nation’s money is at…! The Governor General, sadly, haven’t a clue. If he did have knowledge the British Government would have been informed…! The past has a nasty habit of coming back and biting you on the backside!
    In colonial days Barbados was left to govern itself because of the trust placed on it by the British until Payne, Busta and Adams came on the scene. That trust is still evident today… This trust however, will not last forever.
    The British are now looking at the influence the USA is having on Barbados just as it did in Jamaica…! We all what happened to JA…!
    I’ll say no more…!

  17. Due Diligence Avatar

    Prodigal Son | June 27, 2014 at 11:45 PM |
    “especially since they are closing down the Invest Barbados office in London in a few days time?”

    Say whaaaaat?

  18. Due Diligence Avatar


    “Shopping trip

    Govt looking for investment, not to borrow, says leading officials

    The Barbados Government is on an international shopping trip seeking to woo foreign investors, but its two leading economic officials have denied that major foreign borrowing is immediately in store.

    Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler and Governor of the Central Bank Dr Delisle Worrell are now in the United States meeting with potential investors after a similar road show in the United Kingdom this week.

    On Wednesday, the finance duo was at the Borrowers and Investors Forum in London to put this country’s case regarding the true state of the economy and what Government is doing to achieve an economic turnaround.

    Speaking during an interview at the forum, Dr Worrell said: “One of the reasons why we are going the road show, is so we can communicate directly to our investors, the reality [of the economic position], because that is not well understood by the international markets and particularly it is not well understood by the rating agencies.”

    He (Minister Sinckler) stressed that “when we have interlockers in between, such as ratings agencies, sometimes that message can get distorted.”

    So, when all else fails – blame the incompetent rating agencies.

    Who are investors to believe?

  19. @DD

    Our borrowing options don’t exist any longer given our junk status, attracting investment is the next best option because tourism CANNOT generate the forex/revenue required to run Barbados at level which our habits require. We wish the road show good luck, it will be about levels of concessions we have to give up to get investment.And of course we have always had to fork out concessions.

  20. Due Diligence Avatar

    Is this the same Guy?

    Guy Hewitt
    Principal Consultant at Development Solutions

    BarbadosEducation Management
    Current Development Solutions
    Previous City & Guilds/Institute of Leadership and Management,
    Queen Elizabeth Hospital

    Education – University of Kent at Canterbury

    Accomplished executive with a strong commitment to Caribbean and global development. Ability to lead through the integration of organisational change and staff engagement processes to achieve results. Strong communicator in audio and digital media and able to present strategic issues at all levels – government, strategic partners, staff and the public. 

    Professional Strengths:

    Executive Management

    Strategic Planning

    Organisational Change
Team Building

    Industrial Relations

    Health Administration
Gender Mainstreaming

    Education Policy

    His (self written) profile sure makes him sound like a perfect fit for what is probably Barbados’ most important diplomatic position – apart from China of course

  21. In the interview the Governor assures that the Barbados economy has turned the corner. What are his assumptions (with emphasis on assumptions)?

  22. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    You notice that the profile did not say “PRIEST”


  23. Due Diligence Avatar


    Is there any truth to Prodigal Son’s comment.
    “especially since they are closing down the Invest Barbados office in London in a few days time?”

    Are they moving the London office to Beijing?

  24. @DD

    Have not heard about closing Invest Barbados first hand, it would seem a fool hardy decision if the thrust is to attract foreign investment at this time.

  25. In his ‘What Matters Most’ column in the Daily Nation of Thursday, June 26, 2014, Dr Clyde Mascoll reportedly concludes the commentary by stating that Barbados’ food import bill “is not a major economic problem”. Furthermore, he attempted to tie any reduction in the bill to a reduction in imports with consequences for so-called economic growth and government revenue (largely a fallacy).

    Well, there are a certain few very fundamental things, among so many others, that the PDC has been repeating and repeating on BU and elsewhere – and for persons like Dr Mascoll and some others to understand and accept – and they are: that resources, good and services do NOT cost anything in money terms. Nothing what so ever!! For, there is no connection between the resources and goods that are being passed on by individuals/groups of individuals to the relevant others, and money, or between the services being used by individuals/groups of individuals and that belong to the relevant others, and money itself – and no connection too between the particular movements or uses by the relevant individuals of those things under their respective agreements.

    Moreso, money does not inhere in these things. Therefore iceberg lettuce CANNOT COST “more money to purchase”, as Mascoll so falsely unstudiedly suggests. Also, those resources, goods and services cannot make money, as again, money does not inhere in those things.

    With regard to money affairs in Barbados, there are, for the PDC, two fundamental purposes of money and four main uses of money (dealt with by the PDC under an earlier post). Whereas debit/credit cards/checks are used in many commercial contexts in this country, they are not commodities like money is a commodity (albeit a financial one).

    So when money is being passed from individuals/groups of individuals to the relevant others in such private sector commercial contexts it is being used to represent either remuneration income or remuneration revenue to the recipients of it – or nominal costs to those remunerations. Other than nominal transfers, there are no other ways of getting or costing remunerations.

    Anyhow, what can be constructed from much of what the PDC has here in represented – and which though is what this academic doctor fails miserably to argue in his column – is that the AMOUNTS of resources, goods being passed from overseas to Barbados, the extent of services provided from overseas for uses here in Barbados, annually generally – are absolutely necessary vital, and, moreso, to have and to substantially increase more than now, if Barbados is to become a world class society, a far more industrialized society etc than now.

    So rather than Mascoll’s use of this silly notion of a food import bill, or whatever else, in his column, when there is NOT ANY connection what so ever between the food and the money or the credits passed from them to the relevant others overseas – but between the resources, goods, services, human beings and what make them up and how and to what extent they function properly or not, and between money and its uses, etc – the truth is that it is the foreign financial credits and foreign derived remunerations of the so-called balance of payments of the government and people of Barbados, that – SEPERATELY from the actual imports themselves – can be seriously depleted by skyrocketing foreign costs to them; a substantially increasing cost of use of (foreign) money relative to Barbados; or by evil wicked TAXATION – at the ports of entry – on the remunerations of importers.

    As it stands, the increasingly destructive performances of these three variables will ensure a change in the ratio that exist between the Barbados Dollar and the US Dollar, in the foreseeable future, in this country, under a very incompetent and intellectually and politically bankrupt DLP or BLP government.

    That is why a certain future coalitional government of Barbados and of which the PDC will be a part shall make sure that the remunerations of importers of resources, goods and services into this country WILL not be costed by partners at the ports of entry or any other formally approved recognized spaces until these importers and their resources, goods, their uses of whatever services involve the use of the services or facilities provided by our ports of entry or by those same spaces; shall make sure that ALL so-called Exchange Rates Parities with the Barbados Dollar are Abolished; shall make sure that there are massive reductions in the cost of use of money (local/foreign); and that there is the Abolition of TAXATION in this country, among so many of things, that will help transform this country into a major global society in the 21 century.


  26. Watcher said:
    “Recently, a group of American businesspeople lodged a complaint to the US Department of State about the rampant corruption endemic in Barbadian society elites with respect to establishing business operations here. The US Embassy in turn produced an article on this matter, an article that was never carried by the local press. Good job boys!”

    Of course this should come as no surprise to anyone with a modicum of commonsense, wait until they have had their fill of the crap going on in the Judiciary in Barbados and see what will happen, get ready for more black eyes for the island.

    The Bushman………….you can’t blame the ladies for this now can you….lol

  27. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ The Watcher

    You said and I quote “Looking in the wrong place to get the Island back on its feet will not pay the bills nor will borrowing”

    What is the right place?

    It is certainly not a long term expanded Airport to handle more tourists, or a long term marina to berth super liners or, as minister Jonesing is proposing, fooping the ex pats and Guyanese to increase the population and thereafter have an increased population to sell more produce to.

    It is so easy to write a list of what it is not, the DLP (and BLP) both have produced that pie in the sky waste foop list ad nauseum.

    Might I suggest a few short term items that could, if we had men with balls, and not female parts, happen during my lifetime.

    (1) Create an Electronic Ideas Bank to field ideas from any Bajan In any field.

    (2) have a credible organisation with capable HR, not EGFL or the National Council for Science and Technology launch a search for cutting edge solutions that have immediate/short term results, launch a national hunt for ideas across the entire economic spectrum of Bulbados for innovative solutions

    (3) Charge a fee for the submission of say $125 for your submission. You might ask why I would charge a fee, so that madmens like me and Minister We Jonesing dont get up pun a night and submit jackass ideas on how to foop the guyanese when they arrive at the airport and we know that only the committed to Bulbados will enter.

    (4) once your idea makes it pass the accepted stage you are credited $250 towards your next 3 months phone bills, get LIME, DIGICEL or FLOW to underwrite this part of the programme

    (5) make sure that all the HR who are chosen as evaluators are bound by (i) confidentiality agreements so that the phvckers will not tief de ideas of the people submitted under this initiative

    (6) every person engaged under this construct will have to place 10% of the value of the investment being sought into the treasury.

    If an investment idea is seeking $10M, unless you as an accredited evaluator are able to secure a $1M in cash or a bond then you cannot see the proposal. Make it a rich and expensive undertaking for evaluation members to get into the club.

    (7) Publish the names of all evaluators on each team on a quarterly basis and the names of who are kicked off the team under strange circumstances

    (8) have a special projects section for those projects that are priority areas e.g. for Tourism where it is obvious that Richard “I does see spirits” Jones has not got a clue about how to get more tourists in Bulbados (certainly not by wukking up pun de Brazilian dancers so poorly) or by walking through St lawrence gap wid de policemens, launch an “All Expense Paid Virgin Atlantic Trip to a European City” for categories of ideas which generate tourism throughput for 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 visitors ABOVE the current lists, to qualify there maust ba a direct correlation between the increase/new visitor and the idea.

    That would work if Erine Philips at the Immigration Department would surrender the names of the Visitors to Bulbados to Maxine McClean or any other authorized ministry, but she is de big boss with bigger gonads dan even de Prime Minister

    If de phvcking horses at Gold Cup does get so much coverage and so much financial support and they are just one species away from jackasses and mules why we cant put a measley $10 million dollars into the National Ideas E Bank for cuntry and citizens?

    Where de guvment phvckers gine get de money from?

    Tell any corporate company that if they put $1 into this specific fund which the Central Bank will append to its Investment Credit Facility run be specifically appointed men and women with successful track records, the bank would write a specific tax credit for $2 that they can use to offset the pernicious municipal tax

    But den agin I is an ole man dat according to a certain BU denizen “want killing..”

  28. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Minister Sinckliar

    One more thing

    It is not interlockers…It is interlocutors

    The verb interlocker means “To unite or join closely as by hooking or dovetailing. or “To connect together (parts of a mechanism, for example) so that the individual parts affect each other in motion or operation.”

    The noun interlocutor means “Someone who takes part in a conversation, often formally or officially” as in “The performer in a minstrel show who is placed midway between the end men and engages in banter with them.”

    Lord, save us…I only went to Brumley to say de real name would be to let de people at de church know it was really me but with assassins of the english language like you and Minister We Jonesing killing de english language whenever wunna speak it is truly shameful how we are seen on the world stage

  29. @ Artaxerxes,
    “Reminds me of AC, the way Holder behaves…….. Prodigal, you feel AC looking for a pick too or you feel she is being paid to write nuff shiite on BU? But wait, you know something, AC and Maureen may very well be the same person”…………………………………..

    LOL, Artaxerxes. I dont think so. Bush Tea is always teasing ac about her husband, so the two may not be one as Maureen Holder is not married as far as I know……….maybe only to the DLP lies and propaganda!

  30. @ Due Diligence | June 28, 2014 at 9:58 AM |

    Is there any truth to Prodigal Son’s comment.
    “especially since they are closing down the Invest Barbados office in London in a few days time?”

    Are they moving the London office to Beijing?…………………….

    Is true, was told this in London recently by an employee.


  32. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ IslandGirl246

    Dear erstwhile girlfriend before i see you sending kisses to certain peoples who will remain nameless

    There is a proverb that i would wish to share with you

    ““He who knows not and knows not he knows not: he is a fool – shun him.”
    “He who knows not and knows he knows not: he is simple – teach him.”
    “He who knows and knows not he knows: he is asleep – wake him.”
    “He who knows and knows he knows: he is wise – follow him.”

    Needless to say that our peeples dem belong solely to the first line of this proverb and proudly rush to show the world which verse they sing loudly every day.

    “Father forgive them for they know not what they do can be easily intoned for these characters, they are well intentioned idiots, there is no malevolence in their operations, just plain pitifully dumb…


    No one want to invest in fraud lands with no clear title and a fraud government coverup,of Barbados.
    So in all PONZI they needs new suckers,,,Islandga246

  34. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son,

    Every single Overseas mission of the Government of Bulbados should be manned or womaned on the equation of :

    (i) what is your monthly salary?
    (ii) how much does that translate into in $’s per day/hour?
    (iii) what are the ancilliary costs to keep you here in London/China/Miami wherever per hour/day?
    (iv) what are the cumulative costs to support you/your office /day/hour? in light, rent, cock (up in your) tails, etc
    (v) How long have you been pretending to be a diplomatic for your cuntry?
    (vi) How much money has Bulbados been paying you to bull us over these years
    (vii) How much $$ have you brought in during your tour in Luxembourg or wherever the phvck you are?
    (viii) Have we ever realised one cent while you have been overseas?

    After we answer these yestions with the resounding malperformance reports that Sandiford, Sandra Philips Jessica and the other misfits have failed at we should then see how the follwing questions can be answered.

    Given that you have shown how useless you can be, have been and are, can we get you locked up overseas for doing nothing for this cuntry for so long?
    Can we get the IRS to investigate you for the 4 homes you have in the US/UK at the expense of out government?
    Can we get somone’s bull mastiff to bite you and give you rabies right before invoking diplomatic immunity in reverse, that is, give the dog immunity from prosecution while you suffer and hopefully die in the horspital, hopefully at no further expense to our government, pension included?

    Yes sir, if we were to judge our overseas investment offices by these yardsticks we wont be in this lotta shit## with this chronic mal-performance

  35. @ islandgal246 | June 28, 2014 at 1:36 PM |


    Do you ever believe a word coming out of Kellman’s mouth or the DLP for that matter? You could tell that Kellman was lying when the excerpt was aired on DLPTV……………you and I know that investors are staying clear of Barbados because they perceive that the government is not prone to tell the truth at any time.

    The other bone headed thing he said at another branch meeting was that they laid off people so that they could find work with these new investors who were falling over themselves to invest in Barbados.

    We would have to assume that these investors and the projects in which they are investing are invisible to the naked eye!

  36. Contrary to what Kellman is bleating global reports show that FDI has dried up for Barbados. With FDI we die.

  37. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ pieceuhderockyeahright | June 28, 2014 at 12:04 PM |
    “@ Minister Sinckliar
    One more thing
    It is not interlockers…It is interlocutors.
    The verb interlocker means “To unite or join closely as by hooking or dovetailing. or “To connect together (parts of a mechanism, for example) so that the individual parts affect each other in motion or operation.”

    I too read it and was not really shocked to hear such drivel (should we say, malapropism or is it Sinckliar’s brand of Spoonerism) emanating from the mouth of a so-called highly educated Bajan in charge of the finance and economic wellbeing of the nation.
    He meted out similar abusive treatment to the word ‘transmogrification’ which he certainly “plagiarized” from a BU thread. Even our friend Dompey or even ac would be more sensitive to the blatant mangling of the language.

    If the blasted minister was not such a bold-faced liar and dangerous creep one would be inclined to overlook such linguistic ‘indiscretions’. But, be Christ man, the jumped-up liar is really presenting himself as a total idiot of a jackass.

    One can just imagine the ‘silent’ guffaws that would have been going around the room as the jackass opened his mouth in front of the few planted paid agents like extras in a TV soap opera purporting to be representing the interests of imaginary British investors.

  38. In his ‘What Matters Most’ column in the Daily Nation of Thursday, June 26, 2014, Dr Clyde Mascoll reportedly concludes the commentary by stating that Barbados’ food import bill “is not a major economic problem”. Furthermore, he attempted to tie any reduction in the bill to a reduction in imports with consequences for so-called economic growth and government revenue (largely a fallacy).

    Well, there are a certain few very fundamental things, among so many others, that the PDC has been repeating and repeating on BU and elsewhere – and for persons like Dr Mascoll and some others to understand and accept – and they are: that resources, good and services do NOT cost anything in money terms. Nothing what so ever!! For, there is no connection between the resources and goods that are being passed on by individuals/groups of individuals to the relevant others, and money, or between the services being used by individuals/groups of individuals and that belong to the relevant others, and money itself – and no connection too between the particular movements or uses by the relevant individuals of those things under their respective agreements.

    Moreso, money does not inhere in these things. Therefore iceberg lettuce CANNOT COST “more money to purchase”, as Mascoll so falsely unstudiedly suggests. Also, those resources, goods and services cannot make money, as again, money does not inhere in those things.

    With regard to money affairs in Barbados, there are, for the PDC, two fundamental purposes of money and four main uses of money (dealt with by the PDC under an earlier post). Whereas debit/credit cards/checks are used in many commercial contexts in this country, they are not commodities like money is a commodity (albeit a financial one).

    So when money is being passed from individuals/groups of individuals to the relevant others in such private sector commercial contexts it is being used to represent either remuneration income or remuneration revenue to the recipients of it – or nominal costs to those remunerations. Other than nominal transfers, there are no other ways of getting or costing remunerations.

    Anyhow, what can be constructed from much of what the PDC has here in represented – and which though is what this academic doctor fails miserably to argue in his column – is that the AMOUNTS of resources, goods being passed from overseas to Barbados, the extent of services provided from overseas for uses here in Barbados, annually generally – are absolutely necessary vital, and, moreso, to have and to substantially increase more than now, if Barbados is to become a world class society, a far more industrialized society etc than now.

    So rather than Mascoll’s use of this silly notion of a food import bill, or whatever else, in his column, when there is NOT ANY connection what so ever between the food and the money or the credits passed from them to the relevant others overseas – but between the resources, goods, services, human beings and what make them up and how and to what extent they function properly or not, and between money and its uses, etc – the truth is that it is the foreign financial credits and foreign derived remunerations of the so-called balance of payments of the government and people of Barbados, that – SEPERATELY from the actual imports themselves – can be seriously depleted by skyrocketing foreign costs to them; a substantially increasing cost of use of (foreign) money relative to Barbados; or by evil wicked TAXATION – at the ports of entry – on the remunerations of importers.

    As it stands, the increasingly destructive performances of these three variables will ensure a change in the ratio that exists between the Barbados Dollar and the US Dollar, in the foreseeable future, in this country, under a very incompetent and intellectually and politically bankrupt DLP or BLP government.

    That is why a certain future coalitional government of Barbados and of which the PDC will be a part shall make sure that the remunerations of local importers of resources, goods and services into this country WILL not be costed by partners at the ports of entry or any other formally approved recognized spaces until these importers and their resources, goods, their uses of whatever services involve the use of the services or facilities provided by our ports of entry or by those same spaces; shall make sure that ALL so-called Exchange Rates Parities with the Barbados Dollar are Abolished; shall make sure that there are massive reductions in the cost of use of money (local/foreign); and that there is the Abolition of TAXATION in this country, among so many other things, that – when implemented – will help transform this country into a major global society in the 21 century.


  39. so how much is this costing the taxpayers, this trip to Europe?
    is this really necessary. more borrowing from your much talked white man.
    why would you do this? after all everything is the white mans fault .
    but you will take money from him wont you.!!
    if you are a free country and are have control of your own small,tiny island .
    how hard can it be to govern such a small place?
    compare that to Australia or canada perhaps.huge places in comparison to barbados. yet we can not even handle such a small place.
    why is this??the reason is GREED ! think for yourself if you can understand what i am saying.!!!
    question———–do we really need all these politicians?
    how many people and ministries do you need to handle a 22x 14 mile island.?
    does barbados employ and pay lavish salaries to too many government workers .i think they do.imagine the savings if there were only the basic amount needed to run barbados.
    millions per year i am sure.
    yet we have 10 people doing a government job that could be done by a one handed person that actually did work and not just pretend to work and leave at lunch and go home and call that a days work.
    paid by the poor and down trodden of barbados.
    think about what the barbados delegates that spend millions traveling around the world to meetings where they would be better at home actually doing some work………………….?????going to these world meetings for what?
    they have no say in any world affairs. a waste of money as usual.
    what does barbados have to say on world affairs????????????
    nothing what so ever.
    going to beg for more money to build your big office where you actually do is a joke. a huge joke.i would say about 10 ministers could run barbados many do we have????????? and what exactly do they do?
    anyone know???????

  40. by the way why do you all hide your faces? on here.
    so you can say ridiculous things and no one knows who and what kind of yard fowl you actually are. or are you all buddies and know each other already. show your face so we can see who you are.! what happen are you all cowards ,or frightened.??????scardey cats.ha ha .

  41. Nabody i’nt want to hear de 2 ‘o wunna.

  42. Kent said:
    “show your face so we can see who you are.! what happen are you all cowards ,or frightened.??????scardey cats.ha ha ”

    Kent……why don’t you show your face, what are you afraid of, what’s stopping ya?

  43. The economy has turned a corner, however what the Governor aint realise is that the economy is square so after every corner there is another one and another till you end back up where you started… lmao.

  44. As far as BU is concerned, the economy turns the corner when we start to reemploy people and earn forex, not borrow.

  45. @ David
    Once you onstand my “turned”.

  46. Sharks All About Avatar
    Sharks All About


    Kent the tailor boy you better occupy yourself with the CRACK pipe and leave the politics and BU to those who ‘understand’ and ‘overstand’.
    You understand?

  47. you can see my face .and that crack rumor was not true.
    show me your face ????????better yet tell me that to my face next time you see me.
    is all OK.
    what else would i expect from rumor mongering Barbadians.
    my face up, where is yours???????frighten fraidy/ smr.

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