The opinion of IMF is as an influential player cannot be ignored in austere times.
The opinion of IMF as an influential player cannot be ignored in austere times.

We use to hear the objective was to build a society. However it has become all about the economy in recent months. Click on the image above to read the latest International Monetary Fund projection for the Latin America and Caribbean region.

Is the government levelling with Barbadians? Are we able to remove the partisan blinkers to have sight of the priority issues? Are we confident that the current suite of economic solutions on offer is appropriate?

113 responses to “International Monetary Fund Gives Barbados Bleak 2014 Forecast”

  1. NationBLPnewspaper Avatar

    I commend CBC once again for the fairness which they are bringing in their coverage of political matters. I see Mia Mottley and Clyde Mascoll given extensive coverage at a recent political event held over the weekend.
    I also see that CBC carried the report about the IMF growth projections for Barbados.
    While on the other hand , the Nation BLP newspaper chooses to use BLP operatives like Ezra Alleyne, Clyde Mascoll, Harry Russell, Pat Hoyos and Albert Brandford to play the role of spin doctors. There is clearly a political agenda being played out at the Nation newspaper. It is laughable that one publication can stack every editorial position directly supporting an opposition party for 6 years.
    Even CBC is now more balanced than the Nation BLP newspaper.

  2. CBC Fair and Balanced
    Advocate Fair and Balanced
    BU well U DECIDE….

  3. DLP (formerly CBC) TV Avatar
    DLP (formerly CBC) TV

    As expected shite upon shite from DLP lackies. It is one thing for the DLP to create lies and illusions to try to fool people but when you start to believe in your own lies while people starting to see that it was all just an illusion then it becomes a question of whether this DLP gov’t and its supporters have lost their sanity. The jackass that calls himself ac on this forum ( has to stand for Ass Clown) comes with this ridiculous argument of “mountain of debt” after 14 yrs. This is the same 14 yrs that people left the DLP in droves, that a populace voted against an opposition (1999 election), that the phrase Owen Dems was formed?!! Prove this mountain of debt. You are going to use this insane ” mountain of debt” argument when we have had 5 consecutive yrs of the DLP having expenditure greater than revenue, a MOF that don’t know where $300m in foreign exchange went in 3 mnths, that same MOF saying the Medium Term Failed Strategy was on track but the Central Bank Governor saying it was $400m off track?!!! Wunna Dems are the same ones that gine say the economy performing but wunna raise almost every single tax and fees and reduce peoples ‘allowances!!!
    Another roll( well mountain) of shite i hear from DLP supporters and that i hear Donville Inniss repeat is that Sandi prepare the wicket for Owen. REALLY NOW!!!!!REALLY NOW!!!!!! Sandi cudda prepare a wicket fuh Owen but couldn’t prepare it fuh heself??!! This is the same Sandi tell this country a bunch of lies about how the economy firiing but later on people find out it was firing BLANKS???
    All i gine tell people is that the DLP has now developed a notoriety for not telling people the truth.

  4. Hi you DLP CBC proverbial yardfowls Look behind nad tell ac what u see that THe BLP has made sure that Brabadios has a secure and systainable and well grounded economy. if u call putting all the eggs in one basket is sustainabiity then ac pleads guilty…….when are you and the other BLP yard fowls gonna realise that a house without a solid foundation would eventually fall taking all that dwells there submit to You that the hardened evidence now reveals a country without solid foundation

  5. Politics is so funny, I remember as recent as the last BLP administration, the DLP then led by the late David Thompson, was using the utterance of the same IMF to whip the BLP then led by Oweb Arthur. Now thw tables are turned and the DLP is now say not to pay much attention to the IMF. PLEASE come clean and tell us the truth and also stop living so largweand expect the citizens to bear the problems alone. After all we are the EMPLOYERS of the M.P’s and we all should bear equal weight or let’s find another party .

  6. june boy,

    Just keep quiet, dont bother with trying to put logic to the Dems. The Dems will implode on their own steam. The truth is that the DLP has borrow more money in five years than the BLP borrowed in 14 years and has NOTHING to show for it. They have piled on FOUR BILLION DOLLARS to the national debt. At least there are assets left by BLP to show for the money borrowed.

    But tell me something…………. if the DLP claims that the BLP left a mountain of debt according to ac, why did they borrow so much…..FOUR BILLION DOLLARS in five years……………putting more debt on top of the mountain of debt? Does this make sense? Now we know that the DLP of made up of a bunch of idiots!

  7. I need someone to tell me exactly what Barbados has to secure from other Caribbean nationals…………the island is dictated to by the British, Americans and whomever else feels the need or has paper in volumes (money), i don’t see where there is any security of the borders example, the white american male who was given 3 months stay on the island back in June (wait, he is a caricom national) and is still in Barbados illegally. LOL!! The Bulgarian tourists who stole hundreds of thousands from the ATMs in Bim….exactly who is the most threat??

  8. UM prodigal if u ain.t got money to pay off the debt there are 5 other alternative …….1 ask thev household to chip in a litlle bit more .2 borrow to pay the mountain of debt that is collecting lates fees and more interest…3 Sell the frigging house and live on the Street…4 filed bankruptcy and endure the consequence. 5 let the house fall to the ground. Those are your picks Prodigal . Choose any or all of them.

  9. lawson | October 13, 2013 at 4:29 PM |

    Maybe there is a silver lining in these numbers, the governments have botched the economy so bad that a lot of economic immigrants will want to go back home

    Sorry I missed this the first time looking at this blog.

    Economic immigrants?

    Are you referring to the work-seeking Guyanese or the Income Tax Avoiding Canadians

  10. Let’s look at what is happening today. Figures are not available yet but suddenly there seems to be a plethora of tourists wandering around. I’m guessing these may be from the UK where there has been a little bubble of economic resurgence and more lending has become available. Unlike this time last year when you could get a package from the UK for a mere £600 odd for a week at a hotel plus flight from Virgin, this year not so, no cheap deals.
    This flurry at a time of year when tourism is traditionally low. This time last year the cost of a week’s holiday was only slightly above that of a return flight via special offers splashed over the newspapers for bookings for November.
    In my view, the flurry of visitors we are seeing does not equate to an overall turn-up as I feel this spending spree on the part of visitors who used to come to Barbados regularly before the financial crisis is just a tiny blip. They are thinking “phew! a bank loan! let’s go back to Barbados for a holiday like we used to and pretend all is well!”. It’s an affordable holiday mind-set but in the meantime the financial crisis is still full-on, though its roar may be temporarily muted.
    The US economy is verging on free-fall and if debt recall happens, all of the first world will be sucked into that vortex.
    So… IF I WAS a Bajan, I’d be battening down the hatches, makin hay and stashing it.

  11. @
    “…They were put there to govern. Let them govern in the interests of the Country at large,…” The government inherited a rusty, old car with a shaky transmission, almost bald tyres and needing an overhaul. In addition the timing chain was bad and the debtors were at the door. Can it be expected to enter the Sol June rally and compete successfully with “the big guns?” With the passage of time the funds needed to obtain a WRC Suburu will be obtained and then it will be able to go flat out and compete. And in case you want examples you need look no further than the debt to Al Barrack, the debt for the prison (built cheeeply for a lot of money (all like not the paint is peeling the toilets are not working air condidioners not working etc, etc, ) and more. One wirks with the tools one has.

  12. I need someone to tell me exactly what Barbados has to secure from other Caribbean nationals…………exactly who is the most threat??
    During a patrol along the old East/West German border, I noticed that on the Communist side ,they patrolled in 3-man teams….. Two looking towards the West and one looking back towards the East, indicating that there is also a threat from within.
    The placement of the cannons on the Garrison Savannah , clearly demonstrates where we believe that our threat is most likely to come from.


    ac | October 15, 2013 at 12:45 PM I gave you 3 stars,
    1 , many people living in houses are not paying rent nor nothing to the Bank, The lawyers are getting most of the rents and they are not recorded at inland , The people love the idea of i dont know who telling the truth so we not pay no one,, 3, the house fall apart and they put no money in the house for its not there house, 4, They go to the UDC and wants the houses fixed and say they dont know who the owner is when the UDC and the tenant know the owner, 5 The UDC was set to launder the land and houses of Violet Beckles and put more money in the lawyers pockets, no taxes paid, All members of both parties are living free and taxing the people more and more money,
    The PONZI got going well under the BLP and the DLP did not or may not see the truth until they got in office,The PONZI got out of hand under the DLP and PM David saw that, Now fumble PM and PIG face Mof, could not handle it for they may had nothing to do with it,But they have they were given the Truth at the UDC with Marget Thelma and all they were tell her was to shut up , YOU ARE NOT A LAWYER, That was good for her for it show to us , that when she say the truth she said it,
    Now look for the budget for the UDC only at 1.5 Million , If i am wrong correct me for i think that was the last number i heard.
    The fix for Barbados is in the Land , Land deeds,
    Until DLP/blp are remove the fix will never happen no time soon , So no laws may e,nforced, The police were told to stay away from land issues , The Police also was told not to charge the lawyers, Dlp nor the BLP with land fraud, The police were told to say now by some ACT passed all things dealing with land is Civil issue and not criminal , see people they set this up so they cant go to jail when caught and they are caught and not in jail.

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