Trevor Browne, Craig Archer, Steve Stoute, Erskine Simmons (l-r)

The news that two sitting Directors of the Board of the Barbados Olympic Association (BOA) have decided to challenge entrenched incumbents Steve Stoute (president)  and (secretary general) is good news. The pace of change in todays world mandates that we infused the leadership of any organization that wants to remain relevant with new blood.

Steve Stoute has served as president for 16 years and before that as secretary general since 1968! Erskine Simmons has been a director since 1986 and gained the post of secretary general in 1996. It should be noted Erskine is the nephew of Michael Simmons who was the founding secretary general of the BOA in the 80s. A little legacy has developed it seems.

Let BU cut to the chase and continue our view about the BOA management hierarchy – see Time For Steve Stoute To Step Down. We congratulate Lieutenant Trevor Browne and Craig Archer for having the gumption to stand up to the two incumbents who represent the ‘establishment’, especially Browne.  It is unfortunate given where Barbados finds itself on the ladder of sports that Messrs Stoute and Simmons would NOT have declined to run for another four year term but we have come to expect this behaviour from those who lead our sports agencies. BU also take the opportunity to suggest to Erskine ‘Boozer’ King at the National Sports Council that he should step aside. By doing so there is room for earth making decisions to take place in local sports.

Please see the biographies of the those contesting the positions of President and secretary general of the BOA:.

25 responses to “The Race Is On For Top Positions At The Barbados Olympic Association”

  1. it is time to get rid of the sloppy looking, old wrinkle, fat cow who went to 60 something went to 12 Olympics (= to span of 48 yrs) and yet cannot teach athletes how to bring home a gold. all he done is gotten rich off of black people, just like his ancestors….STUPES. he serves no purpose…can u not find some other picture to put up? it crawls my skin just to see him…i really cannot stand to look at a thief

  2. @David
    Didn’t the newly elected DLP Gov’t try to remove “Boozer”? I think he took legal action against the Gov’t and won. BTW is there a mandatory retirement age for Civil Servants?

  3. Yep he won. I don’t get it. The man should be practicing law like every other lawyer out there. Someone else doing the same job would cost the tax payers a whole lot less. Trinidad had a similar problem, but with a woman. So tired of fat cats … as if the region could afford them.

  4. Wait!
    Two highly qualified professional engineers?
    Do we know what they are offering for sport David?

  5. Hensley Brathwaite Avatar
    Hensley Brathwaite

    Those four faces would scare a dead cat back to life Jesus H Christ that’s a lotta ugliness.
    Stoute must go no matter what. He and Simmons are colossal failures what are they waiting for. Show a bit of self respect S&S leave the fcuking place you have pissed off just about everyone.

  6. @BT

    Will try to get our hands on a manifesto. We take this opportunity to ask anyone logged to BU who is associated with a local sports association to email the info if it has been circulated.

  7. I vote Obadele Thompson fah President … The last thing I would like to see is for an executive from the Barbados Light and Power be further rewarded … OMG. Leach!

  8. @BAFBFP | September 11, 2012 at 8:27 AM |
    I read Oba’s lengthy reply to Joyann Clarke, parts of it were bang on target parts were confusing and rambling. I feel his pain. A little birdie tell me Joyann Clarke who’s been attacking Oba since the 2000 Sydney Olympics claim to fame is she is or was Barney Lynch girl friend, he’s she baby daddy. The birdie say her letters pelting licks in Oba are dictated by the Lynch joker he was the manager when Oba won bronze. He’s the real culprit who f**k up Oba, the Clarke woman only fronting.

  9. @ coco tea
    Stupse. Oba should have won that 200m final in Sydney.

  10. R u sure Erskine went to court. Mr. King is a waste of time, has not got a clue about sport administration, has no traing in the area, cannot get a sports development policy developed, was a member of the sports council and then made CEO without not even A levels to his name. How can you lead people who are more qualified than you and have training in the area. He is a colossal waste of time, used his position to allow his catereing company to cater NPS awards. Cleaar conflict of interest.


  11. The NSC is another of those government agencies heavily manipulated by political interference.

  12. @David

    you got that right. both parties, but the biggest travesty was to inflict Erskine King on the people of Barbdos. The Neil and Mona will do a good job at mangaging the NSP. When King was appointed, it was ovious that the party which appointed did not see sport as a meaningful activity, else he wont have been thrown on the people.

  13. @To the Point

    Do you recall when Sir Hillary was Chairman of the Board. We really making sport. Now what time he had to chair the board properly?

  14. @ Smooth Chocolate.

    Your comments make you no different to any assh$@! out there, black or white.

    We are beyond this Colour thing. Every goddamn sport in Barbados is failing and the issue is not due to Colour.

    When I was growing up my father would tell me he use to play cricket in the streets with Sir Garfield Sobers. If you talk to him now he tells you the social aspect that made sports successful back then is no longer there. Everyone is interested in what they can get for themselves. This is seen from the top to the bottom.

    Look at basketball, we are now kicking the crap out of each other in the middle of games and being brought before the courts. We have a serious attitude problem in Barbados.

    I by no means am defending Mr. Stoute, I too agree change is good but shit man, people ignore the message or ultimate objective when we keep bring this race thing into play.

    In the event you are wondering, I am a person of Colour.

  15. @David

    would you restate your question?

    Erskine King did take the govt to court for constuctive dismissal and lsot the case, he was sent on leave with a return date. But bombastic as he is, did not even know that he could have been asked to take his leave, The magisatrate could have awarded cost to the govt, but there was an agreement that cost would be shared.

  16. BAFBFP | September 11, 2012 at 8:27 AM |
    I vote Obadele Thompson fah President … The last thing I would like to see is for an executive from the Barbados Light and Power be further rewarded … OMG. Leach!
    Do not look at him as just an executive of the BL&P but as a man who is able to get things done. A man who comes good on his promises. A man who is not afraid to kick a few arses superior to him, if they fail him. He knows how to get the best out of people. He is a forward thinker.

  17. Step on it!
    Trevor Browne. (FP)
    By Sherrylyn A. Toppin | Wed, September 12, 2012 – 12:05 AM
    Despite an abundance of talent, highly trained officials and funding from the lottery, Barbados’ sporting performances on the international scene appear to be declining rather than improving.
    And with an aim of turning around the national fortunes and effecting a major change in the cultural perception of sport, Lt. Co.l Trevor Browne is stepping forward to challenge for the presidency of the Barbados Olympic Association (BOA).

  18. @David

    The focus so far has been on the performance of the Executive of the BOA , some scrutiny should also be focused on the NSC where a political appointee is in charge. What would a report card say about the performance of the management of this Unit?

    Political patronage rules the day.

  19. @Capone | September 11, 2012 at 8:23 PM |

    if u knew my persona, would know that i do not give a rat’s bottom what u think…i say it is colour…i do not care what colour u are either…i am an extremely beautiful mixed female and love it….again i say that steve stoute should get his ugly fat, white carass off the board and retire in a jungle some where, i hope he takes u with him, u might be more at home there 😉

  20. @ Smooth Cholocate | September 10, 2012 at 10:33 PM |
    it is time to get rid of the sloppy looking, old wrinkle, fat cow who went to 60 something went to 12 Olympics (= to span of 48 yrs) and yet cannot teach athletes how to bring home a gold. all he done is gotten rich off of black people, just like his ancestors….STUPES. he serves no purpose…can u not find some other picture to put up? it crawls my skin just to see him…i really cannot stand to look at a thief
    …i am an extremely beautiful mixed female and love it….again i say that steve stoute should get his ugly fat, white carass off the board and retire in a jungle some where, i hope he takes u with him, u might be more at home there
    Lets hopes that when you reach that age, and is no longer a smooth cholocate , that you do not take offence when similar descriptions are aimed at you.

  21. @Smooth Cholocate — 100% in agreement. There is something insidious about this man and his record. Bajans need to to have a no tolerance edict across the board; in every aspect of being and representing Barbados. How could should a colossal loser hold his position for goddamn decades? Something is certainly foul in Barbados. Let’s just make sure that the next guy is not a Stout with a black face!!

  22. Is this the same Steve Stoute who represents the bastion of the elite in Barbados who just presided over the closure of the AIDS Foundation because of lack of funding?

  23. Seriously though, why is Stoute hanging on? he aint look able with the work. why he dont tell everyone why he need the job? the other fellows say they got new ideas. he got new ideas too? or just the same ones as he had for the last 16 years?
    something looking fishy bout this. he like he is one of them fellows who does cant take vacation from their job.

  24. Trevor Browne change your spectacles you look awful if you are represeting us try to look a little classier buy a few nice shirts and suits, pick up a pair of Clark Kent glasses, you mixing with GQ men and sharp dressers at IOC. Keep your belly down its ironical all the men reppin Barbados at international level in sport have big guts. A national embarassment. Look presentable Browne which ever way we backing you before Steve Stoute, he is done.

  25. Jeffrey Thompson Avatar
    Jeffrey Thompson

    Inside moves U obviosuly never see Browne, he aint got no big gut. You look at Simmons lately?

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