Laurie King, Chief Education Officer

As promised BU produces the letter in its original form which the BSTU sent to the Chief Education Officer arising from a ‘secret meeting’ under his chairmanship. It does not matter how anyone tries to interpret the letter, to any competent person (counsel), the threat and inference is crystal clear. If one compares what is stated in the last paragraph of the letter attached to what was reported in the Nation today, “BSTU first vice-president Erskine Padmore said again yesterday that his members would resume work as scheduled pending the findings of the Waterman Commission Of Inquiry, set up to look into affairs at The Alexandra School.” The BU family can draw one sensible conclusion.

Can anyone explain anyway why the Chief Education Officer Laurie King held a secret meeting with the BSTU immediately following the COI – at a cost of $600,000.00 – which was expressly established to to make the AX Mess a transparent affair? Let us forget about the decision by Commissioner Waterman to hold the COI summations of counsel in camera.

BU raises AGAIN the question of conflict of interest by Keith Simmons, a member of the Public Service Commission – employer of those employed at Alexandra School – and also the chairman of the management committee of Alexandra School. When it was suggested to him by counsel that he was in conflict of interest in holding both those posts, he replied that he was not and if a conflict arose, he would recuse himself from one or the other. Why can’t he see his roles as being improper and that by holding both posts and being privy to confidential information from both, he is in conflict of interest? What manner of lawyer is entitled to wear silk in Barbados again?

  • See letter sent to Chief Education Officer Parts 1,2

The other issue about the Commission of Inquiry which bears close study is to examine its remit, i.e. to investigate matters that occurred in 2011 (a) the refusal of Amaida Greaves to teach for a long period of time; (b) the letter from the Principal complaining of this; and (c) the conduct of the Principal at Speech Day. For some reason best known to Commissioner Waterman the CIO directed itself to investigate a matter since 2002 by introducing a document (transcript) which is highly suspect based on information posted by BU.

BU ask Commissioner Waterman AGAIN why has the COI not produced the transcripts for the last 7 days of the hearing, which covers the matter of interest to Bajans? The matter about which our Fourth Estate went dark. The matter which raises the occurrence of perjury.

See related link

  1. well! well ! WELL! good gooly counselor not only did david editoral was misleading but the ghost writer of that first letter which i knew was not the original spare no time in demonising the BSTU and trying to set them up as a bunch of losers . stupsee the ghost writer is as much a fraud as the same people who they are calling . how does one put themselves into such an uncompromising position and take some other fool along with them for the ride. like they say a ‘Sucker is born every minute. and in this case i hate to think who was suckered punch,look david if i were you i would let these people fight their own battles

  2. I believe it is interesting to remind the players in this very expensive game that it is my firm understanding that BU is linked to the CCJ, so we are not alone and there are no secrets. Do I have that correctly, David.

    Maybe now that David has posted “The Letter”, we will hear from the so-called “Fourth Estate”. Or will they now claim that it is “sub judice” and bleat in a decaffeinated way about them being “held to a higher standard”, which, given their efforts on this issue, appears a perverse and untruthful claim and it would be truer to say they are “held to no standard”, except in so far as being caffein-free is concerned.

  3. @Amused

    Yes via Twitter.

  4. david you need to bow out graciously and let those with heavy water jugs on their shoulders carry them all bythemselves. case and point the first letter about strike action being consider simply disappears in the original .now to close that chapter the lawyers have gone back to reherase what the public has heard so many times before. the COI is closed to the public and BU has become the stomping ground for speculation and perception driven by a bunch of school yard lawyers with plenty time on their hands .

  5. Ah ac, dear ac. As Pat said, you were far more interesting when you were at Cave Hill, before you became the alter ego for Mona Robinson and that Frost man and the head of the Neblett Lashley Old Hen Fan Club (or are you Neblett Lashley herself – surely not – I mean, even you wouldn’t be so crass as to describe yourself as a distinguished lady………or would you? BUT, what I don’t understand is that you clearly had the letter – may even have been the author of the letter (and that has to be considered) and yet, instead of providing a copy of the letter by way of rebuttal to BU, chose instead to simply refer to the parts of it that might serve your agenda, in the hopes that the actual letter would not see the light of day. No praise from you to David for having obtained and provided a copy to the people financing this $600K+ fiasco? Got a problem with transparency? Never mind – so does the Government and Opposition. But we will reform them – and you – no matter what it takes.

  6. @David “It does not matter how anyone tries to interpret the letter, to any competent person (counsel),…Why can’t he see his roles as being improper and that by holding both posts and being privy to confidential information from both, he is in conflict of interest?”

    My Dear David:

    1. I hope that you are not suggesting that only counsel are competent persons. If that is what you are suggesting no wonder Barbados has gone to hell in a handcart.

    2. I hope that you can see that even competent counsel persons can disagree. Isn’t this robust disagreement the reason why the law is seen as being an essentially ADVERSARIAL profession? I hope that we have not come to the day when we see disagreement as a disagreeable thing. If we have no wonder Barbados has gone to hell in a handcart.

  7. @Amused (or maybe David) because you seem to be one and the same nowadays…”:Maybe now that David has posted “The Letter”, we will hear from the so-called “Fourth Estate”. Or will they now claim that it is “sub judice” and bleat in a decaffeinated way about them being “held to a higher standard”

    Oh yeah!!!!…If you are so good, why don’t you post under your own name you amusing person (joker)

  8. @ “a bunch of school yard lawyers with plenty time on their hands .”

    And not enough paid work…’causen who would hire dem?

  9. @amused “What manner of lawyer is entitled to wear silk in Barbados again?”

    Not you amused, not you.

    I wonder why you don’t wear silk?

  10. @David/Amused “(a) the refusal of Almaida Greaves to teach for a long period of time;”

    You mean that between the 2 of you silk wearing lawyers you still can’t get the woman’s name right?

    Her name is Amaida Greaves.

    I wonder what else the 2 of you have got wrong.

    Probably everything.

  11. David

    I commend you for making the letter available to BU readers. However I am really at a lost as to how it can be asserted that the BSTU demanded that Broomes be sent on leave or face IMMEDIATE strike action.

    Let us revert to the words of the earlier “report”. The inflammatory (in my opinion) passage of the earlier report is as follows:

    “Finally, Mona Robinson and the BSTU demands that Broomes be sent on immediate statutory or other leave, failing which the BSTU members of the Alexandra school will consider strike action at once.”

    I invite any reasonable reader to show me where in the actual letter such a DEMAND is made and further where a consequent THREAT TO STRIKE is also made should the Ministry (presumably) not accede to this “DEMAND”.

    Notwithstanding legal or other training or the oft claimed diminution of the standards of the use of English, words do have detailed cataloged meanings which militate against a self serving interpretation done in the pursuit of an opaque agenda.

  12. If we can focus on ‘THE LETTER’ it is obvious the BSTU has NOT relaxed the aggressive position which finally led to the COI.

    The aggressive language in the letter is obviously deliberate.

  13. @Ping Pong

    You are free to interpret the letter how you want.

    Why does a union make demands if it will not act?

    In this case the BSTU/AX matter has reached a position where the BSTU will be satisfied with nothing less than Broomes’ separation.

    The letter confirmed it.

    Why would the BSTU after a hastily convened meeting at the MOE write such an aggressive letter?

    Connect the dots.

  14. @Ping Pong

    Another thing, there is a lot which is happening with this matter that has not reached the public.

    The Fourth Estate has moved on, BU will stay with it.

  15. @David “Connect the dots”…or 2+2=5

  16. Hee!!, hee!!, hee!!!

  17. david

    Why does a union make demands if it will not act?

    what are the demands the letter asked for clarification in respect to the meeting called by king before the beginning of school and clearly gives recommendations as to mr. brommes role or nonrole at alexander nothing about demands or strike action. is it illegal to ask questions of clarification or to give ones input into a matter that affects an organisation and if the outcome might not bepf best interest of those their are representing is it wrong to state there case openly to there employers afterall it was a meeting dealing with school matters and broomes is part and parcel of the matters that involves AX. look david you are on your own. but remember accountabilty and integrity is also knocking on your door people are watching and observing.

  18. @ac

    Read the last paragraph. If you have difficulty finding it BU will cut and paste it.

  19. @ac

    By the way BU is very comfortable standing alone.

  20. David
    To your credit, I acknowledge that dissenting views have been given immediate and equal space on BU. There is hopefully a positive end soon to this distressing matter (i.e. Alexandra School).

  21. @Ping Pong

    Let us hope this is the case but from where we sit it is doubtful.

  22. @David
    I know you value your sources and perhaps they have provided excellent information in the past, however on reading the actual letter I do not see any strike demands by BSTU so when you wrote about “connecting the dots” I can only interpret that either as your assumptions or the assumptions of someone with an agenda who has found a willing “patsy” to skew opinion in a particular direction.

    Another assumption? on your part was that the legal counsel of the BSTU was unaware of the letter and its demands. Far be it from me to assume who had or did not have knowledge of the letter but it was dictated by someone who has had legal training, perhaps your “source” can provide you with that individual’s identity.

  23. @Sargeant

    You too are entitle to your opinion, we shall see.

    To clarify BU asked why Hal Gollop was not cced.

  24. Dear Sarge:

    Of late 2+2+5

  25. david i read the last paragraph and it does not include strike actions it specifies recommendations on request , where is the strike action. David you are on your own.

  26. Of late 2+2=5

  27. The language is very clear, even if the MOE answers the questions posed the BSTU added the caveat that Broomes should be sent on leave. BU is free draw the conclusion we have given what has led us to where we are.

    Instead of grasping the import of this letter many of you have opted to fight BU on whether strike action was threatened.

    Deal with ALL the issues raised which should also be of concern.

    Of course the pro-Broomes faction would not want to do so because of a myopic fixation with Broomes.

    This matter is bigger than Broomes, if Broomes was an ass, his bosses were bigger asses.

  28. @David
    You too are entitle to your opinion, we shall see.

    Ah David therin lies the rub we all have opinions but when you post your opinion about any issue it comes with some credibility unlike mine which some people may consider part of the lunatic fringe.

    Credibility is something to be protected and cherished, Beware the Greeks bearing gifts..….

  29. it seems with broomes everthing comes in pairs .next on the agenda would be that broomes having a a twin nothing in this saga seems out of the question another tale of two letters

  30. BU promised to produce the letter, we did.

    We interpreted the last paragraph has a not too veil threat of industrial action by the BSTU, BU is entitled to our opinion given our view of the situation.


  31. TIME for a Revolution
    WHERE are the Freedom Fighters ?
    CAN we expect an appearance from Sydney Burnett-Alleyne ? (One of the first men to have an hypenated name—)


    BTW–What nonsense was SINCKLER talking on the Television News tonite.??
    DAH is News ?
    Man CBC Let me down
    Pure Propaganda
    IS this what News come -to -SPECULATION AND LIES,
    CBC should now ask for an excuse and shut to f-()–k down

  32. If you all would use your real names,instead of making these highly speculative and sometimes ludicrous comments,, maybe the public would take you seriously and probably believe half of what you post here.

  33. Wait awhile ............. Avatar
    Wait awhile ………….

    ….Just until 21 Sep.

  34. @Reginald Crichlow | September 10, 2012 at 10:12 PM |
    If you all would use your real names,instead of making these highly speculative and sometimes ludicrous comments,, maybe the public would take you seriously and probably believe half of what you post here.”

    why should we use our real names? this is a blog old cows like u should stay off. the news media et al already take this site seriously, obviously u do not listen nor u do not read, else u would know that u wrote utter crap. why don’t u use ur real name instead of using someone else’s? don’t waste time responding, i do not give a rat’s bottom, i write what i choose to

  35. @ac
    tis better to be silent and ignorant (of the facts) than to speak and prove it.

    @simple simon
    you continue to do a commendable job of distraction, diversion and amplification of non points to avert focus from the real point which you never address. Mission accomplished…in some worlds that is. Maybe not as simple as some may think 🙂

    @ping pong
    “However I am really at a lost as to how it can be asserted that the BSTU demanded that Broomes be sent on leave or face IMMEDIATE strike action.”

    I retract my statements elsewhere and admit that you are right. David… uh can’t help ya with this one.

    my my. Just imagine where people who have used their real names in this “fair and just” society where “all ideas contend and victimisation doesn’t exist” have ended up. Can I assume that your real name is genuine or are you only about “wealth for all”

    why would the CEO feel a need to poke his nose into this when his nose is what helped cause it in the first place?

    The BSTU has assumed a position of industrial relation thuggery, which isn’t too bad when exercised properly, quietly and effectively. Alas, they have not.

    Just observing.

  36. does anyone one know how old Broomes is? does anyone know when he comes up for retirement? $600K wasted, lies told and a solution to the problem it right there in front of you. in other words, all of this for nothing.

  37. this post and letter speaks so much to the incompetency and ineptitude of Mr. King it isn’t funny. Reform and change doesn’t need to start “on the ground.”

    oh, and then the jackass union cc’ed everybody and their grandmother this letter, even though it is abundantly clear that Laurie wanted a “hush hush” stop gap arrangement to “keep the peace.” Don’t these people understand quiet diplomacy??

    “sent on special leave…..” – this is where the part about a charge/allegation and an ongoing investigation is conveniently omitted.

    what was it they said years ago about the “blind leading the blind?” sigh.

    just observing.

  38. @ observing
    i hope you have observed what has transpired here in the past 24hrs with another letter with presumed facts attributing the BSTU to strike action on the beginning of the school term which was today. you guys have gone from one extreme to another in your rumor mongering tactics to garnish public favour towards your cause, ha! HA! the more the monkey climbs ……….BTW there is no ladder standing next to the tree you are on your own.

  39. @ David (not BU)
    ….but suppose as a result of the COI, significant improvements are made to the education system?
    Suppose teacher appraisals were to be actually applied and slackers were dismissed?
    Suppose goals were established and performance monitored and published…

    🙂 ….Suppose ain’t got no no’s….LOL

    A bushman can dream can’t he….?

  40. @observing

    No problem, we will continue to keep these jokers under the spotlight. Knowing that their every move is now under the public glare may help them in decision making lol.

  41. …imagine a whole where we could only speak the truth…hmmmm

  42. …a whole thread…. a whole day…. a whole Inquiry.. a whole term….whole 5 years

    We all have agendas that is why we are on the BLOGS, perhaps a change of government, services improved, a better society, even to get others to shut up, the list is endless. No one can be on a moral high ground and accuse others of having an agenda.

    Page (1) of the alleged letter, the proposals to BSTU alleged to have been made by the Chief Education Officer were not outlined so we cannot draw sensible conclusions and it would be unwise to speculate further, that page is best left alone.

    Page (2)
    Note 7.:. . . . “Has either the Board of Management or any public officer, including the person currently employed as Principal of the Alexandra School, agreed to temporarily or otherwise, to delegate, waive or to subordinate in any way any of their powers, authority, obligations and responsibilities to the above mentioned committee in the execution of its duties? if so please specify the details”. . . . .

    FINAL paragraph the “alleged” letter:

    “The Union takes this opportunity to state, notwithstanding any answers you may offer to the above questions, its view that there should be an exercise of the statutory authority to send Mr. Jeffery Broomes, Principal of the Alexandra School, on leave with immediate effect without loss of any entiltlments. If Mr. Broomes is entitled to a terms leave than that type of leave should be applied. If he is not so entitled, then he should be sent on special leave as provided for in General Orders.”

    One could argue that the BSTU did not state “categorically” they would go on strike if Mr. Broomes was not removed from Alexandra School. However, there was strike action because he was not “separated” before the COI was set up.

    The Union (BSTU) has set out “their” position as it now stands, of course this is before the report of the COI but the emphasis and the repeated use of SHOULD in the final paragraph leaves no doubt as to their thinking.

    Do note that they (BSTU) also write . . . . “notwithstanding any answers you may offer to the above questions, its view that there should be an exercise in the statutory authority to send Mr. Jeffery Broomes, Principal of the Alexandra School, on leave with immediate effect”. . . .

    The letter cannot be seen in “isolation” as previous events has brought us to this position, to my mind the meaning is clear. . . but there is a caveat, the Commission of Inquiry has not yet reported. Positions can be held until the last moment.

  44. Bash the BSTU as much as you like but it has a responsibilty to flex its muscles in the service of its membership and not lie down and play dead for fear of speculative whims and fancies of us on the outside. The Bstu rightfully needs to keep the heat on those persons whose procrastination has led to the present morass evident for some time in the administration of education in Barbados. The BSTU has been involved in industrial matters long enough to understand that given the slightest opportunity the matter would be surreptiously swept back under the carpet since the COI is toothless at best.

  45. ) the refusal of Amaida Greaves to teach for a long period of time;
    It is noted that Mrs Greaves was hounded and pilloried by all and sundry on BU FOR NOT TEACHING FOR A YEAR as charged by Mr Broomes. Since this allegation has proven to be false, we now hear it is a long period of time.

  46. kudos to the BSTU for seeking clarification by letter they ask the right questions in seeking concret answers . astute lawyers do that every day

  47. @Yardbroom

    Sound analysis, the kind we need more of in the public space.

    Be assured that BU will do our little bit to shine light on this matter, a matter which has been ongoing since 2002 and which epitomizes the rot which has taken hold in our education system. If we have an agenda it is for a better education system. Those who read and you know who you are yes we have our sources and we are watching.

    Time to crush some heads. We need to stop the foolishness, for the sake of the children. We (taxpayers) want to know why the secret meeting and why did it provoke the tone of response from the BSTU.

  48. @Sargeant | September 10, 2012 at 8:57 PM. I want to discuss this with you. BU only posted a report on “The Letter” this last weekend and “The Letter” yesterday. In fact, it was written and dispatched the weekend before. Had BU had it on the 2nd or 3rd and published it then, my perception (and that of everyone else without doubt) would have been that it was a scarce-veiled threat of strike action. Therefore, given the time lines, it is clear that it was intended to be so interpreted by the BSTU. The fact that things had moved on between the actual dispatch of the letter and when it finally was provided to the general public is immaterial. When it was written on Sunday 02, it was intended as a threat. When it was received on Monday 03, it was seen as a threat. So, because it isn’t reported on until the 08 or 09 does not deflect from the intent when it was written.

    There is also a lot of talk about school yard lawyers. Well, let me tell you that The Letter was written by someone who did not even rise to the level of school yard lawyer. It would amaze me to find out that this letter was actually written by someone with a law degree. The first giveaway is that it is directed to the Chief Education Officer, with no mention of his name, but then it addresses “Dear Mr. King”. A competent lawyer would have addressed “Dear Sir”. A very minor error, but one which no competent lawyer would make and a dead giveaway.

    As for spurious comments on whether or not I wear silk and suggestions that I should use my own name, that is irrelevant. After all, ac is allowed to provide legal opinions based on her claim to be married to a lawyer and, indeed, everyone is allowed an opinion and anonymity. So, since when am I or anyone else not to be accorded equal rights? Go to hell.

    @Yardbroom | September 11, 2012 at 5:30 AM, My views exactly. All that is missing from your excellent and very thorough analysis, I have pointed out to Sargeant above. The time line is of great relevance and importance. This was most assuredly in all the circumstances a threat of immediate strike action.

    @balance | September 11, 2012 at 5:47 AM. The allegation has NOT proved to be false. It has been challenged by whats-her-name Graves. It has not been refuted, merely challenged. Unlike the accusations of fraud against Broomes which have proved not only to be false, but to be the products of fraud, conspiracy and PERJURY on the parts of these long-post-menopausal DISTIGUISHED old w(b)itches.

    Generally, there seems to be a move afoot by ac and her fellow members of the BSTU to distract attention away rom the fact that they called an illegal strike, cost Bajans over $600,000 and counting for a COI, did their best to hijack/pirate the COI and divert it to their ends, introduced evidence that as proved to be fraudulent and witnesses that proved to be perjurers and, seeing the initiative being forcefully removed from them, along with public support, wrote a letter in blind panic that threatened a continuation of strike action.

    Now, we have to assume that Mr King, an experienced executive, responded to this letter in writing. BUT, being an experienced executive, provided he did respond, Mr King would not have copied it (by way of threat) to all and sundry, unlike BSTU. I think that our friend ac likely had a copy of that letter from Mr King, if such exists.

    Come on ac. Stop clucking about transparency and practice it instead.

  49. Balance your last two postings have been noted —just to remind you that the NUPW (Dennis Clarke and Walter Maloney also put some lashes on Mrs,Greaves)was on of those organisations who supported drinking buddy Broomes, by the way i see there has been some talk about white colar crime in the Nation paper today –my question is has the President of the NUPW (Walter Maloney )repaid the funds he used to put gas in his car with the Union credit card when he is paid a monthly teavelling allowance –but even if he has paid it back -it is fraud –so we see where our so call leaders are settling bad example for the youth of this nation —we wonder if he has repaid the oversees phone bill $6000.

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