
We are approaching the biggest event on the Christian calender. Another year when Christians should be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Barbados prides itself on having built a model society based on  predominantly Christian values. As we become a  multi-religious society as a result of the inflow of people from around the world, we are still a majority Christian country. We accept that the pressure to assimilate given the requirement of globalization is increasing all the time. What part of our Bajaness are we prepared to sacrifice for the cause?

Christmas 2008 will be celebrated in gloomy economic conditions but Barbadians appear to be following the script of behaviour from previous years. The willingness of Barbadians to prostitute Christmas to the almighty dollar is of concern to us. We spend, spend, spend – the majority of  Barbadians who described themselves as Christians will not visit a Church on Christmas Day.

Many so-called Christians if asked to explained the Nativity Scene will be hard pressed to do so. Barbados is currently experiencing the idiotic occurrence which sees the majority of our population motivated by commercial reasons to celebrate Christmas. The true reason to celebrate Christmas which is based on religious considerations trails distant by comparison.

We wonder if it is too late to rein back on the commercialism which now shrouds the Bajan Christmas. Can we as a people relocate those values which have enriched little Barbados and made it the place people from around the world want to visit and live? Practicing Christians who are members of the BU family should do their part to keep the true meaning of a Bajan Christmas alive.

On behalf of the BU family we thank all who continue to participate on our blog. We make special mention of BU family members who submitted their opinions to be posted.  We believe that ever so little the Bajan Blogosphere has made a contribution by promoting public discourse on matters which need to be discussed.

BU will continue to comment and moderate the blog but will likely not update any new blogs until after the holidays. Have a wonderful Christmas BU family!

86 responses to “It Is Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas”

  1. You said ‘Barbadians who described themselves as Christians will not visit a Church on Christmas Day.’
    Most of them are what I call ‘Sunday Christians’ they think whatever they do in the week doesn’t matter as long as they go to Church every week or every few weeks in gold shoes, or smart suits………very hypercritical, we have one for a neighbour, evil, malicious woman, but because she go to church every week, she thinks she’s God’s right hand man or woman!

  2. Here’s an appropriate poem/song which I have sung as a solo over the years.

    The words are most apt!
    1.Do you worship the babe in the manger
    But reject the Christ of the cross?
    Your redemption comes not by the manger
    But the death of Christ on the cross.

    The Babe in the manger was God’s only Son
    Who came to the world to die
    The Babe in the manger could never have done
    The work of His God on High.
    The Babe left the manger and went to the cross
    To Pay the wages of sin
    Your way of forgiveness is not by the Babe,
    But the Christ Who died for your sin.

    2.If you worship the babe in the manger
    But ignore the blood of God’s Son
    To you Christ is only a stranger
    Till you trust the work He has done.

    3.Will you look past the babe in the manger
    Will you look to Calvary
    Oh my friend can you not see the danger
    Of a lost eternity?

    Click below to download the score and listen to the music

  3. Here’s another appropriate one, but I can’t find the music. Had to sing it acappella last weekend

    Do you know the Christ of Christmas? Precious Babe of lowly birth.
    Gift of love from God the Father; Saviour given to all the earth.

    Do you know the Christ of Christinas? Does He live within your heart?
    Can you say to Him ‘My Saviour’? Worship Him as CHRIST THE LORD?

    Do you know the Christ of Christmas? He’s the Christ of Calvary.
    Heavenly guest, despised, rejected; Crucified for you, for me.
    Have you room for Him 0 listen! Do not bid Him to depart
    Take Him now to be your Saviour, Christ of Christmas in your heart.

    When you know the Christ of Christmas, Joy of Joys to you belong;
    Peace that passeth understanding. Wondrous, new redemption song.
    Life eternal your possession, precious promise now of God
    When you know Him as your Saviour Christ of Christmas in your heart.

  4. What does Christmas mean for BU family members? We don’t have the carolling for example like days of ole.

  5. It always amazes me, this pomantic notion of old Barbados. “…Reign (rein) back on the commercialism which NOW shrouds the Bajan Christmas…”, indeed. David, are you saying that the commercialisation of Christmas is of recent vintage?

  6. I have been a Dept Store Santa for 4 yrs, kids do NOT know you write 2 Santa; nor that he lives in North Pole – even worse, when you ask why there is a Xmas then all they do is give you a blank stare… I’d say the rot is well ingrained and hope 4 the best?

  7. I wouldn’t change Christmas for ……NewYears eve,Valentines or the rest, Christmasssssssss, we love you the best. (sing along with me now)

    Ho, ho, ho, have you been naughty or nice? Me, as usual, was………………….naughty.

    Christmas brings out the child in me. Though it’s not like years gone by, I still love the Yuletide Season so to all the BU family, even my friends that I love to hate the GT banna, Have a jolly, merry Christmas.

    Hope all a wunna donate a lil sumting to de Salvation Army. They’re doing a good job.

    Jingle de bells.

  8. Origin of Christmas – The Biblical Account
    The origin of Christmas is presented beautifully in the well-known biblical account of Luke: “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:1-11).

    Origin of Christmas – The Traditions and Controversies
    For today’s Christian, the origin of Christmas is, and should be, the birth of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible. Nothing more and nothing less. However, most of what we witness on December 25th each year has absolutely nothing to do with that blessed day, which probably occurred in late summer or early fall about 2,000 years ago. In fact, most of the customs and traditions of Christmas actually pre-date the birth of Jesus, and many of them are downright deceptive in their meaning and origin. Here are a few examples:

    The date of December 25th probably originated with the ancient “birthday” of the son-god, Mithra, a pagan deity whose religious influence became widespread in the Roman Empire during the first few centuries A.D. Mithra was related to the Semitic sun-god, Shamash, and his worship spread throughout Asia to Europe where he was called Deus Sol Invictus Mithras. Rome was well-known for absorbing the pagan religions and rituals of its widespread empire. As such, Rome converted this pagan legacy to a celebration of the god, Saturn, and the rebirth of the sun god during the winter solstice period. The winter holiday became known as Saturnalia and began the week prior to December 25th. The festival was characterized by gift-giving, feasting, singing and downright debauchery, as the priests of Saturn carried wreaths of evergreen boughs in procession throughout the Roman temples.

    Variations of this pagan holiday flourished throughout the first few centuries after Jesus Christ, but it probably wasn’t until 336 AD that Emperor Constantine officially converted this pagan tradition into the “Christian” holiday of Christmas.

    Origin of Christmas – What Really Matters?
    The true origin of Christmas is filled with controversy and compromise. A quick study will reveal a number of disturbing roots that we haven’t been able to cover in this brief article. In short, the Christmas holiday we celebrate today is indicative of Christianity’s willingness to absorb the world’s customs and traditions, and forget its simple roots in the historical reality of Jesus Christ. Christmas should be nothing more than a simple, yet wonderful reminder of Christ’s humble beginning as a human child in this world. His birth merely set the stage for the power, glory, and salvation that would be revealed in His life, death, and resurrection! Whether it’s December 25th, sometime in late September, or any other day of the year, we should use each and every opportunity to reflect on Jesus Christ and His message of hope for all of us.

    David some christians in Barbados do not celebrate christmas.

  9. Dear David:

    Christmas means, early morning service.

    A stroll in Queen’s Park to hear the band play, and especially to see the fashions. I must admit that the dapper old guys are my favorites (I hope that my anonymous Scout is one of them)

    Then lunch with family.

    A snooze.

    And then I’ll start reading my new books.

    Of course before Christmas day the house cleaning and yard cleaning has been done and new curtains have been hung or old ones washed, pressed and rehung. And while I’m up there the windows get a good cleaning.

    And when my children were small I always took one or two weeks vacation at Christmas time.

    Christmas is too sweet.

    Merry Christmas to all, and a happy and healthy new year too.

  10. J
    Look, um too nare Christmas fa me an’ you ta come rong. Tek ya eyes offa my Scout fa ma. He is minez. Eyes off. We gun be strollin’ in de Park of course. We gun be by de ‘clock’. You could pass an’ check me an’ he day. We gun be de bes’ dress’ cuppl, so you gun recognize we.

    Season up de greetings child.

    One love.

  11. A Little Boy’s Barbadian Christmas
    Over Fifty Years Ago

    It was fifty years and more ago and the memory is as fresh now as the day it occurred. Our house had been cleaned with extra effort, new curtins were hung and a liberal sprinkling of soft white marl had been scattered around the front door. In the fading light of a tropical evening two nights before Christmas my tired mother had arrived home from work. On my part there was expectancy, the intoxicating aroma of sweet bread freshly baked permeated the kitchen. The ham was soaking, the pigeon peas to make jug-jug had already been prepared and I could say on good authority the home made sorrel drink had a mellow tang to its taste. How did I know? that was my secret. The soft drinks from the Martineau sweet drinks factory on Bay Street were paraded like sentinels in the larder. I had purposely put their colourful labels facing the front so I could catch a glimpse of them.

    Our neighbours across the road had painted the branches of a dried cherry tree white and from its intricate branches hung small lights, a joy not accorded to my household. Through an open window I viewed this delightful spectacle.

    My mother now searching in her purse for a “solitary” note, asked me to run an errand for her as she was very tired. I took the list of items and then placed the note securely in my pocket. Ask me not how, but in a distance of about two hundred yards between the shop and my house, I had lost that note my mother had brought home in her wages.

    In the shop I searched my pockets as the shop keeper looked on in anguish. I retraced my steps in the fading gloom, the note could not be found.
    With tears streaming down my face I entered the house and summoned the strength to tell my mother what had happened. A torch light was procurred and we traversed the route repeatedly, the note was not found.

    I cried and cried again, I was unconsolable but my mother never got angry. She just said “it does not matter we will manage” and then I cried even more. I wanted to be punished but I was not. Mother put her arms around me and said “we will try again in the morning son”. In the morning at the break of dawn I was up, searching the lane, looking in the khus khus grass, still damp with the night’s dew, among the stunted growth of the pond grass, tossing the heads of the whitehead bush aside, its pungent odour disregarded. We searched, the note was not found.

    I have spent many Christmases now, some thousands of miles away from Barbados but I always remember that Christmas. A mother’s loving arms around a little boy’s shoulders can mean so much in times of deep despair…true love has no price.

    Love and Peace to you all at Christmas

  12. @Juris

    Our sense is yes but the commercialisation of the Bajan Christmas maybe equally about the diminishing spirit which pervades the land.

  13. @ Ian

    I can understand why most Children today do not know why there is a CHRISTmas— they have not been taught. They probably no longer go to Sunday school, nor have they ungodly parents or teachers at school taught them why.

    But I really cannot understand why in this day that children should be told or expect to know that a mythical non existent Santa lives at the North pole. What a load of bovine excrement!

    @ Yardbroom

    As usual, I appreciate your contribution

  14. Do churches still have children Xmas programs where there are recitals, plays (with the nativity scene) carols, etc. ?

  15. David,

    May I take this opportunity to wish the entire Barbados Underground family a sober, save and healthy Christmas and a bright and wonderful 2009.

  16. I am going to take this opportunity to wish the BU possee and some of my special people a joyous christmas and good things for the new year.

    A big shout out to my girl JC,to my buddy Negroman,toAdrian hinds,Scout,Georgie Porgie,Yardbroom,the Hon. BushteaBonny peppa and to david & family.

    Have one for me this xmas – make that a mauby.

  17. Annonymous
    I didnt know that JC was your girl. I thought she was MYy girl, and that Ganong was my main rival. Murder!Anonymous horning me for Christmas.I definitely can come in the park then, nor close to the clock.
    All the best for Christmas Sir!

  18. […] Barbados Underground posts a reminder about the reason for the season and expresses concern about the commercialization of the holiday: Christmas 2008 will be celebrated in gloomy economic conditions but Barbadians appear to be following the script of behaviour from previous years…which sees the majority of our population motivated by commercial reasons to celebrate Christmas. […]

  19. The Commercializing of this season and setting aside its real reason disturbed me for years yet when money was more abundant; I played Santa in the biggest way. I hid gifts early on mornings so that my staff didn’t know from whence it came. But circumstances have now dictated more frugal spending. But I give with abundance that which I can

    Nothing To Bring

    No gifts of value can I give
    Or have I the means from the life I live
    This time of year brings pain to me
    Have nothing suited to give even family
    I traveled years ago to a far off shore
    Noticed the things of beauty and wanted more
    Gems meant so much to me back then
    Their value increase when you give a friend
    Only now I can’t raise the necessary cash
    Barely have a possession that isn’t another’s trash
    Right now I only have the words from my heart
    I wish to tell all this story from its start
    Nothing to bring but this story I’ll give
    God sent His begotten Son that we all might live

    A part of the Christmas spirit is surely in the shopping for gifts. If you like Christmas, you most probably like the gifts giving associated with it. You probably like the idea of the Christmas birth and the Christmas story. You probably glorified the picture in your head even though you know the challenges that the baby Jesus faced. If you are like most, the truth of the manger birth is superseded by the association of gifts. So, you do everything to perpetuate this giving of gifts

    Oh Little Town

    On the streets of Bridgetown, they rush to buy their ware
    Have no time to stop and chat, they’re shopping everywhere
    Let there be no closing early, they expect to shop till late
    It’s now the standard for Bajans, the way they celebrate
    To mark this great occasion, they buy gifts for all their friends
    Then deliver them to everyone before the season ends
    Lights blink a welcome at the door to invite the shoppers in
    Excited shoppers clamor for more and wish it were everlasting
    Then bags filled and all done, they rush on their way
    Once all is bought and finalized, their hustle was A okay
    When next you see our little Town, all is quiet as a mouse
    No one’s there, they disappear, it’s Christmas in their house

    Just 2 of my Acrostic poems

  20. Oh for an old time bajan Christmas. I remember as a young boy in the village I came from, from the day after we go on Christmas holiday, I would have been freighting marl from the marl hole. This was done in by all the young boys from the villabe with trucks that we would have built for the sugar crop season. That is another story. However like the day or two before Christmas we would have been finishing the polishing of the furniture and putting down the new congoleon after scrubbing the floor with whitewood bush. Then I would husk the coconuts and break them and gratter them for the sweet bread next day. The sweet bread them were done slightly different to the ones now. My mother used to flour the table and mix the bread there then she would mix it with her hands then clap the dough. The bread rangers were usually make by the “tinsmith” in the village. Other interested things that made Christmas in those days would be the tar or salted ham that would have been hung up in the home for the last 4 to 6 weeks and shelling the green peas. Then there was the Christmas Programme at church. Christmas eve night, it was a joy to walk through the village and smell the aroma of the bread, pone, and ham baking. The men would be under some tree killing the pig but the fowl cock would have been in some green paw paw tenderising. By then the decorations would have been going up and the Christmas cards strung up on the side of the partition. Sometime during the night the fellows and girls would meet and go carolling through the village and get a taste of the various made bread from almost every house. Then it is home to bath and off to 5 o clock Christmas Service. After service, it was traditional for us to meet at certain friends house for breakfast, then home for a BIG Christmas lunch where the whole family come together. Then we would sit and old talk, sometimes a relative from “away” would come home and bring some “hand-me-down” cloths. I was never given patent toys or I would pick it down and try to build one. This is how we in the village cellebrated Christmas. Oh, for the joy of an old time Christmas.

  21. To all my friends and my foes, have a HAPPY CHRISTMAS and may all good things come your way for 2009. Once my life is spared you would hear me again in the NEW YEAR.

  22. To The Scout and all others

    Bajan Christmas

    Bright colored ribbons and warm woolen mittens
    Are not a part of our Bajan traditions
    Jug Jug and baked ham and great cake to eat
    Are the traditional delicacies of the Bajan treat
    New furniture bought on credit from the department store
    Curtains hang down to the freshly varnished floor
    Hedges trimmed round gardens and the Snow on the Mountain
    Reaches full bloom matching guard walls they’re painting
    I enjoy the Poinsettia and the tinseled Christmas trees
    Sorrel drink, decorative lights and caroling but please
    To really make my Bajan Christmas worth the living
    Make mine full of our true charitable giving
    A midnight Mass, walk in the park and lots of cheer
    Seasons Greeting to all and have a Happy New Year!

  23. We all need, ‘Jesus’ now more than ever, for ‘He’ Incarnate Deity, God manifest in flesh, is the Only hope for anyone, in this crumbling, world wide economic crisis.

    Church membership cannot ‘save’ you, nor being good to your fellowman, for these must flow from a personal relationship with ‘Christ’ which must come first.

    For the ‘cart’ cannot pull the horse!

    Terrible times are just around the corner, get ‘Right’ with Almighty God, through The Lord Jesus Christ, for He is the Only Saviour and Lord!

  24. A Blessed Christmas to the entire BU family.
    Can anyone post a god recipe for Bajan Great Cake icing?

  25. Sorry, that should read “a “GOOD” recipe for Bajan Great Cake icing.” Finger trouble.

  26. Before you Christians get ahead of yourselves be reminded that Yeshua bin Yosef was indeed not born on December 25th, because … they were shepherds in the fields, at night, at the time (Luke 2:8), pretty darned cold in that part of the world.

    The date is really a borrow from a any number of ‘pagan’ religions that attached devine significance to the Winter Solstice

    But I am sure that wont put a damper on anything, never did before…

    Happy Winter Solstice then to all, and to all a good night!

  27. But I really cannot understand why in this day that children should be told or expect to know that a mythical non existent Jesus/God lives in Heaven. What a load of bovine excrement!

    ……..apologies to Mr Porgie.

    Merry Christmas.

  28. Nonbeliever

    There is certainly more evidence to believe that there is a Jesus/God who lives in heaven than that a Santa Claus lives at the North Pole.

    We know for sure that there is NO Santa Claus, and that there no elves at the North pole with him.

    Believers know that Jesus is real- cf the 39 times KNOW is used in 1 John

  29. Sorry Dr,

    “Believers know” should be replaced with “Believers believe”


  30. Gear Box, ma boy

    How can a non believer know what a believer knows until he becomes a believer.

    It is unbelievable what unbelievers will believe in order to remain unbelievers.

    I wrote KNOW because I meant KNOW, dear Sir.

  31. Thanks Yardbroom:

    I like your story. You almost as sweet as Tom Clarke.

  32. Georgie Porgie
    Thanks for your gift of that song “The Babe in the Manger.” You have given me a special and I can’t thank you enough. I’ learning it every chance I get and may sing it at church on Sunday. Have Blessed Christmas my brother.

  33. Georgie Porgie
    That’s right my brother like you I KNOW that my REDEEMER LIVES and one day he would come again. I try hard to live a Godly life that when he comes, i would go with him to Paradise. As human Ierr sometimes but quickly ask forgiveness and try hard not to make that mistake again. only those who have surrended their life to the HEAVENLY FATHER, WILL have that experience. BLESSINGS

  34. Thanks “J”
    With the amount of boy friends you have on this blog…I will leave you alone.

  35. I really do not want to comment on this particular topic,however after reading Non-Believer I must come in here and support him.
    Sorry Scout I will have to offend you & many others with this Christmas foolishness.I am not a christian and will never be a christian because no white man or European could ever tell this African Black Man how to worship.This Christianity nonsense is the biggest handicap and obstacle in the way of Black People.We Blacks believe in the fictitious & illogical stories that we were taught and read in the bible.Christianity is the biggest affliction affecting mankind today.
    Scout & all the rest this European perspective of Christianity was the main tool that kept us in slavery.It reinforced the false views that God made black people inferior that is reason for our skin colour & facial structure that made us inferior to the Europeans.The Church was used to justify slavery.The Europeans came to this part of the world and found the Arawaks,Caribs & American Red Indians living & co- exiting together. The criminal Europeans not knowing about the people culture & value system labeled them as non-believers and systematically wiped them out and carried away these unfortunate people lands.The criminal Europeans did the same thing in Africa conquered us by the using the bible & Christianity.The Klu Kluk Klan considered themselves Christians and believed they had the rights to murdered Black People and to destroy their property because they had the blessings from their Christian God.
    George Bush,Tony Blair and the rest quoted the bible and proceeded to bomb Irag,Afganistan and murdered thousands of Iragi & Afganistani children,women & men.They believed they had the blessing from their Christian God.The blood of Iragi & Afganistani children are on the hands of those two tyrants George Bush & Tony Blair.
    This African Black man WILL NEVER joined any religion that was used to enslaved,tortured & killed my unfortunate African Fore-Parents.That is a disservice to my Fore-Parents struggles.Christianity was used for that purpose.
    Fellow bloggers please observe who are in town making other ethnic groups in Barbados rich.Black People.Tell me how many Indians,Europeans & Chinese who lived in Barbados or are Barbadians are shopping & spending money buying unnecessary things.
    We as a people must stop allowing ourselves to be caught up in nonsense.This is the most hypocritical time of the year.We are telling our children a bunch of lies about Santa Claus.Look at the deceit.One of the same Christian commandments state “Thou should not tell lies”What are you all Christians telling your children.
    Down with this Christmas nonsense.
    Scout that is my position on Christianity & Christmas.I do not want to offend anyone but I am just expressing my views on the subject matter.
    Scout & the Christians I have a query that I want an answer for.
    The Christian bible states that God created Adam & Eve.Adam & Eve produced Cain & then Abel.Cain then killed Abel.Cain was put out the Garden of Eden.He went to some place else and he found other people.
    My question is Where did those other people came from that Cain met ?

  36. Dr Porgie

    Doctors like Mathematicians should speak within degrees of likelihood or intervals of confidence. The trouble with science is that the more you “believe you know” the one thing that you really do know is that you’re still have further to go. Our minuscule areas of expertise can in no way give us sufficient confidence to know anything other than the fact that we all will die at some time and even that will one day be challenged. As scientists we struggle with the finite for explanations, how could you in good conscience “know” that which is considered (believed) to be beyond the finite?


  37. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    My Christmas will be egg free, that’s for sure.

    Even though the Barbados Private Sector purchased eggs from America at rock bottom prices, the price to the Black Consumer was not reduced.

    As a result my family took the decision to boycot eggs now and into the new year 2009.

    No dishonest member of the Barbados Private Sector will be laughing all the way to the bank because he or she is rich as a result of selling my family over priced eggs.

    Highway robbery at it’s best with no one to protect the Black Consumers of Barbados.

    We thought that the DLP would make a difference, but I guess we were all wrong.

    More of the same.

  38. Gear Box
    As a doctor and scientist, I will speak according to the edict that you proclaim,

    but as a simple man and a believer in Christ I KNOW whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have commited unto him against that day.

  39. Negroman

    You have not offended me, but you have revealed your ignorance concerning the difference between Christendom and true Christianity. True Christianity is not guilty of any of the things of which you speak, although they might have been a few misguided Christians who owned slaves.

    True Christians seek to follow Christ and the tenets of the Bible. We generally believe the following about the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The body of Scriptures that speak of the Lord Jesus Christ can fit into one of these broad outlines.

    The early Christians did not celebrate what we call Christmas today. But they met in houses “And they continued stedfastly in the apostle’s doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Acts 2:42. Essentially they held simple meetings at which they passed on the teachings given to them by Christ via the aposles, they prayed and they shared a fellowship meal at which they remembered the Lord’s death and its significance, as they waited for his imminent return.

    Unfortunately, when Satan could not destroy the church by persecution, he did so by pollution. Consequently in AD 313 Constantine merged the state with the church and the Roman universal or catholic church emerged out of which the diverse denominations have emerged, except the Baptist church. Baptists will tell you (see A Faithfull Baptist Witness or The trail of Blood) that the Baptist church as we know it today evolved from the early church via the Lolards, Waldensians, Petrobrussians, Anabaptists etc etc

    So true Christians have some understanding that Jesus was not born on December 25th etc.True Christians, however commemorate His VIRGIN BIRTH at this time, even as we anticipate his second advent or His VISIBLE RETURN

    You have the right to be a Christian or to never be a Christian if you wish.

    You also have the right to decide how you wish to worship and believe as you wish. But I cant see how either Christianity or Christendom is a handicap or obstacle in the way of Black People or how Christianity is the biggest affliction affecting mankind today.. It is a fact that in countries where folk are predominantly white that they too “ believe in the fictitious & illogical stories that we (blacks in Barbados) were taught and read in the bible.

    It was evil blackmen- evil not because of the colour of their skin, but because the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked- that captured other blackmen and sold them into slavery. Blacks have enslaved blacks just as whites have enslaved whites throughout the course of history. It has nothing to do with either Christianity or Christendom. It has to do with hate and sin.

    The Christians book, the Bible nowhere teaches that God made black people inferior or that that is the reason for our skin colour or facial structure or that such made us inferior to the Europeans. Do you feel inferior? I certainly don’t.

    It is sin that enslaves- not the Scriptures.

    The same lengthy litany of injustices that you claim were done in the name of Christendem, were practiced by the Babylonians, the Assyrians, trhe Egyptians, the Medes and the Persians, the Greeks and the Romans, all BEFORE THE ONSET OF either Christianity or Christendom.

    The fact that in a predominantly black country that it is blacks that are making other ethnic groups in Barbados rich is the fault of black folk. We don’t support black business, and most black men who attain any riches usually lose it through divorce.

    The fact that Barbadians are shopping & spending money buying unnecessary things at this time is a cultural thing that is manifested all over the world It has nothing to do with either Christianity or Christendom.
    I think that we should celebrate Christ’s coming all year around- both his first advent as well as his second soon coming advent.

  40. @The Scout

    Re Thanks for your gift of that song “The Babe in the Manger.” You have given me a special and I can’t thank you enough. I’ learning it every chance I get and may sing it at church on Sunday. Have Blessed Christmas my brother.

    The Babe in the Manger is indeed a lovely song- both the music and the lyrics. I am sorry I cant find the music for The Christ of Christmas, as that is a lovely song also.

    I hope that you get the message across when you sing at church on Sunday, and that some one comes to know the Savior as a result.

    Have the best of Christmasses Sir!

  41. Sorry Dr Porgie,

    No simple man would seek to understand in detail the intricacies of a muscle that is the most basic requirement in the sustenance of life. You humour me sir with your reference. You, more than anyone else on this blog would be painfully aware of the extraordinarily complex nature of the living organism. How can you realy KNOW of that which you cannot see when your hands are already more than full with that which you can see? Pleaae sir, just replace “know” with “believe” and I will go away and leave you alone..


  42. Micro Mock Engineer Avatar
    Micro Mock Engineer

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Oh… I almost forgot… BAFBFP and Deng… I wish you both all the breast for 2009.

  43. MME
    I take it that when you say BREAST that you mean BREAST, just as when I said KNOW, I meant know. After all, an MME gifted in the understanding of lofty topics like apoptosis must surely know his “breasts.” LOL Murder SAID know i

  44. Gear Box

    It takes a simple or stupid man to study medicine and seek to understand in detail the intricacies of muscles. And I do confess to knowing a little about the extraordinarily complex nature of the living organism.

    You ask an interesting philosophical question …… How can you really KNOW of that which you cannot see when your hands are already more than full with that which you can see?

    This is not too hard a question Sir. We read in Hebrews 11:3 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

    Scientists will tell you that they KNOW that is true, since the work of Bohr, Rutherford et al in the 1930’s.

    I believe that this truth is corroborated by Romans 1:20 which reads “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power”

    Gear Box, this is the way I feel—as a simple man. I cant help it so you must forgive it/me.

  45. @All…

    To all that I’ve ageed with this last year…

    And, even more importantly, to all that I’ve disageed with…

    I wish everyone a happy holiday on this anniversary of the birth of a great man.

    And I hope and wish we all take insightfull teachings to heart in the new year.

    (IMHO: We in Barbados have made some progress, but we’re not there yet…)

  46. HO HO HO

    sorry BAFBFP I ain’t writing about de girls up Bush Hill, I playing Santa Claus. De wifey sit pun me lap and ask fuh she Xmas gift. Well since she naughty and nice I gwine give she everyting she want, starting wid doing the dirty dishes in the kitchen. Nothing does turn on a woman like she man doing housework! Yuh dun know!

    Well look a dis ting, MME gone and wish BAFBFP and me all de BREAST for 2009! Man I can’t wait, tings looking up already… well all de breast to you too MME and to all de BU bloggers and especially to David…..


  47. Micro Mock Engineer Avatar
    Micro Mock Engineer

    Geogie… I always choose my words carefully 🙂

  48. Season’s Greetings to all of the gracious and wonderful people of this most controversial blog. My wishes for David, all the Adrians, Negroman – my fellow Guyanese, Scout, who once lived in my beloved, and everyone else in Barbadosland are Love and Unity, Peace adn Harmony . A Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am cooking up some of the Guyanse favourites for tomorrow and if we were close by you wouldall be inivted to partake in Guyanese Christmas feast. I am also watching some nice videos on YOU TUBE of Teddy Afro, that handsome singer from ETHIOPIA. Love to all! Love you all.

  49. Dr.

    I gotta leave this one. This level of discourse getting too high for this simpe man.

    Have a good one


  50. Chinee,

    A mind tell me that you blogging tanight. I didn’t even know that you had dishes to do, wid all dis cheap Guyanese labour ’bout de place. When you gun start employing bajans in dah restaurant that you got there? Oh shoot, come tah think of it, I ain’ see my dog since las’ Sunday… CHINEE..! Nah body ’bout hey does make ham from dogs…!

    My wife is an English woman from London an’ yours come from Peeking so both ah we could use a lot more “breast” in de New Year. Many thanks for the thought MME and likewise I wish you all the b’ass for de New Year too.

    Happy Winter Sol.

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