Our UWI friend who created a stir recently with his provocative comments has become strangely silent in recent times. We assumed that he was bogged down with his studies until we scanned his blog a few moments ago and realized what he has been up to.

It seems that Superlative1 has ‘Gone Wild’!

So… not even a week passes by without my delicate sensibilities (well maybe not delicate but still) being barraged by a display of ‘culture’ as the last video I drew to your attention. This time the video is by local artist Lil Rick and his song Girls Gone Wild. Can’t say it brought pride to my heart to be 100% Bajan…


The sad part is I actually liked this song. On another note, check out the vid for Can’t Wait, another song of his I simply love. That video I can say is a good one.I wonder what else will be unleashed on the general public to show our equal rights and uplifting and non-degrading treatment of women…

Visit the youngster’s blog and read what Sir Hillary’s student has been up to.

Most Barbadians have been outraged at this video which contains some pretty Bajan girls who are demonstrating that they are quite proficient in the bajan culture of ‘wukkin-up’. Do we see anything wrong with it?

NO, we mean YES, NO!!!!

91 responses to “Bajan Girls Gone Wild…”

  1. It happens in America so it must happen in Barbados!

  2. Hey that girl was wukkin on the tree that I rest my beach towel on on Dover Beach…aaaaaaahhhh!!!

  3. lol i am a big critic and i hate to see women getting degrade in film of any sort, but i watched rick’s video and i saw nothing wrong wid it.

    all um got is women wukkin up

    if we gonna talk bout degrading women, let us ask these women if they are forced?

    u can only degrade someone if you force them or execute some sort of action without their knowledge, but if they act on their own free will, i feel its the women who should be chastised for such, no one makes anyone do anything like this in bim

    i never went uwi but some uh dem degree idiots feel dem know it all.

    how can you degrade a woman if she want ta do de act, hmmm

    think b4 ya post ya blogs
    its called principle

    dum int suh nuttin bout mr vegas hot wuk video, but dum wanna bring down rick, and i bet u deze people got more xxx rated videos in dem bedroom than chubbies got in dem store

  4. I am yet to find anything wrong with this video – don’t try to sell what cannot be sold.

    All these women are appropriately clothed, and they are only wukking up that is all, they are not even dancing provocatively.

  5. Thanks for the link

  6. ha ha ha ha ha . I was confuse while listening tuh de song as i could’t keep MADD soung “ugly women is sweet sweet” out my head. 😀

  7. […] Read the rest of this great post here […]

  8. I see nothing wrong with the video … the only thing that was not appropriate to me was the girls wearing the national colors …. that was offensive .. after all we have to respect the fact that there are people with many different views and opinions sharing this little rock and so the one thing we should respect is our national colors / flag / anthem etc.

  9. Well, as I posted the article I think I should air my views on the matter. I am a fan of Lil’ Rick and I must commend him for his musical talent and consistency year after year. Also, as I mentioned I actually like the song but the music video in my mind was very distasteful however given who the director was, I’m not surprised

  10. Guess what? Your blog is amazing! I can’t remember when was the last time i’ve overcome such a good blog that almost all articles/posts were interesting and wouldn’t regret spending my time reading it. I hope you will keep up the great work you are doing here and i can enjoy my everyday read at your blog.

  11. They haven’t come even close to BET and for that i am grateful…….

  12. i ent see nuttin wrong wid de vid people just like to down grade we bajan girls i love it good goin rick

  13. trev from england Avatar
    trev from england

    wot’s the problem wit vid my mother lives in barbados so i have nuttin but respect 4 the bajan’s great song great vid

  14. All de girls doing is wuking up people just ain got nothing else to do but complain before dem go an clean dem houses love the vid make money Rick let them envy u

  15. Why people would have negetive comments about this video and we accepting and allowing gay marriages on the corrupt little rock

  16. the level of hipocracy is so high in B’dos

  17. I hope lil rick make nuff money on his video. After all you got to have money to eat in Barbados.

    The girls were not naked and lil rick trying!!!

  18. partly bajan girl Avatar
    partly bajan girl

    This video is maybe not representative for bajan Women,but it represents how bajan Men like to show them to the rest of the world??
    There are stupid girls all over the world,and bajan women must themselves be aware of how the music -industry and the men there exploit them.
    The wukking -up dance of Barbados that we can see (and do) in the night-life all over the island, is maybe one of the rawest and most provocative in the world,especially for double-moralistic hippocrates.;-)
    When i first joined partying in Barbados,I thougt wukking was quite funny,then a bit too much over the egde,
    in a way ,and quite boring and unsexy when you see it all over al the time….
    Sorry girls,be a bit proud african queens,not just stupid,wukking sex-objects.

  19. partly bajan girl Avatar
    partly bajan girl

    There is also something else i wanna say about Barbados when I am warm;
    There are many beautiful women there,but why do you put sooo much effort(and money) in looking good instead of thinking smart?
    If bajan women used just as much time and money on studies and books as on hairdressing,Barbados would inprove a lot.
    My biggest concern,is that young bajan people seem totally uninterested in politics ,enwironment,whats happening other places on planet and the islands FUTURE.
    Shall Barbados be only one big Playground for rich nations and international companies,or a place for us that belong here and whose forfathers have shed blood in theese fields????

  20. partly bajan girl u int lie, but u must know that one can only be exploited if such is against their free will, and none of these women were forced, secondly im sure if not all some of those women are like most women u see in music videos, they are models, who model for a living just like what you do for a living.
    have an open mind on the matter and not a one track mind, people today do things they like doing and we gotta respect people for what ever job they do.
    dont ridicule de bajan women who in de video wukking up if ya watch porn, wukkup in parties or on carnival day, all in all, its all wukking up regardless wa.

  21. partly bajan girl Avatar
    partly bajan girl

    I do not agree that that we must respect people what ever job they have.
    I do not try to put down my sisters, but the music-industry and the rap-music industry especially.
    That industry put down most woman,black or white.
    How often do you see an american or caribbean music vidoes og male artists really glorify or sing about how proud they are of their women??
    How strong and independent most women are in this culture?
    Yes ,I do wuk up,me too,(slightly)but I wouldn`t like it to be presented as the only interesting thing about me.Over and over again.
    When the rotating asses of women are generally more in focus of the lenc than the faces and brains,something is seriously wrong with a (male) culture?
    Maybe bajan women themselves can tell here why wukking up is so focused on in pop-culture and all over?
    Do you think its your absoluteley most sexy way to express your selves??
    Can a bad wukupper have a chance in the dancehall or after?

  22. Ahhhh!!!! u guys are getting tooo deep!!! The girlsgone wild as the song says. This happens as a result of their love for soca music, Simple. Rick i LOVE the video. Bajans are toooo hypocritical. In Rupie’s video Tempted to Touch the girls ‘do bad’ tooo and i dont remember hearing any criticism. As i said I LOVE LOVE LOVE the video!!!

  23. lisa loves barbados Avatar
    lisa loves barbados

    a fink the video was brill a was there when they was videoin a was in the sea i loved how them bajan girls work it wish a could move like that i love dover beach bin twice goin again in may cant wat

  24. Partly bajan girl Avatar
    Partly bajan girl

    Whats so sexy about wukking up then,girls??
    What about a foreplay ?

    Can someone tell me the history of wukking up,pleeeease?

  25. […] Bajan Girls Gone Wild… […]

  26. Doan really care wot de young “ladies” do in dem videos but please, please doan big up BIM wid all dem national colors and we flag and ting. Left dat fuh videos dat got TASTE.

  27. This one I think is more smut, it seems culturally removed and as if the women are simply on display, no real substance to this one. Disappointing.

    The other lil rick video you posted was fine though

  28. Where do we draw the line? Do we have a line anymore? Is everything acceptable in Barbados? I see a lot of distasteful things people do and I used to think well that is not me or someone I associated with = so what. Now I have a child I think differently. We are responsible for our behaviour. We should know within when we are being common and trashy. I am now 99.9% certain that some people have no idea that there is a line. Bear in mind this could be your daughter sister brother father etc. I have to explain to my three year old what people are doing and why she should not do it. And don’t think it is only on video go to the carnivals and crop over events that in the day time should be rated G. I am not against videos because what you buy for your consumption is your bussiness but keep it off public roads and public tv.

  29. I am supposed to be in my 50s and afterwatching the video i realise thatliving in England I am olsing my wok up power I need to get back hone and loose up de waist

  30. bajans are setting up a bad image of themselves and there country by behaving unruly and indecent

  31. the thing about bajan society is that they are always ready to pull down insted of building up. they are always negative to everyones efforts still yet not willing to step up and do something positive so i say HAIL TO OUR NEW QUEENS OF ENTERTAINMENT. MAY YOUR MUSIC LIVE FOR EVER. GOD BLESS YOU IN ALLYOU DO.

  32. Bajan_Sun_Goddess Avatar

    i saw nothing really wrong with the video xcept seeing girls trying to hott wuk. which was a lil funny.

    saw nothing wrong with the girls wearing the national colours. its better than seeing them wear J’ca colours and if you watch videos from other countries, they wear their national colours.

    i for one am one of those who is active in politics and cares about things other than wukkin up and the such like. there are those out there who are quite educated you just havent heard of us YET!! 🙂

  33. WE Culture…from de waist down!

    Turning Bajan -and Caribbean – women into demeaned sex objects! Some liberation that is! Bussa and Sam Sharpe must be turning over in their graves.

  34. If there’s no content to the lyrics, nor vision to the action, then some ruse must be employed to gain attention.

    Abysmal and simplistic, while wearing the colors of a nation known for its smarts and sophistication.

  35. Relax people!

  36. @All… Please forgive me for this. But…

    For the record, the above Chris is not C.Halsall.

    (There are many Chris’. And there is much confusion…)

  37. I don’t see what the problem is, the girl seems to be happy and having fun, now someone tell me the next time she is going to be doing her thing………..so I can go and see her in person!!!

  38. i am of bajan decent & i have lived in barbados most of my young life i personally find nothing wrong with the video i think it is a way of gettin our music and cultural dancing spread out across the world i believe that lil Rick is doing more go than harm in the bajan community i understand that wukking up is not all we as people have to offer but at the same time we must realize our form of dance & music is what makes us who we are as people it makes our island known & futher more if the girls did not want 2 be in the video they had a chance 2 say no but we also have 2 consider the fact that it is honest work & if it puts food on your table and clothes on your back then it is something you will do but you are not forced into doing what u dont want 2 do because everyone has a voice & it can be used for what you please

  39. Why are we so hypocritical? If this behaviour is rude or crude what about the wukking up that is displayed on Kadooment Day for the world to see.
    Absolutely nothing wrong with the video. I jealous because I can’t wuk up like them, dah is all.
    How ya like ma?

  40. the only thing i wud have a problem with is if it turns into “passa passa” then there’ll be a big problem.

    i dont see anything wrong with it at all…

  41. Look man. In america they do this but nobody want say nutin bout that. I no people gune cuss me and waeva fa bein white and talkin bout this and ting but anyway, look there aint nutin wrong with the video. it is a bajan culture to wuk up and ting so what is wrong with this video. it aint gone international. it only amongst bajan men and women. nobody else so chill the ^%*%*$*$&#)_U*_($&#^@^$R) out. The women in the video were not forced so shutup. and u partly bajan girl go and suck ya mudda. u obviously dont no nutin. my pubic hair is more intelligent than you. stupid @$$

  42. In my opinion there is no cause to argue about this music video. The song is really great. Nowadays there should be no problem if women dance and dress just a little bit. If there would be male dancer no one would discuss about this videoclip and everything would be fine.


    Tic toc girls, I see nothing wrong with the video. We see Beyonce, Rihanna and other int’l dancers doing provocative dances. i’m a woman and at work I act the part, I’m a mother and @ home I follow suit but i’m also a young person with friends of all ages who as a working mother sometimes has to release the stress so I go out and thoroughly enjoy myself. I see ppl around me doing all kinds of dances but I would never cry them down for it. Enjoy urself. Stay safe & love life.

  44. I don’t know why allyuh vex. It have ah lot of sites out there with far more provocative photos of Bajan girls. I just saw a site called trinilime.net and they have girls from all over the caribbean. Them Bajan Girls on that site aint only wukkin up. If allyuh know what ah mean. So that video real decent.

  45. What is depicted here in the video is redolent of a society that has moved away from God. The liberal trend towards labelling and marketing this idiom of expression (“wukking up”) under the rubric of ‘we culture’, can and will only serve to advance the moral decline in the country. What is seen in the video is a sad commentary on cultural taste; is immodest and it speaks poorly of how we value and appraise our womenfolk. In the words of our father of independence Errol Barrow – “What mirror-image do we have of ourselves?”…….
    Oh that the Gospel of Christ be seriously and faithfully preached. Oh that we Barbadians would develop a deep dissatisfaction and revilement that our country is presented to the world in this fashion. Oh that we would come out of our comfort zones and develop an adequate concern and protest…..

  46. Wayne writes
    Oh that the Gospel of Christ be seriously and faithfully preached. Oh that we Barbadians would develop a deep dissatisfaction and revilement that our country is presented to the world in this fashion. Oh that we would come out of our comfort zones and develop an adequate concern and protest…..

    Dont you know that you cannot talk about preaching the Gospel of Christ seriously and faithfully on this blog?

    That is anathema. It is anathema to attempt to rightly divide the Word of Truth on this blog. And Rok has outlawed preaching fire and brimstone despite the fact that the scriptures teach in Romans 1:18 that the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness


  47. I sorry i ent get to comment on this while it was hot, but for one, i like the girl that wucking up on the big, black, balls. I got 2 that look just like them right here.

    The problem is that somethings belong in some places. Tourist is call we dancing, wild sex with clothes on.

    Most young girls is call this as having fun. I is see it as something else, but all in all i is find the ‘better’ a girl could wuck up the less she could please me,LOL, well , intellectually any ways.

    I just had to comment on it…..sorry for bringing up a old one.

  48. Being degraded has nothing to do with whether a person agrees or disagrees; it has everything to do with standards. How will you know if something has degraded? Because it falls below a certain standard or quality.

    There is a picture on T.V hosted by a guy named Murry. Every episode women come in and try to find out who is the father of her child. What does that say about every woman who comes on that show? She has been running around and not even sure that the father is the father. Degradation?
    “Johnny you’re not the father of your two year old son, your bother Dick is.”

    Because something is ‘part uh we culture’ does that make it right? Wukking up is a dance and it’s very sexy in and of itself. In my mind girls wukking up is not a problem, but it may be the image you project that may be the problem. If anyone doubts what the phrase “Girls Gond Wild” means or represents type it into a search engine like Google.com and see what results you get.

    I believe girls can be beautiful and sexy without having to bare various parts or do various acts. It seems the accepted norm that our calypso songs in Barbados about women will contain the theme about ‘man grab a girl and wukkup pun she’.

    Everything we project creates an image in other people’s minds. What image does this video leave in your mind?

  49. pearline rogers Avatar
    pearline rogers


  50. Partly bajan girl Avatar
    Partly bajan girl

    I send a pick from youtube of this socalled “highcultured” form of dancing or performing.
    I didn`t grow up in Barbados, but can wuk a bit,though.
    On the other hand I can understand that people abroad do not find this like a kind of folk-dancing or national dance…

    Is it sexy?

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