As far as our Comment Policy goes we have none. However in light of the several comments and emails we have received, we thought we should clarify a few things for the BU family.

1. We love comments on BU – we believe that the BU blog + BU comments = Knowledge Sharing. Keep comments coming; it does not matter if you can spell or not. In cases where we need to apply minor edits to improve coherence we will, and we will leave a note in the affected comment to make our action transparent.

2. We delete spam – Regrettably, we have both automated and manual spammers on the Internet which can be a nuisance. There is a WordPress spammer which buckets 99%; the odd ones that slip through the BU household will delete, eventually. There is the odd occasion where a valid comment maybe spammed. In the few cases this occur, members of the BU household will retrieve from the spammer. BE Patient!

3. Relevant links in comments are actively encouraged – Links in a comment can help in the information sharing process. Remember that too many links may cause your comment to be moderated. We will retrieve it eventually, BE PATIENT! Note however that third party links posted do NOT reflect the opinions of BU.

 4. We allow signatures in comments – We are aware that this is a privilege which is abused but we have decided to allow signatures. This allows other bloggers to grow. We encourage the Bajan bloggers especially to use this feature. The bigger the bajan blogosphere the more effective we can become.

 5. The volume of comments which the BU household has to read, we may sometimes miss a few. Also, we are often asked many questions by commenters. We will try our best to respond but because of the volume of comments we may at times be unable to respond promptly.

 6. If a BU family member believes that an important comment may be lost, he or she is encouraged to post it under Submissions or email the Blogmaster which can be found at the top of the page.

 7. Write what you know or have just cause to believe, is the truth; (b) avoid malice; and (c) retract and apologise when and if it is discovered that the information is wrong.

Some of you maybe saying that we have a liberal comments policy compared to other blogs. We remind the BU family et al that Barbados Underground (BU) was set-up last year (2007) when there was concern the VOICE of the PEOPLE was seriously under threat. We will allow robust debate but at the end of the day the BU household reserves the right to delete any comment. Please note comments posted do not always reflect the views of BU!

We ask a favour of some, do not judge BU by the comments of a few.

108 responses to “Comment Policy”

  1. Thnaks BU!

  2. I like your open policy. That is why I enjoy visiting this site. The comments are wide ranging and most interesting. One is not fit into a box like over at BFP.

  3. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    You are making a superlative effort!
    You have provided a voice for Bajans of all walks of life to speak.
    It is for us to keep the standard of commentary at a high level

  4. Dr. Banned Again From BFP Avatar
    Dr. Banned Again From BFP

    Some of the comments against homosexuals were absolutely disgusting. Buuuut you let them thru. BFP would too, make no mistake about it, irrespective of their criticism of you. But attack the US, or White people, even in the vaguest way and they will give you fair warning. That is why they are the hypocrites. I can’t believe that it would be the same with you. BFP ain’ nah free press never was. Sham…

    Ok we inserted your correction!


  5. Gabriel the Horn Blower Avatar
    Gabriel the Horn Blower

    It is my impression that BU was established to facilitate discussion on issues, great and small, that may affect/interest the citizens of Barbados. I like the policy of allowing all kinds of comments to be carried no matter how outrageous, intemperate, etc. So while I may not share the views of many commentators on say gays, Indo-Guyanese etc I support BU’s stance on allowing them to express themselves and subject their ideas to scrutiny and analysis.

    However, I didn’t think that BU is intended as a vehicle for spiteful, malicious and officious comments about individuals going about their private legitimate business especially when such people did not seek public exposure. So I would not expect a reference to Someone Named Singh, private citizen, who may also be Indo-Guyanese, while discussing immigration policy. (Although the business practices of say Mrs Ram would be fair game).

    If this view is correct then your comments policy should explictly state this and then in accordance with such policy BU should delete those puerile, crass and demeaning comments made by Bimbro about Mrs T. Mayers. Their offensiveness is amplified by the fact that these are posted on a thread dedicated in memory to her late husband.

  6. BU, free speech and decency are all that are required!

    Ignore the pompous, ‘Hornblower’! Tell him to return to his normal, occpation of horn-blowing, for which he’s best suited!

  7. A few commenters have strayed; from what can be considered appropriate behaviour on a public forum. To regular contributors those few are well known and mostly ingnored. New contributors will not know of them – and their reputation – and engage. This often leads to “personal invective”, with the inevitable rebuttal in kind.

    I never respond or engage with those individuals, their comments have no effect on my conciousness.

    One individual always behaves like a pig at a wedding ,you never know what he/she will do next.

    On occasions of personal grief or tragedy, he/she uses the same tone and jocular remarks, even personal criticism of individuals…it is all grist to his tortuous soul.

    This can be attributed to not much socialization, hence the inability to interact appropriately, and judge the mood of a situation.

    Most reasonable people ,at times disagree on issues they feel passionate about. However, those with “common sense” know how to behave ,and even if they do not agree with a person’s argument…see no reason for personal abuse.

  8. Yardbroom you are most correct. To ignore those people who for whatever stretch the boundaries of common decency is often the best way to go. When all else fails then extreme action is our only recourse.

  9. Gabriel the Horn Blower Avatar
    Gabriel the Horn Blower

    Yardbroom, David

    I agree with your comments wholeheartedly and have not engaged Bimbro nor sought to have him banned.

    I can only think of Mrs Mayers (who I do not know) and wonder if she feels that she has been kicked in the gut when she was most vulnerable (compliments of BU).

    I shall say no more on this nuisance.

  10. Please, tell me, what DOES N’T offend u people! Nothing that I can think of!

  11. Whistling Duck Avatar
    Whistling Duck

    Bimbro, you do put peoples ‘Backs up’, I don’t think you really consider what you post before you hit the send button.

    You probably are a good person but please consider what you are saying.

    Rallying, are you interested in that? Another interest may give you release from the constant turmoil of posting rude replies

  12. Bimbro
    May 26, 2008 at 4:57 pm
    Don’t agree that I post rude replies at all, WD, simply appropriate ones! Will look into the rallying!

    May 26, 2008 at 4:58 pm
    And, yes, I am a VERY, good person!!!!

  13. Whistling Duck Avatar
    Whistling Duck

    Thanks for the reply.
    Please be a bit kinder in your posts, you probably mean very well but your comments don’t always come over that well.
    Best wishes.
    Whistling Duck

  14. Banned Again From BFP Avatar
    Banned Again From BFP

    You guys are mekking too much of Bimbro’s comments. He apologised, cut the guy some slack. Christ, at least he’s got some matter between his ears, a rear attribute amongst public commentators these days.

    Cu’ dear David,
    You talkin’ ’bout banning too?

  15. Banned Again From BFP Avatar
    Banned Again From BFP


    let’s start an anti BFP movement. They are a sick family.

  16. Whistling Duck Avatar
    Whistling Duck

    No need for the above. Bimbro knows exactlly the limits of what he can say.

    I think we underestimate Bimbro, he knows to the extent that he can go.

  17. Ok, WD, but I’ve a robust sense of Bajan, patriotism!!!! 🙂


    Banned Again From BFP // May 26, 2008 at 2:16 pm

    You guys are mekking too much of Bimbro’s comments. He apologised, cut the guy some slack. Christ, at least he’s got some matter between his ears, a rear attribute amongst public commentators these days.


    Now, there’s a wise man! Reciprocal regards, BAFBFP!

  18. Whistling Duck Avatar
    Whistling Duck

    Hi Bimbro

    No need to fall out.

    We will talk another day

    best regards

    Whistling Duck

  19. Banned Again From BFP Avatar
    Banned Again From BFP


  20. “Banned Again From BFP // May 26, 2008 at 2:17 pm


    let’s start an anti BFP movement. They are a sick family.”

    Sorry, not interested. Not banned yet!!!
    I just dont understand how they let Bimbro manipulate them so.

  21. Banned Again From BFP Avatar
    Banned Again From BFP


    When they came for the communists I looked the other way because I was not a…. and so on, and so on.

  22. Hi again, WD and BAFBFP, I look forward to many happy, discussions with you!



    let’s start an anti BFP movement. They are a sick family.”


    BAFBFP, I was alarmed when I first saw this yesterday, and thought you probably don’t know who you’re endeavouring to join forces with! This is a woman who’s followed me around the inernet for years, collecting any little bit of persoanal information which I make the mistake of dropping from time to time and return a few weeks or months later and throws it back in my face on one or other of the forums!

    It won’t be long before she’ll be announcing again, that I have n’t been to Bim for 50 years etc…. so I’ll do her the favour of telling you now! Weather it’s true or not, I fail to see the relevance because I should have thought that what was really, important is that the BU and BFP personnel are the ones who live in Bim!

    I think she’s some kind of internet-pervert! Of course you’re still welcome to collaborate with her, that’s a matter for you but it’s only fair to you, that you should know the kind of person she is!

    Don’t be deceived by a feminine, name! We’re men and it’s a common failing of ours!

  23. Banned Again From BFP Avatar
    Banned Again From BFP


    Didn’t occur to me that Pat could be Patrick.

    Hope not, I do well with female internet perverts,…female perverts period.

    Rise and shine good man.

  24. It is so amazing how Bimbro always complain about people being personal, yet still when he,she or it has the chance, they always do the very same thing, which they then complain to the moderators for.
    Grow up!!
    You do not own the blog…..yours was a miserable failure (guess why).

  25. Hope not, I do well with female internet perverts,…female perverts period.


    Ah, well, BAFBF you might be on to a good thing then!!!!


    Technician // May 27, 2008 at 7:58 am

    It is so amazing how Bimbro always complain about people being personal, yet still when he,she or it has the chance, they always do the very same thing, which they then complain to the moderators for.


    You see the stupid, peurile nonsense which good, Barbadians have to contend with on this board. He clearly, does n’t perceive the requirement for moderators! My dear fellow, it’s to spare us from dumbheads, like u!!!!

    I guess u think I’m going to be attacked by druggie, idiots like u and Pat and not retaliate! You must be joking!!

  26. Dear David, the Technician person has prompted me to remind you of your responsibility re: the matter of my complaint about Ian Bourne’s insult to me the other day! It is now about two or three days later and you still have n’t banned him, or at least informed us that you have. I appreciate this may be a moral problem for you as he may be your friend but the purpose of this blog is to achieve higher standards for Bim in every aspect of life and therefore, I again request your action!

    I remind you of the offensive remark: ‘I wish it had been you who had passed instead of Mr Mayers’!

    To put this problem into clear context for you, I describe it thus:

    Suppose David, that I had said to you, I wish that you had died, (obviously, I do NOT) would you ban me from the board?

    I don’t think there can be any doubt, at all, that you would!

    Therefore, David, am I due any less respect, simply because the board is n’t mine, or because I live in the UK, or because he’s light-skin!

    I again, await your reply, in view of the higher ideals to which you claim to aspire!

  27. Don’t know why those 2 say, ‘Anonymous’! May need to login, again! They’re from me, Bimbro!

  28. Red Lake Lassie Avatar
    Red Lake Lassie

    No one here has mentioned that Member of Parliament Duguid admitted that many of the threats made on the internet against Adrian Loveridge, Ian Bourne and others came from the computers at our Parliament.

    There was another threat to murder Loveridge this morning until BFP deleted it.

    BFP may be overly-sensitive to comments that are off-colour or over a certain threashold because they have borne the brunt of the attacks of the BLP.

    BFP should allow bigger boundaries IMHO but I understand why they keep tight control. I am glad they are here though.

  29. Bimbro said:

    “This is a woman who’s followed me around the inernet for years, collecting any little bit of persoanal information which I make the mistake of dropping from time to time and return a few weeks or months later and throws it back in my face on one or other of the forums!”

    Dont be a stupid a$$. Follow you around the internet indeed. It is just that when you get kicked off a blog you turn up where I have been blogging long before you. Cant help the photographic memory you know!.

    “I think she’s some kind of internet-pervert! Of course you’re still welcome to collaborate with her, that’s a matter for you but it’s only fair to you, that you should know the kind of person she is!”

    Internet pervent? Well, look who is talking! A man who spends all day in a 400 square foot council flat in London, sitting at his computer all day and night because he has no friends to socialize with. There are playground bullies, classroom bullies, workplace bullies and now we have you, the CYBERSPACE BULLY and a dyslexic one at that!

    “It won’t be long before she’ll be announcing again, that I have n’t been to Bim for 50 years etc…. ”

    Well Bimbro, I have it from my spies on the island that you took your mother home for burial last year. So I can now say you went home ONCE in FIFTY years and it was only because of a bereavement.

    It is time you stop complaining like some snotty nosed, whining, small boy. Its time to grow up and be a MAN. Or better yet, restart your own blog.

    If you attack and insult me, I will give you back the same. Now go and complain to David that you want an apology or that he should ban me.

  30. Can’t be bothered with you, Pat. I regard Ian’s as the more serious offense and David has n’t done anything about that, yet, so I can’t see why he should ban you!

    A country and its organisations must decide on its own level of decency which is why BFP and BU are kept so busy complaining about shortcomings in Barbadian society!

    Mine appear to be higher than both yours and BU’s!

    Well Bimbro, I have it from my spies on the island that you took your mother home for burial last year. So I can now say you went home ONCE in FIFTY years and it was only because of a bereavement.


    In view of the above, was I incorrect in describing her as an ‘internet pervert’!

    ‘Congratulations’, BU, on the kinds of posters who you encourage!

  31. Many of the comments have been swayed over discussion about ONE person. Our original expectation still stands i.e. to give feedback on how our comments policy maybe improved. We hope that as far as comments go the BU family can continue to regulate itself.

    We have already accepted one bit of feedback by closing comments on the Terry Mayers blog. T

  32. David, how sad. You seem to be using the excuse of ‘feedback’ for abrogating exercising responsible, judgement, yourself!

    How very, sad!!!!

    Why did n’t u utilise my feedback to (a) remove the porno pic (b) ban Ian and (c) ban Pat?

    Seems some very, confused, or biased thinking there, David!!!!

  33. David says….We have already accepted one bit of feedback by closing comments on the Terry Mayers blog. T
    And to think that this was all because of the insensitive remarks made by jackass Bimbro .
    Now tell me, in all fairness, who is the person creating the most strife on this blog. Who derails good discussions with stupid, out of context remarks ?
    You, Bimbro are the source of all the problems …yet you have the gall to ask David to ban people like Ian, Pat or myself?
    RLMAO……..get your own blog again or just shut up!!
    You know of nothing bajan but would like others to think you care about this island.
    You are what we Bajans call a wannabe.
    I leave you in the hands of your Pakistani, Jamaican, African and Muslim neighbors…..that is punishment enough for you until you croak.

  34. Wow ……my first moderation on BU……guess BImbro really has some clout. WTF!!

  35. “Bimbro’s Forum


    Group: Root Admin
    Posts: 292
    Member No.: 1
    Joined: 18-May 06

    The management decision has been taken that because of some foolishness which we’ve experienced to now, make this board available only, to registered members. Also, in an effort to combat, West Indian apathy; any member who does n’t post a reasonable number of contributions within a reasonable time-frame will be blocked! Sorry, it’s come to this but management is tired of people coming here, reading the posts but then being too, lazy or indifferent to express an opinion or add a comment! It’s not the way we’re going to progress as a people! And one, two and three line responses will not ALWAYS, be considered adequate! Patrons are expected to make an effort!”

    BU, whatever you do, please, please, do not exhibit the master/subordinate, headmaster/student, edict that is exemplified above.

    HERE IS A POSTING FROM A VERY ANALYTICAL RETIRED BAJAN re BIMBRO’s edicts. This gentleman was a teacher and lived in England as well.

    08:20 AM
    *.*.0.100 Re Bimbro’s Forum
    My honest opinion based on observations.

    “The foolishness which we’ve experienced now…”

    It is foolishness if the poster expresses a contrary view to that of the Leader; he seems to enjoy editing and erasing those things the are not
    within his mind-set, he fancies himself as a Headmaster and everyone else must be obedient students whom he can manipulate.

    “Also, in an effort to combat West Indian apathy; any member who
    doesn’t post a reasonable number of contributions within a reasonable
    time-frame will be blocked!”

    How dictatorial! the Headmaster/student attitude comes out clearly. One may well wonder what in his opinion is a reasonable number of contributions? and what is a reasonable time-frame anyway?
    “will be blocked” this is a demonstration of his desire to exercise power over others, this, I suppose, makes him feel big and important.

    People would be motivated to make contributions if they are interested
    in the subject-matter that has been posted. If the subject-matters posted do not appeal to them then they would tend to ignore them and indeed get a feeling of boredom. Lively subject-matters are more likely to attract lively discussions.
    Negative subjects everywhere on a forum tend to cause stress and people don’t usually go on forums to be stressed out. I should be a
    pleasurable experience.

    “Sorry, it’s come to this but management is tired of people
    coming here, reading the posts but then being too,lazy or indifferent to
    express an opinion or add a comment!”

    Not true, people have expressed opinions and added comments only the be castigated with rude and sarcastic remarks if those comments and opinions were not what the Leader expected to hear/read.

    ” It’s not the way we are going to progress as a

    We certainly wont progress on Bimbro’s forum unless there are drastic changes in his attitude towards freedom of speech and expression
    and respect for the opinions of others. He must understand that he is not
    always right.

    “And one,two and three line responses will not ALWAYS, be considered adequate! Patrons are expected to make an effort!”

    This is the only sensible thing that has been said so far. however, one can make more than one, two or three line responses but their responses
    could still be very inadequate because of the very narrow views they express; they could fail to take all the relevant factors into
    consideration and only express a one-sided perspective. I personally foundthis to be a short-coming in the Leader’s contributions, he very often fails to see the other side of the coin, and when it is pointed out to him he becomes very upset.

    I make these observations because I have noticed that Bimbro, Irresistible, Leader(his pen-names names) has made contributions on several forums in this region and his attitude is the same everywhere. He has received the same reception on all of these forums, people have tried to explain to him that he has the wrong approach but he is unchanging. He now
    states the his forum is for Afro/Caribbean people living in the UK and that people in this region are unwelcome unless they know what they are talking about in relation to life in the UK. Maybe he will learn something soon and be more pleasant and approachable. Shame it he doesn’t.”

    Ladies and Gentlemen – I rest may case. Nuff said.

  36. Friends Of Terry Avatar
    Friends Of Terry

    I do not see how Ian Bourne being angry over his former colleague’s wife being dissed by Bimbo, or whoever, justifies his banning, if anything he should get a medal; even if he did go to Kolij and not Lodge 😉

    Bimbo, you were out of line over Janelle and it drew not only Bourne’s wrath, but everyone else’s….. you cannot even be kind enough to apologise regardless and shut-up for a while

    I think it is you who deserves the banning

  37. Dave, my immediately, previous post to this one has disappeared – why!

    Anyhow, Dave, the cocks crowing. It’s time to get up!!!!

    Dave my friend, I plan to relay to you the identical message which I’ve just posted with BFU. It’s a matter of principle with me!

    I see my comments are still ‘under moderation’!

    I’m surprised (and disappointed) that such a straightforward and obvious decision should take you such a long time therefore I plan to make it easy for you!

    If, by the end of today Thistle, Pat and Ian are still posting to this board I shall be off, anyway! I’m not sharing any space with filth and did n’t think you encouraged this either!

    Therefore, in anticipation of your both not having the guts, here, to take the right decision, please allow me to say farewell to my friends now!

    Bye guys!!!!

  38. Good f*#@*ng riddance!!!!

  39. To Pat……we owe you big time.

  40. BU, congratulations, because unless I’m mistaken, you’ve removed Technician’s offensive, full of profanity, post directed towards me because I was thinking that had I submitted such post you or somebody would be calling for me to be BANNED! You clearly, have at least some standards!

    Finally, BU, I simply ask you to ACTUALLY, MAKE A DECISION YOURSELVES, in relation to this matter and not to DODGE THE ISSUE. I’m keen to observe the quality of Barbadian decision-making, good or ill!

  41. Technician // May 29, 2008 at 8:44 am

    To Pat……we owe you big time.


    He i s trying the same thing here. See his post above. He is bullying BU. He is lucky I did not reproduce some of his nasty posts to a Jamaican called Jameka or his diatribes on Africans. On the Barbados Forum, when he started belittling Bajans and calling them idiots, the administrators told him to take a hike.

    He is not sharing any space with filth – Thistle, Pat and Ian – so he better find an uninhabited planet somewhere to live in isolation.

  42. bimbro or BIMBO ?

  43. Post submitted by PAT (then known as ‘Bajans’), to the Nation’s Forum some time ago!

    For anybody interested in objectivity and truthfulness, where this subject is concerned although I don’t expect that to be many!


    DeSoldier, this would not have been in any mainstream newspaper. It
    happened in the late 80’s or early 90’s. (If you were here, you
    could have been training at Borden, Shiloh, Chilliwack, Summerside, or

    My friend was President of the Barbadian Association of Toronto. He
    and the head of the Guyanese and the Trinidadians in that City, made an
    appointment with the Toronto Chief of Police, where they made presentations
    and explained their concerns. The Chief was sympathetic and realised that
    they were maligning all blacks in the City. The word went out to

    When the police started saying a Jamaican, or Trinidian or Bajan was
    arrested for such and such, the local Jamaican newspaper here (Ottawa), the
    Spectrum, was up in arms and wrote an editorial castigating the Toronto
    Chief for racism and for singling out Jamaicans. Why? At that time, it
    was always a Jamaican. His thrust was country of origin should not be
    mentioned. We saw through that, because when a country is mentioned, it is
    easy to collect statistics. This is information no respectable Jamaican
    wanted the public to know.


    Keep wearing the rose-tinted-glasses Barbadians youre obviously, happier PRETENDING that what I’m saying is untrue!

  44. yo ninja yo ninja yo,

    do you think that pants are gay??? i know i hate them… long live shorts!!!
    also will a labor shortage affect the long term GNP of Barbados or will it totally be fly

    also i think that we should polute more inorder to keep down the chupacabre. and trinidad and tobago has nothing on us. viva la margarita

  45. Good Lord is this journalism? Avatar
    Good Lord is this journalism?

    IS this journalism? Gossip, destroying, slandering and ruining others. You guys know each other by name? I dropped in here on the hope of reading something eductional and informative. I know it is a blog but it can’t begin to rival the huffington post. Why do you slander and defame people. The law will bring you down but good luck!

  46. The so-called BU family would like to think that this is journalism.
    Dis is pure nasty bajan maliciousness and minding people bizness.
    Wha you thought um was!
    Look at the treads dat does get de most hits.
    Who bulling who? Who wicking who?
    Dirty politics? Who fooping who?
    All de topics on duh nasty false pride and moralistic bullshit.
    Any topic with guyanese refugees is guaranteed to be a hit.
    Duh hate de guyanese refugees like poison boi. De most vicious vile nasty racist side of dese pure angelic bajans does come out when duh talk bout de guyanese refugees.
    So if you looking for journalism, I’d suggest you go to
    Not here.
    Dis is a gossip rag.

  47. @Anonymous

    You are entitled to think we are a rag. It says alot about you that you are logged on to BU 24/7. We are prepared to rock the boat on this one like we did Roy Morris and Dale Miller. If we were to publish all the dirt we have based on our sources you would have to describe us as lower than a rag but it would expose a very dark side of Barbados. It makes us sick to know some of what we know. We should live and let live, right?

    To those of you threatening BU because we are rocking the boat a little we are prepared to deal with what comes. We know that when we look behind-us we will see no one, but when the dust is settled our conscience will be clear.

    The problem as we see it as that each Barbadian is responsibly for building Barbados but we have become very good at ignoring the ills that are affecting little Barbados.

    When will we do something? When it goes past the point of no return? It is fine to cuss politicians and talk about corruption but when we turn the spotlight on others the hypocrites get offended?

    So what will we do when somebody dies? Yes we know the answer, say sorry!

  48. I aint got no prob wid BU. All I say is dat um aint journalism dat um is a gossip rag.

    Wha’s de problem?


    i agree its very fair that all bajans have a chance to express their views . i have a major concern on immigration issues and there are so many jamaicans, indians,trinidadians ,vincentian but still why do we target guyanese people so much are they not human.all guyanese should not be blamed for the actions of a few. it is forgotton in the 1900’s when bajans were in guyana. barbados do forget their bad times .but no country is in a stable position u never know what tommorow will bring especially for guyana if you have notice that guyana is rising and soon everyone will rush home. despite the bad guyanese have done so much good for barbados .no matter how bajans scorn and dislike guyanese we all live and depend on one another. if a guyanese get in the way of a bajan the first insult is you r……guyanese and all kind of insultbut if a jamaican man do that he would hardly be embarassed. look at how nmany bajans migrate havent they gone into someone else country
    stop discriminating guyanese people get something better to do
    i am not a guyanese but i would tell you that all this discrimination would not stop them from coming


    i agree its very fair that all bajans have a chance to express their views . i have a major concern on immigration issues and there are so many jamaicans, indians,trinidadians ,vincentian but still why do we target guyanese people so much are they not human.all guyanese should not be blamed for the actions of a few. it is forgotton in the 1900’s when bajans were in guyana. barbados do forget their bad times .but no country is in a stable position u never know what tommorow will bring especially for guyana if you have notice that guyana is rising and soon everyone will rush home. despite the bad guyanese have done so much good for barbados .no matter how bajans scorn and dislike guyanese we all live and depend on one another. if a guyanese get in the way of a bajan the first insult is you r……guyanese and all kind of insultbut if a jamaican man do that he would hardly be embarassed. look at how nmany bajans migrate havent they gone into someone else country
    stop discriminating guyanese people get something better to do
    i am not a guyanese but i would tell you that all this discrimination would not stop them from coming

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