It is no surprise the ineffectual debate about reducing the cost of living has resurfaced. As usual the country is beguiled by the usual talking heads whose commentary is crafted to fulfil political interest and reaffirm traditional economic theories.

However you ‘slice and dice’ the challenge facing Barbados to significantly reduce the cost of living, it cannot change the fact Barbados is a net importer of commodities. For those who will interject that tourism as a service generates significant revenue inflow, it is an industry with significant foreign ownership which dilutes earnings making its way onshore.

A significant slice of Barbados’ import bill is oil and food totalling north of 40% by the blogmaster’s estimation. It does not require complex reasoning to understand that a significant increase in oil price and food will increase cost of living in Barbados. The disruption to global supply chains as a result of the pandemic quickly followed by the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine (responsible for producing a significant share of the world’s agricultural products used as inputs in food products) means Barbados as a net importer will continue to import inflation.

With the cost of living on the jump trade unions in Barbados have signalled labour expects a favourable response to an increase in wages. Pensioners and other vulnerable groups have also been crying out as the economic climate becomes more severe. ‘Heavy is the head that wears the crown’ – with cries emanating from all quarters what will the Mottley government do to deliver comfort to citizens in most need? Without being insensitive to the plight of suffering Barbadians there is so much protection a broke heavily indebted government can offer. The longer external shocks persist ‘crapo smoke [we] pipe’. 

The blogmaster – unlike some here – is not qualified to recommend to the leadership of the country the best approaches to take to manage an open economy during crisis after crisis. What can be said however is the importance of our leadership rallying the country around ‘fit for purpose’ national objectives. Truth be told, can many Barbadians say we have made significant adjustments to our lifestyle to effectively respond to the increasing adverse economic environment? 

The blogmaster continues to be amazed at the bustling activity at fast food and fine dining restaurants. The number of vehicles zipping up and down the highways as byways 24/7 given the astronomical gas and diesel prices at the pump. The one that peeves the blogmaster no end is an aversion many Barbadians have to suffer discomfort in vehicles by leaving air conditioning units turned off. There are many initiatives individuals can undertake to help themselves and those who can afford it, do it as a means to help others. 

The foregoing is not meant to excuse government from leading by example and doing all that it practical to execute fit for purpose policies. These are challenging times and a government with an unprecedented large Cabinet is expected to over achieve regardless of the challenges. To whom much is given much is expected.

67 responses to “Cost of Living – Crapo Smoke We Pipe”

  1. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha..i can now give you some background on the link, it came with a voice note from a well known and very credible individual…shared some weeks back….and also gave indepth info regarding that project….which does not correlate entirely with what they are projecting and seen as designed to sync with other events that were bound to occur over the last 15-20 years.

    Had not for a few people on BU, I would never share that info on here. I don’t believe they would have known certain things otherwise or seek to develop a better plan for self protection, hence i had no choice, have choices about others though.

    There is a very good reason to be economical with information going forward….by the time you get the full feedback…you will see the why….

  2. Intuition 101
    How do you tell the difference between intuition and fear, a lot of time people may think they are surviving on intuition,
    but are acting more on a survival based intuition in a situation that does not actually mean life or death. That can get us into the same patterns over and over again, stuck in the same story holding onto an old story or belief that does not necessarily serve you. Doing this practice will help you clear out some of that stuff without even having to identify it. A good example is when you start assuming types of people are the same when they are not and then worrying about it.
    We really want to be in present time and using the information we have in present time to make intuitive decisions that actually really serve us in present time and that leads us forward and yields more positive feeling and results.

    Intuition 101: Energetic Alignment

    Just about every spiritual tradition talks about the importance of being present. Sometimes, it can be difficult to get there if we’re still running energy from past events or future expectations. Energetically, getting present means connecting our physical body with the space we’re in, and clearing out the energy associated with our past, the stories and beliefs that keep us stuck there.

  3. Our position is grave. There is much upheaval in the world. I not satisfied that our government has conveyed the severity of what it to come.

    I am not one for panic or overstatement but it is definitely going to be worse than we are preparing for. Our solutions seem more medium to long-term whem the danger is around the corner.

    I hope when the rains come in we will plant more food.

    People will use less fuel when they cannot pay for it. Not too worried about that.

  4. Waru

    Know a couple of people eround The Sahel driving projects that turned out to be part of this Great Green Wall but was not aware of this mega project until you highlighted it and making some calls. Afraid I’m not going to be much more helpful, so much else happening.

  5. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    It’s ok, already know the whole setup behind it….you too will find out…

    .there is always the greedy and evil who use everything for their own narrow interests…

  6. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Yes Pacha…a lot going on and the weakest people, both mentally and financially, are not paying as much attention as they should, still listening to lying corrupt politicians and their imps and pimps……

    “WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown
    Stephen Andrew Mirani May 30, 2022
    Brilliant news out of Geneva today!

    As most of you know, the World Health Assembly has spent the past 7 days considering Biden’s 13 controversial amendments to the International Health Regulations.

    Official delegates from wealthy developed nations like Australia, the UK, and the US spoke in strong support of the amendments and urged other states to join them in signing away their countries’ sovereignty.

    The first sign, however, that things might not be going the globalists’ way, came on Wednesday, the 25th of May, which just happened to also be Africa Day.

    Botswana read a statement on behalf of its 47 AFRO members, saying they would be collectively withholding their support for the ‘reforms’, which many African members were very concerned about.

    Multiple other countries also said they had reservations over the changes and would not be supporting them either.

    These included Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia. Brazil in particular said it would exit WHO altogether, rather than allow its population to be made subject to the new amendments.

    In the end, the WHO and its wealthy nation supporters were forced to back down.

    They have not given up though – far from it. Instead, they did what they always do and ‘pivoted’.”

  7. Our citizens should thank Goddess Bim every day that they are allowed to live on the island. We do not have and have not had war, civil war, famine or other serious problems typical of the hellholes of Europe, South America and Africa.

    Thank you Supreme Leader for protecting us fiercely against all odds! We gladly drink French chamapgner instead of water and eat Italian pastries instead of bread. Not to mention that the high cost of living keeps refugees and the poor at bay. Those who want to come to us have to be wealthy.

  8. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha, Pacha…if only they had listened to you Bushman, Miller, William…etc…

  9. Gospel Gun · Ninjaman

    BT 2017 | Raoul Peck | “Shock Of The Real: History as Provocation”

  10. Samuel L. Jackson on I Am Not Your Negro Documentary

    ‘I Am Not Your Negro’ Q&A | Raoul Peck

  11. Sunrise Qigong

    Background Sound
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    Artist Sundeep Gosswami

  12. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Tron at 6: 07 PM

    How true ! We are an expensive society. Let us take that as a given and work towards the well-being of all who live within our borders. We can only be who we are. Are we managing ? Our job is to manage it. It is a work in process/progress. No one is /can do better.

  13. No one is /can do better.
    What a goal?

  14. High cost of living ‘hindering readiness’

    By Colville Mounsey
    The rising cost of living in Barbados is presenting a hindrance to some people’s ability to stock up on supplies for this year’s hurricane season.
    This concern was raised by chairman of the Retail and Distribution Committee for the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), Tomilson Bynoe, who said the uptake of supplies had been slower than usual this hurricane season.
    At the same time, president of the BCCI, Anthony Branker, said this development was worrying, given the fact that meteorological officials are predicting a very active hurricane season amid ongoing logistical shipping challenges. Bynoe, who is also a director of A1 Supermarkets said based on the feedback he had received, it was clear that many Barbadians simply did not have the disposable income to purchase beyond what they could consume for the given month.
    “The disposable income of the consumer has dwindled and that is the state of play in the world today based on the way that prices are moving upward. So, I don’t know that persons have the ability to buy twice as much as they normally buy in preparation for the hurricane season. It is not going to be something that many people are going to be able to do,” said Bynoe.
    He contended that should a hurricane hit the country, Barbadians’ ability to get supplies would depend on the distributors’ stocks. He said distributors had been doing their best to ensure they had the customary five-month stock of essential goods for the hurricane season. However, he said it was unclear if the supply chain had been able to deliver on what was ordered. He said it was going to come down to the distributors’ ability to manage inventory as effectively as possible.
    “As long as they [distributors] can get the product, they would make it available. On paper, most distributors have the supplies. The local distributors here are not cutting their orders. On the contrary they have been increasing their orders. It comes down to whether they have been receiving the full amount that they have been ordering. There is no challenge in terms of warehouse capacity, it is a question of getting only two containers when five were ordered,” he explained.
    Branker said he anticipated some challenges in the event of a hurricane, noting there was likely to be a rush on certain commodities. He said the ability to resupply quickly might be a task easier said than done.
    Provisions made
    “Most businesses in Barbados carry higher levels of inventory as we go into the hurricane season. So right now, businesses would already have made provisions to carry more of the basic commodities. However, if there was to be a hurricane, we expect that there would be a demand on certain things, and I am hoping that the additional inventory that Barbadian businesses carry would be able to carry us through. I would be able to perceive that a hurricane could exacerbate our challenges in terms of supplies in some instances,” said Branker.
    He added: “We are currently in a situation where nothing is as fluid as it was before and let’s say there is a significant lean on bottled water, the supply chain for that commodity not being as fluid as it used to be, it would be difficult to predict how and when you would be able to get follow-up shipments.
    “Certainly, there are some people who cannot afford to stock up as we would want them to do and then there are some persons who are just complacent and are laid back and would not do the stocking up that we have been asking them to do over the years. So, I don’t think that there is any singular reason that persons may not be stocking up because some people just wait until the last minute and now, we have a case of some people just not able to afford to do so at this time.”

    Source: Nation

    By Colville Mounsey
    Former Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley is calling for Government to reduce value added tax (VAT) from 17.5 per cent back down to 15 per cent to provide struggling Barbadians with relief from the rising cost of living.
    Pro Vice Chancellor at the University of the West Indies, Professor Justin Robinson, is of the view that Government may very well find itself in a position where a temporary lowering of VAT is possible without making too much of a dent in the public coffers.
    Imported inflation
    Atherley said given the fact that Barbados’ inflation is imported, returning VAT to its 2009 levels would go a long way in easing the “overextended pockets” of Barbadians.
    “I think that Government needs to address the VAT levels in Barbados and some of the duties that apply to goods when they are landed here in Barbados. So Government has not done enough to ease the pressure on Barbadians during these times of high inflation. The one thing that Government can do for sure is the lowering of VAT. The Barbados Labour Party had complained when the VAT was first raised to 17.5 per cent, yet all we have seen is the cap on fuel and few things that were added to the zero-rated list,” said Atherley.
    “If you cannot control the imported price then you have to deal with the thing that you can best control and that is the level of VAT that is applied on the ground,” the former Opposition leader added.
    It was 2010 that then Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler announced a temporary increase in VAT from 15 per cent to 17.5 per cent in the November 2010 Budget which was to last for a period of 18 months, which was supposed to expire on May 31, 2012. Twelve years later the 2.5 per cent increase on VAT has been maintained by successive administrations.
    Robinson pointed out that lowering VAT might pose a challenge within the context of an IMF target of one per cent primary surplus. However, he noted that several countries had lowered taxes levied on a percentage basis, based on the consideration that they were now likely to earn more than expected due to rising inflation.
    “Government has a target
    that it has to meet within the context of an IMF programme and it is quite debatable whether they can meet that target if VAT is lower than 17.5 per cent going forward. However, we are seeing it happen in other places on a temporary basis.
    “Due to the rising inflation, any tax that is applied on a percentage basis, governments are likely to earn more than they had expected during this period. So, some countries are lowering taxes and we saw this Government did it to some extent when they placed the cap on fuel. So in the same spirit, one could ask whether there is room for a temporary decrease in VAT because they are likely to earn more than is expected for any tax that is levied on a percentage basis,” the economist explained.
    State expenditure
    However, senior economic advisor to the Mia Amor Mottley administration, Dr Kevin Greenidge, told the Sunday Sun the issue was not as cut and dry as some are making it out to be. He argued that while it was true that Government is expected to see increased revenues due to price increases, the expenditure of the state had also increased.
    He pointed out that Government was already losing considerable revenue as a result of the current VAT cap on fuel, as well as the capping of freight charges to 2019 levels. However, he acknowledged that Government was likely to see an increase in revenue due to rising inflation but noted this would be offset by a rise in expenditure.
    “It is true that there will be an improvement in revenue because of higher prices. We also have to remember that Government will not get as much as they would normally get because they capped the VAT on fuel. Based on prices right now Government has foregone $14 million on gasoline alone while the loss on diesel is of a similar magnitude,” said Greenidge.
    He further explained: “Secondly, the Government does not operate in a vacuum. Government collects taxes in order to provide services to the country and to pay wages. So Government is also a consumer and they are facing higher inflation on their expenditure. To say that Government is having a windfall is tantamount to saying that they are purchasing these goods and services at some place special and are not subject to the same price increases.”

    Source: Nation

  16. Closer look at rising cost of living
    In recent months, the rising cost of living, primarily caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and more recently the war in Ukraine, has dominated the national discourse.
    President of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), Anthony Branker, has weighed in on multiple occasions as to the best way to navigate Barbados through this crisis, with consumers and businesses not emerging the worse for wear at the end.
    Earlier this month, the BCCI president issued an urgent call to its members to look beyond solely profit-driven motivations and instead incorporate a social mandate within their model. He noted then rising gas prices and high food bills, have the potential to give rise to greater social challenges and therefore it could not be business as usual. In the Sunday Sun’s Q& A series, Branker goes into greater depth with journalist Colville Mounsey about the concerns and solutions to tackle the pressing issue of rising inflation.
    Question: Have we seen the worst of the cost increases?
    Answer: As long as the war continues between Ukraine and Russia and the consequential effect that it would have on the price of oil, our situation will continue to worsen. As you are aware, where the fuel cost continues to rise it affects the cost of doing business, it affects the cost of freighting internationally and therefore it has an impact on the cost of our imports.
    The rising energy cost is the biggest threat now. Everything depends on fuel; we are significant importers, and the cost of freight is impacted by the cost of a barrel of oil. We must understand that if the cost of oil continues to rise, it will affect the cost of goods arriving in Barbados.
    Question: What is the inherent risk to the business sector currently due to rising inflation?
    Answer: Truth be told, the risk to business is one of loss of business due to inconsistent supplies and we also have the risk of increased cost of doing business generally. There will come a time when the consumer makes a choice on the goods and service they will purchase depending on the price.
    Therefore, there is an inherent risk to businesses because if consumers don’t have the disposable income, you can have a situation where persons will have to make a choice on what they can and would be able to purchase. For example, it could very well be that the survival of service-based small and micro businesses could come down to the priority that persons place on the services that they offer.
    Question: With high inflation, are the usual
    economic stimulants, such as Crop Over, working this time around?
    Answer: We in the business community all look forward to Crop Over because we get an influx of visitors, we get various fetes and activities that stimulate the economy. However, Crop Over depends significantly on sponsorship, we are seeing this year’s festivities being affected by reduced sponsorship as most businesses will be challenged in costing out sponsorship money at a time when they are under pressure.
    I think there needs to be a balance because we need Crop Over, but I think you would see select businesses coming forward. I think you would see those businesses that get a direct benefit out of Crop Over, stepping up to the plate. At the same time, you may also see some companies who may not get the direct benefit not being able to give the sponsorship that they would have been able to provide before.
    Question: You would have issued a call for businesses to look beyond solely profit-driven motivation and adapt a social stance in these times of high
    inflation. In your view, what are the direct consequences of failing to do so?
    Answer: The challenge that we face is that Barbadians have been accustomed to a certain lifestyle for many years and when you have the pressure that is being placed on them with high fuel cost and persons wanting to maintain a certain standard of living, there will be many persons who will now be living month to month.
    So, what could happen with continuous high inflation is that there is a level of frustration that could be created at most levels of society. For persons who would have dropped below the poverty line, they too need to feed their families and the society can be affected negatively.
    We could end up seeing an increase in crime and persons getting into all types of nefarious activities just to be able to survive. We must be able to contain this frustration and we must be socially responsible. As a mature society, not only from the business sector, but all of us also need to come together and understand and appreciate that persons are under pressure and that frustration is going to rise if we don’t contain it.
    Question: Do you see such a message permeating our current business culture?
    Answer: I believe that most businesses have contributed directly to society in one way or another. I think that my appeal is not necessarily just to business, but I believe that we need a rallying call from our beloved Prime Minister [Mia Amor Mottley] because we need to bring business, we need to bring labour and we need to bring Government together.
    Businesses cannot do it on their own. If we are looking at how we can stem the rising cost of fuel as well as the rising cost of doing business, it is not just a private sector initiative alone. I believe that if collectively all of the stakeholders come together, we can come up with a programme in Barbados that can see us reducing some of the critical items that we in Barbados consume.
    Question: Do we expect shortages to worsen?
    Answer: I think we have come to the peak in terms of shortages; however, I think that the impact will continue for some time. Shortages will take some time to regularise at our end, so I don’t think the situation will worsen but it will continue to the point where we continue to have that inconsistent supply for some time.

    Source: Nation

  17. Petrol imports at $455 million in first 4 months
    FOR THE FIRST FOUR MONTHS of this year, Government has spent over $455 million in fuel costs, and Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley expects that figure to keep climbing.
    “This is a country that has a custom spending $230 million [per year] in the last four years, with the exception of last year. Last year was an aberration because we shut down the country from December 31, and when we started reopening it in April the volcano erupted, so that the first four months of the year basically Bajans were not moving,” she explained.
    Mottley said as a result, last year’s bill was about $167 million or so, but the three previous years fuel costs were around $220 to $230 million.
    ‘Fuel prices still rising’
    “We’re spending almost double with respect to fuel in the first four months of this year, and the prices are still climbing. Now as you know, in the Budget [in March], I capped the taxes that could come from fuel and we’ve already shielded the country from just under $10 million of additional costs. In a full financial year it is going to hurt us because it will probably
    cost us $50 to $60 million to continue to shield Barbadians from the fuel costs,” she said at Grantley Adams International Airport yesterday following her arrival from the ninth Summit of the Americas last week in Los Angeles.
    Last week, Minister in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs Ryan Straughn revealed that since Government’s six-month cap on fuel took effect from March 16, it had lost $14 million on gasoline alone, with diesel losses of a similar magnitude. This was more than the estimated $25 million in revenue losses. He said based on the current trajectory, the losses will more than double what was originally projected.
    Meanwhile, Mottley said that building on United States Vice-President Kamala Harris’ meeting with leaders, the US-Caribbean Partnership to Address Climate Crisis 2030 (PACC 2030) was launched by the Americans to facilitate renewable energy infrastructure development, including increasing access to financing, and increasing capital in the Inter-American Development Bank, particularly for the private sector. (RA)

    Source: Nation

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