Submitted by Observing

Labour marched with capital to bring a government to its knees.

Labour accepted 18% less of a salary increase after a government changed.

Labour sat with a Government to publicly criticise a sister union.

Labour sat by while rights were trampled, employees went to the great beyond and disadvantageous policies continued to be rammed down the throats of the masses.

Labour sits silent, while injustices are meted out even amidst the voices and cries of others.

A whole press conference with backup to save face for ANOTHER badly rolled out policy and justified concerns of nurses.

When labour, capital and the government become one and the same, the people have no choice but to suffer.

God’s blessings on the Davids, Caswells and Douglas Trotmans of this world.

Will the real leaders please stand up?

Prime Minister’s Press Conference (Dec. 15, 2021)

252 responses to “Another Dark Day for Labour – NTSH”

  1. Suck it up John2…..William is still coming out looking much better and more CREDIBLE THAN YOU in all of this….that’s what happens when ya support losers..

  2. “National Security?”

    the slave society folder of names…..bunch of jokers, believe in their own false rhetoric…

  3. WW

    I m In bo contest and dont care if WS come Out look better or Worse I m sure he will tell u the same from his end.

    Like everyone Else. I call it as i see it until David decide otherwise

  4. ya gained absolutely nothing from the exercise and STILL LOOK STUPID.

    that’s like those coming out with an instagram video TELLING THEIR USUAL LIES to the people just like they did when they ran up to the ILO told nuff lies, came back and sold out the hotel workers to thieves and racists…yall have NO CREDIBILITY…especially the foul Enuff who i thought was in mourning because he lost his crutch who robbed the treasury and pension fund and whom he always wants to see his PEOPLE underneath the trash, being robbed and mistreated …..but he upped and CROAKED, one less parasite in Black lives…NEXT

    ….yall have NO CREDIBILITY…

  5. As was said long ago, the Slaves who sell out their people, keep them in bondage and in generational poverty were bound to EXPOSE THEMSELVES and what they really do….these unions do not represent the people so they are easy to manipulate.

  6. These days ya may still be able to hide somethings from some people on the island but not from EVERYONE ELSE. This debt DOES NOT BELONG to the people on the island and they should NOT be burdened with or enslaved to repay it. The debt belongs to the sellouts and the minorities…

  7. 5-6 BILLION DOLLARS IN DEFICIT……that’s what was STOLEN…and they are still maintaining these crooks at the people’s expense and allowing the youngsters in the depressed areas to kill and injure each other out of frustration, lack of opportunities, a quality education and POVERTY….


  8. @ WIRA-War-on-U December 18, 2021 2:37 PM

    If Barbados was a business corporation it would, by now, be deemed insolvent and teetering on the verge of bankruptcy.

    Now who will be prepared to bail out poor Barbados from the IMF loan-sharks? The Chinese?

    Or through a divorce settlement styled as ‘Reparations’ due from its previous owner, the British?

    In her second term MAM runs the significant risks of becoming a most unpopular PM given the challenges she faces in downsizing the public sector to at least 2/3rd of it current manpower carrying capacity.

    Carrying such a large debt servicing burden, in a contracting economy with a declining transactional tax base, can have serious implications for the country’s ability to pay such a large number of public sector workers and pensioners.

  9. Read twice…2034 is a target date. Since the population did not TIEF sll that money…they need to remove themselves from the system AND THAT DEBT…that is NOT THEIRS…OR THEY WILL BE TRAPPED for a hell of a lot longer than 13 YEARS.

    “Barbados’ debt currently hovers around 144 per cent of GDP and studies showing debt levels around 60 per cent of GDP will facilitate long-term growth. Despite not paying anything on its debt last year and paying significantly less than planned this year, the IMF said the country can still achieve the target of reducing its debt to being equivalent to 60 per cent of its GDP by 2034, if it gets back on track quickly by raising the sums it pays out each year. It did not say if debt payments should exceed the 6 per cent of GDP it was before the onset of the pandemic”

  10. “Now who will be prepared to bail out poor Barbados from the IMF loan-sharks? The Chinese?

    Or through a divorce settlement styled as ‘Reparations’ due from its previous owner, the British?

    we kept warning the people didn’t we…now they are using the old scam of patriotism and a half a republic to reel the people in to BEING SLAVES to repay a debt that all of them and their minority friends TIEF THE BILLIONS that is now a deficit…” they are well armed with bullshit, but not telling the people that they should not be claiming to have any island….as i was telling the hard heads on BU recently…..because they are INSOLVENT…and whoever pays the debt OWNS IT….if the people want to be owned, they are already seen as Slaves …that’s on them…but they will be doing a GREAT DISSERVICE to their current and future generations if they don’t remove themselves and LET EVERYTHING CRASH…around these LIARS…

    Miller..we can only tell them…the rest is up to them..

    those who believe that politician’s lies are sacred and should be ACCEPTED even though it’s KILLING a whole generation of young Black people should also be made to PAY THAT DEBT…

  11. Haven’t been fully able to digest this..

    What does it mean? The Supreme Leader, can reach out and freeze personal funds?
    Appealing to one of the level headed men to explain…
    Was this power always there (BR and AR).

    We are now in year 1 AR.

  12. @TheOGazerts,

    who is “The Supreme Leader” ?

  13. Some of you make debating issues very boring.

    To reiterate the PM REQUESTED a report on the matter, time will tell how it shakes out. To say the PM lied because she has not spoken to it yet is nonsense.

  14. Theo…it looks like the banks are colluding AGAINST THEIR CLIENTS….bad business…governments should not be meddling in people’s BANK ACCOUNTS unless a crime has been committed and then it should be the police doing that……..and banks should not be freezing accounts just on government say so or because employees won’t comply….so…as people have been complaining for YEARS that their BANK ACCOUNTS valued in the millions HAVE BEEN DISAPPEARING…….this shows that that there is some truth to that…

    this is getting messier and messier…

    Caswell might have to bring in human rights bodies to oversee this..are they planning to starve these people for standing up for their rights..

  15. I know Mia thinks am her enemy, but i assure her, she DON’T WANT TO GO DOWN THIS ROAD…don’t get caught up in a pissing contest when it comes to human rights, YOU WILL LOSE..

  16. Are any of the banks Canadian ?

  17. @Hants
    You must forgive me. Tron has given her so many titles that I lost track of the latest.

    Each week he finds a next level to promote her to. I suspect that if she was a man we would already be in ‘Godfather territory, but ‘Godmother’ is not as commanding, and mother of the nation is on the wimpy side.

  18. This is a highly unusual tactic to adopt. The international media will probably highlight this story and Mia should be advised to tread with caution. A disenfranchised people have nothing to lose.

    These nurses are qualified professionals and can easily be poached by international health bodies.

    Caswell, contact the international trade union movement and highlight this travesty of justice.

  19. I would not accuse the PM of lying

    Time delayed truths
    Future truths
    probable truth is possibly the best
    100% probable – a fact
    75%-Highly probable
    50% probable – uncertainty
    0% probable – National security folder

  20. Had a great time. Catch you later…
    Missing some of my favorites
    The great GP
    The great AC
    The great Donna,
    and of course the man for whom the words, great, good, honest and wise were never used (perverted) Lawson

    Enjoy the evening.

  21. I think what it means Theo is you Know when you send a picture of your dick to a girl and realize you have sent it to the whole office by mistake and you recall the emails, well this kinda sounds like the same thing, govt recalling last checks and leaving you dick.
    Buzy working everyone wants to be in their house by christmas so havent had time to see what has been going on, but I did read s about nurses striking, bad timing optics arent good ,but the govt should pay all emergency services well above scale., Its just like when you prayed to god that the rabbit doesnt die when your girlfriend is late, but did you go to church when you found out she wasnt knocked up ….of course not well its the same with emergency services not a thought about them until you are in need.

  22. “Stand up Nurses

    Calling all nurses to stand up!
    What are we standing for?

    -Resources so we can give Optimum nursing care to our patients- Working equipment ( ECG machines, Suctions, BP machines) , Gloves, PPE, Wound dressing materials, Hygeine products for patients, Disinfectant agents,…
    – Hazard Pay for ALL Nurses
    – Stipend for Nursing students
    – Better working environments (insanitary conditions)
    – Health Insurance and Direct Access to Health Care, investigations & treatment Free & at affordable prices where applicable.
    – Better Security and protection from abusive patients.
    – Training
    – Payment of Travelling Nurses and reimbursement for wear and tear on personal vehicles
    – Outstanding payment of wages
    – Receiving Appointment letters
    – Increase starting Pay for Degree nurses
    – Increase Salary for Nurses
    – No implementation of safe zones without thorough consultation with nurses

    These are only some of the long standing grievances that most if not ALL nurses can identify with, we all may not be experiencing all of them, but some of our colleagues are and we should Stand Together.
    Some nurses may say I agree but why in a Pandemic? My colleagues we have been Resilient from the beginning of this Pandemic, we have neglected our families, we have placed ourselves in the frontline and mantained our Oath to our patients, our other Health Professional colleagues and the Nation of Barbados, We did not Retreat we did not Surrender! It have been almost 2 years in the Pandemic with no ending in the near future with emerging new variants, it may go on for months, maybe years no one knows, so when then would be the appropriate time to speak up?
    We must Stand!
    Madame PM we Care! We Care for our patients, we care for our families, we care for our communities, we care for our country! But we must also Care for Ourselves!

    Stands for Solidarity for standing up for all the outstanding Nursing Issues, Standing up against Safe zones without consultation and for giving Unity Workers Union members whose wages have been DOCKED as they are off the job fighting for Nursing Grievances the forum so their grievances which Most of us can Identify with can be addressed.”


    has been ongoing for far too long…

    some director of fine ants (Piece abandoned us) came out saying that Caswell is lying but no one would believe a talking head from a bank when SO MANY PEOPLE have had nothing but grief from these institutions…money does not disappear into thin air as those same banks will have us believe especially multi million dollar bank accounts…

    …they need to release the nurse’s money…

    all of this keeps happening bcause slave minded fools are too easily impressed by politicians and their containers FILLED WITH LIES…stop enabling them and ya will see they will become too afraid of the people to continue selling you out to the highest bidder..

  24. This is the difference between an advanced society that recognizes worker’s rights DESPITE all its other problems and a little backwater with halfassed leaders and THEIR SWOLLEN HEADS.. speeding up and down the world stage apparently turned them stupid…

    “Coal miners from Alabama go ON STRIKE, protest outside BlackRock HQ in NYC demanding better pay.

    The demonstration organized by the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) reportedly drew over 1,000 people from multiple states demanding better pay and work conditions from the world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock.

    BlackRock is the major shareholder in Warrior Met Coal, where the protesters are employed.

    Union members say they made concessions in pay, benefits, holidays and overtime equaling over $1 billion in savings for BlackRock after their previous employer filed for bankruptcy in 2016.

    US officials have also reportedly discussed economic recovery plans with BlackRock to offset the company’s losses during the Covid-19 pandemic.”

  25. In an effort to jump start the economy, increase spending and get businesses boosted, Government will allow VAT-free shopping in Barbados on Monday.

  26. The unlawful strike initiated by the outspoken senator reminds me of the British “winter of discontent”. Fortunately, we have our own Caribbean version of Margaret Thatcher, who I hope will soon break the back of the labour movement.

  27. @WURA-War-on-U December 18, 2021 8:14 PM “some director of fine ants…came out saying that Caswell is lying but no one would believe a talking head from a bank when SO MANY PEOPLE have had nothing but grief from these institutions.

    You know that the director of finance does not work for a bank don’t you?

  28. AMERICA is an advanced society that recognises worker’s rights??????

    People in America can be fired for any reason or no reason at all besides discrimination!



    Look how hard they have to fight to get unionised! And union membership has been gutted since Ronald Reagan!

    I could go on and on about how Barbadian labour laws and practices are more worker friendly than in the US!

    Now, see why I have to keep putting things into perspective!

    You are comparing Barbados unfavourably with countries that are known hellholes for ordinary workers.

    When ordinary Bajans leave here and go to America they come back and tell us that we don’t know what work is!

    Man, let us stick to what we want to fix in Barbados without the distortions nuh!

  29. John 2,

    There is a difference between repetitive behaviour and an occasional lapse.

    One should be assumed to be deliberate. The other should be assumed to be a misstatement.

    Common sense!

  30. Smith: Dark day for trade unions

    By Colville Mounsey
    Last week’s public condemnation of the Caswell Franklyn-led Unity Workers’ Union by trade union leaders for the decision to lead nurses on strike, is being described as a dark day for the hallowed tradition of solidarity among the labour movement.
    This is the view of former General Secretary of the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) Roslyn Smith, who said that in the more than 40 years that she has been involved in the trade union movement, she has never seen unions turn on each other in the manner it was done last Wednesday.
    She said she was especially hurt to see the union she led from 2015 to 2019 participating in the exercise of publicly chastising another union.
    Press conference
    It was during a press conference called by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley following a meeting of the Social Partnership, Barbados Private Sector Association, the Barbados Workers’ Union, the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW), the Barbados Nurses Association, the Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners (BAMP) and the Congress of Trade Unions and Staff Associations of Barbados (CTUSAB), all voiced concerns about the industrial action.
    Smith said over the years trade unions have had diverging opinions on how to treat to an industrial relations issue, but noted that such matters were always dealt with away from the glare of the public.
    “There is a time and place for everything and I don’t think that coming out to condemn another union while they are taking industrial action is the solidarity we are accustomed to. That is not unity. It’s not a good idea to publicly bash your sister unions. If there is something to be resolved as brother and sister unions, it should be done privately,” said Smith.
    Wrong focus
    She lamented further: “Everybody is focusing on Caswell Franklyn when the focus should be on the nurses’ issues, they are looking in the wrong direction. I feel as though in the few years that I was out, things have changed so rapidly. In the decades that I have been a trade unionist I have never seen that level of targeting another union, we just don’t do that as sister unions. Any disagreement with the process should have been thrashed out privately, take the politics out of it and deal with nurses’ issues.”
    The veteran trade unionist who distinguished herself as a champion for nurses, contended that in the back and forth over whether Franklyn’s approach was right or wrong, the longstanding concerns of the health care providers were being lost.
    Prioritise list
    “The nurses have concerns, and they are telling you that they are hurting, the least you can do is sit down and prioritise their list of concerns to address the most pressing of them. As trade unions your first priority is to your members and whether Franklyn was right or wrong in his approach. The fact remains that you have a pressing matter before you from people you represent that are hurting. That is like quarrelling over who burst a pipe instead of fixing the pipe and determining who was right or wrong after the fact,” she said.
    Smith stressed: “Right now they have the cart before the horse and heading down the wrong road of bashing Caswell. He is the one that has brought up the issues again and dragging him through the mud does nothing for worker confidence in the unions. I am passionate about this because the nurses have issues that go back many years.”

    Source: Nation

  31. Nurse: PM’s words bitter pill to swallow

    Hurt, dismayed, and disrespected.
    Those were the flood of emotions felt by one nurse upon hearing Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley’s assertion that the participants of the ongoing nursing strike were being encouraged to abandon their patients.
    Delegate of the Unity Workers’ Union and 12-year registered nurse, Kathyann Holder attempted to set the record straight yesterday, arguing that over the years the nurses had stuck to their task of patient care, sometimes going months without pay and despite being among the lowest paid in the civil service.
    Fighting back tears, Holder described a scenario where at times nurses would pull from their “meagre” salaries to purchase items to assist in the care of their patients, and therefore to be accused of abandoning the patients was a bitter pill to swallow.
    She made the comments during a press conference convened yesterday by the head of Unity Workers’ Union Senator Caswell Franklyn.
    “When I heard the Prime Minister speak it brought me to tears because me and my colleagues would have left home, left kids unattended, gone to work hungry because of months of not being paid and still expected to perform. It cannot be a conducive situation when you are constantly put under stress like that. The Prime Minister accused the nurses of abandoning their patients, but in no shape or form have we done that. We love our patients and provide a service to them 24 hours per day. It hurt me when she spoke and made it sound as if we were sheep that had gone astray, and we need punishment to make our way back to the flock,” said Holder.
    She explained that it was now simply a case of the pressure being too much to bear and the nurses were now at a stage where they can no longer turn the other cheek.
    “The statements made me feel as though she was an abuser, and we were supposed to come
    on back, take the lash and say nothing or do nothing. It is not right; it is not fair what my colleagues are going through. I feel it with deep sensation because I love my patients and as much as I love my patients, I also love my colleagues and it is an injustice that is being done to them. It cannot be right when you have added more fuel to the fire and expect us to perform. This is a cause well worth fighting for and we are not going to back down because it is absolute nonsense what is being done to us,” she said.
    Last Wednesday the Prime Minister also took Franklyn to task, describing his spearheading of the strike as being callous as to the impact it was having on patient care. She also reported that during a meeting convened by the Unity Workers’ Union, Franklyn told the nurses that they were not abandoning the patients as the patients were not theirs if they are not on the job.
    Yesterday Franklyn said he did utter such remarks, but that they were taken out of context.
    “The nurses were on strike and sisters were calling them telling them that they have abandoned their patients and the nurses came to my meeting crying. So I told them they are not your patients until you take over duty, when you are at home they are not your patients. It was spun in a way to make it sound as if I am uncaring and harsh,” he stressed. (CLM )

    Source: Nation

  32. Strike call hurting country
    The decision of Senator Caswell Franklyn, leader of the Unity Workers’ Union, to call on his member nurses to strike in the midst of a COVID pandemic is a poor and callous one. It is the country that is spited.
    There is a term used in politics called playing to the gallery, when politicians grandstand in Parliament for reasons of hearing themselves cater to the gallery to whom they look for nods.
    Leader of the Opposition Bishop Joseph Atherley has come to the defence of Opposition Senator Caswell Franklyn who, in this instance, is playing to a grumbling gallery. The folk who like the theatrics are not warming to this one.
    – Andrew Bynoe

  33. Why do these small time governments who show themselves as irrelevant and useless to Black populations feel that it’s ok to violate worker’rights.

    “You know that the director of finance does not work for a bank don’t you?”

    Cuddear…no one cares who the asshole is or who he works for keep telling yall none of these things interest me….so since he is not affiliated with any bank how does he know it didnt happen and Caswell is lying, means he is just another well placed taxpayer paid government pimp…so what’s the difference.

    Since i have worked in the US and the irrelevant hasnt i can say without fear that THERE is recourse for any perceived worker’s RIGHTS VIOLATIONS….there is RECOURSE FOR MOST THINGS. 5-6 billion dollars missing from the treasury and pension fund….pensioners cant even get their money to food shop another story about it being late. Minority criminals are still accessing the people’s money Like if it’s theirs by the hundreds of millions of dollars =IMF LOANS. due to ya sellouts and you can’t say or do anything about it cause ya all talk and only have big mouth for silly petty things…..and the population to whom the money belongs cant get a dime are suffering and
    killing each other ..TALK ABOUT THAT….or keep comparing a deliberately kept backwater to the US…WHERE THERE IS RECOURSE for thefts of bank accounts and violations of worker’s rights and politicians WHO TIEF from the public purse go to prison…where is your recourse. I know the simple things escape you but try harder. Americans know what to do about any crimes committed against themselves…YOU DON’T or you would be an activist that everyone knows is fighting against government criminality..

  34. BU blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah
    If you find Barbados boring,
    just the same old same thing,
    come on and sign up to Outer Spaceways Incorporated

    We’re opening up the doors to the Outer Space Employment Agency

  35. AND this bullshit about patriotism that the copycats are now using to attempt to keep the majority population IN BONDAGE has ALWAYS BEEN A SCAM….because the TIEFING WILL NEVER STOP…..the SELLING OUT will NEVER END…

    “Fighting back tears, Holder described a scenario where at times nurses would pull from their “meagre” salaries to purchase items to assist in the care of their patients, and therefore to be accused of abandoning the patients was a bitter pill to swallow.”

    some of you nigas have no shame…THIS IS PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE….things like toilet paper the government REFUSE TO BUY because those working at the hospital…TIEF BIG…especially in the accounts section where their friends, political pimps and family work……..the nurses have to pool their meagre resourses ALTHOUGH NOT BEING PAID and purchase basic items so patients can have some dignity……..TALK ABOUT THAT..

  36. Kind of amusing how the great ship Barbados can turn on a dime and dock pay in an instant, but flounders and wallows when it comes to paying some employees

  37. The system is efficient at docking pay…
    Hopefully this efficiency can be introduced elsewhere.

  38. @ WURA-War-on-UDecember 19, 2021 7:05 AM
    “You know that the director of finance does not work for a bank don’t you?”

    Cuddear…no one cares who the asshole is or who he works for keep telling yall none of these things interest me….so since he is not affiliated with any bank how does he know it didnt happen and Caswell is lying, means he is just another well placed taxpayer paid government pimp…so what’s the difference.

    Good riposte!

    He is effectively calling the ‘affected’ nurses liars.

    Isn’t the infection called dishonesty deserving of dismissal?

    Why doesn’t he clear the air and say exactly what happened?

    But, then again, isn’t he the same top public sector manager who was in charge at the NIS when the last inept administration treated it as the Stinkliar-owned piggybank?

  39. I so love when yall showcase ya ignorance, it allows THE WORLD to see the social problems that’s causing the regression…and why the island is STUCK IN THIS QUAGMIRE…

    don’t know if some of you noticed but people from the island who live in the diaspora are not EXACTLY RUSHING to return to the island, despite the “come back home” COPYCAT CALLING…… matter what they are encountering in US and other jurisdictions and that also holds true for the juvenile John2….so i guess the US can’t be that bad, despite it’s race and other social issues…don’t see them flying in droves to return to a slave island with race, apartheid, oppression, TIEFING and disenfranchisment problems where there is NO RECOURSE to battle these crimes against humanity…

  40. Outer Spaceways Inc 🧑‍🚀
    Old Age Pensioners Keyboard Activists are not true front line Activists despite their self labeling branding

  41. Sometimes, I wonder if I am being negative or just throwing a spotlight on the flaws in the system.

    But it would be difficult to be any other way than I am. To see good stories appear and then disappear as if they never happened; to see National security for ‘two countries’ mentioned for a guy with just five bullets; fake outrage or applause for the same act; a justice system that coddles some and crushes others; a government that can strip assets in a second, but is slow to pay; public business conducted in a shroud of secrecy …. The list is endless

    Unable to just come and sing ‘Cumbayah’

  42. yeah Miller…the LIAR acted like the nurses won’t know what’s in their bank accounts and what they CAN’T ACCESS….suppose the lady had a 6 or 7 thousand dollar loan to repay, and COULD NOT BECAUSE a part of her PERSONAL FUNDS WERE FROZEN….these criminals and their pimps act like every Black person has childlike minds like those found on BU>

    “But, then again, isn’t he the same top public sector manager who was in charge at the NIS when the last inept administration treated it as the Stinkliar-owned piggybank?”..

    you could see in his face he is a LIAR who believes because of his pimp designation that he is smarter than everyone else…

  43. Going to sign out here and wish all of you a great day.
    Fighting hard to get myself down to one or two contributions per day.

    Have a great day Barbados.


    Killing two birds with one stone?
    He may be rubbishing the claim of CF and at the same time telling bankers to stop (if they are blocking access).

    Correcting without admitting.

  45. Theo…the police too, they are EXPECTED TO GO WITHOUT PAY but still protect the tiefing governments and CRIMINAL MINORITIES…..these are long standing DECADES OLD ISSUES….but each fraud government can ALWAYS find HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS belonging to the majority population to fund minorities…even during this crisis where the treasury is FILLED WITH IMF LOANS borrowed in the majority’s name and which they are expected to work and fill up the treasury again so they all CAN CONTINUE TIEFING….a very ugly human rights violating CYCLE…….but can’t pay those who keep the island and people safe…that’s the reason BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ARE MISSING from the economy…and the NEGLECTED depressed areas have devolved into TOTAL CHAOS with daily stabbings, shootings and DEATHS…they can see NO WAY OUT…..

    and the more we warned the governments about this is the more they DOUBLED DOWN….that’s why the whole sordid corrupt show had to be taken to the international arena…corupt negros only want to be seen as uplifing, ENRICHING minorities AND THEMSELVES..

  46. it was NEVER MORE EVIDENT than with the vaccine scam that went SIDEWAYS … was TOTALLY UNNECESSARY…but would have allowed them to RIP OFF THE TREASURY to the tune tens of millions of dollars for THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS while leaving the people in abject poverty……poor St. Lucia got robbed in that bargain….hope they got back their 7 million dollars by now…

    they believe that they are elected by the majority to create scams to enrich minorities and themselves ONLY…

  47. btw…i notice they are running around like a whirlwind believing somebody is STUPID Enuff to make them head of the Caribbean so the SCAMS can get BIGGER….the TIEFING can get even BIGGER and elaborate……..and the regions people LEFT IN DIRE POVERTY….

    .ah wonder who is prompting Mrs. Maloney to get herself killed when the other Caribbean islands ARE RIPPED OFF by BILLIONS OF DOLLARS…..Dominica is still reeling from the $2 billion dollars that allegedly disappeared and is disenfranchising the population..

    and in some islands the people DO NOT HAVE THE DOCILE MENTALITIES of most people in Barbados….they will KILL YOU…so continue playing SLICK with ya empty fast talking…

  48. I don’t have to work in the US to know what the bloody laws are, you fool!

    You can seek redress ONLY UNDER THE LAWS!

    US labour law stinks!

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