We are already half way through what will result in many cases, both locally and around the world as one, if not the most difficult years in living memory.

Frankly I have been disappointed that we have not witnessed more creative thinking and action among the wealth of tourism professionals, who reside and derive their main income from the sector in our country. While it’s almost impossible to compare our position with that of larger neighbours, sparks of ingenuity emerge from abroad.

Take the US state of Arizona as an example. Republican Senator Martha McSally introduced legislation that would enable Americans to deduct domestic travel expenses, which include lodging on their tax returns for the next three years. The American TRIP act would provide a US$4,000 travel credit for individuals and US$8,000 for joint filers, plus an additional US$500 credit for dependent children.

Justifying the concept, Senator McSally, (a former United States Air Force Colonel, the first US women to fly in combat and command a fighter squadron) pointed out that travel and hospitality has one of the nation’s highest unemployment rates because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Adding ‘Arizona has lost billions in revenue this year alone due to the pandemic’ and ‘my legislation will help boost domestic travel and jump-start the comeback of our hotels, entertainment sectors and local tourism agencies’.

I am not, for one second, suggesting that we attempt to adopt identical legislation, but it should open up our minds, that there are alternative ways of re-opening our tourism economy, rather than totally depending on overseas visitors, with all the challenges that entails. This form of tax credit could appeal to those who are still in meaningful employment and who have disposable income.

Another way may be to lift the recently imposed room levy and temporarily remove the VAT (value added tax) that is applied to accommodation and the latter on dining, at least until some sort of measured recovery takes place.

While Government will be clearly focused on tax collection to reduce the burden of further debt which has been compounded by Covid-19, it’s long term objective may be to ensure as many businesses as possible avoid bankruptcy and return to profitability in the middle to long term, ultimately making them subject to corporation and all the additional taxes that viability and full employment brings.

Some may reasonably argue that the current timing is not right, but when will it ever more likely to be?

Are ‘we’ going to wait until more businesses are shuttered and beyond realistic recovery?

Surely now, while ‘we’ still have the time, to finally implement the long promised duty-free concessions right across the tourism sector.

It cannot be right or proper that a single entity still extracts unique trading advantages, especially when we consider the fact that most of its derived income stays offshore.

If levelling the playing-field has any real meaning to those who have taken the greatest risk and ploughed almost, if not everything, into their country, let it be clearly demonstrated and raised as a beacon to encourage further local investment.

91 responses to “Adrian Loveridge Column – More Creative Thinking Required People!”

  1. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    Same old thinking. Admitting a lack of creativity by those responsible for tourism and then calling for all kinds of tax relief. Repetitive begging nothing really creative here. Still complaining about concessions given to Sandals. No wonder we are back to square one.
    On the other hand the Minister of Tourism, who inherited, the most and only , successful ministry of the last administration, comes up with a” new” vision for St Lawrence Gap. It goes like this: remove the dug peddlers and those who harass tourists. Very new indeed, I remember Aron Truss from nearly forty years ago saying the same
    And then on the same gap everybody up in Mark Maloney face drinking free booze. All them up in one another. A $100,000 USD investment and Maloney got them all eating from the palm of his hand; the same Maloney was supposed to be corporate public enemy number 1 . But that was just up to the elections of 2018.
    And this morning bright and early all we reading about creativity is to remove taxes and give more concessions.
    Sounds familiar ? It is. Same old same old.

  2. @ William

    If Barbados wants to encourage young British tourists, then there are three essentials: booze (young Brits are the drunkest in Europe), sex (ditto) and drugs( ditto).
    The drug dealers on St Lawrence Gap do more for tourism from the UK than the fantasists in pin-stripe suits. I once worked with a young woman, an ‘English rose’, who came down to Barbados on holidays and returned telling me about her time in St Lawrence Gap. I smiled. Quite clearly she had forgotten I was from Barbados.
    By the way, I still get people accusing me of being a millionaire who planned to spend money improving the Gap, on the basis of the Nation publishing my picture next to the development story. Even to this day, years later, they have not apologised or published a correction. I cannot even afford to pay for petrol in my car.

  3. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    “Frankly I have been disappointed that we have not witnessed more creative thinking and action” from you, Adrian. After all, you are a multi-millionaire with decades of industry experience… why are you not investing in the next generation of tourism innovation?

  4. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Hal
    The tourist industry needs at least four or so years to fully recover. Unfortunately we simply don’t have the product to really compete in the post COVID era. The simple truth is that unless health protocols are AA+, people will not take chances. There are people who live in USA , Canada etc, who have in many cases never traveled outside of their county. Millions don’t even have passports. With COVID as a backdrop, they will scarcely want to travel.
    If you or anybody else want to truly understand how the industry has been mismanaged just read what the players write and you would see how basically visionless they really are. This current column under discussion bears out my point. The writer never speaks of any innovation just run of the mill stuff. People don’t understand that we compete for airline seats and after two or three days on the beach , visitors yearn for more and we just don’t have it .
    We sell sea sand and barely anything else. And they know it because they have treated our cultural workers like dirt. The days of the Island Inn, Pepper Pot, Harry’s Nitery, Lord Radio and the Bimshire Boys, Guy and Bertie, the belly and limbo dancers are all behind us. The industry has been ruined by over charging guests and blatant racism. There is a reason why black Americans tourists prefer Jamaica. You can’t market a destination as high end if you are still putting garbage at the front of your property. Simple as that.
    Your major product fails when you spend your time , as this columnist knows, chasing black people off your property and trying your best to secretly create private beaches; treating your employees like dirt. Years ago tourists all over Baxters Road ; taxi drivers were our main sales persons. We had a cultural product but we turned Crop Over into nudity with big women willing up on ten years old boy children.
    The hoteliers never bought into the culture because they were racists . They are masters at tokenism but I was there and I speak the truth. They and they alone killed the goose that lays the golden egg. And the black political class by placing jokers who can’t sell a golden Apple in high positions in the industry is complicit.
    And that’s the truth and who don’t like it can lump it. I was there.

  5. @Adrian

    you complementing same US State governor whose one of the leading COVID AREAS in the world, not exactly an appropriate example.

    @PLT , Adrian ideas my lack imagination, however he has is HEART ON THE LEFT AND HIS WALLET ON THE RIGHT, if you Don’t know what this means just ask any French man.

    In this developing COVID 19 situation it’s extremely difficult to come with new ideas for future development/sustainability as the situation is continually evolving and funds must be delegated where they are proven to be MOST EFFECTIVE. The present internation PHYLISOPHY is to throw money at the situation which may prove in the future to be more of a problem than solution. As BARBADOS knows its extremely difficult or impossible did dig ones self out of extreme DEBT.

  6. @ William Skinner July 6, 2020 5:32 AM
    “And then on the same gap everybody up in Mark Maloney face drinking free booze. All them up in one another. A $100,000 USD investment and Maloney got them all eating from the palm of his hand; the same Maloney was supposed to be corporate public enemy number 1 . But that was just up to the elections of 2018.”

    What an opening salvo!

    Right on target. The Duopoly at its best!

  7. @Wily

    Agree with some of your comment. SIDs including Barbados have to pool resources both financial and intellectual to navigate this new world. In the past developed countries embraced a moral responsibility to shelter small developing states, no longer.

  8. @ William Skinner July 6, 2020 6:58 AM

    You are really batting like Sir Garry or even the late Sir Everton on this badly-maintained tourism pitch.

  9. How can anyone claim tourism was “killed” before covid19 when year after year for about the last decade tourist was arriving at record numbers and was the only industry doing so?

  10. @ William

    You are absolutely right. Our deep problem is a a poverty of ideas. What is really sad is that after ten years in opposition and two years in government this Junta is still at sea; it is lost.

  11. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @john2 July 6, 2020 9:10 AM
    “How can anyone claim tourism was “killed” before covid19 when year after year for about the last decade tourist was arriving at record numbers…”
    Because tourist numbers are obviously the wrong measure of success… because we failed to increase the visitor spend per tourist… because we allowed our tourism product to be degraded by all inclusives that provide a homogenized, generic, low class experience… because we failed to innovate meaningful new experiences for tourists… because we failed to staunch the effective forex outflow of tourist expenditures being booked overseas and never reaching or benefitting Barbados…

    William Skinner is correct on all points… the Barbados tourism industry has been seriously injured, perhaps fatally; the assailant that attacked and wounded our tourism industry is none other than our own tourism industry. It is a clear case of greed induced hara-kiri.

  12. I have been asking for a long time why tourists come here at all. There doesn’t seem like there is much to do.

  13. What is the average “visitor spend” for Barbados compared to Jamaica?

    Wasnt visitor spent for Barbados on the increase recently?

    If tourism was so dead then they is no need to revive it. 40+% unemployment and about -15% economic growth socially can picked up by the other industries that had be carrying us for all these years.

  14. @ Donna

    Agree with you. and espacially when compared to a big island like jamacia.

    But i had a BLACK friend who was there in Feb and came back a changed person(according to her workmates) telling what a wonder time she had and how good the bajans were to her. She did a 10 day AB&B.

  15. @ Donna who wrote ” There doesn’t seem like there is much to do.”

    A lot of ” tourists ” go on vacation to relax especially those from the USA and Canada.

    However there are the ” hyperactive ” tourists who want to do something different every day.

    Barbados has a lot of great watersports including windsurfing and water skiing.

    Some want to enjoy ” fine dining ” at the most expensive restaurants and some want to party in Oistins and the Gap.

    Lots to do in Barbados but it would be great if wunna sanitize more. Clean and safe.

  16. In 2018 the visitor spend for Barbados was at least $33US more that jamaica according to my quick internet search

    So what the reason Jamaica doing right that Barbados isnt doing that attracting the black visitors?

    it is closer to the USA, it has more/similar attractions and it is cheaper

    Is Jamaica high end? do they put they garbage out front?

    Jamaica got a FEW millions of tourists compared to Barbados not in the million club yet.

  17. 2018 Tourist spend for Barbados was just under $1.50US when compared to St Lucia

  18. PTL

    all those problem thaat you mentioned are not unique to Barbados so should i come to the conclusion that tourism in the islands is/dead….etc before covid?

  19. At this point in time i wont even touch on crop over, one of out best economic time of the year being reduced to “big fat women wuking up on 10yrs old boys. Just to mentioned that one can also reduce it to gun play on the highway.
    Its just a matter of of selecting which ever negative event you want to if one want to remain blinded in negativity

  20. @ Donna July 6, 2020 11:16 AM

    Barbados is paradise.

    The tourists come to us because the locals are helpful and peaceful, the crime rate against tourists is low and the rich can stay among themselves. Not to forget that we have an international airport, a big hospital and a large range of services and goods.

    On many other islands, on the other hand, the tourists turn their backs once and they already have a knife in it. That is the difference.

  21. Who is responsible for tourism promotion in NA specifically USA? If the Gov’t is serious about getting the tourism golden goose back on the nest it can’t have the NYT headlining an article “5 Caribbean Destinations Reopening this Summer” with nary a mention of Barbados. Jamaica is mentioned so is St. Lucia but Bim is nowhere to be found.

    Someone should be replaced (its time we get serious if the President of the BCA can call for the firing of the Manager of the WI team for attending the funeral of a close relative……….)


  22. A New Tourism

    Simon Naitram

    July 5, 2020

    5 minute read

    With Barbados on the brink of reopening its international borders to commercial passenger traffic after the national shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s worth reminding that our two main tourism source markets—the US and the UK—remain in a state of chaos.

    This moment shows us—again—that tourism is an unreliable industry on which to build our entire economy. Even during good years, tourism activity fluctuates enormously. During low season, tourist arrivals are 45% lower than during peak tourist season.

    This means that employment in tourism is also very volatile. Large numbers of workers become unemployed or underemployed during the low season. Worse still, tourism is a very low-paying industry. It is the second-lowest paying industry on average according to data from the Barbados Survey of Living Conditions 2016. Tourism often leaves a lot of Barbadians in working poverty without stable jobs.

    At present, the Barbados Statistical Service estimates that around 13% of Barbadians with jobs are employed in hotels and restaurants. And the World Travel and Tourism Council estimates that tourism indirectly accounts for another 20% of Barbados’ jobs. This means that we are heavily dependent on an unreliable and low-wage industry.

    Tourism, as presently structured, is a highly inequitable industry. From 2009 to 2018, accommodation and food services (the tourism part of our economy) grew by 17%. The rest of the economy shrank by 3.5% in that time. To whom did these gains from tourism accrue? Research by Professor Troy Lorde and Dr Tennyson Joseph says:


  23. Extracted from the article:

    So how do we build a fairer and more resilient economy?

    The answer to “how do we build resilience?” is almost always diversification. But diversification is a tricky matter and can be a double-edged sword for a small country. I’ll explain.

    On one hand, in order to compete globally, we need economies of scale. Economies of scale occur when you reduce the average cost of production by increasing the size of your business. For a small country with limited resources, that often means that the only way to compete globally is to dedicate a large share of our resources to a single industry.
    On the other hand, when you put all your eggs in one basket, that increases the likelihood of losing all your eggs. So distributing your eggs across different baskets gives you a fighting chance of saving some eggs. This is the benefit of diversification.

    It appears that being a small country, all we can do is to try to find the right balance between economies of scale and diversification.

    This approach assumes that we cannot change our small size. But size is actually something we can fix! Barbados can accommodate many more people. If Barbados housed as many people per square kilometre as London, we could accommodate a whopping 2.5 million people.

    That’s obviously an extreme example, but consider the benefits of increasing our population even just a little. With more people, we are less constrained in our choice between diversification and economies of scale. As our size increases, we can achieve economies of scale across a diversified number of industries. This is one fundamental method of building economic resilience.

    Immigration is the most obvious way to increase our population in a short space of time. But typically immigration requires there to be jobs available in your country—a luxury which we do not presently have. We may need a different kind of immigration—the type of immigration that not only brings people, but also skills, ideas, business, and even jobs.

    Fascinatingly, the need for immigration coincides perfectly with an activity that we’ve been doing all along: tourism! The underlying principle is the same—bringing people into your country for an experience. The difference between the two is simply the length of time they stay. With traditional tourism, we invite people in to stay for a bit. With immigration, we want to invite people to become Barbadians. What better way to share our love of life?

    A new “lifestyle” model of tourism would shake inequality to its core. No longer would we waste taxpayers dollars supporting hotels and restaurants that operate in their own little silo. Instead, we could share the gains from our beautiful island equitably by embedding our permanent tourists into our daily lifestyle. They would shop where we shop, eat where we eat, live life like us, and become one of us.

    We find ourselves at a critical juncture. We need to diversify, and we need to restructure a volatile and vulnerable industry that works for only a few of us. Barbados’ natural advantages make tourism a smart choice—like Michael Jordan choosing basketball. But it can no longer be business as usual. We require a fundamentally new model for tourism—one that is not even tourism at all. One where we share the joy of being Barbadian with newcomers. One where we freely share in the gains from our country’s natural beauty. One where we open our hearts and minds, and welcome those who would share our love of life.

  24. So you invite people instead of as tourists but as immigrants (even with skills and ideas) who will need jobs unless they bring one off shore with them, doesn’t that just increase the people looking for work . Whether they shop eat etc all at the same spots the money has got to come from somewhere. So if you are suggesting that you want to attract overseas pensioners with loads of cash that makes sense but things have to be done that will attract them good health care, other things as well, policing, low crime, top notch services , sanitation life span , water issues etc
    just remember Barbados isnt suffering alone almost every country is in the same boat so dont panic

  25. @Lawson

    We compete as individuals, we have always competed as countries. Nothing new here.

  26. David you have nothing to sell you are not resource based, your best meal is what other countries use for bait for gods sake, forget the immigration go for long stay medical holidays ,teeth implants etc and get that casino going.

  27. liat. changed my mind the island has got to go into full on barbering….everybody is getting a haircut

  28. Don’t forget that the world’s riches, mega-philanthropist and overall just plain lover of humanity, Bill Gates, has not abandoned his dream of opening up global travel by making sure we all get certificates to show we have been vaccinated with an experimental, possibly entirely new technology, rushed into production Covid-19 vaccine – i.e. a vaccine which will be allowed to bypass the already inadequate, lackadaisical testing procedures (e.g. no true placebo testing demanded) that have heretofore been required of all previous vaccines (unlike the much stricter regimes for pharmaceutical drug testing) before public release.

    One small wrinkle for Bill and his friends (co-conspirators?) in the vaccine industry, they have said that they will hold off releasing any new Covid-19 vaccines to the clamoring masses anxious to take the shot and get their “free to travel” certificates unless governments agree in advance to indemnify them against charges for any damages or harm caused by their vaccines’ undesirable side effects. But Bill apparently has lots of friends in very high places, so its hard to see this as a major difficulty. And this is especially so, since the US government in 1988 agreed to grant immunity from lawsuits for damages caused by any vaccines listed on the USA’s childhood vaccine schedule. This happened after the vaccine manufacturers threatened to shut down vaccine production, as they said they they could no longer make any profit on US vaccine sales due to the lawsuits by vaccine injury victims and the resulting compensation awards for damages by the law courts.

    Bill Gates: ‘Certificates For The Vaccinated Will Be Created To Help Facilitate Global Travel
    By Arjun Walia

    It’s important to recognize and acknowledge what happens when we give our power away to government health authorities. Decisions are made for us that are not always agreeable to a large minority, and in some cases sometimes it seems like a majority of the population. When it comes to vaccines, despite the fact that there are many injuries and many safety concerns, many of them are required for children to go to school.

    This is why the so many people have been questioning vaccines so deeply. Regardless of what government and media say, it’s not about “pro-vax” or “anti-vax,” it’s simply about looking at the science and acknowledging the fact that vaccines are not a one size fits all product.

    For example, according to a MedAlerts search of the FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database, as of 2/5/19, the cumulative raw count of adverse events from measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines alone was: 93,929 adverse events, 1,810 disabilities, 6,902 hospitalizations, and 463 deaths. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act has paid out approximately $4 billion to compensate families of vaccine-injured children. As astronomical as the monetary awards are, they’re even more alarming considering HHS claims that only an estimated 1% of vaccine injuries are even reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).

    That’s just one of many examples.


  29. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Re LIAT: interesting when a solitary shareholder is negotiating payments which will be zero under bankruptcy. Hope Billy Preston’s anthem was played in the Zoom conference.

    SN concept seems very similar to PLT, albeit his analysis is different.

  30. @ Adrian
    ” More Creative Thinking People Required”
    If you are looking for ideas to develop and promote Tourism , I respectfully refer you to the Apr 27/20 posting titled ” A recover project to support Tourism Industry.

  31. stanton carter Avatar
    stanton carter

    @ Adrian- Correction
    “More Creative Thinking Required People ! ”
    If you are looking for ideas to develop and promote Tourism, I respectfully refer you to the Apr 27/20 posting titled” A recovery project to support Tourism industry.

  32. KUALA LUMPUR — AirAsia Group shares were temporarily suspended on Wednesday after the company’s external auditor told the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange that it had “significant doubt” over the budget airline’s ability to operate amid the lingering pandemic.

  33. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @NorthernObserver July 8, 2020 10:20 AM
    “SN concept seems very similar to PLT, albeit his analysis is different.”
    Dr. Naitram is a very smart dude.

  34. Touché Peter.

  35. You could move to Barbados and work there remotely for a year thanks to a new incentive

    Bottom Bay, Barbados - Paradise beach on the Caribbean island of Barbados. Tropical coast with palms hanging over turquoise sea. Panoramic photo of beautiful landscape.
    Wouldn’t you rather work remotely from here?
    • Barbados is planning to introduce a “12-month Barbados Welcome Stamp” that would allow visitors to stay in the Caribbean country for up to a year and work remotely.
    • Barbados plans to reopen to tourists on Sunday, when some air travel is expected to resume.
    • It’s important to note that nonessential travel is still discouraged in many places because of the coronavirus pandemic. In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned against it.

    If you can work from anywhere, would you stay where you are?

    As much of the world has taken to working remotely because of the coronavirus pandemic, many employees are no longer tied to where their offices are.

    Barbados is banking on the idea that many people will choose a tropical paradise over their current digs.

    Imagine working from here.
    LU LIN/Shuttershock

    Barbados Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley said last week that the Caribbean country was planning to introduce a “12-month Barbados Welcome Stamp” that would allow visitors to stay for up to a year and work remotely.

    Mottley said the stamp would allow “persons to come and work from here overseas, digitally so, so that persons don’t need to remain in the countries in which they are” — but beyond that, information is scarce. A representative for Barbados Tourism Marketing told Insider that “details on the visa are still being finalized by the Government of Barbados.”

    The idea is that as short-term travel becomes increasingly difficult, a 12-month stamp would make the trip more worthwhile. It would also bring much-needed tourism dollars to the island.

    Mottley said on June 26 that Barbados planned to reopen to tourists on July 12, this Sunday, when some air travel is expected to resume.

    “We will continue to take a risk-based approach to the protection of our country, our people and our visitors,” Mottley said.

    It’s important to note, however, that nonessential travel is still discouraged in many places, including the US, where the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned against it.

    Barbados beach
    The island is a British Commonwealth nation.
    Styve Reineck/Shutterstock

    A recent press release from Barbados Tourism Marketing said visitors from high-risk countries (more than 10,000 new cases in the past seven days) were “strongly encouraged” to take a COVID-19 test within 72 hours of their departure. Travelers from low-risk spots (with fewer than 100 cases in the past week) could take the test up to a week before departure.

    Travelers who didn’t take a test before their arrival will have to take one when they land, then quarantine at their expense until they receive the results, which could take about two days. Should they test positive, “they will be placed in isolation where they will receive care from the Ministry of Health and Wellness,” the press release said.

    Visitors will also have to fill out an online embarkation/disembarkation form related to their health and face temperature checks at the airport, the press release said.

    According to data from Johns Hopkins University, Barbados had 98 confirmed COVID-19 cases and seven deaths as of Wednesday.

    While it’s still unclear when this welcome stamp might launch, Mottley said: “The government is committed to working with you on the promotion of new concepts like the 12-month Barbados Welcome Stamp, being able to open our borders to persons traveling and making it as hospitable as ever for all of us.”

    Representatives for the Barbados Government Information Service did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for comment.

  36. @Tides lovers

  37. So if thousands of people from poorer countries want the barbados stamp, there is not going to be some sort of means test .LOL

  38. In their desperation to resurrect the economy the Government of Barbados has decided to introduce a scheme which will open up the floodgates to mass immigration.

    The health implications are disturbing. Foreign nationals will be permitted to work “remotely” for one year in Barbados and will have the right to come and go as they please. For this scheme to work, on health grounds alone, it should require the visitor to be quarantined for a period of one month. Should they need to leave the island and to return at a later date then the same rules should be applied.

    We also need to be clear that these “remote workers” should be viewed as “immigrants”. A stringent vetting procedure should be introduced as is used by developed countries; prior to an individual being given the right to stay.

    In our quest to bolster our economy in order to satisfy the demands from our minority community business class we are playing a dangerous game. We are putting the majority population’s health at risk, We are also opening up ourselves to those from criminal backgrounds and or criminal intentions.

    Mia is a reckless gambler. She asked for a national discussion surrounding the removal of Nelson’s statue. Yet on this matter which is far more significant to the future of Barbados and her majority African population no discussion has taken place. This is a potential national crisis.

  39. Happening Now.
    City TV Toronto discussing the 12 month work in Barbados proposal.

  40. Thanks Hants, good to see Barbados creating noise in source markets to separate itself from the pack.

  41. So what’s the deal ya come to a pretty much white market to entice people to come and work in Barbados and I expect hope they will put down roots and maybe open island satellites of their own companies or work places , then threaten a black out on Tuesday to only do business with black business. Somebody has got to get this mixed messaging stopped. When I said open a casino I didn’t mean in the business sector, who is gonna gamble on a volatile market.

  42. @ Lawson July 10, 2020 7:48 AM

    You should be querying whether those ‘open-minded’ white people from the North would be allowed to bring along their same-sex partners and their status legally recognized as such.

    As far as the ‘next-of-kin’ arrangements are concerned what will happen in times of accidents, illness, or other incidents involving contact with the local justice system?

    Would these ‘immigrant’ business people be allowed to visit the Government’s service providers without expecting them to dress in their ‘Sunday-go-to-meeting’ mode of attire instead of living on a tropical island?

    Would the white Canadians be allowed to buy (or grow) and use (under licensed conditions) their own mary jane as they can in Canada?

    The Bajan government is grasping at economic straws without understanding the social and legal implications of their ‘invitations to treat’ in order to entice modern and enlightened people from the North to come to live in Barbados to feel safe not only from Covi-19 but also from discriminatory laws on morality determined by an uninformed and crass sect of hypocrites.

    If Barbados wants to become the Amsterdam of the Caribbean (as has been recommended on previous occasions) the government must, first, get rid of those stupid and backward discriminatory ‘legally-entrenched’ rules and regulations on so-called correct moral behaviours and then seek to advertise to the world that Barbados is open for ‘Rainbow Business’.

    Barbados must stop ‘with’ the practice of economic prostitution within the confines of the ‘dark’ social alleys and bring it into the Light of realities and commonsense along with a change in the current administration’s continuing attempts to pull wool over the eyes of the naïve people.

  43. Good God, the woman has no shame. She confirmed what I have already stated: this is a trial run to encourage mass immigration. She stated that Barbados population from1980 to this current year should have grown by 82,000! The implication being that she would like to see a growth in the population by 30%! She demanded that those from the Bajan diaspora should make Barbados their home.

    Smoke and mirrors; and a shameful piece of opportunism. She will not get away with this. This is a hostile action against the majority black population. An absolute friggin’ disgrace. Where is Hal?

    The above link allows you to rewind the interview.

  44. Miller maybe smoking some weed may pass but your buggary for all may be a hard sell. I know I know half the politicians in canada have been doing a lot of querying but the island will have to change if it wants those DINKs ( double income no kids) to come. My neighbors Dave and his wife Dave are selling their house and moving south somewhere you may be on to something

  45. @TLSN

    Nothing is surprising. The first thing to consider is that the president is head and shoulders above her political colleagues. They are not equals.
    Second, the demographic breakdown of Barbados is of little concern to her; to the president Barbados is the here and now, the future is another country.
    Third, and to a certain extent the least troublesome of her crude and infantile ideas, is that she has no vision of a future Barbados either in terms of economic growth or social development.
    In May 2018, the people bought a pig in a poke and have three more years in which to tough it out. I have said here on numerous occasions, those who imagine they will vote her out in 2023 are living in cloud cuckoo land. She will not be around contesting a general election.
    If she remains in good health, she aspires to a global position; she has already exhausted CARICOM, the regional union.
    What is interesting is that the first time she ventured in to this argument about an increased population she said Barbados was too small. But she did not make it clear if she was talking about the physical size of the size of the population.
    She has since indicated she meant the size of the population, but has ignored the pressures any such incrdease would put on society in terms of housing, schools, health care, traffic, utilities and, most of all, water use.
    Quite obviously, and intentionally, she has not said how an increased population would benefit the vast majority of traditional Barbadians. She is playing a game.
    She knows that Barbadians like filling in the gaps and will no doubt go on to explore what she is thinking when she calls for an increased population.
    The real danger is the ethnic, racial and religious composition of the New Barbadians. The first thing immigrants pack in their suitcases is their culture and any invasion of New Barbadians will lead inevitably to social conflict. Maybe this is what she wants; or more likely, she does not care.
    All this comes together with her reluctance to endorse Black Lives Matter, to join the march, and the continuing militarising of the police.
    The president is not as clever as her fan club claims, but she is armed with lots of political tricks and, behind her smile, is a politically dangerous woman. It will end in tears.

  46. @ Hal Austin July 10, 2020 1:10 PM

    An independent growth strategy is more important for Barbados than ever before. Guyana will fail as a major investor for Barbados. My view of the situation in Guyana is that the country is on the brink of a civil war with many dead. It is a great misconception that one side of the population is better than the other. Both sides are arming there militarily and have drawn up death lists.

    Do we alternatively need more people on our island? In my opinion, the island is overpopulated regardless of wealth or poverty and regardless of being black or white. The environment will not tolerate higher waste production and higher water consumption. Realistically, therefore, we should bring 50,000 rich foreigners into the country and send 50,000 criminals and poor people to Guyana. Crime and poverty is a perfect fit for Guyana, since Burnham the Grand Slayer is also said to have had Barbadian ancestors.

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