Senator McClean, Minister of Foreign Affairs

“The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season is forecast to be more active than historical averages with regard to the number of named storms, according to the latest forecasts released by Colorado State University, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration and The Weather Company, an IBM Business.”

Hurricane Central

So far the 2017 hurricane season is following the script. Unfortunately it is the Northern Caribbean which has suffered nature’s fury with losses estimated in the billions. And as the loss adjusters continue to assess damage to property, we remember the 68 deaths reported.

What the post-response to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Irma on Caribbean islands has confirmed is the opportunity for Barbados to improve its disaster response effort if such were to reoccur.  Based on reports the few Barbadians who found themselves trapped in the Northern Caribbean as a result of Irma, exposed logistical difficulty for the Barbados government to mount a rescue effort.

Well managed organizations implement Business Continuity Plans that include a Disaster Recovery Plan. The objective is to ensure if key services become unavailable the business will be able to respond first to protect resources and second to get back online in the shortest period even if in a limited way.  The stories being told by Bajans stranded in the hurricane torn countries- especially Poonka’s- has exposed a weak regional emergency response framework.

Many if not all the English Caribbean islands enacted sunset legislation to support information sharing to facilitate the hosting of CWC2007. The CWC experience serves to support a precedent for strengthening cooperation by efficiently leveraging resources -financial and human.

The inability of regional countries to respond quickly to Caricom citizens trapped in countries affected by Hurricane Irma serves as a reminder the region has some work to do to improve functional cooperation. Stories about citizens having to text Minister McClean and friends to alert of their status was embarrassing. In contrast the US government was able to erringly locate its citizens in the affected countries and airlift them out, quickly. While regional governments do not have access to the same resources, we can do better. What is the role of CEDEMA, RSS, Caricom Secretariat and other regional agencies if not to protect the well being of citizens in the region? Minister Maxine McClean’s explanation about citizens not wanting to declare destination information is weak. Poonka’s suggestion that LIAT’s passenger database- and other regional travel carriers- should be available to identify stranded passengers in times of disaster is a no-brainer.

There is no better way to nurture pride in country than in situations where the citizenry observes how its government responds to nationals in distress in a ‘foreign land’ in this instance.  There is a reason why many Americans are driven to shed a tear and place the hand over the heart when the national anthem is played or the pledge recited.

We continue to debate whether climate change will increase the severity of natural disasters in the future. We continue to debate if there is a building code in Barbados? We continue to debate why citizens affected by Tomas have been unable to unlock funds from the catastrophe fund. We continue to debate why residents trapped in White Hill cannot be given a solution.

On a related note, it is interesting to observe how Venezuela has responded to the humanitarian effort to assist Caribbean islands affected by Irma in contrast to the US and UK where there are reports of restrictions to aid monies.

123 responses to “Hurricane Irma Poses Questions”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    The larger countries have no intention of sharing that hurricane insurance money with their destroyed islands, they prefer watch them struggle from scratch, then lend them money, to be repaid, they are lowlifes and always will be…..parasites.

    While they are debating, hurricanes and systems are forming and gliding across the oceans swiftly, let them keep talking, that’s all they do.

  2. …….Poonka’s suggestion that LIAT’s passenger database- and other regional travel carriers- should be available to identify stranded passengers in times of disaster is a no-brainer……..

    Yes if citizens dont want to divulge where they are and where they are going, that would be the next best step. It wont catch all, but it would catch most people.

  3. The burden of bad ideas.

    Why is it bad for Caribbean governments to acquire the capability to rescue their stranded citizens?

    Because to do so would likely lead them to acquire another (permanent) capability — the ability to track the whereabouts of any individual citizen on demand.

    Now why would we want that?

    When I was a student, I would smile at references to the lack of democracy under British colonialism. Why? Because colonial governments had such limited knowledge and interest in the lives of most of their subjects that the man in the street could feel “free”. Much more so than the ordinary American who is always closely watched by the local police, federal authorities and even his employers.

    For most ordinary people, who are not much involved in politics, freedom means being lost in the crowd, beyond the reach of most law enforcement, and beyond the reach of benevolent rescuers too.

  4. Maria is due!!

    Wake up.

  5. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    Are you kidding me ! Caribbean countries have limited capacity to deal with major internal disaster, muchless the logistic nigtmare to track and airlift nationals who are affected by natural disaster abroad . Plus, I would hazard a guess that many are in violation of their immigration status and would want to stay put.

  6. Maria @ 8pm

    “A Hurricane Watch is in effect for…
    * Antigua, Barbuda, St. Kitts, Nevis, and Montserrat
    * Guadeloupe

    A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect for…
    * St. Lucia
    * Martinique
    * Dominica
    * Barbados
    * St. Vincent and the Grenadines”

  7. @fortyacresandamule

    Why do you think this is not possible?

    In the same way regional countries passed sunset legislation for CWC2007 same can be in the event of a regional disaster triggered by predetermined criteria. The RSS coordinated by CEDEMA would access LIAT, and other travel databases to locate non nationals stranded. What is so difficult?

  8. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    On another note, no amount of planning or mitigation effort, can avert the calamity of nature’s fury beyond a certain threshold. Even Japan’s, known for its disaster prepation and mitigation culture, was devasted by the 2011 tsunami …leading to the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

    Most caribbean Islands cannot even withstand a direct category 3 hurricane hit without causing major disruption to it’s economy, muchless a direct category 5 hit. In fact we are a stone- age civilization away from a major natural calamity.

  9. @fortyacresandamule

    All the more reason we should overplan for a disaster.

  10. @ Hants

    My friend and I thank you for asking. Clarkes Road, St. James was turn into a river like Holders Hill and flowed to highway 1 main road. The solution to Our problems are too simple for this DLP government. The remedies has no kick back money or votes for this or the other Ministers of MTW, It appeared kick back money was paid to allowed the building of this illegal private road in, along and across the watercourse, so the black residents in Clarkes Road got fuck up by two cousins who represented them in St. James Central

  11. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @David. In the time of grave natural disaster every man for himself. There are limitations to what government can do, especially, those that with limited capacity in many ways.

  12. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @David. It is unreasonable to expect the government be our nanny either at home or abroad.

  13. If the government wants to track people it isn’t that had. People are asked to volunteer their travel information. A fairly simple online/off the shelf data base can hold the information. If people refuse to volunteer their travel information then they are put on notice that in case of disaster “crapaud will smoke their pipe”.

    Please note that the U.S. government makes its citizens sign a promise pay to be evacuated

  14. The British government makes their subjects pa to be evacuated:

    page 27, right hand column, 4th paragraph “Where requested by our staff, agree to pay back any costs we incur on your behalf (e.g. travel costs, travel documents, cash advances) by signing an Undertaking to Repay form.


    The Canadians make their citizens pay too. Not only that they expect their rescued citizens to settle the invoice within 30 days

    “If your destination is affected by a large-scale emergency, such as a natural disaster or civil unrest, the Government of Canada will send out updated information and advisories through its website, social media accounts, by email and in some cases, by phone and SMS.

    The Government of Canada may also, as a last resort, help Canadians with transportation to the nearest safe location on a cost-recovery basis when all other means of commercial and personal transportation have been exhausted. Canada sometimes coordinates evacuation assistance with other countries such as Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

    If you receive evacuation assistance from the Government of Canada, you will receive an invoice for the cost, which must be paid within 30 days. You are also responsible for paying for your travel beyond a safe location and any related costs.?

  16. But we Bajans are a secretive people. Some of us travel and don’t even tell our spouses and other members of the household our travel plans.

    When we do that we DESERVE to be stranded.


    I ALWAYS tell at least 2 first degree relatives exactly where I can be found. Airplane schedule, Hotels, landline telephone numbers, street names, etc.

  17. Why do we always make things seem so difficult? It ain’t that difficult.

    And Minister McClean was right. Too many Bajans too damn secretive. Of course Minister McClean put it in diplomatic terms but I ain’t no diplomat.

  18. This is what the U.S. government asks its citizens to do:

  19. This is what the Canadian government asks its citizens to do:

    After having warned them that:
    “There may be constraints on government resources that limit the ability of the Government of Canada to help you during a large-scale emergency abroad, particularly in countries with a high potential for violent conflict or political instability, or countries or regions recently affected by a natural disaster. In some cases, our ability to provide services may also be affected by the laws and regulations of other countries.”

    And they betta pay the rescue invoice in 30 days.

    Dem Canadians don’t play.

  20. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    A direct hit by a category 4 or 5 hurricane would just about wipe Barbados off the map.
    * Our most secure Hurricane Shelters are rated to withstand only up to a category 2 storm.
    * Builders have been ignoring sensible standards for generations.
    * Our electricity distribution system would be wiped out.
    * Major landslides are possible in the Scotland District.
    * Our electronic communication system would collapse, both the mobile and fixed line networks as well as internet connectivity.
    * Our potable water system would cease to function, both because of infrastructure damage and because it requires electrical power.
    * The sewage treatment systems would be inoperative.
    * Looting would probably start within hours, and we can anticipate a widespread breakdown in civil order within a couple of days as desperation sets in.
    * Most of the efforts of rich nations would be focused on the welfare of their citizens who are tourists here.

    In a word, we’d be f*^ked, and dependent on the kindness of strangers for our survival.

  21. @ fortyacresandamule

    There are no limitations as to what a DLP and a BLP Government can do at anytime, for white people, and do to Black people in this Barbados. I witness how a BLP Government representative for St. James Central, Kerrie Sysmonds claimed helplessness, to this day, in getting a remedy by MTW for a very dangerous situation at Clarkes Road, St. James. In which a foreign white woman was allowed to built an illegal private road in a watercourse, it caused flooding when heavy rain “up to last Thursday”. to the black residents on the other side. The DLP representative George Hutson had no limitations in his effort to get that same private road paved by MTW for the white woman. So where, how and to who does government limitations apply, even with a man made disaster in the making ?

  22. @ PLT wrote “Our most secure Hurricane Shelters are rated to withstand only up to a category 2 storm.”

    Where did you get this information ?

  23. FAAM

    Agree, not much you can do.

    But the better you understand the land around you the better off you are.

    If you are under the cliff say in the Bathsheba get out!!

    Watchman, they say we could get 8 inches so you may see a river like you never seen before.

    Depends where in Barbados it falls.

    Just in case, get out.

    I think we got maybe 15 hours (+-) until we start feeling it but it looks like the business part is going north so we may get off.

    Get a good night’s sleep and face the new day with hope!!

    We may get rain and some wind … or like Harvey we may never know we were hit!!

    But if you know you are in a watercourse or in an area prone to land slippage … get out!!

    In Florida, my family drove 5 hours in traffic to evacuate as ordered then 4 hours back.

    Had to use the internet to find a source of gas for the drive back.

    No damage to house, could have stayed but if the track was a little this way or that, house could have been gone and the need to start from scratch would present itself.

    … but trees all around took a beating.

    So get out of the way, you can replace a house, but not a life.

    When it is over and it is safe, then go and see what happened.

    Folks in Grenada who felt they could prepare with stocks of food and water and a generator got a rude awakening after Ivan.

    The generator told looters where the food and water was so all their plans were for nothing.

    Use your head and don’t do anything foolish.

  24. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Note also the total capacity of hurricane shelter space in comparison to the population.

  25. A BCP to cover Bajans impacted by hurricanes in other Caribbean countries? More pie in the sky

  26. Try and be with people.

    Many hands make light work.

    If you have to leave home, take a cutlass or chainsaw with you because you may have to make a way back through fallen branches.

    Of course you can sit down helpless and wait till someone clears the road.

    Other than that, catch some water and play it safe.

    It will pass.

  27. We are lucky …. far enough into the Atlantic that storms often don’t get the time to intensify into hurricanes by the time they reach us …

    … and small enough that we can easily be missed.

    But we have been hit hard in the past.

    So keep your eyes firmly fixed on the threat.

  28. @ peterlawrencethompson,

    There are shelters that were designed to withstand Cat. 3 hurricanes.

    There is one that should withstand a cat. 4

    There is also one that is a cat. 5 shelter in place……Dodds.

  29. @ peterlawrencethompson,

    I expect you live in a structure that you can shelter in place.

    Hurricane Shelters for poor people.

  30. Here is why you should move if you are in the St. Elizabeth Area or anywhere under the cliff

    Better to return and find things ok than get caught in something like this.

    This happened 11th October, a few years after the devastating 1780 earthquake.

    Crabhole is now St. Elizabeth Village … and all the boulders down to the sea are there to see.

    The next major landslip was in Boscobelle in 1901, end of September early October.

    Rain fell for 3 days, 15 inches, 4-500 acres slipped.

    Cliff edge broke away, can still see it, and the boulders.

    Plenty other landslips in between and after but these are the two biggest I have found.

    From: The History of Barbados by John Poyer, first published in 1808, pp. 569-571.

    “Among the various operations of nature, which excite our admiration, alarm our fears, or amuse our imagination, the following singular and extraordinary phenomenon will not probably be deemed the least curious and interesting.

    On the eleventh day of October, the inhabitants of a part of St. Joseph’s parish called Crab-Hole, were alarmed at the appearance of several deep fissures in the earth, and their apprehensions were soon augmented, at finding that some small tenements had sunk to a considerable depth.

    These alarming appearances continuing to increase, many persons were induced to remove their effects to places of greater safety. The plantation known by the name of Walcott’s, was destined to be the melancholy scene of this extraordinary occurrence.

    Here, the manager, perceiving that the mansion house was in danger of being buried under the soil, which was descending in large, connected masses, from a neighbouring hill, fled with his family to one of the negro huts for shelter.

    In the course of that distressful night, most of the buildings of the plantation fell, or sunk into a deep chasm, which was presently filled up with the mold from the adjacent heights.
    The alarm now became general, and the people assembling near the spot were witnesses of a scene of truly awful and affecting. The aspect of the whole region from Walcott’s to Crab-hole, extending upwards of a mile in length, and in breadth about three hundred yards, exhibited a lamentable prospect.

    The earth, violently torn asunder, was intersected with numerous chasms, whose widely extended jaws seemed ready to ingulph whatever might be precipitated into them; while, in other places, it was swelled and inflated with enormous tumours, whose convulsive motions menaced the few remaining buildings with destruction.

    Nor was it long before they were involved in the general wreck, and, sinking into the yawning gulf, left no traces of their former existence behind them.
    The face of nature was so completely changed in that district, that few of the inhabitants could ascertain the spot on which many objects, familiar to their remembrance, had been recently placed.

    A field, planted in Eddoes, occupied the site on which the mansion house stood, and brought with it a long slip of the broad road, as perfect and entire as if it had not been removed*.
    The cocoa-nut trees, which grew about the house, and even the windmill, were gradually carried some hundred yards from their original position, where the latter was completely swallowed up, no part of it remaining visible but the extremity of the upper arm.

    It is not easy, perhaps, to explain satisfactorily the cause of this phenomenon. Probable conjecture ascribed it to the action of a number of subterraneous springs, in a loamy sandy soil, surrounded with recent excessive falls of rain: these springs, struggling for vent, might probably have excavated the encumbent earth wherever they endeavoured to force a passage. As these invisible waters glided onwards, the surface behind seems to have fallen in, or, meeting with a substratum of a soapy nature, continued sliding down the adjacent declivities as long as it retained, or acquired, sufficient moisture to facilitate its motion”.

    This is an occurrence that happens, not infrequently, in the parishes of Saint Andrew and Saint Joseph, during the rainy season. In that part of the country, which, from its resemblance to the highlands of North Britain, is Scotland, the earth is composed of various strata obliquely disposed. The super-stratum is generally a rich loamy soil of saponaceous nature, which, being of no considerable depth, easily separates, when saturated with rain, from the substratum, which is commonly of a slippery chalk, flat stones, or loose, red gravel, and slides in large masses, with its growing produce, into the vallies below. Thus whole fields of sugar canes, corn, and potatoes have sometimes changed masters, and even lofty trees have been removed to a considerable distance without injury. Of this the curious reader may find instances related in Hughes ‘s Nat. Hist. Barb. p. 21.

  31. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Where did you find info on the other shelters?

  32. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @Watchman. Your point is duly noted. However, it is difficult for me to see how you can equate both.

  33. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @John. True. However, short of a force evacuation, some of our people are obstinate even in the face of danger. Then they turn around and blame the government for their predicament .

  34. The consensus here is that we do nothing?

    Earthquake Northeast of Antigua, Another Northwest of Trinidad on Saturday 16th September 2017.

    Two unrelated earthquakes that largely remain unfelt across Antigua and Barbuda early this morning, then northeastern Venezuela this evening.

    These earthquakes are both unrelated as they have occurred on completely different faults but it serves as a reminder that the Lesser Antilles, including Trinidad and Tobago, remain the most seismically active region on the Caribbean Plate.

    Each year, over 1200 earthquakes are recorded in the Eastern Caribbean. These earthquakes aren’t necessarily a precursor for a larger event.

    On average, the Eastern Caribbean has seen a pattern of quakes within M7.0 to M7.9 every 20 to 30 years. That pattern has stayed true and was last seen in an event north of Martinique in 2007.

    Historical patterns indicate earthquakes at and above the magnitude of 8.0 on the Richter Scale have occurred every century or so in the region, and the probability of another event at that level is high since the last >M8.0 earthquake occurred in 1843.

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  35. Prepare but please do not be over anxious.

    Have you had a tetanus shot in the past 10 years? If not you should get one now. Cuts and scrapes and tetanus infection can occur during or after a hurricane and many many adults neglect to get a “free” tetanus shot at their nearest polyclinic. If you haven’t been immunised in the last 10 years get your tetanus shot as soon as possible.

    Do you have gloves and boots to make your cleanup a bit safer? Dealing with debris and dirty water without gloves and boots can be bad for your health. Do you have a garden fork just in case you no no water to flush your toilet and need to bury same in your yard?

    Remember we can live without cell phones. I did not have one until I was pass 55. A cell phone is not a necessity.

    A landline is not a necessity. I lived without telephone service in my village until I was an adult.

    We can live without electricity at home. I did not have electricity at home until I was about 12 years old. So unless you are injured and at the hospital without electricity or on dialysis or need to store insulin electricity at home is not a necessity. You can live for days/weeks/months/years without electricity. If you have an infant that has stopped breast feeding please have enough ready made formula on hand or enough sterilized water and dry formula on hand. And enough water to wash your own hands. Daily bathing except for those people who are incontinent is not a necessity. Half a pint of water and a washcloth applied to the right parts, and half a pint for hand washing is enough. Do NOT use your precious saved water to take daily baths. After a hurricane wake up at sunrise and go to bed at sunset. There is no need to run you generator at night.

    Catch enough water for drinking, cooking and hand washing to last a week or more. If you have toddlers in the house watch them very carefully. Toddlers can easily drown in open buckets of water. My mother told me that in the days before running water came to the villages it was a fairly common occurrence for toddlers to drown in buckets of water. WATCH your toddlers.

    In other words don’t over worry about “essential services” at home. Human beings have lived successfully without “essential” services for hundreds of thousands of years. Give the water and electricity people enough time to restore power to the hospital, district hospitals, polyclinics and nursing homes. The rest of us can wait.

    Tell your family overseas that you will contact them when you can even if it is weeks later. Advise them not to over worry and not to jam up whatever telephone service is left after a storm/hurricane.

    Simple Simon who was raised without “essential” services.

  36. My grandmother was orphaned at 12 years old after the 1898 hurricane. Her father was 42 when he died. At that time 14 children had been born into the family, some had not survived, some were adults, but his 38 year old widow of many children had to cope and raise the children without him. And in those days the state provided no welfare benefits especially for people deep in the country.

    He was a carpenter and died in the aftermath of the storm as he had been going out for many days working on damaged houses and “he kept on his wet flannel for too long” Probably pneumonia.

    A young distant cousin died about 20 years ago from one of the big ones that hit Miami. She returned home after dark and backed into her usual space at the back of her apartment building. What she did not know was that the retaining wall at the back of the parking lot had been destroyed after the storm. She and her car fell into the flooded canal and she drowned.

    A lot of deaths occur after a storm. PLEASE, PLEASE DO not to go out at night.

  37. CORRECTION: the wall had been destroyed by the storm.

  38. Ensure that every member of your family takes a proper bath before a storm hits. Clean always feels better. And let the children and go to sleep in their clean home clothes, not flimsy nighties or long gowns.

    You and your spouse or other adult family member should sleep in shifts after a storm. At least one adult should be awake at all times. Try to get small children to sleep as much as possible. It will reduce their anxiety and yours.

    Although I was old enough to remember Janet, I remember nothing. Apparently my parents made the children sleep as though nothing was happening, and they took turns being awake.

  39. @fortyacresandamule

    Don’t expect the blind to see


    Just beginning to see the bands off Barbados on the Guadeloupe Radar.

    I think ours is down again but it doesn’t matter, we get good coverage from Guadeloupe.

    That’s one good thing about Guadeloupe being still a department of France … things work.

    Watching Irma pass on Guadeloupe Radar was an education.

  41. Rain started

    33 parts in the blink of an eye

    No wind to speak of.

    If you have a dog, bring it in, not much thunder yet but it may make them run.

  42. Will the manholes in Rendezvous start to weep aagain?

  43. After the initial downpour the rain eased and fell lightly … so far only 58 parts.

    Probably not enough to affect the levels in the Graeme Hall Swamp to the extent that the manholes will act up.

    Would be interesting to read the level in the channel.

    It is extremely still outside, heavily overcast.

    But no rain falling my side.

  44. Barbados will be affected by the outer bands given the distance of the eye which is over 100 miles to the North. It is still because the eye may be passing?

  45. @ David, Will the manholes in Rendezvous start to weep again?

    Rain for most morning, passed there an hour ago, the manhole not weeping as yet…..

  46. The level in the channel is at 0.68 metres, still below .7 metres

    Last High tide was 0.69 at 2 pm.

    The sand was cleared recently.

    If they did it in the morning, low tide was at .11 metres.

    High tide at 2pm has partially isolated the channel from the sea.

    Lowtide will be at 7.44 pm will be at 0.26 metres.

    The tide for the moment is falling.

    No problems with the manholes, level still too low I reckon.

    Somebody has their head on …. I suspect the backhoe is on standby.

    Hightide tonight is at 1:48am (tomorrow!!) and is at 0.79 metres.

    So after low tide tonight at 7:44pm, if the channel is not blocked, it will start to become blocked as its level rises.

    Rain tonight might be a problem, depending on the quantity.

    I suspect that even in the absence of rain the tide could cause the level in the channel to rise and depending on how high, the manholes will perform!!

    We will know in the morning.

  47. Rain starting back here ….. sky set up black.

    75 parts and rising

  48. The eye of the storm is now showing itself to the North East on Guadeloupe Radar.

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