Former President Otto Pérez Molina of Guatemala
Former President Otto Pérez Molina of Guatemala

President Otto Pérez Molina of Guatemala resigned Thursday and will face charges in the customs scandal that has destroyed his government and mobilized ordinary citizens to protest against the sleaze. – The FCPA Blog


The news that President Otto Pérez Molina of Guatemala resigned today (September 3, 2015) is interesting for many reasons. Will Barbadians in the near future be able to hold public officials accountable for suffering indiscretions in office to force resignations?  BU is of the view sitting Speaker of the House Michael Carrington should have been forced to resign for bringing the position of Speaker into disrepute, a breach of public trust, stealing funds owed to a septuagenarian client. It was a downright immoral act, and every day he occupies the Speaker’s Chair it shows the mock sport we continue to make at our governance system.

The CLICO Heist is regarded by many as the biggest theft to have been perpetrated by politicians, private individuals, private companies and public servants on Barbadians. Yet a boy has not spent a day. Barbadians travel the world representing themselves as coming from one of the most democratic and least corrupt nations in the world.  We appear low on global corruption indices. We scoff at countries in Latin and Central America given their tenuous models of government. It seems we are still to learn from them how to hold individuals and companies who commit crime or betray public trust to account. Does anybody believe our politicians and others who hold public office have never committed a wrong deserving of serious punishment?

It appears on the face of it the Cahill Waste to Energy transactions smells funny. We shall see.

60 responses to “WANTED: Bajan Politicians and Public Officials”

  1. @?”BU is of the view sitting Speaker of the House Michael Carrington should have been forced to resign for bringing the position of Speaker into disrepute, a breach of public trust, stealing funds owed to a septuagenarian client.”

    Honourable men and women do have to be forced to resign. If as you say Carrington brought the position of Speaker in to disrepute etc. then of course if he was an honourabe man he would have resigned.

  2. Caswell Franklyn Avatar

    It would be a cold day in hell before you see anything like this in Barbados.

  3. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    A Prime Minister ignored the findings of the CLICO forensic report and declared in the house of assembly that he has a list of prominent persons who went after real estate set by CLICO Leroy Parris. How sick can you be in a country that is run by these vicious snakes?

  4. “The CLICO Heist is regarded by many as the biggest theft to have been perpetrated by politicians, private individuals, private companies and public servants on Barbadians. Yet a boy has not spent a day.”

    Known DLP supporter and contributor to BU, Alvin Cummins, is of the opinion that Trinidadian, Lawrence Duprey, should be held responsible for all the financial infelicities in the CLICO Barbados scandal, as revealed by the CLICO forensic audits, instead of those Barbadian individuals the audits named as the main perpetrators of those offences.

    Obviously, as is the norm with this DLP administration, their supporters often repeat the general consensus and opinions the party would have on issues. Hence, those of us who think Parris should be held accountable for his actions in this issue are jealous and envious of this Barbadian hero that came from humble beginnings to hold a prestigious position.

    Then the Prime Minister, Fruendel Stuart, in keeping with the party’s general consensus, and in reference to Parris, publically announced that “I don’t disown him. He’s not a leper.”

    But on the other hand, Stuart implied that there was SOMETHING SINISTER or ILLEGAL in the actions of those persons who invested in CLICO’s Executive Flexible Premium Annuity.
    Remember, during his contribution to the 2015-2016 Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure debate, Stuart revealed he would make public the list of names, in his possession.

    “Do not mistake my silence for an incapacity to speak. The time will come when all things will be made clear and explained. I ain’t saying anything yet,” adding “I have a list . . . of all of the persons who invested in the Executive Flexible Premium Annuity, but I ain’t saying nothing yet.”
    “I know all the PEOPLE WHO EARNING QUICK MONEY, who were entranced by the lure of attractive interest rates. I know them, I have all of the name.” “It is not a TRADITIONAL INSURANCE PRODUCT ACCORDING TO LEGAL ADVICE.”

    Since Stuart was obviously “hinting that the investment might have questionable legal standing,” my questions to him would be:

    As friends and lawyers for Leroy Parris and CLICO, he (Stuart) and Thompson would have known from the onset that the “investment may have questionable legal standing,” why allow the company to company to undertake this endeavour? Or did he found out it was not a “traditional insurance product according to legal advice” AFTER the policy holders were duped?
    The forensic audit revealed that Parris and other named accomplices forged an invoice purporting services rendered to facilitate a payment to Parris, which he subsequently said was gratuity owed to him.
    Is Stuart implying he is comfortable with Parris’ actions, which may also “have questionable legal standing,” but is uncomfortable with people investing in what they thought to be a legitimate venture?

    Also, when the forensic reports were first publicized, Stuart was quick to say he had not received copies of the reports, but he could almost immediately receive and read the “list of names” and was anxious to tell the public he had this list, while implying, in innuendo, those investors broke the law.

    By his actions relative to the CLICO scandal, Fruendel Stuart has demonstrated he is a man of THIN MORAL FIBRE.

  5. Let the PM deny many prominent persons were able to withdraw their monies from CLICO before the well dried up, from both sides. This is the political class.

  6. @ Artaxerxes September 4, 2015 at 1:33 PM #

    “But on the other hand, Stuart implied that there was SOMETHING SINISTER or ILLEGAL in the actions of those persons who invested in CLICO’s Executive Flexible Premium Annuity.
    Remember, during his contribution to the 2015-2016 Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure debate, Stuart revealed he would make public the list of names, in his possession.

    “Do not mistake my silence for an incapacity to speak. The time will come when all things will be made clear and explained. I ain’t saying anything yet,” adding “I have a list . . . of all of the persons who invested in the Executive Flexible Premium Annuity, but I ain’t saying nothing yet.”
    “I know all the PEOPLE WHO EARNING QUICK MONEY, who were entranced by the lure of attractive interest rates. I know them, I have all of the name.” “It is not a TRADITIONAL INSURANCE PRODUCT ACCORDING TO LEGAL ADVICE.”……………………….


    I wonder if Stuart said the same thing of the Barbadians who took up the Central Bank and Minister of Finance offer of the “ponzi scheme” of junk bonds they foisted on the people a few months ago.

    Wuh……….we all knew that as soon as the Barbadians deposited their monies, it was spent. The dems will not be around in five years time when this money is due, so they could not care less.

    This government has no moral compass and this is so sad. If they did, the speaker would have resigned…………it could not have gotten as worse as it did……..the High Court had to order a sitting speaker to pay a client his monies. This was so embarrassing but to a man the PM and his men stood behind Mr Crooked. We have four ministers who signed a crooked deal with a crooked operator and to this day, neither the PM or these four men think they owe us an explanation far less offer us their resignation.

    What manner of men are these?

  7. Was the 5 million dollars listed on Leroy Parris’ affidavit with the Central Bank ever explained?

  8. @ David,

    Most problems in Barbados go away after a few days of ranting and raving.

    Wha $5 million ? wuh nuhbody en even rememba bout dah.

  9. @David September 4, 2015 at 4:26 PM “Was the 5 million dollars listed on Leroy Parris’ affidavit with the Central Bank ever explained?”

    No David. It was never explained. I would like to hear the Central Bank governor or the Minister of Finance offer an explanation. The Central Bank is NOT supposed to hold cash for individuals.

    @Hants September 4, 2015 at 4:40 PM “wuh nuhbody en even rememba bout dah.”

    Yes Hants. A lott, lotta ‘o we remember. And we here studying we heads and axing whether we should vote for the DLP next election time.

  10. Wait .. Your head good Simple?!
    Next election shiite!!
    …you gotta next election put down?

    These idiots will crash and burn Barbados LONG before a next election at this damn rate.

    That man Fumble gotta have a demon in his donkey…. perhaps THAT is what the eddykashun joker was on about….

  11. @David September 4, 2015 at 4:26 PM “Was the 5 million dollars listed on Leroy Parris’ affidavit with the Central Bank ever explained?”

    Some of the Central Bank staff should really carry it ‘way, becausing it ain’t have no business being in there in the first place.

    Stupseee!!!!!!!!!!! Leroy Parris tink all central bankers honest?

    He ain’t know that central banker staff have hit up the bank more than once [at least 3 times to my sure and certain knowledge]

    The first time back in the 70’s the bank even bring in Scotland Yard and not a boy spend a day.


    If I was the owner of that $5 mil I would take it home this evening self and hide it under my bed.

  12. Remember to thief from a thief makes God laugh.

  13. I think that God deserves a good deep belly laugh.

  14. @ Artaxerxes September 4, 2015 at 1:33 PM #

    “But on the other hand, Stuart implied that there was SOMETHING SINISTER or ILLEGAL in the actions of those persons who invested in CLICO’s Executive Flexible Premium Annuity.
    Remember, during his contribution to the 2015-2016 Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure debate, Stuart revealed he would make public the list of names, in his possession.”

    Prodigal Son September 4, 2015 at 4:05 PM #
    “I wonder if Stuart said the same thing of the Barbadians who took up the Central Bank and Minister of Finance offer of the “ponzi scheme” of junk bonds they foisted on the people a few months ago.”

    Artaxerxes & Prodigal Son,
    It is extremely important to remember that the IMF forced the Minister of Finance (MOF) to come out and admit to Barbadians that he, and other Ministers of Finance before him, have been presiding over a system of tax dodgers.

    I never interpreted Prime Minister(PM) Stuart’s words to mean or suggest that he intended to go after persons simply because they invested in CLICO’s Executive Flexible Premium Annuities. I always thought that he and the MOF planned to take the list of investors and cross-check the level of their investments against their tax returns. There is nothing sinister about that. Those who stick out like a sore thumb could be investigated for money laundering or tax evasion. Some could be given the choice to abandon the idea of trying to get their money back from CLICO, or face prosecution.

    Apparently, the government is broke, and out of necessity must now borrow on the local market to pay bills denominated in Barbadian dollars. Although the international rating agencies have announced to the world that the government doesn’t have the taxing capacity to repay its debt obligations, some “hard ears” Barbadians still fell for the comparatively attractive interest rates dangled by the government in its last bond issue.
    The PM and MOF can also cross-check the amount of bonds purchased by these investors against their tax returns. Suppose a drug dealer or guns seller got someone to act as a “front” in a huge bond purchase? If the stage is reached where government cannot repay its debt, some bond purchasers could be given the choice to abandon the idea of trying to get their money back from the government, or face prosecution.

  15. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    Don’t put ideas in their silly heads: none of them is that smart.

    Sent from my iPad


  16. North-South-East or West. A Bajan compass

  17. @Walter,
    Remember also that one of the terms of the EFPA’s was that Pension funds were NOT to be invested in EFPAs. How many persons managing pension funds, invested in them. There would be urgent measures instituted to try to get back those funds sooner rather than later.


    I will just say a few things because my name was called again. 1. a look at the organization chart of CL Financial shows that it was the PARENT company of CLICO.2 Leroy Parris was not CEO of CLICO or CL Financial. He may have had RESPONSIBILITY for CLICO (Barbados), but he did not have responsibility for ALL the CLICO subsidiaries. 3. there is a difference for RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY, you go figure.4.The list should be interesting.

  18. Again the blp operatives have been unsuccessful in their asinine attempt to convince intelligent barbadins of this heist propagated by Thomson and Leroy a heist that not even a Houdini could pull off under the watchful eyes of stock holders who would have never kept their eyes close and mouths shut while this grand heist was taking place or even knowing of after the fact, furthermore more these stock holders is of yet to subpoena by way of a legal class action suit towards the beneficiaries of the Thompson estate or place a lien for recovery on any real property that Thompson owns directly or indirectly, ,
    Remember All this happened and no one has ever stepped forward with a legal documentation to file any form of tangible civil suit actionable as a claimant for recovery owed to them by DT, even in light of the evidence which the BLP has plan and orchestrated masterfully as proof that DT stole millions from the poor policy holders, Truly a defining and indescribable meaning of the word logic,

  19. We in the PDC are satisfied – from the very informal surveys that we have been for some time doing of the political attitudes of many people to the DLP and BLP – that thousands upon thousands of people in Barbados have finished with these two older intellectually and politically backward, bankrupt and discredited political disorganizations.

    Down with the Damned DLP and the Blasted BLP.

  20. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Walter Blackman, in your 5:33 pm post yesterday you said:

    I never interpreted Prime Minister(PM) Stuart’s words to mean or suggest that he intended to go after persons simply because they invested in CLICO’s Executive Flexible Premium Annuities. I always thought that he and the MOF planned to take the list of investors and cross-check the level of their investments against their tax returns. There is nothing sinister about that. Those who stick out like a sore thumb could be investigated for money laundering or tax evasion. Some could be given the choice to abandon the idea of trying to get their money back from CLICO, or face prosecution.

    That seems to me to be another indictment on the moral character of the man. It suggests a predilection to doing something that some could construe as blackmail. We know that he used a confidential note from Owen Arthur as a significant campaign prop, suggesting that he does not understand the concept of honouring confidentiality. We also know how the ring leaders in the Eager 11 debacle were subliminally treated. We also know how people who spoke out against some of the Government policies were treated vis a vis taxes.

    It would however be interesting to see if the real situation isn’t a stalemate since there must be tons of information on LP and his probable deployment of perhaps very significant undeclared funds that would make the EFPA’s holders funds pale into insignificance. Going after the “efpa persons who would stick out like sore thumbs” should surely include LP but do you think he would go there except in the direst of eventualities?

    I think that your analysis seems like the most likely interpretation of the publicizing of the names of the owners of EFPA’s but I also think that there might be “something sinister” in the cross checking you suggested if one extends such a policy into the future relationships between the people and Government.

  21. What we know is that this government is a highly motivated animal. All decisions are made with political outcomes in mind. Rest assured the next political campaign will be one of the ‘stinkest’ fought since Independence. We can only pray it does not cross over to violence given the state of violence we have been experiencing.

  22. @ David,

    I hope you will use BU to expose the linkages between BLP and DLP members when it comes to redistributing wealth and opportunity.

    The average Bajan used to know that those who cuss on the political platform does hug up in de dark.

    I hope the average Bajan knows that politicians ( can be ) money grubbing wannabe millionaires and not worth more than a vote.

    Bajans should never entertain any ” cross over to violence ” in support of a political party.

  23. @Hants

    You have been around long enough to know any issue will be exposed if it comes on our radar.

  24. David your remarks,”We can only pray it does not cross over to violence given the state of violence we have been experiencing” bear watching closely.

    The examples of Jamaica’s fall into that abyss of violence is well known. There too was the drug and criminally fueled mayhem used as the foundation for violent political tribalism.

    Fortunately our small size is still a powerful barrier to a similar hell-hole developing here but I agree with you completely that the next election season seems destined to be fire-fight of epic proportions.

    BU’s correspondents need to fill these pages with details to keep these politicians totally off-balanced.

  25. so who would you like to see put in handcuffs in the present govt,,an don;t say carrington he did abide by the court order, and by the way produce evidence as proof to any any allegations to any or all names which you will provide
    am not holding my breath cause i might keeled over from the long wait and while you are rummaging through news articles and clippings see if you find conclusive evedience that fully substantiate Mia admission to the bar with a formal LEC certificate a certificate which all practicing attorneys must have as a formal requisite and a requirement by the legal Bar and judicial process

  26. @ AC
    “….so who would you like to see put in handcuffs in the present govt…”

    The only thing worse than the lotta shiite the government has been doing in Barbados is the lotts shiite you have been talking on BU…
    But Bushie won’t send you to Dodds …. up there too fancy!!
    Jenkins in yuh boxie …. 🙂

  27. The only reason Carrington is not sharing a cell with Leroy Lynch is because a civil matter was brought and not criminal.

  28. so locking ac away not going to solve your headache a hole, as far as u concerned the govt is the problem and ac not the govt, so again who would you like to handcuff in the govt but before putting on the handcuffs and putting them on bring the evidence a requirement necessary in a democracy jac

  29. i know my question would go answered because with all the trump up allegations made against this govt by the BLP yardfowls not one ! note one blp yardfowl can produce substantiated evedience to support the claims not one and there have been many accusers as well as allegations brought forward here on BU against one ore more govt minister,

  30. @ AC

    Handcuffs are too good for these/????, hearing and seeing how they pass this life is the substantiated evidence to support , case in point David Thompson , two years after causing many to suffered , asked the people to prayer for him,

  31. @watchman September 5, 2015 at 9:58 PM # “David Thompson , two years after causing many to suffered , asked the people to prayer for him.”

    I’ll be honest with you. I did not pray for David Thompson as he lay dying. I expect that most Bajans didn’t either.

  32. It is ironic that late David Thompson hounded Arthur about a $75000 cheque, with good results. In death Thompson’s legacy and children will be hounded by the $3.3 million cheque. If he were alive there is a distinct possibility he would have been dragged before the law Court.

  33. Alvin Cummins September 4, 2015 at 11:09 PM #

    “I will just say a few things because my name was called again. 1. a look at the organization chart of CL Financial shows that it was the PARENT company of CLICO.2 Leroy Parris was not CEO of CLICO or CL Financial. He may have had RESPONSIBILITY for CLICO (Barbados), but he did not have responsibility for ALL the CLICO subsidiaries. 3. there is a difference for RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY, you go figure. 4.The list should be interesting.”

    Shiite, Cummins even Stevie Wonder would see that you are an idiot to have posted the above comments in light of the financial felicities perpetrated by Parris, as reveled by the CLICO forensic audit.

    The following are excerpts from the “Forensic Audit of CLICO International Life Insurance Ltd. (under Judicial Management): Report as of December 5, 2011”:

    “Included in the balance owing by CHBL is a payment for $3.333mm made by CIL to the law firm of Thompson & Associates (legal advisors to CIL and CHBL) in January 2009, pursuant to an invoice dated December 2008 purportedly for fees or retainers related to various legal matters involving CHBL. Mr. Leroy Parris, THE FORMER CHAIRMAN of CIL and CHBL AUTHORIZED THE INVOICE FOR PAYMENT. We have been advised that although PAYMENT WAS MADE TO THOMPSON & ASSOCIATES, IT WAS IN FACT TO THE BENEFIT OF MR. PARRIS AS PARTIAL PAYMENT OF A “GRATUITY”. We note that this transaction was not disclosed in the Minutes at that time but was discussed by the Board following the appointment to the Board of the Government representative in mid-2009.” [Page 6]

    “Payments related to CLICO Executives:
    There were also a number of payments funded by CIL, which related to CLICO Group Executives:
    On January 16, 2009, a payment for $3.333mm was made to the law firm Thompson & Associates by CIL. We examined the invoice from Thompson & Associates dated December 30, 2008, which described four different legal matters in detail and the “fees” or “retainers” for each. The INVOICE WAS APPROVED by Mr. Leroy Parris, as Chairman. The invoice was paid by CIL cheque on January 16, 2009 and deposited „to the credit of the payee‟ that day. CIL recorded three of the four matters as an inter-company receivable from CHBL. We were advised that the fourth amount for $237K was believed by CIL to be its expense at the time the invoice was received and therefore this item was not charged back to CHBL. In CHBL’s accounting records, three of the four matters were recorded as separate transactions as “Professional Fees”, totaling $3.096mm.” [Pages 12 – 13]

    The following is an excerpt from page 9 of the “Forensic Audit of CLICO International Life Insurance Ltd. (under Judicial Management): Report as of June 21, 2013”:

    “In the course of our review, we identified numerous other CIL cheque payments made to either David Thompson or to Thompson and Associates. In addition to funds being transferred to Mr. Thompson or his firm to complete business transactions for CIL or CHBL, it appears to have been common practice for cheques in payment of compensation due to Mr. Parris or PFS to be made payable to Mr. Thompson’s law firm rather than to Mr. Parris or PFS directly. From 2004 to 2007 CIL cancelled cheques and cheque requisitions we examined showed that cheques totaling over $4M were issued by CIL to either David Thompson or Thompson and Associates;”

    The forensic audits clearly stated/indicated that Leroy Parris in his capacity as CHAIRMAN of CIL and CHBL, AUTHORISED payments to Thompson and/or Thompson and Associates on his behalf. As such, Leroy Parris is RESPONSIBLE and ACCOUNTABLE for his actions.“You go figure.”

    Cummins, “it harrows me with fear and wonder” (Hamlet: act 1, scene 1) to think that a person of your ilk, who professes to be an author of books, LACK BASIC COMPREHENSION SKILLS.

  34. ac September 4, 2015 at 11:34 PM #

    “Again the blp operatives have been unsuccessful in their asinine attempt to convince intelligent barbadins of this heist propagated by Thomson and Leroy a heist that not even a Houdini could pull off under the watchful eyes of stock holders who would have never kept their eyes close and mouths shut while this grand heist was taking place or even knowing of after the fact……”

    AC, don’t blame the “BLP operatives,” yuh gots to blame the “Forensic Audit of CLICO International Life Insurance Ltd. (under Judicial Management): Report as of December 5, 2011” and the “Forensic Audit of CLICO International Life Insurance Ltd. (under Judicial Management): Report as of June 21, 2013.”

    Both these audits “have been (successful) in their attempt to convince intelligent BARBADIANS (NOT barbadins) of this heist propagated by Thompson and Leroy……”

    In the words of Genesis 6 verse 5: “And the Deloitte forensic audits revealed that the wickedness of Leroy and David was great in CLICO, and that every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts was evil continually.”

    Blame the Deloitte and forensic audits, AC……….. blame the Deloitte and the forensic audits.

  35. Artax, I am sure that your chosen profession will bring you whatever successes you desire but based on your actions here, surely you would have been an absolutely awesome surgeon as well.

    You wield that scalpel with precision!

    And you must realize by now that it’s not that Cummings lacks any basic comprehension skills but rather any basic DLP comprehension skills.

    If you were a surgeon you would likely be confounded at a review of Mr Cummings brain activity.

    Rather than standard left and right brain constructs his is : Left – DLP, Left all other; Right- DLP, Right all other.

  36. ac September 5, 2015 at 7:43 PM #

    “………..and while you are rummaging through news articles and clippings see if you find conclusive evedience (EVIDENCE) that fully substantiate Mia admission to the bar with a formal LEC certificate a certificate which all practicing attorneys must have as a formal requisite and a requirement by the legal Bar and judicial process…….”

    Not so fast, AC. Nuh body ain’t gots to “rummage through news articles and clipping” to find if Mia and the powers that be breached the law by allowing her to practice law in Barbados without the appropriate LEC.

    You like to talk about “TRUTH, FACTS and EVIDENCE.” Remember, the Attorney General, Adriel Brathwaite made a promise in the House of Assembly to investigate this LEC issue.

    Therefore, you should be twice as eager to ask Brathwaite how are the investigation has progressed and if completed, what were the results of his investigations into this LEC issue. The EVIDENCE he presents will ultimately reveal the TRUTH and FACTS.

    Perhaps in your best interest and in the ABSENCE of a report from the Attorney General’s investigation, you should not raise this LEC issue until he reveals the TRUTH and FACTS.

    You should concern yourself with why Denis Lowe and Michael Lashley are driving vehicles owned by Trans Tech Inc., a company that is given the bulk of repairs of vehicles from their respective ministries.

  37. How can a person be responsible for a task and not be expected to be held accountable?

  38. “David September 5, 2015 at 8:37 PM #

    The only reason Carrington is not sharing

    Is Lery Arkie Lynch in jail; thought I saw him at a funeral the other day.

  39. Bushie tell wunna that the sensible Alvin is a chipmunk…..

  40. Bush shite u need to shut up with uh stupid zingers,, steupse,,

  41. Again i am begging ALL BLP operatives produce evedience supporting all claims /allegations/ posted her on BU against the govt ministers that will warran one or more of these minister rightfully time to be spent in Dodds.
    Boasting and bragging or speculation. much of which is propagated as evedience on BU is not allowed in the court of law Atrexeres.

  42. The very fact that someone would come on BU and use THEIR REAL NAME, where their initials could be mixed up with the BU village idiot and laughing stock… tells us that the person is carrying some empty space up top….

    Shiite man…
    ..ya mean after reading the loads of fertiliser dumped on BU by the jackass AC, a blogger would turn up and label himself AC too….???

    Wuh that is almost as enlightened as Jack(ass) Boremann ….
    LOL ha ha ha

  43. David September 6, 2015 at 6:34 AM #

    “How can a person be responsible for a task and not be expected to be held accountable?”

    Perhaps Alvin Cummins will answer that question for us, David.

  44. One characteristic of the BU rum shop is that illogical statements, especially when steeped in ignorance, are quickly exposed. We are all entitled to slip in the argument sometimes but when it us sustained, what can one say.

  45. ac September 6, 2015 at 7:18 AM #

    “Boasting and bragging or speculation. much of which is propagated as evedience on BU is not allowed in the court of law Atrexeres..”

    Art thou serious?

    Firstly, for destroying the English Language and continual practice of misspelling simple words, should “warrant you time to be spent in Dodds.” And I can “produce EVIDENCE supporting all claims and allegations” of your “crimes.”

    Secondly, are you trying to tell “intelligent Barbadians” that both Deloitte forensic audits into CLICO’s operations were based on “boasting and bragging or speculation” and cannot be “propagated as EVIDENCE in the court of law?”

    Surely thine ignorance hath no reckoning or boundaries, even within thine own eyes.

  46. ***Therefore, you should be twice as eager to ask Brathwaite how the investigation is progressing and if completed, what were the results of his investigations into this LEC issue. The EVIDENCE he presents will ultimately reveal the TRUTH and FACTS.

  47. @Artax

    The fact that MAM is practicing law several weeks later is answer there for you. Forget the political poppycock. Let us move on!

    On 6 September 2015 at 12:11, Barbados Underground wrote:


  48. Sometimes Silence is Golden and in more ways than one Govt response “so Far” to MAM LEC can give voiced to many factors one of which might be TIME . think on those things

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