Submitted by Anthony Davis

The Barbados Transport Authority today suspended the permit of the owner of ZR 125 with immediate effect, after the van driven by Matthew Daniel of My Lords Hill, St. Michael overturned near the River Bus Terminal in the City, injuring 10 school children, including a Springer Memorial student […] who was pinned under the vehicleBarbados Today 09 June, 2015

Michael Lashley, Minister of Transport
Michael Lashley, Minister of Transport

Dear Mr. Minister of Transport and Works, your statement that “the behaviour of these operators is getting out of hand”, must be deemed the understatement of the year, because everyone who lives on this island know that that happened eons ago. Daily one sees them breaking the laws as if they own the highways and byways of Barbados. They stop wherever and whenever they like – in the middle of the road – especially if there is a Transport Board bus behind them. They don’t care that the bus has a much longer braking distance, so the bus driver has to be vigilant if she/he doesn’t want to run into the back of them. This happens several times with the bus driver getting frustrated because he can’t overtake them and this puts the driver under unnecessary stress to do her/his best not to rear end the vehicle and therefore cause the commuters to arrive late at their various destinations.

Most appalling is the situation where a number of them use Broad Street, Cheapside, Wharf Road, and Princess Alice Highway as their personal Bushy Park, driving whichever direction they feel like, and driving through by the Cenotaph. I would suggest that there is cordoned off when it isn’t in use. I wonder why the authorities do not set up cameras along such roads – not only in Bridgetown, but in the others as well!

I would also suggest that it must be made mandatory for school children to take the school buses except, of course, in areas where there is no Transport Board bus service and where no school bus is available. Several school buses leave the terminals on mornings for the various schools and many of the students don’t take them, preferring to get the ones for the other commuters, forcing those who are trying to get to work and the elderly to stand.

The technology is there, so why not use it?

For what are we paying so much tax?

Every minibus and ZR driver must have proper training as many of them should not even be allowed to transport cattle. The police cannot be everywhere, so the transport inspectors of the Ministry of Transport and Works must become more visible to alleviate the burden on the police.

On the other hand, I cannot comprehend why people can be so stupid to get into a van which is overloaded. Such people must be devoid of the slightest smidgen of common sense, because there will certainly not be any insurance being paid out. Up to this morning (10 June, 2015), the day after the mass casualty situation, ZRs were racing up Broad St. and down Wharf Rd. and Princess Alice Highway. This shows the utter contempt of the drivers of such vehicles for the laws of our country. They only think about themselves – if they do such a thing at all!

They drive around with a Guinness bottle in their hands, and still people board the said vehicles. Are they seeking a joy ride to hell?

Many people encourage this nonsense by not going to the bus stops. No wonder many of them are getting so fat. They don’t want to walk the short distances to/from the bus stop.

What’s the use of making sure they wear uniforms if you can’t change their behaviour?

Many of them don’t seem to care about their own lives, so how can you expect them to care about other people’s?

They even have the tourists waiting outside their hotels instead of going to the bus stop now. Heavy fines must be imposed on the drivers and the owners. A uniform does not a careful, law abiding, responsible driver make, Mr. Minister of Transport and Works!

His/her attitude must change and it seems as if that will be a Sisyphean task!

85 responses to “Indiscipline on the Roads”

  1. I have read Nelson Mandela’s book called: The Long Walk To Freedom, several years ago. And the one thing that has stayed imprinted on my mind from that entire book, are these few immortal words that he had written with much conviction: ” Penalty does not deter a man, when his conscience has been aroused.” So rules and regulations can go, but so far, but when man a is bent on doing wrong, no metaphysical constraints whether divine or secular, will deter his actions.

  2. But AC

    How you could have things to weed out and you aint call Bushie.

    Nuh weeding can’t happen ’bout hey unless the whacker is on duty. LOL

  3. If I may employ the Hebrew Sriptures as an authority to eluciate a point not quite related to the topic before deliberation? But in the book of Jeremiah 17:9 to be precise, it is written: the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it.

  4. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    Many on this forum are quick to cut you down when mention is made of how things were done back in the 60’s/70’s,but these are the same people who have no qualms in quoting long dead people of the Shakespeare, Milton and Aristotle et al eras.
    Perhaps in trying to come to terms with the indiscipline in the Public Service Vehicle business, we may need to research and quote how private concessionaires, such as Mrs Rock of the Rocklyn Bus Co and Mr Coward,of the Boston and Elite ,and even Captain Hill of the Transport Board, were able to keep their employees in check.
    We can never advanced, if we do not know from whence we came. Ask any Bajan trying to read a road map.

  5. Who cares about Myrie ,hants you can tell myrie go cah she a,ss, She collect she millions from barbados nobody cares or want to hear news good bad or in differentiate about myrie, jamaica needs myrie like they need a hole in the head,, steupseee

  6. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    You are right in your observation. The problem is a two fold street. Commuters do not speak out because they are very much aware that many things that should be dealt with in Barbados are allowed to continue.

    MIchael Lashley will look like he is about to do something but a few more months or even weeks down the road, when the hype of this accident wean thin, the PSV operators will continue to do the same shite.

    Tentacles from on high run too deep in the PSV operation for the dangerous hustle to be halted forthwith. It will take the darn commuting public to put up a stance against bad operators but Barbados is a society that tolerates wrong

  7. David June 12, 2015 at 11:44 AM #

    “Forgive the ignorance here, why would the government seek to amend the legislation if it was not deficient?”

    David BU, I don’t understand where you are going with this issue. I’m not questioning “why would the government seek to amend the legislation if it was not deficient.”

    My point is, this mini bus issue was a perennial problem for a number of years, spanning the terms of both BLP and DLP administrations. Drivers, passengers, pedestrians, motor-cyclists, bicyclists, police and ordinary citizens, have been complaining on a DAILY basis about the behaviour and dangerous road usage of PSV operators.

    Probably, the only person who has not complained is the man on the “Cream of Wheat” box.

    Being a lawyer, Lashley would have had to peruse the existing legislation in relation to the various complaints the Transport Ministry received, to avail himself of the laws contained therein, and identify what legal action could be taken against any violations perpetrated by these operators.
    He would have also examined the legislation to make amendments, for example, wearing of uniforms and implementing, on trial basis, a system whereby the private PSVs plying the northern routes would be facilitated in the Transport Board’s Speightstown terminal.

    To put it simple, Lashley is a driver, he would have observed the unruly behaviour of some of the PSV operators. Any proactive minister would have said, “Man, look, these men doing a lot ah shiite pun de road, which may lead to serious injury or somebody gine ded. Let me go and look at this legislation to see how come dese men did getting way wid this foolishness fuh suh much years, and mek some changes.”

    I am just a bit puzzled that he would wait until a serious accident occurred to say the existing legislation is weak. I believe it’s a “cop out” just like Sinckler saying the waste haulers tipping fee was in existence before 2008.

    But as Fractured BLP mentioned, I’m the epitome of an imbecile.

  8. Sunshine Sunny Shine June 13, 2015 at 7:51 AM #

    “MIchael Lashley will look like he is about to do something but a few more months or even weeks down the road, when the hype of this accident wean thin, the PSV operators will continue to do the same shite. Tentacles from on high run too deep in the PSV operation for the dangerous hustle to be halted forthwith.”

    SSS, you right, yuh. Leh we face reality, in Babadus everybody knows everybody.

    Typical scenario; a MP (BLP or DLP) is given the Transport Ministry’s portfolio. He peruses the list of PSV owners and discovers some interesting facts. He says to himself, “Wuh, shiite, wuh uh gine do, muh hands tie:

    George does support de party and does give we free transportation;
    A lot ah my colleagues own nuff mini buses and ZRs;
    Bob is we boy and get he permits when we did in power de last time;
    Mahmood and dem is good Indians, dem does donate to my campaign and de party;
    Mike ZRs doan really belong to he, he is de front man fuh Shakky who pun de opposition, and yuh know all ah we politicians gots to look out fuh each other;
    My aunt son owns 4 mini buses;
    Dipwolla and sum mo poeple tell me if I get permits fuh dem, duh gine grease muh hand;
    De police, judges, and nuff, nuff big boys own dese vans, yuh;
    If I enforce legislation, not only would my people get squeeze, the some other people might not like it and I gine lose votes and might even lose muh seat, plus we party might get vote out.

    Shiite, I gine got to tread real, real soft. Look, leh me keep some noise to mek de people feel ah doing sumting. When sumting cum up again, keep some mo noise until um die doan again.

  9. However you twist it Artax both political parties are complicit in this PSV scam ongoing for over 30 years. This issue is not about Lashley and we all know it.

  10. David June 13, 2015 at 8:39 AM #

    “However you twist it Artax both political parties are complicit in this PSV scam ongoing for over 30 years. This issue is not about Lashley and we all know it.”

    You have wrongfully accused me of “twisting.”

    It seems as though, for reasons known only to you, you have DELIBERATELY chosen to ignore the following statement in my 7:57 am contribution:


    The above excerpt CLEARLY indicates that I have ACKNOWLEDGED “BOTH political parties are complicit in this PSV scam ongoing for over 30 years.”

    However, as you would often state in circumstances SIMILAR to this matter, Michael Lashley IS THE MINISTER at this stage, and NOT the previous ministers who spanned the 30 year period you alluded to.

    Yes, we all agree that this ongoing PSV concern should not have been allowed to continue thus far, but, unfortunately it has. And surely you must agree it seems as though Lashley was continuing to “walk in the footsteps” of previous transport ministers, because the lawlessness has been occurring under his watch as well.

    As such, since the Ministry of Transport is Lashley’s RESPONSIBILITY in 2015, the onus is on him to “put wrong things right.”


  11. @David,

    I do not know who own PSVs but I figured the owners must be well connected.

    The lawlessness I observed during frequent trips to Barbados was telling.
    I have seen a PSV going around Quaco Bob corner with the rear wheel grinding on the rim.
    They also drive at speeds to suit their “game plan”. I have been on PSVs that travelled at 20kph with clear road ahead.

    This problem may have been ongoing for 30 years but it can be solved in a few months. The DLP has an opportunity to fix the problem for the good of the many at the expense of the few.

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hants June 13, 2015 at 9:39 AM
    “This problem may have been ongoing for 30 years but it can be solved in a few months”

    As I have argued on previous blogs regarding this madness nothing meaningful is going to happen to bring discipline to this sector until one or two “white” tourists are seriously injured or killed in an incident (not accident) involving these ZRs and a multi-million dollar law suit is filed against the GoB.

    Barbados can never class itself as a “developed” country as long as the level of indiscipline and blatant refusal by its citizens to obey basic rules and regulations prevail so openly.

  13. The blp had made inroads years ago in cleaning up the PSVs. Corruption, negligence and nepotism laid waist to the good ground work laid.

    David Weekes’ post using mobile cellular technology can work, combined with cameras.

    You see, use of legislation will help, but enforcement with limited resources makes it a nightmare.

    The stakeholders involved are the insurance companies, mtw, police, owners, travelling public, drivers and conductors.

    The issues are public safety, high insurance costs and expenses, hustling to make a profit, high costs due to negligence, lack of resources for proper enforcement.

    Solution for all of these issues would be cameras in all psvs combined with mobile monitoring, with police and inspectors auditing the system periodically. The owners would not need to wonder if they ar getting their due or what the operators are doing.

    The insurance companies would need the surveillance for reduced premiums and determination of liability.

    The public would be held responsible for their actions as well as the operators creating a level playing field.


  14. There are three things that CANNOT BE LEGISLATED (i) Integrity (ii) Vision and (iii) Just Plain Common Sense.

    As a country we find ourselves at that untenable cusp where we are in an uproar regarding the breach of a promise by the existing administration regarding integrity legislation.

    Throughout this country we have been hearing the constancy of a cry for people of vision since Errol Walton Barrow.

    And I will not waste any time commenting on the fact that common sense is not so common barring saying that if a set of people will, in the face of things that work for the good of our country, punish the messenger, well then it speaks for itself

    @ Iwatcha

    You are promoting what is an archaic backbone for GPS when you speak to cellular transmissions

    It was our proposal to use the cheaper radio based signal to automatically broadcast location, speed, and other information to fixed antennas for which the UWI and MTW only needed a Ham license.

    Unlike the situation where I am reliably informed that buses were displayed parked in Weymouth while driving all over the country we would arrive at the following situation.

    One. A passenger walking to a bustop two minutes before the bus, ZR or ZM arrived at the stop, instead of the 2 hours standing at the stop at Sudden Hill waiting on the Transport Board Bus that is supposed to come at 2 o’clock and the fancy brochure that the Minister shakes in front of the cameras, meaningless brochures that costed several thousands of dollars to print.

    @ Mr. MillertheAnnunaki

    Two. You speak to a practice which others have mentioned made many a minister a millionaire during his tenure. I do not know if such occurred and as persona non grata I would be really stupid to say anything which is libellous and results in any minister getting me arrested.

    Of one thing I can be sure they would hear my libel case much faster than the eight years it has taken them to hear my CARICOM Case 190 of 2007.

    “2 into one cannot go borrow a “0” and make it ten, two into ten is .5″ (Emily Ronalds or any other teacher you want to quote)

    You intimate that the routes are oversaturated with “too many ZR drivers” on a route and, having plotted the 243 bus stops on the Bush Hall Route, I can attest that 100 mini buses on that route makes it impossible for any single operator to make decent money on that route


    “Route Harmonization”

    It is a simple? procedure where you determine the number of travellers using the public and public transport system, where do people live, how regularly they use the buses, (frequency) which routes are over subscribed and which are under subscribed, where does it make sense to create “transfer points and hubs” etc

    If 40K travellers live along Bush Hall, Jackson, Redman Village and Cave Hill and such can be serviced profitably by 1000 minibuses, COMMON SENSE woUld Dictate that 2000 minibuses in these zones is a recipe for ANARCHY.

    The survey determined that 100K utilise our public transportation on a daily basis.

    Once we had determined the routes/frequency/ridership patterns etc., one only needs to know how many buses are where and what is the need and thereafter apportion the routes on a FIFO (first in First Out) basis

  15. @David Weekes
    Thank you for pointing out that for me. Note that the technology has advanced quite a bit since your study and even smart phones are capable of the same functions. “There is an app for that”

    There is at least one company here that offers GPS fleet management as well.

    Not knocking your proposal at all.

    Just that it does not cover graft, lawlessness and safety completely. I think that both radio & video monitoring systems should be used in tandem.

    Many buses in the US use wireless connect to their base once back at the depot… they keep the recorded video for a period and provide footage to police if required. Although this system is mostly for liability coverage, it has great potential for solving our problems here.

  16. Hants 9.39 am
    I have heard it is called Culpepper Corner.

  17. You just cannot just suspend the owner’s permit which is a licence similar to the gun licence. This too will end up in court. We don’t need anymore laws to discipline the drivers. What we need is enforcement of the laws

  18. The ministers of commerce,housing,constituency councils have been calling for a class of local entrepreneurs.Here is your opportunity to create such a class,spread the wealth of the nation and reduce the gimme,gimme class.The OWNER MUST HAVE A CLEAN POLICE CERTIFICATE OF CHARACTER,A VALID LICENSE TO OPERATE THAT CLASS OF VEHICLE AND MUST BE THE DRIVER AT ALL TIMES.NO IFS,ANDS NOR BUTS.I guarantee the Government can score political points if they put this simple measure in place.By the way,I thought schoolchildren were not supposed to ride on ZR’s.And you the Government using that as an excuse to burden taxpayers by taking away existing tax breaks and increasing taxes on every conceivable service you can think of.You poor rakey lot.I hope bajans get some sense in their heads and get you jokers out of our lives.

  19. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    millertheanunnaki June 13, 2015 at 9:57 AM #
    Well said,Miller. From the time I came back to this country in the early 80’s I had been writing many a letter , probably 1500-2000 ,to the local newspapers not only pointing out the indiscipline of all road users,and especially PSV’S but also suggesting ways to improve the systems. 35 years on, there has been very little change. The alternative for rapid change , beside going the route of having a couple “touristes” killed,is to do like the government of the day ,in the early years when the Transport Board was first established. Bring down a retired policeman from the Metropolitan Police Force, or settle for a St John man to be the island Transport Supremo.

  20. Minister Michael Lashley was on the news tonight where he promised all sound equipment will be removed from PSVs.

  21. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    Hamilton Hill June 12, 2015 at 6:53 AM #
    But Mr Hill , this was inevitable. Swan Street gone to them, followed by Roebuck Street, Baxters Road and Belleville. After the Minibuses and ZR vans it will be the Mini Marts all across the island. And, excluding Belleville, who have they purchased all of this lot from.

  22. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    balance June 12, 2015 at 6:56 AM #

    They also have a dangerous practice of off loading passengers and allowing them to cross in front of the minivan oblivious to traffic about to overtake the stationary vehicle and they and the stupid alighting passengers whose lives they are placing in danger curse you too when you draw the dangerous practice to their attention.
    And moreso at nights when the PSV of which the passengers have just de-bussed, has on its headlight, blinding the drivers of oncoming traffic,making it impossible to see the now pedestrians , crossing the road.

  23. @Gabriel,

    Quaco Bob was what we called the S bend by what is now the Cliff restaurant in Paynes / Derricks.

    That corner separated the “men from the boys” back in the days when some of us were wild and reckless. lol

  24. I remember with great admiration when Police Officer Teether, who former Commissioner of Police Durant fired for misconducted, Station Sergeant Greenidge, and Inspector Blazes who now heads the Motorcycle Division of the Royal Barbados Police Force, used to keep the pressure on the ZR vans drivers back in the day. But gone are those good days when ZR van drivers hated, respected and feared these three police officers at the same time.

  25. Someone said quite recently that: we are witnessing a moral -decadance of the Barbadian society, but I would hazard an educated guess that this moral-decadance had been set in motion several decades ago. Here is one prime examlpe of this moral breakdown of the tapestry of the Barbadian society: now, we are raising an irreligious generation of young people who haven’t been taught the value of hardwork, the Golden Rule respect for the law, respect for their elders, and we somehow expect these young people to act the think as though their have common-sense and moral-directionality. Man wunnah crazy as Hell. I do understand however, that gone are the days of do as I say, but not as I do, but we still ought to be able to put some of importance in the heads of these young people today . And stop this whole heap of entitlement which is killing the work- ethic in these young people today. And finally, while we are at it, teach them that it is sheer -ignorance for them to have to pull their pants up from beneath their knees a hundred times in one minute.

  26. The ZR culture as we term it is all about greed. The greed starts at the top where it is alleged that owners have to bribe someone in the MOT (minister perhaps?) to facilitate a permit. That permit is the leased at about $250 to $450 per day depending on the vehicle (ZR or minibus) so you see where we are today?
    This culture can be cleaned up within six (6) months but apparently the will, political or otherwise, is not there.
    Start by suspending the license of the driver for one month in the first instance as well as the permit of the owner. At least we can start there but another problem will arise. That owner will make a call to some big-up somewhere and within a day that vehicle is back on the road. Of course that call will accompany a few dollars to grease the hands of the said big-up. That is the nature of greed.
    All of what is happening now is a result of the inherent corruption which everyone claims does not exist bout hey. Gimme a break. We have long lost our moral compass

  27. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Sea Egg

    You must be looking into the halls of the Transport Authority with their staffing and that “grease my palm” practice that you are talking about..

    This is probably why any tool/technology which can confirm that a fellow is speeding, or off route or breking de rules ent going get support far less implemented.

    (Dear AC, note that the term is far less and not fatherless…somebody tell me that you does be in de Senate but i did axe DEM “Sen it whey”? Between me and you you ent Irene is you??

  28. Gline Clarke and Johnny Tudor

  29. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    or anudder tem for men who mek millions while dem was minister by selling ***

  30. @ pdyr
    i do remember u calling my attention to the word Fatherless as a correction , if my memory serves me correct i wrote the word “fartherless ” with the letter( “r” the third letter in the word ) in context to the content of what i was saying, however i did not use the word ‘fatherless” but rather fartherless which should have been separated, or hyphenated… in future please do not accuse me or put words in my mouth to support your ignorant attacks on ac.

    Now ABC DE and ammmm u can finish the rest of the alphabet in its correct order ole man.

  31. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ AC

    Whuloss…you is one uh de intelligent actually went back and look at de spelling.

    PLEASEEEEE do all uh we a favour and go back and change de password to de BU login fuh AC de ingrunt one,,,dat is to say Irene,,,while she ent looking PLEASEEEE,

    At least I kin tek you on but she whuloss man she real foolish man,,,as man… doan mind dat you does support de DLP en ting at least you got sense man…as one man to a nex man,,,change de password man…

  32. @ PDYR U ignoramus the first time u brought up the non-issue i ignored but since u wanted to kick more dirt in ac’s eyeball i accepted the challenge this time around ,,, as a matter of Fact i cannot recall where i made the comment or where u saw the word but this i know that your inclination to make a fool of ac backfired in your ugly face ,,now Rover up and finish the homework as i am inclined to give you an F, ole man
    in the meantime trying to figure this puzzle out ,,,A is for A..hole.. B is for boring C is for c,,t, D is for di..c head all of which applies to you,

  33. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    On the subject of indiscipline. A while back there was a hula baloo, and some snarling over the placement of flood lights on the Garrison to facilitate ,night racing. These lights , those objecting said , would destroy the ambiance and settings of the World Heritage Site.
    In the heart of this World Heritage Site can now be found, in what is known as Brigade House, a Pork Lime place of entertainment,with all the attendant noises etc etc. Where are the objectors now?

  34. Let us hope suspending the permit in this case sets the bar and the expectation. We suspect NOT!

  35. Suspend is temporary. Revoke is permanent. For how long will this permit be suspended? I’d surely like to know

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