Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Workers Union
Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Workers Union

A court in Germany has sentenced Uli Hoeness, president of European football champions Bayern Munich, to three and a half years in jail for tax evasion. Hoeness turned himself in, hoping to get away from a prison term, when he got a tip off that he was under investigation by the German tax authorities for tax evasion. However, that ploy did not work because prosecutors argued that investigators were already pursuing his case and he was not therefore liable to benefit from turning himself in. It is interesting to note that he received the tip off, on the phone, when he was having lunch with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and that friendship was not sufficient to deter the public servants from doing their jobs.

I am not particularly concerned about who cheated the German taxman: I highlighted that case to contrast the difference Germany and Barbados if a big-up in this country was known to be cheating on his taxes.

I have it on good authority that the Inland Revenue Department is fully aware that the General Secretary of NUPW, Dennis Clarke has not paid the tax amounting to $24,000 per annum for the last four years, which is the tax payable on the value of the vehicle that he drives as part of his remuneration package.

Who can fault public workers if they feel that Clarke is not adequately representing them against the Government because he fears that the authorities would go after him for the $96,000 +interest and penalties that he owes?


97 responses to “Union Sold Out for Tax Ease”

  1. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    My understanding is that the post of General Secretary was filled by a Canadian woman who was working for free, but working nonetheless. Under our laws a person who is not a citizen, permanent resident, an immigrant or a Caricom skilled national must first obtain a work permit whether or not payment is involved. The BFA apparently did not know this and accepted the woman to work for free. Immigration got involved and I suppose that they are trying to regularize the appoint before the woman can continue.


  2. And the third 64 thousand question: is it not time for retiring senior civil servants who are aware of some of the challenges and malfeasance at play in the bowels of government should speak out?

  3. @Caswell Franklin “I have it on good authority that the Inland Revenue Department is fully aware that the General Secretary of NUPW, Dennis Clarke has not paid the tax amounting to $24,000 per annum for the last four years, which is the tax payable on the value of the vehicle that he drives as part of his remuneration package.”

    @Miller etc “Caswell you might be right in principle (Clarkie does owe the Treasury taxes) but are you sure about the $96,000 figure?
    If that is for a 4 year period it means $24,000 tax payable per annum.
    That would have to be an awfully expensive vehicle to be driven around by a trade unionist. The $24,000 might be the imputed annual taxable value of the benefit arising from the personal use of motor vehicle bought by the NUPW and assigned to the G S. The annual benefit is normally calculated at 10% of the cost of the vehicle which would indicate the original cost to be around $240,000. The annual benefit of $24,000 should therefore attract personal income tax at the marginal rate of 35%”

    I don’t know whether Caswell is right or wrong about Mr. Clarke’s taxes since I have never seen anybody’s tax return but my own, but if the story is true I think that the calculation is incorrect and that Miller’s calculation is correct that is ” The annual benefit of $24,000 should therefore attract personal income tax at the marginal rate of 35%” or $8,400 per year so therefore $25,200 tax would be due over the three year period.

    And it is not actually illegal not to pay income taxes.

    However it illegal not to file a tax return.

    It is then up to Inland Revenue to use all means possible to actually collect.

    If Inland Revenue does not collect while the taxpayer is alive they can (and do) collect from the taxpayers estate, since an estate cannot be administered without a tax clearance certificate from Inland Revenue.

    Which of course is one of the reasons smallish estates are rarely formally administered in Barbados.

    People pass down estates (bank accounts, houses, family land etc.) from “seed-to-seed” and keep the tax man out of their business.

  4. Question for all thinking Barbadians.After ingesting the load of jobby that sprang from the bowels and straight through the mouth of Minister Kellman about the final disposition of the displaced workers, and the equally idiotic Ramblings of one Blind Clarke, are you not now satisfied that the time to say good riddance to these two bands of thieves is now? Neither one has your best interest at heart.

  5. @Caswell “You are correct, the car is valued at approximately $240,000. However, to be fair the NUPW only paid $60,000. The Minister of Finance waived the duty and taxes using the power he has under Duties, Taxes and other Payments (Exemption) Act, Cap 67B. However, I am yet to see the order published in the Official Gazette after more than four years.”

    So therefore using Miller’s formula of 35% tax being due on 10% of the value of the benefit it would seem to me that the tax due would be $2.100 per year, so therefore $6,300 over the 3 year period.

    If someone at Inland Revenue calculated the tax due as $24,000 per year, rather it is not surprising that the union chief would have ordered the accounting staff not to deduct the money from his pay.

    Because only an idiot would permit Inland Revenue to hold $21,000 for them, then to wait forever for a refund.

  6. @Caswell

    How have u arrived at ur computation. if I assume that the original value of the vehicled was 240 000, are vehicles depreciated annually, accoring to a chosen accounting technique, straight line method or otherwise, wont the book value of the vehicle reflect that value annually? How then are we arriving at the 96 000 for 4 years given an even split of 24 000 yearly.

    please explain

  7. Caswell in his submission indicated that the figure included interest and penalties.

  8. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    You can get away with anything in Barbados as long as you are connected. Dennis Clarke has been compromised and contaminated hence he cannot represent the interests of civil servants with full steam. I am sure that government read these blogs. I just wish that the government officials who are responsible for matters of tax evasion and those who have power to enforce the penalties under the law where not as contaminated either. Dennis Clarke, if this story is true, will get away with this. The car is the bribe and also the bridal. He has to sing the tune that the piper has picked. He can barked as loud as his master bids him too.

  9. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    Thanks for your query: it forced me to recheck my calculations. As a result, I must apologise for misleading the BU family. Originally, I said that he owed $124,320. That figure was wrong: it was a little off, it should have been $127,200 instead.

    Depreciation is not figured into the tax on the car. If a taxpayer is given a car as part of his remuneration package, he must pay income tax on the benefit at a rate of 10% of the original value of the car for as long as he has the car.

    In the instant case, the car is valued at $124,000 therefore Clarke is required to pay $24,000 in income tax annually. That means he should have paid $96,000 over the four years. No taxes were paid in year one so that $24,000 would attract interest at one percent per month for 48 months; the $24,000 due for year two is outstanding for 36 months which means that he owes 36 months interest; year three is outstanding for 24 months; and year four is outstanding for 12 months. In all he owes 120 months interest times $24,000 would give a figure of $28,800. In addition there is a penalty of 10% which must also be includes. That is 96,000 + 28,800 + 2,400 = 127,200.

    I profusely apologise for misleading you and I stand corrected; Clarke really owes $127,200 which will go up by $240 every month for as long as the tax remains unpaid.

    The frightening thing is that when he leaves this world and his wife survives him, she would have to settle the amount or lose her house.


  10. @ Caswell
    10% of 124,320 is $12,432.00
    You know that you was never a Maths man too 🙂 …just say the man ain’t pay he taxes on the car and let him or the experts like Simple Simon work out the details…
    In any case, the whole point here is CONFLICT OF INTEREST not tax avoidance..

    Perhaps Clarke is a member of PDC….

  11. Seems like some one has jumped the gun using speculative information rather than concrete an irrefutable facts. One should tread cautiously when walking down a road which can lead to character assassination

  12. Caswell Franklyn | March 15, 2014 at 9:07 PM |


    I was out for a while and I am only now seeing your comment at 2:55 p.m.

    You are correct, the car is valued at approximately $240,000. However, to be fair the NUPW only paid $60,000. The Minister of Finance waived the duty and taxes using the power he has under Duties, Taxes and other Payments (Exemption) Act, Cap 67B.

    So the NUPW only paid $60,000 for the car but the the person to whom the car is given as a “benefit” must pay 10% tax on $240,000 or $24,000 per year.

    What is the monthly payment if I bought a Camry or Accord in Barbados?

    Which car can I buy for $2000 per month in Barbados?

    David can you give me this information so I can understand why someone would pay $24000 a year to “lease a vehicle” from the government tax collection department.

    I doan have to read an spell fuh wunna.

  13. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Caswell Franklyn | March 16, 2014 at 8:31 AM |
    “The frightening thing is that when he leaves this world and his wife survives him, she would have to settle the amount or lose her house.”

    In which Barbados are you talking about? It has to be one of the two that Adonijah sang about.
    But certainly not one under a D or B administration. Same thing applies to Leroy Greenverbs.

    But why wait until he dies?
    He is about to get a massive golden goodbye package from his workplace later in the year with a possible ambassadorship posting and possible Knighthood just like Trottie as reward for great “national” service to the DLP.
    How blasted corrupt can this fiscally broke banana republic become by rewarding tax cheats?

    “In the instant case, the car is valued at $124,000 therefore Clarke is required to pay $24,000 in income tax annually.”

    If the car (not the imputed 10% benefit) is valued at $124,000.00 then the associated annual income tax payable cannot be $24,000.00 but ($124,000 X 10% X the taxpayer’s marginal tax rate (say 35%-most like in Clarkie’s case a high earning individual)
    which works out to be $4,340.00 annually.
    Now you can add on your interest and penalties retroactively from this annual base figure of personal income tax due on the vehicle benefit.

  14. @Bush Tea

    Caswell stated in earlier comments the original value of the Audi is $240,000 and not $124,000.


    Luxury vehicles in Barbados are seen as a source of revenue by government. The truth is there is the prestige and status which comes from driving these vehicles by the wannabee status seekers and the like. For example Sir Roy drives a Mercedes. The Audi Clarke drives not sure of the price tag, have to take Caswell’s word for it.

  15. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    When I beat you at school, I should have avoided hitting you in the head.


  16. Cut the bull stit.

    First it was the man owes $24000 per year in taxes.

    Now Miller calculates that he owes $4,340 per year.

    All I am asking is what is the true tax owed.

  17. Not to get technical David, but 10% of the value of the car is added to your income and thus impacts tax payable by approximately 35% of this 10% value as Simple and Miller are saying….
    Caswell’s point is not really about such technicalities….but about the GOVERNMENT facilitating such benefits and the Union allowing its staff to accept such bribes ……and then expecting that there is no conflict of interest…

    Do you have ANY idea how common such under- the -table deals affect everyday business in this CROOKED place…?

    You know how many sisters get appointed to YOUR ministry IF your outside woman is to get appointed in in MINE?

    …you understand the principle of wuk fuh wuk?

    Man Caswell stick to your substantive point and leave out the lotta drama….

  18. LOL @ Caswell
    ” when you beat Bushie at school” you should not have eaten that pork cutter so late at night…to cause you such vivid dreams….

  19. Caswell’s submission states 96 000 plus interest plus penalty, it did not say 96 000 inclusive of int and taxes, hence two different things.

  20. Bushie wrote “Man Caswell stick to your substantive point and leave out the lotta drama….”

    Absolutely Bushie but I still want to know. Is it $24000 or $ $4340. There is a big difference.

    Substantive points must still be supported by facts.

  21. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ jezzebel | March 16, 2014 at 9:10 AM |

    What do you understand by the phrase “E &OE”.
    We are dealing here with the moral aspects and legal principle of tax evasion. And in any iteration of calculations of the tax due the amount at stake is significant given the current crisis in public finances primarily caused by fiscal mismanagement and political incompetence and incestuous corruption in promoting proper public administration.

    How can the alleged tax cheat feel morally at ease when so many low income workers from the public sector are on the breadline just because big earners like him fail to meet their easily affordable statutory obligations to the Treasury?
    But after all these workers were just ‘temporary’ to be suitably disposed off after being treated as grist for the electoral mill.

  22. @Bush Tea

    Point taken that is is the principle i.e. the tax was evaded BUT Hants point is valid, we should know for the record the sum owed.

  23. the last word in my above quote should be penalty.

  24. Talking about penalty and some very recently discovered issues that affects the judiciary in Barbados, if i was Judge in Barbados’ Judiciary at this time i would be feeling more than a little demeaned, belittled and besmirched by the likes of Harris and Bayley of CGI who have managed over the years to make it seem that ALL sitting JUDGES in Barbados are CORRUPT (something i personally found out very recently is just not true), and also that the judiciary is CGI’s personal playground to do to claimants whatever they feel like while continuing to enrich themselves by PAYING NO CLAIMS to people who are injured by the defendants CGI covers.

    These two insurance ‘executives’ even have the slimy audacity to name their yacht Fully Covered and continue to project an image that they are untouchable and invincible in Barbados by using Edward of buckiingham palace to sail Fully Covered, well naturally Edward of buckingham palace is so inherently full of his own shit he never even realized it was all a ruse and he was used by those two parasites to project that image on the island. AND of course said two parasites don’t think anyone noticed their little by-play cause they both are well aware that Bajans are easily fooled by useless titles and false status.

    It is hoped that current Judges of the Judiciary on the island one day realize that they are being used as the fall guys for insurance companies and are all being seen as the bad guys by the Bajan population in this gigantic scheme that has been ongoing for far too long and will come to an end eventually, just like CLICO.

  25. @ Caswell

    Thanks for relooking at your post. Since posting I had made a call to someone who deals with the ird and was informed the cost of the beneift does not change over time and hence depreciation is not a factor.

    I think david needs to understand these issues before he make himself look like some one form mars who dont understand eartly matters.

  26. As for moral aspect WE all have fallen short, it is also morally correct for the accuser to put forth a truthful account don,t you think.

  27. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ jezzebel | March 16, 2014 at 10:59 AM |

    Well here is a factual account based on the Income tax Act.
    Mr. D C is mandated by law to pay tax on the imputed value of the benefit arising from the car provided to him by his employer.
    If this obligation has not been met it is assessed he now owes an estimated (based on the acquisition cost of the vehicle or some other ‘reasonable’ value assigned by the CIR) annual amounts of $4,340.00 (or some other amount imposed by the CIR) plus interest and penalties retroactive to the income year in which the car was assigned and prorated appropriately.

    The point remains that failure to file an annual tax return in which the car benefit is not declared is a breach of the law and both the employee (tax payer) and the employer (agent of the Crown) can be brought before the court.

    The question is whether Mr. D S and or his employer has broken the law and ought to give an account for their actions just like the boy on the block with a spliff in his pocket.

    Yours truly immoral husband and apostate
    King Ahab the Miller.

  28. Accountants are not economists, they are in the main not even financial analysts.

    Why do Barbadians interchange accountants and economists. They are not one and the same.

  29. Hal…………most people don’t know the difference between an account, an actuary and an economist, you would think they would use google right?

  30. @ Well, well
    We are all experts now.

  31. Unfortunately, we experts forget to googlle the definitions and meaning to everything and it’s right at our fingertips…

  32. Dr Clyde Mascoll,

    In the Daily Nation Midweek newspaper of Wednesday, February 19, 2014, it was reported – in a very important bit of news – that Dr. Fred Bergsten, had said, in an interview with the Governor of the Central Bank of Bar bados, Dr. Worrell, that in recent years many long-standing tenets of. economics had been “kind of shaken if not shattered”.

    Furthermore, he had been reported as having said – in the said news piece – that all economists now had to be humbled.

    And more so he had been quoted as saying: “We put forward our best efforts and we make our best analyses but we know……we might not be right and therefore we’d better not only tolerate alternative views, we’d better actually promote the development of alternative views because over time that’s going to make for a much richer agenda, and more likely, sustainable policies”.

    Anyhow, whatever Dr. Bergsten might have meant by “we”, “our”, “best”, “alternative views”, the fact is that more and more people of this world are greater than ever before more capable of and are more exposed to greater levels of imagination, cognition, evaluation, analysis, synthesis, observation, inquiry, investigation, theorization, research, data gathering and assimilating, etc., of so many other people of the countless ways human beings interact and change their environments more than ever before.

    These events are all bound up in the various means of arriving at greater and greater truths/claims in this world – whether or not these means are scientific, empiric, rational, experiential, etc. – or whether or not they have been or are available to many people more than at any other time before in the records, artefacts, remains of world history.

    Therefore, it is on those and other bases that we are making it clear to you that you were absolutely wrong and incorrect to state in your column in last Thursday’s Daily Nation newspaper – that VAT is a transactional tax.

    Added to the fact that it is a cruel myth that there is “value” about TAXES and another cruel myth that “value is being added”, the fact though is that TAXATION at all of the points of it happening in Barbados, it is DOWNRIGHT THEFT.

    So, while it is true that there are processes involving the passing on of money and commercial goods or the use of commercial services in the commercial markets of Barbados – and in so far as, on one hand, there are these various people who are getting money/goods from the relevant others, or there are these various people who are getting the use of commercial services from the relevant others, and in so far as, on the other hand and in respect of the same contracts, there are these other various people who are giving money/goods to the relevant others or there are these various people who are providing the use of such commercial services to the relevant others, it is only these aforementioned items and events that can be used by any reasonable persons in Barbados to define they themselves as transactions and as processes.

    Hence, there is absolutely NOTHING about TAXATION that is on par with such actions movements at any points in time or space.

    Thus, where it is found by any reasonable persons in Barbados that those portions of the remunerations of the relevant individuals, businesses and others are being illegally permanently removed taken by the particular businesses and other entities on the respective and relevant criminal and illegal instructions and sanctions of the government, no such actions or any such portions of remunerations at any such times or in such spaces can ever be described by any reasonable persons as transactional, since there is no crisscrossing of many things (money/goods) by and between the different persons, or there is no giving of use of commercial services to others by the relevant others to get remunerations and vice a versa.

    Not Ever!!

    Indeed, these are facts truths that are unassailable and that have been found by the PDC and some others on the basis of the right means of getting and coming by such facts and truths.

    So there you go, Dr Mascoll.


  33. Please stop trying to kill to messenger
    The ?????? Should be how many of the DLP minister of finance big earners, supporters got the deal that Clarke has

  34. @Caswell Franklyn March 15, 2014 at 9:07 PM “So the NUPW only paid $60,000 for the car ”

    @Caswell Franklin, March 16 at 8:31 am. “In the instant case, the car is valued at $124,000”

    Dear Caswell: You are confusing us. Is it a $60,00 car or a $124,000 car?

    And whether the car is worth $60,000 or $124,000 or $240,00 there is no way that the income tax due on the benefit can be $24,000 per year.

    Taxes in Barbados are high, but not that high.

    That sais Inland Revenue has a lot of smart, hard working and very, very dedicated civil servants.

    But clearly Caswell’s informant is not one of them.

    Caswell’s informant is probably a political pimp looking to scandal Mr. Clarke’s name.

    If someone offered me a $60,000 dollar car as part of my employment package and then and told me I have to pay $24,000 per year income tax on it I would tell them,

    “No please. Let me walk to work first.”

    Caswell you do know a lot about a lot, but clearly you are all out to sea where income tax is concerned.

    And Again.



    That said has Caswell filed all of his income tax returns from the 1970’s to 2013?

  35. It is also unlawful to file a false income tax return.

  36. Has ever single member of Parliament filed an income tax return from the time they were 16 or 18 or 20 to the time that they died?

    And have they all paid the taxes due?

    Now that is information that I would love to see.

  37. But at present all income tax information is held very confidentially, and neither Caswell or I or anybody else has the right to see anybody else’s tax return.

    A civil servant can be fired for discussing a tax payers information with anybodyelse.

  38. Smooth Chocolate Avatar
    Smooth Chocolate

    @jezzebel | March 16, 2014 at 9:10 AM |
    ” One should tread cautiously when walking down a road which can lead to character assassination”


  39. are-we-there-yet? Avatar

    Smooth Chocolate; Not disputing that jezzebel is an utterly stupid retard, But what is there about the specific extract that labels him as such?

  40. @smooth chocolate

    your stupidity is beyond repair you are so politicaly blinded that you can’t see the forest for the trees.JOKER

  41. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Simple Simon | March 16, 2014 at 3:52 PM |

    S S, are you sure you want to maintain that bold assertion?
    We will not venture into the realm of tax evasion ( including the non-declaration of assessable income) but only at this stage invite you to consider the legal responsibilities of the employer under the PAYE rules and regulation especially in respect of reporting to the IRD at the end year income year.

    You have to take into account the “fact” that Mr. Clarke is an employee of the NUPW and both are not exempt from the legal requirements under the PAYE system.
    Just thought the record ought to be set straight in the same way you are justifiably sorting our Caswell’s technical boo-boo.

    Capiche, Sure-footed Simon?

  42. Erskine C Miller Avatar
    Erskine C Miller

    That’s why i said in a previous blog that all employees who are represented by a union should be made to join said union. It should be mandatory and the union and government should have an agreement whereby before each employee see his/her check dues should be deducted and be forwarded into a union bank account. That way the executive body of the union is paid by the members and the union will not have to be beholden by any one but it’s members. Whether it be the government or an private employer, how can the union represent it’s members properly when they have to depend on other people for their livelihood. It doesn’t make sense whatsoever, the executive members should be fulltime employees of the union not part time.


    millertheanunnaki | March 17, 2014 at 8:31 AM |

    @ Simple Simon | March 16, 2014 at 3:52 PM |
    lets take a look from what little we know

    is it also unlawful to remove Beatrice Henry from the tax Roll History?
    Is it unlawful to remove Violet Beckles from the tax roll ?
    If your name is not on the tax roll then how can they charge you for taxes?
    Oh , for they moved your taxes to other people names to pay the taxes and claim the Land of plantations? Sweet deal
    How would the taxes move to another name? who look to claim to be the owner.?
    If it was unlawful not to pay taxes DBLP would be in jail all now
    Then again how can you pay taxes on some thing you dont really own , but looking to own by way of Fraud ,
    People still think that a tax bill is a deed and give them full rights to trespass and play land lord by way of Mr Forde at land tax , by way of ownership by a water bill being in there name ,more fraud

    UP to 90% of Bajan and business dont own the land nor building they are doing business in , So the law can not take them to court for not paying taxes. As they block the owner of the land from getting their rent .
    So before the DBLP governmEnt look to get taxes owed or due , they must fix the land deeds and then the backing of the court to get the taxes if needed , By law the court is not to support fraud and is not to make fraud lawful.
    So if you are not paying taxes and the tax man does not come for you , then you know you dont own where you are by CLEAR TITLE ,
    Barbados PAY NO taxes and then we will see movement,
    The taxes must end and the fraud must end ,

  44. Caswell on the attack
    Brass Tacks
    DEM scared Caswell
    –all of DEM scared Caswell
    Dennis Clarke frighten as ass for Caswell
    He does tremble when he hear Caswell name
    and start to stutter —wait




  46. “would be interesting to hear Balance take on this”
    My understanding of the issue Bro Cas is that the $24,000. would not be a tax payment due to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue in itself but would be added on to his other annual income and form part of his assessable income for tax calculation purposes.

  47. @balance,

    So the conclusion to be drawn if what you wrote is correct is that the facts were misrepresented by this statement……….
    “has not paid the tax amounting to $24,000 per annum for the last four years, which is the tax payable on the value of the vehicle that he drives as part of his remuneration package.”

    BU can be intriguing and entertaining.

    Wha you got to say bout dis Bushie since “you know everything” . lol

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