Mark of the Beast
Mark of the Beast

It is no secret that there is a constituency which dwells in the Barbados Underground who enjoys a robust religious debate. In recent times there has been rich discussion about the Jewish Talmud, The Promises of God and currently The Bible And The Qur’an, Brothers Kept Apart. This group is comprised of Atheists, Agnostics, Christians and  others, we even noticed the description Apathiest.

Surprisingly to the BU household the religious conversation has attracted a healthy following based on what we see from back here. We hope that we are not twisting any arms but there are some Christian events which require clarification.

  • The BU household wishes to ask our religious luminaries to explain how they perceive revelations linked to  the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls can potentially reshape religion as we know it.
  • Explain the Mark of the Beast and the much discussed the coming of the Anti-Christ.

Attached is a Power Point Presentation which has been in circulation for sometime which some believe is the Mark of the Beast exposed!

820 responses to “The Mark Of The Beast, The Coming Of The Anti-Christ,The Dead Sea Scrolls”

  1. What exactly is ROK deep into?

    Why can’t I like what ROK is saying! At times I like what GP is saying. However, ROK causes one to look at things in a different way!

    It causes one to think …… and not to go along with what one hears with out questioning it…..

    You mean to tell me that GOD has given us a mind and we refuse to use it …… STUPSES!

  2. I really could not help sharing this one.

    Over one million people, worldwide, die from “regular flu” every year. In the USA – 36,000 die from ‘regular flu’ annually.

    Swine flu is not a virulent flu. why then all the hoop-la? well, someone said to me “it’s because the authorities are fearful the virus will mutate.” OK that’s a point. But how come they are not equally fearful the ‘regular flu’ virus will mutate also????

    I’m saying it’s about one of the Big Three that govern just about every decision: MONEY – POWER – SEX (not necessarily in that order.) In the present case, it’s about money. Maybe about power, too. The drug boys are racing to produce a ‘vaccine’s that’s going to ‘protect’ peeps against ‘catching the virus.’ And in the meantime stand by and watch the moola roll in…

    The doleful general public never gets it. The sheep general public is happy to be lead down the garden path and follow along gleefully. 3 people in town get the swine flu virus, so everybody starts walking around with a face mask. Good sales ahoy – – will help get us out of the ‘recession’ no doubt. In the meantime millions have the HIV virus but only a handful will wear a condom…. figure it out.

    Asked what he thought of Western civilization, the nonviolent Mahatma Gandhi famously replied, “I think it would be a good idea.”

    Wonder how many will get the gist of Gandhi’s response???

  3. LOL ROK, True that! ha ha ha ha

    People dont like when you speak the truth!


  4. georgie porgie Avatar


    Re I have concluded that you like many other Black ‘christians’ have chosen to envelop yourself in a vacuum.

    You have concluded incorrectly! My opinions on race and the Bible and yours may not coincide, but I don’t live in a vacuum at all!

    I am for instance currently engaged in the battle to starve to death a so called Medical school in North Mexico that wants to milk unwary students of their money, and offer them an education from a borrowed one door windowless firetrap classroom using a solitary teacher to present the two year Basic Sciences curriculum in one year teaching only 20 hours weekly.

    Whereas I don’t attack you for your views or vision or your apparent wide reading on Egyptology and the issue of blackness, I wonder why you think it needful to attack my love for the Bible, and my ability to interpret by using accepted Hermeneutics?

    If you know that the Bible sanctions the oppression of the Black race, why don’t you cite the relevant texts correctly divided in their contexts.

    I love your poetry too. I love beautiful English, and writing and art. Did you know that I was an outstanding school boy photographer who won many prizes in competitions at the now defunct annual Exhibition?

    Oh and I love to watch documentaries about animal life, and current world events which all tend to confirm my conviction in Bible prophesy.

  5. @GP

    What a smooth slithering answer devoid of any indication that you care about anything besides your gods and only because you believe that you will escape wrath. What do you say about a person like that? Coward? Yellow? No balls? No spine?

    Your only concern is for your own personal safety and not for humanity. I bet if the devil was offering you better terms there would be no god like the devil. You are for sale. Hence you are not yourself but all that you perceive your master would want you to be.

    The problem is that you are in no comfort zone but don’t know it. Like the pig you are being led to the slaughter with food in your mouth. What a wonderful life! I’m sure you are saying it and chewing sumptuously too, all the way to the slaughter house.

    When you enter the slaughter you will think it is a holy shrine but by the time you realise it is a slaughter house is when the knife is in full descent and only a milli-inch from your jugular vein and it will surely be too late for you. The whole lie will then unfold before you in the form of the misguided life you have lived.

  6. There are too many people who feel that they can’t live life without a crutch. No more than an alcoholic or addict fells they can do without their crutch.

    You who can’t stand up and live as righteous men but allow some outdated philosophy to intercede with rules and unfair practices that create injustices, only because at the end of it you think you will benefit from it.

    Whether or not you believe there is a god, you will live until you die; for me, no sooner, no later. What would you have done for the advancement of humanity after living a life soaking in dismal bliss. In that respect you are no different to the alcoholic or drug abuser; they live in the clouds too.

  7. Apes, the ‘Bull’ god demon, is once again squeezing every bit of bilge, bunk, drival, rot, twaddle, and hogwash out of ‘pinhead’s’ crackpot brain; what a display on a public blog, littered with such fiddle-faddle, flapdoodle, flimflam, horsefeathers, and abstract, incoherent malarkey.

    Such Ignorance in action, is certainly criminal!

  8. @Zoe

    “Apes, the ‘Bull’ god demon, is once again squeezing every bit of bilge, bunk, drival, rot, twaddle, and hogwash out of ‘pinhead’s’ crackpot brain; what a display on a public blog, littered with such fiddle-faddle, flapdoodle, flimflam, horsefeathers, and abstract, incoherent malarkey. Such Ignorance in action, is certainly criminal!”

    Well! Well! Well! A fitting description of the zeal of christians. Criminal is right and I do hope that before you die you will come to see the depth of the criminality against the human race that you christians have perpetrated.

    But moreso is the fact that you would deem anybody that does not share your perspective a criminal. Certainly that is dangerous and wicked. Just as bad or worse than Hitler. YOU!

  9. ‘Pinhead’ You are going to look so pretty with a ‘Blue’ face and white beard, for that’s the colour you’ll turn in ‘spewing’ out the utter bildge you are pucking up and out!

  10. @Zoe

    “‘Pinhead’ You are going to look so pretty with a ‘Blue’ face and white beard, for that’s the colour you’ll turn in ‘spewing’ out the utter bildge you are pucking up and out!”

    It would take a lot more than you merely saying so for that to happen. I see you have reached your threshold; you can’t take it and you are beginning to garble. Control yourself man; be a human being first. What evil thoughts you have in your head? Is that the character of strength of Christians? I knew it all along. let me warn you: to think evil is to act evil and is to be evil. Right now, you are the devil self.

  11. georgie porgie Avatar
    georgie porgie


    One of the strengths of a great test batsman is knowing that you DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY AT EVER BALL!


    Focus man! Stick to what you are good at; continue to RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH! Continue to share SOUND DOCTRINE THAT CAN NOT BE REFUTED.



    Recognize him and avoid him! Do like Michael the archangel as recorded in Jude verse 9.

  12. @GP………I did not attack your love of your bible nor your study of hermeunetics. I’m just under the impression that you are blatantly lying when you say that you did not know that Ham was the father of the Black race. From the time I was a kid I’ve always heard that we are the descendants of Ham.Therein lies that vacuum.

    Whereas you see world events as conviction of bible prophecy, I simple see them as long-term planning by the authors of that same bible, now being played out; simply because ‘christians’ and many others have been hoodwinked into believing that it is prophecy.

    If you care to, briefly explain how these europeans known as jews got to kill Palestinians and occupy their land and where exactly in the Bible did they incur that right.

    If I may ask in what capacity are you operating to be engaged in a battle to starve to death some medical school in N.Mexico?

    @ROK………I wish you good luck with that saved & sanctified christian zealot who constantly displays a great deal of ‘humility.’ Remember that the meek will inherit the earth, so you and I will get to celebrate very soon his departure. He’ll be caught up in that 144k.

  13. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    I did not say that I did not know that Ham was the father of the Black race. And you know that!

    RE Whereas you see world events as conviction of bible prophecy, I simple see them as long-term planning by the authors of that same bible, now being played out; simply because ‘christians’ and many others have been hoodwinked into believing that it is prophecy.

    How could the authors control what would or has happened? Its not as if they were writing an ordinary novel.

    I did not know that the Jews were originally Europeans (or Americans or any other nationality)

    Re If you care to, briefly explain how these europeans known as jews got to kill Palestinians and occupy their land and where exactly in the Bible did they incur that right.

    The land you say that belongs to the Palestinians was first promised to the Jews in Genesis 15: 13-16; 18-21…..but I am sure your parents told you that when they taught you that Ham was the father of the Black race. I am sure that you know too that even up to this day there are black Jews in Ethiopia!

    Re If I may ask in what capacity are you operating to be engaged in a battle to starve to death some medical school in N.Mexico?

    THE POWER OF THE KEYBOARD AND THE INTERNET ARE VERY STRONG MY DEAR! AND MOST EFFECTIVE! This is a case where some white Texans thought that they could hoodwink a big belly black boy from Bim! The pen is indeed sharper than the sword!

    You seem to be confused with the composition of the 144k. and when they will be caught up! LOL

  14. David

    One of the things that will undermine the world order is the internet. You cannot have a plan as sinister as that and allow people to communicate freely. It is simply not politically astute; you have to be able to separate and divide people in order to rule them.

    It is amazing that up to this point we have had the free use of the internet but we can look for this to become more sophisticated and less free. Let me give an example.

    When ooVoo first came out you could have up to five people in your video conferencing and you could call any number in the USA free of cost and they were giving you a certain amout of minutes every month which you could carry over. It had become very popular.

    One day we all got a message to download a new version of ooVoo only to find that the new version could only hold three callers and you no longer had minutes, you now have to pay for calls to landlines.

    The question is, how long will we enjoy the freedom of the internet and should we just sit and wait for it to be taken away or should we put our bright technology engineers to work to set up a Caribbean Internet which can run independent of the rest of the world?

    I remember that before the internet, we had something call the Barbados Bulletin Board Service which operated similar to the internet.

    But look at the conspiracy. In order to stop these little efforts from developing and evolving into something big, with each country having its own internal network which we could then link up, the USA conveniently rolls out the internet, making these national Bulletin Boards efforts pointless.

    What they really did was made us dependent on them for communications and now, some 15 years later, our little efforts have dried up; the technology has changed and anytime the US pulls the plug on the internet we will be scrambling. Access to knowledge and information as we know it now would be dried up and we would have to start from scratch.

    But there is a deeper lessons: Beware of Trojans bearing gifts.

  15. Interesting. view ROK.

    It use to be follow who owns the debt now you are adding information.

  16. It is getting interesting by the minute you see why I think ROK is deep! LOL

  17. @ROK: “One of the things that will undermine the world order is the internet.

    I respectfully disagree.

    I would argue that the Internet is most likely to bring forward the optimal “World Order”. (No matter that certain religions have a serious problem with a global posture…)

    @ROK: “It is amazing that up to this point we have had the free use of the internet but we can look for this to become more sophisticated and less free.

    Yes, it is amazing that we’ve had access to this service. But it hasn’t been free. We’ve all paid to access it. And, separately, paid to publish upon it.

    @ROK: “Let me give an example. One day we all got a message to download a new version of ooVoo only to find that the new version could only hold three callers and you no longer had minutes, you now have to pay for calls to landlines.

    So you’re bitching and wining about a particular provider trying to make money over the Internet.

    Boo hoo… Why don’t you rally a protest in the streets?

    Why don’t you consider all the other Internet services available…

    @ROK… I respect you. We’ve worked together…

    But I disagree with you on this particular point…

    The Internet is the most incredible invention in modern time… It lets us explore, examine, argue, debate…

    And it is not dependant upon the USofA. If the USofA decided to drop our traffic, we would simply route around them.

    IMHO, the USofA will not drop our traffic… IMHO, they gain too much value watching what we say and view….

    Namaste ROK…

  18. @Georgie P……..

    June@ 14 7:22 pm…”I did not know that Ham was the father of the Black Race”

    June 15 @ 5:08 pm…”I did not say that I did not know that Ham was the father of the Black race. And you know that!”

    Come on GP. You got a choice remove the plaque from the brain, take some extra vitamin E or infuse yaself with some memantine. Just a friend trying to help out.

  19. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie


    I can assure you that there is a good reason for the discrepancy. Probably doing too many things at once.

    What is memantine?

  20. BTW, the land of Palestine was originally Canaan…the land of Black overflowing with milk and honey. In God’s promise to the ‘jews’ did he tell them that he would give them permission to kill and decimate the inhabitants?

    You see my parents could not have taught me that because they were not ‘jew-worshippers.’

    I am confused with this 144k and they being caught up? Are you saying that your christian brother on this thread is not righteous enough to be caught up in that 144k?

  21. @GP….. One of those ‘good’ drugs that will help to stave off alzheimers.

  22. Well Chris, I got you this time.

    “The Internet is the most incredible invention in modern time… It lets us explore, examine, argue, debate…”

    That is why I think it is amazing that we have it at all. Any world order cannot have such free exchange of ideas; the only ideas must be that of the world order. The question of whether or not we paid is immaterial.

    “I would argue that the Internet is most likely to bring forward the optimal “World Order”.”

    Who owns the world order is not up for grabs and in whose interest is “optimal”?

    “So you’re bitching and wining about a particular provider trying to make money over the Internet.”

    That was intended to be an example of how your world could change in a flash and how you are duped into the change.

    “And it is not dependent upon the USofA. If the USofA decided to drop our traffic, we would simply route around them. IMHO, the USofA will not drop our traffic… IMHO, they gain too much value watching what we say and view…”

    Again you misinterpret, it is not a matter of dropping traffic but controlling the communications industry/technology as a whole.

    Governance will undermine the world order because governance will take into consideration the issues of the people and if the issues of the people are able to be articulated and gain circulation it will make it difficult for a world order to be implemented.

    Bear in mind that a world order is not about you and I. Left to us the USA would not have been in Iraq nor Afghanistan and those people who lost their lives in 911 may still be alive today if it was about governance.

    The Israelis would not be so openly committing genocide against the Palestinians. Governance demands transparency… and you and I know that the Government of USA will never tell the world that it invaded Iraq for its oil. Or that it led assassination attempts against Castro or Chavez to destabilise those countries or how they install puppet governments that completely crushed their own people. Haiti for example.

    None of this could have happened with governance and therefore I want you to understand, yes, feedback is invaluable to test the waters; especially to see how gullible people are… but once you establish gullibility you don’t need to continue establishing it over and over. When the announcement is achieved the internet will be taken away to prevent public opinion from taking root.

    You see, if you let public opinion take root, there will be total upheaval in the world. Riots will break out and spread quickly and there will be total social unrest and undermining of governments. They can’t afford for that to happen. They have to slow down the ability to communicate and limit access to certain information, plus be able to monitor everything sent across the internet by those allowed.

    Any strategist will tell you that the only way to maintain control is to stop people from talking to one another, especially across large divides.

    Take this blog for example, I am sure that politicians are more on their Ps and Qs as a result of it, because we don’t have to depend on the news “capsules” pushed down our throats. So the thing is that anytime the world powers decide to put down clamps on the internet our politicians will gladly follow because it will make life easier for them.

    If you doubt me, ask David what Mia Mottley think of the blogs and why???

  23. Hopi,

    I told you already that GP has lost his credibility not his memory. How can a man make such totally opposite statements and continue to parade as an expert? How can anything he says worth even a pinch of salt?

  24. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie


    the land of Palestine was originally Canaan…THAT’S CORRECT

    In God’s promise to the ‘jews’ did he tell them that he would give them permission to kill and decimate the inhabitants? READ IT FOR YOURSELF IN JOSHUA & JUDGES

    You see my parents could not have taught me that because they were not ‘jew-worshippers.’ NOR WERE MINE WE JUST WENT OFF TO THE GOOD OLD ANGLICAN CHURCH UNTIL I QUIT!

    Re I am confused with this 144k and they being caught up? Are you saying that your christian brother on this thread is not righteous enough to be caught up in that 144k?

    The 144k are said to be Jews. I believe that my Christian brother on this thread is not a Jew. LOL !

    In responding to you on Ham Iwas cutting and pasting your prose and forgot to add a sentence or too to my thoughts as planned. I cant remember what I had in mind then or what distracted me, but I rembered that I had a rebuttal that did not say that I did not know that Ham was the father of blacks.

    I am here for fun and I enjoy exchanging with you and NS MME and BT and Pat on these issues ….even though you do not necessarily agree with me ever! LOL

    Best wishes.

  25. @GP

    ” In responding to you on Ham I was cutting and pasting your prose and forgot to add a sentence or too to my thoughts as planned. I cant remember what I had in mind then or what distracted me, but I rembered that I had a rebuttal that did not say that I did not know that Ham was the father of blacks. I am here for fun and I enjoy exchanging with you and NS MME and BT and Pat on these issues ….even though you do not necessarily agree with me ever! LOL ”

    Downright deceitful! That is what that is all about. A very poor explanation.

  26. @GP……Not only are you cutting and pasting you are also cutting and running. Anyhow I wish you the best as well esp. with that memory.


  27. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    OK Hopi I am cutting and running LOL

    I have not heard that use of the verb to “cut” for a very long time.

    “cutting and running” is indeed a very good pun! I bow to you in appreciation!

    Now what is this Hotep you always quoting?

  28. @ROK: “Well Chris, I got you this time.

    Actually, I disagree…

    But, then, that’s one of the reasons I love working with you…. (Smile.)

  29. GP, I don’t agree with you that Zoe was/is playing at every ball, as he sticks mostly to what he obviously knows and understands, the Biblical Christian world view, but, some from time to time, who are not well versed on such matters, do write a lot of ‘shite’ and need to be told so plainly, and this Zoe has a right to tell them so.

    No matter what Zoe says, the AntiChrist, anti-Biblical haters of Scripture, cannot deal with the historic facts, and will attack him one way or the other.

    Did not Jesus call some people ‘a generation of Vipers’ or something of the kind?

  30. @GP……..’Hotep’ in the language of the Ancient Kemetians means Peace! That’s the language of your Black Forefathers.

  31. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie


    GP, I don’t agree with you that Zoe was/is playing at every ball, as he sticks mostly to what he obviously knows and understands, the Biblical Christian world view, but, some from time to time, who are not well versed on such matters, do write a lot of ’shite’ and need to be told so plainly, and this Zoe has a right to tell them so.





    No matter what Zoe says, the AntiChrist, anti-Biblical haters of Scripture, cannot deal with the historic facts, and will attack him one way or the other.


    Did not Jesus call some people ‘a generation of Vipers’ or something of the kind?



    But I dont think that he is absolutely wrong to statehis case. I just wish that he would ignore them as I do ! BUt I can not realistically expect him to be like me or act like me.

    I dont respond and they still try to taunt me! And they can continiue to do so till the COWS COME HOME. but I wont be getting down there with them. 1

  32. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    In our discussion of the scriptures that pertain to the rise of the Antichrist we turn now, to an exegesis of Daniel 9

    Exegesis of Daniel 9 DANIEL’S VISION OF THE 70 SEVENS part 1
    Daniel chapter 9 records a third vision that Daniel received (cf. chs. 7, 8). Though the vision itself occupies only a small part of the chapter (vv. 24-27), the verses that precede it prepare for it and connect with it. This chapter is thought by many to be the high point of the book of Daniel, because it must be properly understood if the great prophetic discourse of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24—25, Mark 13, Luke 21 and the greater portion of the book of Revelation will be understood .

    Daniel chapter 9 is unique in Scripture in that it actually sets up a sort of time schedule of coming events. The nearest approach to it is Jeremiah’s prophecy of seventy years

    It is noteworthy also, that although previously Gentile history and prophecy recorded in Daniel was related to the people of Israel, the ninth chapter specifically takes up prophecy as it applies to the chosen people themselves.

    Daniel 9:1-3
    Apparently, Daniel had somehow obtained a copy of Jeremiah’s prediction of the length of Jerusalem’s desolation as a result of the Babylonian captivity (cf. Jer. 36:23, 28). Jeremiah had revealed that the city would lie in ruins for 70 years and then God would destroy Babylonia (Jer. 25:11-12; 29:10-14; cf. 2 Chron. 36:21).

    Daniel received this vision about 67 years after Nebuchadnezzar had deported the first group of exiles, including himself, in 605 B.C.

    Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple and Jerusalem in 586 B.C. The specific period of desolation in verse 2 probably refers to 586-515 B.C. since “the desolations of Jerusalem” are in view.

    Notice that Daniel interpreted literally the 70 years that Jeremiah predicted as 70 years. As he saw the end of this period approaching, he prayed for the restoration of his people.

    Daniel’s understanding of a literal fulfillment of numbers in prophecy helps us know how we should understand at least some of them. Notice also that he regarded Jeremiah’s prophecy as “the word of the LORD.”

    Although not mentioned in the Book of Daniel, Daniel may also have been aware of Isaiah’s prophecy that God would raise up a king named Cyrus who would order the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple (Isa. 44:28; cf. 45:1-2, 4, 13).

    Jeremiah had revealed that God would restore His people to their land when they prayed to Him wholeheartedly (Jer. 29:12-14). This revelation prompted Daniel to pray the prayer that follows (vv. 3-19). Daniel’s prayer fulfills what Solomon anticipated in his prayer at the dedication of the temple (cf. 1 Kings 8:33-36).

    Notice that Daniel did not regard prayer as unnecessary in view of the certainty of the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy.

    He viewed prayer properly as one means that God uses to accomplish His will in human history (cf. 6:10). Through prayer we become partners with God in bringing His will to fruition in the world. Daniel’s behavior, as well as his words, expressed the genuineness of his contrition.

    These verses show Daniel as a diligent student of Scripture who built his prayer life on the Word of God, and also teach that biblical prophecy should bring us to our knees, as it did Daniel. Daniel’s attitude is clearly most contrary to BU Bible scoffers.

    While God honors the briefest of prayers, as the experience of Nehemiah 2:4 indicates, effective prayer requires faith in the Word of God, and a proper attitude of mind and heart, privacy, and unhurried confession and petition. Daniel’s humility, reverence, and earnestness are the hallmarks of effective prayer.

  33. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    Exegesis of Daniel 9 DANIEL’S VISION OF THE 70 SEVENS part 2

    Daniel’s prayer of confession 9:4-14
    9:4 Daniel’s prayer (vv. 4-19) began with confession. This is only the second time in the book that Daniel used the name Yahweh for God (cf. vv. 2, 8, 10, 13, 14, 20). He also addressed God as Adonai (master) in verses 4 and 7.

    It is natural that he would do this since this chapter contains the most intimate contact that Daniel enjoyed with His God, namely, through Bible study and prayer.

    9:5-6 Daniel stressed God’s transcendence and His loyal love (Heb. hesed) to Israel in his salutation (v. 4). He then proceeded to point out that, in contrast to Yahweh’s faithfulness to Israel, Israel had been unfaithful to Him. The prophet identified with his people.

    Personally he had been faithful to God. Yet since he was an Israelite he partook of the blessings and curses that God sent Israel for her obedience and disobedience (cf. Deut. 28:48-57, 64-68). What made Daniel one of God’s greatest saints was not his sinlessness but his sensitivity to the true depth of his sin.

    He listed several of Israel’s sins first: positive transgressions (v. 5) and then negative omissions (v. 6). Note the progression in the description of sin in verse 5. Evidently Daniel wanted to confess all the nation’s sins of every kind to their full extent. Especially sinful was the fact that all classes within Israel had disregarded God’s words to them through His prophets (cf. 2 Chron. 30:10). To disregard God’s Word is “the beginning
    of all moral disorders.”

    9:7-11a Daniel proceeded to contrast the righteousness that belongs to God with the guilt and shame that belonged to His people because they had sinned against Him (vv. 7-8). He also compared God’s forgiveness and compassion with Israel’s rebellion (v. 9). Verses 10 and 11a focus again on Israel’s great sin of disregarding God’s words to her. All of this resulted in Israel’s humiliation among the Gentile nations.

    9:11b-14 God had poured out curses on His people because of these sins (v. 11b). He had done what He had promised He would do if Israel departed from Him (v. 12; cf. Deut. 28:15-68). Moses had warned the Israelites about departing from God, yet His people had not sought His favor by repenting (v. 13). Therefore calamity had descended on them since Yahweh is righteous in all His deeds. In contrast, Israel had disobeyed His voice (v. 14).

    In this section of his prayer, the prophet glorified God for dealing justly with His people who, Daniel acknowledged, deserved all the punishment they had received.

    It is noteworthy that Nehemiah’s prayer in Nehemiah chapter 1 follows a similar pattern!

  34. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    Exegesis of Daniel 9 DANIEL’S VISION OF THE 70 SEVENS part 3
    Daniel’s petition for restoration 9:15-19

    Having laid a foundation for appeal in his confession (vv. 4-14), Daniel now proceeded to petition God to restore His people to the Promised Land.

    9:15 He first referred to the Exodus as a former demonstration of God’s power and faithfulness for His people when they found themselves in a situation similar to that of the Babylonian exiles.

    Again Daniel stressed God’s reputation and Israel’s unworthiness clarifying the basis for his appeal (cf.vv. 4-5).

    “The deliverance of the people of Israel from Egypt is, in many respects, the Old Testament standard illustration of the power of God and His ability to deliver His people.

    By contrast in the New Testament, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is God’s standard of power (Eph 1:19-20). In the future millennial reign of Christ, the standard of power will be the regathering of Israel and their restoration to the land (Jer 16:14-15).”

    9:16-17 Now the prophet appealed to God as Adonai, stressing His sovereignty over His people, and as Elohim, the strong One. As God had righteously brought discipline on Israel for her past sins, Daniel asked Him righteously to bring restoration since He had promised it too. The answer would primarily glorify God and secondarily bless His people.

    9:18-19 Daniel appealed repeatedly for God to hear and answer his prayer, not because the Israelites deserved it but because God is compassionate (cf.Exod. 32:12-14).

    It is interesting that Daniel did not tell God what to do. Instead he asked God to hear, to see, and to act. This is a humble approach that does not dictate to God but leaves the answering up to Him. This magnificent prayer builds to an emotional, positive, logical climax in its final verse.

  35. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    Exegesis of Daniel 9 DANIEL’S VISION OF THE 70 SEVENS part 4
    God’s response to Daniel’s prayer 9:20-23

    God began responding to Daniel’s prayer as soon as he began praying (cf. v. 19; Luke 11:10-13). Clearly the prayer recorded in the preceding verses was only a summary of what the prophet prayed since he prayed long and hard (v. 21).

    9:20-21 Daniel again saw Gabriel, whom he had met previously (8:16). The description “the man Gabriel” is a play on words and probably means “the servant, the strong one of the strong God.” The Hebrew word ish (man) often appears as a description of a servant.

    “Note that the term ha’is (‘the man’) does not signify ‘man’ in contradistinction to angels or other spiritual powers residing in heaven; that would have been ‘adam or ‘enos in
    Hebrew. It rather indicates that this mighty archangel had appeared in a humanlike form and had spoken to Daniel intelligibly as one man speaks to another [cf. Luke 24:4;
    Acts 1:10].

    Evidently Daniel had become weary because of his praying and fasting. The time of the evening offering was 3:00 p.m.

    The Jews were not able to offer the regular morning and evening sacrifices after the Babylonians destroyed their temple. However pious Jews such as Daniel still prayed at these customary times (cf. 6:10).

    9:22-23 Daniel’s concern for God’s reputation (vv. 4-14) doubtless made him special to God (v. 23). The vision that God had sent Gabriel to convey constituted an answer to Daniel’s prayer. It revealed what would happen to the Jews.

  36. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    Exegesis of Daniel 9 DANIEL’S VISION OF THE 70 SEVENS part 5

    The revelation of Israel’s future in 70 sevens 9:24-27

    “In the concluding four verses of Daniel 9, one of the most important prophecies of the Old Testament is contained.

    The prophecy as a whole is presented in verse 24. The first sixty-nine sevens is described in verse 25.The events between the sixty-ninth seventh and the seventieth seventh are detailed in verse 26. The final period of the seventieth seventh is described in verse 27.”

    “Daniel’s prophecy of the seventy weeks (vv. 24-27) provides the chronological frame for Messianic prediction from Daniel to the establishment of the kingdom on earth and also a key to its interpretation.” “Probably no single prophetic utterance is more crucial in the fields of Biblical Interpretation, Apologetics, and Eschatology.”

    9:24 The Hebrew word translated “weeks” (shabu’im) literally means “sevens.” It can refer to seven days (Gen. 29:27-28) or seven years (Lev. 25:3-5). Most scholars believe that this word here represents seven years. Daniel had been thinking of God’s program for Israel in terms of years. He had read Jeremiah’s prophecy that the exile would last 70 years (vv. 1-2). It would have been normal then for him to interpret these sevens as years.

    Furthermore, the fulfillment of the first sixty-nine years shows that these sevens are indeed years. In addition, the last half of the seventieth seven is described elsewhere as consisting of three and one-half years, or 42 months, or 1260 days.

    Seventy seven-year periods totals 490 years. As Jerusalem was suffering under the hand of Gentiles for 70 years (v. 2), so the Jews and Jerusalem would suffer under the hand of Gentiles for 490 years.

    “Your people” and “your holy city” are obvious references to the Jews and Jerusalem (cf. vv. 7, 11, 20). They have nothing to do with the church, which is a distinct entity from Israel (cf. 1 Cor. 10:32). However as the following verses
    clarify, these will not be uninterrupted years.

    God had decreed these years. He had ordained them, and they are as certain to come as anything else that God has foreordained. This verse states that the purpose for God decreeing this period is six-fold.

    First, it will end rebellion against Him.
    Second, it will end human failure to obey God.
    Third, it will provide time for atonement that will cover human wickedness.
    Fourth, it will inaugurate a new society in which righteousness prevails.
    Fifth, it will bring in the fulfillment of the vision that God has for the earth.
    Sixth, it will result in the anointing of the most holy, probably a reference to a new and more glorious temple.

    God has already achieved some of these goals, specifically the third one and to some extent the first two. However other goals have not yet seen fulfillment. Therefore it is reasonable to look for a future fulfillment from our perspective in history.392

    “By the time these 490 years run their course, God will have completed six things for Israel. The first three have to do with sin, and the second three with the kingdom. The basis for the first three was provided in the work of Christ on the cross, but all six will be realized by Israel at the Second Advent of Christ.”

    “This prophecy, it must be noted, concerns three deliverances. Daniel was greatly burdened about an early deliverance of the Jews from Babylon to return to Jerusalem.

    God was also interested in their deliverance from bondage to sin (at Christ’s first advent) and in the final deliverance of the Jews from oppression (at Christ’s second coming) . .

    One commenter suggests that this verse “ is a Divine revelation of the fact that a definite period of time has been decreed for the accomplishment of all that which is necessary for the true restoration of God’s people from bondage.”

  37. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    Exegesis of Daniel 9 DANIEL’S VISION OF THE 70 SEVENS part 6

    9:25 There are four decrees concerning the rebuilding of Jerusalem that Scripture records.

    The first was Cyrus’ decree to rebuild the temple in 538 B.C. (2 Chron. 36:22-23; Ezra 1:1-4; 6:2-5).

    The second was Darius I’s decree in 512 B.C. confirming Cyrus’ earlier one (Ezra 6:1, 6-12).

    The third was Artaxerxes’ decree in 457 B.C. (Ezra 7:11-26).

    The fourth was Artaxerxes’ decree authorizing Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem in 444 B.C. (Neh. 2:1-8).

    The first two authorized the rebuilding of the temple, and the third provided for animal sacrifices in the temple.

    Only the fourth one gave the Jews permission to rebuild Jerusalem, and it seems to be the one in view here. The Jews encountered opposition as they sought to rebuild and refortify their ancient capital, as the Book of Nehemiah records. The date 444 B.C. then probably marks the beginning of this 490-year period.

    Seven sevens plus sixty-two sevens equals 483 years. Gabriel predicted that after 483 years Messiah would be cut off.

    Detailed chronological studies have been done that show that Jesus Christ’s death occurred then. One scholar, Sir Robert Anderson, believed that the day Jesus entered Jerusalem in his triumphal entry was the last day of this long period.

    Whether or not the chronology is that exact, almost all expositors agree that the death of Christ is in view and that it occurred at the end of the sixty-ninth week.

    What happened after 49 years that justifies breaking this period into two parts? Perhaps it was the end of the Old Testament revelation through the writing prophets. Another more probable view is that it took that long to clear out all the debris from Jerusalem and to restore it fully as a thriving city with streets and moat.

    “This perfectly describes the work of Nehemiah and under what difficult circumstances he performed his tasks.” The reference to Jerusalem being rebuilt “with plaza and moat” (NASB) or “with streets and a trench” (NIV) has confused some readers since Jerusalem never had a typical moat or trench around it. However, the valleys of Hinnom and Kidron, on Jerusalem’s east, south and west sides, resemble a moat or trench around most of the city. In heavy rains they did and still do carry water and function as a moat or trench.

    9:26 Most Christian interpreters have taken the cutting off of Messiah as a reference to Jesus Christ’s death. He had nothing then in a very real sense.

    The prince who will come seems to be a different person from the Messiah. His people, not he himself, would destroy the city. This happened in A.D. 70 when the Roman army under Titus leveled Jerusalem.

    The prince who will come, however, was evidently not Titus but a future ruler, namely, the Antichrist (7:8). Titus made no covenant with the Jews (v. 27). However, Titus did initially what this prince will do ultimately. Jerusalem did not end because of a literal flood of water in Titus’ day, but Roman soldiers overwhelmed it (cf. 11:10, 22, 26, 40; Isa. 8:8). War preceded the destruction.

    Gabriel announced that God had determined the city’s desolation (cf. Matt. 24:7-22). Some interpreters believe that the end of this verse describes conditions that have followed Titus’ destruction and continue even today. Others think it only describes what Titus did.

  38. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    Exegesis of Daniel 9 DANIEL’S VISION OF THE 70 SEVENS part 7

    9:27 “In contrast to the rather clear fulfillment of verses 25-26, verse 27 is an enigma as far as history is concerned; and only futuristic interpretation allows any literal fulfillment.”

    The nearest antecedent of “he” is “the prince who is to come” (v. 26). Since Titus made no covenant with Israel, so who is in view? Apparently a future ruler of the revived or reorganized Roman Empire, the little horn of chapter 7, is in view. This seems preferable to taking the antecedent of “he” as Messiah since Jesus Christ did not do the things predicted of the prince here.

    This means that the seventieth week does not follow the sixty-ninth week immediately. Such a break in prophetic chronology has precedent in the predictions of Messiah’s first and second advents (Isa.61:1-2).

    Another evidence of a break between the sixty-ninth and seventieth weeks is the fact that there was a 37-year gap between Messiah’s cutting off in A.D. 33 and the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Yet Daniel presented both of these events as after the sixty-ninth week and before the seventieth week. Thus there must be a break in the chronology after the sixty-ninth week.

    This future ruler, according to Gabriel, will make a covenant with “the many” for one week (seven years). “The many” evidently refers to Daniel’s people (v. 24), believers in the religion of the Jews (cf. 11:39; 12:2).

    After three and one-half years, this Antichrist will terminate the sacrifices and offerings that he permitted these Jews to offer. Their ability to offer these sacrifices indicates that they will be back in the land worshipping at a rebuilt temple.

    Perhaps the simplest explanation of the phrase “The wing of abominations” is to “on the wing of” in the sense of “with.” Apparently the prince will appear in the Jerusalem temple when he ends the sacrifices.

    Daniel 12:11 refers to a future stopping of the Jewish sacrifices forty-two months before Messiah returns to the earth. Revelation 13:4-7 also describes this future ruler in harmony with what Gabriel revealed here.

    Jesus too warned of him in Matthew 24:15-28 as did the Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 and the Apostle John in 1 John 2:18. The complete destruction decreed by God and poured out on this prince will come, according to these passages, when Messiah returns to the earth.

    The strongest argument for a literal fulfillment of the events predicted in verse 27 is that the events predicted in verses 24-26 were fulfilled literally.

    “The ‘abomination of desolation’ set up by Antiochus is not the ultimate fulfillment of Daniel 9:27 because (a)
    Antiochus does not fit the time sequence given in that verse, and (b) long after the time of Antiochus, Jesus said Daniel’s prophecy of the abomination of desolation was
    still future (Matt. 24:15-16).”

  39. Oh Boy! Swine Flew!

  40. Honestly when it come to ‘religion’ i don’t like to read long boring quotes from a book that hundreds of years old, i prefer reasoning and my own common cents because i trust myself and my ability to chose right from wrong. after all man was made ‘programed’ with only right. Later we chose wrong. But all a we still got in the ‘right’ programing or conscience.(what ever you wanna call it)

  41. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    My postings above are not a long boring quote from a book that is hundreds of years old.

    Instead it what is called an exegesis or interpretation of one of the most important chapters in the Bible that relates to the topic that is being discussed on this thread, THE RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST.

    The posting has NOTHING to do with RELIGION which is by definition a system devised by men to appease a God.

    It might surprise you that there are many men around the world who read ancient books including the Bible. Men make a living teaching Skakespeare, some make a living teaching Ancient History, even though it is thought that men tend to learn nothing from history. Some make a living from teaching Bible.

    If you don’t like my posts, or if you are incapable of understanding them or if you are bored by them you have the choice to IGNORE them.

    You say that with respect to religion that you “prefer reasoning and my own common cents”. That is exactly what the BIBLE calls following philosophy, vain deceit, following the traditions of men, after the rudiments of men rather than after Christ in Colossians 2:8. There is a caveat to doing that, which you are of course quite free to disregard.

    It is amazing to stupid me that you are able to “trust myself and my ability to chose right from wrong” especially since the Bible declares that the heart (of man) is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. I know that this verse is true because I view the news everyday and I see the result of men failing to chose right from wrong ; and doing so VERY OFTEN!

    Your understanding that “after all man was made ‘programed’ with only right” is also far from the truth and common observation.

    Later we chose wrong.” This is of course contrary to all we know and have observed. We know that all are sinners as pointed out in the Scriptures several times, and we know that children NATURALLY DO WRONG & HAVE TO BE TAUGHT WHAT IS CORRECT. You know that, I know that, and even the little children know that!

    Re “But all a we still got in the ‘right’ programing or conscience.(what ever you wanna call it)” We all know too that often times WE CAN NOT LET OUR CONSCIENCE BE OUR GUIDE. In fact from your comments above, it appears that your conscience is seared according to Bible parlance.

  42. @GP

    “My postings above are not a long boring quote from a book that is hundreds of years old.”

    That is how the man feel about your posts; whether it is commentary or not. Are you going to tell him how he feels? What next? Talk about arrogance.

    I am really tired of the fact that men who calling themselves holy do not see the wickedness that they perpetrate. I know, GP, somebody tell you that man was born a sinner and you believe it; well that is your downfall and the basis of the mental enslavement.

  43. OK Chris, you just mark my words. One caution, the ideal and reality are two different things; I am sure you know that so it’s a reminder.

  44. The obvious, empirical, day to day evidence that ALL of us are SINNERS, could not be more plainly witnessed than by observing children, from infancy, no matter what culture, class or creed they come from. Why is this so?

    As Almighty God declares in His Word:

    “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, (in the womb) and in SIN did my mother conceive me.” (Psa. 51: 5).

    Shapen = brought forth (in birth). It is not that the acts of giving birth or conceiving are in themselves sinful, but, that from the moment of conception, a person possesses a sinful nature.

    This very inherent sinful nature, which was brought into the human race through Adam, and is imputed to ALL of us from conception, is an universal reality, the most empirically observable FACT of human nature, which is the core problem of all humanity, and no matter how much education and technological advancement man had made, WE simply CANNOT find any cure for this base of iniquity that resides in each and every one of us, SIN.

    The entire, central focus of God’s Word, the Bible, from the beginning in Genesis, to Revelation, is the Lord’s gracious provision to all of mankind, in providing for us, a full pardon and reconcilation to Him, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Atoning death and Resurrection.

    I have pointed this out a number of times before, and will do so again, they are Millions throughout the world, in every nation, regardless of colour, who have, and are continuing to find, forgiveness of SIN, and and full restoration of a personal relationship with Almighty God, our Creator, through Jesus Christ; no matter what country they come from, their TESTIMONY is the same; the Joy, Peace, and fulfillment they now have, came through ONE person only, Jesus Christ.

    The scoffers, can scoff at this, but the reality across all nations, cannot be refuted; for this FREEDOM from all kinds of repression, is a living witness to the truth and reality of what God promised He would do for ANYONE, who come to Him, through Jesus.

    It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the colour of a man’s skin.

    Children, as all of us can testify, as we were all once children, have to be constantly told what is the RIGHT thing to do, BUT, it was never necessary to be taught or instructed how to do the wrong thing, or act or behave in the WRONG way, why not? Because we came out of our mother’s womb with that inherent SIN nature, bent of doing what is wrong, SINFUL, exactly as God’s Word declares.

    We cannot educate or philosophize away our SIN nature, the only answer for that malady, is the blood of Jesus Christ, which alone is able to cleanse us from all sin.

  45. @Zoe

    “The obvious, empirical, day to day evidence that ALL of us are SINNERS, could not be more plainly witnessed than by observing children, from infancy, no matter what culture, class or creed they come from. Why is this so?”

    Is that so? What I see coming from children is innocence not sin. If you choose to see yourself as a dog, sir/madam, you will be a dog. Plain and simple.

    The empirical evidence will show that man is predominantly good and very little “evil” as you call it. By comparison would you say that by having 10,000 Muslims among us makes Barbados a Muslim society. How do you deal with empirical evidence?

    In any school, the majority of bad behaviour is done by a handful of bad boys. We have 1000 prisoners at Dodds out of a population of 270,000; what sinners what!

    Again the lie is being perpetuated by people who know not what they do.

  46. @Zoe……you really got to be one ah dem igrunt men. What de hell is it about the womb that makes it iniquity? How is it that your mother conceived you in SIN? Or you too wish that you didn’t come here thru a vagina? What about your father did he beget you in sin too or is he alright with your God?
    Why do you think they call our realm ‘Mother Earth’ or do you curse her too?

  47. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    You know full well that Zoe is commenting there on Psalms 51:5 which reads in the KJV, “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

    The word “shapen” means “be brought forth” (Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Lexicon, p. 297).

    You know well that no one really believes that anything makes a womb iniquitous?

    You know that the Bible teaches that our mothers conceived us in SIN or with the sin nature.

    Exiting thru a vagina has nothing to do with the isuue. Do you know that some animals are formed in the uterus but dont exit through the vagina? ( Thats just an aside you ca check out LOL)

    Our fathers also partyicipated in begetting us in sin with the sin nature too Hopi. And you know that very well.

    Behave Hopi.Please dont descend to the level of……….. we all know who.

    Watch now Hopi…..and see…..LOL


  48. Georgie Porgie i am just saying that you could brake down the long post into your own words, or at least words that i could understand. BUT then again YOU would got to understand it to be able to put it in your own words.

    I also want you to think and then answer.

    How does a perfect being (God) create and imperfect being(man)????????

    and what makes you think that children are sinners? children come into this world knowing little about it, they are just testing to find out what is acceptable.

  49. Innocence, in children, from an chronological (age) perspective, must not be used to deny and overlook the fact of their capacity for sin; as we all SIN because we are ‘sinners’ by nature, and not the other way. In other words, we sin, because we ARE sinners, this is why in very young children we see daily ‘disobedience’ screeming because they cannot have their own way, selfishness, lying against each other, etc, etc, rebellion against parental authority, and the lists goes on; this most certainly does not make anyone a ‘dog’ but most certainly a ‘sinner.’

    The Bible reveals the very essence of ‘sin’ to be self-centeredness, and its tragic result to be death; but it also reveals God’s redemptive plan in Christ to make an end of sin for eternity.

    Creation Declares SIN; Human History Declares SIN; Human Logic Declares SIN; Human Conscience Declares SIN; Human Experience Declares SIN; Human Religion Declares SIN; Believers Declare SIN; and Scriptures Declare SIN!

    The higest court of appeal is the Word Of God. The Bible declares the universality of SIN, that all men are sinners in God’s sight, needing salvation (Psa. 14: 1-3; 53: 1-3; Rom. 5:12)

    False concepts of the Holiness of God arise out of a false concept of sin, which lead to a lack of conviction and a lact of repentance.

    There are many False Theories concerning Sin; the Atheistic Theory; the Deterministic Theory; the Evolutionary Theory; and the Hedonistic Theory.

    The Hedonistic Theory, is probably the most popoular, the root word ‘hedonistic’ means “pleasure”, and it suggest the theory that a person should be free to do whatever brings pleasure and fulfillment. It is the philosophy of self-expression, proclaiming; ‘If it feels good, do it”. Justifying sin on a seemingly positive philosophic base, it has become quite popular in modern society; very much akin to ‘cultural and moral relativism’ that there is no ‘absolute’ or moral truth.

    To deny the absolute reality of sin, as seen and witnessed in very young children, as ALL of us already know, apart from their innocence in (age) is to be willfully blind to this truth

    Bible Definitions of Sin:

    A. Scriptural Definitions:

    There are six major Scriptures which define sin and all are seen in their embryonic form in the original sin of Satan and Adam.

    1. The thought of foolishness.

    Proverbs 24: 9 – “The thought of foolishness is sin:. When Satan and Adam entertained the ‘thought’ of being ‘as gods’ it was indeed ‘foolishness’ and this covetous ‘thought’ itself was sin.

    2. Transgression of Law.

    I John 3:4 – “Sin is transgression of the Law.” Transgress means “to pass across”, to go across a forbiddden boundary line. Adam transgressed God’s law.

    3. Unrighteousness is Sin.

    I John 5:17 – “All unrighteousness is sin”. Unrighteousness, or injustice, is sin. Adam committed an injustice to God and man by selling himself out to Satan.

    4. Not doing good is Sin.

    James 4:17 – ‘To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”

    Satan knew good and did it not. Adam knew good and did it not. Both knew God’s law and what would please Him; they both, volitionally, choose NOT to do the right thing, that IS Sin.

    5. Unbelief is Sin.

    Romans 14: 23 – “Whatever is not of faith is sin”. Adam and Eve knew the good and perfect will of God, yet sinned. They did not believe the Word of God, BUT, instead believed the word of the serpent. They fell from faith in the Word of God, to unbelief.

    Sin, Hebrew, ‘Chattath” means “an offence, sometimes habitual sinfulness, and its penalty, occasion, sacrifice, or expiation. It alse means “to miss, to sin by inference, to forfeit, to lack” (Lev. 4: 2-3, 25-35; Psa. 32: 1,5: 51: 2-5: Isa. 53: 10,12)

    Transgression, Hebrew, “Pawsah” or “Pehshah” this word means, “to brake away from just authority; trespass, apostasize, quarrel, a revolt (nationa, moral or religious).”

    Iniquity – Hebrew, “Avon, or avown” It means “perversity, evil, “do amiss” “make crooked” “commit iniquity” “pervert, fault”.

    There IS NO man or woman, in B’dos, that has not broken the Laws of the land, in one way or another; either to a Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, etc, etc, in driving, in business affairs, it is just that most of us are not caught; otherwise, our Penal Institution, would have almost ALL of us up there!

    Our land, like all other countries, is literally littered in SIN, one way or the other, YOU know this very well, so you can come with all of your ‘humanistic’ ungodly concepts and ideas, IT STILL IS SIN, and you know this!

  50. NatiLaughAtDumbChristains Avatar

    This is fuckry. I cant believe people are actually sitting around having this discussion.

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