






A reliable source informed us on Friday 11 January 2008, about a plan to have had some kind of a debate between Leader of the Opposition David Thompson and Prime Minister Owen Arthur today at 11AM, on the US based radio station One Caribbean Radio. The debate/discussion would have been carried live on the One Caribbean Radio Internet station. A telephone link-up with both parties would have facilitated the discussion. Both gentlemen as we all know are busy on the campaign trail.

So why did it not happened as planned?

Our sources indicate that when Prime Minister Arthur heard that David Thompson would have shared the link he declined to participate. As fate would have it the One Caribbean Radio website was hacked over the last 24 hours. One Caribbean Radio radio station is managed by former Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) General Manager Sam Taitt.

32 responses to “Leadership Debate Cancelled Yet Again?”

  1. BLP FREE CONCERT - LIVE!!!! Avatar

    LIVE and IN PROGRESS – The Barbados Labour Party FREE CONCERT at Wotton Playing Field, Christ Church.


  2. LOl weren’t you guys deriding the massive tunout at DLP events as it was due to the entertainment????

    LOL so sad.

  3. Wishing in Vain Avatar


  4. The Barbados Labour Party FREE CONCERT at Wotton Playing Field, Christ Church represents their acceptance that they will lose the election. They are just indulging in some relaxation and recreation

  5. YUM YUM I like it! Avatar
    YUM YUM I like it!

    Just saw William Duguid ‘getting down with the kids’, with his base-ball hat on backwards – oh man what a chump!

    How patronising can a guy get?!

    He called his DLP contender Taan Abed “the Taliban man”.


  6. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    I sincerely hope the Taliban man throws his man out on his behind.

  7. Dictators don’t debate—they dictate

    Owen can’t afford to debate

    he has run out of smoke and mirrors

  8. YUM YUM I like it! Avatar
    YUM YUM I like it!


    That is not worth thinking about.

    Another earthquake hits barbbados!!

  9. I am waiting to see Red Plastic Bag singing for the HONEY BEES.

    What a rollicking time they are having there tonight!

    It will be WAX-PALAX on Tuesday when I vote BLP and put back in the BEES for a FOURTH TERM!!!!

  10. Has DLP-TV gone off air?

    Ooops, I forgot…. it was just a hastily thrown together collection of video clips posted on YouTube. The only REAL LIVE STREAMING has been from BLP-TV which the DLP yardfowls are ashamed to confess they also watch.

    “We gonna chase DEM crazy ball heads outta town….”

    They went because David Thompson promised that he was going to deliver a “bombshell”. Instead he delivered a HUGE FLOP. People in Barbados are still asking “Where is the bombshell?”


  11. A dub fete on a SUNDAY with young people who have to go to school tomorrow.

  12. YUM YUM I like it! Avatar
    YUM YUM I like it!

    Anyone there old enough to vote?

  13. Does your heart SINK? Avatar
    Does your heart SINK?

    A crowd of 20,000 strong.

    Bare red shirts.

    Weep, yardfowls, weep.

  14. This Masala group has a very good sound.

  15. A concert on a SUNDAY for Bajans of all ages who are going to sweep the DLP from the face of the earth on Tuesday.

  16. Missing Yardfowls Avatar
    Missing Yardfowls


    Sonia Cambridge has informed us that several BFP and BU yardfowls have gone missing over the past couple of days.

    Whereas these yellow poultry once crowed loud and hard from the pinnacle of a certain property on George Street in Belleville, they have suddenly sprouted red feathers and taken flight in the direction of Roebuck Street in the city….

  17. It looks as though the dems are ashamed of their manifesto. They have deleted it from their web site.

    Can anyone help me find their youth manifesto and thier true manifesto?

    Thompson said in this response to the economic statement deleiovered by the minister of finance on march 14, 2007 that the dlp is going to exempt all pensions from taxation. I do not see that policy anywhere in their manifesto. Can we believe what thompson has to say

  18. By your own admission you have a small gathering after all a pure political meeting drew 35,000 and before that the concert drew 32,000 so your numbers must be of concern to you and your clan of crooks.

  19. anon // January 14, 2008 at 12:07 am

    It looks as though the dems are ashamed of their manifesto. They have deleted it from their web site.
    I just checked and it is still there.

  20. What did Owen Arthur do with the cheque for $75,000? First he claim he deposit it in BLP campaign fund. Then he say he give it to fellow BLP candidates. I dont believe him. Arthur is lying and the electorate should reject him. After that the law courts should investigate him. In spite of all his morality talk he is looking very much like your garden variety bandit.

  21. Wishing In Vain were there turnstiles at your political meetings? How were you able to judge the crowd with such unerring accuracy?


  22. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    YUM YUM I like it..

    Did Dr. Duguid really say that?

    How do you think that is going to effect how our Muslim brothers vote?

  23. OWEN ARTHUR refuse to debate David Thompson YESterday be cause he has some thing to hide maybe it is the the$ 750 000 that the liar put in his bank account that he said he gave too the party and now saying he gave to the other candidates thisDICTATOR only cares about his friends not the poor people in barbados it up to you people in barbados on tuesday to vote for this low life again

  24. OWEN ARTHUR refuse to debate David Thompson YESterday be cause he has some thing to hide maybe it is the the$ 750 000 that the liar put in his bank account that he said he gave too the party and now saying he gave to the other candidates thisDICTATOR only cares about his friends not the poor people in barbados it up to you people in barbados on tuesday to vote for this low life again

  25. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    David, I am using the information supplied by the RBPF on both meetings these were not my estimates but those of the RBFP, I am not aware of any better source of a crowd estimation than they are.

  26. David // January 13, 2008 at 9:38 pm

    A dub fete on a SUNDAY with young people who have to go to school tomorrow.

    David two things stood out with this concert. The deliberate camera panning to display the size of the crowd .

    1: demonstrate to me that earlier comments about the DLP oistins meeting was lying bravado, that they were indeed concern, and this huge crowd they got at wotton made them feel good, and gave them renewed hope, and so it should.

    2:The camera panning afforded me an opportunity to study the crowd, and what was consistent across the crowd was the level of drinking. Now to be fare i decide to ignore those with cups as I could claim to know what was in them, but the number of person with open banks beer bottles in hand was very high.

    ….Pastor Victor Roach were you at this meeting? You said in a publish statement that you will be monitoring the political platforms for evidence of intent to deal with the epidemic of Alcoholism in Barbados, if you did I am sure you would have been dismaye and dissappointed.

    Joey Harper: where you at your party’s wotton meeting? do you remember making this statement?
    “THE FIGHT against alcohol abuse must now be focused on sophisticated areas like Kent, Westmoreland, Embassy Gardens and Fort George Heights. ”

    would you like to append this statement to include the BLP political meetings, the Prime Minister’s office, BLP headquarters, ILLARO COURT and a house in Wanstead?

    Probably not: for we know that for a while you where excluded from Owen’s politics of inclusion, forcing you to pen your anger and dissappointment in the media, but now you are on board, and have forgotten all that you would have said that you would have wished for us the public to believe was done from conviction.

    My guess is that indeed A drunk shall lead them.

    Adrian we have no problem with the BLP holding a fete/Youth Rally but on a Sunday? To BU this smells considering we are society that professes to be built on Christian principles.


  27. The People's Democratic Congress Avatar
    The People’s Democratic Congress

    Dear Voters,

    We in Barbados are in the final hours before we voters go the polls tomorrow in the election to elect members for the House of Assembly of the Parliament of Barbados. Certainly, we in the People’s Democratic Congress (PDC) have to urge all those who can vote, to turn out tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2008, , at their respective polling stations and exercise their fundamental right to vote, and vote and vote. Of course, too, do turn out in your greatest numbers and vote, as that, we in PDC want for there to be a relatively higher voter turn out in this election than would have been the case with regard, to say, the last 4 or so elections in Barbados, and we urge this for obvious reasons, one being, that a higher voter will mean with a great degree of certainty that a change in government is pending, more than a lower than usual voter turn out would suggest and which would itself likely mean the obverse.

    Also, we must urge those voters who are registered to vote in the constituencies of St. Michael North and St. Michael North West, to go and VOTE for our two candidates in these constituencies – Mr. Mark Adamson, political leader of the PDC, and Mr. Akil Umi, respectively. Indeed, a VOTE for our candidates will surely mean, among other things, greater parliamentary and constituency representation, greater community development, and a “voice” in the House of Assembly, esp. for the “voiceless” many of whom are marginalised and oppressed in this Barbadian society, and moreso, if we were to be elected into the House of Assembly.

    Finally, we in PDC urge you – the voters in Barbados – to make this election one of the most positive and significant elections we have ever had in Barbados, by making sure that not only is this disdainful but beleageured BLP Government VOTED to hell out of office for its gross and reckless mismanagement of many of the affairs of Barbados, well, since 1994 up to now, but also that by VOTING PDC and/or supporting our ideas and policies, we continue to fully enter a new phase of political development in Barbados with the coming about of other parties in Barbados – PDC included – and the introduction into Barbados of some very enlightening and forward looking ideas and policy perspectives and measures for Barbados , particularly those by our party, e.g. the Abolition of Taxation, the Abolition of Interest Rates, making sure that constituents debate and pass the laws of Barbados, and that ALL institutional loans for productive purposes shall become non-repayable – all of these and more as contained in our Election Manifesto.

    Anyhow, see you at the polls and have a pleasant but thoughtful VOTING DAY.


  28. the Abolition of Taxation, the Abolition of Interest Rates, making sure that constituents debate and pass the laws of Barbados, and that ALL institutional loans for productive purposes shall become non-repayable –

    If the institutional loan, is non-repayable – then it is not a loan is it? It is simply a grant and in mass it will be called only one thing a hand out! That is what you want to bring us too, lets get serious. No taxes, no interest rates. People like you and your dis-regard for the system would take us back in the bush days. There is a system so that the gov’t makes money to pay workers and fix roads etc. The problem is when it is abused by that said gov’t.

  29. Yum Yum I like it Avatar
    Yum Yum I like it

    Why have so many Barbadian musical artists sold out BIG-STYLE?

    Maybe because last night is the biggest crowd they are likely to play in front of all year.

    If elected will the BLP strive to encourage local talent OR just put them all on the back burner again ONCE THEY ARE NO LONGER NEEDED!

  30. Yum who said they sold-out. They sold their services as professionals do, not so?

  31. The People's Democratic Congress Avatar
    The People’s Democratic Congress

    To: Undertaker
    From: PDC
    Re: Your post referring to some of our policies

    The People’s Democratic Congress (PDC)is a very serious political organisation that was formed in 2005. We are far more serious than you think!!

    Indeed, we are still living in the dark ages, sir or madam, when the state or the government can still be seen, and quite overtly, stealing the incomes of the relevant peoples, businesses, and other entities in this so-called modern Barbados. This is highly obnoxious and wrong and evil. There is absolutely NO justification for doing it. NONE! By the state/government continuing to steal our incomes there are many things that are a result of this, among which are, the deliberate and dramatic devaluation of our national productive and distributive processes; the gargantuan increase in the government’s debt in the long term; and the abject fostering and perpetuating of social and income inequalities among the social categories in the country. No wonder, then, why manufacturing, agriculture, etc are reeling esp. since this VAT system made things worse for them. No wonder, then, why this outgoing insensitive BLP Government would have been seen foolishly over borrowing significant sums of monies, and wasting some of it on entirely unnecessary projects and programs, since 1994. No wonder, then, why only few thousands of the masses ever manage to elevate themselves to the middleclasses at any juncture, and very few of the middle classes ever reach the elite category, also, at any juncture.

    Also, for your information, sir/madam, the government hardly earns, far less, makes its own income. That is why it resorts to STEALING, wickedly, our incomes!!

    With regard to the question of institutional loans being non-repayable for productive purposes. Such CANNOT be grants, since whatever monies persons, businesses, and other entities, including the state, would get under this system that we will be putting in place would already have been long theirs or ours. Surely, the money belong to the people!! How can you reasonably give yourself your own money or give yourself a hand out!! Surely, the people are entitled to use this money as a medium of exchange (NOT A GRANT) in the production and distribution processes of the country.

    Even while we are using the term – LOANS – in a special historic sense, esp. to facilitate a better understanding of this particular policy, we nevertheless are saying that ALL productive persons and other entities in Barbados will be entitled to have such NON-REPAYABLE LOANS under our system, simply because not only is it absolutely foolish that we are REPAYING YOUR/OUR OWN MONEY – it eventually returns to the core financial system also – but also it would be unwise for us in Barbados not to recognize that these “loans” will be rewards that these persons and other entities are entitled to for their contributions to national income. Right now, there is NO such reward system in Barbados. How disgusting and backward!! Such a reward system is, however, absolutely needed under our system. Such a reward system will be based on the income any Barbadian citizen, or Barbadian owned or controlled entity in Barbados would have been able to make in a previous and given year. Not only will this reward system be used in relation to this non-repayable loans scheme, but also it will be used in relation to this scheme itself being one of the major and fundamental strategies that will be implemented to replace TAXATION. Therefore, Barbadian can rightly expect the ushering in of astronomical and extraordinary growth and development in the productive, consumption, investment, export, financial and other money using sectors in Barbados, with the proper implementation of these systems under A PDC Government. Too, the state shall ONLY be able to get a maximum of 4/10 of national income in such loans. Our target for Barbados will be 8 – 10 per cent average annual rates of growth, in real terms, in many of our national productive and distribution sectors.

    Surely, these are the kinds of ideological and philosophical perspectives that are essentially needed to help make Barbados a world class society. NOT those relevant archaic and disdainful eurocentic ones (TAXATION, INTEREST RATES) that we are still wont to use, and that are very harmful to our own progress and development as a nation.

    So, Undertaker, this is just a peek into our outlook for Barbados. Take it away!


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