Submitted by Grenville Phillips II, Leader of Solutions Barbados

After World War 2, most people in developed countries smoked cigarettes.  Doctors were irresponsibly promoting this harmful practise, because they smoked.  Offices, entertainment venues and aeroplanes were designed for smokers only.

Despite the mounting evidence that smoking caused lung cancer, nothing was done by policy makers to restrict the use of cigarettes.  However, the evidence could not be ignored forever.

In 1964, the US Surgeon General finally reported that smoking was harmful to smokers.  This led to warning labels being required on cigarette packaging.  In 1969, the US banned cigarette ads on TV and radio.

While the US government was trying to save smokers from themselves, there was no relief for non-smokers until 1971.  That was when airline stewardesses’ complaints resulted in no-smoking sections of some planes.

When booking flights in the 1980s, I would hope that there was space in the limited no-smoking section.  However, I was normally forced to travel in the smoking section, and tolerate the toxic second-hand smoke.

In the 1990s the link between second-hand smoke and lung cancer could no longer be ignored, so there were restrictions for smoking in government buildings.  By the 2000s, these restrictions were upgraded to bans, including on many international flights.

The World Health Organisation finally recognised that tobacco smoke caused death, disease and disability in smokers.  It also accepted that pregnant mothers, who were exposed to tobacco smoke, could cause health and development problems for their children.  So the UN was forced to act.

In 2003, the UN’s World Health Assembly adopted an international treaty, to protect all persons on this planet, including the unborn, from exposure to tobacco smoke.  Barbados signed that treaty in 2004 and ratified it 2005.

Barbados agreed to implement policies to protect all people from tobacco smoke in indoor spaces and other public spaces.  The long battle had been won, but the price was very high.  Approximately half of smokers died from smoking related diseases.


Last week, we decided that our youth must not only learn history from their textbooks.  Instead, we would do a NIFCA play re-enacting some of the worse parts of our history.  We decided to show them how a past set of policy makers, deceived a generation of unsuspecting people, that smoking was not harmful.

The problem is that our policy makers forgot that they were only supposed to be playing the lunatic.   Our parliamentarians seemed to have lost control of their minds.  There was no debate in Parliament, only lawyers trying to present weak closing arguments to themselves.

They passed a bill allowing any group that calls itself Rasta, to receive a permit to grow and smoke marijuana.  They have decided that there will be no checking of who is or is not a Rasta when issuing the permits.  They justified this position by claiming that the Government does not investigate who is or is not a pastor before registering churches.

The lunacy of this argument is glaring.  Pastors are not registering to do anything illegal.  However, the bill allows Rastas to legally do something that is illegal for the rest of us.

To declare that no investigations will be done, means that any group of Barbadians can legally grow and smoke marijuana.  They just have to call themselves a Rastafarian group and get a permit.

This makes the political promise of a referendum before legalising marijuana a farce.  If the Governor General is so controllable, that she would act against the interest of Barbados by proclaiming this into law, then there will be no need for a referendum – the recreational use of marijuana would already be legal.

It is proven that marijuana smoke has the same or higher concentrations of poisons, and that smoke is not healthy for anyone’s lungs or heart, including Rastas.  It does not magically become healthy just because a set of politicians say that it is.

It took about 80 years of struggle, with millions of unnecessary and horrible deaths, before policy makers would act.  Policy makers deemed their lives expendable, as each death was simply added to the rest until the number was statistically important enough to report a strong link.

Now we must now start all over again, just because policy makers want proof that marijuana smoke is more dangerous than tobacco smoke.  We have learnt nothing from the millions who have died from tobacco smoke.  Despite the fact that smoking cigarettes is still the leading cause of preventable death in the US, we are not convinced.

We want to count deaths from marijuana smokers.  Not any marijuana smokers, Barbadian marijuana smokers.  We have now deemed the lives of our Rasta citizens expendable.  We are not trying to protect them from themselves, as we should have done for the smokers of cigarettes.  Instead, we are encouraging them to smoke, deceiving them that it is not harmful – when we know full well that it is.

The obvious solution is to allow users to dilute marijuana to safe concentrations, and drink it as we drink tea.  That does not introduce smoke in the users lungs, and does not harm the health of the users’ neighbours.  The problem with that simple approach is that it does not satisfy the cry for blood.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and President of Solutions Barbados.  He can be reached at

109 responses to “Cry For Blood”

  1. MillervNovember 28, 2019 9:16 AM

    @ Mariposa November 28, 2019 8:47 AM

    Who is talking about smoking marijuana other than those who currently smoke its rival tobacco?

    So then what is the purpose of the legislation and belly aching about decriminalising
    The world is full of pot heads now barbadians want to become part of this “socialized illegal net work of pot heads
    By whatever path or description marijuana is widely used through a process of smoking
    So i dont understand the purpose or denial of asking me that silly question
    The question which u ought to ask self is how much of a discomfort will the smoking effect from marijuana caused to a nation comprise of elderly people and people who suffer with allergies
    Or dont u care as long as u can buy your spiff any where and as much as u want and as u dam please
    No wonder barbados has become a failed state because living inside its belly are those who only care for themselves .guh long do but dont ley yuh stinking smoke blew any where near my face cause govt does enough of ] smoke blowing up in peoples faces

  2. BTW
    I have been trying to find in the bible a literal description of the marijuana plant
    I hear the religiuos Radtafarian sector stating that the use of Marijuana should be granted as a religious part of their ceremony
    However it is my understanding that the only religiuos ritual that has been brought forth as evidence taking from the bible with forthright proof is bread and Wine beyond a shadow of doubt
    If there is any one who can point chapter and verse anywhere in the bible or religiuos teaching that marijuana should be used as a religious ritual i am all ears to listen

    Waru Waru uh hear me now

  3. @ Mariposa November 28, 2019 12:44 PM

    In case you are not aware, smoking in public is against the law.

    A good piece of legislation to protect the health of the public; just like you cannot piss or shit in public spaces.

    BTW, that piece of legislation was passed under your dear loving party always working in the interest of the public.

    You still have not addressed the main point of you asking for the banning of ‘imported’ tobacco cigarettes.

    FYI, the miller does not smoke (neither cigarettes nor sp(l)iffs) since Mother Nature did not endow the human body with a chimney.

  4. Miller
    FYI, the miller does not smoke (neither cigarettes nor sp(l)iffs) since Mother Nature did not endow the human body with a chimney.

    Glad to hear miller. but there are other lucrative ways for which others find a need for decriminalisation of marijuana
    Be that as it may if only for the nation well being cigarettes and alcohol should be banned
    However the horse has already been bolted and those in economic power could not care less
    Sooner or later as is happening the economic horse would take a foot hold bolts out of the stable and Barbados society would become cousins nephew and nieces of other small nations that have decriminalize marijuana
    So why now even bother to chase brand cigarettes when all that matters to govt and people is self interest
    As for me i never smoke but drink an occasionally glass of wine as part of my religiuos ritual.

  5. Of course Rastas are at risk, their own government is DELIBERATELY setting them up to be injured robbed or even worse.

    “THE “RUSH” TO PASS cannabis laws will put Rastafarians in danger of being targeted by criminals. It is also payback by the Barbados Labour Party for certain votes, says Opposition Senator Caswell Franklyn.

    “They are rushing and don’t know what they are doing,” he told the Senate yesterday as it debated the Medicinal Cannabis Industry Bill, 2019, and the Sacramental Cannabis Bill, 2019.”

  6. “Waru Waru uh hear me now.”

    first of all yall REFUSE to hear that the bible was created by Europe to brainwash ya dumb asses straight outta Africa…so continue looking to it for answers and see how far ya will get…

  7. Waru waru
    November 28, 2019 2:53 PM

    “Waru Waru uh hear me now.”

    first of all yall REFUSE to hear that the bible was created by Europe to brainwash ya dumb asses straight outta Africa…so continue looking to it for answers and see how far ya will get…


    So then why is marijuana consider a religious sacrament and which God does the Rasta serve
    The last i heard that Rasta served a God define by certain teachings within the bible that they call Jah
    Also Rasta has and used the Christian bible in reference to Gods creation of all things for mankind purpose which Rasta says include weed
    So i cant understand how u can talk or point towards an opposite direction away from the bible when Rastas takes umbrage in the use of bible to obtain a religiuos ritual

  8. Yall too confused and brainwashed to even untangle the shite yall created…ya best bet Mariposa, is to let that bloodline be diluted from all that brainwash, it will take another 50 to 75 years, cause yall will only keep going around and around and around in circles arguing the same nonsense, i have seen it happen for years on BU, no one has that time, i love to relax, not argue silly things created just for you to argue.

    Your spirituality came STRAIGHT OUTTA AFRICA, that i can tell you first hand, most of it has been lost to the weakminded, they too love to hear lies created just for them, that is why…

    your spirituality which is YOUR BIRTH RIGHT cannot be found in some halfassed book which is based on stolen information and outright lies..

    And trying to explain it to the brainwashed, is an exercise in futility.

  9. SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife

    From today’s Toronto Star
    My home is poisoned by second-hand pot smoke / By Heather MacDonald-Archer

    “But no air purifier can really handle pot smoke, and I’m deadly allergic to it. Truly and overwhelming allergic. At the first whiff my throat itches and closes in, my lungs spasm and I start to wheeze and gasp.

    I open windows, sliding doors. The air purifiers go on. But we have some diehard pot smokers on our floor and we are between a rock and a hard place.

    Because our building is older, the smoke seeps in — we’ve blocked off vents — via various spaces, invading our bathrooms and storage cupboards.

    There is nothing I can do about it because — as I’ve been told a million times — “it’s legal.”

    And I’m sick. Physically and at heart. It is imperilling my health and there’s not a goddamn thing I can do about it. This is the dark side of legal marijuana.”

  10. Waru waru
    I have watched how you have talked out both sides of your mout
    My point to u is that while u discredit the bible
    Rasta finds the bible as a source of comfort from which they can used marijuana as a religious ritual
    All your long talk about bible brainwashing does not remove a much needed effect of importance to the Rasta community called a sacrament of marijuana which the Rasta indicates as useful in their religious ceremony
    Any one confused is you cause had not for christain principles founded by judeao teachings Rasta would not have a religious right of any kind
    But leave it to you to bite the hand which feeds u

  11. Marijuana has the most stifling heat scent
    That smell hits u before yuh even see the person smoking it
    It wont be long that this small society would be seeing an upsurge in respiratory illness compounded by other air borne viruses that have been floating silently in the atmosphere because of the mountains of garbage not pick up for weeks
    Most who are in favour of the law does it for their own self interest and could not give a God damn about the rest of society
    It would be of interest where and how does marijuana being used as a sacrament influence spiritual a walk
    Can understand the ritual of bread and wine as it was used to be a ever presence reminder of jesus death
    But where does marijuana fit into such a scenario is beyond thinking

  12. What nonsnse you talking, how do you know who feeds me..wuh if i had to depend on anyone in Barbados to feed me, i would starve….there are many starving now..

    yall should be more concerned with the nasty minorities on the island who treat ya like shite and none of ya governents ever protect you from them …as opposed to who smokes what, as long as they are not using my lungs to smoke, ah really don’t care, i am not a smoker….

    Rastas have their own ideoology and philosophy, nothing i have to agree with because i don’t agree with any religion,no matter who it belongs to not after seeing the degraded mental state all you bible thumpers are in…. but that does not mean i disrespect the right of those who practice sacrament or whatever floats their boat…

    In the meantime, check out this viral video about how yall love to be mistreated and disrespected by minority scum and still believe that a bible will fix that and everything else….good luck.

  13. @ Mariposa November 28, 2019 1:32 PM
    “As for me i never smoke but drink an occasionally glass of wine as part of my religiuos ritual.”

    So you drink wine as part of your ‘religious ritual’?

    So where do you think wine comes from if not a plant like tobacco or cannabis?

    How about banning the importation of all wines?

    Would you have an objection to the Rastas taking the sacrament to their god (same god worshipped by the same wine-drinking Jews (like the drunkard Noah) and Christians in the form of tea infused with the cannabis sativa plant the same way Japanese use green tea in their ceremonies?

    What is this blackened and confused government waiting on?
    For its Muslim financial sponsors to demand their own right to use Hashish in their religious rituals as they currently do behind the walls of their massive houses and mosques?

    Why don’t you call for the outlawing of the use of another plant called sugarcane?

    Maybe many Bajans in the Amputation capital of the world would be saved from rushing foot-loosing long to an early grave given the large amount of processed sugar they are consuming and the number of rum bibbers bumbling behind the wheel giving free advertising to the One-eye man on the road from a fete to a fatal event.

  14. Miller…pure undiluted hypocrisy, the government will never go after the minorities for hash, or marijuana or even cocaine either..but they have to go after Rasta and expose themselves as the uneducated world class asses that they long as it’s to torment and vilify their own people, they got excess energy..although this one really blew back on them, right in their faces…

    as for those who cannot think in straight lines, please leave the earth and free up some space..more deserving and educated people will need the oxygen put to better use.

  15. “If there is any one who can point chapter and verse anywhere in the bible or religiuos teaching that marijuana should be used as a religious ritual i am all ears to listen”

    Moses’ smokin’ bush when he spoke to God

  16. Redguard:


    Please note that training people to start successful businesses (by selling products to markets where we have favourable double taxation agreements) to pay their monthly expenses, and which they can automate, is not a dream. Since winning the 2014 National Innovation Competition, I have been living it and teaching others how to do the same.

    On crime. The aim was that offenders pay for their criminal justice service with fines. Therefore, more reduction in taxes.

  17. Miller wine used in religious practices is recognized not because of what govt thinks of it is use in any way but because the wine was used at the last supper of Jesus hence its legitimate religious right to be used as a sacrament
    As far as i am aware the wine used in churches are specifically made from grapes for sacramental use

  18. Barbados records another murder
    Lawd hav merci a country in need of leadership
    Where there is no vision the people perish

  19. RE the wine was used at the last supper of Jesus hence its legitimate religious right to be used as a sacrament

    RE As far as i am aware the wine used in churches are specifically made from grapes for sacramental use


    SO WINE NOT used in churches IS MADE FROM MANGOES?

    RE Barbados records another murder
    Lawd hav merci a country in need of leadership
    Where there is no vision the people perish


  20. Jesus turned Water into wine

    Maybe he could have also used mangoes

  21. who else besides Jesus turned Water into wine?



    I could not have written it better.

    And they continue shamelessly on a daily basis, with these silly, illogical, irrational arguments.

  23. Barbados has another murder

    Where there is no vision the people perish
    Lawd hav merci a country in need of leadership

  24. The question which u Artax should ask self is why in one year the social environment has deteriorated at rapped speed
    Why are they so many murders being committed
    Why hasn’t the AG who had all the answers before being a minister almost silent on the rising crime
    That is where the leadership is failing
    He was elected on a promise to decrease crime
    Any one who is silly is u Artax climbing on the coattails of GP
    one of the most pompous self absorbed egomaniacal jac.a.ssses on BU


    Why are they so many murders being committed HERE THERE AND EVERYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD?

    2 Timothy 3
    This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

    2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

    3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

    4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

    5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

    7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

    YOU ON THE OTHER HAND CAN BE SAID TO BE NEVER learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

  26. Mariposa (this particular one) unlike you, I’m not going to politicize crime.

    What makes how you’re viewing this crime situation seem silly is the fact that, no matter how many promises politicians make about reducing crime, they cannot be taken seriously.

    Some murders are committed “spontaneously,” for example, as a result of jealousy, an altercation between two or more individuals or during a robbery…… while others are planned, such as revenge and assassinations.

    Additionally, if you were to review the circumstances surrounding the murders committed so far this year, could you please outline what policies AG Dale Marshall or even former AG Adriel Brathwaite could have formulated and implemented to prevent those murders from being committed?

    How can a politician prevent an individual who murders his wife after coming home and “catching her in bed” with another man?

    What promises AG Marshall could have made to the electorate to prevent that youngster from being stabbed to death at Frederick Smith Secondary School?

    Although you described GP as “one of the most pompous self absorbed egomaniacal jac.a.ssses on BU,” is it an unreasonable act to AGREE with him when I believe he is correct?

  27. Additionally, if you were to review the circumstances surrounding the murders committed so far this year, could you please outline what policies AG Dale Marshall or even former AG Adriel Brathwaite could have formulated and implemented to prevent those murders from being committed?

    Artax those questions u should asked of AG Marshall who when in opposition called for brathwaite to resign
    At present finding himself in a worsening situation and not having the answers his leadership should be called upon and be equally criticized
    His own words should be haunting him and he should be called upon to be diligent a process by which he can find answers as to where how why these murders are occurring
    in the meanwhile he reacts with silence as crime and murder escalate.
    Now u have the nerve to be critical of my comments because i dare ask the question why where and how as it relates to leadership and its influence driven by good governance
    Nothing can be more silly than your ill advised attempt to score political points on an issue with a high degree of severity that can impact the soci-economy of barbados

  28. Mariposa

    RE: “Now u have the nerve to be critical of my comments because i dare ask the question why where and how as it relates to leadership and its influence driven by good governance.”

    You should have DIRECTED the above waffle to GP. He responded to your silly, irrational comment by asking “what is the connection between murder and leadership and vision?”

    You are yet to respond to GP’s questions.

    RE: “Nothing can be more silly than your ill advised attempt to score political points on an issue with a high degree of severity that can impact the soci-economy of barbados…”

    Perhaps you would like to EXPLAIN how is my mentioning “no matter how many promises politicians make about reducing crime, they cannot be taken seriously”…….

    ……. and asking you to OUTLINE what policies AG Marshall (or even former AG Adriel Brathwaite) could have formulated and implemented to prevent to murders, whether they were planned or committed spontaneously…….

    …….. could be REASONABLY and RATIONALLY INTERPRETED as an “ill advised attempt to score political points?”

    Your argument is essentially fallacious, because you purposely MISREPRESENTED my ORIGINAL opinions to give the impression you’re criticizing them, when in actuality you’re refuting opinions you CREATED……. and not the ones I ORIGINALLY presented.

    Once again you’ve presented a “straw man argument,”…… it’s a political ploy. It clearly demonstrates you’re incapable of having a discussion without viewing issues through “political lens,” and applying your usual “political spin.”

  29. Your breath is your spirit dancing. In the space between your breath is God.
    Meditate on the 3 treasures Heaven, Earth and Mankind.

    Stand tall and let the roots grow from the bottom of your feet to the centre of the earths core.
    As you breathe in draw the chi energy from the earth up into your feet and up through your legs spiralling your thighs inwards pushing your pelvis out with equal force. Draw the Chi energy up through seven chakras and out of the crown of your head towards the heavens like a volcano. When you breathe out slowly relax your body and repeat again.
    When you stop breathing your spirits leaves your body and is resurrected to heaven where it is judged for your deeds.

  30. A new study carried out by University College London (UCL) has found that marijuana use reduces a person’s short-term motivation to work for money.

  31. @visionary
    I have seen you move from genius to tin foil wearing to madness> I thought that was the end of the line, but it loos as if you haver descended into idiocy…
    Steupse, 1. (v) The act of sucking ones teeth when in a frustrating situation
    2. (n) The sound made by a trini when dealing with some idiotic, moronic simpleton.

    Part of the strategy is to neutralize/demonize/make you look like an idiot.
    Stand strong brother. Foot soldier Theo is still behind you

  32. but it looks as if you have descended into idiocy…

  33. @ Mariposa

    Don’t be discouraged.

    Many Bajans live in ignorance and not acceptance of reality.

    Before being elected IN 2018 Dale Mashall and some of his fellow BLP castigated the DLP regularly about murders and all the other woes on the island including water shortages, out of control food prices, VERY high taxes that people couldn’t handle anymore, and garbage pickup WHICH LED TO A LARGE MARCH PROTESTING THESE ISSUES BY THE BLP.


    Now that you continue to highlight the failures and false promises 20 MONTHS LATER they want to castigate you for exposing the ACTUAL reality of the situation on the ground.

    Bajans profess to be 98% literate but I believe they may mean illiterate.

  34. @ Mariposa

    I will give you an analogy that ‘literate’ Bajans should understand.

    A man or woman covets other persons husband/wife.girlfiend/boyfriend etc., and sets out bad talking to the other individual they covet partners by telling lies and some truths.

    They get the person who they target to become agitated and upset and make them a lot of promises of how much better it would be if they leave their partner and become involved with them.

    No bill worries, plenty of food in the house and nuff nuff loving.

    The partner leaves and joins the individual making all the false promises and commitments they know is just a ploy to get involved with the other person.

    After the honeymoon period, the person realises that they have been misled, as the bills are higher, nuff nuff licks and the grass is not greener on the other side.

    By this time too late and must suffer the consequences of their decision.



    Mia: Job creation next up

    The creation of jobs is one of the key areas Government will now be focusing on, says Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley.

  35. Only a really evil government would do something this vile to people who looks just like them, this government is turning out to be very dangerous and must BE WATCHED…this will not end well…they are too low class and are uncultured goddamn demons.

    “Rock, who described the bill as uncultured said it had already caused a division in the community.

    “It has sought to set Rastafari outside of the people that it has always represented and it has fought for.

    He revealed that he was approached by some interests who warned that “if they [the Government] give only you [rastafari] the right to grow cannabis, gunmen going to come.

    “So this is not the 70s or the 80s where there is big respect on the streets for Rastafari by the youth especially. So this bill here has set people against the community and it’s starting in the streets.”

    UWI Lecturer in Sociology Dr Alana Griffith questioned the need for the Sacramental Cannabis Bill, saying that the Constitution already guarantees citizens rights to practice their religion.”

  36. Baje.
    I have come toe to toe with every one of them
    I know their strategy and as many times as i have said to them i couldn’t careless of what they think of my comments they incessant political nature that drives them to come after me is such that they cant help themselves
    Meanwhile everything they say i take with a grain of salt
    One not much bothered as to what people say or think about me
    None of them are my creator and the creator is the only one that knows my thoughts and my reason for all i say or do
    Truth unlike milk does not sour
    May brought out the truthfulness of a govt directed and guided by a stealth approach that a 30-0 mandate given to them meant that they have a right to do as they dam please
    Their foot soldiers have no way of defending govt measures which have taken a deadly impact on barbados social enviroment so why no like brainwashed fools use the political playbook one that makes those who are crtical look like fools

  37. So i guess getting the boys off the block and given each one a tree to plant is Mia brain storming idea of job creation
    My question to Mia where is she going to find the money to buy these trees or maybe she is thinking of more Cassaurina trees
    Mia never ceases to amaze
    Or maybe we can think of her brainstorming idea of “thinking out side the box”a box that is twisted and bent out of shape

  38. Hemp Vs Marijuana:

    Hemp and marijuana can be differentiated by looking at their chemical makeup, method of growing, natural adaptability and, sometimes, appearance. Marijuana and hemp have noticeable and contrasting differences.

    Marijuana often looks different from hemp. When you observe their leaves, marijuana’s shape tends to either be broad leafed, a tight bud, or look like a nugget with tiny hairs or crystals. Hemp, on the other hand, has skinnier leaves that’s concentrated at the top. Few branches or leaves exist below the top part of the plant. When you observe the plants from afar, marijuana looks like a short fat bush. Hemp, especially hemp grown for fiber or seed, is typically skinnier and taller (up to 20 ft).

    The main difference between the two is in its chemical composition, specifically in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the chemical responsible marijuana’s psychological effects. An average batch of marijuana contains anywhere from 5-20% THC content. Some premium marijuana can have up to 25-30% THC. Legal hemp, on the other hand, has a max THC level of 0.3%, essentially making it impossible to feel any psychoactive effect or get a “high.” This threshold is heavily regulated in other countries that have legalized hemp. Hemp also has high cannabidiol (CBD) which offers numerous unique benefits.

    The environment in which hemp and marijuana are grown are often strikingly different. Hemp is grown closely together (as close as 4 inches apart) and are typically grown in large multi-acre plots. It can also grow in variety of climates and its growth cycle is 108-120 days. There are numerous varities of hemp, which can be grown for fiber, seed, or CBD content. Unlike hemp, marijuana requires a carefully controlled, warm, and humid atmostphere for proper growth. Its growth cycle only 60-90 days. Medical cannabis also cannot be grown too close to each other. They are typically grown 6 feet apart. Hemp and marijuana can’t be grown together: if marijuana grows among (or close to) a hemp field, the hemp’s pollen would immediately ruin the marijuana crop, diluting marijuana’s psychoactivity. Both crops would become useless.

    THC vs CBD
    What are the chemicals that make hemp and marijuana different?

    Tetrahydrocannabinol, also called THC, is the chemical responsible for marijuana’s psychological effects. An average batch of marijuana contains anywhere from 5-20% THC content. Some premium marijuana can have up to 25-30% THC.

    In order to remain legal, hemp must remain below the maximum THC level of 0.3%, essentially making it impossible to feel any psychoactive effect or get a “high.”

    CBD has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety properties without any psychoactive effects. Thus, it has recently gained popularity as a medical supplement and is now the leading application of hemp in the U.S. Some researchers believe that all the natural compounds in hemp work together, something called the “entourage effect.” This means the tiny amounts of THC could enhance the action of CBD, but you still won’t “feel high.”

    Cannabis Sativa vs Cannabis Indica
    Difference explained in official terms

    hemp is primarily made up of sativa strains, whereas marijuana can be both.
    Sativa strains are typically taller, loosely branched and have long, narrow leaves. They are usually grown outdoors and can reach heights of up to 20 feet. Sativa plants typically have higher concentration of CBD enzymes, essentially causing no mind-altering effect.

    Indica strains are shorter, densely branched and have wider leaves. They are better suited for growing indoors. Indica plants contain higher THC content, which has an intoxicating effect of causing a “body buzz”.

    Note: Many hybrids of these plants have been developed recently, so it is more important to examine the exact level of THC, CBD and other compounds in a plant rather than strictly categorizing them “sativa” or “indica”.

    2407 S. Congress Ave. Ste E-273

    Austin, Texas 78704

  39. Well if nothing else they will probably be able to take Mariposa to Africa or the Middleast with them soon.

    Barbados has begun talks with several African and Middle Eastern airlines in a bid to bring travellers from fresh markets year-round, Minister of Tourism and International Transport Kerrie Symmonds has said.

    While divulging few details, he identified the Dubai-based Emirates, ranked by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) as the world’s fourth-largest airline by scheduled revenue passenger-kilometres flown. It’s the second-largest freight carrier based on scheduled freight tonne-kilometres flown.

    He declared he intends to travel to Africa as part of an effort to diversify the base from which the island currently draws its visitors, suggesting that this was one way of making Barbados an all-year destination.

    He said: “In January of next year I will be in Africa because we are trying to break new ground into certain strategic targeted areas in Africa.” The Minister promised more information at a later date.

    The discussions were currently with “many” airlines at this stage and officials were still in the process of coming up with likely routes, he added.

    Symmonds said: “A part of the reason I am going to be in Africa next year is because we are finalizing the logistics for a route that will take us to Ghana and also Nairobi.

  40. health effects of marijuana?
    Breathing problems. Marijuana smoke irritates the lungs, and people who smoke marijuana frequently can have the same breathing problems as those who smoke tobacco.Researchers so far haven’t found a higher risk for lung cancer in people who smoke marijuana.

    Increased heart rate. Marijuana raises heart rate for up to 3 hours after smoking. This effect may increase the chance of heart attack. Older people and those with heart problems may be at higher risk.

    Problems with child development during and after pregnancy.

    ….. marijuana use during pregnancy is linked to lower birth weight and increased risk of both brain and behavioral problems in babies. If a pregnant woman uses marijuana, the drug may affect certain developing parts of the fetus’s brain. Children exposed to marijuana in the womb have an increased risk of problems with attention, memory, and problem-solving compared to unexposed children…

    Other recent research suggests an increased risk of preterm births.

    Intense nausea and vomiting. Regular, long-term marijuana use can lead to some people to develop Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome. This causes users to experience regular cycles of severe nausea, vomiting, and dehydration, sometimes requiring emergency medical attention.

    Mental Effects
    Long-term marijuana use has been linked to mental illness in some people, such as:

    temporary hallucinations
    temporary paranoia
    worsening symptoms in patients with schizophrenia—a severe mental disorder with symptoms such as hallucinations, paranoia, and disorganized thinking
    Marijuana use has also been linked to other mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts among teens.

  41. Murder 45,46,47 and counting.

    BLP doing a wonderful job in taking the island over a Cliff.

    Chaos Reigns in BIM.

  42. UPDATE: Three dead in Walkers

    Three men are confirmed dead in a cutlass incident which took place at Walkers, St Andrew earlier today.

    The news sent shockwaves across the island as Barbados was celebrating its 53rd Anniversary of Independence with the pomp and pageantry of the annual parade at Kensington Oval.

    The names of the deceased have not been released to the media, but several grieving family members were on site.

    Nation News has been reliably informed the tension had been simmering for some time and came to a head over accusations about animals and land.

  43. Let us get this straight, some of you here blaming the government for a domestic despite that resulted in 3 lives as a result of a psycho?

    Go and eat a conkie do!

  44. Your BLP Government that you support blamed all ills when in Opposition including murders on the past DLP Government and promised they had the remedies to fix ALL PROBLEMS.



  45. What if the blame game occured idiot, does it make it right?

    Can you blame a government for a mentally unstable man wielding a cutlass where there is history?

  46. You need to look in the mirror before you call anyone an idiot.

    Was the mentally ill man responsible for the rest of the 50 plus murders in 2019 under the BLP Government?

  47. You can have the last word and feel free to revert to the other moniker for now.

  48. There is a social crisis on the island, it will manifest in different ways in different people…A CRISIS..

    maybe that will mobilize the fools sucking on taxpayer’s dollars to address it..

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