David Comissiong, Citizen of Barbados, Prsident, Clement Payne Movement

I have been informed that Prime Minister Freundel Stuart declared in the House of Assembly today (Friday the 16th of February 2018) that his Government has just instituted a measure to pardon all those Barbadian martyrs who were convicted of criminal offences in the People’s Uprising of July 1937.

Well I have news for Mr Stuart — he is approximately twenty-two (22) years too late!

You see, way back in the mid 1990’s the late Dr. Richie Haynes MP— political leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP) — laid a Resolution before the House of Assembly that called upon the Government of Barbados to “pronounce an official pardon of all of those patriots who were convicted of criminal offences arising out of the riots of 1937 and expunge these criminal convictions from the official records”, and not only was the Resolution passed by the House, but the Cabinet of the then ruling Barbados Labour Party (BLP) effected the authorized pardons.

And so, not only must the credit of engineering the pardons of the martyrs of 1937 go to Dr Haynes and the NDP, but it should also be noted that Dr. Haynes— speaking on behalf of the NDP—  also called for Clement Payne to be designated a national hero and for the establishment of “an appropriate public monument to commemorate the sacrifices made by the many Barbadians who gave their lives or were wounded or imprisoned or victimized in the 1937 riots” — two demands that came to fruition between 1996 and 1999 with the designation of the ten national heroes of Barbados and the construction of the “monument to the martyrs” in Golden Square in Bridgetown.

Indeed, I remember all of this quite well, because, as a then member of the NDP, I partnered with Dr Haynes in crafting these demands.

But this is not the first time that this Democratic Labour Party government has played the trick of repeating (and claiming credit for) something that had already be accomplished before. Why, just last month– in January 2018– Mr Stuart’s Administration made a big song and dance about appointing Anthony “Mighty Gabby” Carter a Cultural Ambassador of Barbados– something that had already been done as long ago as the year 2004 by  Mr Owen Arthur’s Barbados Labour Party administration.

This DLP administration seems to have bought in to the notion that “Barbadians have short memories”. That might be true of some of us, but I can assure Messers Stuart and company that it is not true of all of us.

106 responses to “Not So Fast Freundel | It Was Dr. Richie Haynes Who Engineered Pardons for the MARTYRS of 1937”

  1. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service

    What Fruendel and his ministers should be OUTLAWING, instead of trying to perpetrate fraud, deceit and lies on the population to be reelected, is the still blatant practice of racism and the labelling of all those who practice racism against the majority Black population on a daily basis AS TERRORISTS….as is currently being advocated in the US and other countries against racist, white supremacist groups and others practicing racist terrorism.

    That would give the government something constructive to do and should be done throughout the Caribbean to protect the people…leave some level of integrity, credibility and decency that does not now exist..

  2. Historical amnesia is not a social disease which inflicts the current PM alone.

    It has long been a widespread malady, a weaponized condition

    However, It is good to know the beginnings of this initiative. Not that Haynes had any predilection for such.

    He obviously wanted to get his hands on ‘the power’ as he was known to have said, often. So people like William Skinner, David Comisiong, and others would have been the ‘hidden heroes’ in this. For Haynes, a mere political calculation.

    Our own view has long been that the level of martyrdom should be reserves for those who actually gave their lives on the battlefield for freedom, justice.

    Meaning, only martyrs should have been national heroes in the first place.

    But to infect the ranks of martyrs with politicians, sportsmen/women and others was always going to be a diminution of any serious national project.

    The current pantheon, as social disease, muddies a national determination requiring our best citizens to give life and limb in just causes.

    It’s also a good thing that others imprisoned, charged or injured during the 1937 Rebellion be properly treated, posthumously cleared, properly recognized.

    Barbados is a country not well known for treating prisoners with any fondness. Even when today’s prison culture is a representation of the slave epoch, with us still.

  3. Pachamama February 17, 2018 at 7:49 AM #
    Historical amnesia is not a social disease which inflicts the current PM alone.


    Just look at the reaction when the facts of the Quaker contribution are raised on BU.

    Could just be ignorance, might not be amnesia!!

  4. If simple fact checking is ignored or eludes the government of Barbados what will be the result?

  5. What they need to claim responsibility for is being the first administration of this blessed country to shamelessly seek to hold on to office AT ANY COST. All the way back in 2008 they ran on a campaign to integrity legislation. At least two ministers are on record admitting that they have difficulties with parts of that legislation, hence the failure to have it proclaimed. The Prime minister and the Attorney General both claimed to have witnessed voter irregularities in the election of 2013.To this day absolutely nothing has been done. In the dying days of this parliament comes this mad rush to turn our police force into one similar to Grenada ‘s under Eric Gairy when he too saw the writing on the wall. This administration is bent on holding on to office AT ANY COST.

  6. Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut and Paste @ Your Service

    it was deliberate and political mischief…to mindwash their dumb yardfowls, that info was in the public domain before..

    they know like them, bajans got short memories for anything that concerns their own welfare and future wellbeing. ..thats why they did it,..

    they have no lasting positive legacy to leave…

    the superior Black man creates and builds, the inferior man sells everything.

  7. It is ironic or maybe instructive that the prime minister is reported to be travelling to attend the HOGs conference in HAITI at the end of the month.

  8. Theophilius Gazerts Snr. Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts Snr.

    Remember the expression “A people who forgot their history are doomed to repeat it”.
    Wondering what FS will do about November 30.

  9. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ David C

    Thanks again for doing national service.
    I ,myself,thought that these things were already accomplished ,but relied on the technocrats in the relevant ministries to vet the authenticity of these statements and decisions.

    @ David K.

    I now see where you got the notion that the Ethos in the public service is deteriorating or has been transformed. Time for a change of the guards before Pachamama erects his guillotine in Heroes Square.

    LOL !! Wuh loss !! Speaking of incompetence? Is there no balm in Gilead ?

  10. Seeing as how Prime Idiot is only capable of doing something original if it has been done before, maybe he should do what Prime Minister Sandiford did and call an election, even if 5 years too late. But then again, there were a few honorable men forcing the hand to do the right thing then. Today, all the honor left in that once proud party is floating in the roadways of Hastings and Worthing.

  11. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John February 17, 2018 at 8:09 AM #
    “Just look at the reaction when the facts of the Quaker contribution are raised on BU.
    Could just be ignorance, might not be amnesia!!”

    What facts about the Quaker contribution to what?
    The continuation of slavery or its inevitable abolition on pure economic grounds?

    The inevitable question to be faced was: Why not privatize the same ‘slave’ labour instead of keeping it ‘in-house’ the same way the government of today is holding on to some state-owned corporations?

    For if your Barbadian Quaker people were a genuine society of Christian friends there would have joined and supported Bejamin Lay in his attempt to destroy the rampant vicious cruel slavery system instead of selling out the poor little man to the planter class similar to what your Jews did to poor sweet Jesus.

    Why didn’t your people remove the shield of hypocrisy and downright cowardice and follow in the footsteps of your Jesus by laying down their lives to free the slaves?

    Don’t you think by doing that they would have a secured their places in paradise jut like the Islamic jihadists?

    Wouldn’t you be talking about them today in the same gloriously iconic way as we revere John Brown?

    @Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

    You are My friends if you do what I command you.

    No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not understand what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because everything I have learned from My Father I have made known to you.…”

  12. At the eleventh hour after years of the 1937 rebellion, societal politics now seems to connect to the many slaves who fought for the sacrifice of today’s people. As David said and which the majority of BU contributors who are stickers for historical facts knew of the Late Richie Haynes discussing pardon for those heroes of yesteryear. However, I have a fundamental problem with the labeling of General Bussa who up to this date, no historian has been able to substantiate who this Bussa really is. How come all the slaves that came to Barbados and other Caribbean islands have family names that can be researched. Not this BUSSA a non-de-plume.

    I hope Marshall, Watson and others will be able to state without bias why one of the favored slaves by the name of Washington Franklin who was sentenced and hung where condemned slaves lives were taken by the slave Masters. The gallows was situated below Purity Bakeries. This guy Franklin was more the master mind of this rebellion and was never recognize whilst this nameless slave who probably lead the physical aspect of the slaves to fight, was made hero.

    This is why the more someone speak about an issue, the more people tends to believe. This is probably the case of the elevation of BUSSA.

  13. 1)
    I would not wonder if the ruling elite enacts a bill called “Abolition of Slavery”.

    The clueless masses have no idea of the past. For them, men like Big Sinck and Gibson are godlike masters.

    “problem with the labeling of General Bussa who up to this date, no historian has been able to substantiate who this Bussa really is”.

    There are hints in old newspapers, but only a few. However, it does not matter. There was a rebellion with some leaders, call them as you like. It is also a fact that there was a King Arthur but we do not know details.

    What Barbados lacks today is a man like Bussa, fighting with blood and bravery for his country. I see so many boys around with medals, badges and titles, but no brave men serving their Country.

  14. Tell me Why February 17, 2018 at 11:43 AM #

    There are still people alive who witnessed the 1937 Rebellion. These are people in the final moments of their lives.
    I have long called for a joining CBC/UWI oral history project. Is it too late to press on this urgent mission?
    History from desk research is often distorted. Eye-witness accounts are invaluable. I remember my mother describing what it was like as a young girl in Hannays Valley during the uprisings. Since then I have read the various reports in the British Library and the Public Records Office – history from the bottom up is always different.

  15. Check the back page story of today’s Nation newspaper for confirmation that the then Governor General Sir Clifford Husbands issued the Pardon in 1998. All 450 persons who were convicted of criminal offences were pardoned.

  16. https://books.google.com/books?id=fCmTbz1XdMwC&pg=PA293&lpg=PA293&dq=clement+payne+oilfield+workers+union&source=bl&ots=zLVpwGN_qT&sig=6VL2_yLdNgwjFepXhWSO5z–ABs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiclJetrK3ZAhUGvFMKHXB4DB4Q6AEIJTAA#v=onepage&q=clement%20payne%20oilfield%20workers%20union&f=false

    You have to realise that Clement Payne was a leading member/organizer? in the Oilfield Worker’s Union in Trinidad ….. if you like, a communist.

    He was sent from Trinidad to stir up trouble in Barbados in 1937.

    The authorities in Trinidad cabled ahead and warned the Barbadian authorities of his intentions and the rest is history.

    He was born to Barbadian parents in Trinidad.

    They returned to Barbados when he was four.

    Remember, 1917 was the October Revolution and the advent of Communism.

    Karl Marx prophesied that the workers of the world would unite and arise to overthrow the capitalist system.

    Clement Payne went back to Trinidad in 1927 when he was 23 and became involved in the Trade Union activity there.

    Ten years later, a seasoned organizer, he was sent to Barbados to fulfil Marx’s prophesy.

    He is now one of our National Heroes, promoted by politicians on all “three” sides of the aisle!!

    Bees, Dees and now we see, defunct N’s.

    Why on earth would responsible members of Parliament promote an individual who set out to destroy their country?

    Answer: ….. CLICO!!!!!!!

    Stay tuned for the next installment!!

  17. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    “I have long called for a joining CBC/UWI oral history project. Is it too late to press on this urgent mission?”

    Please clarify why a man of your journo background and who has enough contacts in the money world cannot and HAS not pulled together the financial backing to support a groupf of journalism students (from UWI or BCCl and related professionals to complete just that project!

    Seriously Mr Austin you are superbly well placed so it’s tragic and also ridiculous to hear you pronounce above as you have.

    The same frankly should be done by your alumni association and that of the other schools …particularly those who have solid contact with persons scattered world wide, like Kolig, QC and of course yours.

    As they say bluntly time to shat or get off the poo.

    Incidentally, you surely know the eyewitness accounts are as fraught with ‘personal bias inaccuracy’ as anything else. It’s necessary to have multiple accounts to ensure a complete picture.

  18. de pedantic Dribbler February 17, 2018 at 12:44 PM #

    Please clarify why a man of your journo background and who has enough contacts in the money world cannot and HAS not pulled together the financial backing to support a group of journalism students (from UWI or BCCl and related professionals to complete just that project! (Quote)

    Is this a joke, if it is I do not think it is funny.

  19. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John February 17, 2018 at 12:29 PM

    You John, like Judas, have finally reveal your blighted ‘ink-filled’ hand to reveal your discoloured nasty racist card!

    So Clement Payne was an evil wicked person with communistic intent to destroy the quiet peaceful 1930’s Barbados with happy smiling niggers to boot?

    Why not tell the BU audience that the Moyne Commission report was also full of fabrication designed to destroy the good name of Barbados?

    Clement Payne was just the messenger to warn of the seething social unrest; he was not the cause.

    Go ahead and shoot at the memory of the dead messenger but we would not be taken in by your whitewashed Quaker tales of brotherly love towards the black slaves.

    For if the Quakers had done their Christian duties towards their blacks brothers and sisters in your Christ there would have had no reason to be the listening ears to the “communistic” rants of a rabble-rousing trouble-making ‘Comrade’ Clement.

    What next are you to get up to in trying to rewrite Bajan history in your own image?

    The iconoclastic besmirching of Right Excellent Charles Duncan O’Neale the precursor to the same Rt. Excellent Clement Payne who merely to over O’Neale’s baton?

    What do you have to say about one of your own ‘coloured’ troublemakers, T.T Lewis?

  20. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Dont mind Liesalot, he is seeing all the evil committed against the Black population unravel before his very eyes and right before he leaves this earth…..knowing he can do nothing to stop that unraveling, he has to show his true colors and try one last stand at racist mischief making..

    All of that is despite him seeing the recent blowback that happened to racists in the US that saw them killing many of their own because of their wicked ways, he learned nothing from that, so filled with bad will and evil is he to Blacks.

  21. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ de pedantic Dribbler February 17, 2018 at 12:44 PM #
    ““I have long called for a joining CBC/UWI oral history project. Is it too late to press on this urgent mission?”
    Please clarify why a man of your journo background and who has enough contacts in the money world cannot and HAS not pulled together the financial backing to support a groupf of journalism students (from UWI or BCCl and related professionals to complete just that project!
    Seriously Mr Austin you are superbly well placed so it’s tragic and also ridiculous to hear you pronounce above as you have.”

    Oh Lord! What a full frontal blow to the bloated ego of one gaseous old fart!

    Not even Artax could have landed such a direct hit to the Achilles heel of BU’s chief bullshitter.

    One must admit he is a good old armchair critic from afar(t) providing a bellyful of laughs and the butt of BU jokes just like the two geezers Statler and Waldorf in the animated TV show “The Muppets”.

    UK money talks while Hal Austin’s bullshit walks.

    Exit, stage Left!

  22. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Lol..Ha, Ha does not carry follow through skills, the curse of many a Black man and woman in positions of power, even if the power is only in their own minds……who can only see the defects in others.

    …. check out the clowns of parliament, cannot complete, enforce or follow through with anything..

    .. it is a skill that must be instilled from very young.

  23. What do you have to say about one of your own ‘coloured’ troublemakers, T.T Lewis?


    There is a whole book written about him.

    I don’t need to say a thing!!

    … except that he is probably the only Member of Parliament that commuted on a bicycle!!

  24. So Clement Payne was an evil wicked person


    Never said that!!!

  25. You are assuming that all communists are wicked evil persons!!

  26. Let’s start at the beginning, 100 years ago!!

    Some light reading.


    What is apparent is that Cyril Duprey and Clement Payne were contemporaries who were born and grew up at a time of the 1917 October Revolution.

    They both would have experienced the influence of communism.

    Let’s pause for a while here and see what happens!!

  27. David@8.49am
    ‘If simple fact checking is ignored or eludes the government of Barbados,what will be the result’…..in one word…CHAOS …..as evident since 2008.
    Bear in mind that the man who is herewith attempting to leave a legacy of some kind,is supposed to be a historian.He said he has a first degree,a BA in History with honours to boot,from UWI.This is the second occasion this man has given me evidence that he is no real student of history!!.The first was the formal re opening of the upgraded Synagogue Project in the City.On that occasion he said he knew nothing of the Synagogue and its environs,indeed it was the first time he became aware of the place.Bear in mind,this man is a lawyer and this area is next to the Law Courts,yet he was hitherto unaware of the place.Now this matter which he wants to claim ownership.The discipline History means lots of reading and research.What kind of historian would lie like this so carelessly,and put his name to a speech that invites nothing but odium.And we wonder how Barbados has deteriorated over the last 10 years?For me its no surprise.

  28. @Gabriel

    You omitted that Freundel won an election positioned as Mr. Integrity. The question one must ask is if what you have stated and what DC has scribed here was because of ignorance or political hopscotch.

  29. John
    In an earlier contribution you said one of your ancestors was a Thomas Cuffley?At my secondary school the ‘Muff’ told us if you want to see who is related to whom read the obits,because it’s not unusual for siblings to have dissimilar last names.The name Cuffley is not a common name and those which are known are those which were found in the teaching profession.Recently there was a Cuffley obit,age 105.Is this one of your relatives John?I recall a John Cuffley at HC in the 50’s.

  30. I think it’s ignorance.Political hopscotch is too easy to be unclothed.

  31. Gabriel February 17, 2018 at 4:07 PM #

    Where did the ‘Muff’ teach you? I also had a teacher called Cuffley.

  32. Hal,
    At Combermere,Weymouth campus

  33. OK.

  34. Gabriel February 17, 2018 at 4:07 PM #
    In an earlier contribution you said one of your ancestors was a Thomas Cuffley?At my secondary school the ‘Muff’ told us if you want to see who is related to whom read the obits,because it’s not unusual for siblings to have dissimilar last names.The name Cuffley is not a common name and those which are known are those which were found in the teaching profession.Recently there was a Cuffley obit,age 105.Is this one of your relatives John?I recall a John Cuffley at HC in the 50’s.


    I only heard of one Cuffley by the time I discovered my genealogy but never was able to track the person down.

    Funnily enough, I was approached by white Cuffleys living in Australia after I had published my ancestry on a genealogical site.

    There is actually a town named Cuffley just outside of London.

    I know from my research that there were only black Cuffley’s in Barbados after 1721 because every parochial record I found since 1721 except one, clearly described the individual as Free Negro, a few times Free Mulatto.

    Here is my thinking.

    The freed Cuffley slaves in 1721 were I reckon, able to read and write.

    They had made the CHOYCE to be Christian.

    That’s how they got their freedom.

    They then had to find a way of surviving in a society in which they were free in name only.

    The few acres bequeathed allowed them at least to eat.

    The survival strategy was teaching.

    That’s why I think the Cuffley name is associated with teaching.

    I have found a few Cuffley’s emigrating to the US through Ellis Island a century ago but not many.

  35. I think the Free Schools set up by various Quaker family bequests, were targeted at the few slaves who became Christian and their children!!!

    HC was originally, a Free School!!

    This group formed a cadre of literate individuals who eventually found their way into the teaching profession and made the explosion of education after Bishop Coleridge possible.

    They are referred to sometimes as “house niggers” but their contribution to Barbados is significant!!

  36. John February 17, 2018 at 4:37 PM #

    One Cuffley was headteacher of St Giles.

  37. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John February 17, 2018 at 3:09 PM

    So how would you define or describe a person whom you referred to as follows?

    “Why on earth would responsible members of Parliament promote an individual who set out to destroy their country?”

    Would you describe Guy Fawkes as ‘wicked and evil’ or a ‘failed’ revolutionary like Joan of Ark or even our own beloved John Brown?

    What about Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Paul Bogle, Malcolm Little X, MKL and of more recent vintage the late Nelson Mandela who was also described by the racist white controlled South African government under apartheid as a ‘communist’?

    Clement Payne did not “set out to destroy” (using your own words) Barbados but to change it for the betterment of its society in respect of the justice and fairness at both the economic and social levels prevailing at those times.

    Clement Payne is no different then compared to today’s “Solutions Barbados”, “UPP”, etc.

  38. Hal Austin February 17, 2018 at 4:43 PM

  39. Georgie Porgie February 17, 2018 at 4:47 PM #

    I didn’t know his background. He succeeded JO Morris, a great man now ignored by our education authorities. He came as I was leaving. JO Morris reminds me of Harry Sealy, two outstanding teachers who were popular with the people who matter – the children.

  40. The teaching profession produced some stalwarts of which Barbados should be proud,both the sung and the unsung because there were no failed headteachers that I have read or heard of.The standard of appointments was so high that every primary school from Selah in the north to St Bart’s in the south all excelled in imparting knowledge and appreciating one’s surroundings.Students showing an aptitude for academics were so guided and those with an aptitude for skills training were so apprenticed.Then along came the special class called the political class and all the former glory went by the wayside and we are now stuck with a poor rakey Parliament of wild boys and a civil service of political appointments fawning and falling over each other to make their masters,the ministers so called, look like Solomon of the Hebrew stories,

  41. Miller
    Look at those deemed “trouble makers”,and you will see a determined effort by the authorities to get rid of them by either fair or foul means.Those who bucked the system and had the gift of the gab to influence serious earth shattering change in the country,were removed one way or the other ….. Marcus Garvey,Bogle and Sharp,Clement Payne, Clennell Wickham,Malcolm X,Martin Luther King,Muhammad Ali,Walter Rodney.

  42. A majority of people would applaud this Kaieteur News editorial as a timely reminder of the perilous times the free world is experiencing on account of this out-of-control psychotic man in the WH


  43. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    Is there a librarian of Parliament? I mean a real, real librarian who knows how to check documents and online sources. If not, why not?

    Many years ago the post was advertised and a librarian friend of mine applied, and was told by her MP (now dead) that the post had to go to the girlfriend of a Parliamentarian.

    Maybe that MP was lying. I don’t know.

  44. So how would you define or describe a person whom you referred to as follows?


    Patience, you will see as the story unfolds!!

  45. Time will come when they need a royal pardon for Big Sinck, Jester Inch, Eastwitch et al.

    4 more weeks to go to devaluation.

    Boyz from S&P and Moody´s: Why does it take so long to write the next report for another downgrade?

  46. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    @John February 17, 2018 at 12:29 PM “Why on earth would responsible members of Parliament promote an individual who set out to destroy their country?”

    Because the Honourable Clement Payne did not set out to destroy Barbados. He set out to destroy the suffering of hard working black Bajans…my parents were two of those hard working black Bajans.

  47. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    @Tell me Why February 17, 2018 at 11:43 AM “However, I have a fundamental problem with the labeling of General Bussa who up to this date, no historian has been able to substantiate who this Bussa really is.”

    So have historians been able to authenticate Adam, Eve, Abraham, St. Nicholas, St. Valentine, St. This and Saint That etc.


  48. Let me ask it a different way!!

    Why did it take 50 years before members of Parliament promoted an individual who set out to destroy their country?

    Why wasn’t he promoted 20, 30 or 40 years before his promotion in the 1990’s?

    Did the Parliamentarians 20, 30 or 40 years before consider he had been sent to destroy their country and purposely not promote him?

    They would have been closer to the events of 1937 so would not need any oral history recorded, they would have known first hand!!

    Their inaction speaks volumes and supports the fact that he must have been sent to destroy their country !!

    This is kind of simple logic requiring not much thought!!

  49. Put even more simply …. why didn’t EWB see the need to promote Clement Payne …. or Manningheim himself?

    Did they promote Clement Payne as a National Hero?

    EWB was old enough in 1940 to volunteer to go fight Hitler so in 1937 he would have known what was going on.

    Manningheim was born in 1931 so would have been only 6 but at least he was alive!!

    So how come it took O$A who was born in 1949 to promote Clement Payne?

    He was not even thought of in 1937!!

  50. Fumble regurgitating old news…
    Lordy Lordy..
    Dinosaurs are among us..
    The “Political Class” aka comedy hour…

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