Submitted by George C. Brathwaite (PhD)
Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler
Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler

Today in Barbados, there are important political questions that must be raised about the relationships between state and society, and between wealth and power. With perhaps less than 15 months to go before the next general election, residents and citizens of Barbados are venting their frustrations about the status quo as issues relating to the economy and society fuel consternation. Barbadians are making their complaints known in a variety of ways, with the popular discourse often pitted in negativity coupled with a burning desire for positive change. Plain and simple, all is not well; and Barbadians are pleading for a better country.

In this article, I reveal several aspects binding the social, economic, and political issues that are consequential to the population’s anxieties. Many factors are giving rise to problems which are in turn erupting into social decadence, economic setbacks, and disarrayed governance. Blossoming in the current pessimistic environment are strains of power and wealth that feature in some uncertainties affecting almost every sphere of activity in the island. Indeed, Barbadians are claiming that our governance structures need serious reforms due to poor macroeconomic management occasioned by paltry performances and everyday governmental blunders.

The wishy-washy combination of ineffective policy programmes that are being repeatedly pursued by the Freundel Stuart administration have become quite staggering and damaging to the unemployed and perilous for the poor. There is a noticeable freefall of societal matters, with the politics of the day plunging into crisis proportions, thereby deepening the depths of national despair. On top of all that is happening, the fiscal dangers and debt burdens are expanding into a devalued sense of financial worth.

I well remember that on Monday June 15, 2015 Finance Minister in presenting the budgetary proposals stated: The home grown economic stabilization and recovery plan which we [the beleaguered DLP administration] devised right here in Barbados is working. … The Barbados dollar is safe, the fiscal deficit has been cut by nearly half and is well on the way to more sustainable levels, and a tourism-led recovery in the Barbados economy is underway.” Was the gullible Barbadian in anyway deceived by the catchy words and misleading statements that were sewn together and fell from the lips of a political dramatist extraordinaire?

Personally, I do not think that the honourable politician would allow a grab for power to stifle truth. Rather, the population was hopeful for recovery. Of course, there are others still believing that the electorate was thrown a detour which would eventually lead to the sense of false hope that previously underscored the surprising victory achieved by the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) in 2013. A three-peat remains possible although highly unlikely in 2017/18.

Strangely enough, in that same presentation, the Finance Minister made the telling point that: “The single largest issue facing the economy is that economic growth in Barbados remains below the 2.5 to 3.0 percent.” At the same time, the novice macroeconomic and financial manager was suggesting that “we must get back to normal levels of growth sooner rather than later.” Who would disagree? Certainly, the Governor of the Central Bank, the Leader of the Opposition, and the population need the road to prosperity.

Since 2008, economic growth in Barbados has fluctuated between the minus sign and the negligible. To date, apart from increased taxation and throwing almost everything into the tourism basket or selling state assets, there has been no clear articulation by the current Freundel Stuart-led government of a policy-direction that would bring about long-term sustainable and inclusive growth in the Barbados economy. Privatisation, once publicly derided by the DLP, is seeping into the national architecture through fractures and fissures – some more visible and obvious than others.

Poverty reduction still appears as fleeting as the capacity for the authorities to reduce public debt and to embark on serious initiatives for job creation. The provision of adequate social services inclusive of education, healthcare, transportation, water and waste management are far away from the ideal but clearly nearer to disaster. By sleight of hand, the unemployment and other informative statistical data continue to be cleverly manipulated so as not to expose the fact that a failing administration offers little respite for our youth, businesses, agricultural and manufacturing industries. Taken together, these factors and issues are dampening ‘real’ progress in Barbados.

Perhaps, five years is becoming too long an election cycle. One can speculate the degree to which the DLP politicians will manage to hold on to their seats given the perceptions that most, if not all of them, have benefitted significantly at the expense of the governed. The restitution of 10 percent of their salaries cannot have helped their cause, especially when public servants’ salaries have stood still for about seven years. How many of the more than 3, 000 are today gainfully employed or are reaping reasonable sources of income?

In addition, DLP politicians have not helped their re-electability after appearing to railroad the Public Accounts Committee and admonish anyone asking for detailed and accurate information on the Four Seasons, Hyatt, or other major projects that have been slated to bring much needed jobs to the local economy. With the thumping of chests each time a new project is announced, can the average Barbadian forget the uncomfortable relationships existing between government and the privileged few of a certain hue?

None are so bold as to overlook ministerial stubbornness, or to see beyond the nefarious intrusion of a wealthy white businessman perceived to be in the business of string-pulling of notable puppets lurking in political corridors. Public administration is marred with the lack of transparency and accountability on matters of national importance. There is certainly a correlation between the lack of transparency and the propensity for corruption. In Barbados, there is a strong incestuous marriage between political power and wealth.

In fairness to the politician, there is nothing wrong with the legal and transparent accumulation of wealth as an individual although government salaries are not of the enriching kind. More pertinent and as one study suggests: “the ‘invisible hand’ of the market depends heavily on the support of a thick ‘glove’ of rules, norms, and institutions … but too often the glove is opaque, obscuring flows of information essential to the efficient and equitable functioning of both markets and the national and international institutions that regulate them.” All persons coming to public office must be transparent in their dealings.

Before the next elections are called, Barbadians ought to advocate for free access to information, particularly on the formulation of agreements which invariably impact the public purse. Barbadians must be mindful that the wealthy and those very proximate to the political elites will garnish favours in exchange for filled brown paper bags and/or external bank accounts. Although the poor of spirit may yet again feel that a sold vote has more short-term worth than the long-term value of social transformation and economic empowerment, the nation must resist such temptations or be prepared to suffer the consequences.

Surely, Barbados has been placed into a position that threatens the livelihoods of every man, woman, and child. We, in this country, can no longer take things for granted and give blind loyalty to the politician or uncritically pelt support to the political party. We must make demands for reform and strengthen our institutional capacities at every level. The harmful status quo must be challenged; and the many prevailing wrongs must be corrected at once.

Dr. George C. Brathwaite is a political consultant. Email:

78 responses to “DLP’s Misery: An Incestuous Marriage?”

  1. Dr. Brathwaite you continue to shadow box with an imaginary opponent in the name of a third party/parties.

    When will you come to see that the framework which informs your thinking has ceased to be viable?

    Your arguments therefore, always seem to be located in a bygone era. Is it not clear to you that none of this is workable? Can you not see that the post-1945 arrangements are collapsing all over the world?

    Then would it not be unfair to ask this government to deliver the impossible? To suggest better is possible? Ignore obvious truisms which make it impossible for either political party to succeed? Should that juncture not be your point of departure?

    What would it take to untether you from your training, ingrained political-economy frameworks? Does our country have to die before you come alive to the new world?

    Could you not see that none of this is workable? That these models have broken down all over the world. When would you be able to join the discourses seeking alternatives?

    Even if every indictment of this DLP government is correct, and let us assume that is the case, how do the people you purport to speak for are to benefit from an argument constructed on the bridge of the Titanic?

  2. @ Pachamama

    Let the Political Consultant speak.

    For in his words we will know where his loyalties lie


    “…In fairness to the politician, there is NOTHING WRONG with the legal and transparent ACCUMULATION OF WEALTH as an individual….. although government salaries are not of the enriching kind…”

    How does this man spout these statements that are apportioning “free passes” to thieving public servants, with such ease in the face of the ongoing political malfeasance by successive parliamentary representatives?

    It is as if he is here to say, in flowery language, “look dem does tief, but there is nothing wrong with it…”

    Reading Brathwaite is always an exercise in drinking lukewarm tea, that has been in the cup for several weeks but, since one will need something to brek the gas, you drink know full well that it will either make you vomit or worsen your gas problem.

  3. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Most importantly, hold the ministers totally responsible whe they refuse to nae the disgusting business people doing the most economic damage to the island, James Paul must think Bajans are as foolish as he looks.

    What kind of jackass is James Paul, how can you boycott a business if Paul refuses to name the business that needs boycotting, he is another dumb minister or whatever who wants throwing out on his ass.

    Same thing Paul did with the illegally imported chicken, both him and Dumbville knew who imported the inferior quality chicken illegally from the UK and both refused to name the crook, playing the same stinking game against the people of hiding and protecting the names of the business people destroying the economy, when those names should be made public…real life coons the 2 of them..

    Kick both of them out of parliament, they are both useless to the people.

  4. Interesting article,will however question a few areas such as the fact that Bim was going south prior to 2008 and also that the dependency/godfather mentality was created by the political class decades ago making it very difficult for it to change.

    What is needed as has been pointed is a paradigm shift in our political culture if we expect to move forward in this Caribbean region,the old ways have run their course… it will be achieved and when is a good question.

  5. @well well , what does that have to do with the intelligent discussion raised by Dr.Brathwaite

  6. @ Pachamama

    And then we start to observe attendant “plagiarism?” inserting itself

    “…Before the next elections are called, Barbadians ought to advocate for free access to information, particularly on the formulation of agreements which invariably impact the public purse…”

    So what have 90% of the Bajan Social Media pages been advocating for?

    A few days ago the ole man was asked by the Honourable Blogmaster what is the solution regarding this BLP/DLP see saw “real bad word beginning with rass…”

    And de ole man submitted that we need to promote a “contractual agreement” with the Barbadian people specifically its electorate.

    Truth be told there is no singularity, or uniqueness to that suggestion.

    Establishing a contractual obligation between the people of barbados and the political party, something which goes beyond the empty Covenant of Hope AND the “Pathways Dribble” the dead king

    But what is of critical note in this blog is seeing an adjusted version of this regurgitated from Brathwaite, in his “warmed over tea” version.

    We expect him to “write nuff, yet say nothing” that definitively says “we not only MUST CHANGE THE DLP, BUT WE MUST DEMAND THAT THE BLP (HIS PEOPLE that he is singing for) or the THIRD PARTY, do “such and such”

    Just the same ole same ole i.e. “we have problems with our roads, our youth, crime and violence, agriculture, manufacturing, under the DLP”, followed by vacuous references to some unknown research quotation, to make it seem legit, then regurgitations and synopses of what, Due Diligence, Fear Play, THe Sage Annunaki, Are We There Yet, Bush Tea and every body has ben saying, generally the comments that got the most likes and of course the crowning glory


    Generally it is something emotive like DLP INCESTUOUS or something like DLP RAMBUNCTIOUS or something like that which is the usual bait.

    But then as you read his warmed over complaints there is nothing within them that says

    (a)He is what you should do to change “a” or (b) after starting with this step then go to step “b”

    All the man does is regurgitate what legitimate posters have been saying for weeks and coat the pup in icing, like if it is his own


    Come leh we all wuk up and have a good time…

  7. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Radical…ya want to take me on, does it not affect bajans negatively, is it not an intelligent topic, what do you have against bajans knowing the name of the business people affecting the economy necgatively…..which is also their business…what do you have against bajans knowing whose business to boycott….do you see a blog headlined businesses to be boycotted.

    You do not want to take me on radical, you do not know what being radical really is…..find someone else with your intelligence level to engage..


    Defenseless kids with weak parents
    Can find themselves in predicaments
    Being bombarded with crap on TV
    Of lucrative sports in high society
    And instead chose the end of a rope
    A real shame when they can’t cope

    Politicians are the experts on this
    On the pulpit they’re never amiss
    More than the world they will promise you
    Seeing through their hypocrisy nothing new
    Come time to pay up they can’t fulfill
    As they try to cover up with a sour pill

    Some women swallow this wholesale
    Watching ads saying you cannot fail
    In getting trim to look sexy for today
    Even becoming anorexia on the way
    But all these dreams fall by the wayside
    As the chased rainbows always go to hide

    In every walk of life we find
    Folks who have this in mind
    Even in some schools this some do teach
    Trying for rainbows you can never reach
    Maybe it’s good to hope and aspire
    Better doing that before you expire

    I am not advocating being a pessimist
    But I prefer being an honest pragmatist
    Why not treat everyone with truth and honesty
    Than to hoodwink them with slippery casuistry
    The world would be a better place for us all
    When we treat the other person as a real a pal

  9. All these apologists for the DLPBLP are just trying to get their party elected or to stay in office (power). Their intellects are now owned by those who operate in Roebuck and George Streets.

  10. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    With all the issue of transparency and freedom of information , how the hell are we ranked so favorable on the International Transparency Index? Or is it the politicians and their cronies alone are being surveyed ?

  11. @ FortyAcresandaMile

    The answer to your query about the ratings that barbados has been given is rather simple really

    THe following comes from the Transparency International Technical Methodology report

    “…The CPI (corruption Perception Index) draws upon a number of available sources which capture perceptions of corruption. Each source is evaluated against the criteria listed below. Contact has been made with EACH INSTITUTION PROVIDING data in order to verify the methodology used to generate scores and for permission to publish the rescaled scores from each source, alongside the composite index score.”

    Contrary to popular belief FortyAcres, Transparency International does not investigate any reports of ammmmmmm teifing or corruption it only takes data that is provided by the intitutions that it is permitted to interview in the Country of Interest and thereafter effects comparisons

    Your belief like that of many of us is that they do on the ground interviews but it is much a case of interviewing “the fox that is in charge of the chicken coop and is counting the chickens”

    In its simplest form imagine that they are interviewing the present Government of Barbados (or the previous one) about Freedom of Information or Integrity Legislation what you think their responses are going to be?

  12. NorthernObserver Avatar

    What the author calls “Closeness of Elections”, and which in some societies maybe called “Closeness of Polling Results” is a Key factor. If people don’t believe their vote is required (their choice will win), or if their vote doesn’t matter (their choice will lose whether they vote or not) is what constantly keeps turnout at relatively consistent levels.
    It will be interesting to see, now that pollsters have got it wrong on several recent occasions, if turnout increases, simply because voters have learned they cannot trust the polls, so they must vote?

  13. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Wait I thought Radical would have a lot more to say, seems like he or she just likes looking at prettily aligned words, now we know why nothing can change on the island.

    Hello, hello Radical, ya need more than pretty words to efficiently affect change, when ya find yaself as a country sliding into the abyss.

  14. @ NorthernObserver.

    Spot on insofar as the Pollsters can and do influence the results in the manner that , if their opinions are respected, the general public will believe that it is a foregone conclusion and WILL NOT GO anywhere since they fell that “MY VOTE IS NOT GOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE ANYWAYS!!”

    And this is what the DLP is going to rely on in this election.

    THE VOTER APATHY that exists among the young people

    Coupled with the fact that old people make up the majority of the people who vote anyways.

    THe generation of DLP/BLP ites who vote party is dying out and another 15 years all of them will be gone rather, those that remain will not be enough to make a difference

    Those that remain will be the more educated and more rational thinkers BUT THE MAJORITY will be those whose level of apathy is genetically engrained.

    The issue for any political party that wants to win, note that i did not use my usual chant of “make a change” is going to be to get this sluggardly group off their asses and go to a voting station.

    This is why political parties have the wuk-up session right before the day of election.

    The young people, even if they wanted to go, still are too drunk to go anywhere.

    And they are watching the other young people to see who is going to be there

    This is going to be key, the young people

  15. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @ Piece. Kudos. I didn’t know that’s the type of methodology TI goes by. But seriously, who are some of these sources/institutions providing information ? Because in a country with no investigative journalism, no integrity legislation , no FOI statute, no modern procurement rules etc … do we reconcile the favorable TI ratings with these gaps ?

  16. Interesting to note that no politician or aspiring one has denied that they belong to one class irrespective of party,the political class and we know what classism brings to the fore

  17. @ FortyAcresandAMule

    by “reputable organisations” TI means that they rely on the same public institutions of the government(s) that they end up assigning the rating to.

    In the process they will also interview “counterpart” organizations that work with the said institutions e.g. International Funding Institutions that work with the same governments like the European Union etc.

    Sometimes there might be a third tier like the Red Cross or accredited local NGO

    No here is a challenge that you are working with which is a counterproductive environment.

    For example suppose TI is examining the bona-fides of the GoB, of course we would expect the GoB to pull all of the supporting documentation that makes it look good.

    Then during the evaluation they will go to a “counterpart agency” like the IDB or the EU or let us say Caribbean Export.

    Now the latter case best explains why one calls it “counterproductive” because it would only be in the very worst of cases that the CE would give a bad report on the very government forms its directorship.

    Similarly speaking, the International Agencies very rarely go out on a limb to share irregularities which might shine an unfavourable light on the host country.

    So, in order to stack the odds in their favour, what the GoB may do is provide suggestions of NGOs which TI will interview, but these NGOs are themselves recipients of funding from the same government e.g. that Commission of Pan African Affairs etc.

    It is a very enterprising and aggressive Transparency International which would be committed to delving a little deeper into the layers of complicity of a country and be prepared to be more diligent in those examinations when their days on the ground interviewing and commingled with sand and tans and nights that are complexioned by other delights.

    I forget the name of the president who when he came here the GoB paved the whole stretch of the highways that he was going to be driving on during his 2 days here.

  18. George writes a lot but says nothing new. His diction is as appalling as his verbosity. He must be in an altered state of consciousness when he puts pen to paper.

    If I were the English teacher who supervised his high school education, I would hang my head in shame.

  19. hahahahahahahahahahahahaaha

  20. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lol…..the one Radical is so impressed that he or she still cannot make a sensible contribution.

  21. @Well Well & Consequences February 7, 2017 at 9:38 PM #

    You too love a bassa-bassa or comess (as the Trinis would say) – lol

  22. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Ya see that BLM Toronto lambasted your pretty boy?
    btw I gave u a hint about the coconut water importer but ya didn’t bite lol

  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lol…Bajan In NY.

    Northern…..Yusra certainly told off Justin lol, Canada does hide it’s racism very well from the world, no denying that.

    Ya got me on that one, I totally missed the hint, so i reread the comment, not sure who imported ice cream, only know that the former supercentre now Massy has a wide variety of ice cream as well as beer and I had coconut water from there that tasted like plain water.

    But the leaders should still be able to name those business people compromising the economy, Barbados is not exactly teeming with jobs and business opportunities for the majority in the lower income bracket, this greedy way the few business people have about them of trying to monopolize everything and no one else can make any money, stagnants the island and relegates the population to the levels of constantly broke consumers.

    When businesses have reached the level of needing to expand for larger cash flow purposes, given the tiny size of the island, practical business sense dictates you expand outward. regionally or internationally. …..not destroy small entrepreneurs on the island so the business can monopolize…..the economy cannot sustain it, nor can the population benefit from it……that is bad business, total greed.

    Besides…the leaders are cowards, business people on the island should be afraid to step out of line like that in Barbados, if the island had strong leaders, but none of them are afraid of the fly by night, hand to mouth, beggars of bribes for leaders.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Northern…the BICO ice cream dude owned the coconut water, I only recently in the last few yesrs heard about this dude, fairly new addition to the Barbados landscape…..and he is missing the whole damn point….why dont he export that coconut water back to his homeland, larger population in the tens of millions, more income for his business, monopolizing on such a tiny island is counterproductive. …would hate to think he is trying to do both, that would be beyond greedy, ungrateful and uncaring for those who are trying to make a living on the island from selling coconut water.

    Thirwel is also wasting his time, because old schoolers like myself always warn my visiting relatives, do not drink coconut water unless you have seen the coconut cut and the water poured into a container…. bad, stale coconut water can make you ill.

    He is taking it upon himself to dictate how coconut water should be sold in Barbados….as I said, some pf those pre bottled coconut waters tastes like tap water….I know the taste of coconut wster, even if it’s pit sweet…and unless additives and preservatives are used, pure, natural coconut water only has a shelf life of 3 days….before it goes completely off.

  25. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    Perhaps, five years is () too long an election cycle. One can speculate the degree to which the DLP politicians will manage to hold on to their seats given the perceptions that most, if not all of them, have benefitted significantly at the expense of the governed.

    And the standard Bajan response is ‘all a dem does teef, we got to get fa we’.

    Until the voter is personally affected in this country, the vote doesn’t change.

    Bajan businesses have continued to keep this economy barely afloat for one simple reason: unlike Jamaican, Guyanese and Trinidadian business people, we have no-where to run to.

    If we had let the system crash in 2012 by creating mass unemployment maybe we wouldn’t be here today.

  26. @ chad99999 and whoever else

    Get accustomed. I will have several more pieces that will upset you as I call out the DEMS for being so blatantly incompetent. You may take that as you wish. I am glad that you were not my English teacher. Keep well.

  27. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Perhaps, five years is () too long an election cycle. ”

    I keep saying that…..5 years gives the ministers the time they need to take root and become embedded in corruption, enough to gain another 5 years.

    2 year term limits are quite enough, the island is small, it’s a small job, they are contracted for 2 years to do their jobs and then rotated, just like any other job contract, they would not have the time to see the job as a yardfowl collecting parade.

  28. George, don’t get too rattled

    A man of your standing is expect to lead the masses, with critical and futuristic thinking

    Thinking about the future

    And seeing it clearly, years before it arrives

    What’s the purpose for history and even current circumstance unless they are about seeing the future.

    Not about the next election

  29. @Pachamama
    Not at all rattled. Just stating what will be the case. There are some who will agree, and others who will disagree. I will call it as I see it, and who the cap fits, let them wear it. No shame or thunder on my part.

  30. Well Well & Consequences wrote ” pure, natural coconut water only has a shelf life of 3 days before it goes completely off.”

    Coconut water has a longer shelf life if it is frozen solid and kept in a freezer until sold.

    Over the last few years I have been buying coconut water that was bottled and frozen.

  31. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Hants….I am not talking about freezing the life and all the naturally healhy ingredients out of the water, I am talking about healthy, fresh coconut water, besides it never tastes the same after being frozen…..even fruits when frozen lose their healthy vitamins etc.

    It’s a matter of taste, but I would not invest my money in frozen cocont water missing it’s natural vitamins.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Ya know bajans aint about to inhale no tear gas. ..the people are fedup with Skerritt in Dominica and want him gone, but like with all the other wannabe dictators, he is clinging to small island power, when the people dont want you, you listen.

  33. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Hants….I too have spent many years in the cold and still cannot get used to frozen anything….particularly food and nstural drinks like coconut water, they must be freshly made and freshly cooked at all times.

    My first experience with a frozen tv dinner many years ago in NYC I nearly threw up after it was taken out the microwave, the smell was horrible after being frozen and then bought at the supermarket….same trying to eat fast food…my foods must be freshly cooked, preferably by me.

    So I sure wont be spending my money buying stale coconut water from the BICO dude,

  34. @ Well Well & Consequences,

    When I am in Barbados I buy coconut water from the street vendors.

    In the GTA the main stream supermarkets are selling green coconuts.cdn $2.99 each

    West Indian grocery stores sell frozen coconut water .cdn $3.50 600ml bottle.

    Life is good.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lol…Hants, ya do the best ya can…I notice in NYC ya will get the coconuts come in whole from some countries like Brazil etc….wont be freshly picked, but they are still in their shells, never saw that in GTA.

  36. Del Maestro plant was approved by Town Planning next wil be the Hyatt. There is an election to be won.

  37. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    David February 8, 2017 at 1:05 PM #
    Del Maestro plant was approved by Town Planning next wil be the Hyatt. There is an election to be won.

    Del Maestro paid good money for his planning approval, never let it be said that our politicians weren’t good value for money. I bet he’ll get a Bajan work permit as well so he can hide here from Canadian prosecutors.

  38. He received the TPD permission, he is now waiting on the waiver of 4 million on equipment stored in the Port by the government that all agree -according to him- his company qualifies.

  39. NorthernObserver Avatar

    there is a longer story, which I do not recall exactly. When BICO MADE (not imported) ice cream here, they were tariffs on imported ice cream to protect the manufacturing jobs. Then BICO had a fire, they were issues with the insurance, and memory says they did not meet the time line to rebuild, and subsequently those tariffs were reduced, to reflect that Bico ice cream was not made here.

    Possibly, Bico and the GoB, have continued to battle on tariffs. And hence this latest episode, maybe more to display the tariff situation, than about coconut water.

  40. BICO had a fire and the first thing they did was to appeal to the government for a subsidy, rather than talk to their business insurers. They also wanted to export to the US, what happened there?
    I will tell you: the protectionist Yanks most probably objected to the milk the product was made from, or some other bogus health issue. In the meantime, they were exporting more US ice cream to Barbados.
    But coconut water is not the only problem. Massy in Oistins often sells Canadian carrots. What is wrong with Barbadian, or Caricom, carrots? Why do our customs and agriculture officials allow Canadian carrots to be sold in local supermarkets?
    Just think about the air miles.

  41. NorthernObserver Avatar

    ” I bet he’ll get a Bajan work permit as well so he can hide here from Canadian prosecutors”
    So you know both men faced the courts, one was convicted (which I believe may still be under appeal), the other was found innocent, They have not “hidden” as you put it.

  42. @Hal

    The water is being imported from Guyana so what is the problem?

    This is a country where Barbados dollars can be redeemed.

  43. NorthernObserver Avatar

    why not? we allow Canadian people to stay in our accommodations?
    I found CostaRican christophenes in Emerald City, Mexican pears (avocados) at Cost U Less, even okras from Guatemala.
    Until one has a strategy to food production, it is a free-for-all.
    And we have farmers who grow many of what is mentioned, but they sell directly to the restaurants and hotels; one never finds their produce at retail.

  44. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Yeah Northern. …it appears to go deeper…I heard rumors about that, was not in the region at the time, why I know so very little about the dude, if bajans boycott the water, he can try exporting it to Ireland or whereever he comes from, but trying to put vendors out of business when they have been around since I know myself, decades now, so he can sell less healthy coconut water, he is way out of bounds….the government must set boundries for these make a quick buck at the expense of others business people.

  45. @Hal

    Also note that supermarkets have been importing coconut water for years, in cans with preservatives even.

  46. Anonymouse -TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse -TheGazer

    I recall a photo of a young man who had an excess of pawpaws.
    We can identify the sources of various items, but our feast or famine approach to agriculture can only lead to excesses (wastage) and shortages (importation). A national policy which covers from planting to marketing is required.

    When MR B plants a yam, he should have an idea of a who the possible buyers are; Mr A at the hotel should know what and when he can expect produce from Mr. B.

  47. Anonymouse -TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse -TheGazer

    Too much of a laissez faire attitude for too many things. Leadership is required.

  48. In the 70s the Barbados Marketing Corporation bought the fruit and vegetables our farmers produced.

    Chicken farmers had their broilers processed by Bolden in St.Philip.

    Farmers were supported by the MOA haggats hall.

    40 years later and we spinnin top in mud.

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