Independence - the broken trident symbolizes a symbolic break from its status as a colony
Independence – the broken trident symbolizes a symbolic break from its status as a colony

One of the biggest disappointments for BU in the post Independence era has been our inability to capitalise on the investment of billions sunk into education to create a sustainable economic model by developing the human resource of Barbados. We boast we are a literate country compared to others but the true measure of success must be in the quality of our decision making, processes and quality of intuitions.   The goal of educating a nation’s people has to be about equipping the citizens to make relevant decisions based on the challenges – always changing – being confronted. In 2014 – after 48 years of Independence – can we say we are happy with the state of affairs?

Critiquing a system where the stakes are high if there is failure must be embraced as a constructive exercise. In this case criticism should not be defined within the narrow confines of a political lens. The challenge is for the leadership and people of Barbados to welcome and filter all feedback and criticism by citizens with a conciliatory and collaborative mindset. We have slowly surrendered to a political system which encourages divisiveness.

In the same way the adage ‘no man is an island’ is generally accepted read no human being is a repository for all information, the same can be stated for government and political party.  BU is convinced the success of Barbados must rise on the backs of the collective wisdom of all citizens and other actors in civil society.

We have surrendered our right to mould the best society to a few members of the political class who have themselves surrendered to the money class. Although no political system is perfect what all political systems have in common is the susceptibility to be influenced by the money class. How we are able to minimize the influence by the money class must be a priority for the citizenry.

The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) promised Integrity and Freedom of Information legislationsee document distributed on 3 Jan, 2008 by Reudon Eversley, Communications Director of the DLP in 2008 –  in an election campaign message in 2007/8 which called for change, and it resonated with Barbadians who had (still are) become disengaged from the system of democracy reflected in greater than 30% reneging on the right to vote.  Seven years after being elected the incumbent DLP government has relegated the introduction of transparency legislation to low priority. The unwillingness to hold politicians and our leaders accountable has mushroomed to a bigger issue than the promise forgotten.

A member of civil society with a key role to play is the traditional media.  An effective role by the media must be the dissemination of information both informational and investigative. Given the challenges we are faced with in Barbados and the unwillingness of traditional media to risk losing their license (this is the refrain) or to offend sponsors (money class), it is unlikely traditional media will be able to galvanize change by disseminating the truth. The traditional media in Barbados is ‘impotent’ and has relinquished its responsibility to take on the hard issues. Local media is driven by a few personalities and this is where the definition of media ends.   In the prevailing environment social media platforms will proliferate.

Forty eight years later the Errol Barrow vision has been dismantled and replaced with what we have no idea.

100 responses to “Broken Trident and Broken Promises–What Next!”

  1. Old One

    You could have easily made the comparison between Khrushchev and Kennedy’s leadership styles during the Cuban Missile Crisis. But you chose rather to use one of the most evil devils in human history and sat him right beside Churchill.

  2. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Domps

    A fool convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.

    You will definitively not understand this but the juxtaposition of the styles of Adolph Hitler and Winston Churchill are central to Social Sciences in particular as such relates their leadership

    “The Eighty Day Duel” will not sound familiar to you bless your soul but John Lukacs speaks of “… the incarnation of the resistance of an old world, of old freedoms, of old standards against a man incarnating a force that was frighteningly efficient, brutal and new…”

    The Ole man has to leave you now Domps because whereas prior to this I was erring on the side of you just being a misunderstood person posting items your two consecutive posts have definitively established where you are, rather are not, mentally.

    I am not a psychiatrist as GP suggested last week but I am going to say this after these submissions not even AC or any other person can in all honesty think that anyone is being unfair and is pouncing on you because you are expressing an opinion that is at variance to theirs.

    You are seriously “touched by an angel” Domps (I did not say cuffed..) and lest it should rub off here in cyberspace during this exchange, de ole man gine carry me old bones to de bed

    Have you even heard of clozapine?

    Have a good night….

  3. .Georgie Porgie

    Old One

    And the essence of stupidity, is believe the same crap you have been taught 70 years ago. And you’re asking a man who lives in America if he ever heard about clozapine. Clozapine is an old antipsychotic drug which there no longer administer frequently these day. It is used to modify behavior. And I also know the:
    1) Therapeutic effects
    2) Adverse effects
    3) Side effects
    4) Desire effects
    These are the signs one looks for when administering any kind of medication. Its part of my job sir.

  4. Georgie Porgie
    Brother we now use Haldol and lithium to modify behavior these days. Good Night.

  5. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Domps

    If # 1 (therapeutic effects) fails miserably
    #2 ( adverse effects) are blown completely off the charts
    #3 (side effects) brings with it unprecedented deleterious outcomes that has even the American Medical Association shivering in their shoes
    #4 (desired effects) does not even minimally come into play

    What medicine would you recommend Domps?

    Just by the way, have any bottles of Clozapine gone missing at your place of work recently?

    Just asking for no reason at all, maybe we can get some for the erratic bloggers on this site, excluding you and me of course!!

    I have no problem pushing them through the USB port or having one of the grans push then through the Xbox

  6. @ David
    What is there to congratulate? How on the one hand you write so eloquently about change. transformation? On the other you recognize the established system as something to be congratulated, lionized! Surely, these are incompatible positions. This is the kind of bullshit that has made us less independent than 50 years ago, by any measure!

  7. @Pacha

    You have to be more discerning. Surely you have paces the BU halls to know better.

  8. speak

  9. @ David
    How much more discerning could we be? We have determined that this thing about finding one man/woman every year to give a knighthood to continues colonialism. That anybody in an independent country will bow down to somebody else’s head of state shows national ignorance. And there are few ways to rid a nation of that kind of mindset.

    But you continue to adorn some runners up gold and silver when we produce neither.

  10. @Pacha

    It was meant to be a provocative comment.

  11. to observors
    dompey is trying to impress again but
    Therapeutic effects are the Desired effects
    and Adverse effects and Side effects are the same

  12. @ David

    Why these people don’t try again to give a knighthood to the Great George Lamming.

    Last time, Lamming told Sandiford to go and kiss that part of his anatomy from which excrement should rightly be jettisoned. LOL

  13. Piece
    Broken Trident and Broken Promise, what’s next? The answer to that question is self-evident one would think.

    When you continue to attribute these unrealistic standards of expectation to human government, you always will be faced with a sense of disappointment. So here is the philosophy you ought and must bearing mind when you’re dealing with the public-officials: “HOPE FOR THE BEST BUT ANTICIPATE THE WORSE.” And brother, with a philosophy such as this in mind, you would never feel a sense of disappointment when the elected official fails to live up to your desire expectation.

    In any event, I am quite surprise that you’re up the functioning this early, given the fact that you turning quite late last night Old One.

    With medication old, one has to be mindful of the Five –Rights when administering:
    1) The right patient
    2) The right dosage
    3) The medication
    4) The Time
    5) The Right Route
    Feel to question me on any of the right Old One if you so choose.

  14. We give Dennis Clarke a mention it makes a mockery of the awards. Lamming if memory serves refused to accept the award which has the Queen’s hand on it and contradicts what Independence should mean to a country.

  15. .Georgie Porgie

    A Desire effect and an adverse effect of a medication are not the same brother.

  16. Georgie Porgie
    I intend to stay focus on topic, but I must first correct GP with regards to the side effect and adverse effect of a medication.

    PG, a side effect is a mild predictable reaction to the medication. It is the kind of effect the doctor already knows might possibly occur if the patient takes the medication.

    And adverse effect to a medication on the other hand, is life threatening reaction to that medication, such an anaphylactic shock brother. In other words: the medication does the complete oppose of what it supposed to do in some patients.

  17. @ David
    Could you at least ban Dompey until after the independence holiday…?
    LOL ….. just hoping…!?!?

  18. Bush Tea

    Why do you see the need to suffocate Dempsey’s opinion? As Simple Simon said a few weeks ago: if you do not care to hear what Dompey’ have say just ignore it, but you ought not to deny a native Barbadian the same opportunity as nincompoop like yourself Bushie.

  19. Moneybrain’s home boys rocked this tune.

  20. I join David in congratulating the Independence awardees.

    They have all contributed very significantly to Barbados’ progress in various spheres of activity. Some more noticeably and tangibly than others.

    Notwithstanding this, I continue to wonder about the yardstick used to measure contributions and thereby determine awards in some fields where some persons who have contributed greatly have not been honoured while others with demonstrably lesser, even though valuable, contributions, have been.

  21. Bush Tea | November 30, 2014 at 10:38 AM |

    “Could you at least ban Dompey until after the independence holiday…? LOL ….. just hoping…!?!?”

    Man, Bushie…. I can’t understand you….. yuh. You is a man that does tell me to ignore AC….. leff she ‘lone…… but yet you fretting up you-self wid Dompey. Wuh B.G.U.R…… Bushie.

    Wuh shiite, man…. yuh does see a red line under “Dompey” if yuh type it in Microsoft Word, meaning the spelling is incorrect. If you use the spell check, two choices for correction, which clearly describes him, does come up, “Dopey” and “Dumpy”.

    You can’t see de man t’ink he suh important, he does want BU to be about all about HIM AND HIS PERSONAL VIEWS. Dat is why he does interpret people contributions to suit him so as to demonstrate he can be deemed as being intellectual, just because he read a few books.

    Pick sense from dat …… stop the jousting match between you and Dompey and continue posting your intelligent contributions, the subject content of which makes for good reading.

  22. @ Artaxerxes

    I rise to represent the one called Bush Tea and will use one phrase in his defence “endorphins of comfort”

    I am of the unconfirmed opinion that in his alter ego Mr Bush Tea is a man who has done, and continues to do, a multiplicity of things for the growth of his cvntry Bulbados

    In the course of such activity and over the years, he has encountered enough of these ramparts shitehounds under the DLP and BLP banner that he has clearly become punch indifferent to the brass bowls.

    One thing that babies and older people have in common is our predisposition to laugh, babes do it freely, without any logical reason but we old folk do it, because it makes us happy and stress free

    You cannot understand this until you get there

    Dompey, Donkey, Duncey, Domps is incredulously the provider of endorphins of comfort, he is the JR (that miniseries Dallas) OF BARBADOSUNDERGROUND, the man one loves to engage with periodically because he is a gentle harmless man with a manageable problem. (The Blogmaster also is aware of that and will sometimes reach out and give a gentle knock to all of us)

    You can never know the amount of times Mr. Bush has ignored him, but sometimes, even though you just will scroll past him, sometimes you HAVE TO engage or should I say neigh…..

  23. @PUDRYR

    You are correct that Bush Tea is a man who has served in multiple positions through the years out of his desire to serve the country read unpaid service.

  24. @Pachamama

    How much more discerning could we be? We have determined that this thing about finding one man/woman every year to give a knighthood to continues colonialism. That anybody in an independent country will bow down to somebody else’s head of state shows national ignorance. And there are few ways to rid a nation of that kind of mindset.
    This is nothing to worry about. This award dished out by Barbados is the Knight of St Andrew (KA) of the Mickey Mouse class , and has no status like Britain’s Knight Commander of the order of St Michael and St George (KCMG) . Many of our planter class type, appear to look down on the award of Knight Of St Andrew, preferring to wait for the real mccoy when Her Majesty in Buck House, share out goodies on her birthday. If some politicians had their way, we would be seeing , KT, KL, KJ, KP, etc awards , Knight of St Thomas,Knight of St Lucy and Knight of St Joseph etc etc.
    The Knight of St Andrew award adopted by Barbados, reminds me of the days of the old British Empire, when we had many ex pats working in Barbados,especially as Anglican priests, who used to run around in cheap black Mayflower (Triumph) cars, which were small imitations of the expensive renown Rolls Royce car.

  25. @ Colonel Buggy,

    Sir Elton John and Sir Mick Jagger exemplifies the value of a Knighthood.

  26. Extracted from Facebook

    Andrew Brathwaite


    3 hrs · Edited ·

    In Barbados, the Constitution Review Committee recommended “taking positive steps towards empowerment of the people by creating a system of People’s Initiatives, which would allow qualifying groups of electors to present to the general body of electors simply worded propositions for legislation by the incoming Parliament. Government would be under a duty to put propositions approved by a qualifying proportion of the electors before Parliament for debate and decision by a free vote not subject to the discipline of the Party Whips.”

    This recommendation was supported (2004) by the National Commission on Law and Order.

    Politicians will usually do what they think will win them votes to get re-elected. If the voters of Barbados show that they really want a new governance model then the politicians may be forced into action. Introducing a system of e-petitions could be a crucial first step – here is a first draft of a petition to be presented to government once it gets enough support:

    “Petitioning the Government and Parliament of Barbados to introduce a system of e-petitions to allow the people of Barbados to communicate their recommendations directly to the administration and to Parliament. Under the system, petitions that get a minimum level of support must be put before Parliament for debate and decision by a free vote not subject to the discipline of the Party Whips.”

    Online petitions have been introduced by governments around the world, including the US ( and the UK (

    We the People: Your Voice in Our Government | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

  27. Piece

    Now whether rightfully interpreted or wrongfully conceived: there isn’t any doubt in my mind that we dealing with a group of individuals who for some unconsciously reason, believe it is their right and duty to force an unconventional thinker into their conventional mold of thinking.
    And I am not comparing myself to the ancient moralist philosopher Socrates because if I attempt to do so, then you would have all cause to define me in terms of those residents there in Black Rock. But Socrates in his wisdom and failings efforts, tried to educate an educated class of people who were convinced unequivocally and categorically that he was trying poisoned the minds of the youth of his day. A group of educated people whom history has shown to be ignorant and backward in their view of reality and who is much like the group we see here on BU today. With the exception of Bush Tea of course because if you notice, PG and the rest here continually boast of their prestigious Harrison College, but when have you heard Bushie slightly reference the secondary school he had attended?

  28. Why you don’t post your comments and defend as your wits allow and forget the rest? BU determines what gets posted. Are you able to comprehend this comment?

  29. @ Colonel Buggy
    You maybe be right but when Everton Weekes was being considered he said that he wanted a ‘big ‘one’. Meaning the one with the name Andrew there or thereabout. LOL

    Separately, there is too much irrational competition for trimmings of empire in Barbados. That competition starts at birth and includes the 11+ and so on.

    Some years ago Sleepie Smith was competing with some other old men to become GG. And we still have the nonsense about the importance of school lies, even amongst big men and women! That is independence for you.

    And you know Bajan men are still competing to see who cloud marry a red woman and so on ……………….

  30. David

    Now, correct me if I am wrong here sir. Are you somehow suggesting that I ought not to respond to the distasteful comments made by those persons who seem to think that is a joke to befoul the character of another? Perhaps, I should have ignored these disparaging comments as Simple Simon has suggests quite recently, but then again, it is not within my nature to sit idly by and allow others besmear my image? Sir, I will defend my character as long I am allowed on this blog or any blog for that matter, and I would encourage anyone with a small measure of common-sense to do likewise because it is one’s right to do so. And with all due respect sir, it seems in my estimation, that you have a serious fetish regarding others drifting away from the Subject Matter or the topic before deliberation. And I am suggesting to you sir, that that kind thinking undermines the expansion of the intellect and wars against exploration of new ideas. I have been on many blog and I have never once heard anyone suggesting to the bloggers not to digressing from the subject matter.

  31. In uch the same way the King’s court needs a jester BU blog needs a JA.

  32. David

    My brother, you’re entitled to your own opinion and I would not in any way try to deprive to of such right, as a matter of fact, I would fight to ensure that that right is honored. However, there comes a time when you have to stop and make a meticulous examination of the forces which give rise to your thinking.

  33. David there comes a time when you have to give yourself a pat on the back for being exceptionally tolerant of those who insult you.

    However, it is good to have a piñata or two at a party. lol

  34. CariFLAGS asks Stuart to speak on Lowe
    Added 01 December 2014
    CariFLAGS, the coalition of leading lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organisations in the Caribbean, today sent a letter to Stuart, expressing disappointment regarding his silence on comments made by Minister of the Environment Dr Denis Lowe.

    According to a press release, the letter reminded Stuart of his “duty and pledge to uphold human rights”. It also urged him to clarify the position of the Barbados Constitution and his own Government on deliberately excluding specific Barbadians from social protection, since “Lowe continues to serve in the Cabinet”.

  35. @Hants

    Thanks for the link. Note it is useful to post a paragraph above the link to give readers an idea of content.

  36. RIDICULOUS. and what does Cariflag expects the PM to say. Minister lowes views are his personnel opinion.asking PM to interject or speak on behalf of lowe is ridiculous

  37. Will do going forward David.

  38. The issue posed by minister Lowe’s position is that it conflicts with the position taken by minister of labour Suckoo and government based on international treaties we are committed. As a minister he is part of a collective and if he intends to hold a personal position on the issue he should do the honour able thing from now.

    On Tuesday, 2 December 2014, Barbados Underground wrote:


  39. We cannot bury our heads in the sand.

    The reality is that most of the countries we trade with are more tolerant of the LGBTQ community.

    Those of us living in Canada have learned to “tolerant” of those who are different from us.

  40. @Hants

    The issue is not about tolerance, yet. It is about a minister who has publicly stated he does not agree with government’s policy.

    Yet there is silence.

    On Tuesday, 2 December 2014, Barbados Underground wrote:


  41. At the Barbados Independence Celebration in Toronto, on November 29 the Acting High Commissioner, Christobelle Reece, was the bearer of glad tidings from the Prime Minister, delivering his “Don’t Worry – Everything’s Gonna be Alright” message to the 350 in attendance.

    It included the usual “ Barbados, like most of the countries in the Western World, has been confronted by worst global economic downturn in well nigh 100 years”; but don’t worry we have commitments for major new tourist properties from three international brands, and a $240 million Waste To Energy plant which will employ 350 people, stimulate economic growth on the island, and save Barbados hundreds of million dollars.

    A quick review of the Cahill Energy website indicates it is unchanged since it was established in March 2014. Pure PR fluff, no financial details, no names of Officers and Directors (except that widely recognized WTE expert CEO Clair Cowan) and no business address – just a “Contact Us” page to send an email to an unknown email address.

    Surely, if there were anything of substance to Cahill, by now 10 months after the grand announcement, RPB would be singing “Oye, yoi, yo! Something’s happening in Vaucluse and It’s so exciting

    But he not singing dat bout de WTE plant.

    When will somebody come clean and admit this Cahill plant is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

  42. Uh ac did know that there where such laws or international agreement indicative or related to domestic violence within the gay community and also on the rights of gay marriage

  43. BLP Opposition turning up the heat on Government. Mia leads the way.

  44. What utter neck this Cariflag lot has, asking the Prime Minister to come out and talk. Every Bajan , Straight, bent and crooked, probably not crooked, has been asking the PM for last 5 years or so to come out of the closet and talk, just talk to the people who he is suppose to be leading.

  45. @Hants
    From the time that I can remember , Barbadians have always been tolerant to B & W’s. It just that in recent times many Barbadians resent these brass neck people trying to push things down our throats and elsewhere.

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