Dr. DeLisle Worrell, Governor of the Central Bank
Dr. DeLisle Worrell, Governor of the Central Bank

The local press carried a story this week titled Worrell advised to meet press that addressed the unbelievable occurrence of the Governor of the Central Bank DeLisle Worrell not having held a press conference since the first quarter of 2014. Instead, he has preferred an orchestrated TV event where individuals were cherrypicked to participate in a moderated Q&A session.

It does not require anyone to be overly endowed with intelligence to expect our key decision makers to be accessible to answer questions from the public during a protracted economic downturn. Surely they understand that it is important to allay concerns and infuse confidence in the citizens by articulating a message of hope – see The King’s Speech. The independent office of Governor of the Central Bank is where the font of hope should be gushing. Unfortunately what we have had to witness for the last six or seven years is a central bank whose reputation has been severely dented by several unusual decisions by Governor Worrell made worse by minister of  finance Chris Sinckler. There was the unusual appointment  of Bjerkham to the Board of the Central Bank. The dividend payout of 25 million from the Housing Credit Fund to an affiliated company of Bjerkham for construction of the GROTTO high rise apartments. And who can forget the decision by the Governor to challenge the state agency responsible for determining the unemployment statistic.

BU agrees with Dr. Clyde Mascoll when he tabled the view in his weekly column that:-

Perhaps, what is more important is the structure of the board that oversees the functioning of the bank itself. The time has truly come to reconsider the governor being the chairman of the board. Furthermore, the composition of the board ought to better recognise the specialised areas of the bank’s activities. No man is an island.

The Central Bank is too important an institution for the idiosyncrasies of an individual to take priority. As if to emphasize that his way is the right way, he disregarded the advice from former bankers Mariano Browne and Jwala Rambarran who are based in Trinidad to meet with the press. He issued another press release to the media with a foreboding message.  Eight years of economic verboseness and still more belt tightening asked of Barbadians. How long is too long …

While BU agree with those calling for the Governor to condescend to meet the local press corp, we are concerned that local ‘journalists’ selected in the past to attend Central Bank economic press briefings have been woefully short of the standard required to deliver on their mandate. Further, there is an important role to be played by financial journalists. Who will disagree that managing a small open economy is a challenging undertaking. It is important we have journalists comfortable in the financial arena to report on the issues to effectively inform citizens. Instead what we have is a dearth of talent in the area of financial reporting that politicians and others in civil society easily exploit.  Even if our media houses were to send senior journalists like a David Ellis, Stetson Babb, Roy Morris, Jewel Brathwaite, Kaymar Jordan et al -these are journalists with a general knowledge of financial reporting. The only competent financial journalist is Patrick Hoyos. Is our investment in education failing us as a nation?

Perhaps the solution is to invite journalists from Trinidad to attend the Central Bank economic review press briefings.

163 responses to “8 Years and a Mule”

  1. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    A crook and a fool covering up for other crooks and fools, waste of tax and vat. Only thing they have left to buy is time. All shall pay.

  2. The article concocts a position of asking for transparency. then retracts its opinion based on a notion that the barbados media is lacking in credibility and incompetent .
    Then if that be the case it bodes well and maybe even an intent by which the governor of the Central bank realized and would possibly rather prefer to give press releases than have to answer questions from a bunch of incompetent journalist
    Now as for Patrick Hoyos he palaver is reminiscent of stale soup left on a stove too long and has burned , nothing much of what he says he has not said over and over again,

  3. I just can’t wait to see the faces of Chris Sinklar and Freundel Stuart when the Guvnor has to admit that Barbados is going for a structural adjustment project with IMF. The Home Grown Plan articulated by Minister Dumb Dumb has turned into a Home Grown Failure.

    A retard leading a certified outpatient lunatic. Welcome to Barbados.

  4. So are you saying that certain journalists do have the necessary understanding of financial matters to properly inform the people? Now if we take your hypothesis at face-value, then you’re telling us that the Barbadian electorate are being misled because as you purported there is only one journalist in Barbados that competent to report financial matters to the Barbadian public, and the rest are misleading us?

  5. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences


    Jackass, semi literate Fruendel Stuart, prime minister says “forget about the potholes” never mind you pay high road taxes and your cars are being destroyed and you can get injuries and death….Fruendel wants you to focus on the tourists instead., what an ashole.

    Fruendel should have kept his mouth shut.

    Get rid of the wild animal Fruendel….he has no feelings for the blight he and his semi literate ministers created for his own people, he cannot feel anything.

    Double down on getting these retarded ministers out of parliament.

  6. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences


    People will die in Barbados because of Fruendel and his incompetent fools….none are mentally capable of pulling the country out of the mess they created.

  7. You are such a yardfowl you will never be able to understand the not too subtle point made. Your reasoning is like saying if citizens are ignorant i.e. a party supporter who will vote party regardless elections should not be held in a democracy.

  8. Isn’t he supposed to be a creature of the Minister of finance,who in turn is a creature of the Prime Minister?Didn’t the very Prime Minister prove that silence is a novel form of public relations,at least where Barbadians are concerned? How long now has it been this way? Was there not almost conclusive agreement right here that this administration has a very good chance of being returned? So wah de check wunna complaining bout? We like it so.

  9. In the USA where the two of you are located don’t you have Bloomberg and other financial networks streaming all day long? Every decision made that will affect the markets and economy disected by journalists with the financial acumen?

  10. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences


    Too little too late…fire Estwick.

    Did they check the Trini dude’s track record at WASA in T&T, before hiring him…, these clowns never do background checks on any one going into Barbados when they hire them for these taxpayer funded projects.

  11. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Hamilton…as ya can see from the article, everytime Fruendel opens his stupid mouth, a shitbomb comes out….raw sewage……the people need to fore Fruendel, he is a major part of the problem, him and his stupid ministers…they cant be left to create further wrought destruction on the island while brazenly letting you know that since the tourists dont mind the deterioration of the island…..neither should bajans…who have to live there….the tourists dont live there.

    Tourists hold their government’s feet to the fire and demand accountability for everything…how dare an idiot like Fruendel try to act as though it’s what the tourists says they like or accept for Barbados and that the black majority should accept whatever he says the tourists said.

  12. Even if a press conference is held there is no guarantee that those in attendance will do what journalists used to do.Ever since this rotting fish group came into being the true answers to pertinent questions came via Social media…

  13. Implied in the blog is the deteriorating foreign exchange position. We boast about increasing tourist arrivals BUT our forex is a problem which explains the recent press release by the Governor. Time to get serious. With a fix currency read pegged to the USD one has to generate foreign exchange to defend it. The constant threat raises the issue of market confidence.

  14. David;
    doesn’t Donald Trump; President elect of the United States of America, leader of the free world, business leader in the bastion of Democracy, prefer to communicate by Twitter? Why does the Governor HAVE to hold press conferences?

  15. David;
    With Bajans’ insatiable appetite for things imported, and lack of a foreign exchange generating export oriented economy, we will always have a foreign exchange problem. I keep asking the same question: How many tourists would we have to app tract to pay for one Mercedes Benz, or BMW? Apply that to the other imported goods that flood our stores and markets, and the penchant for travel to other jurisdictions “to shop”.

  16. There is a very good financial analyst who works for the RBC Bank. I would have seen several presentations by her on the Barbados economy. All that she predicted is coming to pass. When Sinckler and his cronies got wind of her presentations and recommendations for Barbados, Sinckler went into the House of Assembly and threatened the young woman who is Trinidadian and threaten to stop her from coming to Barbados. People this country is broke!!!

  17. Alvin

    Do you care to tell tHE BU family about the net 200M loss of foreign exchange in December? Do you not care to share that the foreign exchange reserves are now less that 700M and falling? Do you not care to share the fact that the GOB, covertly thru the Central Bank camouflage, has approached the IMF for assistance? Do you not care to share that the same man, Minister Dumb Dumb (FAILURE) who ran the economic ship onto the reef (not like he was not warded) will now have to negotiate an IMF deal for Barbados because the man at the top is a COWARD?

  18. What is making matters worse is the strength of the US dollar and the falling Quid,Loonie and Uro.Meanwhile we seem to be replacing cane with coconuts.

  19. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Since the tourists dont mind seeing potholes on Barbados’ roads, according to the idiot Fiendel, after all the tourists dont have to live in Barbados, so what do they care, which other country in the world can tourist go to and decide what is best for its citizens and a prime minister would listen to the idiots above his own citizens…….so….Bajans need to stop buying cars so you do not have to pay road taxes and insurance, ya wasting ya money and all fronts….cause Fruendel is listening to tourists tell him that potholes are fine.

    …… when tourists do their usual bad driving and kill you or injure you, the insurance companies do not pay you anyway and the tourists run away to their countries, Fruendel will not try to get them back to pay for your death or injuries….it happens all the time in Barbados.

    Let’s see Fiendel getting the tourists to pay road tax cause he is listening to them, not you the people he needs to vote him back into parliament….fire Fruendel…the fool will never get it, even if Barbados gets a billion tourists a year, unless each tourist is spending 1000 USD a day every day, the economy will never be in the black…….,it will always be in trouble with Fruendel at the helm.

    As it stands Barbados will never be able to draw enough tourists who spend real money to help the economy….just as Fiendel and his fools will never have enough intelligence to get the island out of the mess they created.

  20. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Besides….any government who is intellectually incapable of having at least five foreign exchange generating economic sector, is not worth voting for….8 years and this government has nothing to show for it but arrogance, lies, uppitiness and destruction to the island, it’s roads and infrastructure. .

  21. HAMILTON A HILL Avatar

    @ lemuel….. As per your 7:48am post that has been the M O of this administration. Scare tactics and threats have replaced the expected penchant for prudence and decisiveness where governance is concerned. For some strange reason these ministers feel that they are a law unto themselves……debate and discussion have been replaced by writs and warnings, subtle attempts to muzzle John Public.

  22. @lemuel

    You correct, her name is Marla Dukharan their group economist.

  23. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    The only press in Barbados is at the dry cleaners, shit house reporting , DBLP news on every level , Who dear buys 2 dollar per day toilet paper NEWS?, Internet is the best news the people report better than the so called news in BIM, 25Million for a water building in the time and we still cant get water all over the island , More money laundering into their own pockets , Crime is approved before the Peoples needs , true crooks, liars and scumbags,
    maybe it needs to change to the SCUMBAG REPORT, good idea , we will call it and report them under that heading ,

  24. @Alvin

    Even a warning from the DLP friendly Governor and you post this BS to the blog. Read our lips -we have a forex problem and it is happening at the same time we have unprecedented high tourist arivals. The strategy of this government to blot bad news with good news reinforces BU’s point we need a cadre of financial journalists in Barbados to effectively unpack this type of news.

    And how is comparing Trump’s tweeting to a lack of interaction with the press by Worrell relevant? Does the Federal Reserve head Yellin hold press conferences? Time for you to toss off yardfowl behaviour.

  25. It CANNOT be a coincidence that we find ourselves with so many complete JA’s in such critical positions…. all at the same time.
    When we consider that it will only take TWO GOOD MPs to bring an end to this idiocy, we have to reflect on the thirty people sitting in our parliament ….. EACH ONE OF THEM.

  26. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin is just being an irritant, giving a long, stupid convoluted title to Trump….whom intelligent people know is a major jackass, just like Fiendel.

  27. There is a report in today’s Nation that confirms the media will not be invited, again, to Governor’s review of 2016 performance. The question is -what do media practicioners plan to do about it. Perhaps they can hire Carl Moore who was the PR man at the central bank many years ago.

  28. When last did Hoyos or any one in this forum ran for political office or held professional post in giving financial advice.
    As usual the old ring the bell bridgade are out in full force trying to advance their old policy of doom and gloom
    What matters is finding solution not the daily fire rants and political grandstanding
    How does any govt stop the hemorrhaging of Foreign exchange with the bajans insatiable appetite for foreign products instead of buying local
    The race for preservation had begun and unless Barbadians put or make good use of their education for advancing barbados as a viable and productive market barbados would continue down a slippery slope of poor economic health

  29. What we need to do is silence the yardfowls.

  30. @ David
    What we need to do is silence the yardfowls.
    Heaven forbid!!!

    Then how would Bajans possible appreciate how completely retarded, juvenile and idiotic our current leadership is….
    Without our yardfowls on BU, NO ONE would believe that such idiocy could exists outside of the green gates.

  31. Investors only invest in economies in which they are confident of a reasonable return.There are at least 3 projects on the west coast obviously stalled awaiting a government of vision.Since 09 we have witnessed credit drying up,money supply contracting,unemployment increasing in spite of Worrell’s figures,businesses failing,property values declining whilst this PM fiddles with the NIS funds or floats bonds every month to pay the Fatted Calf supporters in bloated statutory boards,resulting in spiraling debt.Worrell is putting party before country therefore he is acting in a most unprofessional manner.It is not surprising to see him hide from the Press.It is indicative of an inferiority complex.A confident governor would consider it infradig to have what seems to be a morbid fear of the Press,if he knows his stuff.

  32. NorthernObserver Avatar

    We need to appreciate the GoCB is now at odds with certain policies of the GoB. See his Jan 17 economic letter
    What he says is the CB is tired of propping up the dollar, and the GoB needs to tighten its fiscal belt, to achieve a balance it has not since 2013.
    Since the majority of Bajans do not read these reports, he can write this with little effect, but if he is forced to SAY this or answer questions publicly, it could lead to negative views of the GoB, something he doesn’t wish to get involved in.

  33. ac January 6, 2017 at 10:01 AM #

    “When last did Hoyos or any one in this forum ran for political office or held professional post in giving financial advice.”

    @ ac

    A SIMILAR QUESTION could be asked of you as well.

    If one were to critically analyse the contents of your contributions, it is CLEARLY EVIDENT you DO NOT have any KNOWLEDGE of financial and economic issues, thereby confirming, for obvious reasons, you have NOT “held professional post in giving financial advice.”

    Your submissions are basically futile attempts by incompetent DLP yard-fowls to defend the “inactions” of Sinckler, Dr. Worrell and, by extension, “ACTING” Prime Minister Stuart.

    (I mentioned “Acting” because so far, and as has been IMPLIED by Donville Inniss, Stuart has not done anything to convince me he is the real PM).

  34. So neither do most here have any expertise in financial matters but it never stop them from opening up their faucets and spewing all the politcal garbage
    However i know enough to understand gibberish from expert advice..1steupse

  35. You don’t know anything about anyone who post on BU.

  36. Bowtie Man Stand Avatar
    Bowtie Man Stand


    Leave the ac’s of BU………………..they know their fate but trying to reason away their incompetence and arrogance. These clowns have destroyed the economy of Barbados for no other purpose than to line their own pockets.

  37. @ ac January 6, 2017 at 12:33 PM #

    I recall Barbados Underground article which focused on CLICO, Deloitte’s forensic audit and the judicial manager.

    The following is a contribution by the ACs:

    “ac February 10, 2015 at 7:11 AM # : Question Where were the JM managers between the years of 2004 and 2007 when Clico was failing to live up to their statutory arrangements , It is truly amazing how the JM seem to exempt self from their role of negligence in the Clico collapse but have used the Houdini method in pursuit of justice..”

    The above comment is enough evidence to substantiate and prove you DO NOT “know enough to understand gibberish from expert advice.”

    If you had knowledge of financial issues, you would not have asked a ludicrous question such as ““Where were the JM managers between the years of 2004 and 2007 when Clico was failing to live up to their statutory arrangements,” because you would have known under what circumstances a judicial manager is appointed, and in the case of CLICO, when the JM was appointed.

    “But it never stops (you) from opening up (your) faucet and spewing all the political garbage.”

    Your question can be described as “political garbage,” because your real intension was to cast aspirations on the JM, by implying they were being biased because, rather than act during the BLP’s tenure (2004 to 2007), they waited until the DLP formed the government to act.

    My friends, you used your own comments to prove your folly.

  38. A TV event with a comedian. The man is a joker.

  39. Take or leave what i say what should concern u most is the need of a self interest group at every knook and cranny seizing upon comments by the gov to rachete up a theory of doom and gloom
    What the gov said merits concern with answers that lends to credibility and necessary assessment to the problems and not pronouncements that lend themselves to political opportunities
    The gov said that there is a depletion of foreign exchange he gives a clue and comprehensive reason and all the blp foot soldiers responses are the usual laden attacks and explosive sound bites
    These are the sane people in waiting to take chargeof country in eight years having no viable answers to their doom and gloom theory.
    High expectations are usual met with unexpected high winds.

  40. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    The BCB is a very expensive Tom Adams governance crutch that should be closed and BDS adopt the US currency we are tied to, just like Ecuador did.

    HYATT could rent the building for $1 per day and we’d be millions ahead.

    This country needs bold management to move forward, not the tentative supervision that barely got us through the last 50 years of blunders.


  41. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    ac January 6, 2017 at 10:01 AM #
    When last did Hoyos or any one in this forum ran for political office

    No-one in this country with any credibility ever will again. If we lie down with dogs we are going to get fleas.

    Election to political office qualifies a man for NOTHING except maybe holding a pay-fete. The time for feting passed 8 years ago; we are still waiting for the work to begin.

  42. I was really hoping that with all the boasting of the record number of tourist arrivals that we would have been getting better news from the government telling us that spending is up substantially.

    But oh no………yet the idiot we have for a PM continues to wine and dine the tourists………..spending back what little they spend on them……….and that makes sense to dems. I would not object to this had we been in prosperous times.

    We have an incompetent governor who enabled a neophyte finance minister to destroy this economy because they would not listen to anyone who had more knowledge than them. Remember the constant refrain from the governor………there is no magic bullet.

    Now that he has aided and abetted the Stinkliar to run the economy into the ground and there is no hope other than to march off to the very IMF they swore they did not need………..he continues to duck and hide as he cannot face questions from the press.

    My heart aches for our beloved country!

  43. @ Prodigal Son,

    You Bajans are all responsible for the current problems in Barbados.

    You continue to rely on Tourism to provide the forex which you waste on importing everything.

    Your brass is grass until you ALL curb your avarice for imported non essential goods.

    Time to change the Government. Its the BLP’s turn but it will not make a difference unless Bajans change their personal spending habits.

  44. Well said Hants.
    We will get it eventually.

  45. What a wonderful comment.

  46. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    Hants January 6, 2017 at 3:58 PM #
    @ Prodigal Son,

    You Bajans are all responsible for the current problems in Barbados.

    You continue to rely on Tourism to provide the forex which you waste on importing everything.

    Your brass is grass until you ALL curb your avarice for imported non essential goods.

    Time to change the Government. Its the BLP’s turn but it will not make a difference unless Bajans change their personal spending habits.

    Cars and food.

    Food easy to solve; pay farmers to grow cane, allow them to process, package and sell sugar privately and all the other rotation crops come back with added benefits of employment, drainage maintenance, land husbandry.

    Cars easy to solve, privatise the public transport system.

    There will be no economic recover under Fumble’s Teefin’ Fools.

  47. Hear ye,Hear ye

    Another political movement is about to be launched states Lynette Eastmond on the 1230 and 1630 VoB news of today.

    How come no one has mentioned it or shown any interest ……..are we so shell shocked that we are no longer interested in politics……..have we decided to put this govt back in????

  48. @Vincent

    How do you define ‘movement’?

  49. Well Well & Consequences
    Too little too late…fire Estwick.

    He does not have to investigate the incumbant – now that he has the obstacles out of his way – he and Atlee will have a free hand

  50. He also keeps a lot of noise to distract but is probably the most corrupt of the lot

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