Submitted by Observing

On a political platform in 2018 the then leader of opposition announced that “Common Entrance must go!” The crowd cheered.

For three years the appointed Minister pronounced ad infinitum that “Common Entrance must go!” The masses bellowed.

For the last two years this Minister (when she actually speaks) joined the choir to lustily sing that “Common Entrance must go!” The audience applauded.

And of course the 66 year old once retired Director of Reform said emphatically and conclusively in the House of Parliament that the new system would be in place by September 2022 and “Common Entrance must go!” The pundits thumped their desks.

Now here we are.

  1. Reimagine is the new buzzword
  2. Collaboration and shared ideas are the new mirrors
  3. Colonial mindset is the new smoke.

If the past 5 years has shown anything it’s that this government (like others in the past) aren’t serious about real, effective impactful, “ground up” education reform.

An August 2022 leaked document making the wrongs also proves if true, that while we wax poetically about what needs to be done, the core foundations of classism, elitisim, public perception, haves and have nots will remain while those with the “power” remain blind to the REAL problems facing schools and education and by extension our society that need addressing.

To be honest, it is a tough task. When you look back at EDUTECH which is at best a partial failure, you would understand why this “transformation” and “reimagining” should cause all of us to sit up and ask some pertinent questions.

  • Does this process really make “all schools equal?”
  • Are the challenges faced by families of 3-9 years old being addressed?
  • Are the developmental, social, learning, behavioural and psychological difficulties among toddlers and pre-teens being addressed?
  • Is a 4 hour exam really to blame for societal decay, family decline and socio-behaviuoral confusion in the country?
  • Can people really “come along” with you if they don’t have a clue what’s happening?
  • Are we addressing the REAL needs of the country at this time or the real WANTS of a few?
  • Did EDUTECH prepare us for the 21st century far less a pandemic? Will this new “reimagining” do it?
  • Are the thinkers, leaders, practitioners, researchers, parents and men on the street fully on board, fully involved and fully aware?
  • Is this just another attempt to shape a legacy and score political points?

Whatever the answers, it is pellucidly clear to a blind man on a trotting horse that the whip was snapped this week with all schools closed and teachers/principals called to “urgent” last-minute meetings to discuss an “idea” first mooted 5 years ago, sent to Cabinet since last year and declared a fait accompli despite having no real roadmap or plan. Those who know know.

The skeleton has no meat.
The pond has no water.
The emperor has no clothes.

If there is one thing education should never do, is to raise mindless robots who do not think critically. I pray that those of us wo are not robots and even those who are (with a little AI help), will ask the relevant questions, share the pertinent thoughts and repeatedly confront and call to account those who are seeking to dismantle a system and affect at least 3-4 generations to come. My grandchildren and yours are the ones who will feel it most.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions (Saint Bernard of Clairvaux)

65 responses to “All TALK about Education Making me Mad”

  1. @David
    Many things nowadays should make people go hmm

    If that allegation is true then we really making mock sport around here.

  2. Yes Observing. Who to hold accountable? Is some qualification audit required to filter ‘others’?

  3. ‘Being in form’ with educational reform

    This article was submitted by Professor Dwayne Devonish, author of the National Workplace Wellness Policy for Barbados 2019 and attorney Maya L. Kellman.

    Education reform has garnered significant attention from individuals invested in the local education system, captivating the thoughts and conversations of nearly every Barbadian in recent weeks. However, it is crucial to recognise that implementing education reform is no simple task. It goes beyond mere rhetoric and buzzwords like “junior academies”, “academies of excellence” or “elimination of the 11-plus exam”.

    Education reform necessitates a shift in mindset and attitude. In Jamaican parlance, it requires the “backative” or active support of the entire community.

    The specifics or granular details on the “what” and “how” of educational reform will almost always invite debate and contention among different segments of the population. There should, however, exist key best practice standards operating within any reform effort, especially one that involves the transformation of our educational system. In this piece, we submit some best practice recommendations for guiding those stakeholders (the Ministry responsible for educational reform and its strategic partners) in the planning, coordinating and execution of the pending educational reform exercise earmarked for the country’s educational system.

    Recommended Best Practices for Educational Reform

    Based on careful research and reflection, we submit the following best practice recommendations to help inform the educational reform effort in Barbados:

    1. Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement: At the start of any planned reform exercise, it is incumbent on the ministry responsible for education and its supporting partners to ensure the needed active involvement of all key stakeholders, including principals, teachers, parents/guardians, students, trade unions, private sector, NGOs, and education experts (among others) in the reform process. Creating accessible platforms for open dialogue, collaboration, and constructive feedback to address concerns and build consensus is essential to this process.

    While it may not be possible to achieve 100 per cent buy-in or acceptance of every detail of reform (whether the entrance exam to secondary schools should be abolished or not; or whether we need junior academies/academies of excellence, and so on), the aim of consultation and engagement is to gather input, address concerns, educate stakeholders, build trust and credibility in the decision-making process, and incorporate valuable insights from stakeholders to create a more inclusive and informed decisionmaking process. However, it is also necessary to recognise the need to balance consultation with the need for progress and efficiency. Overemphasis on consultation without timely decision-making and action can result in delays, inertia, and frustration. Striking the right balance involves setting clear objectives, establishing well-defined consultation processes, and ensuring that decisions are made within a reasonable timeframe.

    2. Clear Communication: Develop a comprehensive communication strategy to clearly articulate the goals, objectives, and benefits of the planned educational reform. Provide clear and timely information to all stakeholders, addressing misconceptions and alleviating fears. Clear communication promotes transparency by openly sharing information about the reform plans, progress, and any changes or updates. This helps build trust and credibility among stakeholders, as they feel informed and included in the decisionmaking process. It allows stakeholders to understand the reasons behind the need for change, the challenges being addressed, and the potential benefits that can be derived from the reform.

    3. Gradual Implementation: Consider a phased approach to the reform, allowing for sufficient time to adapt and address any challenges that may arise. Gradual implementation provides an opportunity for stakeholders to become familiar with the changes and make necessary adjustments. This approach also allows for pilot testing of the reform initiatives on a smaller scale before fullscale implementation. This enables policymakers and education authorities to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed changes, identify potential challenges or issues, and make necessary adjustments. Pilot testing helps refine and fine-tune the reform strategies based on real-world feedback and evidence.

    4. Continuous Professional Development: Prioritise ongoing professional development for teachers and school administrators to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement the reform effectively. Offer training programmes, workshops, and mentoring opportunities to support educators throughout the process. Professional development assists teachers and school administrators in aligning their instructional practices with the reformed curricula. It helps them understand the learning objectives, content standards, and assessment criteria outlined in the new curricula. Educational reform also often requires teachers and school administrators to adapt to new ways of working which is naturally expected in major change exercises in the system.

    5. Monitoring and Evaluation of Reform Activities: Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the progress, impact, and effectiveness of the reform. Regularly review and analyse data to identify areas of success and areas that require further attention and improvement.

    6. Flexibility and Adaptability in the Process: Recognise that educational reform is an iterative process and may require adjustments along the way. Be open to feedback and be willing to modify strategies or approaches based on evidence and changing needs.

    7. Research and Evidence-Based Practices: Base the reform on sound research and evidence-based practices. Consider international (regional and local) best practices and lessons learned from other educational systems to inform decision-making and implementation which are in alignment to our cultural landscape. Companion to the application of sound research and evidence is the assurance that the newly reformed curricula are properly aligned with the Government’s economic diversification strategy. Research and best practice evidence internationally indicate that these curricula should reflect the evolving needs of the workforce and the changing economic landscape.

    New competencies

    This entails incorporating new competencies and skills that are in high demand and directly relevant to the country’s socio-economic goals. In addition to traditional academic subjects, there should be a deliberate focus on developing soft or transferable skills, such as emotional intelligence, critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, communication, and collaboration as well as emerging and dynamic technical and vocational skill areas. These skills are essential for success in the modern workplace and contribute to the country’s economic growth and diversification efforts.

    8.Continuous Engagement with the Public: Engage the wider public in discussions on educational reform through public consultations, town hall meetings, and online platforms. Solicit feedback, address concerns, and foster a sense of ownership among the public. Ensure that the consultation process is accompanied by a clear decision-making framework. Establish timelines for decision-making based on the reform objectives and the input received. As stated earlier, this approach helps avoid the trap of never-ending consultation and ensures that decisions are made in a timely manner.

    Plan for fallout

    9. Managing the Fallout in the Reform: It is almost inevitable that some form of fallout will ensue – even in the most properly planned reform exercise. Plan for and acknowledge (in the earliest stages) the social, psychological and emotional impact (or fallout) of this reform exercise on key parties and provide avenues for teachers, students, and parents (and others) to express their concerns, frustrations, or anxieties. Offer counselling and related services or support groups to help individuals navigate the transition and address any fallout.

    10. Long-Term Vision and Sustainability: Develop a long-term vision for educational reform in Barbados, ensuring its alignment with national development goals. Consider the sustainability of the reform by securing adequate resources, maintaining stakeholder engagement, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Prioritising equitable distribution of resources (inclusive of technical and staffing resource assignments) is especially critical in this reform exercise in order to address perennial
    disparities among schools and other institutions in the country. Consider the specific needs of disadvantaged schools (and communities) and allocate resources accordingly to bridge gaps in educational opportunities and outcomes.

    “Clarity or Conspiracy”: Need to Unveil the Truth of Educational Reform

    In today’s information age, it seems that everyone, whether an expert or an ordinary person, has an “optimal” solution for educational reform.

    Even as writers, we find ourselves tempted to offer our perspectives and ideas. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that discussing educational reform without having access to the full details can lead to incomplete and potentially misleading conversations.

    It is imperative for the ministry to provide a comprehensive and transparent understanding of the reform efforts. Without clarity, speculation and conspiracy theories can arise, hindering progress and undermining public trust. The ministry must take the initiative to address concerns, provide accurate information, and foster open dialogue to ensure that the reform process is driven by informed decisions and shared understanding.


    As Barbados embarks on a transformative journey towards educational reform, the echoes of anticipation and curiosity reverberate throughout the nation. The desire for an education system that prepares students for the challenges of the future and aligns with the country’s vision of progress is palpable.

    However, as we delve into the intricacies of this reform effort, one question lingers in the air: How do we navigate the path to change when everyone seems to have an optimal solution, and yet, the full details of the reform remain elusive?

    It is in this context that the Ministry of Education must rise to the occasion, providing clarity, transparency, and a comprehensive vision for the future.

    Only then can we truly engage in a meaningful dialogue and address the concerns that arise from uncertainty.

  4. That was a great article. It has as cornerstones (1) Communication between parties and (2) accepting feedback.

    All of this is pinned to being transparent with emphasis on “setting clear objectives, establishing well-defined consultation processes, and ensuring that decisions are made within a reasonable timeframe.

    Should be mandatory reading for those in charge of educating our youths.

  5. The article reminded of a course which I took once with emphasis on setting goals/objectives. They should be SMART.

    What are SMART goals?
    SMART goals (or SMART criteria) refer to a goal-writing guide that outlines five standards for your goals. These state that your goals should be:

    Specific: target a particular area for improvement
    Measurable: quantify or suggest progress metrics
    Achievable: ensure you can achieve your goals with the given resources
    Realistic: outline what results you can feasibly achieve using the available resources
    Timely: highlight when your goal should be achieved

  6. #procrastination


  7. @Theo
    We await “SMART” actions. Seem to be long in coming!

    Just observing

  8. A useful article by Ralph Jemmott.

    Value of continuous assessment
    The following article was submitted by social commentator and former educator Ralph Jemmott.
    Peter Webster’s article in The Nation of Wednesday, May 31, was an eye-opener.
    Entitled Education Reform On Wrong Tract, it revealed many of the truths about the proposed change. His main argument is the need for some system of assessment or “primary matriculation”, to the secondary level. He warns that in abolishing the Common Entrance we may be throwing out the proverbial baby with the proverbial bathwater.
    I am not sure I agree that analyses of the Barbadian education system have not taken place. There are whole bodies of discourse dating back to Jack Smale, Dr Leonard Shorey, Professor Earle Newton, Dr Anthony “Rocky” Layne, Kathleen Drayton and many others. What is evident is that the reform process has now been high-jacked by a political class in a rush to revolutionise a system it has not studied in any depth and has jumped to conclusions that more reflects politicalthink rather than pedagogical insight.
    It may reflect what columnist Tennyson Joseph calls “a gleeful seizure of the opposition-less political space to implement grandiose changes with minimal political delay”. ( Nation News, June 1, 2023) There has to be an exam at age 11 to determine student preparedness to move on to the secondary cycle. Some will be prepared, some less well so and some ill prepared. This may reflect a number of factors including material poverty, cultural deprivation and physiological and psychological defects.
    I am a firm believer in streaming or what the Americans call tracking. It has been my fortune as a teacher to teach from a 4-1 at Harrison College to an L or D stream at the Parkinson Memorial. I, therefore, know how wide cognitive abilities can range and differ. I taught three subjects including English, history and social studies and I can’t imagine teaching that range of cognition in the same classroom and I ask to what end? Formal schooling is about equality of opportunity not about equality of result. Every attempt should be made to equalise those opportunities but nothing can produce egalitarian outcomes.
    I knew that I had read it somewhere. Webster quoted a notion from the Financial Times of London of 2013 which stated that “every country which had scrapped the 11-Plus or similar primary school matriculation test had subsequently witnessed a significant decline in academic performance”.
    Conscientious children and their conscientious parents like to have something to aim at. The article I read from which I think
    Webster is quoting stated that after the abolition of the 11-Plus that both teachers and students lost zeal in teaching and learning, causing the reported decline in performance.
    The Brainstorming Reform document does not mention “continuous assessment” but it is widely felt that it is a desirable form of testing. In fact, I support testing at ages seven, nine and 11. The main purpose would be to have an idea as to how any cohort of children is performing at each stage. The objective would be to effect remedial strategies for those falling below the standard expected at the relative levels.
    In America, state education authorities know what percentage of children in a given state are performing above or below an acceptable literacy and numeracy level. If as is increasingly recognised the defects in Barbadian education start at the foundational primary level, then we must know the data concerning existing inadequacies and try to remedy the defects, some of which, mark you, may have little to do with the school itself. Mark again the fact that the children who currently do well in the Common Entrance are likely to be the same ones who do well in any system of continuous assessment. The real value of which is if it is used to initiate compensatory remedial learning for the less able and the less materially and culturally fortunate. Continuous assessment test would be universal all children would take the same test sat at their respective schools, supervised by teachers from the schools under overall supervision by the Education Ministry. Continuous assessment should try where possible, to obviate the pressures ostensibly felt under the 11-Plus as currently obtains.
    Two of the barriers to success mentioned in the August 2022 document are weak leadership and instructional quality. Webster calls for the “weeding out” of “poorly performing teachers”.
    I would ask Webster the same question I once posed to Professor Earle Newton. Weed out and get who? Teaching as a “profession” is finding it increasingly difficult to co-opt and retain the high quality personnel needed to achieve the kinds of outcomes that educational reformers desire. The middle classes all want bright, committed energetic teachers for their children so that they will not grow up to become modestly paid, often disrespected teachers in a low opportunity and increasingly problematic “profession”.


  9. History currently taught in schools is pure fantasy & lies:

    Blacks were the first European:
    Blacks who came from Africa 45,000 BC at the end of the ice melt were the 1st inhabitants of all of Europe up to Russia as well as in the Nordic countries (they were no albinos in ancient Europe/ blondes with blue eyes did not yet exist).
    Africans are the ones who built the Europe that you admire in its art, & its culture. The nobility, royalty, papacy, clergy throughout Europe were blacks.

    Albino/ Barbarian invasions of Black Europe:
    Albinos (blondes/ red heads with blue eyes & pale skin) were driven out of central Asia by the Mongols, they continued to migrate west & entered Europe. Throughout history, these illiterate barbarians ( albinos) waged multiple wars against Black Europeans.
    This was done for the sole purpose to oust blacks from Europe they had built , to exterminate them, to despoil them, to usurp them, to send them into slavery in North America.
    Albinos used a series of race wars to exterminated blacks and send them into slavery in North America after having totally despoiled them of their lands and nobility titles, to then proceed to impersonate this black nobility & write them out of of history.
    The Albinos made their first move in continental Europe when they attacked the last Black Empire in Europe;
    “The Holy Roman Empire” centered in Germany.
    The Thirty Years’ War was a conflict fought largely within the Holy Roman Empire from 1618 to 1648.
    At about the same time, Albinos in Britain were at war to bring down the last great Black House in Britain: “The House of Stuart” aka “The British Civil Wars”.
    At the end of these Wars, Black survivors in Britain and Europe were shipped off to the Americas and the Caribbean as Indentures and Slaves.

    The victorious Albinos of Germany and Great Britain gathered the black survivors of the wars, the prisoners of these wars and sent them to North America and the Caribbean as slaves.

    Black domination in Europe has been broken.

    The wars took place between the end of the Middle Ages: late 15th century and the 19th century. The albinos then set out to create a false history of the world, placing themselves in the natural position of blacks as creators and explorers of the world, and as natural leaders of the world – WITH FALSE ARTIFACTS TO SUPPORT THEIR LIES AND now until today strict and total control over information and all means to disseminate it through the use of intimidation and both psychological and physical violence. “(6). It was with these means that they erased the blacks of history and presented them as primitive beings, uncivilized, without culture, having invented nothing and ignorant.
    Thus, “the leucoderma having no history of its own besides invasion and murder, has built a story of fantasy based on lies, the usurpation and the fabrication of forgery after destroying the culture built for generations by blacks in all the countries of Europe before his arrival. (6) Historical monuments, such as cathedrals, castles, Gothic buildings, and those of the Renaissance period (1300 to 1600), whose architecture you admire, were designed and built by the black elite of Europe. The newly arrived leucoderma: by the barbarian invasions (from the years 370 AD), acted criminal, usurper, spoliator in order to eliminate the black and steal his discoveries, his art … through various conflicts cited more above. The leucoderm through the use of violence, his first weapon, has recovered all this knowledge, falsified it to almost 100% to appropriate the invention and make it the owner .. The nobility European royalty were black; Charlemagne, Charles V and many others were blacks and not the falsified characters often depicted blue-eyed blond. The whites after having destroyed all that had been conceived by the blacks: destruction of documents, statues, paintings, portraits; have made the fabrication of false portraits, falsification of paintings and statues representing black eminences to make false white personalities (Kings ex: the Stuart dynasty in England, the kings in France who were black, Leopold I in Germany and well other noble blacks in other countries of Europe: Russia, Hungary ….) .. So after taking the lands of the blacks, their artistic constructions and their history to call them theirs, they became active during centuries to a work of demonization of the blacks and the black color (ex: black ideas, a black day etc …)

    Thus, the Albinos having no history of its own besides invasion and murder, has built a story of fantasy based on lies, the usurpation and the fabrication of forgery after destroying the culture built for generations by blacks in all the countries of Europe before his arrival. (6) Historical monuments, such as cathedrals, castles, Gothic buildings, and those of the Renaissance period (1300 to 1600), whose architecture you admire, were designed and built by the black elite of Europe.

    The newly arrived leucoderma( albinos): by the barbarian invasions , acted as criminals, usurpers, spoliators in order to eliminate the black and steal his discoveries, his art … through various conflicts cited more above.
    The leucoderm( albino) through the use of violence, his first weapon, has recovered all this knowledge, falsified it to almost 100% to appropriate the invention and make it the owner .. The nobility European royalty were black; Charlemagne, Charles V and many others were blacks and not the falsified characters often depicted blue-eyed blond. The whites after having destroyed all that had been conceived by the blacks: destruction of documents, statues, paintings, portraits; have made the fabrication of false portraits, falsification of paintings and statues representing black eminences to make false white personalities (Kings ex: the Stuart dynasty in England, the kings in France who were black, Leopold I in Germany and well other noble blacks in other countries of Europe: Russia, Hungary ….) .. So after taking the lands of the blacks, their artistic constructions and their history to call them theirs, they became active during centuries to a work of demonization of the blacks and the black color (ex: black ideas, a black day etc …)

  10. Proof that African built Europe:
    The albinos were not able to destroy all the evidence.
    “Two thousand years of history Black History could not be wiped away so easily.”

    Bob Marley
    Zion Train – Uprising (1979).

    The evidence is hidden in plain sight.

    German Cities/Towns with Black Kings (crowned) in their Crests:
    of which there are perhaps hundreds, even thousands, as All European countries have Crests with Black Kings or other such imagery.

  11. What happened to the ancient black people of Europe?

    They were driven West and south, by incoming Albino Germanic tribes, who themselves were being chased out of Asia by the Huns of Mongolia.
    The Migration Period, also called the Barbarian Invasions (and in German: Völkerwanderung ‘migration of peoples’), was a period of human migration that occurred during roughly 300–700 A.D. in Europe, marking the transition from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages. These movements were catalyzed by profound changes within both the Roman Empire and the so-called “barbarian frontier”. Migrating peoples during this period included the Huns, and the Albino Germanic tribes: Goths, Vandals, Avars, Bulgars, Alans, Suebi, Frisians, and Franks, among other Germanic and Slavic tribes.

    Thus the Huns forced “MOST” Whites out of their ancestral lands in Asia, and into Europe: causing death and displacement for the native Blacks in Europe.
    Later, in about the seventh century, Mongols once again went to war to rid Asia of it’s last Whites – the Turks!
    With the coming of the White Turks, now Blacks in Anatolia, Arabia, the Middle East, and North Africa, would be killed and displaced – and many who survived would be “Absorbed”: creating a new “Sub-Race” of “Brown-Skinned” Turks, who often call themselves Arabs: vis-à-vis their Islamic religion. They are now the ruling elite in North Africa, the middle East, and Arabia.

    Albino Racism:
    Title: America as a Land of Opportunity
    Author: Benjamin Franklin
    Year: 1751

    Quote: “Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased.

  12. Savvy on education Avatar
    Savvy on education

    See how I got your attention? Apologies for that cheap trick.

    Education only ko
    Did you fully understand the promised new initiatives for educating our children? If so, will you explain them for me?

    I have looked at the released PR statements and nothing seem to stick in my head.

    The BU think tank needs to get energized and comment on these recent promises/pronouncements.

    Why do I have to wait until Sunday when we may have comments from Mr Jemmott and others.

  13. The ONLY purpose of that ‘EDUCATION REFORM ANNOUNCEMENT’ is to take control of the national dialog, hopefully with a topic that may not show up the kinds of ineptitude that seems to be inherent in almost every other initiative…

    No INTELLIGENT person would even consider that the pamphlet produced and the nonsense spoken could be of ANY possible relevance to reality.

    If the Ministry of Eddykashun CANNOT manage the appointment of a few dozen principals and teachers after a FULL SUMMER HOLIDAY in which to plan it..
    HOW the donkey are we to even THINK that they can implement positive changes to the eddykashun system currently sinking the country?

    When asked about the plan of action, the Chief responded on brass tacks that effectively, the whole thing is just a kite being flown to see how the wind is blowing….

    THAT is leadership…..!!!???

    The very BEST action plan for this government now is to STOP EVERYTHING!!
    No more ‘initiatives…’, just keep a low profile and let us drift…. cause everything they do is just digging us deeper into the cream.

    When you find yourself in a deep hole, STEP ONE …is to STOP digging…!

  14. re The BU think tank needs to get energized and comment on these recent promises/pronouncements.

  15. The Letter to the Editor by Anthony Wood appearing in today’s press about the glossy document being circulated by the MOE encapsulates comments posted to BU over time.

    Points to consider in education reform

    A few observations emerged from the summary of the proposed measures in the education transformation package.
    First, most of the measures at the preprimary and primary levels (excluding the new transition exam from primary to secondary levels and preparatory measures for this exam) have been discussed previously, and all of them can be adopted within the current structure of the education system.
    Their delayed infusion into the system is a result of financial resource constraints, planning inertia, and the implementation-deficit syndrome pervading the Ministry of Education and the Government of Barbados. The slew of measures is not controversial and should not await the proposed date of September 2025 for commencement of their implementation.
    Second, it is at the secondary level that new measures are proposed which require careful study and detailed consultation. These include the transition exam to replace the Common Entrance Examination, twostage structure of junior and secondary schools of excellence, developing individual education plans in a massbased education delivery system, and introduction of competency-based options.
    Not controversial
    Some of the other measures (once not interacting with those mentioned above), for example, introduction of student profiles, modernising the curricula, other forms of certification, and the national secondary school diploma are not controversial and can be accommodated within the current secondary school system. Indeed, the introduction of the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) was a response to the need for other forms of certification at the secondary level.
    Third, the construction of two new schools should not be considered a transformative measure. This move, which is an ongoing activity and intended to reduce the student-staff ratio, can be viewed as part of a larger initiative aimed at improving the governance of schools.
    Finally, the proposed introduction of specialist teachers and master teachers has been discussed for many years. Successful implementation of this route for advancement in the teaching service will ensure that some of the most skilled teachers remain in the classroom rather than being elevated to management positions within the school system or brought into the Ministry of Education.

    Anthony Wood, former Minister of Education (Youth Affairs and Sports) within the Owen Arthur administration.

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