Former Minister Donville Inniss

The blogmaster couldn’t avoid the noise generated in the local newsfeed covering the return of former member of parliament Donville Inniss. Inniss was incarcerated in the United States for breaking money laundering laws and suffered the embarrassment of being deported last weekend.

Inniss served his time and is free to continue with his endeavours in idyllic Barbados, UNLESS, local authorities intend to prosecute a matter that originated in Barbados. There is a good chance local authorities will allow the Inniss matter to die in the spirit of a few protecting the many which is the mantra of the political directorate.

The blogmaster will not judge the Don except to say many are not as convinced of his innocence as he is.. It would be in the interest of local authorities to give Donville his day in a local court so that he can expose the lies of the ‘pale face people and house niggas’ he referred to in his home coming media orchestrating. 

Barbadians should keep in memory that another local, Alex Tasker has an extradition matter pending – if successful – has the potential to shed additional light on the matter as it relates to how local actors assisted in the crime Inniss was convicted in the USA. The fight against extradition by Alex Tasker a former local employee of ICBL and Ingrid Innes former CEO domiciled in Canada have the potential to keep Inniss in the unfavourable glare of the public for some time. 

Commonsense suggests the political ambition of Donville Inniss has been extinguished. However, the blogmaster joins with concerned Barbadians to fuss against the inability of the political establishment to materially commit to rooting white collar corruption. Do not bother to refer to Barbados’s standing on the Transparency Index, a measure based on a perception shaped by players who are mainly responsible for the current state of affair.

On a related note the blogmaster read about the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) meeting advertised, a joint zonal meeting today (26 March 2023) with former candidates Michael Lashley, David Estwick and Neil Marshall promoted to speak. Sometimes so much more can be conveyed by simply making and observation without commenting.

In God we trust!

322 responses to “Donville Inniss Victim or Criminal?”

  1. “The two invoices you referenced were drawn on two separate divisions of BF&M. This is what is claimed to set off ‘internal audit red flags’. The CFO Millar admitted to generating each invoice. Why then were they debited to two different BF&M divisions. Or merely a clerical choice?”

    @ NorthernObserver

    The Court also heard testimony from BF&M’s Vice-President and Financial Controller, Gloria Legere.

    She testified of having conducted her own investigation after discovering a US$20,000 disbursement by BF&M General insurance in the 2nd quarter of 2016, and realised a similar payment was made in 2015 by BF&M Life Insurance, but encountered some difficulty in identifying the reasons why the payments were disbursed and who authorised them.

    Legere admitted it was not the norm, as payments to the same business were usually paid by the same BF&M company (‘internal audit red flags???’).

    She subsequently discovered the disbursements represented payments for consulting fees charged to ICBL by Crystal Dental Labs’ New York branch.

    Repeated efforts by Legere to contact CDL proved unsuccessful, so she decided to call the company’s branch in Virginia, US, but, was was told no such consultations services had been rendered.

    She also tried repeatedly to source information from Innes, former Chief Financial Officer Kamante Millar and BF&M’s former Chief Information Officer Paul Matthews, to no avail.

    ICBL did not have any business relations with Crystal Dental Labs.

    Obviously, those events would have initiated an internal investigation.

  2. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    It was just a matter of time…Caswell can feel #vindicated…

    “Concern over pay of Ghanaian nurses

    IF GOVERNMENT WANTS to avoid a diplomatic embarrassment, it is being urged to swiftly solve a payment issue affecting some Ghanaian nurses.

    However, as Democratic Labour Party spokesperson for health Paul Gibson was sounding the alarm, Minister of Health and Wellness, The Most Honourable Senator Jerome Walcott, said the matter was being dealt with.

    Gibson has charged that more than 50 of the 122 Ghanaian nurses who arrived last October, were facing contractual issues and not being paid for their years of experience.

    “We have been selecting specialist nurses, we have given them a commitment that they will be paid properly and paid for their years of service in Ghana.

    “Some of those nurses have gone into the [Queen Elizabeth Hospital] but the ones that are in the Ministry of Health have not received a contract from the Ministry of Health in Barbados,” Gibson said.

    He added that if the matter was not settled, the nurses who he said were experiencing challenges with their expenses, were likely to take action, which could have negative implications for the polyclinic system.

    “Not only have they not received a contract.”

  3. Donville will be okay, because politicians ‘duz look out for one another.’
    Stop with the high-level attempts to mislead the Blog Artax…

    The reason that Donville will be OK is simple.
    Not a boy dares to cast the first stone at his donkey…. except Caswell and Bushie of course, but since the whacker get tek way, Bushy done with that stoning shiite (officially at least) 🙂

    Also.. this ‘Bee and Dee’ thing is just a scam to keep the brass bowls busy and feeling relevant. (as you well know) Wunna does flow smoothly….

    Talking bout songs… Can you imagine what would happen if Donville (or any of the countless petty bribe-takers in the Public Service ) REALLY started SINGING in a Court of Law?
    …like those big-up Public ‘servants’ on the Clear Water Board for example?
    ..or the Most Honorable PS who signed the order for the Radical vaccines?

    Not only is Donville ‘OK’…
    But there are probably MANY political donkeys on both sides of the shitty fence, squeezed tightly shut in anticipation of his next moves..

    These ‘last days’ looking to be sweeter than Bushie anticipated…

  4. Not only is Donville ‘OK’…
    But there are probably MANY political donkeys on both sides of the shitty fence, squeezed tightly shut in anticipation of his next moves..









  6. It amazes me that these people are using the laws of another country to throw shade at Donville for actions that continue to this day in Barbados and that some of them might have benefited from. Patronage\corruption is core to Westminster, master\client relationships, and all the other pretty names we call Bribery notwithstanding. Practically all “appointments” given out by a Prime Minister have been done with the intent to curry favor and exact loyalty to them and their regime. This is core to the system of government we practice. So that if you are truly ashamed of Donville’s action, you should be ashamed of what takes place in this country every day as a matter of its political, governmental, and cultural norms.

  7. What specific Barbados law would be use against Donville currently, and why was it not used back 2018 or 2015?

  8. as if people habitually launder clean clothes or money, I am getting the impression that BLP yard fowls are deliberately skipping the Bribery charge and highlighting the money laundering one only – because the very real actions that led to the bribery charge are done with impunity in Barbados still to this very day.
    Yuh see Arturo being hypocritical is a National pastime. 🙂Alex Tasker is in real jeopardy of having the US extradition request granted. 🙁 hypocrites are to be found everywhere due to the motley patronage-giving machine. Tell Alex that his only hope of being saved is to sign a pledge of allegiance to you know who!!!! LOL!

  9. TLSN on March 27, 2023 at 3:18 PM said:
    Rate This

    Is there anyone on BU who can explain the discrepancies behind these numbers. I can only presume Barbados is a more favourable and attractive place for conducting business than Singapore. The “favourable” ICIJ numbers underlines this “fact”?


    My bet is you will find many of the Barbadian companies are shells setup to evade or avoid taxation and keep their beneficial owners shrouded in secrecy.

    You may find one lawyer named as a director of thousands of companies.

    Their names are pretty well known.

    Some are even knighted!!

    Run through the list of members of the Bar Association and see how many companies in the ICIJ database they direct or hold powers of attorney.

    It is difficult to believe the 1910 Companies Act required yearly shareholder returns be made but when it was replaced by the 1982 Companies act, this requirement was dropped.

    The companies employ minimal numbers and are often one man shows.

    In Singapore where they are serious about transparency and companies actually are expected to do something constructive you will find it is precious few meeting that qualification.

    You may also find that many in Barbados are setup to own real estate and ownership of the real estate passes with ownership of the shares in the company.

    Shares can be undervalued easier than property saving on Transfer Tax and Stamp Duty.

  10. Common sense tells you that the construction industry is a dead end activity in a tiny water scarce island.

    But the more houses the more dirty money can be laundered all nice and legal using banks and mortgages,

  11. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    “These ‘last days’ looking to be sweeter than Bushie anticipated…”

    Man Bushman…sweet enuff, i here enjoying eva second, dont want to miss a ting…waking up earlier to make sure..

    Wuh i could only ask de now..HOW does it feel to have ONE TRILLION dollars COLLAPSE and squeeze all the slick talking bs and hot air outta demmm lol…murdahhh..

    Well CRUSHED…

    …all those decades of hate, envy and attacks directed at me…and ALL FOR NUTTEN..

    By the time the banking system is stabilized….your shitty act will also be over…tried to swallow an elephant and choking, choking, choking..

  12. @Adrian

    So you are saying that because patronage/corruption is at the core of the Westminster system ,on occasions it raises its head in the full glare of the public we should ignore it? Isn’t this a grand opportunity because of the high visibility given to Donville’s incarceration we should respond to it for the public’s sake? A public that is low on apathy and trust of the system? How do we improve over time to hold public servants accountable? What should the system be evolving to.

  13. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    Bushman…to make things even SWEETER…there are voice notes out there explaining the 57 YEAR OLD FRAUD…that parasites in black face perpetrated on the people from 1966…wannabes.

    Barrow did try to warn the people while well aware they will never fully understand without a HIGHER level of education and much information sharing, something he himself clamped down on…

    The fraud show that is DBLP should know – A DEBT is OWED and MUST be paid…by THEM..

  14. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

  15. Does it matter if transgender?
    Heterosexual males and females have done more than their share. One transgender cannot speak for, act for or define all. This stereotyping and demonization has kicked our black butts for years.

  16. TheOGazerts on March 28, 2023 at 7:18 AM said:
    Rate This

    Does it matter if transgender?
    Heterosexual males and females have done more than their share. One transgender cannot speak for, act for or define all. This stereotyping and demonization has kicked our black butts for years.


    The question is what do males, females and transgenders involved in shootings have in common?

    Mental problems!!

    Most shootings are done by males so they are more likely to have mental problems than females who also have done shootings and have mental problems.

    Percentage wise, males and females are 49/51 of the total population, well almost if transgenders are not counted.

    This seems to be the first transgender so while females have more mental problems than transgenders, transgenders do have mental problems as well.

    Since the transgender population is so tiny, it is a fair bet that they have far more mental problems than either males or females which you would expect given their exercise of their right to choose.

    A single swallow does make a summer in their case.

  17. ie, if the whole population is considered, it is more likely for a transgender to commit a shooting than either males or females.

    It just goes to show that mental problems need to be addressed if shootings are to be reduced.

    If they aren’t, then shootings will get worse.

  18. TheOGazerts on March 28, 2023 at 7:18 AM said:
    Rate This

    Does it matter if transgender?
    Heterosexual males and females have done more than their share. One transgender cannot speak for, act for or define all. This stereotyping and demonization has kicked our black butts for years.


    Noting to do with stereotyping, it is plain statistics.

    It is more likely if you are in Chicago for you to be sot or killed by a black male.

    That however does not mean all black males in Chicago are killers.

    Statistics and stereotyping are different concepts.

    There are lies, damn lies and statistics, but statistics do not lie!!

  19. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    Pacha…these planning to COLLECT reparations off our backs instead of PAYING IT for all the evil they worked overtime to direct AT US..

    Not a chance they will get 30 cents by the time am done….but if they do can consider themselves veddy, veddy lucky…that money should be going DIRECTLY INTO THE HANDS OF THE DESCENTS OF THE ENSLAVED…..not into the hands of mud raking swines and slime.

    further, was on this meet last weekend, and though i saw nothing about it in mainstream media…understood that an apology was issued by UK for slavery but it was reinforced there will be no reparations…at least that’s what the lady who was present said…

    Not a dime attributed to the enslavement of our ancestors is to be going directly into the greasy, corrupt hands of these thieving political Barbados or anywhere else in the caribbean….

    Theo…this transgender killer just slaughtered 3 nine year olds and 3 seniors in their 60s that could have been any one of my relatives or yours.. if it was straight we would be blasting it…

  20. Breaking news
    “transgenders do have mental problems as well.”

    Did you figure this out all by yourself or did you have some help?

    Unable to follow the rest of the argument, but thanks for that nugget.

    Sharks have a nasty habit of biting people; do they have mental problems also? I anxiously await our response, but I blame it on the various medications used by transgender flowing into the sea.

  21. Any news on the sentencing of Norman Leroy Lynch? My world is on ‘pause’.

  22. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reaerved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reaerved.

    Tell him John…there is all this mental illness galloping around and what do they do…STICK THEM IN SLOTS, in boxes, explaining away their mental issues with labels instead of dealing with the root cause….

    .oh, your problems are because you have 3 or 4 genders so let’s label you a shim, switch up the identities, now a he, is a she, they their or them…give them special dispenation and that should fix that…..there will be many more massacres.

  23. @David
    Of course ‘you’ can be expected to take the cheap route of reframing my post into a ‘non sequitor’ then proceed to answering and or responding to it as if it is a legitimat inferrence.
    I will wait for you and others to respond to corruption in Barbados as whole rather than the cheap partisan approach of responding to Donville’s specific actions. When that occurs I may be tempted to believe that there is genuine willingness to agree that Westminster is at its core a corruptable system that we can look at for methods to curtail, address, and respond to its weaknesses in that regard.

  24. TheOGazerts on March 28, 2023 at 8:05 AM said:
    Rate This

    Sharks have a nasty habit of biting people; do they have mental problems also? I anxiously await our response, but I blame it on the various medications used by transgender flowing into the sea.


    Some people have a stupid habit of bathing with sharks whose sole purpose in life apart from breeding is to devour any meal presented to them and with 100% certainty.

    In my researches I have found a single instance of a boy being devoured by a tiger shark off Speightstown in 1927.

    Did he have a stupid habit of bathing with sharks?

    Does that mean that all Bajans have a stupid habit of presenting themselves to sharks for their daily meal?

  25. Thanks for your reply Adrian.

  26. *Political Patronage destroys a society based on merit and rots the democratic process. Patronage gives power to patrons and takes it away from everyone else. Patronage thrives on secrecy because the process is so shameful that even its greatest enthusiasts are loath to have to justify each decision.*

    *Patronage belongs in British history to a medieval age where kings bestowed favours, estates and titles as a means of control.*

    *Political Patronage is just another form of bribery, used for the sole purpose of undermining integrity.*

    …and this Mia Mottley-led regime – more than any other has used political patronage in every sphere of Barbadian power and governance structure to conclusively bind all of its power to her leanings and understanding.

  27. @John
    First, I wish you success in your pursuit of other matters.
    1) Mental health and
    2) Guns
    were always on the table. Now a crazy transgender person acted out and suddenly (1) and (2) are mostly irrelevant. All the mass shooting in the US can now be explained by one thing.. crazy transgenders.

    I can imagine you running up and down the street of Barbados shouting
    “Run for your lives. The transgenders are coming. The transgenders with guns are coming. Run for cover”

  28. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    “*Patronage belongs in British history to a medieval age where kings bestowed favours, estates and titles as a means of control.*

    *Political Patronage is just another form of bribery, used for the sole purpose of undermining integrity.*

    Wannabes and FRAUDS love to copy and mimic things they dont fully understand…or want to…only interested in what they can get as bottomfeeders and opportunists with no morals, ethics or integrity.

  29. The majority of gun related deaths in the US is suicide.

    If we look at gun related deaths in Barbados, would you expect to find the same thing? Of course not.

    Like Chicago, most gun related deaths here are of young black males shot by other young black males who should not even have a gun.

    Clearly the prevalence of mental problems in the US is higher than Barbados and it occurs across the board!!

    A school shooter inevitably with almost 100% certainty will end up shot.

    Would you count this gun related death as a suicide?

  30. @John
    The question is what do males, females and transgenders involved in shootings have in common?
    Mental problems!!
    You missed the elephant in the room, what they have in common is easy access to guns. When these mass shootings occur somewhere sometime someone will point their finger at mental illness and shrug it off but other countries have their share of citizens with mental problems and we seldom hear of mass shootings because there are gun restrictions in place.

  31. Sarge

    The one thing they have in common is they are nearly all dead, either by suicide or shot by someone.

    The shooters are trying to commit suicide while at the same time making some statement.

    They are mad.

    Here are the 15 most deadly shootings in the US.

    The shooters in 13 out of these 15 are stone cold dead.

  32. Sargeant on March 28, 2023 at 8:48 AM said:
    Rate This

    The question is what do males, females and transgenders involved in shootings have in common?
    Mental problems!!
    You missed the elephant in the room, what they have in common is easy access to guns. When these mass shootings occur somewhere sometime someone will point their finger at mental illness and shrug it off but other countries have their share of citizens with mental problems and we seldom hear of mass shootings because there are gun restrictions in place.


    Check New Zealand.

    Check Paris.

    Check London.

    Gun restrictions but still can’t prevent mass shootings.

    The shooter has to have mental problems.

    In Israel it is only the presence of guns that minimise mass shootings!!

    Real mental problems over there.

  33. NorthernObserver Avatar

    As someone who spent a lifetime in construction and it’s various facets, and was lucky to work ‘all over’, I can tell you corruption is rampant ‘all over’ and has little to do with Westminster.
    In it’s worst form, it has to do with people controlling money and events which are not their own, and seeking personal benefits based on those. The key being ‘personal’ benefit. And often the decision take is that which benefits them the most, not those whom they are paid to represent.
    As such, patronage is a form of corruption. Again, that occurs well beyond Westminster systems or any other. It is a political entity using tax payer funds (money that isn’t their own or their political entity) to bestow a benefit on a person or group who supports them in some way, and hopes that support continues.
    This is a prime reason for political support? One knows once in power, they are a myriad of benefits which are controlled, and potentially available. Also known as the ‘political trough’.

  34. John
    But the unchanging variable is Whitey!

  35. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved

    “Also known as the ‘political trough’.

    Yep..where all the swines congregate to TIEF….

    Pacha…a trillion dollars crashed down on the covetous….catspraddled by paper…

  36. These matters will be analyzed and distilled through political lenses, everything. This is the polarized world in which we live. The political directorate looms large in our small societies and therefore feeds and influence the culture how business is done. This is where we part company NO.

  37. Pachamama on March 28, 2023 at 10:35 AM said:
    Rate This

    But the unchanging variable is Whitey!

    Not in Chicago and not in South Africa.

    Only someone with metal problems will go around shooting people at will.

  38. Yes! Everywhere.
    Every dominant thing you see around is yours.
    The world never knew this mindless violence before you came on the scene.

  39. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Right Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Right Reserved.

    There are louds calls for life in prison for doctors who administered, bullied or forced covid shots on people…from some pretty powerful quarters…

    Loud calls for life in prison for politicians who did also…everyone knows where i stand on that one….what life what…

    But momentum is picking up…

    Chickens are roosting…

  40. ” He was found guilty of violating the Act by overspending his elections limit and attempting to cover up the violation. His sentence included a month in jail, four months of house arrest, and 18 months probation. The sentence also included a ban on holding any public office for the length of his conditional sentence, and a ban on running federally for five years.

    He’s used his time away from politics to further his business interests. He’s active in three local businesses, including the Willowbend Marina located just outside the City of Peterborough in Cavan Monaghan.”

  41. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David we only distill these affairs via political lens because politicians are OUR executives to whom we give over our permission to “run things’.

    As @Northern noted corruption permeates everything … so whether business or government its the SAME ‘patronage’ … just labelled differently.

    Shareholders deal with their company executives … we deal with ours.

    And @Northern, I didn’t explore as broadly as you did but my ‘limited’ business sphere regionally and through US and LatAm turned up the same concept of ‘patronage corruption’… thus I always get bamboozled when folks cry ‘foul’ loudly because one of their players gets a wrenching tackle in the same game in which said player’s team made many fearsome fouls !

    Of course, in this game of life and too on the field it’s often not the foul itself that ends ur play but what the referee sees and how s/he issues punishment.

    I gone.

  42. @Dee Word

    The Blogmaster will hold the opinion that the political directorate is a bit influence on the culture of doing business. Clearly like poverty we will never be able to eradicate 100% but we must aspire to do so.

  43. TheOGazerts, LLB, member of LLM, KC Avatar
    TheOGazerts, LLB, member of LLM, KC

    Where some sees a problem, I see a solution
    Two good bits of legal advice
    1) The US is rha last place to secrete ill-gotten gains. The system looks for poorakey third world politicians, eats them up and spits them out. (Ask Donville)

    2) If you have to steal money, then first consult Norman Leroy Lynch. The initial amount was $2.2M and this was shrunk to $457K and he will be walking the land free in a couple of days,

    This last one is free.
    Keep your ill-gotten gains in Barbados.
    Steal enough that you can bribe a court officer

    TheOGazerts, LLB, member of LLM (Local Legal Mafia) LM, KC (King Crook)
    We don’t break the law, we bend the law.

    Blogmaster can you block these NRL posts. I have become fixated. I can’t stop.

  44. NorthernObserver Avatar

    And he didn’t tief anything. It was his brother’s contracting firm which reimbursed employees for making campaign donations within the legal limit.
    And in total is was less than $30,000. He took the fall. He was guilty.
    And it came at a time, when all pols at every level, could say, “see, we are serious about this crime”.
    In Buhbaydus, neither the one reportedly accepting a bribe, nor any of those who reportedly paid it, have ever been indicted locally.

  45. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing. Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing. Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    Lots is happening, they can give the doctors life with no parole, that would immediately deflate their overblown egos and bring their uppity personas down to earth….but i want more for the politicians…

    Pacha…seeing reports where the Moroccan dude, Moncef Slaoui, big pharma type who initiated operation warp speed, the architect they called him, was allegedly arrested by army rangers…an arrest turned violent in early March.

    Things are happening.

    Lowhanging fruit first..

  46. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    They can bend and twist, bow and shake, but they cannot escape what’s coming….they went too far..

  47. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Or were you referencing the fact in his sentencing hearing, DI told the US court there was no laws or limits on political donations in Barbados?
    In one pre trail motion, the request to say that ‘bribes were a custom or practice in Barbados’ was denied.
    As was the note from Innes to her lawyer, on the chronological order of events. This is the only time you will read that Innes was ‘suspended’ from ICBL.

  48. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Since you live and work(ed) in the USA don’t you find it odd, that the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and it’s later amendments (those which “also apply to foreign firms and persons who, either directly or through intermediaries, help facilitate or carry out corrupt payments in U.S. territory”) doesn’t include the same behaviour by US persons or entities on USA soil?

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