On the 29 th of July 2022 on the floor of the Senate Minister of Tourism Lisa Cummins during wind up on Resolution: Special Loans Act, Cap. 105 – Scotland District Road Rehabilitation made a surprising revelation. At about 2hrs. 12 mins into the video Cummins explained that a loan agreement with China in 2017 included a condition which exposed Barbados sovereign assets to China in the event there was a default by the government of the day.

A few days later former Minister of Tourism Richard Sealy – who was in office during 2017 – issued a robust denial to what Cummins stated. Quoting Sealy’s rebuttal:-

There is nothing in the agreement about any airport or seaport being [claimed] in the case of default.

I do not know where that young lady got her information. I do not know if she is being misguided . . . [but it is] absolute total rubbish,” he said.

The former minister of tourism added that the agreement was regarding the Sam Lord’s Castle Hotel Project. He said the arrangement with COMPLANT (the China National Complete Plant Import Export Corporation) was for the project to be a discreet one which could stand on its own.

The Government (then) was determined not to have a repeat of the HRL (Hotels & Resorts Limited)/Gems of Barbados fiasco so there was an exit plan where as soon as we completed the job, the private sector would come in and do what they had to do, which is exactly what this Government is doing,

Source: Nation Newspaper

The blogmaster is unaware the public has been satisfied what is the truth in the matter raised. No documents have been made public as far as the blogmaster is aware to satisfactorily clarify the matter. What is the purpose of our existence if our leaders cannot do so with integrity. What is the purpose of a democracy if people remain silent.

166 responses to “A Matter of Integrity”

  1. More bread and butter

    I heard a discussion where folks were calling for a return of the death penalty, probably by hanging.


    Not certain where I stand but convinced we have a bloodthirsty lot.

  2. More bread and butter
    Did you notice that two elected BLP officials are speaking out about the neglect of their constituencies?

    Is this the first sign that 30-0 configuration may change? Are we seeing a fracturing of the party?

    Boys and girls, you have to look beyond the headlines. Put 2+2 together.

  3. I am trying to hold on

    The frenetic activity, press conferences, big dollar deals, possible imminent domain, flights from Qatar and Africa, NIS, IMF, BERT, BOSS, new hotel construction, tourism initiatives …
    Here’s my advice

  4. The blogmaster finds this matter to be incredible.

  5. @David

    If the #BridgetownPORT* is not collateral for any borrowed #ChineseInvestment – then show us the “PROOF” – for what would the #MAMGOV have to hide???

    Have you lots seen what is going on in #OZ???


    Wherever the Chinese have been allowed to sow those nebulous monetary seeds under the guise of investment – are all being re-THOUGHT except for the #DotardsInAfrica!!!

    Check ya’self Barbados!!! The Chinese are “TROJAN HORSES”!!!

  6. Chinese #Belt&Road is buying very thing it can with all that surplus #USDollarDEBT but principally “PORTS” and most folks who wear rose-coloured binocular do not see the “CON”… Why do you think that the $US is so strong right given all the #TOXICDebt she has? Well, SIMPLE: Chinese owns “TRILLIONS” of US Debt and spends that debt money on buying up Western assets – farmland, PORTS*, tech etc… So the “MASSIVE CON” that #AmeriKKKa will go to war over #Taiwan or anywhere else is the biggest “SCAM” on the earth right now!!! The “ONLY” way WAR* starts between the two is if China “DUMPS” US debt and “CRASHES” the US… The GLOBALISTS* will continue their intrigue until some fool lights the fuse leaving no choice for #WW3!!! Meanwhile China “DOMINATES” & will have the power (LIKE PUTIN) to turn off the “SPIGOT” – making the world “POOR” or do what the Chinese says (as we are seeing begin to happen in Europe over (“RUSSIAN SANCTIONS)… Why all of a sudden – all these #RIGHTWING_EU-GOVs???

  7. @TB

    Inflation at 10% in the eurozone these days?

  8. @David

    I see what you are saying in regards to the “SUPPLIED” pdf but that really says nothing in the larger scheme of things…

    C’mon Bruh, we are told to give “HUMANS” the benefit of the doubt but as I posited in my piece referencing #PoLIEtical Atheism – there are many of us that have “ZERO-TRUST” in #LyingCorruptPoliticians who believe that they are above the law and can wield & deal to suit their own pockets & that of their cronies…

    I would be the 1st one to rejoice if the Chinese do have their hands on the people’s assets but (tell me BIG BRUV) – how can we be really sure??? Do you think what is done in the dark with a “CROOKED” handshake, WINK* & a NOD* ever comes to the fore for public gaze & scrutiny???

    What happens after the #MAMGOV is finally toast & ran out of office & as she rides off into the sunset with her “OFFSHORE BANK BALANCES” & the then ADMIN* of the country has to reveal to the people of BIM the shenanigans that took place under her watch because there was “NO CREDIBLE OPPOSITION” of any worth to hold them to account???

    Sorry, David for being such a “DOUBTING THOMAS” but I will believe it when I see it… Until then, these dirty, lying, slithering, corrupt BASTERDS* would never have my “TRUST”, “VOTE” or “CONFIDENCE” in any area!!!

  9. @TB

    Based on what has transpired with one of two MoTs deliberately trying to mislead the public AND the fourth estate AND residual political opposition in the country feigning silence, there you have it.

  10. @ David

    Inflation is a “MASSIVE CON” in my estimation, Bruh!!! I may not be alone in this massive sleight of hand “TRICKONOMICS” but whenever the “GLOBALISTS” want to achieve a specific end-GOAL*, they always “CRY WOLF” that there’s not “ENOUGH” to go around- so let us “CUT TAXES” (1st) 4 THE RICHEST (2) “TRICKLE-DOWN Reaganomics for the “POOR” & (3) let’s put up interest rates & “BORROW” more “FAKE MONEY”!!!

    QUESTION: Who does all this benefit???


    Inflation is a hidden tax levelled on “FOOD, ENERGY, YOU NAME IT: so as the “COST OF LIVING GOES UP” – the chances of living goes down… And who loses & DIES*: THE POOR (perfect EUGENIC STRATEGY)!!!

    Forgive me, but all the “CONSPIRACY THEORISTS” who warns us of:
    Vaccine Mandates; Vaccine passports; Endless Lockdowns; Wars & Rampant Inflation to name a few have not gone away…

    Now WARNS of:

    Digital IDs/Chinese Social Credit System/Scores; Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs); Climate Lockdowns; Energy Rationing & a Morsel of Stale Bread for the POOR Basterds who cannot pay their way!!!

    #Time2PayAttention (unless folks are so #MorallyBroke – its nigh impossible)

  11. @David

    “Based on what has transpired with one of two MoTs deliberately trying to mislead the public AND the fourth estate AND residual political opposition in the country feigning silence, there you have it…”

    Well, I say no more!!!

    Time 2 get to work as “WIFEY” returns from vacation today & I have much to do (including (SABBATH PREP)!!!

    Be blessed & continue 2 inspire!!! You’re doing a great job, my friend…

  12. David
    As the link has been posted and proves what I said, what was that about me wanting to bury tings? Imagine BUers (especially the serial soliloquist now asking for links, the same one that for over 10 years had pictures to prove houses she saw at Coverley), post all manner of piss and you let it flow. But now want to accuse me of trying to mislead and wanting tings buried? Piss in muh RH pocket do.

  13. @Enuff

    The blogmaster asked for the link and it was posted. It does not change the fact it is a serious matter that needs further discussion. You need to focus on serious comments.

  14. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “he same one that for over 10 years had pictures to prove houses she saw at Coverley),”

    i still got the photos of the coverley dog houses……they still look like .differently colored mutt shelters from the highway…..don’t need any photos, all anyone has to do is drive up there…

    but dont have the time for a bunch of puny cowardly mice pretending to be men who can only attack Afrikan women….

    ..i actually got REAL BUSINESS TO MIND that BELONG TO ME…..don’t have to run errands for a fella…


    this is what yall are stuck with, vaccine scams and slick talking crooks, i have no such disability..

  15. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved


    they still look like .differently colored DOG KENNELS/mutt shelters from the highway

  16. Hmmmm……

    Is it becoming more and more obvious which ‘side of the fence’ ‘The O Guy’ sits. 🤔

    However, there will be always be disagreements in every relationship, whether it’s between family, relatives, friends, club members, or members of political parties.

    Ironically, when talk of the ‘Eagar 11’ and bickering between Estwick, Sinkler & Stuart surfaced in ‘ DEMS camp,’ and ‘elected DLP officials were speaking out about the neglect of their constituencies,’……
    …… BLP supporters were quick to ask if Barbadians were “seeing a fracturing of the party.”

    The DLP supporters were similarly quick to respond that it was just disagreements among friends and, there weren’t any subsequent resignations from the party as a result.

    In response to ‘The O Guy’s’ observations, I’m sure the BLP supporters will likewise claim what we’re witnessing, is ‘just a little in-house dispute.’

    I’m always amazed how party supporters are able to interpret the SAME situations DIFFERENTLY.

  17. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    what the Fowls, Pimps and Slaves should be asking wunna selves is ARE YOU THERE YET?

    wen i call wunna ignorant, evabody get vex, everyone else is calling yall ignorant though….get vex at that..

    “At least banks can say they provide security. What are people getting when they invest in Mia Mottley’s promises? For those of us not living in Barbados, it costs us nothing to ooh and aah in amazement.

    It’s only a matter of time until it all hits the fan in Barbados under the Mottley administration. By then, we would find someone else to gush over. The people in Barbados won’t have the fortune of wilful ignorance on their side to blank out the grim reality.”

  18. @TB

    With rising interest rates it might explain why Mottley administration is hunting cheap money by renewing agreement with the IMF. Lest we forget the Barbados economy is not what it is being cracked up to be. The IMF has become the ‘benefactor’ of last resort. The bevy of financial consultants on taxpayers tab is money well spent?

    Happy Sabbath!

  19. Enuff


    So, men highlighting the misinformation and misinterpretation of information ONE (1) WOMAN (???) usually POSTS to BU, which only serves to MISLEAD the forum……

    …… means they are “a bunch of puny cowardly mice pretending to be men who can only attack Afrikan women….?”


    Then, wouldn’t that SAME DESCRIPTION be EQUALLY APPLICABLE to that SAME WOMAN who delights in “attacking African WOMEN” in this forum, namely Donna and Cuhdear Bajan, on a REGULAR BASIS?

    What words should be used to APPROPRIATELY DESCRIBE that same woman who CONSTANTLY spews UNTRUTHS “just to make things interesting,” fraudulently copied someone’s email address to send FALSE INFORMATION, makes FALSE ACCUSATIONS and issues MEANINGLESS, EMPTY THREATS?

    Perhaps “a puny cowardly mouse pretending to be a woman,” is perhaps too good to describe her.

  20. David
    You need to too, and this should involve discouraging the unsubstantiated. Unless you value quantity over quality.🤣🤣
    This issue was in the news since early July and I noticed it was ignored here. But back then you were busy on your 50th iteration of Mottley’s bloated cabinet, talking about the Auditor G should be immune from civil suits (yuh notice how they completed mixed up Oistins and Bridge Street?) and Kinch Gate etc. By the way, any updates on the latter?

  21. @David
    “Your position is not supported based on the agreement.”


    CHINA HAS A DNA CLAUSE ON ALL LOAN AGREEMENTS WHICH PREVENTS BORROWERS(Barbados) from disclosing the agreement details or the loan agreement becomes IMMEDIATELY ACTIONABLE.


  22. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    look how long it took for the fowl liars…..along with nuff nuff pressure to finally come up with a kinda sorta NOT DETAILED info and links about the beggars agreement with China….from 9:17 am yesterday morning….to about 8pm LAST NIGHT…nearly 12 HOURS…

    “CHINA HAS A DNA CLAUSE ON ALL LOAN AGREEMENTS WHICH PREVENTS BORROWERS(Barbados) from disclosing the agreement details or the loan agreement becomes IMMEDIATELY ACTIONABLE.”

    this is spoken about a lot on the Afrikan continent….so FRAUDS and FOWLS….ya FAILED AGAIN…

  23. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    yall are NEVER GONNA WIN….ya know why…..some very intelligent people, even if they got ulterior motives, decided that YA ARE NOT EVEN GONNA GET REAL NEWS ANYMORE…

    and many of us know not to put everything out there, we learned our lesson…..yall look really good regurgitating endless SHIT and going around and around in circles…another 16 years of that cahn kill ya…

  24. I wonder if those who are interested in bread and butter issues could explain to me why the cost of goods in Barbados is grotesquely inflated.. I went to a cafe in St Thomas and was charged in excess of 55 Barbadian dollars for a sandwich with some side chips and a couple of lukewarm beverages. In England, the equivalent cost would be two thirds less!

    I know for some, you would not be convinced unless I were to produce a receipt. However in the real world, the average Bajan is unable to cope with the rising cost of living. Has anyone noted the cost that taxi drivers charge. Why are they not on meters?

    Some of us on BU are insensitive or more likely unaware as to the daily economic burden faced by your average Bajan. We prefer to tear each other apart rather then use or eyes to assist us to question and to challenge the genuine issues faced by many on the island.

    Walk the streets, take yourselves out of your usual comfort zones and try to find out how the masses are suffering. Do this before the country sleeps walk its way to lawlessness and outright anarchy.

  25. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Some of us on BU are insensitive or more likely unaware as to the daily economic burden faced by your average Bajan. We prefer to tear each other apart rather then use or eyes to assist us to question and to challenge the genuine issues faced by many on the island.”

    no, they think when they attack us, that things will change because they look and sound so good for massa… and their useless politicians…..while the country sinks lower and lower into that place OF NO RETURN…

    they WILL NEVER LEARN that they cannot win anything when reality is out there and galloping toward them at HIGH SPEED…

    the blighted and cursed plight of yardfowls and the ignorant..

  26. @ Africa Caribe

    You peoples seem to be hung up on the fringes of the black and white society with soundbites of Pan Afrikanists Activists and Globalists NWO Covid Banking China Conspiracies so let me break down the real deal about the New World Shuffle

    Devils Pickney
    The Globalists White Supremacists in the New World Colonies of Americas and Motherland UK and Europe are Devils Children who love too much war and want to rule in dominion like Satan and divided the world into White and Coloureds

    Jah Jah Pickney
    African Caribbean Afro American Pan African stock are original Man Woman and Child of God

    While West was playing Games of Racial Wars
    Chinese were developing developing nations in South America, Asia and Caribbean
    West have many tropes about the bad Chinaman and unfortunately Bajans eat up their crap

    New World Shuffle
    Whatever problem scenario comes along such as Covid War in Russia Global Recession
    You know damn well 2 faced white folks NWO MO will be to manipulate situation for their benefit.
    God gives the order for the New World Order


    Remedy Solution for the Galactic Soul
    Loving mother nature is in our soul
    But instead of just singing going back to Africa lyrics they should unite with colour people worldwide to take over the whole world with peaceful revolutions, there are more people of colour than white and some whites are open minded about the race of the human race
    Gangs uniting can takeover the cities
    Warriors come out to play
    Can you dig it
    Get with it
    Right on Right on

  27. “I wonder if those who are interested in bread and butter issues could explain to me why the cost of goods in Barbados is grotesquely inflated.. I went to a cafe in St Thomas and was charged in excess of 55 Barbadian dollars for a sandwich with some side chips and a couple of lukewarm beverages. In England, the equivalent cost would be two thirds less!”


  28. Artax.

    The lady from st Thomas was alway like that

    Hats use to do it for St. Andrews

    First time I can recall it from the guy in St. Peter doing it.

    I tink the guy from St. John did it at least once ( can’t remember if it was in parliament though ).

    IMO. The eager eleven was a different situation.

  29. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    TLSN…am sure that bit of UK news by the lying fowl will cause the children in Barbados to SUFFER MUCH LESS…

    …when a real food famine hits, as it will EVERYWHERE….they can just drop an immediate link to show us…LOOK wuh 100 children died from starvation in UK and only 5, 000 died in Barbados….


    Barbados’ population = 285 THOUSAND tops…

    UK can afford to lose a few million people including children…

    wuh Barbados BARELY got 1/4 million people and maybe 35% of that is children..

    and that’s the level of IGNORANCE driving fools..

    Barbados has always been a poverty-stricken country because CORRUPTION, thefts, oppression, exploitation and disenfranchisement of the Afrikan population are TOO HIGH….all engineered by CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS AND CRIMINAL MINORITIES.

    “Barbados › Population

    Population: 288.725 Pop. ages 0-14: 18,6 % Life expectancy: 75,4 years Under-5 mortality rate: 12 ‰ Main problems faced by children in Barbados: Poverty Although the poverty rate in Barbados in 2007 was the lowest in the Caribbean region, it was still relatively high at 14%.

  30. TheO Wood love to see fractures. But beside the neglect as highlighted by the guy from St. Peter didn’t he read the praise / highlights of the things that were done ?

  31. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    so whenever you hear the LIARS say that Barbados is a wealthy island….they have no damn resources so i don’t know what they are wealthy with…..they really mean and are referring to THE CRIMINALS WHO RoB the Afrikan population..

  32. Caswell should issue a BU apology to the senator (Liisa )

  33. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved


    and your LIES pauperize and kill Afrikan people…

  34. Wunna listening to Brasstacks ?

  35. Artax,

    Oh shite! The other member of the Justice League arrived with the usual bag of super crap!

    Super power – talking loud and saying nothing.

    Let no-one attack another…….unless it is The Warrior who has bought the BU rights!


    I remembered reading the articles. I”m surprised that they escaped others.

    And out comes some “clown” posting shite from some Guardian (The Justice Leaguer’s favourite) comparing the 2×3 island to superior developed white man land!

    So Lil Donna can read that NHS nurses ain’t got bus fare nor food in England.

    And in more second hand information news – my cousin’s wife recently returned from England and told me that she stayed hungry for hours until she got to her destination rather than buy the ridiculously priced sandwiches at one of their airports.

    Proving that it all depends on WHICH CAFE YOU WENT TO!

    The objective here is to paint Barbados “BLACK” in every way.

    Yet….here is Lil Slave Donna and her son eating, drinking whatever they want, whenever they want and travelling, for the most part, by taxi. I have never had cause to complain about the rate. Sometimes they are even hesitant to charge me what I know should be the rate. I give them what it should be.

    Man, life in Barbados has its problems like everywhere else!

    No doubt there are serious hard times ahead for most of the world’s people because leaders have effed up WORLDWIDE!


    It is now or never for Barbados.

  36. Tourism authorities are looking to move swiftly to get additional airlift into Barbados with the departure of Eurowings from the domestic market.

    Chief Executive Officer of the Barbados Tourism Authority (BTA) Dr Jens Thraenhart said Barbados and other countries in the region are faced with the reality that the German airline has cancelled all its Caribbean flights.

  37. Fast forward to a year later: Today, September 29, 2022. There has been rain on the island since weekend. The past few days alone the rain has been incessant especially in the west and north of the country. We now have photos and videos of severe flooding in Holetown and while some of us may want to comfort or fool ourselves into believing the footage is old, sadly it is not. The flooding not only has affected residents and businesses, but it has disrupted school at St James Primary and Frederick Smith Secondary.

  38. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    welll…at least they CAN’T LIE and PRETEND their way out of that one…

  39. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    ” The flooding not only has affected residents and businesses, but it has disrupted school at St James Primary and Frederick Smith Secondary.”

    i could swear that they SWORE they had fixed the flooding around that area YEARS AGO…..as usual they probably meant only for the hotels and everyone else can swim..

  40. Repeat the Mantra Remix

    Ask yourself the following while expanding your mind out to the limits of your perception and wait for the universe to answer your questions and remember the answers that it gives you

    [1] Who Am I?

    [2] Who was I before I became physical matter in this present reality?

    [3] What is my purpose in life in this present reality?

    [4] How can I achieve this stated purpose?

    [5] What information do I need in this present time?


  41. Newsflash – flooding will occur EVERYWHERE depending on the intensity of the rainfall.

    Therefore, the Government misspoke when they spoke about fixing the flooding problem.

    One can only MITIGATE in flood prone areas.

  42. I have never seen it said that Barbados is a wealthy country.

    Who said that?

    A patient at the Psychiatric Hospital?

  43. “There has been incessant rain.”

    INCESSANT…. not a two hour heavy shower.

    Common sense sure isn’t common.

  44. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    TLSN…….borrowing BEGGARS…

    “Gov’t’s borrowing is scary – Howard
    Article by
    Barbados TodayPublished on
    September 30, 2022
    Barbados is in a serious debt trap and the sooner government is willing to admit this and come up with a strategic development plan, the better.

    1 / 6

    This is the view of retired university Professor of Economics Michael Howard who laments that while borrowing is necessary for economies like Barbados, the country is facing a major problem because government’s present borrowing is unsustainable.”

    “There is a danger of borrowing too much and this is what [Prime Minister Mia] Mottley seems not to understand,” he told Barbados TODAY.?

  45. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    you don’t even need to have a degree in anything to understand when ya OVER BORROWING….simple business sense would tell ya that ya in a IRREVERISBLE TRAP…

    but dem look real good, i was just surprised that the fowls did not fly out to celebrate….ah guess even them, i doubt it though, maybe coming to a kinda sorta understanding in their schooled way, that this is not going to end well.

    too late, too late…

  46. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved


    noticed that the nuisances who bottom feed on here, don’t even have what it takes to arrive at any sensible solutions..

    ah guess even them, i doubt it though, maybe coming to a kinda sorta understanding in their schooled way, that this is not going to end well….am being kind ok….cause if the PM don’t understand what’s really going on in the debt game, AMONGST OTHER THINGS that we know they don’t even know exist., how could their fowls…lol

  47. “Newsflash – flooding will occur EVERYWHERE depending on the intensity of the rainfall.”

    This! Say it louder for those in the back.
    It comes down to the rate of RUN-OFF. Ask anyone familiar with flood risk and surface water management.

    Posted on November 30, 2016 by David 284 comments

    The more things change…………………..

  49. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Lying Fowl….work was done in that region where there a swamp like area, where the water gushes down from the Trents area next to the hotel….i believe the work on that lasted for at LEAST 2 YEARS OR MORE…

    and if i recall correctly…..it’s been MANY MANY YEARS….both the government and the business people in the area FUNDED IT…

    so again, you and the bottomfeeder FAIL…

    keep trying to attack every comment i make and embarrass yaself.

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