Submitted by Terence Blackett
For You Shall Be As Gods’! Quantum Mechanics: Archetypal Apotheosis & How Mystery Babylon the Great & Kabbalah Esoteric Time Lords Seduced Mankind through Quantum Deception & Neo-Spirituality Shaping a New World Disorder

“The man who does not read does not have an advantage over the man who cannot read” ~ (Mark Twain)

On October 19th 1964, Simon & Garfunkel released their chart-topping single – The Song of Silence – what some at the time described as a commentary on the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), (35th President of the #Yet2BeUnitedStates), and the inability of humans to communicate emotionally and to love each other. In that song, are the hauntingly ominous lyrics that cascades [58] years down to our time: “And the people bowed and prayed to the ‘neon god’ they made and the sign flashed out its warning, in the words that it was forming; and the sign said the words of the prophets are written on subway walls, and tenement halls, and whispered in the sound of silence…” Little did Paul Simon foresee that the ‘neon gods’ today flash their diabolical message on the subway walls of social & mainstream media in looped reverb: “TRUST THE SCIENCE” – “FOLLOW THE SCIENCE”! Yet what passes for science is nothing more than a hodgepodge witch’s brew of “Pharmakeia” and the facile regurgitation of ancient Mesopotamian occult knowledge cloaked in tech spin and blinding multimedia graphics. Over time, the “Truth” became inconvenient grief with most having followed the herd over a cliff – making too many comfortable in accepting a lie for truth.

The fight for truth terrorism is an epiphenomenon that is taking on unbelievable proportions as the world approaches the mid-2020s. For in this current decade, the bare, brass knuckled truth is unapologetically naked truth that is graphically and emotionally painful. For when truth bombs are offloaded and deployed they can result in untold cerebral collateral damage – as fickle consensus authority is debunked; ultimately vilified and seen for what it really is – LIES! The question is –‘how do we speak the plain truth in love – a truth that may cut deep, but at the same time, can heal lost souls?’

There are [3] alchemies of evil which have become so sacrosanct in our age that even those who claim some form of Scriptural authority are so blinded by the speck of dust in their own eyes – yet remain unable to see what’s actually in the eyes of others. No wonder the prevalence of darkness is so deep. As Scripture opines, “for if your eye is single – then your whole body will be full of light”. The three are:

  • The idolatry of identity
  • Fake heroes who laud idolatry
  • And, the idolatry of man worship

ABBA Yeshua, our Precious Creator, Lord & Saviour had fasted for [40] days and was hungry. The slithering, shape-shifting serpent appeared in expected form suggesting: “If ‘You’ be the Son of God – turn these stones into bread.” Bend ‘Nature’ to supply your current need, if you are who you say you are. (More on this quantum syncretism later).

Having failed miserably, the ‘ole slewfoot’ took Messias to the pinnacle of the temple (the place where ‘community’ gathers) and opined: “Throw yourself off” and ‘Divine Technology’ will save you from bruising your foot on a stone given that You are the One who created the laws of gravity.

Sin is truly a mystery. The wily foe in a third and final attempt, takes the “Good Shepherd” up to a high mountain and shows Him all the ‘kingdoms of the world’ and says: “I’ll give you ‘ALL THIS’ – if you ‘BOW DOWN’ and worship me.” This would have been laughable if it weren’t so diabolical. A reasonable question posits: ‘how do you give away something that is patently not yours to give, knowing that the primordial creative genesis was spoken into existence by your own lips, however, through usurpation, criminal subterfuge, and subliminal sophistry, you duped yourself and others into believing it was yours to give’? This was the quintessential quantum entanglement dilemma that is yet to be answered while most shy away from entertaining the very thought of it.

Man-centered duplicity and man-centered worship remain at the heart of the most pernicious of all alchemic evils today, as so-called intelligent men try to hog-tie us up with facile strands of scientific cob-web, based on their mutterings and ruminations of salacious concepts like – Beta-philosophy; archetypal rediscovery of mythological apotheosis; Pan-psychicism; Copernican Cosmology; Pantheistic Monism; scientism & issues relating to Dark Matter/Dark Energy. All these devilish concepts were caged up in the ancient Babylonian Talmudic Kabbalah of esoteric knowledge, where that primordial Serpent was able to slice a scalpel across the nerve endings of our souls – severing any connection we may have had with our Creator and the power of good that He availed to us. Now men seek ‘godhood’ through the profligate use of dark sentence structures, angelic magic, dark esoteric knowledge and the manipulation of time/space (dis)entanglement and scientific apotheosis. All of it being nothing more than a colossal hoax; damn lies from within the bowels of the bottomless pit.

So what are these highfaluted concepts – Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Dimensionality, Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Cosmology?

Let’s start by asking the pivotal question: what if The Creator God was to remove the interdimensional veil that separates mankind from the full-force of the ‘Fallen Entities’ that existed before the Flood? What if the ‘Bene-ha-Elohim’ we see depicted in Hollywood movies as extra-terrestrials were to become a common reality amongst us? Is the illusory world of our sordid imaginations to become a clear and present threat? Well it was in the days of Noah!

An exegetical reading of the book of Enoch paints a rather lurid, graphic illustration of how supernatural forces played around with man as if they were toys to be used for pleasure. Further to what is written in the book of Enoch, can be found in the Talmudic Kabbalah, assertions that quantify explanations of quantum physics/mechanics based on Babylonian mysticism – where modern astrophysics, quantum dimensionality, quantum entanglement and astro-dimensionality are aligned with Kabbalah text and Kabbalah scientism.

Quantum mechanics is as lurid a concept as quantum entanglement. To the mind of those who read and understand the prophetic inspiration of Scripture, knows only too well, that these fallacious concepts are as concretized as mathematical modelling, with guestimate measure of probability, and a measure of esoteric divination thrown in for good measure. Scientists and especially particle physicists’, use as justification, in explaining supernatural and mystical phenomena – a reconciliation of science with arcane spirituality. Particle physics and atomism in concert with the science that underscores quantum epistemology, harks back to the Babylonian esoteric teachings, and like atheism and other nebulous hermetic doctrines, can be found an occult connection, pantheistic monism, that was filtered down from millennia past, (most notably, the antediluvian period), when the fallen sons of God practiced their esoteric arts.

Today, this is a polished, refined, scientific worldview that has been repackaged by so-called Kabbalistic time lords who pose as scientists, scholars, teachers, mystics, entrepreneurs and religious leaders – where the actors are the same as in the past, but the costumes are a different façade – reflecting the emperor’s clothing of Gucci, Armani & Versace.

What passes for science today is sleight of hand, and it can only be described as scientific alchemy. The postmodern scientific empiricist thrust posits this shadowy belief in non-locality on the quantum realm and if they are to solve the mysteries around births & deaths and be able to manipulate everything in between – the solution to these cosmic mysteries would have to enter or transcend into the quantum realm(s) of dimensionality and through actuality reach that apotheosis or holy grail that makes one become similar to what Lucifer (the light-bearer) wanted to be – “Like God”!

One can safely argue that Quantum Physics with all its merits, is nothing more than a pseudo-scientific backdoor to the metaphysical, esoteric world of the ancient, occult mysteries that effectively teach that at the subatomic, quantum level, none of the conventional laws of physics continue to apply and so paradigms like super-position, quantum entanglement, infinite potentiality, parallel universes, – are all considered likely possible, although on a macro-dimensional-scale, they would be considered laughably ridiculous.

Additionally, within the gambit of modern-day theoretical fantasies, academic rigour now centers around concepts like relativity, free energy, natural harmonics, semantics et al that are seeing a resurgence like never before from scientific institutions of lower learning. Research into how electromagnetism affects everything around us, including tides; sonoluminescence, magic mushrooms & esoteric knowledge; flat earth theory & the book of Enoch & enclosed cosmology; fake NASA helio-centric space alien propaganda; the Copernican NASA paradigm & the humanistic expansion of occult knowledge through scientism and the embrace of Hermeticism.

Within quantum mechanics, some argue that it is inadvertently a quantum deception which holds no real basis in reality, knowing that science is beginning to prove that it is more spiritualism on steroids and not based on inarguable tested empirical science but more of a quadrant of probabilities and guestimations. What we see therefore in the book of Jeremiah the prophet, chapter 51:1-64; 25:15-38; 46:11; 48:20; Isaiah 21:9; Micah 5:5-9, 10-15; Revelation 14:8; 18:2, 9,11,19 – is the duality of pagan & “Mystery Babylon the great” (the created 21st century world forged out of the alchemy of hermetic arts – erected on the foundations of a stargazing, Nimrodian civilization) who thought they could ‘construct’ an ‘esoteric man-made-ladder’ between earth and heaven, but is finally crushed by the startling revelations of “Apocalyptic Doom” prophesied against this transmogrified beast-like, world system. An ominous picture is painted of a future of sudden catastrophic destruction and desolation – where men will be drunk on bloodshed and war; while famine & pandemics rage and then, finally to come face to face with utter ruin. The picture is one of which faith in the ‘dark arts’, bottom filled with meaningless esoteric knowledge, while enslaving the souls of men and hoarding massive reserves of wealth, at the expense of the poor, marginalized, sick and dying.

The quest to determine this new neo-spirituality is at the root of the quantum drive for apotheosis with the use of quantum computers, magic mushrooms, psychedelic cannabinoids and other forms of hallucinogens. Human personal-exploration and consciousness development is now hitched to the expansion of neuroplasticity and how the quantum mechanics of neuroscience can foster a level of brain and mind expansion – elevating men to god-like status – worthy of worship. The legalization of what is called recreational drugs (opioids), notwithstanding and including, the fractious use of these opioid stimulants and their debilitating effects on quantum mechanical brain function was not only a social policy engineered to solicit mass percentage-wise population compliance, but was also floated as a catalyst for the exploration of creative genius and human excellence, but also as an exploratory panacea for those with alpha neuro-cognition who need help getting to the next stage of evolutionary transcendence. This is the sole reason and purpose why Silicon Valley et al exists and continues to mushroom its tech ‘gods whose consciousness needs to stay in a Enochian hacked primordial vortex.

In conclusion, the illusory world that has been created in our image and likeness by the Master Deceiver is not confined in ambient reality. We can argue all day long about the veracity of the Hegelian Dialectic. We can also assume that that ‘order comes out of chaos’. Feeble, weak-kneed men can insinuate that we need a “Great Reset” – a ‘New World Order’ of their making but all the historical, epistemological and esoteric knowledge gleaned from almost 6000 years of man’s occupancy of this planet shows nothing but virulent “Disorder”!

World War Three looms – let’s see how we disentangle from that kind of hellish fury. World leaders have zero answers. Although, the modern-day time lords who think they are ‘prophets’ would have us believe that in a ‘Metaverse’ alchemized out of the toxic belly of a Star-Trek – The Next Generation simulation that we can somehow “beam me up Scotty” and our time/space distanciation from the democide of a world not only on tender hooks but clearly, a world where the crushing weight of reality will hit more than half the global population with a seismic dose of quantum actuality. It will not be pretty. For we are already witnessing the mayhem, as a scorch earth policy gathers momentum.

Do not believe the lie: “for you shall be as gods” – it is a figment of Satanic imagination and intrigue that has one end!

Semper Fidelis

67 responses to “For You Shall Be As Gods”

  1. SINGULARITY: Dr. Alan D. Thompson on Leta, GPT-3 AI…

  2. Gayatri Mantra with Mudras Tutorial

  3. Steupse! That man wrote the bible is obvious from its many inconsistenies!

    I, like Ron Reagan, am not afraid of burning in hell.


  5. It is amazing how they lean on and how they parrot the wisdom of others. Not one independent thought.

    Follow the evolution of man, be aware of the increase of knowledge and one can only conclude… Mankind will eventually become as Gods.

    The only problem that remain unsolved, perhaps unsolvable, is the beginning. The big bang! Perhaps the next big bang is created by man. The God of GP and Bushie is not the answer and is headed towards irrelevance.

  6. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    What is the meaning of life?
    What is our purpose?
    We are here on Planet Earth and Barbados Underground with no explanation or guidance.
    There is no one working here who is responsible enough to give us our meaning and sense of purpose in this thing called life.

  7. What a thing. Do we have to wonder why the world seems to be catapulting to nowhere?


  8. Not to forget players like Alex Jones who has built a cult following based on lies!

  9. The Book of Life
    Barbados Underground is an online book club where people read books bluffing that they have read them, like a Holy Bible which no one ever reads.
    Every discussion about every book seems to degenerate into diatribes about duopoly of Africa denigrating Mia Mottley.

    The Intelligence Agents
    by Timothy Leary

    The Intelligence Agents is a collection of memos, articles, and pictures written in “future history” reflecting life on planet earth during Leary’s lifespan. A work of social, moral, religious and scientific satire, including articles by and about people who are changing the meaning of freedom all over the world, this is the fifth and final volume of Dr. Leary’s ‘Future History Series’ with lots of fun pictures and ideas for your brain!

    Dr. Timothy Leary, in his own chaotic style, recapitulates evolution from the first organism in which life began in the Eastern Oriental shorelines. DNA, the breath of life is always chasing the Sun Westward towards our neurological destiny. If you are familiar with Dr. Leary’s 24 Stage/8 Neuro-Circuit theory, then you will get a rise from this book. We have migrated from Asia to California as the launching pad into space where we will create H.O.M.E.s (High Oribtal Mini-Earths). The Intelligence Agents have already established their homes in future hive colonies. The secret to becoming an Intelligence Agent and Intelligence Increase is to SMILE (Space Migration Intelligence Increase Life Extension — the ‘I’ is squared).

  10. The face of ‘ugly America’

    by RALPH JEMMOTT A FRIEND DROPPED by and we got to discussing the state of Barbados and the world. It was generally speaking not a cheerful discourse as there is much in contemporary human existence to lament.
    My friend, a scholar of some repute, stated that among other things, he had lost faith in America, which I took to mean the United States. George Lamming once said that the United States was such an arrogant country that it had misappropriated to itself the name “America” which was originally designed for two continents.
    There are two aspects of the contemporary United States that must be of tremendous concern to those who feel an affinity with that country because we have friends and relatives living there, have visited from time to time or because we share many of its ostensibly liberal democratic ideals.
    One concern is the persistence of the gun culture and its defence by the National Rifle Association advocates in the face of multiple mass shootings involving the use of high-powered guns, clearly manufactured as “weapons of war.” It is an issue that the vast majority of other countries do not and cannot understand.
    A commentator on one of the television networks recently observed that an 18-year-old cannot buy a beer in a bar in the United States but just after his 80th birthday he can with relative ease purchase an AR 45 semi-automatic rifle and proceed to kill grade school age children and teachers. It truly boggles the mind.
    It is 23 years since the massacre at Columbine and ten years since the fatal shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school. One sincerely thought that after Sandy Hook, America would retreat from its obsession with guns and pass strong gun control legislation. Now we have the fatal shooting at Robb Elementary in the small town of Uvalde, Texas.
    I stopped watching the report on that tragedy when the TV stations started publishing the photos of the children and the teachers who were killed. A report by the father of one of the children stated that one child was virtually decapitated by the gunfire and another’s body was partially shredded. Modest gun control legislation was passed in the House of Representatives but could be rejected in the Republican-controlled Senate.
    Republican Congressman Jim Jordan stated that while he was sorry about the incident in Uvalde, what was more at stake was freedom, more specifically America’s Second Amendment,
    the so-called, “right to bear arms”. Presumably, this includes the right to purchase a weapon of war at a “gun show.” Shakespeare would say, “O Judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts and men have lost their reason.”
    The Republicans proclaim that it is all a mental health issue, but as has been pointed out by people like Piers Morgan, other countries have people with the same mental health problems but nowhere near the same results.
    After the shooting in Tasmania and in Dunblane, Scotland, both Britain and Australia tightened their gun control legislation. Not so in America. The gun pathology in the United States is one that threatens all living in that country, including its most innocent and most vulnerable.
    The second ugly aspect of the contemporary United States that frightens is the now evident assault on constitutional democracy, the trend towards autocracy and more specifically the assertion of white hegemonic racism within the Republican Party.
    There was a time when we looked to the American constitution as a bulwark of personal rights and freedoms guaranteeing the separation of powers and equality before the law. Historically, America never quite fulfilled that promise – at least not to its indigenous, black and brown populations.
    It was naively believed that the election of Barack Obama as the first black president signalled the advent of a post racial America. Far from the truth. Obama’s election spurred a white racist backlash by Trump and the Republicans.
    Fear of a black and brown demographic has revived elements in American racism that truly never went away. White supremacist groups such as the Proud Boys, Oath Takers and Q-Anon supporters who stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and a new clique calling itself the Patriot Front represent a not inconsiderable element of white America.
    What if Trump is returned to the White House in 2024 with a Republican majority in both Houses of Congress? What if based on the current January 6 Select Committee investigations the former president is bound over to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution?
    America could face a second civil war of frightening proportions, with high-powered weapons of war available to all and sundry. The scale of a catastrophe that brings together America’s two deep rooted pathologies, the gun fetish and racial antagonism, could be terrifying.

    Ralph Jemmott is a retired educator and social commentator.

    Source: Nation

  11. When Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, George Floyd, Brianna Jones etc etc were murdered by corrupt Police in a stupid War against Drugs targeting its own Black Civilians and planting guns and drugs on them to boost statistics and lying in Court with false evidence and false testimony, USA was divided into 2 camps the people who wanted to clean up the shitstem and racists. Trump represented the racist camp.

  12. .. B R E A K I N G .. N E W S…

    US Police Break Constitutional Law on the regular

    Fourth Amendment

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    Fifth Amendment

    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

    Sixth Amendment

    In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

  13. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, if you are going to say “Not to forget players like Alex Jones who has built a cult following based on lies!” then quite frankly Jones is merely a latter-day apostle of the gospel of lies and disinformation that has been intrinsic to the fabric of life in the US!

    One can start at any convenient point in that nation’s timeline … lies re the Native Indian population, lies that essentially started a civil war, lies of McCarthyism, lies that propel the massive media industry (Fox and others on right most odiously but on left too) and now most dangerously of course the lies of the current political discourse.

    So as @Northern referred recently about prognostications (re stocks and finance), mere mortals such as us really don’ know what the future holds but we cast our wordy pearls nonetheless. Thus I will contend re Jemmont’s ‘what-if’ query about President Trump 2024: will NEVER happen … However, re his second such query whether we can see possible civil war … that’s very likely! Very, very!

    Let’s be clear … the current US Att. General can be considered either ‘wise’ or ‘deeply concerned/scared’ re charges leading to an indictment against that former president. But that is DEFINITELY not the status for the Georgia District Attorney and Trump WILL be indicted there for conspiracy to ‘overthrow’ a election … so therein will be that spark feared by all!

    It is mindbogglingly instructive that the former US AG and chief law officer was also ‘wise’ or ‘deeply concerned/scared’ … although he believed that his president and commander in chief was DETACHED from reality he yet admitted that he would STILL vote for him if he ran again… In short, he may not act rationally and could start a nuclear holocaust on a whim and fancy but I wholeheartedly support most of his ideological “deep rooted pathologies” so what’s a lil craziness among buds!

    The spark will be a loud, booming and very combustible!

    I soon come!

  14. @Dee Word

    We live in interesting times. Then again, this has always been the case as you alluded to in your screed.

  15. @ David
    What Dribbler is saying (as non-lukewarmly as he is capable), is that it is clear to him that our ass is grass, since common sense has definitely DEPARTED from among us.
    Bushie has been saying the same BB thing now for YEARS, …although not in the fancy words mastered by Dribbles….

    Bushie is well past that scenario now, (cause even Dompey can see that the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ is an oncoming train.)

    But Bushie is always willing to discuss the aftermath for anyone who is interested…
    Except for Pacha of course, who is yet to get past the ‘ancients’…. LOL

  16. Mankind ask and demands transparency
    The Bible is the only piece of literature that details the lifestyle of many who were called the people of God
    King David is one the many examples where his life was less than holy
    In today’s world where the high and mighty in power are caught in immoral actions
    The truth is covered up
    If anyone wants to understand the true meaning of transparency and accountability read the Bible

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