Submitted by Steven Kaszab

What significance does organized religion have these days? Easter celebration has now past, as too high celebrations  in the Islamic and Jewish faiths. Candy for the kids, while worshipers touch ever so lightly the divinity of God and its significance in our lives. 

I wonder what Jesus, Mohammed and Moses would say if they indeed saw what their people have been up too, what they have created here.  What decisions have we made that has  a mighty effect upon others in this world, and even the planet it self?

I see the world though both rose colored glasses (optimist) and cruel skeptics eye glasses. I see beauty and goodness, while at the same time horrors of what was, what is and what can be. It seems to me that organized religion presents itself above this fray, advising, cajoling and directing their membership towards something better, often unworldly and yet also preaching that we must invest ourselves in this world making it better too. 

Pope Francis recently spoke about how humanity has enslaved many while the world claims to have ended slavery. Our very existence, our survival as a people has placed others at risk, enslaving them to their demographic, that is to say what, where and how they were born into this world dictates where they will be free or enslaved to poverty, racism, political manipulation and intrigue. The Church of Rome, The Great Leaders of Islam and The Jewish Faith talk a good talk, but will not walk the good walk towards our neighbor’s liberation from slavery. Poverty still exists, while these religious institutions thrive with a abundance of wealth and influence at their finger tips. Billions of dollars lay unused, managed only to create more wealth for these institutions. While their membership work to assist others as religious people should, the horrors of this world continue to grow, unstopped by our religious leaders words. Pope Francis pointed out that religious freedom is violated and sometimes trampled upon in many places in this world, often crudely and openly, other times more subtly and hidden from sight. Religion often talks about itself, how it is perceived and treated, often oppressed or misused.

When was the last time a religious leader took matters into their own hands? Yes some Muslim Leaders call upon the faithful to “jihad” against those of another religion, but have you seen anyone upturn the tables of money changers recently? Have any of them turned water into wine? Have any of them been able to make the waters of oppression split before them recently? These acts can be seen as metaphors of human action, calling  upon the world’s wealthy and Banks to end poverty, take the old world and make it anew, splitting the oceans of political inaction and make a difference for the poor, oppressed and lowly amongst us. 

Liberation Theology was once an important influencer upon religious institutions until the top brass realized where it was going. The leaders of organized religion saw that this theology would and did point its finger of judgement directly at these institutions. These religious institutions of wealth and power had become a part of the problem.  Humanity should value life, freedom and justice above all, but instead wealth and power remain the supreme objective for many.

Is religion important to you? Has it liberated you from your dependence upon high tech, money, pleasure or your ego? The worlds holy book places the spiritual above all else. A journey towards understanding yourself, and therefore understanding God. If God is within You, then you can accomplish great things. You can cry out to the world “I AM”. Yes You are a God, and only You can change this world for the better.

38 responses to “The Role of Religion”

  1. 555dubstreet Avatar

  2. 555dubstreet Avatar

  3. Propaganda! To control sheeple

  4. “I see the world though both rose colored glasses (optimist) and cruel skeptics eye glasses. I see beauty and goodness, while at the same time horrors of what was, what is and what can be.”

    “Yes You are a God, and only You can change this world for the better.”

    The author and I share many thoughts. We diverge where the author allows himself to ruminate on various types of religion whilst I simply discard all religion. They are unnecessary. Good an evil lies in each of us and does not need to hang on a framework of religion.

    But we converge on his final statements; he puts it in the present whereas I see it occuring in the future. Barring misfortune, science will take us to the point where we will perform acts that we thought only a God could do. We will be Gods.

  5. I am not joking.
    ‘God’ has his own ways of humbling a person.

    After what I just wrote , I am here walking gingerly, praying and searching for my glasses that I misplaced. A pathetic state for a soon to be God.

  6. When was the last time a religious leader took matters into their own hands? Yes some Muslim Leaders call upon the faithful to “jihad” against those of another religion, but have you seen anyone upturn the tables of money changers recently? Have any of them turned water into wine? Have any of them been able to make the waters of oppression split before them recently? These acts can be seen as metaphors of human action, calling upon the world’s wealthy and Banks to end poverty, take the old world and make it anew, splitting the oceans of political inaction and make a difference for the poor, oppressed and lowly amongst us.
    Great philosophical thinking here mate called liberation of the mind soul and body which cannot be found in the minds of those who choose the things of the world rather than those things chosen of God which are fulfilling and spiritually rewarding
    Take note as to how the moral fabric of the world is being uprooted by the political moorings and the church hems and yawn
    Have a bless and rewarding day
    Truth matters

  7. B
    I’m blue as I can be
    Can you get as blue blue as me
    Won’t you join us and then you will see
    What it means to be blue as me
    I’m black and I’m blue
    I’m not blue because I’m black
    I’m blue because I’m me
    Blue is black and black is blue
    What colour are you
    All you do is hum with me
    Hummm hummm
    Can you moan a sweet tone
    moan moan moan
    Won’t you sing and let it sing
    Yes you got the blues
    It don’t take long to learn our song
    Once the blues in you
    So you see how it can be
    When you are as blue as we

    Blue (A Folk Tale)

  8. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ TheOGazerts

    Why do you think that God having made Man needs to humble him? Did he not make him a little lower than the angels? For someone, with a name that suggests he gazes on the magnificence of God , I am disappointed..
    From the positions of Quantum Physics and Neuroscience: How much of what we believe and think as facts are derivatives of our own mind/ thinking and prior experiences? Do think deeply on these things.
    @ David BU.
    My religion teaches that the Sabbath was made for man : not Man for the Sabbath. Is this not also true for religions? This make religions social/man made constructs that assist Man as he sails through this uncharted world?So far they have been very effective. IMHO.

  9. Peace and Love is my Religion

    Re: This Religion thing
    Blood of Christ thing
    So this God thing Son of Man thing is just a visualisation thing personification thing a sort of affirmation thing for mind intent thing as well as an introduction of social laws thing to keep the people under manners in their box thing.

    I Love Marijuana / Linval Thompson
    Marijuana! I love it my brother
    Marijuana in my soul
    Marijuana in my heart
    Oh oh.

    I like to smoke Marijuana
    It gives me a deep meditation
    I love to draw marijuana
    It give me a deep meditation
    It keep the natty dreadlocks jumping
    It keep the natty dreadlocks rocking
    It keep the natty dreadlocks swinging
    The white man love to smoke marijuana
    The black man love to cultivate it

    I love to smoke marijuana
    It give me a deep meditation
    Marijuana! I love it with my heart and soul
    So I can’t stop smoking it

    I love to draw Marijuana
    It keep the natty dreadlocks jumping
    It keep the natty dreadlocks rocking
    It give me a deep meditation
    Marijuana! Oh I love it

    I love to draw marijuana
    It give me a deep meditation
    I love to smoke marijuana
    It give me a deep meditation

    It keep the natty dreadlocks jumping
    It keep the natty dreadlocks rocking
    It keep the ntty dreadlocks swinging
    The white man love to smoke marijuana
    The black man love to cultivate it

    Marijuana! Oh i love it, I love it, I love it!

    I love it to my heart and soul
    So I couldn’t stop smoking it
    I love it to my heart and soul
    The white man love to smoke marijauana
    The black man love to cultivate it
    It give me a deep meditation
    It keep the natty dreadlocks jumping
    It keep the natty dreadlocks rocking
    I love to smoke Marijuana, marijuana! I love you to my heart and soul

  10. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ 555

    Peace and love is the basic principle of authentic Christianity. From my cursory scan of most leading world religions the basic themes of peace and love are endemic. However, the packaging may differ.
    Is it not interesting that all nations regardless of their geography have gods and religion?


    Question.—Those who are blessed with good actions and universal benevolence, who have praiseworthy characteristics, who act with love and kindness toward all creatures, who care for the poor, and who strive to establish universal peace—what need have they of the divine teachings, of which they think indeed that they are independent? What is the condition of these people?
    Answer.—Know that such actions, such efforts and such words are praiseworthy and approved, and are the glory of humanity. But these actions alone are not sufficient; they are a body of the greatest loveliness, but without spirit. No, that which is the cause of everlasting life, eternal honor, universal enlightenment, real salvation and prosperity is, first of all, the knowledge of God. It is known that the knowledge of God is beyond all knowledge, and it is the greatest glory of the human world. For in the existing knowledge of the reality of things there is material advantage, and through it outward civilization progresses; but the knowledge of God is the cause of spiritual progress and attraction, and through it the perception of truth, the exaltation of humanity, divine civilization, rightness of morals and illumination are obtained.
    Second, comes the love of God, the light of which shines in the lamp of the hearts of those who know God; its brilliant rays illuminate the horizon and give to man the 301 life of the Kingdom. In truth, the fruit of human existence is the love of God, for this love is the spirit of life, and the eternal bounty. If the love of God did not exist, the contingent world would be in darkness; if the love of God did not exist, the hearts of men would be dead, and deprived of the sensations of existence; if the love of God did not exist, spiritual union would be lost; if the love of God did not exist, the light of unity would not illuminate humanity; if the love of God did not exist, the East and West, like two lovers, would not embrace each other; if the love of God did not exist, division and disunion would not be changed into fraternity; if the love of God did not exist, indifference would not end in affection; if the love of God did not exist, the stranger would not become the friend. The love of the human world has shone forth from the love of God and has appeared by the bounty and grace of God.
    It is clear that the reality of mankind is diverse, that opinions are various and sentiments different; and this difference of opinions, of thoughts, of intelligence, of sentiments among the human species arises from essential necessity; for the differences in the degrees of existence of creatures is one of the necessities of existence, which unfolds itself in infinite forms. Therefore, we have need of a general power which may dominate the sentiments, the opinions and the thoughts of all, thanks to which these divisions may no longer have effect, and all individuals may be brought under the influence of the unity of the world of humanity. It is clear and evident that this greatest power in the human world is the love of God. It brings the different peoples under the shadow of the tent of affection; it gives to the antagonistic and hostile nations and families the greatest love and union.
    See, after the time of Christ, through the power of the love of God, how many nations, races, families and tribes came under the shadow of the Word of God. The divisions 302 and differences of a thousand years were entirely destroyed and annihilated. The thoughts of race and of fatherland completely disappeared. The union of souls and of existences took place; all became true spiritual Christians.
    The third virtue of humanity is the goodwill which is the basis of good actions. Certain philosophers have considered intention superior to action, for the goodwill is absolute light; it is purified and sanctified from the impurities of selfishness, of enmity, of deception. Now it may be that a man performs an action which in appearance is righteous, but which is dictated by covetousness. For example, a butcher rears a sheep and protects it; but this righteous action of the butcher is dictated by desire to derive profit, and the result of this care is the slaughter of the poor sheep. How many righteous actions are dictated by covetousness! But the goodwill is sanctified from such impurities.
    Briefly, if to the knowledge of God is joined the love of God, and attraction, ecstasy and goodwill, a righteous action is then perfect and complete. Otherwise, though a good action is praiseworthy, yet if it is not sustained by the knowledge of God, the love of God, and a sincere intention, it is imperfect. For example, the being of man must unite all perfections to be perfect. Sight is extremely precious and appreciated, but it must be aided by hearing; the hearing is much appreciated, but it must be aided by the power of speech; the faculty of speech is very acceptable, but it must be aided by the power of reason, and so forth. The same is true of the other powers, organs and members of man; when all these powers, these senses, these organs, these members exist together, he is perfect.

    Now, today, we meet with people in the world who, in truth, desire the universal good, and who according to their power occupy themselves in protecting the oppressed 303 and in aiding the poor: they are enthusiastic for peace and the universal well-being. Although from this point of view they may be perfect, if they are deprived of the knowledge and love of God, they are imperfect.
    Galen, the physician, in his book in which he comments on the treatise of Plato on the art of government, 1 says that the fundamental principles of religion have a great influence upon a perfect civilization because “the multitude cannot understand the connection of explanatory words; so it has need of symbolical words announcing the rewards and punishments of the other world; and that which proves the truth of this affirmation,” he says, “is that today we see a people called Christians who believe in rewards and punishments; and this sect show forth beautiful actions like those which a true philosopher performs. So we all see clearly that they do not fear death, that they expect and desire nothing from the multitude but justice and equity, and they are considered as true philosophers.”
    Now observe what was the degree of the sincerity, the zeal, the spiritual feeling, the obligation of friendship, and the good actions of a believer in Christ, so that Galen, the philosophical physician, although he was not of the Christian religion, should yet bear witness to the good morals and the perfections of these people, to the point of saying that they were true philosophers. These virtues, these morals, were obtained not only through good actions, for if virtue were only a matter of obtaining and giving forth good, as this lamp is lighted and illuminates the house—without doubt this illumination is a benefit—then why do we not praise the lamp? The sun causes all the beings of the earth to increase, and by its heat and light gives growth and development: is there a greater benefit than that? Nevertheless, as this good does not 304 come from goodwill and from the love and knowledge of God, it is imperfect.
    When, on the contrary, a man gives to another a cup of water, the latter is grateful and thanks him. A man, without reflecting, will say, “This sun which gives light to the world, this supreme bounty which is apparent in it, must be adored and praised. Why should we not be grateful and thankful to the sun for its bounty, when we praise a man who performs a simple act of kindness?” But if we look for the truth, we see that this insignificant kindness of the man is due to conscious feelings which exist; therefore, it is worthy of praise, whereas the light and heat of the sun are not due to the feelings and consciousness; therefore, they are not worthy of eulogy or of praise and do not deserve gratitude or thanks.
    In the same way, when a person performs a good action, although it is praiseworthy, if it is not caused by the love and knowledge of God, it is imperfect. Moreover, if you reflect justly, you will see that these good actions of other men who do not know God are also fundamentally caused by the teachings of God—that is to say, that the former Prophets led men to perform these actions, explained their beauty to them, and declared their splendid effects; then these teachings were diffused among men and reached them successively, one after the other, and turned their hearts toward these perfections. When men saw that these actions were considered beautiful, and became the cause of joy and happiness for mankind, they conformed to them.
    Wherefore these actions also come from the teachings of God. But justice is needed to see this, and not controversy and discussion. Praise be to God, you have been to Persia, and you have seen how the Persians, through the holy breezes of Bahá’u’lláh, have become benevolent toward humanity. Formerly, if they met anyone of another race, 305 they tormented him and were filled with the utmost enmity, hatred and malevolence; they went so far as to throw dirt at him. They burned the Gospel and the Old Testament, and if their hands were polluted by touching these books, they washed them. Today the greater number of them recite and chant, as is suitable, the contents of these two Books in their reunions and assemblies, and they expound their esoteric teaching. They show hospitality to their enemies. They treat the bloodthirsty wolves with gentleness, like gazelles in the plains of the love of God. You have seen their customs and habits, and you have heard of the manners of former Persians. This transformation of morals, this improvement of conduct and of words, are they possible otherwise than through the love of God? No, in the name of God. If, by the help of science and knowledge, we wished to introduce these morals and customs, truly it would take a thousand years, and then they would not be spread throughout the masses.

    Today, thanks to the love of God, they are arrived at with the greatest facility.
    Be admonished, O possessors of intelligence!

  12. May 1, 2022 8:35 AM

    “Propaganda! To control sheeple”



  13. 555dubstreet Avatar

    Peace And Love 🤟

  14. (Quote).
    Is it not interesting that all nations regardless of their geography have gods and religion?

    The Above (and not below) statement is as true as day is the opposite of night on the same coin called Light.

    That’s why God is Light in “Him” there is No darkness!

    it’s time your brand of Solar worship (called Christianity with over 40,000 different rays) ups its game for the new Age by recognising God as gender-neutral even if your Son of Man Jesus has to be transformed in a ‘digitalized’ transgender icon to meet the ‘values’ of the coming Age.

  15. Religion is just global institutionalized idiocy designed to distract BBs.
    Just like the current COVID case of mass deception, that has even superseded religion in its scale, religion requires a closed mind that can ignore obvious facts; a morbid fear of death; …and complete trust in some human brass bowl with an inflated ego. ….typically a pope, priest, pastor ….or in the case of covid, Fauci and The WHO gang of demons.

    But the problem is not ‘religion’ per se, it is our propensity to brassbowlery…

    The SIMPLE explanation of course is that we human beings happen to be mere collateral pawns in a massive SPIRITUAL affair. which is why brassbowlery is universal in scope. LOL, people ON THEIR OWN would not have the capacity to be so universally stupid.

    The whole covid exercise CLEARLY demonstrates the fact that DESPITE all the so-called education and knowledge that we have amassed, human today are even more confused, lost, and open to manipulation… as those from the dark ages.

    Wunna just don’t yet get the concept of demonic forces, but the fight is NOT about flesh and blood. it REALLY IS about SPIRITUAL FORCES in places beyond our capacity (senses) to comprehend…

    Religion is the ‘opium’ used to manipulate the masses to dance to the tune of the various spiritual forces…

  16. Bushie

    Generally agree. However, religion is properly and scientifically defined as the deification of culture.

    So when we have Afrikans following the deification of European culture or Arab culture or Indian culture we’ll have all brass bowls like GP.😁

  17. Can’t understand how is it nonbelievers spend so much time fighting against God
    For the what is it worth God is either of the Mind The soul or Body in whatever manner Mankind chooses to see or interact with God
    This God has been around for thousand of ages and would be around for millions more
    Hence the nonbelievers task would never out smart or over power the concept of a God
    For the Bible clearly states for the believer fight is against principalities and powers in high places
    Not unexpected that the nonbelievers would try every so hard to cut a path by which the awesome job of defining God is as futile as having a world without end

  18. LOL @ Pacha
    But are you not nit picking?

    What is the essential difference between deifying European culture and deifying African culture, when the whole concept of deifying human culture is pointless in the grand scheme of things?

    While the bushman takes your point about BASIC pride in oneself (particularly when that ‘self’ is really the ROOT of all civilization), in the final analysis, whether you drink your own poison or that of your adopted idols … same end.

    The REAL challenge is to be able to see the BIG picture and to operate ABOVE AND BEYOND the religious brassbowlery.

    Unfortunately, one side of the great spiritual battle has a vested interest in distracting BBs with the lotta shiite that we find so appealing and consuming…

    Somewhat like how the established Press and government appears to have a vested interest in convincing BBs of the need to live in FEAR and Panic… for the last two years….
    Who the Hell has time to consider the BIG picture when we have the daily ‘covid numbers’ to panic about….

    Boss…The new ‘global religion is’ FEAR’… fear of covid, ..of each other, …of life, …of thinking… and most (including those here on BU) are full converts….

    But NOT stinking Bushie…. LOL


  20. Bushie

    Is this as well? You, and we, started with religion but you ended with spirituality. Are these not distinctively different things. And if they are distinctive but not different then why is the ‘bush’ different to the ‘man’.😁

  21. But seriously Bushie
    It’s time that all this religious nonsense be removed from the public square.

    It’s one thing to have some freedom of religion but when such a so-called freedom has been weaponized like it has been to conduct all manner of wickedness it must certainly be time to burn churches, bibles, and zealots again.

  22. Pacha
    It’s time that all this religious nonsense be removed from the public square.
    ….to be replaced with what exactly? … politics? sex? wealth? …education?
    Man Religion sweet sweet … especially if you are the emotional type – some of those hymns like SUGAR….
    A a youth, Bushie used to go to church just to defy the-pastor, who prided himself in forcing people to ‘come to the alter’ with dramatic litanies about Hell Fire, damnation and lures of ‘milk and honey’ and ‘streets of gold’… De Poor man used to fast and pray for the young bushman.. lol
    ….Plus the young girls who wanted to APPEAR to be nice girls all went to some church or the other… so naturally Bushie moved around…lol

    Religion sweet Pacha…It is only problematic if you take it seriously.

    Spirituality now…. is a different kettle of fish…. as the Bushman found out later. Indeed, the stark REALITY is that “Reality” is really spiritual…while this physical experience to which our six senses limit us, is nothing more than a temporary ‘project’ that has been preprogrammed with an EXPIRY DATE, ….that happens to be approaching quickly.

    Brass Bowls can feel free to continue to be distracted with the glitter of the sideshows, but Bushie refuse to be so gullible….
    too much at stake Boss.

  23. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    It is time to get out of this side show.Too many brass bowls. There must be a horticultural exhibition lurking somewhere behind the scene. Lol!!!

  24. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar
    Cuhdear Bajan

    Honey may be ok. But if you are lactose intolerant as most Bajans are the milk thing in heaven will be problemactic.

    Bt the way how come I haven’t been able to find any lactose free or lactose reduced milk on the supermarket shelves since at least November?

    The people who sit on the board of directors at the Pine Hill Dairy don’t understand or don’t care that regular milk gives most of their customers “the belly”?

    Don’t they realize that most of us are of West African descent and cant digest lactose?

    I am ok but members of my family are not, and in fact they have stopped buying the Pine Hill Dairy product.

  25. Not Bushie

    But there are bureaucratic rasssouls, of a civil service orientation, who seem unaware that there are serious conversations going on precisely about the role of religion and it’s removal from the public square and relegated to the place previously held.

  26. Religion, the opium of the masses.

    @Cuhdear: you are right about lactose. My entire family is lactose intolerant. My son is worse than I am and my brothers and sisters are bad. I can come of milk and milk product for two weeks and gradually reintroduce it, but I always have my pills on hand. They are not cheap and must be extremely costly in Bim

  27. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    Start up your own religion and relationship with the God / Universe entity.
    Like any yogic practices of the East, you learn the basic principles of various disciplines and carry them into your daily life.
    Then you can adopt and adapt them them to make your own practice and can become a guru to teach disciples.

  28. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Don’t they realize that most of us are of West African descent and cant digest lactose?”

    not that they care, but explain the hereditary rejection of milk in most Black Afrikan people’s system again for them, they may care one day…

  29. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Yes Dame Bajans….lactase capsules are very expensive, and has to be bought by the bottles in order to eat or drink the most simple things that are dairy based…

  30. WURA
    I used to pay $20 for 80 tablets. Now I buy from Costco and I get 140 for the same price.

  31. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Lucky you, there is a KAL brand on the island with 60 softgels costing $32.63 per bottle, you usually have to buy at least 3 bottles at a time…

    Despite that, with me it’s hit and miss, it may or may not work depending on what i eat or drink and the amounts…

    shopping at Costco is always a winner.

  32. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Cuhdear Bajan.

    The Bible was not written nor translated with the imagery of West Africans in mind. It was translated by persons who loved milk and honey ,in the same way you like fish and coucou. It was written and translated for the Jews. All you have to do is put in an appropriate figurative words. The important thing is the messages they intended to convey. In any case listen to the Gospel in your own language. They were written for your learning.

  33. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar
    Cuhdear Bajan

    Ok Vincent. Even though I am not lactose intolerant it will be cou-cou [preferably breadfruit] and flying fish for my heavenly dish.

    I can enjoy that for an eternity.

  34. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar
    Cuhdear Bajan

    It still puzzles me though that the company after so many decades has not designed a public education program about the virtues of lactose free milk, and then a public campaign to push the product. It strikes me that such a program could significantly boost sales.

    If up to 70% of your customer base has a biological problem with your product, why would the company not go after that 70%?

    It can’t be that they don’t care.

    ALL capitalist companies do care about making money and more money.


    What is Theology? New DTS COURSE
    Many times we think that theology is only for the theologians, but that’s simply not true.

  36. This is quite interesting and instructive.
    I learned a lot.

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