Last week (24 Feb 2022) Russia invaded Ukraine. The reported images and videos of the war are distressing. The reports of deaths are heart-breaking. At this time, we should be reminded of the historical lesson that the first casualty of war is normally truth.

We should not ignore history, and naively believe that this is the first war where truth is not the first casualty. Wisdom requires that evidence supporting and opposing our preferred views be rigorously scrutinised – to reduce the risk of making a hasty decision that we may later regret.


People will be exposed to different views of this conflict depending on where they live. Each country’s politically compromised media will only publish views preferred by their political leaders. Contrary views will likely be ignored, or distorted and ridiculed.

When contrary evidence is suppressed, the public may not know that they are being manipulated to be angry at whatever target the media directs them – to suit an agenda that is rarely in their best interests.

When I heard the reported deaths of all of the Ukrainian soldiers on Snake island, simply for defying a Russian warship, I was angry with Russia. When I later heard that they had surrendered and are all alive as prisoners, I did not know what to believe – but I know that I do not want to be manipulated.


One relevant aspect of this conflict for Barbados, is that trade alliances are not military alliances. Ukraine has many trading partners in Europe and around the world. Eighty-one countries signed a letter at the United Nations condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But despite that overwhelming show of support, none of those countries sent their armies to fight with Ukraine.

Ukrainians now understand that obtaining and maintaining a good military alliance with a dependable military power, is a critical responsibility of any Government. A military alliance is insurance against aggressor nations. Every Ukrainian fighting against Russia desperately wishes that Ukraine was a member of the 30-nation NATO military alliance.


When we became Independent in 1966, Barbados had a military alliance with the United Kingdom (UK). The UK is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, with enough nuclear weapons to deter any other alliance and nation. The UK is also a member of the NATO military alliance, which obligates all NATO members to respond if one member is attacked.

In our Constitutional association, the Barbados Defence Force (BDF) was a part of Her Majesty’s forces [1]. It is during a time of war that the Queen may fully exercise her Constitutional executive authority over Barbados [2]. The BDF were responsible for defending Barbados [3] until the nearest available of Her Majesty’s forces arrived.

Barbados was not in Ukraine’s current uninsured position. Barbados was under the umbrella of NATO by its Constitutional association with the UK. Any nation that attacked the UK in its defence of Barbados, had to contend with all 30 NATO members. That was our insurance against aggressor nations.


Every five years, Barbadian politicians raise their hands and offer to drive Barbados’ bus. If the bus gets a flat tyre, they are supposed to repair it and keep driving safely. If they get too arrogant and start to drive recklessly, then we, the passengers, elect other drivers.

Our drivers were never elected to cancel our bus insurance, and they have no Constitutional authority to unilaterally do so. Tragically, that did not stop them from doing so in direct violation of Section 49 of the Constitution of Barbados, and then challenging any dissenter to go to court – I am the only one who did.

The legality of Parliament’s act to unilaterally cancel our military alliance with the UK, and by extension, with NATO, is currently being decided by the Barbados courts – as our politicians have directed. However, our current uninsured state presents us with a rare opportunity.


Both Russia and Ukraine had legitimate security and economic concerns, that needed an honest evidence-based discussion to prevent war. As an independent nation with no real military alliances, Barbados was well positioned to mediate the dispute, with a neutral rigorous scrutiny of the evidence of both sides.

The main issues seem to be that: (a) NATO was formed to fight Russia, (b) Russia does not want NATO forces on its border, (c) Ukraine shares a long border with Russia, (d) Ukraine fears Russia and wants to join NATO, which would put NATO forces on Russia’s border, (e) Russia requested NATO not to admit Ukraine as a member, but NATO declined that request, (f) Russia invaded Ukraine before it joined NATO – to avoid fighting NATO.


While the first casualty of war is truth, the second is civilian and military personnel. Every death is tragic, and every story associated with each death is emotionally traumatic. Making an emotional decision does not require any effort. We can simply decide that the side we do not support is bad and must be punished. Mediating this matter requires listening to both sides.

Currently, neither side is listening to the other. Those supporting Ukraine are told to believe that Putin is mentally sick. Those who support Russia are told to believe that Zelenskyy is a genocidal Nazi. The world is waiting for an adult to enter the room. Barbados, as a country growing in prominence and with no real military alliances, was in a trusted position to fill that glaring void.


nstead of offering to mediate the dispute as a neutral country, Barbados chose a side and joined Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Jamaica, and Bahamas in signing the letter publicly condemning Russia. Those Caribbean countries’ open defiance will cost them nothing, because they are insured. We seem to have forgotten that we no longer are.

Ukraine accepts that they must fight Russia alone, and are arming civilians to defend their country. They are aware of Barbados’ public condemnation of Russia. But when they learn that our politicians despised our military alliances with the UK and NATO, and harmed all Barbadians by cancelling what they desperately wished they now had, they may pause in their current distress – and feel sorry for us.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at

[1] Defence Act, Section 4.
[2] Constitution, Section 63.
[3] Defence Act, Section 5.

227 responses to “Feeling Sorry”

  1. “i recently, just a couple days ago referenced Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Mask on another forum…and it aligned”

    If Gabby was mentioned you would have recently quoted him. Murdaaaa🤣🤣🤣

  2. MillerMarch 4, 2022 5:48 PM

    @ John March 4, 2022 4:09 PM
    Did you know that Dr. Williams hails from a long line of slave traders on his mother’s side?

    So too is Sir Eugene the Johnny Knox of Aberdeen!

    Now where is PLT grandfather’s back pay due from that poor red-leg Johnny?


    I believe PLT’s Thompson ancestors came from St. Andrew, he told us that a while back if memories serves me right.

    There is Cristian Ann Thompson who owned slaves in 1817 in St. Michael and is described as a Free Mulatto who may be his ancestor.

    My ancestor, Mary Ann Ashby, described as a Free Mulatto in the Records in Ch. Ch. at the same time also owned slaves… as did Sarah Ann Gill, also described as a Free Mulatto.

  3. Shane Warne is dead at 52 of a suspected heart attack.

    WOW, what a shocker.

  4. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved March 4, 2022 1:34 PM ”
    was wondering why it’s taking so long for the information about that Warne dude to hit the Caribbean and it’s been out since early this morning…they are usually up front in mourning for those types.”

    It was mentioned on the local news at 10:15 AM local time.

    You need to keep up.

    Warne was an excellent bowler.

  5. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @John March 4, 2022 3:39 PM “The Russian Revolution was exported to which ever country would accept the attempts of its agents to divide and decry that countries institutions, customs and history. We had our experience from the 20’s and 30’s.”

    Why don’t you stop telling lies?

    In the 1930’s Bajans [my parents generation] revolted because among other things their young children [my elder siblings] were dying at the rate of 220/1,000. One neighbor told me that her 1st four children born during that period died. 1 dead baby, 2 dead babies, 3 dead babies, 4 dead babies. Another give birth to 12 children and 11 died in infancy. In addition wages had stagnated for 100 years. That’s why the BLACK people of Barbados, our BLACK PARENTS revolted.

    And you lie to say that some Russian Revolution divided Bajans. Barbados was divided long, long befor Karl Marx or Stalin were born, WHITE BRITISH people who enslaved black African people on Barbados were the the people who divided Barbados.

    Do not lie. Put the blame exactly where it belongs. On WHITE BRITISH people who look just like you,who think just like you and who behave just like you, and who lie just like you.

  6. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @Grenville “Instead of offering to mediate the dispute as a neutral country.”

    So explain to us how this would work?

  7. Sorry SS,

    You are wrong again.

    You are confusing two things, Infant mortality and harsh economic conditions.

    The high infant mortality you describe was due to contaminated water and poor sanitation and had been in existence after slavery’s end. During slavery, plantations saw after the health of their slaves from cradle to grave.

    Sir Maurice Byer was of the opinion that Tullstrom’s work in the early 60’s was what overcame it.

    It persisted till the 60’s and fell thereafter.

    Years ago Prof. Woodville Marshall gave a lecture at Solidarity House and I recall he said that Clement Payne was a Communist agitator sent to Barbados from Trinidad for the sole purpose of creating strife.

    Other agitators he said were sent to various other islands.

    The history is there and it is common throughout the world.

    The Depression from the late 20’s created bad economic conditions which you describe but it was not only here it was worldwide.

    On the other side of the world, Stalin was in the process of killing his first 3 or 4 million in the Ukraine through starvation and hiding it from the world.

    The New York Times and its correspondent in Russia, Walter Duranty, made sure the students at Oxford and Cambridge knew nothing about the genocide. Gareth Jones from Cambridge went and looked for himself and ended up getting himself shot in China, perhaps by the NKVD.

    So, like the Oxford and Cambridge Dons, you never got to know all these things.

    Watch Mr. Jones!!


  8. Sugar prices were low in the 30’s and things were tough throughout the islands creating a situation that was tailor made for Clement Payne’s efforts.

    Plantations were being sold out.

    Jean Rose was selling her ownership in a plantation near you in 1934-35, your parents perhaps purchased some of it and if so they got it cheap because of the harsh economic conditions.

    Clement Payne was sent from Trinidad to Barbados to agitate.

    WWII provided a windfall for the sugar colonies as it created a huge demand for sugar at a high price and funded the employment which lifted Barbadians out of poverty.

    The improved revenues paid for improvements in sanitation and water quality. They built the Deep Water Harbour, the QEH and paid for a better water distribution system.

    My grandfather bought his first plantation in 1939 about the size of the one Jean Rose sold in 1934-5 when he was in his late 40’s using a mortgage to finance his purchase. He benefitted from the rise in sugar prices due to WWII,

    Nobody wanted to be in a losing industry but somehow he knew it was the right time to risk and buy.

    You will find his efforts and those of his family and many other families funded Governments coffers which paid for the improvements in sanitation and public health.

  9. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “I believe PLT’s Thompson ancestors came from St. Andrew, he told us that a while back if memories serves me right.

    There is Cristian Ann Thompson who owned slaves in 1817 in St. Michael and is described as a Free Mulatto who may be his ancestor.”

    John….enough already…ALL OF US have direct European ancestors WHO OWNED SLAVES…some of us are direct descendants of these people, even with dominant Afrikan bloodlines, it’s not peculiar to anyone person of Afrikan descent..none of us asked for any of it..

    My western name comes from one of the largest SLAVE OWNING CORPORATIONS incorporated in UK, part Scottish owned and operating out of the continent… imagine what really occurred there..

    .just be happy your Afrikan ancestors were able to provide for you and your family 20 years BEFORE the negros and YOUR OWN PEOPLE colluded with each other to tief it…

  10. @Grenville

    There you go ridiculing commenters. There will always by a part of the audience who disagree, it is the nature of human kind. If you have a message that you are committed to then continue to find ways to effectively broadcast it.


  11. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    still a little drowsy…

    ust be happy your Afrikan ancestors were able to provide for you and your family UP TO 20 years BEFORE the negros and YOUR OWN PEOPLE colluded with each other to tief it…

  12. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    when they become useless no one wants them…..especially NOW that they have OUTTED THEMSELVES…and people are talking…….after spending years and years unsuccessfuly going after me, the one person they never should have set their BLIND sights on…

  13. Steuspe

  14. @Dee Word

    There is the oft repeated saying- there is nothing new under the Sun with its derivative from the Bible?

  15. i>”TLSN and the like-minded…in this instance …less = EVEN LESS for traitors, saboteurs and SPIES to sabotage or pass on info…BU seems to be choc-a-bloc….they are out of their depth these days, let’s DROWN THEM….”

    Listening to unnu
    The mind of the black race is in confusion and it seems like total destruction is the only solution
    Ask me no question and me tell you no lie
    riddle me this riddle me that guess this riddle or perhaps not

    I know you War on You don’t and can’t do
    O maths
    O making sense
    O engaging in intelligent discussion
    O being an intellectual

    but, you were making a point about wealth distribution while moaning about minorities like you do on the regular

    Question by Design
    If minorities had x amount of wealth it would strengthen your argument
    if x = 33%-100%


    An exclamation of annoyance similar to darn.

    Example Sentences
    Patois: Cho! ah weh eem tink eem ah guh duh?
    English: Darn! What does he think he is going to do?

    Tetrahydrocannabinol is the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂

  16. C₂₁H₃₀O₂ Avatar

    Ras Michael – New Name

  17. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved


    have you not noticed that only certain people have useful information on BU….i noticed that many years ago..and those are the ones most targeted…

  18. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved
  19. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

  20. “thankfully, we know how and who to reach with the critical information..that 45% or more of the population who have been negatively impacted for over half century, the pretenders don’t need to know anything…”


    It’s OK to say you don’t know the numbers but can make an intelligent guess for debate
    Barbados is a playground for the rich and has high population of poor
    and is a typical colonial captured land where people trip off power
    and treat others as inferior

    if there is 3% white is their share of wealth disproportionate

  21. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Those of us with platforms, know exactly where to put that useful information…we have been around the block for 10 years OR MORE..

  22. Only a complete idiot would denigrate any of his/her ancestors.

    Most Barbadians are of mixed ancestry, just look at their colour!!

    Like many Barbadians who are not idiots, I celebrate the contributions made to Barbados by the many and various ancestors and thank God for their lives.

    It saddens me to see those who constantly denigrate their own ancestors and try to divide those who celebrate the lives of their ancestors.

    It all fits with the objective of the Communists in Russia to export their inglorious, Godless revolution worldwide as expressed in one of their anthems.

  23. C₂₁H₃₀O₂ Avatar

    A big woman like you should not get over excited about setting up a blog that is for the youths

    Quantum Psychology Meta Physical Discussion

    I thought you had written a book called “Finding Your Inner Wisdom” by Yolande Grant your pseudonym which made me laugh as

    it would be as elusive as The Higgs boson
    Higgs Boson / Higgs Particle
    is an elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics produced by the quantum excitation of the Higgs field, one of the fields in particle physics theory

  24. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    we have been around the CYBER block for years, in my case decades…

    at this point, i much prefer the enemy i know, we know what to expect from them..

  25. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “It saddens me to see those who constantly denigrate their own ancestors and try to divide those who celebrate the lives of their ancestors”

    you should try publicly, on BU celebrating and respecting the lives of your Afrikan ancestors, both on the continent and elsewhere, you will sound more believeable.

  26. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    They focused on and obsessed with me so much, they never saw when the shit took an ABRUPT TURN in real time….lawd……now they will walk in MORE DARKNESS for how many more decades they have to live and who knows how many more centuries generationally..

    ..i was not the one to dispel their delusions, they seemed quite happy to me…….dah fah lick dem..

    keep trying to sabotage me, make me stronger..

  27. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    and the BU spy should be checking to see what’s going on in his neck of ancestral woods…stay out of my business, you will never figure out what am doing, because not only does it not concern you but it’s not meant for you to understand…

  28. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    what a gigantic FCUK YOU they all got….lawd…and if they think that’s something, they can TRUST ME to never tell them shit about it… sure they love surprises..

    where else will i get all that theatre, but in Barbados…

  29. Steuspe

  30. C₂₁H₃₀O₂ Avatar

    TLSN Pacha William Miller a nut is calling

    “Wacky Races.”
    Triggers from the Dastardly and Muttley mutterings of the Hottentot Venus who came from the Herero tribe

    check out the archives of information for the underdeveloped black mind

    Finding Your Inner Wisdom | Inspire Greatness – Blaqsbi › findingyourinnerwisdom
    During an Exodus To Our African Ancestral Land. While Battling Quislings.” Author: Yolande Grant Edition: Book Publisher: African Online Publishing Shop: …

    Steuspe x 10²

  31. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WURA , you wrote:
    “i recently, just a couple days ago referenced Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Mask on another forum…and it aligned perfectly with ongoing events.”.
    Not surprising at all. We will now find that books such as : How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (Rodney) Soul on Ice (Cleaver) and others making their way back to the bookshelves. Recently they have been revisiting the works of Dr. Eric Williams. The reason being that these works and others , were never put into the mainstream of our region’s educational system.
    The failed generation , those of us born in the 50s, who refused to continue the Black struggle, has left it to our children and grandchildren to reeducate themselves.
    Soon the works such as: The Crisis of The Negro Intellectual (Cruse) and the writings of Baldwin and others, will regain prominence.
    So, take it easy: the apologists and pseudo intellectuals will be exposed and all the noise will cease. The lies, miseducation and sophistry will blow up in their faces and the tables will start to turn. But this time, they will never be turned back !!!

  32. Barbados Reading Club

    Chances are blacks have not read the books and locked them up in their archives and lost the key

    Has anyone here heard of or even read “The Spook Who Sat By The Door” By Sam Greenlee

  33. The Spook Who Sat by the Door (1969), by Sam Greenlee, is the fictional story of Dan Freeman, the first black CIA officer, and of the CIA’s history of training persons and political groups who later used their specialised training in gathering intelligence, political subversion, and guerrilla warfare against the CIA.

    Abraham W. Bolden (born January 19, 1935) is an American former United States Secret Service agent – the first African-American Secret Service agent assigned to the Presidential Protective Division, appointed by John F. Kennedy in 1961.

  34. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Not surprising at all. We will now find that books such as : How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (Rodney) Soul on Ice (Cleaver) and others making their way back to the bookshelves”

    oh yes…was 15-16 years old when i read Soul on Ice…by Eldridge Cleaver, one of the first books i read, then came Fanon, etc, etc…….it left an impression….but the pretend black face “whites” would never have put that intellectual reading in the schools in the 70s…could have gone to jail had they known some of us were exposed to the truth… they will PAY THE PRICE for their treacherous WICKEDNESS.

    “So, take it easy: the apologists and pseudo intellectuals will be exposed and all the noise will cease. The lies, miseducation and sophistry will blow up in their faces and the tables will start to turn.”

    blew up already ALL THE FRAUDS have been exposed….they are even further back in their knowing not that they know not….and no one gives a shit…..we can still save the young, fcuk the rest..

  35. Have you read COINTELPRO as instructed as mandatory reading for every person of colour by Frances Cress Welsing in the introduction of her book where it is still not clear if you understood her teachings of symbolism as you seem dimwitted for real

  36. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    ” The reason being that these works and others , were never put into the mainstream of our region’s educational system.”

    that’s a regret that will follow them for centuries to come, they just don’t know it yet……they have been on the wrong side of history for over half century and that’s right where they will all remain…none of that can be reversed.

  37. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    while BUs resident jackass is worried about me and what i know…

  38. C₂₁H₃₀O₂ Avatar

    COINTELPRO (syllabic abbreviation derived from Counter Intelligence Program) (1956–1971) was a series of covert and illegal projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations.

  39. C₂₁H₃₀O₂ Avatar

    In the ghettos of the mind, if you read a book you are expected at least to remember some basic concepts of contents not go blank and start talking round the houses like you don’t know shit

    people may say.. hmmm… somethings not right..

    Stop hating Indians I man am not even Indian

  40. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    We know you are a fraud, that’s why it’s only those just like you would enable or answer the shit questions you are posting, if you have something to tell FBI go right ahead and tell them, you don’t need to involve me in any of it..

  41. Ok 1 easy question to prove your credibility as an expert witness to jury and settle the matter once and for all

    what did the Guru about white supremacy racism manifestation say about Gays and do you concur with her

    no bluffing as that is worse than the sum total of all paranoid perceptions of spies plagiarists squatters and what not

    I await and look forward to your response

  42. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    keep playing chicken with me, when ya get ya fraud ass crushed, don’t complain..

  43. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    i thought we would have to pack up and send Fowl Enuff to Eastern Europe for the Ukraine experience, but it looks like he will get it anyway…he can’t escape….🤣🤣🤣

  44. As I watch 555dubstreet devour you. Munch, chew, swalluh!

  45. Absence of a response will be taken as the donkey mind of the African Online Joker is incapable of much more
    and will now have to cheat and look it up

    please understand that your entire knowledge perception and clarity depends on the state of your mind

    if the state of mind is perpetually calm balanced and well regulated from within yourself if there are no strong negative conditioning or compulsive habits of mind you will maintain a harmonious state of higher awareness you are vitally alive, that itself means you are intensely aware you are vitally alive to the depths of your being so you will be naturally deeply aware

    these states of mind are possible for us and will give a deeper understanding of truth

    your entire knowledge depends on the clarity of your mind

    if there are things dominating your mind, emotions dominating your mind, deflections will occur in the knowledge

    if you look at an example of a tree stump in the twilight in a park which as a result people got confused
    children were frightened it was a ghost
    a thief thought it was a policeman
    the policeman thought that black spot must be the thief
    a lover thought it was his girl sitting there
    so people only saw what was predominant in their mind

    suppose a man comes there who has nothing in his head with a perfectly clear intensely aware mind and no strong thought form he will see reality as it is

  46. “if you look at an example of a tree stump in the twilight in a park which as a result people got confused
    children were frightened it was a ghost
    a thief thought it was a policeman
    the policeman thought that black spot must be the thief
    a lover thought it was his girl sitting there”

    That would have to be some tree …A ghost, a black spot, a thief a policeman and a girl.. conclusion… They all have to be on something

  47. Reductio ad absurdum
    What if it is a lover and his dog…

    Only the dog gets it right.. but to the lover his dog pissed on his girl.

    I gone.

  48. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “As I watch 555dubstreet devour you. ”

    oh really, that’s how the fowl mind sees this…..Kiki the broke back coward and Makoo man has something to tell FBI and before he man up and tell them what he got to say, he is trying to hide behind a woman and get her to do it for him.

    ..wuh if i had something to tell FBI they know they would hear all about it or read it somewhere …because am a real, real woman….not a piece of shit man..

    am sure now FBI will have no choice but to monitor BU to find out what that fraud gotta tell them..

  49. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    So how come Foul Enuff did not tell his compadres on BU certain things….ah wonder if he even knew…..or knows anything….

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